Obama As Lesser Devil


In 2010, a black lady, an accountant, in a town hall meeting, declared she voted for Obama, but now regretted it, as nothing much had changed. Obama, on automatic, flashed his standard mile wide smile, before realizing, too late, that his beaming attitude was not appropriate to the serious mien of his interlocutor.

Telegenic does not a genius make. Obama’s tenure was abysmal, compared to what should have been. Obama was awed by current of thoughts that were pretty much bipartisan, long established, revering Reagan, plutocracy. The buttler approved of them.

Serious People Fleece Together
Smile & The Sheep Shall Follow

(Un)democratic and (Un)republican controlled congresses both signed on all these policies for years. And therefore the deficit! What did Obama start? Obamacare aka Romneycare?

The auto rescue (good), rescue of the banks (good), just as the sinking of homeowners, rescue of the banksters, Patriot Act, drone strikes on civilians, tax cuts for the rich (all very bad): all started under G. W. Bush.

The question of love is a vast subject. Obama’s sycophants, feigning love, did not help him, nor did they help the polis. I do not see myself as unloving, nor do I see myself as angry. However, I think passion is important to generate creative thinking. Broadcasting abstract creative thinking, when not connected to profit, is intrinsically mass loving, because only to the masses it is addressed, and only love is present as the gift that keeps on giving.

Obama needed a greater aura he could trust to counter-balance the errant oligarchies, but, differently from Pericles, had apparently none. Thus Obama presided over the wreck that fakes intellect.

I met an American in Paris. “My compatriots are such fools,” she grumbled, “they say France is a 2.5 world country. They do not realize everything was invented here, even most of the laser.” Me: “You mean Alfred Kastler discovered Optical Pumping at the same Normale Superieure lab where, 50 years later, Haroche discovered how to see light with atoms, earning him the 2012 Physics Nobel Prize?” “Yes, that’s what I mean. without optical pumping, there would be no laser.” Me:”But Kastler got a Nobel prize all to himself.” The American PhD in Paris:“Yes, well, occasionally those infeodated Swedes in Stockholm have to recognize the truth.” 

Me: “Is not the French social system too expensive?” Connie shrugged:“Well, France buys nearly all its energy outside. The oil from the Middle East, the gas from Russia. Even the uranium comes from Africa. The rare earths are bought all over the planet, France has nearly none. The USA is fortunate owning such a rich continent that it could out-Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia itself, as the right wingers have been arguing.

Plus the French president told, at the Elysee palace on Monday, the CEO of Google that Google had an outstanding tax bill of more than a billion euros. Americans have to understand they cannot go around the planet like vultures around the savannah, picking the bones of their victims clean.”

So much with the big argument that Obama is a dangerous socialist who wants to turn the USA into France. The USA uses lasers all over because Alfred Kastler in Paris found how to make optical pumping. Americans may have invented mother and apple pie, but even the laser they use on Mars is made in France (by the French defense giant Thales).

Haroche succeeded to see light with atoms, a proposition so insane that no firm would ever support it (be it only because it’s not ready for showtime in the economy). Several Physics Nobel Prizes at the University of Colorado, Boulder, for  the good and simple reason it’s associated with NCAR (National Center Atmospheric Research) where Federal funding for farfetched ideas is steady (the Connie above worked at NCAR on sun physics).

CERN, Kastler and Haroche were not financed by private plutocratic friendly universities, but by state institutions. I know lots of Nobels are attributed to American universities, in a feat of lucrative self glorification. But the judgment of history is clear: the deepest basic research tends to be state funded (something Obama somewhat violated because he got confused between medicine men trying to make a buck (Solyandra, Musk, A123, Fisker, etc.) and fundamental science… and thinking.)

Another, and very important, example are the giant governmental budgets for archeology in France. They allow us to know the ways and means of the past, hence ourselves, today (in turn they entice the rest of the planet to research archeology too).

What of the reproach Obama is a socialist? Misspelling: he is rather a socialite, the best friends banksters could have had. If Romney had been president, giving, as Obama, $8,000 billion to the banksters so they could pursue more of the same conspiracies, the democrats would have been in the streets, and Romney would have had to arrest banksters. But, with the Obama put, banksters were protected.

All economies are socialist, and they have been in the last five millennia since the West’s representative democracy exist (I’m thinking of Sumer). More or less. Why did the Papuans not develop civilization, whereas the West did? Because the West was full of socialism, whereas the Papuans concentrated on human meat recipes, however delicious, not enough a socialistic end. [See note Egypt versus cannibalism.]

