What Loving Wisdom Is For: War Rather Than Peace

May 15, 2024

Homo Sapiens Sapiens, Homo SS, we defined ourselves by the wisdom we supposedly exude… We are our wisdom, and what is that Sapiens quality supposed to be? Wisdom, from sapere, to know: I know, therefore I wise?

Wisdom: All the other hominids, and most megafauna, destroyed. Megafauna was even more destroyed in the Americas, without any Eurasians around… Was that a plan, or just a trend? The wisdom is clear, though: caves are safer for Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis, without Cave Bears around… War against the bears… I myself once hit a charging bear with a rock… That worked very well… A rock is a rock… Incredible. Wisdom in action.

Wisdom in action again: Mid-May 2024, two different types of US missiles (ATACMs) and long range French guided rocket propelled bombs (“Hammer”) slammed into the major air base of Sevastopol, Crimea, causing great devastation. A hundred sixty-four years earlier, France had defeated Russia in the same city… Plus ça va, moins ça change… France, the mother country of the present civilization, and thus also historically the wisest, is by far the most bellicose country in the world, with more than 1,100 victories in battle… England, initially created by French grandees, even at the Parliamentary level, follows France… And since both countries have been central to civilization, thus wisdom (Gaul/France even inventing the mechanical harvester, and equipping the Roman army more than 22 centuries ago…)…

This time, there is a world war going on with no less than 60 countries involved in the hostilities… A world record in the number of belligerents. Surely there are deep reasons for all of this. No better time to think about the nature of wisdom, that is, what it is for…

Love of wisdom, philosophy is actually a method of thinking, more general than just science, and science can’t do without it. Nor can anyone else. Even Hamas and its admirers have a philosophy. General thinking can’t depend upon general facts alone, but needs to imagine volumes from just the sound of a cracking branch in the forest. It’s all an art.

Philosophy is, evolutionary speaking.a mode of thinking which is necessary, but not sufficient… to foster domination. Domination of the environment, fate, ethics, ideas, environment, enemies, love, hate, poetry, imagination, power, will to power, thirst for knowledge and novelty, the future… and reason itself. Philosophy is not a method for just being nice, but rather to find out what could be going on in the universe, and extract advantage from it…

So wisdom is directed towards action, it’s more about war than peace, effort rather than sleep.

Philosophy is how to build neural networks supposed to reflect the world… by making it up, starting with fumes…

Such is the crown of creation: from an attitude, the love of wisdom, spiritual metastasis, omnivolent if not omnipotent.  Wisdom is a craving for universal maximal domination, real and if need be, imagined. 

There is no better time to think about wisdom, than during a world war… Contrarily to repute, philosophy, really good and new philosophy arose generally in time of great strife. Show me a philosopher, I will show you a war, at least in background.

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, president of the Roman Senate, was condemned to be beaten to death for reasons that the monarch who ordered to execute him found later to be false and fake. Boethius wrote down “The Consolation of Philosophy” … the same activity that a lion gored by buffaloes is also keen to engage in. 

This sort of last minute consolation is just one usage of wisdom. Seneca used wisdom in pretty much the opposite way: to gore, rather than finding consolation from goring.

Seneca read to the same Senate that Boethius would preside five centuries later, an obscene description of Claudius, and later did the same for Agripina, to justify their murders by his student and enabler, Nero. 

Both Boethius and Seneca are respected as “Stoic” philosophers… Notably, Jesus is not mentioned in Boethius’ Consolation, nor of any other Christian figure. There is no doubt Seneca, who basically ruled the Roman empire for five years, was astronomically greedy (he admitted it himself, pointing out he had no idea how many properties he had on the various continents)… And that Boethius went too far in fighting corruption among Goths and Romans… Also Boethius contributed to logic, beyond Aristotle, whereas Seneca contributed mostly to cynicism, which is not generally viewed as an admirable branch of wisdom.

Were Seneca and Boethius wise not to walk away before getting entangled with the highest, and goriest levels of Roman politics? If they had walked away, we would not know them, they, those extreme examples, would not exist… in our minds…  Boethius in his glory, and Seneca, in his gory, made us wiser, and spiritually wealthier…

Patrice Ayme.

The wisdom of showing off colors, advertising to visitors the delicious nectar. And we love it too as it embodies life daring death and nothingness with an orgy of flaunting a full spectrum of brillancy.

[Colchicum bulbocodium, Bulbocode, a rare Alpine flower, Patrice’s picture…]

THC: Opium Of Present Generation, Prescribed By Plutocrats

May 14, 2024

Soros and company prescribe Cannabis, Marijuana, Pot, to better deteriorate and enfeeble those they rule over… When wokism is not enough, there is always a pot to put your head in…

Marx wrote: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”… . Marx was aware, two centuries ago, that making people incapable of using their brains was how the ownership class controlled We The People

The Chinese imperial government also opposed opium use to the level the UK was keen to allow in China: it drained the treasury of silver, and the mental deterioration was awful. The Chinese emperor actually wrote to the empress Victoria in London to tell her that she would never allow opium in Britain the way she wanted to impose it in China. But Britain, first in 1840, and later with France in 1856, invaded, seized Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing, and burned the Summer Palace…These lamentable events are known as the Opium Wars (which no doubt inspired the USA to forcefully open Japan with nine “Black Ships”, and that in turn led to the Meiji Revolution… So out of bad, good, as is often the case…)  

Plutocratic billionaire Soros, a few years back, gave a speech to his fellow billionaires at Sun Valley. Soros warned his peers that they had to do more to control We The People… and if they did not, there would be a revolution. Now Soros finances pot legalization, in other words, the decerebration of the US population, while his son roams the White House. It all makes (pernicious) sense.

THC binds to cannabinoid receptors in the brain. THC inhibits synaptic plasticity, essential to learning. Regular cannabis use causes gray matter volume reduction in the medial temporal cortex, temporal pole, parahippocampal gyrus, insula, and orbitofrontal cortex; these regions are rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors and functionally associated with motivational, emotional, and affective processing.

Long term, heavy cannabis use turns people, at best, into zombies. But there is worse. As a friend of mine, a long term heavy THC user, said, the day before he stepped in front of a garbage truck and died, “my brain does not work anymore.” Most heavy pot users, even and especially if students and or intellectuals, are distinctly uninterested by what is not below their nose. Another friend, also a heavy THC user over many years, became psychotic and was put in a psychiatric hospital after she tried to kill a cop with her car.

