Aphorisms June 2012

Dinosaurs Warmed Blooded After All?

Some have argued that dinosaurs had hearts like birds. Now some Spanish researchers have confirmed older studies on dinosaur bones. However the best evidence for warm blooded dinosaurs may simply be that birds evolved from bird like dinosaurs.

That latter observation is typical of the philosophical approach, in this case, using an economy of thought: since the birds, present in the last 80 million years of the dinosaurs’ reign, were warm blooded (right from the start, as flying requires lots of energy), it stretches the imagination that they would have grown wings, feathers, and become warm blooded simultaneously .

To quote the San Francisco Chronicle: …”in his conclusive argument in Nature that accompanied the report, titled “A bone for all seasons,” Kevin Padian of the UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology noted that microscopic features of dinosaur bones show precisely the same lines of arrested development as the bones that Köhler and her colleagues studied in modern animals, which live in all the world’s climates.

The bone growth patterns of dinosaurs establishes that they grew just like large mammals do, and at comparable rates,” Padian said in an e-mail Wednesday. “So their physiology could not have been like lizards and crocodiles, which grow much more slowly and whose bones look very different inside.

Padian has long argued that warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals have formed a “continuum” in evolution.


…But Are Many Thinkers Cold Blooded?

Actually there never was any evidence that dinosaurs were ectotherms,” Padian said Wednesday. “It was just sort of like, well, dinosaurs are reptiles, and living reptiles are cold-blooded, so dinosaurs were cold-blooded too.

The last part that I emphasized is fascinating. You see, scientists are supposed to be temples of reason. But, actually, they are not. Just like most of the commoners, scientists are careful to toe the line. Scientific revolutions are rarely engineered by anybody else but outcasts, or extremely fierce personalities.

All to often, in science physical or human, and also in philosophy, or even literature, reasoning by induction means to follow the flow of common wisdom, or common emotionality. Nothing more. The herd is safe, and the herd is thrilling, when it stampedes.


Crazy Does It:

The big lessons from modern logic, starting with Russel, and then Goedel. Logic comes with context. Moreover, logic wants to grow out of the context that gave birth to it. But it cannot. Except when we take a (by definition not rational in the sense of the old logic) decision about what the new context will do. Thus, not only the heart has its reason that reason does not, but reason needs reasons that it does not have.


World War Two Resistants Tell You: Behind It All, The Same Mass Criminality As In 1939:

Manolis Glezos is a 89 years old Greek. He was a European MP, and was a candidate for the radical left, against the austerity plan. For him, there is no doubt: global finance is the enemy. same as in WWII.

Some say: how do you dare assimilate what is going now with what happened with Nazism? Some even claim that what happened with Hitler is incommensurate with anything, before and after.

William Randolph Hearst, the American press magnate, was paid by Hitler, from German taxpayer money. In 2009 a visiting Jewish tourist to the “Hearst Castle” in California, recognized family paintings which had been stolen by the Nazis. Hitler gave them to Hearst in… 1935. (A lot of the Nazi economic miracle had to do with stealing opponents, and redistributing the stolen riches to supporters.) The paintings were returned by the National Park Service.

As I have long argued, it is the same (sort of) people, the same organizations who financed, and organized Nazism. The banker JP Morgan was in the lead, when Hitler was still in primary school.

That idea has also been put forward by Stephane Hessel, 94 years old, and an authentic hero of the resistance and the free French in WWII (although he was an “Israelite”, so one would think he would have laid low, but most French Jews actually were in the forefront of the armed struggle. them and the old right wing French aristocrats).

Mr. Glezos is famous in Greece. In 1941, he climbed up the Acropolis, and stole the Nazi flag that was floating there. his brother was caught, and shot, with another 700 other Greeks, that day, that hour, in that place..


Serfdom: On Its Way Back In The USA?

I explained many times that Obama’s ironically labeled “Affordable Health Care Act” was unconstitutional. But Roberts, Chief Justice, a Bush right wing appointee, found it constitutional. Am I an idiot?

No: Chief Justice Roberts just decided the obligation of getting into a private contract with a private health insurance company was a “tax“. That I did not expect. It is of course incorrect in a res-publica, because, in a republic, taxation is only paid to the government.

The naïve on the left applaud: they do not see that Obamacare was right wing. Now Roberts has gone further right. Makes sense.