What to do with the elections in the USA? I already voted, and it was NOT for Romney. The big argument in favor of Obama is that he represents the devil we know.

The Obama we have now makes us believe that he is less in love with banks and Wall Street. That is partly corroborated by Wall Street, which was the main contributor to Obama’s campaign in 2008. Apparently Wall Street is now heavily supporting Romney.

In most states, there are other candidates than Obama and Romney, such as Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. The establishment, to celebrate her candidacy, arrested her several times in the last few weeks.

Evil is the label attached to the mental system that allows to override love, the human mental default state. Due to changing martial, social and environmental circumstances, all we need is NOT love always. Sometimes, evil deed is all you need, nothing else will do.

Obama could say:”I told you so! Did I not read this all over your sites? Practice evil, do what’s necessary. I love it.”

Well, no, Barry-Barack, your problem, precisely, is that you mostly did easy war, with CIA robots in Eurasian mountains, or in a senseless Afghan built-up. You, Obama, as president, did not do the hard war against mad, terrorist finance. Instead, when the banksters were on their knees, you practiced bankster worship, as your cultish association with carnivorous Wolf (UBS) and daemon Dimon (JP Morgan) amply demonstrated. And when you finally reluctantly paid lip service against mad finance, hiding behind, of all things, the financial criminal Buffet, who you personally adulate, mad finance dropped you like the sloppy butler you revealed yourself to be.

Michelle Obama:”I am confused. Patrice, are you in?” Me:”Ask not, Michelle, whether we are in or out, but whether your mind is plugged in, or not.”


People such as me are advocates of civilization, that is, the state that makes it possible. The state of the state is both problem, and solution. Nothing else compares.

When Obama set-up his lamentably small stimulus, he forgot, or did not know, rule number one: if it is not big enough, it may well have no effect. Rule number two is that one should have an effect that can be used as a symbol.

Say as the Hoover dam. As I asked:”Tell me Mr. big time socialist (as alleged by republicans) president, where is your Hoover dam? Obama should have concentrated on making one (North East corridor) or two (California) High Speed train line(s) work. Another symbol would have been to equip the financial damnation capital, New York City, with sea gates. Even London, another financial pirates’ den, has sea gates. And London is not threatened by hurricanes.

New York was lucky this time: it did not take a direct hit from a force five hurricane, with sustained 300 km/h winds and a fifty foot storm surge rushing in at 20 km/h. But it is sure to happen, in the fullness of time, considering the CO2 built-up. So Obabla could talk about this, and not just look smart, but be smart. Of these sort of intelligent forward thinking does the survival of civilization depend. Big time government thinking. Not just hanging around the small bore sharks in Silicon Valley, who confuse technology they did not invent with civilization they cannot stand.

Obama did not do anything much when he became president, because he was a house divided between what he knew he had to say, and his self interest, his “navigation”. Romney would certainly not fall in that hypnotic self glorification. Romney would do a lot, change everything in a few weeks. Thus, he may make a much better president. Or then Paul Ryan, his ideological VP candidate could be unleashed, and full regression yowards the jungle applied. We don’t know. 

Some have called my acerbic sounding critique of Obama “nihilistic”, and have even compared me to PM Chamberlain (supposedly too nice with Hitler, as I am supposedly to Romney). Three points about that:

1) I am not nihilistic. Quite the opposite. Obama has a high nihilistic index relative to me.

2) Chamberlain was not the worst PM of the 1930s, far from it. He was from the other side of the pro-Nazi divide (after the UK got rid of those who were too clearly pro-Nazi in 1936). In his argument with Chruschill about the Air Force, Chamberlain was right about developping the new planes versus mass producing the old ones, as Churchill wanted. Simply, at Munich in 1938, the UK was strictly unable to go to war… having no Air Force, and no Army, among other problems. Churchill was rather pro-Nazi in the 1920s, BTW….

3) What is needed in USA politics is normal people getting in it, not through elections (that’s close to hopeless, see prop 37 in California), but through everyday awareness and protest. As long as USA politics is the exclusive province of a few thousands professionals instead of 200 million citizens, the march towards plutocracy will proceed

With Obama in power, one may always dream that the left would finally wake up, and help him with a spine. Probably we would just get Romney light. That’s more survivable than Ryan strong. Outside of swing states, I would recommend the Green Party. Greens, worldwide, have often had a positive influence when they start to look threatening to the established order.

