Aphorisms 1/11/13

Weep Because Germany Is Too Competitive?

Krugman‘s “More Notes On Germany“: …“about Germany’s trade surplus and the US report saying, correctly, that it’s harmful to the world economy.

The worst thing, if you ask me, in the Spiegel report on the controversy is the statement by Germany’s Economics Ministry that Germany’s surplus is a sign of the competitiveness of the German economy and global demand for quality products from Germany.

Economists everywhere should read this and weep. It is a basic accounting identity that:

Current account = Savings – Investment

Any story about the determination of the current account balance must take this identity into account.”

Krugman talks, but he is unawares of the details, thus the devil. Innocently, like the sheep frolicking, he contentedly bleats, and points at the big bad Germans.

Germany has 20% more population than France, but one third fewer young people. So a lot of its psychological problems have to do with aging. Merkel, for example, unfortunately not just for her, had no children.

Germany’s economic outlook is viewed, by many European economic experts as the worst in Europe. Yes, it’s surprising, and little known, but this dire prediction is something those who steer the German economy are perfectly aware of. So they cling desperately to the competitivity thing.

As I said in a comment not published by the NYT, as I am not trusted, the German population is old (relative to the French one, say). And it is smaller than thought, even a year ago.

Germany needs to import people, even before stuff. As there is more work in Germany, Germany was able to “import” more than one million qualified workers, from the rest of the EU, in just one year.

So the German competitivity is a way to compensate for terrible demographics, and a not so good educational system (great for apprentices, not so much for creative engineers; France beats Germany on that score).

The interpretation in France is not that Germany is bad, but that France is uncompetitive. Solution? Not whine about Germany. Nobody serious is whining about Germany in France.

Instead, some German methods are now imported to France with gusto. One is to have representatives of the unions sitting on the board of companies. To replace strife and strikes by concertation, as done in Germany.


Some take a public oath to write 50,000 words in November.

Call that the anti-German method. Once Einstein met Valery in Paris. “What’s the little book for?” enquired Albert. “So I can write my fresh ideas, dear Albert!” Einstein was baffled:“But ideas are very rare. I could never forget the few I ever had.”

The giant mathematician Gauss had the motto:“Pauca, Sed Matura.” (Few, but mature.)

Verbal diarrhea ought not to be confused with what’s needed. Yet studies have shown that, the more blogs publish, the more popular they are. Thus demonstrating how uneducated the public is, and how much it wants to pet a cat. All the time, everyday.


10,000-Year Study Finds Oceans Warming Fast, But… From a Cool Baseline.

Notice that there is always a “But“. That looks fair and balanced, but it destroys the primary message.

In truth global warming is proceeding, not just unabated, but accelerating. The much advertized “pause” in global atmospheric warming over the last decade is nearly irrelevant.

I suggested first that the pause was due to the “sun cooling” in 2009: https://patriceayme.wordpress.com/2009/05/31/sun-cooling-ice-melting/

… followed by NASA’s Hansen and al. 2 years later: Hansen, J., Sato, M., Kharecha, P. & von Schuckmann, K. Earth’s energy imbalance and implications. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11, 13421–13449 (2011).

 Now the atmospheric pause is mostly explained as absorption of heat by the oceans. Guemas and coworkers in Nature Climate Change in April 2013 “attribute the onset of this slowdown to an increase in ocean heat uptake… Most of this excess energy was absorbed in the top 700m of the ocean at the onset of the warming pause, 65% of it in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans… The ability to predict retrospectively this slowdown not only strengthens our confidence in the robustness of our climate models, but also enhances the socio-economic relevance of operational decadal climate predictions”.

The average ocean depth is 4,000 meters. The pressure from the atmosphere is equal to that from ten meters of water. hence one can say that the ocean has potentially 400 times (total mass ocean) two-thirds (surface earth covered by ocean), that is 250 times the heat storage capability of the atmosphere.