Indeed, is there a precedent? Assuredly, private taxation was deemed to be correct when the Frankish authorities established the feudal system. (Private taxation culminated with the “Fermiers Generaux“, who were decapitated in the French revolution.)

However, the Franks had kept some republican decency. The Franks knew that it made no sense to force commoners into contracts with private parties (in this case the Lords), in a republic. The Roman empire they had reconstituted, the Imperium Romanorum, was, after 800 CE, as in its preceding version, based in Rome and Constantinople, viewed as a sort of republic. After all the Frankish kings were -supposedly- elected!

Thus Frankish law made a principle that serfs were in a contract with the lords, because the lords provided services. When those services were discontinued (say because the serfs fled), this contract was broken (that it was broken by the serf was irrelevant). Thus the serf was relieved of this contract. Hence, if a serf ‘escaped’ for 30 days, he was a plain, normal Frank, that is, he, or she, was free. Many of the newly freed went to the cities. Cities did not depend upon lords (except for the rather theoretical oversight of the imperial government, that is, in France, or England, the king).

No such opportunity in the present USA.

I spent last weekend with a health care professional, a top notch doctor, who told me how to rack up the medical bills by 100%, for the benefit of the doctor signing such bills. In several ways. I will not give any details at this point, because it was rather confidential.

Taxpayer money irrigating uncontrolled corruption reeks of plutocratic perversion. Obamacare will change that not. However, the American left’s tenors are officially happy: more taxpayer money to be sent to plutocrats, so that they take care of the commoners. An American creed is that to be rich is good, and one proof is that the rich are good (that’s why they are called “philanthropists“).

Chairs have been re-arranged on the Titanic, the commoners are happy, the orchestra is still playing, the sea is calm: what could go wrong on SS USA?


When Confusion Is A Weapon:

A trick was found, long ago: playing dumb, allowing to do evil, as if by accident.

The idea is to confuse the issue of deliberate evil behind the smokescreen of, well, complete confusion. There is no magic, but there are people doing as if they believed in it, and their alleged idiocy allows them to hide their Dark Side. Various superstitions and religions have been used that way too.

Ultimately the principle is always the same: excusing one’s evil behind a thick cloud of playing dumb.

The Iraq invasion was propelled by total evil: on Fox News, luminaries were claiming that the invasion would pay for itself. A minimal aim was achieved: to demolish Iraq as an independent force. Iraqi oil is pretty much shut down at this point, and that allowed the USA to switch to fracking, while, of course, Iraq was prevented to trade in euros…

Now Americans are coming up, explaining to us all that they just confused reason and magic. But, when Obama targets families for assassination (as the New York Times recently claimed), it’s not because Obama believes in magic. It’s because he believes in evil.


Athens Had Direct Democracy, We Have Kings;

Representative democracy, clearly, does not work. Ancient Athens used a form of direct democracy (the ecclesia, the popular assembly, had 43,000 members). Even the Populus of republican Rome kept, for many centuries, a very tight leash on elected officials (Consul were elected for a year, but the powers rotated between the two Consuls on a monthly basis).

Right now we elect kings with more powers than kings of passed ages ever had. Then we pretend the People rules. But if it walks like a king, speaks like a king, rules like a king, and even order assassinations in full view, as Obama does, it is a king.

In a first reform, one should adopt a Swiss like system, where a seven member Federal Council rules, rather than one person (although there is a president, elected for a year within the council). In Europe, parliament could elect the Commission, or something like that.


 Something Economists Don’t Understand: The Economy Is Not Fundamentally About Money:

Economy is, ultimately, what the state decides to do, some of which it calls “the market”. For example, in the USA, the military-industrial complex is (still) strong.
When the state decides nothing, and, instead, let the unelected bankers, and other plutocrats run amok, we don’t lose just democracy, but even the economy. This is what we observe presently.

Two heads of the Camerkozy are still alive and biting the destitute, by the way…

Being a full human being is an indispensable way for making one’s thoughts better, and deeper.  Greed is not enough that way. Yet, thinking is man’s most productive work. To overlook this is a major flaw of conventional socio-economic thinking.

The Internet is a storm in which minds get easily spread about to the four winds, for the best, and the worst. An advantage, and a threat.