As readers of these pages should know, it is the author’s opinion that the Dark Side is strong in all and any people, and the more they believe they do good and can only do good (say, like Putin), the more dangerous those bullies unknown to themselves are. The Dark Side has been an engine of evolution second to none: after all, when our ancestors colonized the savannah, they were viewed as food, not friends. Our ancestors survived because they were vicious fighters prone to cause injuries in their predators. Billionaires and more generally plutocrats, achieved the status they have, quite often, because they are those who are the most focused on exerting the power (kratia) of evil (Pluto). As this is unjust, and they know it, because they are nothing special, no great minds offering their gifts to humanity, billionaires and plutocrats tend to favor gathering even more power to make sure they keep their sadistic position at the top of society…

Inflicting psychotic drugs on society is a basic modern way to foster control. Plutocratic stupidification, ladies and gentlemen, nothing like it! That’s how the Roman state ended, under the blows of panem et circenses, intellectual fascism, antisemitism, christianization, and finally Catholic terror… All under the aura of obsessive sport watching of charriot races… Imagine what the Roman emperors could have done with cannabis! Wait… The Greek historian Herodotus‘s reference to the central Eurasian Scythians taking cannabis steam baths.[87] His (c. 440 BCE) Histories records, “The Scythians, as I said, take some of this hemp-seed [presumably, flowers], and, creeping under the felt coverings, throw it upon the red-hot stones; immediately it smokes, and gives out such a vapour as no Greek vapour-bath can exceed; the Scyths, delighted, shout for joy.” Turns out Greeks and Romans used cannabis (which originated in the middle of Asia)… But with moderation!

Time, fellow rebels, to understand this… We are turning into an even more addicted civilization….

Patrice Ayme

Six layers of excitatory neurons color-coded by depth….One cubic millimeter of brain cortex (above) contains 57,000 neurons and 150 million synapses, a study of 1,400 terabytes of data therein that cubic millimeter, in 2024 by Stanford-MIT shows…


The preceding was inspired by the following in WSJ: What You Aren’t Hearing About Marijuana’s Health Effects. Bertha Madras, a leading expert on weed, outlines the science linking it to psychiatric disorders, permanent brain damage, and other serious harms.

…Biden administration is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous Schedule III drug—on par with anabolic steroids and Tylenol with codeine…

Bertha Madras thinks this would be a colossal mistake. Ms. Madras, 81, is a psychobiology professor at Harvard Medical School and one of the foremost experts on marijuana. “It’s a political decision, not a scientific one,” she says. “And it’s a tragic one.” In 2024, that is a countercultural view.

Ms. Madras has spent 60 years studying drugs, starting with LSD…In 2015 the World Health Organization asked her to do a detailed review of cannabis and its medical uses. The 41-page report documented scant evidence of marijuana’s medicinal benefits and reams of research on its harms, from cognitive impairment and psychosis to car accidents.

She continued to study marijuana, including at the addiction neurobiology lab she directs at Mass General Brigham McLean Hospital….

For starters, she says, the “addiction potential of marijuana is as high or higher than some other drug,” especially for young people. About 30% of those who use cannabis have some degree of a use disorder. By comparison, only 13.5% of drinkers are estimated to be dependent on alcohol. Sure, alcohol can also cause harm if consumed in excess. But Ms. Madras sees several other distinctions.

One or two drinks will cause only mild inebriation, while “most people who use marijuana are using it to become intoxicated and to get high.” Academic outcomes and college completion rates for young people are much worse for those who use marijuana than for those who drink…

Marijuana and alcohol both interfere with driving, but with the former there are no medical “cutoff points” to determine whether it’s safe to get behind the wheel. As a result, prohibitions against driving under the influence are less likely to be enforced for people who are high. States where marijuana is legal have seen increases in car accidents.

One of the biggest differences between the two substances is how the body metabolizes them. A drink will clear your system within a couple of hours. “You may wake up after binge drinking in the morning with a headache, but the alcohol is gone.” By contrast, “marijuana just sits there

That’s worse than it sounds. “We always think of the brain as gray matter,” Ms. Madras says. “But the brain uses fat to insulate its electrical activity, so it has a massive amount of fat called white matter, which is fatty. And that’s where marijuana gets soaked up. . . . My lab showed unequivocally that blood levels and brain levels don’t correspond at all—that brain levels are much higher than blood levels. They’re two to three times higher, and they persist once blood levels go way down.” Even if people quit using pot, “it can persist in their brain for a while.”

There’s mounting evidence that cannabis can cause schizophrenia. A large-scale study last year that examined health histories… estimated that up to 30% of young men’s schizophrenia diagnoses could have been prevented had they not become dependent on pot. Marijuana is worse in this regard than many drugs usually perceived as more dangerous. “Users of other potent recreational drugs develop chronic psychosis at much lower rates,” Ms. Madras says…

Marijuana has also been associated with violent behavior, including in a study published this week in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Data from observational studies are inadequate to demonstrate causal relationships, but Ms. Madras says that the link between marijuana and schizophrenia fits all six criteria that scientists use to determine causality, including the strength of the association and its consistency.

Another cause for concern, she notes, is that more pregnant women are using pot, which has been linked to increased preterm deliveries, admissions of newborns into neonatal intensive care units, lower birth weights and smaller head circumferences. THC crosses the placenta and mimics molecules that our bodies naturally produce that regulate brain development.

“What happens when you examine kids who have been exposed during that critical period?” Ms. Madras asks. During adolescence, she answers, they show an increased incidence of aggressive behavior, cognitive dysfunction, and symptoms of ADHD and obsessive-compulsive disorders. They have reduced white and gray matter.

A drug that carries so many serious side effects would be required by the Food and Drug Administration to carry a black-box warning, the highest-level alert for drugs with severe safety risks. Marijuana doesn’t—but only because the FDA hasn’t cleared it.

The agency has selectively approved cannabis compounds for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut or Dravet syndrome, nausea associated with chemotherapy for cancer, and anorexia associated with weight loss in AIDS patients. But these approved products are prescribed at significantly less potent doses than the pot being sold in dispensaries that are legal under state law.

What about medicinal benefits? Ms. Madras says she has reviewed “every single case of therapeutic indication for marijuana—and there are over 100 now that people have claimed—and I frankly found that the only one that came close to having some evidence from randomized controlled trials was the neuropathic pain studies.” That’s “a very specific type of pain, which involves damage to nerve endings like in diabetes or where there’s poor blood supply,” she explains.

For other types of pain, and for all other conditions, there is no strong evidence from high-quality randomized trials to support its use. When researchers did a “challenge test on normal people where they induce pain and tried to see whether or not marijuana reduces the pain, it was ineffective.”

Ms. Madras sees parallels between the marketing of pot now and of opioids a few decades ago. “The benefits have been exaggerated, the risks have been minimized, and skeptics in the scientific community have been ignored,” she says. “The playbook is always to say it’s safe and effective and nonaddictive in people.”