In truth, the heat capacity of the ocean is more like 500 times, because half of the atmosphere is above 5,500 meters and warming up there mostly reflects into space (to the point the stratosphere is actually cooling, as it loses warmth from all the infrareds blocked by the greenhouse below! This is an experimental fact that has been known for 20 years, by the way…)

It’s highly likely that some ocean currents have gained force to augment convection, carrying heat away with them (proof: much and much Pacific El Nino style imbalances).

The Earth energy system has many degrees of freedom. As the heating of the atmosphere momentarily maxed out, other systems got in gear, allowing more efficient transport of heat to the oceanic depths.

An example is melting: as ice melts, or sublimates, temperature stays constant. Does not require much brain to realize this is happening in the Arctic. Especially with an absolutely gigantic permafrost briskly melting (and an even greater larger heat capacity). 

This deep ocean warming spells catastrophe, as it could quickly lead to release of methane hydrates and melting of the high latitude under water frozen basins in East Antarctica.


New York Pravda?

To cover-up the “debacle” (dixit Obama’s HHS secretary, Sebellius) of “Obamacare”, the New York Times has instituted a severe censorship system.

“Trusted Commenters” are published immediately (as they would be in the Wall Street Journal, except, there, everybody is trusted until proven otherwise!) Most of my comments, on anything, have been censored in October.

For example Krugman published essays on the French economy in the 1920s to try to disprove contradiction from his enemies. This is a subject I know well, and I could see that Krugman had missed the elephant in the bedroom. So I sent a very detailed and explicit analyses demonstrating that Krugman’s pontificating about France was fraught with fundamental flaws. It was all very scholarly. The New York Times censored all of it.

Brain recognition, not just speech recognition, is a problem at the NYT. So now comments from brainy people are not published by the New York Times in a timely manner… Because they are not “trusted”! I have had a full subscription to the New York Times for more than three decades, so I can read comments from “Rima Rigas”? And see mine not published?

“Rima Rigas” claims to be a down on her luck, dirt poor, adrenal gland cancer riddled [sic]. Still she has the time to send 30 comments to the New York Times, each day, some very long. All supporting insipid talking points of the caviar branch of the democratic party…. which obviously pays her, and a few of her ilk.

Other “trusted commenters” are obviously insurance industry shills (when the issue of private insurance and Obamacare arise, and only then, they are out there with ten trusted comments recommended instantaneously by 100 people. They have identified me as a problem, so they call me a “liar” (just because I know Europe a bit better than they do). A similar problem happens with greenhouse warming subjects; obviously paid characters show up, instantaneously recommended by dozens. 

It reminds me of the Iraq war, when none of my anti-war comments was published for 6 months. I love contradiction by clever people. Nothing is worse than confusing the bleating of the sheep with something brainy. Especially when they are obviously paid.


Patrice Ayme


5 Responses to “Aphorisms 1/11/13”

  1. pshakkottai Says:

    Dear Patrice: That looks fair and balanced, but it destroys the primary message. Fair and balanced reminds me of Obama’s favorite words.When he says fair and balanced it means ” Watch out, I am going to shake down your pockets.” Also when he says bipartisan it is supposed to be fair and balanced by definition!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Partha: Yes, of course! Tellingly, “fair and balanced” is FOX news motto. Obama professes to consider FOX is his dedicated enemy channel. Yet, in different words, as you point out cogently, it’s even obvious from India that he, Obama, has that very same exact attitude… As FOX.
      Ever since he has been president “fair and balanced” has been his excuse for doing nothing when he could do something. But history is catching up with him, the lame duck, the roasted duck.

      The hounds of truth will catch up with the foxes always.


  2. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Germany has been wearing a hair shirt for years. Viewed from France, the German success is inspiring, but also many parts of it are expected to be forsaken by Merkel, and she has promised to do so. For example there will be a minimum wage. Soon.

    The SPD will make sure of it.

