Olive Branch: Peace By Changing Moods, Thus Logic, From Conflict, To Life.

Athena competed with Poseidon for possession of Athens. Poseidon claimed possession by thrusting his trident into the Acropolis, where a well of sea-water gushed out. Athena took possession by planting the first olive tree beside the well.

The court of gods and goddesses ruled that Athena had the better right to the land because she had given it the better gift.

Why are olive branches brandished to extend offers of peace? What does the olive branch represent? An Olive Branch consists of a meager branch to which are attached pretty silver-green leaves… illustrating life, and promising olives. Olives fed people, and those fruits also provided them with oil, the main oil of the Mediterranean region. The Olive Branch thus reminds people of the logic of agriculture, sustenance of trees, no less, spanning generations, providing the means for life… The exact opposite of the logic of war.

Olive tree branches above the Mediterranean Sea (Italy).

There are logics, and they are always entangled with moods, overwhelming emotional systems tied in to the underlying neurobiology itself.

This is true even in the foundations of physics: moods rule. For example, the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics claimed that the observer was the creator of reality. That overbearing mood had enormous consequences on the entire mentality, itself a logic, entangled with emotion, of the Twentieth Century.

Thus, there was no real reality, that Copenhagen mood claimed, only created interpretations, and, thus, implicitly, the Leader created the world. Ever since, Leaders have been ruling… disowning We The People of responsibility, and the desire to partake in information, let alone decision

However that entire logic, and the mentality attached to it, has just been revealed by a French physicist  to be erroneous. [1] 

The logic of this entire civilization, and the emotional roots it is entangled with, thus has to be changed. Back to real reality, instead of wishful thinking masquerading as real.

Athena’s Owl, symbolizing wisdom, surrounded by olive branches. Silver coin, Athens 200 BCE, French Coin Museum.

Changing logico-emotional systems of moods is what the Olive Branch does. Beethoven was aware that moods have to be changed forcefully to reestablish joy, and that, without it, nature’s breast was out of reach. As Ludwig put it in the 9th Symphony Ode to Joy:

O friends, no more of these sounds!

Let us sing more cheerful songs,

More songs full of joy!



Joy, bright spark of divinity,

Daughter of Elysium,

Fire-inspired we tread

Within thy sanctuary.

Thy magic power re-unites

All that custom has divided,

All men become brothers,

Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created

An abiding friendship,

Or has won

A true and loving wife,

All who can call at least one soul theirs,

Join our song of praise;

But those who cannot must creep tearfully

Away from our circle.

All creatures drink of joy

At nature’s breast.”

A civilization is not just a bunch of buildings, a court, an army, and a few verses. It is, first of all, a collective mood. Forceful changes of logics is how one gets one’s smarts up high enough to survive.

The Olive Branch symbolizes the change of logic. From conflict, to the essence of life. [2]

At some point, the logic of conflict has to change to the logic of life. Waving an Olive Branch reminds us of life.

Now the Olive Branch needs to be brandished, not just to other People, but to Planet Earth Herself.

Patrice Ayme



[1] (Michel Devoret is 66 year old, thus working at Yale University, escaping mandatory retirement in France.


[2] The Bible captured later the Greek Myth. Olive branches are held by the right talon of the US Eagle, in the 1776 CE Great Seal of the USA (the left hold a fasces of arrows…)


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27 Responses to “Olive Branch: Peace By Changing Moods, Thus Logic, From Conflict, To Life.”

  1. Paul Handover Says:

    Profoundly wise!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Paul!
      Yes, I am involved in a major conflict right now, and I have tried everything to reach better resolutions. It has to do with a threats against hundreds of small children. So I pondered the notion of Olive Branch: what was the idea, the basic idea.

      Today, armed with my Olive Branch, I met with the Head of the School (who had brought the financial director, unplanned with us). Our Olive Branch was met with a brick wall. As no resolution was reached, the Head of School said he had to think. An hour later, the school’s biggest plutocrat was screaming in my face, in front of 200 people. So you see, the Olive branch can bring strange results….