Instead of bankrolling ballot initiatives to legalize pot, she says, George Soros and other wealthy donors who “catalyzed this whole movement” should be funding rigorous research: “If these folks, these billionaires, had just taken that money and put it into clinical trials, I would have been at peace.”

It’s a travesty, Ms. Madras adds, that the “FDA has decided that they’re going to listen to that movement rather than to what the science says.” While the reclassification wouldn’t make recreational marijuana legal under federal law, dispensaries and growers would be able to deduct their business expenses on their taxes. The rescheduling would also send a cultural signal that marijuana use is normal.

Ms. Madras worries that “it sets a precedent for the future.” She points to the movement in states to legalize psychedelic substances, for whose medicinal benefits there also isn’t strong scientific evidence. Meantime, she says it makes no sense that politicians continuously urge more spending on addiction treatment and harm reduction while weakening laws that prevent people from becoming addicted in the first place.

Gazed In Gaza? Not So Fast!

May 12, 2024

Certainly bombing children is hideous, and this is why world war two was painful even for victorious Allied generals (the Allied commanders had to decided to kill millions of innocent civilians, or may be not all of them so innocent, but the children certainly were…).

It is also why those who encourage tyrants of the most malignant type are even more hideous, because the worst tyrannies always end up with massive wars, hence the mass bombing of children. Hamas had deliberately prepared for years for a war where Israel would be forced to fight in a dense urban area, with tunnels buried 50 meters below. That forced Israel to use huge 2,000 pound bombs, to hit that deep. Those who financed Hamas, like many NGOs, charities, the European Union and what not… should have known that was coming. That’s even less surprising than Putin. Putin, like Hamas, had been very clear on what they wanted to do.

But now general Von Biden has decided, strong as he is from his Afghan debacle and the gory Iraq invasion he had been so long obsessed with promoting… that 2,000 pound bombs were verboten for the Jewish state. Von Biden apparently loves to give the bad guys another chance… The fact remains that Hamas hoped that thousand of children in Gaza would be casualties… Then Hamas’ Fifth Column of the wealthiest children of the plutocratic universities was supposed to save Hamas…

What we have seen so far has been child’s play… relative what could happen. Those who support the Putin-Khamenei-Kim-Xi drift towards thermonuclear Armageddon support the potential killing of seven billions, assuredly much worse.  In WW2 the Nazis assassinated 1.5 million children for being Jewish. The strictly German population lost 9 million civilian deaths…

Yes, one must crush infamy… Yet hell is a detailed computation… The road to paradise has been paved with countless dead children… indeed, to tell those who have been victim of a half-genocide, stopped by massive bombing… that they shouldn’t look too frightening to those who want to destroy them… defeats genuine efforts against genocides.

In the most extreme situations, nothing is better at preventing violence than preventive violence. At some point, in 1939, France had to rise and declare war to Hitler. Somebody had to do it. It was certainly not going to be racist America… And yes the French were the first to bomb Berlin, in 1940, children and all… The Nazis, those towering hypocrites, proclaimed a war crime and condemned the French fliers to death. Ultimately they got much better than that puny French raid…

Israel was using large bombs in tunnels in extreme north Gaza on May 12, 2024… Showing that the unnels of Hamas in that area, very close to Israel, are not yet destoryed…

After great wars, there are great peaces. After great peaces, great wars… The time has come and the morality of the most civilized better rise to the occasion… And probably will. Pseudo-rebellious youth confusing Hamas and Jesus Christ are in for a come-to-Jesus moment in their near future…

Patrice Ayme

Israel and Palestinians are pursuing a robust dialogue…

Financial Parasite Jim Simons And His Pet Biden

May 11, 2024

Jim Simons was a financial manipulator. Differently from the capitalists whom Marx or Lenin knew, Simons created no value whatsoever. Simons, a genuine mathematician (a student of the Chinese turned US differential geometer SS Chern, famous for the Chern-Simons differential form) got the idea of becoming a pure financial parasite. So doing he made friends in high places who enabled him in turn to keep on parasiting, as all became wealthy in the process:

The picture has it all: the professional invader of Iraq, the financial parasite, and the plutocratic university manioulated by them both. Jim Simons, the financial parasitr, right, giving the accolade to whom he financed, and whom enabled Simons, in return to be what he could be… a financial parasite who should have been unlawful… Biden was elected Senator of Delaware, the world’s number one tax haven… While Biden could not yet serve as Senator, he was not 30 yet…


Here is the WSJ about chain-smoker Simons:

Jim Simons, a mathematician who became one of the most successful investors in modern financial history, has died at age 86.

A cutting-edge code breaker and geometer, Simons helped pioneer a revolution in trading, embracing a computer-oriented, quantitative style in the 1980s well ahead of the Wall Street crowd. He and his team employed trading algorithms and artificial intelligence to outperform the market—and the likes of Warren Buffett and George Soros. Later, Simons became a political donor and an influential philanthropist in the worlds of science, health and education.

Simons, the son of a Boston shoe-factory executive, developed an early passion for mathematics and ignored the advice of the family physician who urged him to steer clear of the field because he wouldn’t make a living. The warning proved misplaced.


Simons and his fellow “Quants” found ways to extract profits from the Brownian motions of the markets. That sounds admirable until one realizes that it’s like an infinite motion machine… And a sheer impossibility… except if one somehow manipulates the markets by running the very trends one profits from, which is feasible if one has a huge amount of money. And indeed Simons made his money all of a sudden. The tempting explanation is that, once a sufficient size was obtained, Renaissance, from its sheer bulk, manipulated the markets it traded on. 

Another worry is that ultra fast trading led by AI may well trade with itself the markets into oblivion. Instantaneous trading ruins causality. To reintroduce causality a speed limit should be imposed. That is, the speed of trading.

As originally conceived, stock markets allowed investors to finance companies and control their fate. However Quants just make money, they are not interested in what companies do, or financing them. Ultimately, where does the Quants money come from? From conventional investors and companies. But there is only so much profit one can extract from a market. Once the Quants, who have no interest in how wealth is created, have taken all the wealth, the rest of society is ruined. .. and unmotivated. One should not be able to make money for oneself in all and any manner. Quants should be much more tightly regulated, and the speed of their trading bounded.  Otherwise, among other things, the markets imploding in a financial blackhole is not excluded.

A high powered lawyer in London objected:

Jay Krause said: “Nope…read Zukerman’s book. The Medallion fund has been kept small so that it doesn’t manipulate markets.

Answer from PA-Tyranosopher: The Medallion fund was known to be at least 165 billion US dollars in April 2021, which is enormously gigantic, and the largest managed fund in 2021. I don’t need to read a propaganda book, one number is enough, and speaks more volumes. And the fact is, there are cases known where RT manipulated the markets (as in the potato case exposed in the WSJ).