    The mighty national front in France is not criticizing Germany. Far from it.

    Expect German policies to become more like France’s and reciprocally.

    The New York Times article was factually incorrect in places.

    France is not really hacking away at its social programs. Far from it, taxes have been augmented spectacularly, and now a 75% tax on income is in the process of implementation.

    Nor is there disagreement in France on the main axis of Merkel’s, or German, policy. There is a need for rigor.

    At the same time, just as Merkel has already pledged to do, French governmental spending is going up. (Although, clearly France should save money on its civil servants, that’s hard to do because the central government does not control the regions.)


  3. markus33 Says:
    CRIMINAL BARONS THAT CONTROL GOLDMAN SACHS, JP MORGAN, DEUTSCHE BANK, UBS, ETC. IMPLEMENT GENOCIDES, ROBBERIES AND MISERY IN UNITED STATES AND EUROPE Glass-Steagall or Mass Genocide October 31, 2013 • 10:09AM CLICK HERE FOR PDF OF MASS CIRCULATION LEAFLET CLICK HERE FOR PDF FOR ENDORSING THE STATEMENT LaRouche PAC issued the following statement, for mass circulation, on Oct. 30, 2013. The entire trans-Atlantic financial system is hopelessly bankrupt, and the only solution to this crisis is the immediate reinstatement of Glass Steagall in the United States. Unless the Congress passes Glass Steagall in the coming days and weeks, with a veto-proof majority, breaking the power of Wall Street and restoring a commercial banking system free from the quadrillion dollars in derivatives and other gambling debts, the American people will soon be facing a mass kill, far beyond the genocidal horrors that have been imposed on Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus and Spain. Wall Street must be bankrupted before they bankrupt us all. Every month, the Federal Reserve, with the full backing of President Obama, pumps $85 billion in fresh bailout money into Wall Street and the major European banks. At the same time, the White House and Congress have agreed to impose killer austerity cuts on the vast majority of Americans. In the coming months, the body count will skyrocket, as health insurance costs triple, as the health care delivery system is vastly scaled back, and vital social safety net programs, from Medicare and Medicaid to Social Security and Food Stamps, are stripped down to a minimum. Already, under Obamacare,14 million Americans have lost their existing health insurance, thousands of doctors have been fired by the major HMOs, critical care hospitals are to be shut down all across the American heartland, and home health care services are being cancelled. Whether you can afford health insurance or not, the doctors, nurses, hospitals and research facilities are not going to be there unless you are among the wealthiest handful of Americans. To be blunt: This is how it was in Nazi Germany under the Hitler T-4 euthanasia program, and this is how it is in Great Britain today with the Tony Blair-initiated N.I.C.E. program, under which medical care is denied to those deemed to be lives not worth living. In order to feed the otherwise bankrupt Wall Street’s insatiable appetite for bailouts, hard-working Americans are being told that their pensions can no longer be paid and they are facing a brief life of abject poverty, despite decades of contributions to their pension plans. City workers in Detroit have been told that their pensions will be cut by 90 percent, which is nothing less than a death sentence. What is happening in Detroit today is in the near-future for every city in America. In New York City, the home of the Wall Street too-big-to-fail banks, the official poverty rate is 46 percent. Under Title II of the Dodd-Frank bill, not even your household savings accounts are secure. As in Cyprus, your savings will be looted as part of the so-called bail-in scheme to save the banks at all costs. The message coming from Washington is clear: If you are old, sick or disabled, you are as good as dead. If you are young, you have no future. The message is coming from President Obama and from Congressional Republicans, who are fully complicit in plans to vastly reduce Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. So far, the vast majority of Democrats in Congress have been cowed into accepting Obama’s diktats. The only serious fight-back is coming from those in Congress who are backing the return to Glass Steagall. With two bills in the Senate (S. 985 and S. 1282) and one in the House (HR. 129) with 75 co-sponsors, Glass Steagall could be restored now. