Marseillaise: World Anthem

The world needs song. Just as the world need hope, it then needs to sing that hope, and man is a fighter, or is not. The world found that song of hope and pride, naturally enough in the powerful song that was sung to call for the defeat of those who hate humanity. La Marseillaise. The Marseillaise resonated around the world, from Wembley stadium, London, to the New York Philharmonic, to Australia, Russia…

La Marseillaise was used as a republican revolutionary anthem by those who knew French starting in the 18th century, simultaneously with its adoption in France. Such was the case in particular in Russia, where the tradition to use the Marseillaise as an anthem went on under the USSR (alongside The Internationale, another French revolutionary song with deep and famous words, this one from 1864).

In 1792 the First Republic defeated Europe’s plutocrats. Those, in giant coalition, had threatened the entire population of Paris with “military execution“. (Or read directly the demonic statement, a preliminary declaration that Auschwitz was something Prussians found natural to do, was removed from the link, instead Wikipedia just allude to it.) “Military Execution for Paris: these were the words used in July 1792 by the Duke of Brunswick, the coalition’ military commander. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia were part of the coalition to extinguish the First Republic.

Liberty, Wearing the Phrygian Cap, Guiding The People Against Tyranny

Liberty, Wearing the Phrygian Cap, Guiding The People Against Tyranny

At Valmy, September 21, 1792, just east of Paris, superior French artillery withered the Prussian army which had to ignominiously retreat. The Republic was saved from ravenous plutocracy. At least for a while (plutocracy lite would come back perfidiously with the dictator Napoleon, a Corsican noble who succeeded to highjack the Revolution, for a while, serving instead his own demonic aspirations and those of the French oligarchy).

Every country has an anthem. Even the spineless European Union has Ludwig Van’s magnificent Hymn to Joy (within his 9th Symphony).

But what of the world? Is the world a country? Some will say the world is not a country. How irrelevant. Humanity is defined by hope and imagination, not just reality.

This week the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a French-drafted resolution which urges UN members to “redouble” action against Islamic State, and “take all necessary measures” in the fight against IS.

This is excellent: it’s the world government in action. In decisive action. Because the United Nation Security Council is the world government.

Humanity is both crew and passenger on this very large spaceship, planet Earth. Massive war is not an option on this ship. Several life support systems of the planet are already on the verge of collapse. It is not just about greenhouse gases. Earth’s life support is threatened by multiple organ failure.

I am right now on Maui. Locals told me up to 30,000 Humpback whales show up usually, now. Many come very close to shore. This year, there are none. One can, of course, accuse the super-powerful El Nino we presently enjoy. However, El Nino is how the planet warms up; in case of strong warming, El Ninos become continuous. There was a sort of half-baked El Nino last year, indeed (El Nino is supposed to come every seven years or so).

So we really cannot afford a big war. Nor do we see why we should have one: the largest states on Earth control immense territories: Russia is ridiculously big, 70% larger in land mass than Canada, the USA and China. China itself is immense and does not need the South China sea, to show it is an imperial power, considering its vast imperial colonies in Tibet and Xinjiang.

The European Union, thanks to France’s, and Britain’s immense Exclusive Economic Zones, controls even more territory than Russia (France and the USA have the largest EEZs). And now Russia and France are military allies (as in the latter stages of World War Two). Putin has calmed down, now that the frailty of his, and Russia’s posture, had become blatant.

What we need is to sing together. The words of the Marseillaise sing against what ails us now: the demonic instincts of those who want to reduce humanity to a soil they can trample on. In recent decades, as part of the decline of civilization envenomated by plutocratic ideology, the Marseillaise came to be viewed as too bloody. However, bloody calls to arms against bloodsuckers are perfectly appropriate… And always wise. Third rate philosophers teaching in the most prestigious universities, armed with soporific discourses, and indeed universally adulated, have spoken of chicken and rats, telling us they deserve equal rights with us (for example Peter Singer, Princeton University). While young people were obsessed by such preoccupations, the satanic instincts of naturally forming oligarchies went on a rampage, all over. The Marseillaise puts the mood back where it should always have been: if you are not interested in fighting tyrants, they are very interested in subjugating you. Or submitting (Islam). Here is the beginning of the Marseillaise:b

Rise children of the fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny’s
Bloody standard went up, (bis)
Do you hear in the countryside
Bellow these ferocious soldiers?
They come up within your arms
Slit the throats of your sons, your spouses!

To arms, citizens,

Form your battalions,
March, march!
Let it be that an impure blood
Soak our furrows! (repeat)

What wants this herd of slaves,
Of traitors, of conspiring kings?
For whom these repugnant bounds,
Those irons since long prepared? (repeat)
Frenchmen, for us, ah, what an outrage
What passions it must arouse!
It’s us that one dare contemplate
To return to antique slavery!
To arms, citizens

What! Aliens cohorts
Would legislate in our hearths!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would strike down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Great God! From chained hands
Our brows would yield under the yoke
Vile despots would become
The masters of our destinies!