Real technologists such as Elon Musk are one thing. “Quants” are the exact opposite. Jim Simons, like other Quants, who tend to support Democrats, their pupetts the political operatives, call themselves “lovers of man” philanthropists, because the notion of loving people is so special to them… Direct democracy would not have such manipulators around…

Patrice Ayme


May 9, 2024

Traditional humanism pretends to understand man, but it has been a tragic failure, because it did not realize the existence of a Hate Instinct Trigger Mechanism (HITT). HITT lays in wait, not to say in ambush, ready to be triggered by external circumstances. A related instinct is the Survival Mechanism (SM). The SM consists in full neuronal mobilization concentrated exclusively on one (survival) task. In particular, all motor neurons can fire at once, releasing super human strength. SM gets launch in desperate situations. I experienced it once, while torn off an ice couloir by an avalanche. HITT is a more sedate, more intellectual version of SM.

Hate is not an instinct as automatic as breathing. So not all individuals have it at all times. Instead, it’s an instinct that is generally triggered by external eventsBut once it gets triggered, it’s like Pandora box, a genie out of the bottle, and a powerful grip on all the soul. Hate is the weaponized arm of the Dark Side.

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 

HITT is related, but differs from fluctuating lines.. HITT does not believe in “lines” or “hearts”, but in neurohormonal states. A neurohormonal state can be all-controlling. Once I fell off a mountain, courtesy of a rock avalanche, and my mind became just one state it had never been before nor ever was since: a computer fully attuned to the laws of classical mechanics… which, unbelievably, insured survival. 

Hate is strongly tied to survival and combat and thus is potentially all dominating..  

And now,traditional humanism is potentially more of a tragedy than ever before, because it failed to anticipate the present situation. We are potentially on the verge of a gigantic holocaust with potentially a few billion killed, more than in all wars of the preceding 10,000 years. These are, potentially, the worst of times. 

HITT is different from Christianism’s Original Sin. Original Sin, like the Prometheus myth it probably arose from, condemns disobedience (to “god”) and knowledge (of what “god” said one should not know)… “God” is literally a stand-in for “The Lord” (the local tyrant ruling over the serfs). Whereas HITT originates from the will to survival, that is the love of life and higher values… at all costs. HITT is close to the view on human nature developed by Rome before it went Christian.

So what’s HITT, the Hate Instinct Trigger Theory? A Pandora box of Dark Side ideas, behaviors and emotions. Once open, the world is forever changed, tomorrows are difficult. Consider humanity to be a body whose cells are individual humans. To be kept under control, this collectivity of cells, will have to be submitted to suicide (adoptosis) and killing (as killer cells in a human body… so that the body can survive…  

Why did this omission of HITT from traditonal humanism happen? Traditional humanism has, with determinate aggression, refused to look at reality: history abounds with individuals, or nations, who are full of hate. Why is there such a will to consider hate not part of the equation of human behavior? Because the quasi satanic plutocracy is in power and it must persuade its subjects that all is best in the best possible world with the very best grandees one could possibly imagine… Thus stories, sometimes remarkably inventive, are made to try to exculpate the haters… especially when they have to do with the owner class.


However Machiavel and De Sade saw the truth. While the inherent tendency of the powerful, Machiavelli argued, is to accumulate ever more wealth and power to rule the rest, the inherent desire of the people is to avoid being at the elites’ mercy. The clash between the two classes generally pulled polities in opposite directions. Yet the Roman Republic had institutions, pointed out Machiavel, and as Polybius already said, like the tribunate of the plebs, that empowered the people and restrained the elites. Actually the People’s Assembly in Rome was all powerful… and Rome had an absolute wealth law Only by channeling rather than pretending this conflict does not exist, Machiavelli said, could civic freedom be optimized.

Sade outright claimed that the great nobles loved to torture and humiliate the commons… But it was all too natural: All, all is theft, all is unceasing and rigorous competition in nature; the desire to make off with the substance of others is the foremost – the most legitimate – passion nature has bred into us and, without doubt, the most agreeable one... Marquis De Sade was no dupe. Now, of course, civilization is not natural, but nature, new and improved.


For example, some still come around and preach that “Germany” didn’t start World War One. (Actually, seven individuals at the top of Germany decided to launch the war on December 11, 1912, “within 18 months”!) The launch of WW1 was pure viciousness of the highest order: the seven German leaders knew they were launching a world war, and could not fight all at the same time, so they anticipated to defeat France first, then concentrate on Russia, and then negotiate with Britain… The negotiation with the USA was already done: world government… together… What triggered the German plutocratic class to risk a world war? The certainty that time was not working in their favor. 

When Hamas massacred as atrociously as possible more than a thousand Israeli civilians, that was a little plot residing on hate calculus in several ways: Hamas knew that hate was going to be triggered among Israelis (and rightly so). Also Hamas knew that the West is dom inated by the false and fake wokish humanistic theory that humanity was good: so surely Hamas could not have been atrocious, and surely Hamas’ Fifth Column in the West of traditional Jew haters would stop Israel… from winning the war.


So what’s HITT, the Hate Instinct Trigger Theory. It’s a theory similar to apoptosis. A human being, in a way, is a collective of 36 trillion cells. When one of these cells starts to malfunction severely, it can trigger cancer, inflammation or become a useless parasite. A mechanism of autodestruction is then launched:

“Apoptosis” is a funny word that is derived from the Latin meaning “to fall off”, like a leaf falls off a tree. And a leaf falls off a tree when it’s dead. And apoptosis refers to a process of what’s called programmed cell death where the cell is actually in a funny kind of way committing suicide. And when this happens, there’s a whole scripted choreography of pathways and proteins within a cell that get activated to actually kill the cell and without making too much of a mess. And this happens normally during development, for instance, in the development of the hand, that normally to begin with, the hand looks very much like a duck paddle foot and the webs between the fingers. Those cells apoptose, giving you the fingers. There are human conditions where that ceases to where apoptosis just does not happen and people are born with web feet. Apoptosis normally happens in cells that have been around in the body long enough that they’re kind of worn out, and so they need to make way for nice, new young cells. When that doesn’t happen, that’s cancer. And so apoptosis can be normal, and in the absence of apoptosis, that can lead to cancer. Too much apoptosis in an otherwise normal human being will result in a number of so-called neurodegenerative diseases where cells die when they’re not supposed to die. And they get messages from some place, most of which we don’t understand, to tell them to die, so in a certain part of the lower part of the brain, that’s what causes Parkinson’s disease. This also characterizes Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease, and a number of other neurodegenerative diseases.