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a life or death issue. Under Glass Steagall, the United States can return to a Constitutionally-mandated credit system and launch an era of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity for all. Without Glass Steagall, we are facing mass kill. CLICK HERE FOR PDF OF MASS CIRCULATION LEAFLET CLICK HERE FOR PDF FOR ENDORSING THE STATEMENT 1) THE ABOLITION OF THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT PLAYED A FUNDAMENTAL ROLE IN THE POLICE OF MASSIVE REDUCTION OF THE POPULATION. ” Under Glass-Steagall, U.S. enjoyed nearly 50 years of prosperity October 30, 2013 • 4:48PM “Under Glass-Steagall, the nation enjoyed nearly 50 years of prosperity. Commercial banks loaned money. Investment banks did deals. Securities firms sold stocks and bonds. Insurance companies sold insurance. It worked,” points out St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The reprint of the Post-Dispatch article in a website, Creators.com indicates the growing urge among the millions to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and prevent a massive financial and economic collapse which many fear is waiting in the wings. Recalling the role of Robert Rubin, President Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and co-chairman of Goldman Sachs in repealing Glass-Steagall, St. Louis Post-Dispatch went on to say that the boom years of the 2000s seemed to validate his wisdom. The world was awash in cheap capital. But, “then came 2008. The big banks had used federally insured deposits to invest in exotic financial instruments backed by outrageous mortgages. The banks were leveraged far beyond what their capital holdings would support. The world financial system teetered on the brink.” Pointing out the failure of President Obama to change the economic situation that existed in 2008, Post-Dispatch says : “Here’s a campaign slogan: Bring back Glass-Steagall. It was good enough for FDR. It was good enough for 50 years of prosperity. The money that is churning through international finance these days is doing just that — churning, creating profits, not jobs. It makes food and fuel and most everything else more expensive. It is an outsized Ponzi-scheme that enriches the few at the expense of the many.” http://larouchepac.com/node/28722 ( Pro-Manufacturing Senators: Return to Glass-Steagall and the FDR Paradigm http://larouchepac.com/node/28715 ) WHO CONTROLS GOLDMAN SACHS, ONE OF THE BANKS THAT WANTED THE ABOLITION OF THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT ? GOLDMAN SACHS IS CONNECTED ALSO WITH WARREN BUFFET A FRIEND OF JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. Lord JACOB ROTHSCHILD “Hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002 at Waddesdon Manor, attended by such figures as James Wolfensohn, Nicky Oppenheimer, Warren Buffet, and Arnold Schwarzenegger ” https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/introduction/PEHI_Jacob_de_Rothschild_bio.htm https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/introduction/PEHI_Evelyn_de_Rothschild_bio.htm The same Warren Buffet, that is chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, ” agreed to purchase $5 billion in Goldman’s preferred stock “. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldman_Sachs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkshire_Hathaway GOLDMAN SACHS IS CONNECTED ALSO WITH THE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD. http://uk.linkedin.com/in/ruperttipler http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Christoph-Ladanyi/23971288 THE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD IS OWNED BY BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_de_Rothschild ) AND BY HIS WIFE ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_de_Rothschild ) http://www.lejdd.fr/Economie/Images/Les-plus-grosses-fortunes-de-France/Benjamin-de-Rothschild-206941 ” Benjamin de Rothschild, only son of the late Edmond de Rothschild, was a classic case of great expectations gone astray. Despite being groomed for greatness from a young age, as a teenager he skipped university and instead headed for Los Angeles with dreams of being a film producer. In LA he started taking drugs, and ended up on heroin. Meanwhile, he failed to make it into Hollywood’s charmed circle and bombed as a film-maker. ” http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/poor-little-rich-boys-1097744.html 2) “Easy-Kill” Emanuel Trotted Out to Defend Nazi Obamacare October 28, 2013 • 8:47AM Displaying its typically unrepentant, “in your face” attitude, the Obama administration deployed Ezekiel “Easy-Kill” Emanuel this past weekend, to