 How To Save Rhinoceroses:

Just harvest their horns in official programs. After the horn has been cut, the rhinoceros loses its financial value. Yet, the horn regrows. Thus rhinoceroses’ horns can be harvested. Domesticated rhinos don’t mind. They use their horns in combat. But, on a farm, they don’t have to fight (actually horns have been cut by rangers on wild rhinos from particularly threatened sub species!)

Rhino horn material is worth several times gold, by weight. Something about China. So farming rhinos for their horns could pay for much nature conservation… Besides saving entire rhino species.

Making the profit motive a friend of conservation, an ally to the biosphere: that’s not re-arranging the chairs on the Titanic, while playing democratic music. The sea is not calm. The sea is rising, faster and faster. Planet Earth is sinking.  We can do better than re-arranging chairs and playing irrelevant music.

A way to achieve serious relief, would be with a carbon tax. After all, carbon burning has already killed hundreds of times more than nuclear (even including Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which is not fair). But have Obama and company the sort of brains, and guts needed to impose a carbon tax? Not, so far (even though it would solve the Taxgameddon problem).


Patrice Ayme

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21 Responses to “Aphorisms June 2012”

  1. Geo Says:

    “Elephants keep cool by using their huge ears like radiators in automobiles. Their ears are thin and the blood vessels are close to the skin, and flapping their ears to increase the airflow over them causes the blood to cool, which reduces their core body temperature when the blood moves through the rest of the circulatory system.” -wikipedia article on ectoderms.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Geo: yes, entirely appropriate, I forgot that one. Mammals can use the same tricks as lower reptiles. And the largest elephant was 10.9 tons… Sweating too is a gross thermodynamics trick, mostly confined to humans (one says, although horses, especially when ridden like crazy by me in Africa, can get drenched). That allows humans to hunt mid day in the savannah, when other animals can barely move…


  2. Geo Says:

    sorry. article on ‘endoderms’ not ‘ectoderms.’ What was I thinking? Fur, feathers, layers of fat; torpor and hibernation (in endoderms); ratio of surface area to volume varies as 1/L where L is linear size of creature.

    A prominent British scientist believes brains evolved for purposes of motion more than anything else. He talks very rapidly, by the way:


    (In my browser I have to click on the page-top picture of synapses to see his video, which was not evident from the html rendering.)

    Well, they no longer believe so strongly in the dichotomy of warm v cold blooded, seeing a very fuzzy continuum. Heat exchangers in the legs of wading birds. Veins next to arteries to carry heat to the trunk.

    Very stimulating article of yours. Many thanks. The metaphorical power of the term ‘cold-blooded’ expands now, at least in this mind. Mitochondria, they seem to say, and their density per volume have a lot to do with how much basking and invention of air-conditioning one engages in as an earthling. 🙂


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Geo: yes mitochondria are something out of this world. That brains evolved for motion is an intriguing idea. However bacteria move towards food sources, without brains. Clearly, in humans, brains are made to simulate physics, philosophy and many other behaviors that allow us to model, and then manipulate, or outsmart the world. thanks for thanking me, by the way. Dinosaurs stay a great classic of wonder. Pterosaurs were astounding. They left birds in the dust. What happened with their disappearance is not too clear, and why other animals survived, even less so (although they were clearly diminshed)…
      Tuna, BTW, have heat exchangers… so do Arctic wolves.


      • Geo Says:


        they seem to think it was part of a large extinction event


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Dear Geo: Pterosaurs (the original flying reptiles) disappeared at the same time as various very advanced swimming (ex-) reptiles. And of course at the same time as the dinosaurs, a mysterious group that certainly included triceratops, T rex, and the…birds.
          Mysteriously mammals and birds survived the great extinction at the end of the Cretacous. I used to think it had to do with quick cooling.

          Winter from the famous Yucatan asteroid strike or, as I have forcefully argued the Dekkan Traps super giant core volcanic eruption… I have essays on that Trapped by the Traps, or something like that: https://patriceayme.wordpress.com/2009/11/21/trapped-by-super-traps/

          The other, event larger extinction, was the Permian-Trias boundary, around 250 million years ago. Massive megafauna was annihilated, and took 30 million years to reappear with dinosaurs, flying reptiles, etc. and reptilian mammals…

          so the mystery is why mammals and birds survived. The explanation has probably to do with the fact that they both had slightly higher capability to warm themselves up, so they just squeaked by. an indice of this brand new deep theory of mine (hahaha) is that the birds rebounded more strongly than the mammals, as they became the top land predators for millions of years, while the mammals stayed weak and small for quite a bit. Birds have a significantly higher temperature and metabolism than mammals…


  3. rodeneugen Says:

    I read all in your last essay and i still wonder, where you are heading to? To save Mother Earth? We all are for.

