Lesson From Evil Germany? Global Plutocracy Causes Evil Insanity

In Germany’s Lessons for China and America, Roger Cohen philosophizes that:

Better to love your country with a broken heart than love it blind

Well, good try. Germany is a country created in the second part of the Nineteenth Century, in Versailles, France. It’s not an old entity such as France and its vassal England, which were both parts of the Greco-Roman empire… And France was basically the Second Foundation of the “Renovated Empire”… Which included unifying Germany. However, Germany became a nation-state 14 centuries after France, and eight centuries after Britain…

Thus it’s not that simple to compare France, the core of the Renovated Empire, and a country which was created… to fight France (its own mother, in a way).

Our fascist masters, the arrogant, deranged so-called “Democratic Representatives” told us we can’t go the beach, because they said so, a virus in their heads told them. And what they say is the law (they have not read the Constitution of the Republic). Instead, we the free, should put them in prison for abusing their powers, and applying them in an anti-scientific way.

German history is actually a festering cave of decomposing wiggling monsters, many of them poisonous. Vigorous criticism has not handled them all as deserved yet. And it gets worse: both the First World war, and the Second World War went the disastrous way they did, because the USA, child of the bickering union of France and Britain, did not just refuse to help them in a timely manner (it helped, in an untimely manner, most self-serving, after others had done most of the suffering and dying)… It was way worse than that:US plutocracy actually actively helped the crazed militaristic, racist, German plutocracy to achieve its self-defeating rampages. Result; the “American Century”.

But back to that crazed German culture, mostly an anti-culture defined as an opposition to the Greco-Romans and their Franks (the latter having built Germany, and even the language, it’s completely masochist for Germans to be anti-Franks…)

Breaking the spirit which made Germany criminal, is of the essence. Military victory is not enough. Barbarity has to be vanquished in the hearts, souls, and cognitive systems. A whole series of German master-thinkers were despicable and dumb. Starting with the traitor Arminius (“Hermann”) who betrayed the Roman army in 9 CE… Yet celebrated in the Nineteenth Century… A traitor, adulated.

The Gallic opponent of Rome, Vercingetorix, however stupid and rebellious to his own family, was not launched by perpetrating a stabbing in the back. So it does something to the soul when one erects as an example to follow someone who betrayed his comrades… fatally. And the captured Roman troops were not made prisoner or enslaved, they were tortured to death: Auschwitz, anticipated… Martin Luther, one protestants out of many in the period from the eleventh to the seventeenth century, was not nice either: whereas five millions assassinated Cathars advocated purity and veganism, Luther advocated to torture Jews (below his house). Luther was following “Saint” Louis… But not fully. Although Louis IX of France said nothing would please him more than planting a knife in the belly of an atheist or a Jew… He couldn’t do it, because it was against the law. Luther omitted the prominence of the (secular) law. For Luther, his fanaticism was the law. 

Lesser minds may object that they don’t see the connection between plutocracy and Luther. Well, they don’t know history. Luther succeeded because many Germany princes found him very convenient to assuage their thirst for power. Plutocracy, evil power, loved Luther fanaticism. Add Catholic fanaticism and, a century later you get the monstrous “Thirty Year War”, which ravaged much of Europe.

Catholicism itself was invented to give the fascist Roman emperors the metaphysics they needed to terrorize everybody during what one now calls the “Dominate” (which collapse the empire in less than a century…)


So Lutheranism, just as the crazed anti-Judaism of the Christian founders, are actually plutocratic effects, to further mental fascization, hatred and sadism (Luther’s despicable sadism is completely obvious, to whoever read enough of him).

Then, to build on Luther’s madness, Hitler, unelected, Germany had a whole slew of grandiose tribal fanatics, still all too much admired, to this day: Herder (who loved herds), Hegel, Wagner… While most Germans got indoctrinated in the military attack dog role (but not Nietzsche and Einstein, both good Europeans).

An important figure of the deplorable German intellectual landscape is the despicable Kant, a much admired philosopher, whom the Nazis, including Eichmann at Jerusalem, used as a defense to justify killing millions because they were following orders, the highest order of morality according to that Prussian military robot. Kant was so pro-slavery , he wrote about to West Indies leaders to not outlaw the institution…

Warning: Nazis, the Kaiser, enemies of the Roman republic, and Xi, were promoted by global plutocracy (= evil-power). 


Roger Cohen informs us with wisdom from up high: Stephen Heintz, the president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, has written of a crisis “that stems from the growing obsolescence of three core operating systems that have shaped civilization for the past 350 years: capitalism, fueled by carbon since the dawn of the Industrial Age and increasingly driven by global financialization; the nation-state system, formalized by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648; and representative democracy, a system of self-rule based on Enlightenment ideals of freedom, fairness, justice and equality.

Well, the representative of the plutocratic brothers forgets that “Enlightenment ideas” were the ideas from, and published by an oligarchy which had forgotten the meaning of the word “democracy”.  

Representative democracy is neither representative, nor democracy, or then what it represents is plutocracy, or, at best, oligarchy.