There is also a more general problem in the Obama versus Romney choice. Let’s rise above the individuals involved. ever since Reagan, the motto has been that:”The government is not the solution, the government is the problem.” This is a very erroneous notion. So bad, that Reagan himself did not believe in it.

However, the slogan was removed from its context, namely the caveat that Reagan did not exclusively believe in it, and the slogan took a life of its own. A new generation was brought up, and learned to believe in that slogan as if it were the gospel (Obama, and certainly Ryan belong to that naive crowd).

The truth is pretty much the opposite.

To many deep problems in society, only the government can bring a solution. Civilization cannot exist without government.

An article in Slate argues the obvious: socialist Europe is better for families than plutocratic USA.

This, let it be said in passing, has been my argument, since ever, against Price Purchase Parity: PPP takes the price of hamburgers into account, as if child care did not matter. (Or does the heartlessness of the conventional PPP mean that children should be turned into hamburgers, or are not any better than hamburgers, or are best represented as hamburgers?)

Some could say:”Government should not do child care.” Answer:”The government always did child care.” Indeed, in prehistoric groups, there was child care. Even wild dogs packs have child care. A fortiori humans. So the healthy adult parents forage, and the rest of prehistoric society took care of the children. Civilization had to reproduce that prehistoric set-up, because that is who we are, as we evolved under these circumstances, those of child care.

It’s not just child care. Running through the Lyon train station in Paris, my sick American spouse who had flown the preceding day from California was given antibiotics by the pharmacist. (OK, not given: a ten day course cost nine dollars.) The antibiotics did wonders. The same scene is unimaginable in the USA (one would have had to make an appointment with a doctor first, and the doctor would have been indoctrinated with the notion that only fowl, sheep, cattle and pigs should get antibiotics) .

I argued above that a more socialist system does wonder for deeper thinking, even in, say, physics.

Let alone mathematics, philosophy, sociology.

Hence by supporting Obama one supports the idea of the state that has been vehemently criticized by plutocrats and their obsequious servants, and attributed, by them, to him.

Romney is not a bad person, and could have been a much better president than many of the recent ones (including the dissembling Clinton). However, the election has also turned into an implicit referendum on ideas of the Tea Party, and some of those ideas are very bad.

The truth is often quite the opposite of what the partiers having tea hold. Namely, in truth:

No government, no civilization. No socialism, no civilization. It is not the state that is a problem, but the state of the state. And to the gravest problems, only the state can bring a solution.

Ironically, Obama, who did so little progressive, when he did not apply full reverse, with the extravagant powers conferred to him by an obsolete constitution, has been transformed into the vainglorious knight symbolizing civilization.


Patrice Ayme

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47 Responses to “Obama As Lesser Devil”

  1. Old Geezer Pilot Says:

    Shortly after Katrina wiped out NOLA, NYC officials invited engineers from Netherlands to suggest measures they might use to prevent a storm surge from coming ashore.



    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      OGP: I did not know this. Well, socialism is expensive. No socialism, no civilization, though. So much for the USA being the richest country in the world. Apparently the UK and Netherlands are richer.


  2. Alexi Helligar Says:

    I don’t see how Obama can be as heartless or as inept as your editorial makes him out to be. The inertness we see in his presidency when it comes to progressive values could have been anticipated. Hillary Clinton warned us about Obama’s naivete and his tendency to be awestruck by the wealthy and powerful during the 2008 Democratic primaries. She was vilified and ignored by a fawning press and progressives at large. Given the dreadful policies of Bill Clinton we were right to suspect Hillary, but who do we have available who can carry a majority in a national election, and wield power effectively once in office? Time for some new ideas.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Alexi: Hmmm. You say Hillary was right. It looks possible, even likely that she would have done a better job. For example by prosecuting banksters. It does not seem that description you made of her point of view of 2008 differs much from the one you allege I make of Obama. In any case, I accuse the left (the enthusiastic Obama supporters of 2008, to whom I belonged, clearly in the .01%; namely I clearly did more than 99.99% of them) to have lost its mind as soon as Obama was elected, and becoming supine, and even nasty against those who criticized Obama’s wrong policies (I was excluded from many sites and many stopped talking to me in my own USA family; we all know Obama personally; some even refuse to be in the same county as me, and call me racist! That kind of simple animality of emotion is the base problem we are facing)

      As you say, time for new ideas. Obama ran in 2007-2008 on the ideas in my sites, and governed exactly in opposite (but for Libya). The real problem is that people in the street let the Europhobic, pro-banksters Krugmans of the world call anybody who did not agree with the Reagan-Clinton vision of the world, a Tea Party partisan.