    To impose mobs upon the Plutarchs? No way, you yourself understand the danger of it. After all what was Nazism and Communism if not mobs, taking over the power, pretending being the protectors of the mobs, and in the meanwhile creating a new system of Plutarchism, where the entrance ticket is total obedience to stupidity and cruelty. Can’t be that’s what you want. As to the bankers, i am with you, i heard there are some unoccupied gulags next to Baikal, yet you shouldn’t throw out the baby with the water.

    As to dinosaurs, birds not birds, good they were extincted. If not we wouldn’t be here, and after all the flash and bones, the only thing worth about the creation (or evolution) is an intelligent chat.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Rodeneugen: when merkel wants to build 26 new giant coal plants, or Obama refuses to hypnotize the USA People with a carbon tax, they are not trying to save Mother Earth, because they care more about their pathetic power trips of ridiculous mongrels.

      Thinking is not heading somewhere. The thinker does not know where the head goes, come to think of it. Glad to see we agree about banksters. except the Baikal looks too nice a region. I would rather send them to Nova Zembla, and forbid them to pick the rhododendrons…

      I want to call to your attention again the distinction between Plutarch (A Greek historian flourishing 2,000 years ago) and Pluto, the Dark Lord of the underground, earlier known as Hades and later, by Christians, and then Muslims, as Satan… A pluto-crat wants Pluto to be in power (= kratos).

      Some of dinosaurs, pterosaurs and plesiosaurs were clearly very smart. Actually the dinosaurs survived, and, so far, the best talkers on Earth besides us are… well, birds, that is, dinosaurs. Parrots can chat a storm, and create refined jokes.


  4. Alexi Helligar Says:

    Patrice you are provocative as always. I agree with much of what you say in this series, but count me among the “naive liberals” when I praise “Obamacare”.

    I have written elsewhere that “Obamacare” is not as good as it should be, but it represents a step forward. Some of its provisions have directly benefited my sister who is uninsured and recently diagnosed with a cranial tumor. I am grateful that she and my mother were not financially wiped out. One must not let the perfect be the enemy of the good

    The penalty for not having health coverage even though one is able to afford it is a mixed bag. My feeling that Justice Roberts was correct in calling it what it is: a tax. To my thinking the mandate is made worse by Republicans refusing to allow for a public option for insurance coverage and services. A public option would have helped keep private insurers honest. On the other hand, there is a concern there would be a brain drain into private programs as there is where more money can be earned. Surely, one way to fix the brain drain problem is to address the exorbitant costs for educating a doctor, while providing incentives for new doctors to participate in the public system.

    There is a legitimate debate around whether a public and private system can exist side-by-side and deliver high quality care. In Canada the decision was made to go with a pure public program. In the USA the decision was made to go with a mostly private solution supported by a public program for select groups.

    The main point is that the ball has been advanced forward. Americans are danger of serfdom but Obamacare is not as sinister as it might appear of precipitating that future.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      dear Alexi: Thanks for commenting on the site! It’s easier that way. Sorry for your sister, I hope she recovers (I also though you were based in Canada?)

      I agree with you on the broad thrust of covering everybody. My recommendation had been to just expand Medicare (in several ways). It could have been done overnight. It was not done, because Obama is a child venerating plutocrats. I am not against universal taxation for universal health care, just against the return of feudalism, which is increasingly obvious in the good old USA: watch the “private” educational and incarceration industrial complexes, ever more growing.

      Medicare For All, ultimately is the only thing that will work. The lamentable Obamacare changes none of the deep problems, such as tying health to employment, a paradox. There are very dark aspects to Obamacare, such as cutting money to hospitals, and an accelerated augmentation of health care cost. The corruption too is astounding.