The problem is that “our practice of capitalism is both putting the planetary ecosystem at risk and generating vast economic inequality.” The nation-state is “inadequate for managing transnational challenges like global warming.” And “representative democracy is neither truly representative nor very democratic as citizens feel that self-rule has given way to rule by corporations, special interests and the wealthy.

It’s not just an economic equality. It’s an inequality of power, and an inequality of public expression, and an inequality of legislative enactment, also a health care inequality, etc. 

The financialization is also completely out of control. Actually the global financial system seized up on March 16, 2020, in a way it had never done before. Suddenly all financial values were threatened to go down to… zero. That includes all retirement systems… Why it happened is the same old same old: self-interested idiots of finance, making huge amounts of money, the sort of people Obama and Biden and Clinton eat in the hands of, and Trump has learned to milk, had decreed that some situations would never, ever, occur. But of course, when all financiers believe something, they make the opposite unavoidable…

I am not making this up because I am a maniac. I am not a maniac, but we are managed and led by maniacs, and they are ignorant and stupid. Most of their expertise is to be like the moronic Bush or Obama, and read off a teleprompter, what their bosses wrote for them, posturing with consummate gravitas, and wisdom. To see the enormity of what we are overlorded by, please read:


Cohen adds: The virus and accompanying economic collapse have only redoubled the urgency of these reflections. This is the Age of Undoing — of world order, of international law, of truth, of America’s word. It is a dangerous time, as Germany knows better than any nation. Autocracy feeds on fear, misery, resentment and lies. It did in the 1930s; it does now. Better to love your country with a broken heart than to love it blind.

Corruption means; what comes with the rupture. This is the age of rupture, the age of corruption. Look at any center of power, nowadays, and you will see corruption. Not just a little bit. Instead, astronomical amounts. And now the corrupt ones tell you: don’t go to the beach, don’t swim in the sea. You know what? I did both, in full lockdown, and so did my ten year old daughter. Teaching the young means teaching not to respect the orders of corrupt, malevolent, power crazy idiots. 

Because that’s the fundamental problem with so-called “representatives”. Free people don’t need to be led by the nose by “representatives”. Since they have so much power, the positions tend to attract those who are the most greedy, the basest, most grotesque… and malevolent. Direct democracy is not just a political solution, it’s a moral solution… So we don’t have to be ruled by evil (Pluto) power (kratia).

Patrice Ayme

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6 Responses to “Lesson From Evil Germany? Global Plutocracy Causes Evil Insanity”

  1. Don Kemerling Says:

    Corruption means; what comes with the rupture. This is the age of rupture, the age of corruption. Look at any center of power, nowadays, and you will see corruption. Not just a little bit. Instead, astronomical amounts. And now the corrupt ones tell you: don’t go to the beach, don’t swim in the sea.

    Don Kemerling It probably is a bad idea in NYC. The pictures I’ve seen show it getting very crowded in places. One has to find a restroom occasionally.


  2. Chris Says:

    What is the difference between German Nation, Germanic, German language, German ‘culture’,.., how can you put thousands of years in one wall of text and just mix up everything…of course, all what you say is factual correct but connecting the dots in such a subjective way tells a lot about your limited understanding of history.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Hi Chris and welcome! Sorry for delay in approval, but that happens only on first comments, or comments with more than one link…

      How can I put thousands of years in one wall of text and just mix up everything…of course, all what I say is factual correct… Let me tell you: I have written millions of words on this site, and essays concerning Germany number in hundreds of thousands words… I linked to my Luther essay… But there are many other essays on Germany.

      Any essay, actually any presentation of human logic leaves most of the context out. Still, jut like the wave becomes a particle, abstracting logic is a worthy exercize, because it’s actionable. The brain works always like that, just as the wave to the particle, at some point it becomes, focuses on, an action potential.

      All authors are subjects. To accuse someone of “limited understanding” is an insult, though. Pointless, except to close attempts at understanding. Instead of insulting, which doesn’t advance understanding, I would advise to have a pointed critique, that’s constructive and progressive.

      You tell me I am “limited”: how does that being progress? Where is the constructive critique? I just see anger of the cowardly variety, not daring to say what one is angry about. I am certainly NOT limited in understanding about Germany. I have excellent understanding of Germany. My auntie Annie was the daughter of Von Moltke, so I bathed in the stuff, I know German, I have read all what Hitler said and wrote which was recorded, etc. And I am also NOT anti-German… As you said, there are many aspects… my torpedoes were aimed at some celebrated authors, who should notorious for their nefariousness… That reminds me I forgot to mention the despicable Kant, a much admired philosopher, whom the Nazis, including Eichmann used as a defense. Kant was so pro-slavery , he wrote about to West Indies leaders to not outlaw the institution….


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      So thanks, I updated the essay by incorporating the abominable Kant. Now I will search a link to one of my essays on Kant, with “Patrice Ayme Kant slavery”

      I immediately found on the subject of enslaving philosophers:

      Racist Slave Masters: Locke, Hume, Kant, etc.

      For a more pointed devastation of Kant, I have a more Kant specific attack…


  3. Gmax Says:

    Don’t you love those comments when they accuse you of something. But they won’t tell us what it is? What did that Chris try to say?


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