      Takes many to wise up…


  2. benign Says:

    Out with the Neo-Cons! Go Tulsi!


  3. brodix Says:


    The underlaying premise isn’t just observation, but information. That only what has form is real. What can be measured. As Einstein said, “Space is what you measure with a ruler. Time is what you measure with a clock.”
    Which, as I observed earlier, overlooks the relationship between the energy and process producing this information, because it can only be inferred from the dynamic, as any effort to measure it creates information.
    Which then goes to the issue of time, that I keep bringing up. That the energy goes past to future, as form goes future to past.
    Though it seems logic comes a distant third to authority and tribe, even for physics.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Reminds me I still have to write my essay on time.
      Einstein? Who is that guy? OK, what is Einstein’s ruler made of? And his clock? Light, my dear Watson, light! That’s a serious problem: c everywhere… Until one realizes that the Quantum turns around this….


      • brodix Says:

        Yet we have a cosmology which assumes space expands relative to the speed of light.
        Go figure.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Speed of light is local. It’s from loops at points. And it’s a convention.
          Expansion of space is between the points.
          Poincare’ considered this, inventing what some call Einstein’s synchronization of distant frames. I would have to look at the math… I suspect it has to do with integrating the square VV/CC with v <<< c


          • brodix Says:

            The redshift is presumably due to the light taking longer to cross this “expanded space.” More lightyears, not stretched lightyears. So if the ruler is the speed of light and it is taking that light longer to cross between two points, does that mean the space is actually expanded, or simply that the two points are moving apart in the space defined by the speed of light?


          • brodix Says:

            The original assumption being that this was an expansion in space, as defined by light, but when it was realized this effect is proportional in all directions, it created the effect that we appear to be at the center, so was changed to an expansion of space. Presumably then every point would appear as its own center, but it still assumes a basic doppler effect, that the emitting source is moving away, relative to the speed of light, as the cause of this redshift. So it doesn’t matter how the speed is measured. It is still being assumed as the denominator of this expansion.
            Now we are at the center of our point of view, which might suggest the redshift as an optical effect.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            The cosmic redshift is NOT a Doppler effect… Answered is separate comment


  4. pshakkottai Says:

    Hi Patrice: Saraswati’s ride is also an owl. Saraswati is the goddess of arts and wisdom. Another Indo-European connection. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwifweOTmOfiAhXOjVkKHW6wCmsQMwhWKAAwAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvedicgoddess.weebly.com%2Fgoddess-vidya-blog%2Fuluka-lakshmis-vahana-the-owl-by-yogi-ananda-saraswathi&psig=AOvVaw1LQ7TGBHp2hyQ3pDvEBxic&ust=1560540402264033&ictx=3&uact=3


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks for that, didn’t know… I am an Indianoramus… Yes, the more one digs, the more one realizes Indo-Europe is just one block… When Alexander battled in India, he knew about India, and even the Pacific. He had just missed the size, how big India was. Once his officers saw India in person, they knew, and refused to go any further: forget the Pacific…


  5. Patrice Ayme Says:

    @Brodix: The cosmic redshift is NOT a Doppler effect; it’s not caused by the source receding. Cosmologists talk that way, they shouldn’t. What happens is that the light gets stretched by expanding space, as it proceeds towards us.


    • brodix Says:

      “What happens is that the light gets stretched by expanding space, as it proceeds towards us.”
      If that were true, then does the speed of light increase, as the space expands, in order to remain Constant?


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Before I give some glib answer pretty soon, let me be honest: I don’t think anybody understand light propagation on a cosmic scale. At cosmic scales, SQPR (my theory) is very different from standard Quantum Optics (which says nothing much…)


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        As you point out, if everything changes the same, nothing does… It’s a bit complex, to say the least… SQPR has neat answers to this, because it implies a finite range befre things change…


        • brodix Says:

          ” if everything changes the same, nothing does”

          Maybe an optical effect, given this particular patch was to explain why we appear to be at the center of this expansion and we are at the center of our point of view.