When hate goes into action, a traditional objection is that hate will result in the destruction of the beholder. Exactly! Hate is meant to destroy. Destroy them, destroy us, does not matter in the greatest scheme of schemes, in the fundamental one


Hate Is Full of Hope: 

When hate is directed against others, an affirmation of values is made: my values are worth saving, they are so worthy I am ready to die for them, and you are so unworthy, you must perish.

So, triggered appropriately, hate is an affirmation of values, it’s the opposite of nihilism.


HITT Is Triggered By Perception Of Compromised Survival:

Human beings are  pretty innocent when they are, say, one year old. Later is often different. A very small fraction of humanity turns monstrous. However, in case of total war, the percentage of monsters can become a majority. This clearly shows that hate has to do with survival.

When the Nazis got to power, HITT was not triggered in Jews as a collective. Instead of hating the Nazis and thus try to kill them back, the Jews mostly trusted submission… Others trusted God or their legs. However the Nazis hated everybody, and they had decided to start with the Jews to warm up (however bizarre this may sound, it’s the truth according to Hilter himself… At least said so explicitly at more than one point). After the war, the Jews realized for the first time in 18 centuries that hate would save them.  


Some. like that large imperial turkey, Marcus Aurelius, makes fine distinctions between hate, anger, which he views as “wounds” and manly courageous “submission” of the enemy. So the unworthy Marcomanni, presumably, were “submitted” by the courageous Marcus Aurelius, because they were angry and thus wounded (except Commodus gave them back what they had lost…)


Hate is just the maximal passion against something or somebody, a total mobilization of the soul shaping itself in an arrow point of penetrating destruction.

So, destroy the excess population. If LOCs, Lines Of Communications, were destroyed worldwide, most of the world population will starve very soon. But starvation from overexploitation of the ecology is nothing new. In cases like that, hominid species, or races or cultures which were superior had a higher probability to survive. There may have been cases when a more brutish, cruel and stupid hominid species annihilated a more advanced species… but that’s unlikely. 

Confronted to a world that does not work anymore, hate and destroy stupid ideas. The threat of annihilation always contributes to great cultural advances.


HITT can be triggered by assault and insult. An example that is often rolled out is that Germany went into Nazism because its hate had been triggered by the Versailles Treaty. So conventional thinkers understand HITT well… and use it as an excuse. Except of course, that the Versailles Treaty was not unjust. Yes, Germany and Austria (and Russia!) lost their subjugation of Eastern Europe… But surely that was not unfair. 

Now right, Germany was HITT triggered before Nazism… But one has to go back to when hyper nationalistic militarism spiced with antisemitism arose in the 1870s (to Nietzsche’s disgust). That was made worse when the despised French, outnumbered two to one, nearly destroyed the German army in September 1914…


HITT can be triggered by weakness and opportunity:

This is what happened in the 1930s with the Axis powers. This is also what happened with the young, inexperienced and spineless Barry Obama, when he “reset” the relationship with Putin, compromised since the latter had invaded a few countries and poisoned a few leaders he didn’t like.  “Vladimir” as Obama called Putin, instead saw weakness and that was confirmed when Obabla called off a Franco-American punishment of Assad… which had been loudly and repeatedly threatened… Putin, now fully HITT triggered, by the prey reaction of the Obabla US, invaded Crimea, and then, when Obama did nothing about it, except for more boiler plate blabla and notorious MREs… Putin proceeded to invade the Donbas… Putin’s rampage became Oblabla’s top achievement… for the centuries to look down on…

HITT triggered by weakness and opportunity is also the tragic history of the Jews since Hadrian dispersed them. Israel was created to break that infernal subjugation and extermination. The squealing prey (Judaism oppressed by haters) became again Israel, a state with a defense force.  


Since HITT is triggered by the will to survive, how come it can also be triggered by weakness and opportunity? Because HITT is triggered by prey behavior… What a fast evolving species such as humanity needs is the struggle for survival. Compromised survival brings extremities of brain behavior to insure survival… So compromised survival advances culture, epigenetics and environment controlled genetics… This is true both for the affected and the inflicting.


Hate Instinct Trigger Theory implies that one has to be careful not opening the pandora box of hate: once triggered, hate is uncontrollable and can take over anybody. The existence of HITT is probably why Christianism and Islamism insist so much on forgiveness, and why vengeance can lead to eternally vicious circles of retaliatory violence (as in several Mediterranean countries…) A good way out of HITT is to understand exactly what triggered it, and fix that. This is how Northern Ireland got out of its troubles and why Brexit was so threatening (as the EU had canceled the hard border between the two Irelands, and alleviated tensions…)

Another difficulty with HITT is that, like anger of which it is a generalized and stronger version, hate is a neurohormonal state, so what triggered HITT can become independent of what it does next. Hate is no logic only dependent of its own axioms (another mistake traditional humanism makes). So one can’t be just reasoned out of hate once HITT is launched.

So medieval peasant exasperated by the feudal order, between two massive bloody revolutions against the nobles (there were some in the 10C, 14C, 17-18C) could always, full of hate as they were, punish the Jews… Nothing personal… Who the peasants really hated were the Lords, but they took it out on the Jews (they were related: nobles could get loans from Jews and at the same time regulated and controlled where the Jews lived and what they did! Overall the Jews were dispersed around, by the Lords, and well liked by peasants… so pogroms happened because and when angry dispossessed people were roaming around… At least so was it found in a refined study of the Jewish population of 152 villages in northern France, 1006-1300 CE)

Ultimately, indeed hate is nothing personal, it’s all about ecology and brain economy… in other words, physics…

We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling

It would be more accurate to say: what we have been. It’s a mistake to believe that what we have been is what we will be, especially if circumstances change… Such as the flow of years.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK had to express the “goodness and light always triumph and only them can triumph“… As a public figure in the situation he was, that made the most sense. However, in reality, hate can be used to exterminate the object of hate, thus self-extinguishing. For example, modern US denizens do not hate Indians, as the bad Indians are all dead, and their descendants are hybrids in more ways than one. It was very different when a column of wagons had to cross that desertic basin between two ranges…

Hate extinguishing what it hates is the most frequent mechanism in history: Catholicism exterminated all its opposing cults… Except for Judaism… upon which it was based. The more than 14 species of hominids Homo Erectus or Antecessor had to share Africa with didn’t go away gently, in an enlightening process. It was hate all the way into extinction.

HITT is in ambush. For the whole wide world. As the number of casualties in Ukraine is probably around a million in May 2024, a lot of hate is building up, fully triggered.

Hate is, alarmingly enough, a positive force in human evolution: it made humanity possible, and the more the way it is, by accelerating evolution through conscious culling. It’s biological, but also cultural: Don’t like slavery? Exterminate the Confederates… Yes, Sherman’s March to the Sea was an atrocity. So what? That’s why it worked. So it was that its enemies destroyed the Assyrian empire: they couldn’t defeat the Assyrian army, so they destroyed the Assyrian population to starve the Assyrian army. That was 26 centuries ago.

