Cap Wealth, Decapitate Critter Power



A plutocrat, Ms. Helene Pastor, the richest real estate owning Moneguasque heiress, was shot like a vulgar rabbit in Nice by a commando. She is surviving in a French hospital. Not so clear for her bodyguard. Open season on plutocrats? Plutocrats are not easily to kill. With their armored vehicles, and what not.

The plutocrats’ game is just the other way: kill and rule, using their perverse sense of justice.

In the early Twentieth Century, President Roosevelt succeeded McKinley, shot by an anarchist. At the time, anarchists were very active, shooting many of those with, or in, power. Little remembered now, Teddy Roosevelt cracked down on plutocracy, with anti-monopoly laws. Anarchists are not very popular. However, in the fullness of history, their ethical may come to be appreciated differently.

If Justice Is Not Reinstituted Soon, Is This The Future Of Plutocracy?

If Justice Is Not Reinstituted Soon, Is This The Future Of Plutocracy?

The Gilded Age came to a crashing halt in two installments, the First, and Second World wars. In the first, much of the old Prussian plutocracy went down in flames. Having lost to a reborn Poland what used to be Polish for a millennium, thanks to the Versailles Treaty, Prussian plutocrats went for an encore, the Second World War. This time, they lost Prussia itself.

Meanwhile, as, in 1945, the West had much more than 16 million young men armed, dangerous, trained to kill, and imbued with the ideology of equality and anti-plutocracy, concessions were made all over to this demanding youth, from the GI Bill to the British Health Service, to public housing by the dozens of millions, to public universities (such as the University of California).

Not satisfying this armed youth was dangerous, as the French colonialists found in Algeria, right away.

All this has been forgotten. Was it ever learned?

The Roman Republic had an absolute limit on wealth. When that went, so did the Republic.

This has been forgotten too, ever since those who noticed that, were assassinated, 21 centuries ago. Instead Gibbon the plutocratic gibbon, taught a simian version of history, to great applause among demanding Plutos.

The problem with dictator Putin is his personal power, and the power of the cronies around him. The power of the latter are embodied by their immense wealth (even the top Russian generals are endowed with billions).

As technology progresses, so do our god like powers. There is no choice: we have exhausted so many resources that used to be readily available, the human population is so huge, that all we hold dear can only sort-of survives, with new and better technology (that was the metaprinciple which intellectually fascist autocratic Rome deliberately rejected, after generations of increasing plutocracy).

It goes without saying that both the power and wealth individuals master and muster ought to be limited, worldwide.

That means a crack-down on both personal wealth, and even representative politics, that parody of democracy.

Representative politics advocate giant powers for an elected oligarchy. Manipulate the qualifier, “elected”, and you get an oligarchy. In the case of Putin, some of his own advisers admitted that the last presidential elections were manipulated. One of Putin’s closest advisers noticed that, in at least one district, Putin got more votes than there were registered voters!

The Swiss president, head of the 57 nations OSCE, went to see Vladimir Putin, May 7, 2014. I don’t know whether he told the master of the Kremlin that he could kiss goodbye to his 40 billion dollars in Swiss bank vaults, but suddenly, the Russian dictator, grimacing as a chastened schoolboy, gambled that concessions to the united world were a better bet that going it alone, supported only by a chorus of the deranged, from the extreme right in Western Europe, to pseudo leftists in the USA, and greedy German corruptocrats.

So da, the master of the Kremlin said, he would withdraw his armies, da, the “Separatists”, his henchmen, should not proceed with a pseudo-referendum. The fact that the Ukrainian army killed dozens of “Separatists” no doubt helped (many of these “separatists”, by their own admission, were (“ex”) members of Russian Special Forces, recently arrived from all over Russia).

Putin understands force only. The Kiev government pointed out “Putin just sold wind“… That’s not fair: Putin also sells oil, gas, and weapons.

A recent study from Princeton showed that only the reigning oligarchy influenced the decisions in the USA. That means that the greatest asset of democracy, its distributed intelligence, is absent.

So it is, all over the world.

The result, as the government of the USA just admitted, is that “U.S. Climate Has Already Changed, Study Finds, Citing Heat and Floods”.

Indeed the oligarchy was allowed to taint the opinion making process with lies, disinformation, dissembling, silly jokes, and outright imbecility. All these ought to be against the law, in the USA, as in Russia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, or Nigeria.

And you have seen nothing yet. The biosphere will start convulsing pretty soon.  Change will accelerate, and could become catastrophic overnight, if methane hydrates start to be released catastrophically from the oceans’ bottom (whose temperature has been going up steadily). Methane has more than thirty times the greenhouse effect than CO2, for the same mass.

Ultimately, phytoplankton could be killed by acid, and oxygen production would then fail. Earth is being sabotaged by the fanatics of fossil fuels.

What’s the plan of the plutocrats?  The worst, the better, as far as they are concerned. That’s the theory of comparative advantage, they love so much, more than dear life. Especially the lives of others, that they enjoy to suck on, like vampires do with cattle.

The strategy of the plutocrats, consciously, or not, is the same as in 400 CE, or 1348 CE: be the last ones to die, behind their high walls and private armies, to inherit the Earth. They just don’t know that, truly, history does not repeat itself. And now less than ever.  It always comes back, with a vengeance.

Patrice Aymé

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5 Responses to “Cap Wealth, Decapitate Critter Power”

  1. Benign Says:




  2. gmax Says:

    Putin is right, in the sense that it is all about force and power. And that is also what you yourself say here (the 16 million atmed, trained and dangerous young men). And actually, that’s one of your main messages. Here and everywhere.

    Now of course, Putin is using power to ends that are not suitable, and a distraction, when we have this catastrophic situation with the greenhouse


  3. Patrice Ayme Says:

    [Sent to Sci Am, May 15.]

    The title “Russia to close Space Station” is a complete lie, as things presently are.

    Plutocratic Putinocrats ought to be threatened enough to modify their behavior, that would be the best. They are getting increasingly angry, as their personal wealth is suffering, so maybe they will .

    On Tuesday, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin, one of the multibillionaire plutocrats slapped by sanctions from the EU and USA, announced that the country would consider ending its participation in the space-station program in 2020; would prohibit the US military’s use of a rocket motor that powers the Atlas V, one of two launch workhorses for defense and intelligence satellites; and would close down global-positioning-satellite monitoring stations in Russia unless it was allowed to build comparable monitoring stations in the US for its own usage.

    I would suggest for Scientific American to tighten its reporting standards. And quit playing National Inquirer in its titles, in particular.


  4. Think Or Sink | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

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