  3. GM Says:

    Nothing to say, but this: OK. We need to shake things up. Will Occupy Wall Street be capable of anything but self glorification?


  4. Johannah Wagner Says:

    love it, my thoughts exactly. I have not voted yet and green is good!



    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Johannah for commenting! And moreover, you approve! I am looking forward giving Obama, and the coming republican Congress, a hard time! Pushing green should be a patriotic duty in the USA, as the renewable resources are enormous, plenty enough to be self sufficient. Going green should allow to lower the military budget considerably (thus reinforing actually the defense capability of the USA).


  5. Old Geezer Pilot Says:

    If you live in a RED or BLUE state, you might as well cast a protest vote since yours doesn’t count anyway.

    Green is good.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      A big green vote is the only thing that can worry the most plutocratic parties. Indeed!
      We have BLUE states, we have RED states, we need GREEN STATES!
      Old red white and blue, new red green and blue…


  6. Paul Handover Says:

    One of your richest essays, if I may say. An inspiring read. With some trepidation, I sense that within, say 24 months, give or take, this new Presidential term will be proving to be pivotal. Not just for Americans but for the future of humanity. I am a little scared.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thank you Paul! I am surprised you find it rich, as I wrote it in total jet lag, while shuttling around museums, three year old in tow! I guess I function better when not truly myself! I also added a few sections after the first publication…
      Agreed about the next 24 months…
      Yes, it’s scary because it could go either way. Just a detail, to show how scary: on present course, and as a sideshow, the war in the Middle East (Middle Earth actually) could extend (involving Iranian soil in a hot war, for example)…


  7. Alexi Helligar Says:

    President Obama’s violations of the civil liberties of US citizens is a legitimate complaint, but it is not something that a Romney presidency would fix, so I continue support him based on other values and priorities.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Obama violated basic human rights, worldwide, with the robotic assassination campaign. As I argued: Obama as a lesser devil. Ultimately, Obama is not very smart. He wanted to be a great president, but all he did was crossing a philosophical Rubicon that Iulius Caesar was careful NOT to cross (although Iulius Caesar operated under desperate circumstances!). That’s idiotic. Ant it’s highly uncivilizational: it’s the ultimate violation. Assassination of people without due process can happen, by accident, or necessity. But this is not what is happening here. I still hope that Obama will cease and desist. Because what is going on, is, in a sense, WORSE THAN AUSCHWITZ: Auschwitz was SECRET. This is not secret, so any citizen of the USA not protesting this monstrosity makes herself, or himself, an accomplice.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      It is presumptuous to believe Romney would have gone on with the assassination campaign. I am anti-Christian, but not to the point of believing that all and any missionary is satanic. I recognize some believe in Christian values.


  8. Alexi Helligar Says:

    I think Auschwitz is worse than what Obama, with the support of most Americans, is doing. To suggest otherwise is to allow one’s values to become seriously disordered. I condemn the assaults on human rights and dignity in the course of the war on terror. But I also recognize the context of today vs. The 1940s. They cannot be compared.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Indeed, there were more excuses for the Nazis to be had in the 1940s. (The first Nazi excuse one was that it was the French Republic, not the Nazis, who had started the war.)

      Nazism was atrocious, mass murderously racist. Many people in my family were victims of it, and fought it (some spent six years in the French army, much of it, fighting).

      However, the point is philosophical. The murder campaign of Nazism had two phases:
      1) Mental retards were eliminated. When the German people became conscious of this, it demanded an end to it. The Nazis stopped.

      2) Mass murdering was restarted, secretly, in Poland, against the Poles. S E C R E T L Y. The mass murdering campaign of the Nazis killed more, true. But it is the official mental retards assassination program that psychologicaly enabled the holocausts later. Obama has implemented the notion that citizens can be assassinated without due process, just on the say so of the the White House king. Even the kings of France never had that anti-civilizational impudence, and that power. Ever.


  9. Nathan Daniel Curry Says:

    Kind of grappling with your last comment. Strikes me that Stalin or any full on dictator makes Obama look tame. Obama gets away with more than the Nazi high command – or is on a similar footing?!!
    Actually no need to answer that. You clarified it.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Stalin was a horrendous mass murdering dictator. He assassinated dozens of millions of Soviets. He set-up the grotesque “Moscow trials” were many were unfairly judged. Similarly, after the attempted coup against Hitler, very unjust trials were conducted in Nazi Germany (the judge in charge died in an allied bombing on his chambers in February 1945). Obama, in a sense is worse: he dispenses with trials completely. It’s a catastrophic juriprudence. King Obama kills, for all to see, just because he can. Yes, We Can!Kill! Whoever, worldwide. Even Adolf Hitler never did such a thing.