To arms, citizens…
Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious ones
The shame of all parties,
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Will finally receive their reward! (repeat)
Everyone is a soldier to combat you
If they fall, our young heroes,
Earth will produce new ones,
All is ready to fight against you!

All is ready to fight you, including, but not limited to, the planet itself. To make the Marseillaise truly universal: one has to replace “Frenchmen” by “Humans”, in just one place. There is more to the Marseillaise, including an acerbic critique of Republican Rome, which asserts that Rome was more interested to conquer land rather than minds. Thus we will have to come back to the subject.

The Declaration of the Rights of Humanity and the Citizen of 1789 is the basis of the United Nations, and the only scheme to manage humanity, besides holocausts. So let’s rather sing appropriately, all together, that we have to fight tyrants and their servants, lest we want just to be carpets, and thus kill humanity and the biosphere, because, ladies and gentlemen, however serviceable carpets are, they don’t think much. And without sinking, we will all sink. Including those who confuse Satan and the Good Lord..

Patrice Ayme’

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20 Responses to “Marseillaise: World Anthem”

  1. brodix Says:

    When all is said and done, it is the social pushing up and the civil pushing down. Energy and form.
    The narrative is emergent from the cycles of expansion and consolidation, like the seasons, coming and going.
    So where are we today? Swirling around that drain pipe that is the Middle and its clash of east and west, north and south?
    What is the clarity that will emerge as our story line to tell?
    Are we raging against the plutocrats and their toys and tools of money and Gods? Or are they just raging against each other and we are the grass underfoot and the sticks and stones being thrown?
    Will we rise up, or will we fall down?
    A thousand years from now, will there be good guys and bad guys to this story, or will we all be cast as fools?
    What will matter?
    Almost by definition, only what survives will matter and what will survive?
    There will be a planet earth and there will still be humans on it. Will we be stewards, or will we be scum?
    We rise through cunning, but now we need wisdom. Will it come, or is that just another ideal, always out of reach.
    Our children might live long enough to have some glimmer of knowing.


    • Gmax Says:

      Wow, you are an optimist, oh you great master of wave and form! In a thousand years there will be humans… Sure as long as nobody releases a particularly vicious bug they made undetground.

      Also there is a planet Venus, but it’s not particularly interesting. Patrice has talked about the possibility of a RUNAWAY GREENHOUSE, and that’s what the “TIPPING POINTS” are all about


  2. Gloucon X Says:

    Stand up to tyranny, plutocracy, and madness.


  3. Gmax Says:

    The world needs to rise against tyranny with as much fury as it can muster! This is what the Marseillaise is all about. We need that passion. The world needs it.


    • brodix Says:


      Passion is the engine that drives us forward and the world is already full of passionate people. From Islamic jihadis to Israeli settlers. From people on both sides of the abortion rights issue, to people on both sides of the gun rights issue. I train horses and I’ve seen a fair number of people grow up. I have a twenty year old daughter. I see lots of passion. My question is as to how is it being directed. The people controlling this world are not living in some nether region. They are those most able to control and direct the most passion. You can go back through all the wars in history and they were fought between passionate people and frequently, but not always, won by those with the most passion, or at least the most resources to sustain their passion.
      So, yes, at 55, I am somewhat cynical about this whole passion thing and since my passion is the world as a whole, even that which will continue long past my own demise, I am interested in what rises above the general hullabaloo.
      We do all live on this one planet and none of us will get very far off it, at least for the foreseeable future, so yes, I am interested in whether we do become better stewards of it, or whether, once the easy resources are burned through, fall back to bands of roving berserkers. Who are also quite passionate.
      Unfortunately, real stewardship requires vision, rather than just passion and I don’t see much of that.


      • brodix Says:

        For example, Donald Trump is leading in the polls for his ability to channel the most passion, not any grand vision, as his vision is “Merka is Great and so am I” That is passion, not vision.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          All they know is Trump is saying there is lots of BS around, and some of this BS, people applaud Trump for denouncing it.

          Then Trump is called a “POPULIST”, as if being pro-PEOPLE was an obvious crime akin to racism…


          • brodix Says:

            People who channel the passion don’t necessarily lead it in a good direction. Napoleon and Lenin channeled the passions of the French and Russian revolutions, but history doesn’t look on them that favorably because there were no easy solutions.
            Washington and company are viewed favorably because they had much of a continent to form into a country.
            Hitler channeled the passions of Germany in the thirties.
            Who and what will channel these passions? I want to see the vision, not just promises to everyone.
            Otherwise we crash on the rocks. Unthinking passion will just drive us onto them harder.


          • Gmax Says:

            Yes, but passion always think


      • Gmax Says:

        Did not Patrice say many times moods were more important than ideas?