      I was told by doctors, specialists who profit from it: try to talk with a a 30 something young specialist in a mansion with permanent in house maid, explaining to you how to make 10K per chemo procedure, by just overbilling; Obamacare fixes none of that. Obama’s position is; well, we do that, then we fix it. But it’s a bit like growing vegetables on Mars; as long as there is no atmosphere, it will not work. OK, you could grow some in caves, at great cost, but that would be very artificial. To do things right, you need an atmosphere.

      It’s impossible to morph the present system, most probably because the immediate effect will be to make the health plutocracy even more powerful, while hiding behind a cloud of accusations against universal health care.

      Another effect maybe that it gives a big cause to the republicans…


  5. dbrd Says:

    dbrd to Tyranosopher
    “I talked to several doctors, and they claimed it was easy to rig the system, for example getting chemo for $10,000, then turning around, and charging the for profit health insurance, $20,000 for it.”

    Since I am fortunate enough to have heath insurance, I receive an Explanation of Benefits letter each quarter, and what I observe almost universally is something like the doctor or hospital charges $20,000 and the insurance company allows $5,000. The only ones who would be expected to pay $20,000 would be someone among the 40 million or so without any health insurance. I remember a three minute office visit where the doctor billed $400.00 and the insurance allowed $75.00, $25.00 of which was a co-pay.

    Under our current pre-PPACA system the individual or family with pre-existing conditions may be denied coverage or be charged premiums such that they might as well be paying out of pocket. And if they must pay out of pocket, they are charged 400% of what the insurance company will pay. Denial of coverage is a win/win situation for both the insurance companies and the providers. If the poor people can’t pay, and the provider is forced to provide care, the cost is spread across all their other customers, and they get a tidy tax write off.


    • JJ Hantsch Says:

      JJ Hantsch in reply to dbrd
      As in the rest of the economic world, in modern healthcare the larger the customer, the lower the retail price. Most hospital networks treat Medicare patients at a loss, make roughly cost on most large insurance networks and have to charge out of pocket people to pay for charity care. The avg hospital physician effectively donates 40% of her work time to charity care, the avg malpractice lawyer donates less than 2% of his time to pro bono work.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        What JJ Hantsch is saying is what I, and many other people, have long said, implicitly or implicitly: Medicare is by far the largest provider of healthcare in the USA (more than 40%). So it has economies of scale.

        So why did Obama eject Medicare from its “Affordable Care Act”? Although he had run to the presidency with tantalizing statements about a “public option”? Because the president is dissembling, that’s why. The ACA (not to confuse with CACA, or is that an inside joke?) redirects taxpayers’ money to plutocrats, and rich doctors or insurers, in the guise of charity (often the case with charity). And that is why it ignores Medicare.

        Medicare is what will make health care affordable to Americans, the rest is just a twisted device to get political contribution. Obama will say: I will use Americans to get more, higher quality health care. Then they will turn around, when they find it’s less affordable than ever, and make a revolution.

        Or then maybe Romney will get elected. Or ten years of “republican” (=plutophile) Congress. We will see.


  6. Old Geezer Says:

    My 2 cents.

    Americans pay DOUBLE what the rest of the world pays for health care. The primary benefit of a “Kaiser” type plan is that it combines insurance with medicine and excludes law suits (mandatory arbitration for grievances). These two factors alone account for 50% of the total spending.

    Obamacare addresses neither of these problems. Rather, it keeps paying for them.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      OGP: Totally true. A (very young) cancer specialist was singing to me the praises of Kaiser (he belongs to it), last Sunday, in his very large house. Full time maid. How cheap it was to run, because Kaiser was all integrated. Then I asked him how much the top CEO at Kaiser were making. He fell silent. (I knew one Kaiser CEO had made 40 million dollars, one year.)

      Kaiser’s own telling, about other hospital chiefs: http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Stories/2011/September/28/Chart-CEO-Pay-Packages.aspx
      Goes up to 6 million dollars, at least 20 times the French equivalent.

      I had great difficulty finding salary information on the web, meaning the HMOs probably pay to hide it. Here is some:http://bmartinmd.com/2011/07/kaiser-execs-compensation.html
      Some make 13 millions $. But one can also find some compensation packages above 100 millions, some even up to 1.7 Billion $ (yes, billion): http://www.grassley.senate.gov/news/Article.cfm?customel_dataPageID_1502=4916

      The equivalent job, CEO of an HMO, does not even exist in other countries. No, it’s not a question that Americans are free to become rich, it’s a question that most americans are slaves, and bask in their subjugation. Slaves proud of how shiny their chains are.