      And the Obama supporters who adulate him, and THAT despicable assassination prerogative, have to live with the fact, that, in a sense, they are worse than the average Nazi. (When Hitler gave the secret “Kommissar” order, the order to assassinate all Communist commissars, some in the High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) refused to obey it. Those who did were judged and excuted for it, others committed suicide as Nazism died.)


  10. Alexi Helligar Says:

    The political context in which these powers have been granted to the executive branch is a complex one. The protest we raise against it is sound on ideological grounds. However, it makes no sense to only attack the president on ideological grounds while failing to address the overall political thinking in the USA that make such imperial acts possible. We are going to have to be much smarter and less blunt.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Alexi: As my last essay explains in pretty good detail, I suggest to vote for Obama in swing states. It’s not a question of being blunt. The truth maybe blunt, but it is the truth. The official assassination campaign is something, one of the rare things, that Obama can call his. Even Bush (who I despise) never did such a thing. Nor did any president of the USA, before, or French, or English king. Or even Roman emperors. Fake due process a la Hitler or Stalin was still due process. (The Nazi judge who judged the anti-Hitler plotters of July 1944 was pretty much hated, but still, he was an authentic, however nasty and Nazi, judge. The secret assassination panel at the White House is not a judge, and has no judicial qualification, it’s not even a kangaroo court a la Stalin.) King Obama is saying:”I kill, because I can.” I say:”Vote for him, because that’s the best you deserve, that’s the best you can hope.”


  11. Alexi Helligar Says:

    As for whether President Obama is right or wrong when it comes to Guantanamo and indefinite detentions and extra-judicial killings and crackdowns on whistleblowers, I think his overall direction is wrong but not unequivocally so. The truth is a blunt object, but fortunately not all tools available to mankind are blunt. The truth can also be a sword or a scalpel. Sometimes the situation calls for a scalpel.

    I don’t see why it is presumptuous for me to assert that when it comes to reversing Obama’s policies re civil liberties. Every indication we have from this spineless, shape-shifting panderer is that Romney would be even more hawkish and supine to the neocons who advise his every move. That you can even doubt this while citing Romney’s pseudo-Christianity is astonishing.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Alexi: I was close, very close to Obama, and I was astounded how neocon, pro-plutocratic he governed. Clearly I would have not spent two seconds helping him, instead of 2 years, had I suspected in a timely manner. So I think it’s presumptuous to know for sure how Romney would govern. Anyway, won’t happen. It would be very good if one reverted Obama’s policies re civil liberties (the Patriot act, boosted by assassinations). But, once again, it will not happen. All Christians are pseudo-Christian, and, if things stay the same, there will be war with, invasion of, Iran, whether Obarom, or Romnama is president… And France, Britain, will be on board, they already are. France is actually pretty much in the lead, coordinating with the Israeli PM.


  12. Chris Snuggs Says:

    The USA liberated the whole of Europe, most of Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and helped with Libya, which would not have happened without Sarkozy, for which I forgive him all his other nerdish irritations. Just compare North and South Korea if you want to see the real heroism of the US soldier. Incidentally, while US marines were dying to liberate France the French elite was collaborating with the Germans to send Jews to Auschwitz. I think, therefore, that this endless slagging off of the USA is very silly.

    The invasion of Afghanistan was provoked by the murder of 3,000 innocent people of over 60 nationalities in NY. The utterly insane depravity of fundamentlism Islam is the root problem, not the USA, many faults though it may have.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Chris: if you want to call the “milice” the ‘French elite’, you are showing yourself to be a fascist. My familiy took huge risks and sacrifices to save more than a dozen Jews. Food was rationed, throughout France. So it was very difficult for a family of 4 to find food for 16. Besides, running away from the German speaking, full of Germans Gestapo. BTW, they ran in a forest into American GIs, explaining my mother’s devotion to the USA (that has faded under the withering fire of my critique).


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Chris: You should study my writings more, should you desire to stick to the truth. Therein the following is documented:

      The USA attacked Afghanistan in the mid 1970s, through the CIA, and a secret order of attack was given by Carter on July 3, 1979. Within months bin Laden was recruited in Turkey, because of his plutocratic connections with Saudi plutocracy, and naive islamist beliefs.
      Did I forget the slight detail the USA was allied to Hitler in 1936-1939? Let’s talk first about first things.
      Enough of having only sheep’s brains!


