PM Trudeau’ s Satanic Philosophy

Tolerance For Those Who Violate Humanity Is The Lowest Of the Low:

Homo is the philosophical animal. Philosophy is about choice. Philosophy is the set of hard choices of the most optimal ideas, emotions. Unfortunately, in our so-called representative democracy, a few minds infused by greed and self-important delusion, elected politicians, posture as gutter philosophers (gutterosophers?) Thanks to their command of giant propaganda and means at their disposal, they inflict on us their primary school minds (as all their minds can do is getting elected, they are otherwise little developed!)

Homo Sapiens can be translated as the Latin-Greek hybrid, Homo Sophis (Wise Homo). Yet loving wisdom does not mean one finds it always, nor what the highest wisdom is. Values which are wise in some ways, may come in conflict with each other (as we will see in the present essay). Wisdom is always evolving, adapting, as circumstances and one’s knowledge base change (their lack of adaptation is a good reason to be against “revealed” superstitious religions…)

Intelligence is the ability to discern subtle nuances which entail massive differences. Example: occurrences of obvious electrical activity in nature are extremely subtle. For the Ancient Greeks, there was only the mystery of static electricity, rubbing some types of fur (that lightning was about the same writ large would have been more philosophy than physics). However, in our present world, electricity is everywhere, thanks to the application of subtle logic and delicate observations.

What's Wrong With His Head?

What’s Wrong With His Head?

We will analyze an example here of how subtlety  : the Prime Minister of Canada obliterates the struggle against sexism under the guise of respect for diversity. This is a violation of the genus Homo. Life is diversity. Homo does not respect all and any life. Some life, Homo obliterated, some it obliterate, some it plans to obliterate (various diseases, for example).

Advancing wisdom is a necessity, for the species to survive: as human domination changes the world, human adaptation to the world has to change.

Politicians are important only when, as Solon and Pericles, they implement new wisdom, more advanced than previous wisdom. New, correct philosophy moves history. Those, who, like the despicable PM of Canada, Trudeau, on the ground of “multiculturalism” meet in gender segregated societies, deserve not just our contempt, but our loud reprobation. He evokes “the sisters up there” [sic]. Look at:

Make no mistake: i would like to like Trudeau 100%, and I have spoken highly of him in the past (because Trudeau knows enough about the Quantum puzzle to sound intelligent on the subject). However Trudeau preaches to tolerate the intolerable, and that is intolerable.

However, on the most important subject, multiculturalism versus civilization, PM Trudeau brays like a common donkey.

So-called “multiculturalism” is cultural apartheid instituted as a new morality. Thus it is a particularly deep form of racism. Somalia’s famous Ayaan Hirsi Ali is in full agreement with me:Multiculturalism is moral racism, disguised as broad-mindedness.”

Trudeau: “In casual conversation, I’d even use the word barbaric to describe female circumcision, for example, but in an official Government of Canada publication, there needs to be a little bit of an attempt at responsible neutrality.” You are the irresponsible one, Trudeau! This statement, per se, makes you an enemy of humanity, let alone civilization, and disqualifies you for sitting on a throne and pontificating. Here we go for 9/11 and the Boston bombing:

It Is Our Fault That There Is A Barbaric, Savage, Ideology At War With Civilization For 13 Centuries

It Is Our Fault That There Is A Barbaric, Savage, Ideology At War With Civilization For 13 Centuries. Yeah, Right. Should We Excuse Ourselves For Nazism Too?

I am no idiot and was not born yesterday either. Why does the Prime Minister of Canada advocate “multiculturalism” and “diversity” right or wrong, sexist or not? It is important to understand this fully. Trudeau is not an idiot either, far from it, although it looks as if he were born yesterday.

Opposing opinion and finding it wrong in a way that even those who hold it have to admit it is wrong is never enough. One has also to determine if the erroneous opinion was a sincere mistake, or whether it was itself caused by a higher, hidden reason.  