Hate can, and must be directed, redirected by the good towards destroying the bad (see, hope is coming!) This is how the Allies could destroy German cities full of innocent people and children, with self-righteous satisfaction (and they did the same destroying French cities for no good reason; for example ports such Toulon or Saint Malo or Caen, when there was no Kriegsmarine left whatsoever)

The Hamas attack on Israel was a pogrom… and a tease: see what we, Hamas, can get away with? The know-all-too-little wokish students in the West are with us, Hamas, and mighty Putin too.

Confronted to pogroms, the Jews have been fleeing for a millennium. When Spain expulsed the Jews, they went to North Africa and the Ottoman Empire (which was in the process of acquiring control of North Africa). In the last few decades, the Jews have had to flee North Africa, thanks to a rise of terrorism and tyranny disguised as Muslim Fundamentalism… HITT can awaken the morally most innocuous: finally, sometimes after the negotiations with Eichman to save one million Jews in exchange for thousands of trucks, failed, indeed, the smartest Jews understood, thanks to the HITT, that Israel’s rebirth, in full, as a state with an army, defending, punishing, and preventing was the solution… they were motivated by the hate, anger, call it what you want, the very strong emotions that the solution to genocide against the Jews was maximal violence.

That’s what HITT does, goodness out of violence, and that’s why we are who we are… Higher, always higher ethics without HITT, is an impossibility. That may look paradoxical to those who can’t follow the details, but is not anymore so that getting to a positive result after a computation, while using minus signs on the way...

Patrice Ayme

INNOCENCE FROM IGNORANCE: An Old Trick Used By Religions To Make Themselves Popular From The Hate They Enable

May 4, 2024

Following Socrates it’s assumed that ignorant people are (basically) innocent, even while committing evil: ignorance made them do it (exonorating evildoers from Mens Rea). Yes, sure… but what when people make themselves deliberately ignorant with the aim of committing evil? Remember that in the Nazi state, ignorance was rampant. Ignorance was a system. Remember the Mafia, and omerta (the code of obedience to the leader and silence about the organization and its business)…

The thesis that ignorance makes good is self-serving: to a great extent Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were culprit of not liking very much (Socrates), or detesting (Plato), or even lethally hating (Aristotle) Athenian democracy. At Nuremberg, the Nazis used the Socrates defense: we had no idea that these things were happening. When Adolf Eichmann was tried in Jerusalem, instead of using Socrates, pleading ignorance, something he couldn’t do as he visited Auschwitz, and literally tried to barter the lives of one million Jews with the Allies, Eichmann used Kant, who had taught him superior morality came from obeying orders…


I didn’t know the house was going to burn down, arsonists often say… “We knew nothing” (Nazi leaders full throttle chorus at Nuremberg).


Pleading innocence from ignorance is one of the oldest trick (I just shot my poisoned arrow into that bush for target practice, said Neanderthal, and my enemy was hiding there, now he is dead, I didn’t know, sorry). What if the gory religions which govern the minds of billions were designed to organize ignorance and justify evil?


Happy go goody “new age” pseudo-thinkers, gurus and their ilk, love to insist that most people fail to realize that memorizing religious beliefs does not replace authentic investigations. Pseudo-thinkers, gurus and their ilk, love to think highly of common people, so that common people will keep the donations coming. The worst possibility is the opposite: that most people do not fail to realize that memorizing deleterious beliefs does not replace authentic investigations. And they have very good reasons, or so they feel, for that: I actually know personally white slightly colored supporters of Hamas who see in supporting Hamas a way to advance their future career (hate for Israel being the way to a nice income and comfortable power)… We are “friends”… even family… I observe them calmly, silently, like hawks do with mice… 

The ecstasy of hate, a deep and most rewarding human instinct, as one discovers once neurohormonally engaged in it, comes first…

And then comes the fake belief in some pathological horror that comes in handy to justify said hate… 

Do really fundamentalist Muslims believe, in this day and age, that all and any Jew must be killed so that the Final Judgment can occur… as some famous Hadiths say, and as repeated in Hamas Charter, article 7? No. The scriptures order to kill all the Jews come in handy to justify the primitivism.and delight of threatening enemies with death.


Why so much attraction to pain and mayhem? If one does so, one forgets one is only a human being, soon to die as a mosquito. Instead, one feels like God. … A God who loves to inflict pain. Being a predator beats being a prey, so the suicidal attacker march gaily to their fate… Another very deep human instinct closely related to hate, which made life in the savannah possible. Once lions and their ilk understood that humans were that crazy, they tried to avoid them…

So Hamas is nut, but the haters inside know that, and love it. Same in Russia. People deep down know Putin is nuts, but they love it, and feel his madness is an adventure worth sharing. That helps them forget how messed up they are… Having a giant empire and calling it… Russia!


In general, anger is the best way to forget suffering, as anger leads to fight and lethal fight is made possible, evolutionary speaking, by ignoring pain.


So we see that there is a whole entangled architecture to pain, hate, suffering, beliefs in lethal metaphysics, lack of rationality, and feeling like a god. Average people are happy to use religion as a conduit and cover-up to conduct hate operations.

This is why all too many people love to have religions to hate Ukraine and Israel…. And why no doubt Chrsitians and Muslims put churches and mosques on top of the Jewish temple in the capital of Israel.


Simplicius: Would you then say that some people carefully nurture their ignorance from the desire of engaging in hateful activities?

PA: Absolutely! And this is why those who foster the truth are themselves such a hateful inconvenience…

Simplicius: But you also said new thinking was hated because it caused even sympathetic and wilful students to spend a lot of energy demolishing their old thought system and building new one? 

PA: Absolutely! 

Simplicius: So you have two different causes for hating thinkers like you?

PA: There are even more! But those are the two reasons which are major, the deepest and hard to escape: the hate of wasting energy, and the love of hate.

Simplicius: I find you rather disagreeable

PA: Absolutely!

Patrice Ayme

Soul mates… Beware of Brown Men! Brown Man tries to seduce White Man to go down, come down to Earth, while White Man wants to fly up, like a bird, so,light his spirit is… although he has no wings!