  13. Paul Handover Says:

    The BBC have just reported Mr. Obama has achieved 275 electoral college votes.


  14. Dominique Deux Says:

    “while US marines were dying to liberate France”

    What about GIs, airmen, seamen, and other non-marine servicemen? WE haven’t forgotten them.

    You must be one of those armchair generals who reduce French armed forces to the Foreign Legion…

    Time to graduate from the back of cereal boxes and move on to books..


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dominique: The poor fools who repeat Wall Street propaganda would say anything. To my knowledge, there were NO US Marines in France in 1944. On D Day, there were troops of many nations, the most prominent being the Canadians, Poles, Brits, French, Americans. Little known, the Americans were not a majority. As I emphasized like for ever, the turning battle of WWII may have been Bir Hakeim, a modern Thermopylae, on a larger scale. That saved the Jews in Palestine, and prevented the largest pincer ever, centered on Iraq and Azerbaidjan. Indirectly, that led to Stalingrad. At Bir Hakeim, the French army of the king, Koenig, won, by stopping the elite of the Afrika Korps and the elite Italian armor.

      None of this would have happen if the USA had not been, de facto, allied to Hitler in 1936-1939… Cry for Auschwitz, USA, and then for your own past…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dominique: The poor fools who repeat Wall Street propaganda would say anything. To my knowledge, there were NO US Marines in France in 1944. On D Day, there were troops of many nations, the most prominent being the Canadians, Poles, Brits, French, Americans. Little known, the Americans were not a majority. As I emphasized like for ever, the turning battle of WWII may have been Bir Hakeim, a modern Thermopylae, on a larger scale. That saved the Jews in Palestine, and prevented the largest pincer ever, centered on Iraq and Azerbaidjan. Indirectly, that led to Stalingrad. At Bir Hakeim, the French army of the king, Koenig, won, by stopping the Afrika koprs and the elite Italian armor.

      None of this would have happen if the USA had not been, de facto, allied to Hitler in 1936-1939… Cry for Auschwitz, USA, and then for your own past…


  15. Nathan Daniel Curry Says:

    I just re-visited Maddow and Patrice Ayme again. Patrice wins the day for me hands down. OK so gays can be gay (clearly a good thing) in the military and cigarettes have scary photos on them (that’s been the case in South-East Asia and South Asia for years). The point about the plutocrats running America is key – and Obama cosies up them. I am sorry but I am not starry eyed. I have high expectations of America but zero expectations of human beings (except myself). I think Maddow’s argument about the Republican bullshit in the 2nd year of Obama’s term adds up – but on many of the big issues Obama is seriously deluded -and sadly – so are the American people. Until a society learns to take care of its own rather than the interests of the powerful (and I am sorry but Obama has helped the wealthy with huge tax breaks – ok he helped workers sue employers – big up! but they still get scammed because the system is weighted against them). I see no dead horse…just people who refuse to see facts and who form strong opinions about anyone who does not agree with their skewered view of things. Sorry, but I must be blunt.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Nathan: There is a whole industry, highly profitable, of the pseudo-left in the USA. Somebody such as Maddow (although I find her pleasant) is part of it, as a high multimilionaire. Fundamentally she is a seductress, just as Obama is, complete with crocodile tears. One cannot find depth there, not just because they can’t (although that’s the case), but also because they do not really want to (their peers are other multimilionaire seductors, not losers, as they unavoidably feel the commons are).


  16. CFR Says:

    Very interesting Journal this evening in London…
    Did you listen to that Starbucks story?
    That they make billions in France and claim they have more than 3 (three) billion dollars (yes, billions with a b) of LOSSES? So they pay no taxes, although France is one of their greatest income maker?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Tu as vu le journal francais, a Londre?

      Tu veux dire le fait qu’ils payent pas d’impots en France????? Tout en ayant des revenus gigantesques? Et qu’ils pretendednt perdre des milliards? Apple, IBM, Google, Fessebook, etc….

      Toutes les compagnies des ploutocrates USA font cela, depuis qu’il y eut Hitler, et qu’il fut leur copain…. C’est comme cela qu’ils sont riches, et qu’ils tiennent le monde… Et Sarkozy cirait leur bottes. Quand cela brillait pas assez, il lechait avec sa langue avide… Mais voila, Normal Premier est arrive’….