In the case of Canada, the situation is clear. Canada is even larger than the USA, and yet has a smaller population than California. And a much smaller GDP. So it is a strategic decision to swell the Canadian population, come hell and high water. Canada has long opted for the strategy Merkel tried to adopt (and which is rejected by the German electorate).

Several Muslim attacks happened yesterday in the USA (remember; the Qur’an orders to commit such attacks against categories of people which cover more than 90% of the population of the West). Right the attacks (mostly) failed, but that was happenstance: one bomb did not go off, another went off in a huge, immensely strong steel garbage container, and the pipe bomb in New Jersey exploded in a void, because the US Marines race had been delayed.  Finally the attacker in Minnesota, screaming “God Is Great!”, and asking victims if they were Muslims was shot by an off-duty police officer (the Islamist State claimed the attack was conducted by one of its “soldiers”). 

Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada advocates hypocritical racism disguised as worldly tolerance:”diversity is a source of strength, not a source of weakness”, he bleats. Yes. except when “diversity” embraces Nazis and, or Salafists (is there a difference?) Trudeau does not realize that fighting sexism is also a core issue of civilization. Embracing a part of Islam which is antagonistic to both civilization and human nature, as he does, makes him an enemy of civilization. One cannot benignly tolerate this sort of maniacal intolerance.

Now, all right, one can go to some Trump rallies, and, I am sure one can come across intolerables who are really intolerable (as Hillary Clinton said). However racist supporters of Trump are not in power. Trudeau is. So Trudeau’s racist utterances, and sexist policies, should be absolutely condemned.

Philosophy is the love of wisdom. But what is wisdom? The set of relationships between ideas and moods which work, including how to establish such relationships. Islamist ideology works in some ways: it allows to win wars for a peculiar elite (in the desert). But it does not work in most other ways. Real wisdom works in a universal way.

Why are so many Muslims attracted by the Literal Islam of the Qur’an? Precisely because of the pro-Islamist propaganda of the Main Stream media and our oil-dependent leaders. By making “Islamophobia”, the fear of Islam, a symptom of racism (whereas the fear of Catholicism, catholicophobia, is not racist…), a victimology was offered: claim you are a victim of that racism, and the authorities will come to your help, be it by lip service alone. Sure enough, the parents of the Afghan naturalized US citizen in New York and New Jersey claimed to be victim of that “racism”. They own a restaurant. Their son planted seven bombs over the weekend. Two exploded (injuring 29 people and one robot). Ultimately, it is those who planted the notion that to fear an anti-humanist ideology is racism, who are to blame. And what was these sycophants’ ultimate motivation? Pleasing the powers that be, who got the oil, thanks to those who rule, thanks to Islam. A lot of thanks to go around, in those hall of power and academe.

This system of thought and moods is a powerful generator of extremism. A recent study in France showed that 46% of French “Muslims” are totally secularized (good!) However, and that’s horrifying, 28% of “Muslims” are “ultras”, in other words, Salafists. This is mostly attributable to the Islamophilia of leading politics.

Tolerance for racist and sexist actions is a form of tolerance for the most satanic instinct, that of destroying the many in the name of the few. Va de retro, Satanas.

Patrice Ayme’

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12 Responses to “PM Trudeau’ s Satanic Philosophy”

  1. Gmax Says:

    This is all beyond scary. On the face of it, Islam ought to be outlawed. Yeah, I know, you are going to say, as you did, that Salafism, Wahhabism, blah blah blah, has to be outlawed, as you have said for years, but it’s deeper than that. Iran and it’s Shia dictatorship, best friend to Obama, still has a FATWA to KILL writers like YOU. Think about it. They want to KILL YOU, and they are received like kings at the UN in New York. Most religions are shitstorms, and this is one of them, let’s get rid of it


  2. picard578 Says:

    Quite a good speech:

    Regarding the article… multiculturalism is promoted by the capitalists as a way of creating idiots. It pulls out people from their roots, and people without roots have nothing to support them and shape them as persons. Capitalism in short creates morons and breeds conflict as a side-effect of promoting free flow of capital. This naturally creates unstable, “diverse” societies that are in conflict with themselves, and so – to capitalists’ great relief – have no energy to do anything constructive because they are wasting all the energy in the process of self-destruction.