France Must Be The Engine Of Masochist, Woke, Supine, US Vassal, Europe

May 2, 2024

Europe, ex-vassal of Putin and Uncle Sam, is now embracing only the latter as the former is viewed increasingly as abusive. When worried about woke, US citizens would be well inspired of contemplating Europe. A state of the art French made anti-Cholesterol medication vastly superior to statins is sold in the USA for people with genetic hypercholesteromia (as yours truly). It’s very expensive, but US insurance pays for the French drug. One can also get that French drug in France. However, the French drug is used preventively in the US… and only curatively in France. So in France one needs to have a stroke first, and then maybe the drug shall be given… Whereas in the US, one can avoid the stroke to start with…

Speaking of France, the ecologists passed a lwa forbidding to extract French shale gas… Hey, that was important, there is one century worth of it… Better to get the gaz from Putin, and now Wyoming…

A huge self-inflicted wound in France and much of the EU is red tape. It’s analogous to Ling Chi, death by a thousand cuts. Except in Medieval China it was inflicted to serious criminals, whereas Ling Chi in Europe is inflicted to an innocent population. 

Basically, on top of French laws which are twenty centuries old (some of them), there is a whole new layer of EU laws and directives. That red tape is seriously hindering the most industrial nations of the EU (France, Germany, Netherlands). For example, there are six different types of rentals in France…

Also the refusal of deficit spending (up to very recently) has led to a massively overvalued Euro… 

Europe in general and Germany in particular cuddled to Putin after 1999, making Putin all what he came to be. Germany terminated nuclear energy and embraced coal. Germany thought the Chinese couldn’t duplicate German industry. Germany thought investing in German infrastructure was unworthy. Now huge orders of US weapons (instead of European ones) will not make things easier… Long term. Germany was told, by the US, to revive its defense spending for nearly eight years now. Still waiting…

That means that European countries consider that their defense force is the US! They are unarmed vassals. Red tape means all the start ups and domineering high tech companies end up in the USA. 

The only country that has a Defense Industrial Base independent of the US in Europe is France, which also has the only independent nuclear industry. This puts the rest of Europe in a strange situation: European defense and energy independence, means to bolster France (world’s 2nd weapon exporter). France must ignore its deficit… the way the USA long has done… And if it makes the Euro tank, so much the better.  

Europe’s Economic Laggards Have Become Its Leaders
More than a decade after painful austerity, Greece, Portugal and Spain have been growing faster than traditional powerhouses like Germany… Now Germany, Europe’s largest economy, is dragging down the region’s fortunes. It has been struggling to pull itself out of a slump set off by soaring energy prices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. …

How have Greece, Spain and Portugal pulled ahead?
After years of international bailouts and harsh austerity programs, southern European countries made crucial changes that have attracted investors, revived growth and exports and reversed record-high unemployment.

Governments cut red tape and corporate taxes to stimulate business and pushed through changes to their once-rigid labor markets, including making it easier for employers to hire and fire workers and reducing the widespread use of temporary contracts. They moved to reduce sky-high debts and deficits, luring international pension and investment funds to start buying their sovereign debt again.

What has happened in Germany?
For decades, Germany grew steadily, but instead of investing in education, digitization and public infrastructure during those boom years, Germans grew complacent and dangerously dependent on Russian energy and exports to China.

The result has been two years of near-zero growth, landing the country in last place among its Group of 7 peers and the eurozone countries. When measured year-over-year, the country’s economy shrank 0.2 percent in the first quarter of 2024.


JN from New York objected that:
@Patrice Ayme – “Basically, on top of French laws which are twenty centuries old …” Are you sure? Twenty centuries mean those are laws of the Roman Empire.

PA this is worth answering because it goes to the core of why France behaved differently… and created Europe. Basically France was Rome without the fundamental mistake of the Roman Empire. @JN Francia was the successor state of Rome. French law was always Roman law. The Lex Salica was written first in Latin and applied entangled and in parallel with Roman law.

When Roman emperor Justinian refurbished Roman law in the mid Sixth Century, the refurbishment was immediately applied in France…. whose king Clovis had been, two generations earlier, Roman Consul (and Roman “imperator” just like his father Childeric). The Franks and Constantinople were (more than) allied from 450 CE until 1204 (when a Frankish army seized Constantinople).


Jürgen, Berlin Germany

@Patrice Ayme Red tape in Germany is often self inflicted. Just look at the DIN norms making building houses so expensive.

@Jürgen So it is in France. It is to the point that declaring one’s rent, either as renter or landlord is becoming apocalyptic, and more and more people are going underground. France has six types of rent, plus six types of ecological level and six types of CO2 emission levels.  Lodgings with too low in efficiency or too high in CO2 cannot be rented. The level of no-rent is becoming worse year after year. This means that there are 216 types of rentals possible, and they vary in time.  

A similar situation holds with cars. Extravagant taxes can be applied, 150% of the price of a new car.. If the car is deemed not efficient. Efficiency is from CO2 emissions and mass of the vehicle, etc.

Patrice Ayme

Science, Tech, Philosophy, Are Thoroughly Entangled 

April 28, 2024

Our human world is founded on science (making sure of what we know), technology (using what we know by fabricating tools) and philosophy (love of wisdom). Fire science of 1.3 million years ago has been forgotten, but we are colonizing the Solar System, and grafting hearts, because of it.

There are scientific methods and philosophical methods. Philosophical methods tend to be more based on intuition, guesswork, one-case studies. Scientific methods tend to be more empirically founded, more logically or even mathematically articulated. Conflicts among scientific and philosophical approaches are often a local affair and may be very significant or completely ridiculous. Aristotle was scientifically minded when he sent his students to report on life forms. But then he was silly and not scientific at all when considering the laws of mechanics (Buridan corrected that around 1340 CE, with the same tech level, basically…)

The philosophical methods use guesswork often more systematically… But no science can be launched without guesswork, that is, without some philosophical approaches. Why to worry about this? What is it exactly to worry about? What are we trying to achieve? Why to doubt the world of the Ancient Ones?  

More philosophical and more scientific layers are diffuse, interpenetrating and entangled all over the theories of knowledge and technological practice. Generally, the less philosophical the more uninteresting a science is, and then it can become so successful, it’s simply a crucial technology.

Even math is full of philosophy all over the place… The FAS, Fundamental Axiom Systems, are a matter of taste… As a deeply contradicted David Hilbert was forced to discover from Godel, Turing, and others… Any piece of math leads to non demonstrable propositions and choosing among them is according to wealth and taste… One’s interpretation of wisdom.

Science is more or less scientific.

LCDM (Big Bang Lambda Cold Dark Matter) contains a HUGE amount of guesswork (whatever guys who were there for the proverbial “first three minutes” think)… Funny thing is that some physicists who attack philosophy do so, precisely because they follow the LCDM cult… As they vaguely felt that they were following a cult, they insisted, for themselves and their book sales, that LCDM was not a cult, but a science. Proof? They were scientists…

… while plate tectonic or the AMOC or blood circulation are well established sciences, real sciences.