      Ma solution: taxer relativement aux revenus, pas pseudo “profits”.

      Si ils sont pas d’accord, moi je dis taxer les a morts, et, si ils payent pas, les exproprier et les revendre aux encheres. Je suis sur qu’on peut trouver des francais capables de faire le cafe’…


  17. JmcG Says:


    I don’t know how much tax reform Obama will be able to accomplish, but it should include corporations, not just very rich individuals and stopping the abusive use of tax shelters. Corporations asking the government or the President for a tax holiday to repatriate some of their boodle to the U.S. without paying taxes should be called out for what it is: bad. Various groups like to cite the statutory tax rate for corporations, saying it is one of the highest in the world, but they don’t talk about the fact that most corporations do not pay the statutory rate. Many pay much less. Some like Microsoft and Google pay only 2 to 3% which means the government has essentially been incompetent in its negotiations with these entities. Such successful tax avoidance schemes by some only encourages others to organize businesses deliberately to avoid taxes like GE with its 975 individuals working only to reduce the company’s taxes.


    • Geo Says:

      Is it incompetence as you say, or more like the fact that many of these major corporations are essentially arms of the government, have been for years, and this is an ever-ongoing undeclared ‘privatization’ — proceeding in full view and even fuller ignorance by the great numbers of people who have not the time, skills or access to the relevant information and methods of reasoning and deception?


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Dear Geo: I am flying transworld in a few hours (with proper regards to the CO2 god), and I was busy fuming through (part of the) Louvres Museum today (for some scathing deliberate mislabelling apparently to appease the Qatar gods, or other petro-emirates). I am sorry I let it seem that corporations are incompetent. They are very incompetent at tax evasion (1) and (2) influence peddling.

        The banks are, literally, arms of the government(s) in charge of money creation. Except they are creating it mostly for themselves now, instead of for the public mostly. This is all hidden behind notion carefully not taught at scholl or university. In particular not even 1% of the intellectual public (that is graduate level studies) has any notion about how the monetary system works (although they mumble and grumble about ill defined “capitalism”).

        The question then becomes: what will catch up spectacularly first? Understanding? Or the crisis? In Rome, it was the crisis. Or, rather, crises, each worse than the preceding one.

        Understanding what is really hard to understand is, of course, immediately painful, as it requires violent intellectual activity.


  18. Old Geezer Pilot Says:

    We here in California have done just that. All multi-national, multi-state corps will now be taxed on gross sales. No more BS about oh we made that money in a state with no income taxes.

    We’ll see how well it works.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      OGP: I have been travelling, so out of Internet touch totally. Taxing revenues is a must, indeed.
      France has started a financial transaction tax (UK has one, but only for common losers; financial sharks have to pay nought). If that and the tax on revenues propagate, we will see the dusk of the plutocrats. It will avalanch down: as they lose financial means, they will lose influence.

      I have been following vaguely the Petraeus BS. In truth, what’s going on is that Petraeus is a hawk with the brain of a PhD adorned chicken. he is another facet of GW Bush, modernized. Petraeus misled deeply the USA on surges and robotic killing. Time for him to see how attractive le looks out there, without any power, but that of his look of chien battu (beaten dog). Excellent that Obambi is butting his ass out.

      I hope Bambi will kick some sense into the plutocratic sycophants soon. I was amused that Feinstein (head of “intelligence”, no less) said Petraeus’s travails have nothing to do with anything seriously untowards, like the CIA. She should know, as a super Romney in drags…
      I will have much more to say soon.


  19. Dominique Deux Says:

    PA writes “if things stay the same, there will be war with, invasion of, Iran, whether Obarom, or Romnama is president… And France, Britain, will be on board, they already are. France is actually pretty much in the lead, coordinating with the Israeli PM”

    Indeed. What many Americans fail to realize, being too busy demonizing anything left of Gengis Khan and East of the Atlantic, is that the French Socialists always have been adamant in the defense of Israel’s safe existence, even though they are aghast at the criminal means used in its pursuit, They were the good fairy godmother at Israel’s birth, providing support and weapons while the Brits fought openly on the Arabs’ side and the US could not care less. Since then, they never varied from this stance despite Israel’s sharp right-wing turn and strategic reliance on America’s hawks. Elie Barnavi, Israel’s former Ambassador to Paris and a regular contributor to the centrist weekly Marianne, was astonished at François Hollande’s red carpet treatment of Bibi Netanyahu during the latter’s recent visit to France. But in the light of the above, there is nothing to be surprised about.