    • brodix Says:

      Keep in mind that while the speed of light might only be measured locally, this expansion would have to occur on the local level, as well, in order to be universal.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        You are becoming very crafty… 😉
        However (more later…)


        • brodix Says:

          Consider the inchworm crawling across an expanding balloon analogy. The balloon expands everywhere, including under the inchworm, but that doesn’t lengthen the inchworm’s stride, or increase its speed.
          These are two metrics being derived from the same light. One based on its spectrum and one based on its speed.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Hmmm…. Got it… The “speed” thing is local loops…. Local metric you can call it. Actually that’s serious differential geometry. There is something called the exponential radius. In a pseudo Lorentzian, or more general than Riemannian manifold, there is this neighborhood within which geodesics started from the center act as such. Beyond that, they fail. Now in GR geodesics are light paths… So speed of light and local time have a meaning only within that. Not beyond. Physicists more or less call that the “event horizon” (although confusedly used for Black Holes and cosmologically)….

            Now it’s true that COSMOLOGICAL distance is measured by spectrum, as you put it. And that’s indeed by one of my angle of critique of the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model also known as the Big Bang. This is (part of) why I argue they may be off by a factor of ten in the age of the universe….


        • brodix Says:

          There are still two different metrics and they are not in different universes, because the whole function of the redshift is that they are being compared to one another, to cause the redshift.
          So one is the denominator and the other is the numerator. Which is which?
          For example, if the space of the universe were the denominator, then the speed would be the numerator, but that would make the speed the variable and it would be a question of “tired light.” Yet that was rejected, so it is the space of the universe, expanding relative to the speed of the light crossing it.
          Which makes the expansion the numerator and the speed the denominator. As the units in which the expansion is being denominated.
          Consider as well that the end result of this theory is that eventually the universe will expand so far, necessarily relative to this light crossing it, that no other galaxies can be seen, because it has expanded further than the light can cross.
          So what is the basis of this speed of light, if it’s not universal space? Is the universe expanding in some other space, which governs the speed of light?

          Now space does expand with distance, simply because the circumference increases with distance and multi spectrum light redshifts, because the higher frequencies dissipate faster than the lower ones do, but this would mean photons are not indivisible units of light, crossing billions of light years individually. Simply that our detectors, composed of mass, can only absorb light as these quanta, so what they detect are units distilled from a wave front, of the entire spectrum. Thus redshifted.

          Careful with the math. It’s abstracted from the larger reality, so some of that reality has to be edited.
          Epicycles were brilliant math, but the crystalline spheres were lousy physics, because some important factors were ignored.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            There is something called differential calculus on manifolds… A whole science. I am one of the creators of differential calculus on SUPERmanifolds… Not to pull rank here, I have to run, I will read what you wrote later…… Distance is only locally defined in a differential manifold… Super or not. Not a question of denominator v numerator that I can think of….


        • brodix Says:

          I’m sure there is a reason why this construct is accepted and would certainly appreciate being enlightened, because it is safe to say that most cosmologists likely have more working brain cells than I, but in my efforts to figure out what I’m getting wrong, for some decades now, I seem to just get the run around. So my suspicion that something is being overlooked, in all the complexity, has grown much stronger.

          Sort of like treating time as an actual dimension, with the present as subjective as a point in space and no way to explain why it is asymmetric, short of entropy, is another issue I get the run around. I still doubt there is enough mathematical faerie dust to time travel through wormholes in the “fabric of spacetime,” though.

          Obviously my point about change turning future to past, as in tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns, thus time is an effect, like temperature, is equally mistaken, but I just get pulled rank on.

          Consequently I’m coming more to the conclusion that theoretical physicists are actually human and as governed by tribe and rank as any other group of humans.


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!