The relationship between philosophical methods and science can be spectacular. Quantum Theory is huge, very precise… and at the same time obviously false, (in QFT mode), as its computation of vacuum energy is off by 10^120… and drastically incomplete… The Quantum is a good example of science as perfect knowledge and towering ignorance… Depending where you look exactly in the theory…

No advancement of science, no advancement of philosophy, no advancement of philosophy, no advancement of science… I think creatively, therefore I am looking all over…

We own this world, for better or worse. Here it is, part of it captured in a picture. This is where all this love of wisdom and knowledge led us to… Owning, colonizing, and now managing…

Patrice Ayme


Relativity Enables To Colonize The Milky Way…

April 27, 2024

Relatively EasilyWarning: The following requires knowledge and acceptance of the so-called “Twin Paradox” in Relativity (which used to be controversial).

By slowing down time, Relativity makes feasible, and rapid, the conquest of the galaxy. As usual in tech, the question of the availability of huge energy is paramount. 

When a body is accelerated to speed v, its PROPER TIME slows down by a factor of square root of (1 – vv/cc). Proper time theory, also known as local time, was discovered by Lorentz and Henri Poincaré in the nineteenth century and it is the conceptual core of Relativity (named and conceptualized by Henri Poincaré, mostly misattributed to Einstein’s abtract of 1905).

As v approaches c, then, the time inside the moving spaceship tends to go to zero. As seen from Earth, whatever happens inside the spaceship comes to a standstill. 

If one could accelerate to roughly (99/100) c, c being the speed of light, the time inside the spaceship would be roughly 10% of the time on Earth.

Indeed the crucial Relativity TIME AMPLIFIER is γ= 1/ square root (1- vv/cc) = 1/square root (1/100) = 10

So say the spaceship is going to Proxima Centauri b, the Earth sized planet in the habitable zone in the closest star to the Sun . To simplify, say th spaceship does not brake but just flies by. From Earth’s perspective, light taking 4.3 years to get there, the spaceship would take less than 5 years… from Earth’s perspective, Earth time. But, inside the ship only 6 months would have elapsed… that’s “PROPER TIME” In other words, a colonization crew could get there and colonize. Now if the ship had flown ten years, it would have gone around 80 light years…

In a thousand years, one could cover 8,000 light years….:  Consider that

Now it’s likely that, within relatively soon, hibernation techniques  will be mastered.

The problem with the preceding is the huge amount of energy needed to accelerate at .99 c is gigantic, of the order of the largest thermonuclear explosion so far… for one single kilogram… Another difficulty is that empty space is not really empty, and there would be some difficulty hitting a relativistic blizzard of various particles, let alone outright objects… To accelerate a large million ton ship at .99c is feasible, acceleration-wise (.1g would do it), but the enrgy would be of the order of say 10% of the sun output for twenty minutes. How to store that? Antimatter. Antimatter battery!

Ions could be deflected by ultra strong magnetic fields… Then the starship could be made very… aerodynamic, so to speak…

In any case the fact remains: with foreseeable tech, the galaxy could be colonized quickly (on a geological time scale). So the fact we see no activity between stars means that we are alone… Because either advanced life is very rare, or space Putins are all too frequent… Or both…

The Fermi Paradox, in light of Relativity is acute

Patrice Ayme .  

Finding inhabitable planets ripe for colonization is definitively a possibility, thanks to Relativity.

P/S: Some administrator of several sites on “Space” and “Science”, not knowing Relativity at all, and confusing proper time and Earth time, accused me of “fucking nonsense” for the preceding essay. He claimed that I pretended (which I did not) that it was possible to go faster than the speed of light. Then he banned, cancelled me, and cut off communications all at the same time, unilaterally while I was sleeping. That’s how people behave nowadays. Like cretinous fascist exterminators propelled by their hating ignorance.

WW3 Sputtering Along, Helped By Putin’s Fifth Column

April 25, 2024

Those who are on Putin’s payroll, or hope to get there, or hate democracy, say that war can be avoided. “Only a special operation”. In truth, war, world war, has already arrived. Those who know better will orient the conversation toward the fact that the greatest horrors of WW2 would not have happened, had the war been launched earlier.  Auschwitz would not have happened, had the US helped France militarily in 1939 and declared, with France, war on Hitler. Instead the USAS wited, hoping, like Switzerland or Sweden… to make a buck.

WW2 happened because of the Nazis, of course. But why couldn’t the good guys stop the Nazis earlier?

1) enough mighty US plutocrats sided with Hitler and the Axis. Let’s not the plutos repeat the performance with WW3… 

2) there were not enough democracies and too many decided to exploit WW2 for their own profits.  This time, 2024, even Switzerland realizes that selfishness is not an option. And 54 “democracies” sided with Ukraine against the tyrant (whereas on September 3, 1939, only two democracies declared war on Hitler!)

In the 1990s, Ukraine’s population was 50 million. Now it’s only twenty million. A slow motion genocide. This is what those who hate Ukraine wanted. And why do they hate Ukraine?

One thing led to another. Eight centuries of Kremlin invasive ideology… While Kyiv incarnated and led, cultured, diversified and democratic ideology. Exactly what the Kremlin cannot have if it wants to stay by far the largest land empire, much of it on stolen land.

Another factor is deep in human psychology of hate. Killing others makes one accept one’s own death more readily. Putin does not have to worry about old age anymore. He and his accomplices have to worry about killing a maximum of enemies. That’s not easy, it’s emotionally overwhelming, and then they have to attend to their bodily functions, sleep, repeat.

Any existentialist question is swept under the carpet bombing of devastation during total war. And of course, to be potentates for whom the lives of others is just like cash one can spend, is most thrilling…

A crucial factor in the French loss of May-June 1940 was lack of morale and fear of sabotage. The French communists were under order to sabotage the French war effort, because their master, Stalin, was allied to Hitler. A very practical consequences is that the hundreds of state of the art French fighter planes were not armed: authorities were worried that Communists would grab the guns. One thing led to another, and by May 1940, less than half the French Air Force opposed the Nazis. This prevented the French to establish air superiority. My dad in Algeria was stunned to see, shortly after France agreed to a ceasefire with the Nazis at the end of June 1940, appear hundreds of brand new, state of the art fighter planes in African skies. Those superiority fighter planes had never seen combat, because the French government was afraid of Stalin’s moles inside French weapon manufacturing.

Just like Putin’s apologists can’t see what Putin has been doing since 1999, the partisans of Hitler and Stalin could not see in the 1930s and much of the 1940s what Stalin was doing. Stalin had attacked Finland, invaded the Baltic republics and Poland: that did not register as negatives. Nor the fact that Stalin was de facto an enemy of France (Stalin also fueled, brought the fuel for, the invasion of France…)

We have a somewhat similar situation nowadays, with millions of educated individuals in the West who let themselves be manipulated by the Kremlin into worshiping infamy and spurning reason. .

Patrice Ayme


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress


Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress


Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress


Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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