    So it is to be expected that, however reluctantly, Socialist France will be fully aboard when (not if) a war with Iran is started by the usual culprits. This is a tragedy in the making, because a military “solution” will solve nothing; and bring terrible consequences for everybody (except China, India and South America maybe?). The one policy worth considering is long-term political containment of Iran as a nuclear power. But since that is a sure way of losing swing states votes, the whole world can only wait for its explosion at the pleasure of a handful of hillbillies.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Dominique: Agreed 100% for the considerations about Israel. France, was, actually, quite a good Israel for a very long time. One hint: Charlemagne, the horse mounted emperor at the foot of Notre Dame, protected by a francisque yelding, well, Frank, was called “king David” by the philosophers around him.

      There were Jews in Gaul (Gallia) before there were Christians. And, under the Franks, Pagans, Atheists and Jews were viewed as Franks, just as much as the Catholics. Some, who studied the subject in depth, have said that more than 50% of the French population has Jewish ancestry (anyone who wanted to call himself, or herself, a Jew could, for about a millennium).

      I have constant arguments with my own mother, who refused to apply for the status of “Just“, because she says it was the thing human beings did, and she does not have to apply to the status of “human”. But it is enraging to meet people, especially Americans, who explain to me that the “French” deported Jews, when some in my family were in uniform for 6 years, fighting the Nazis, while other took non sensical risks, non sensical according to the basest materialism, and a few who were caught, disappeared at the hand of the Gestapo.

      Now the question of Iran is entangled with that of Syria on one side, Pakistan on the other. Another hint: the military undoing of Rome came when the frontier (“limes”) became static. The greatest danger is not CO2 poisoning, but nuclear weapons proliferation. Iran with nukes, means, whatever Iranians do, and want, nuclear war.

      And nuclear war is hard to win.

      So I am afraid that, when my Syria-Iran-Pakistan essay comes around, it will not support an extension of the statu quo.

      World peace is just the extension of the right type of terror to would be miscreants of the worst sort.


  20. Old Geezer Pilot Says:

    I don’t lose sleep over Pakistan’s nuke arsenal (although I wonder how our CIA allowed AQ Kahn to help build it). As we are witnessing in Israel, it is now possible to intercept incoming missiles. Star Wars actually works. So, all those nukes may come to just more obsolete military junk in our own lifetimes.

    Wouldn’t that be nice?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear OGP: Long live Ray-Gun! In our minds at least!

      (Partly Obama financed) Iron Dome has more than 90% efficiency, still, some missiles go through. Out of a coordinated volley of seven from various sites, one went through and killed someone. Iron Dome can even intercepts 155 mm artillery shells.

      For faster missiles, there is “David Sling“, a sort of much improved Patriot missile (yet untested in the battlefield, and in charge of nuke intercepts).

      True Pakistan can be kept in check, if Western military high tech stays ahead. But don’t forget the French Rafales could operate against a fully functional Kadafi/USSR/Russian missile arsenal, thanks to their sophisticated active stealth. So counter-measures can work.

      True also a little nuke war between Pakistan and India is nothing to lose big time sleep about, as long as China has clear in its mind that the West could crush it too, should it intervene… And as long as India wins.

      The problem with nukes is that just one going through to a Western city would have huge consequences. In part because Western people poorly understand their own fascist instinct. But also because the nature of society would change as the West would have no choice, but to terminate indepemdent militaries all over the world (which is close to the present state of affairs, implicitly enough).


  21. Alexi Helligar Says:

    “The need for the commons to participate in their democracy is a separate matter from what is needed to protect the commons. Obama has said he would do exactly what he’s doing with regards to killing those who he thinks is a threat to America. My concern is not for those who he has targeted, but for the potential for abuse and the openendedness of the whole war on terror.”


  22. Alexi Helligar Says:

    Patrice Ayme: In his acceptance speech President Obama made the exact same point you make in your 3rd point. Please go back and read the transcript if you doubt me.
    I have always said that in a democracy you get the government you deserve. With nearly half of the USA in a thrall to Fox News no wonder the political situation has been so dire. I am pleased to hear that conservatives are finally waking up and realizing that they are being fed a steady series of self-serving lies by the news entertainment industry.
    Plutocracy is a woe only when the commons are duped into accepting it.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Alexi: Well spoken. Thanks for pointing to the Obama speech. I still did not read it. I guess, he reads great things, most inspiring, ;-)!, and so the great minds meet… In the etherworld…


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