      • Gmax Says:

        Passion to sustain vision is necessary, it’s not a contradiction, but a complementarity, as Bohr would sayGmax


        • brodix Says:


          Very much so. That’s why I point out the need for a positive vision to guide the passion. Passion’s inherent to life and it’s nice to have plenty, but vision seems to be the complicated part and frequently overwhelmed by excess passion.
          I think it fairly basic to put forth the Gaia hypothesis as a reasonable vision, as humanity keeps bumping up against its limits and finding itself defined by them and having to therefore work within them. To point out this is a process that has been going on for millennia and hopefully will continue for more millennia isn’t an attempt to be dismissive of the passion of the moment, but to point out, in all the to and fro and contrasting, conflicting passions, where it will all inevitably have to go.
          Or else.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks!!! My point. To keep the essay manageable, I omitted entire sections of the Marseillaise which were ABROGATED, but are philosophically important. Will come back to them some day.


  4. dominique deux Says:

    Nothing to add, right on the spot, as often.

    The usual wimpy crowd is whining (in France) that “la Marseillaise” is soo gory, soo nasty, not something our dear kids should be learning at school.

    To which I usually reply it is a much-needed battle hymn, and invite them to read the Brunswick Manifesto. (also when they whine about being soo beastly to our nice King and Queen).

    I find it useful to quote a little-known text, written by a little-known politician-historian of the Nineteenth Century (when the French Revolution slowly regained its hold on all of Europe as Britain wrung its hands in despair). Sorry, it’s in French.

    La véritable réponse au manifeste de Brunswick fut la Marseillaise de Rouget de Lisle1.

    Un chant sortit de toutes les bouches ; on eût pu croire que la nation entière l’avait composé ; car au même moment, il éclata en Alsace, en Provence, dans les villes et dans la plus misérable chaumière. C’était d’abord un élan de confiance magnanime, un mouvement serein, la tranquille assurance du héros qui prend ses armes et s’avance ; l’horizon lumineux de gloire s’ouvre devant lui. Soudainement le cœur se gonfle de colère à la pensée de la tyrannie. Un premier cri d’alarme, répété deux fois, signale de loin l’ennemi. Tout se tait ; on écoute, et au loin on croit entendre, on entend sur un ton brisé les pas des envahisseurs dans l’ombre ; ils viennent par des chemins cachés, sourds ; le cliquetis des armes les annonce en pleine nuit, et par-dessus ce bruit souterrain, vous discernez la plainte, le gémissement des villes prisonnières. L’incendie rougit les ténèbres. Un grand silence succède, pendant lequel résonnent les pas confus d’un peuple qui se lève ; puis ce cri imprévu, gigantesque, qui perce les nues : Aux armes ! Ce cri de la France, prolongé d’échos en échos, immense, surhumain, remplit la terre !… Et, encore une fois, le vaste silence de la terre et du ciel ! et comme un commandement militaire à un peuple de soldats ! Alors la marche cadencée, la danse guerrière d’une nation dont tous les pas sont comptés. A la fin, comme un coup de tonnerre, tout se précipite. La victoire a éclaté en même temps que la bataille.

    (La Révolution, livre XI, iii.)


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Dominique for your support, and this extremely appropriate contribution.

      The Brunswick manifesto, poo-pooed by Anglo-Saxon Wikipedia as unimportant, is actually hyper important: it is when Auschwitz and Nazism were planned, proclaimed, and thrown into everybody’s face, meaning that plutocracy will use extermination to impose its rule, and considered this WILL TO EXTERMINATION its fundamental morality. This way they were EVEN WORSE then the Islamist State (to whom they gave birth, philosophically speaking with a chain of conspiracy involving the birth and nutrition of Nazism, Saudi Arabia, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. … And even Stalinism (that used to make Lenin laughed, until he stopped laughing, way too late…)


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      The text is from Edgar Quinet:
      Edgar Quinet

      Né à Bourg en 1803, mort en 1875, Edgar Quinet, qui fui professeur de littérature étrangère à la Faculté de Lyon (1839), puis occupa la chaire de langues et littératures de l’Europe méridionale au Collège de France (1842-1846), se distingua, pendant toute sa carrière, par l’ardeur de ses opinions libérales ; député en 1847, représentant du peuple en 1848, il tut exilé en 1852, et passa à l’étranger les dix-huit ans que dura le second empire ; rentré en France en 1870, il fut de nouveau élu député en 1871. Son œuvre est multiple : d’une manière générale, on peut dire qu’il fut surtout préoccupé de chercher dans l’histoire de l’humanité la confirmation de ses théories plus généreuses que précises sur la souveraineté du droit et de la conscience. Son style, toujours chaleureux, parait parfois un peu emphatique : Quinet n’arrive pas, comme Michelet, son ami, à se préserver de la déclamation à force de souplesse dans le sentiment et de pittoresque dans l’expression. Ce fut un citoyen d’un beau caractère, à l’esprit ouvert et curieux, plus qu’un grand penseur et un grand écrivain. Citons, parmi ses livres les plus connus, de vastes poèmes en prose : Ahasvérus (1830), Merlin l’enchanteur (1860) ; d’autres en vers : Napoléon (1835), Prométhée (1838) ; et des œuvres historiques : Marnix de Sainte-Aldegonde, la Révolution1.


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!