      The founder of Kaiser Permanente explained to Nixon he could make a profit, while providing care. Nixon said:”That’s good.” and signed on. Nixon provided tax subsidies to launch the HMO system. The Obamaxon has put a fresh paint on it all, more “taxes” (Supreme Roberts said) and the mentally diminished applaud their “victory”.

      Nothing to say. Will Obama become richer than Clinton? This is apparently the only thing that interests the American People! One finds solace where one can!


  7. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Robert Reich (famous genuine liberal, member Clinton administration, authentic enemy of Larry Summers), on Obamacare:

    “Nothing else [than making the Supreme Court NOT look bad] explains John Roberts’ switch – certainly not the convoluted constitutional logic he used to arrive at his decision. On the most critical issue in the case – whether the so-called “individual mandate” requiring almost all Americans to purchase health insurance was a constitutionally-permissible extension of federal power under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution – Roberts agreed with his conservative brethren that it was not.

    Roberts nonetheless upheld the law because, he reasoned, the penalty to be collected by the government for non-compliance with the law is the equivalent of a tax – and the federal government has the power to tax. By this bizarre logic, the federal government can pass all sorts of unconstitutional laws – requiring people to sell themselves into slavery, for example – as long as the penalty for failing to do so is considered to be a tax.

    Regardless of the fragility of Roberts’ logic, the Court’s majority has given a huge victory to the Obama administration and, arguably, the American people. The Affordable Care Act is still flawed – it doesn’t do nearly enough to control increases in healthcare costs that already constitute 18 percent of America’s Gross Domestic Product, and will soar even further…


    • Old Geezer Says:

      Anytime a right-wing Repub give a “huge victory” to Obama I have to ask, “What’s the catch?”

      Time will tell. But I don’t think he did it to improve his image.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        The ironically named “Affordable Care Act” is a win win for the health care plutocracy.

        Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” places the grotesque Milton Friedman creed that the market fixes all, at the very core of care. It’s a philosophical rant.

        With those (ridiculous?) exchanges, where people are supposed to shop for health care.
        Apparently Americans are supposed to go to the exchanges, and go: “Oh, I guess I buy myself a fresh kidney today. Oh, that subprime health policy where I get to exchange two plasma transfusions against hemolysis is vastly superior to the one where I don’t get to chose. Ah, the Apple “ihealth” (Copyright PA) is soooo ccoooolll.”

        I am afraid that with Obamacare, Coolcare, so to speak, the USA has gone from health care tragedy, to comedy. Once Americans are healthy, again, they can pay their debts to health plutocrats by volunteering to help reconstruct Afghanistan, or serving drones that fly over the world and kill the terrorists. All that cool Obama stuff. meanwhile the coolly depraved $ilicon Valley, a place, after all, that owes everything to the military, and now more than ever. A few weeks ago, apparently desperate for money, Obama was coming to Silicon Valley every week, something that would not have flown in Europe, where people would have pointed out his job was commander in chief, not beggar in chief…

        Obama does not care about his image. Or, rather, he just cares about being on top, that’s all the image he wants… Although I know, the way he sees it about health care: let them get used to more services, and then they will keep on pushing for more.

        This ignores history.In Europe, universal health care was always the product of revolution (with the exception of Sweden and Suisse… which have direct democracy, and the French or British health example, much commented, and imitated, below their noses). For instance the first universal health care, the German one, was propelled by Bismarck, no shrinking violet, someone known to be singing the Marseillaise in French. Bismarck was highly polyglot, a renaissance man. Fascist too (and a bit too much).

        The danger, at this point, is an apparently cool counter-culture is in power, which is just the same old same old, but only superficially different… In a way actually better adapted to the diversity of the market place.

        The culture of “cool”, which Obama used to make so prominent, is an implicit alliance between the imperial plutocracy and imperial, even imperative, dissemblance.


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  9. Dinosaurs-Plutocratism | EugenR Lowy עוגן רודן Says:

    […] https://patriceayme.wordpress.com/2012/06/28/aphorisms-june-2012/ […]


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