    Tolerating evil means supporting evil, and supporting evil means doing evil… which makes the person either stupid or evil. Hitler caused World War II because he was tolerated, tolerance of Islam will cause World War III.


    • Kevin Berger Says:

      “multiculturalism is promoted by the capitalists as a way of creating idiots. It pulls out people from their roots, and people without roots have nothing to support them and shape them as persons. Capitalism in short creates morons and breeds conflict as a side-effect of promoting free flow of capital.”

      Sorry if I once again fall back to my pet peeves, but shouldn’t one write “anglos” (for lack of a better term), instead of “capitalists?
      The (very real and blatantly unashamed) “liquefying” of society and societies must have been the main tool of those “anglo” Masters Of The Universe at least since their imperial debut (and probably even well before, when their “empire” was at home, with the subjugated inhabitants of their own islands, and the successive waves of foreign rulers). Pit one group against the other, one race against the other, favour one over the other to breed resentment,… IE, systematic divide & conquer. And, if needed, shift people around, define who is human (“White”) or not, move large groups into other lands, instigate future conflict by unbalancing the old order,… All under the quasi-religious umbrella of race-based mystical imperialism, and with a sub rosa criminal cryptocracy (“plutocracy”, if you prefer) at the helm.
      All in all, pretty basic strategies set in that Empire DNA, first used at home, then abroad, and then globally, the globish, dematerialized Empire (cf. those studies that tried to “map” global economy & global finances, ending with most of the “mother nodes” being Anglo-Saxon, and most of those, English).
      A whole ‘liquid’ modernity, a global human sea of alienated, atomized individuals separated by their ethnicities, religions, niche sexualities, consumer habits,… including their “own” people, ruled by organized thalassocrats (5 eyes, anyone?). If that is not the reality yet, it must at least be the goal.


      • picard578 Says:

        “Sorry if I once again fall back to my pet peeves, but shouldn’t one write “anglos” (for lack of a better term), instead of “capitalists?”

        I don’t like labelling an entire ethnic group with anything, as unlike ideological groups, one is born into ethnicity. And not all multicultural capitalists are of Anglo-Saxon origin, Milton Friedman is a Jew, so are quite a few bankers that also support multiculturalism. Then there is Angela Merkel who is German, our own political elite…

        “The (very real and blatantly unashamed) “liquefying” of society and societies must have been the main tool of those “anglo” Masters Of The Universe at least since their imperial debut (and probably even well before, when their “empire” was at home, with the subjugated inhabitants of their own islands, and the successive waves of foreign rulers). Pit one group against the other, one race against the other, favour one over the other to breed resentment,… IE, systematic divide & conquer.”

        That has been the main tool of all imperial plutocracies, take a look at the Roman Empire… no different than the British Empire or modern American Empire. Same for the Russian Empire in all of its iterations, but especially noticeable in the Stalinist/Communist iteration (USSR), where internationalism was used to promote interests of Soviet elites.

        Orwell’s pig farm, time and again.

        “A whole ‘liquid’ modernity, a global human sea of alienated, atomized individuals separated by their ethnicities, religions, niche sexualities, consumer habits,… including their “own” people, ruled by organized thalassocrats (5 eyes, anyone?). If that is not the reality yet, it must at least be the goal.”

        It is not just the society that is becoming atomized, humans are getting atomized within themselves too. Today, a person will have one face with friends, another at work, third face for the family… before, one face (personality) was enough. Capitalism is destroying humans and humanity.


        • Kevin Berger Says:

          1st point : agreed, but IMHO & YMMV, “anglo” = a normative force (imposing its civilisation model, its “mood”) that has been driving the “West” for 200 years, since the French revolution fumbled France out of its normative role and into being a satellite, rather than an ethnicity (even if indissociable from the “Anglo-Saxon” history and development.)
          As for the Jewish and European compagnons de route, again, we are talking about a normative force ; as far as organized Jewry goes IMHO, it is both an accomplice (in that it has much to benefit from that model, closer to its own than older European models, and is interwoven with its cadre) and a patsy (“the Jews did it”, and in worst case scenario, to be set as scapegoats); Germany has historical links to that model (since the “anglos” founded their mystical imperialism on Nordicism and their identity on their “Germanicity”, as opposed to other roots, plus since there are tectonic emotional ties between the once-largely Germanic USA and Germany), and is a willing relay of US influence, to the degree it benefits from it.

          2nd point : indeed, but, still IMHO & YMMV, with the fundamental difference of racism/supremacism. AFAICT, “Continental empires” aggregated people and/or assimilated them into a larger entity, the “anglo” “thalassocratic empire” model is an outsider looking in, leveraging the hell out of the “rest of the world”, but remain outside, protected by its moats. It is not much “empire”, resting on territories and militarism, as much as “exploitation” (colonialism), resting on “networks” (both physical, the sea, as immaterial, finances, trading, law) and indirect control (even if that means war to enforce that control).

          3rd point : agreed, with again the personal and absolutely unfounded caveat that this is not “capitalism” destroying the human spirit, but “modernity”.
          IE the “anglo” system aforementioned, all successful and ran amok, since it jumped from its Netherlands host to its critical size British islands host, to its ultimate “business venture masquerading as a Nation” US host. From there, nowhere to go, but burning itself out – and it is global, since it is not a country, an empire, but a global “civilization” (anti-civilization, really).


          • picard578 Says:

            “1st point : agreed, but IMHO & YMMV, “anglo” = a normative force (imposing its civilisation model, its “mood”) that has been driving the “West” for 200 years, since the French revolution fumbled France out of its normative role and into being a satellite, rather than an ethnicity (even if indissociable from the “Anglo-Saxon” history and development.)”

            Agreed, it is a rabidly materialistic and amoral worldview which defined all empires, including British one. But Britain has always been “special”, because of its geographic position it is both part of Europe and separate from it. Geography has large influence on culture, mentality, politics, everything.

            “3rd point : agreed, with again the personal and absolutely unfounded caveat that this is not “capitalism” destroying the human spirit, but “modernity”.
            IE the “anglo” system aforementioned, all successful and ran amok, since it jumped from its Netherlands host to its critical size British islands host, to its ultimate “business venture masquerading as a Nation” US host. From there, nowhere to go, but burning itself out – and it is global, since it is not a country, an empire, but a global “civilization” (anti-civilization, really).”

            Agreed. But modernity is defined by materialism, capitalism and anti-humanism. That is a problem, since society is comprised of humans, and any anti-human system is thus inherently autodestructive. That is what is happening to the Western civilization nowadays. But ideologues will rather see the world burn than to admit they have been wrong.


          • Kevin Berger Says:

            Well, it seems like we are agreeing in circle, aren’t we? Agreed on all points, again, on substance if not on details.
            No more response form me, though, to avoid that unpleasant nesting effect, as well as to avoid moving from (more or less reasoned) circle-agreeing territory into the (sadly all-too easily reached) internet circle-jerking badlands.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Ideologies can be highly profitable: see “carried interest” and other tax evasive maneuvers of the financial plutocracy. Ideologies can hide each others, as trains do, while going in opposite direction: see US president Wilson clamoring for peace while enabling war (in Mexico, and, less well-known, Europe)


  3. Kevin Berger Says:

    In other, amusingly predictable, news :

    Related to that recent media campaign, I guess?


  4. picard578 Says:

    Patrice, I found this book while searching for some materials, might be a good read about Islam (haven’t read it yet):

    Click to access Ibn%20Warraq%20-%20Why%20I%20Am%20Not%20a%20Muslim.pdf


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Picard: As you can guess, I have been busy and distracted in the last week. Thanks for the link to that book: fascinating. The quote of Renan says it all, and was always my opinion. This is why oppressors (including especially those in White Houses) love Islam for those they want to exploit and otherwise destroy.


  5. Anonymous Says:

    Thia boy is a Idiot


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