proclaim the virtues and success of Obamacare, even while making clear that its purpose is to kill people. Emanuel, one of Obamacare’s chief architects, is perhaps the most visible face of its evil Nazi intent—other than Obama himself. First in an Oct. 25 interview with Fox News, and then in an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” program this morning, Emanuel arrogantly waved off all charges that over a million people had had their health insurance plans canceled in the last few weeks because these didn’t conform to Obamacare’s standards, but that they would now end up paying much higher premiums and/or wouldn’t be able to access healthcare because of the fiasco of the healthcare.gov website. To the charge by Fox’s Megyn Kelly and CNN’s Candy Crowley that Obama’s promise, “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it,” was an empty one, Easy-Kill huffed and puffed, telling Crowley that the insurance plans that were just cancelled “are not worth the paper they’re written on.” Obamacare offers much better care, he insisted. He had told Fox’s Kelly earlier that if insurance companies are raising their premiums or changing plans, or if employers are changing plans or not offering them, well, too bad. “That’s not the government doing this.” The numbers being reported on young people not signing up “are irrelevant,” he said. It will all be fixed in due time. The United Healthcare-linked Steve Zients, hired to fix all the glitches, is a great guy and he’ll take care of it. Making clear that Obamacare really is about killing, Ezekiel cited as its “successes” the fact that hospital re-admission rates are already dropping, and that one of its key advantages will be that a lot more care “is going to be moved into the home”—naturally, since hospitals and clinics are being shut down at an accelerating rate—and that this is “very appropriate, because we’re going to have a lot more ability to monitor people in the home, fewer infections, fewer falls and a big cost savings.” Louisiana Rep. John Fleming, also a physician with an active medical practice, challenged Ezekiel’s flippant remarks, pointing out that Obamacare means the end of the family physician and medical practices, rubbing in that Emanuel “is not a physician in the classic sense in terms of actually seeing patients…. He sits behind a desk reading all of the studies…. but the people are now experiencing all the damage and hurt that’s coming from this.” http://larouchepac.com/node/28690 “Belgium Wants to Kill Off Children and the Demented November 1, 2013 • 9:32AM Belgium, which followed the Dutch in legalizing euthanasia in 2002, is considering taking the next step in Hitler’s T-4 program — killing children and the demented. In an article in the “Health and Science” (!) section of Thursday’s Washington Post, it is reported that the ruling Socialist Party in Belgium is considering extending their euthanasia law to children — a first for any country — and would also allow the murder of adults with early dementia — with their demented “approval,” of course. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/belgium-considering-unprecedented-law-to-grant-euthanasia-for-children-dementia-patients/2013/10/31/67fd55be-4200-11e3-b028-de922d7a3f47_story.html WAPO reports: “Belgium is already a euthanasia pioneer. In the last decade, the number of reported cases per year has risen from 235 deaths in 2003 to 1,432 in 2012, the last year for which statistics are available. Doctors typically give patients a powerful sedative before injecting another drug to stop their heart.” The Christian Democratic Flemish party has vowed to oppose the legislation and to challenge it in the European Court of Human Rights if it passes. However, the Post claims to be paraphrasing an Archbishop who opposes euthanasia, but argues for “alternatives like palliative sedation which make euthanasia unnecessary — and relieves doctors of the burden of having to kill patients.” This is Tony Blair’s Liverpool Pathway, in which, the Post notes, “patients are sedated and life-sustaining support is withdrawn so they starve to death; the process can take days.” It should be recalled that Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the key authors of Obamacare, wrote in 1996 that, in order to achieve a “just allocation of health care resources,” useless eaters (in Hitler’s term), starting with the demented, should be denied health care. In his own words: “Services that promote the continuation of the polity — those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberation — are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.” See “Ezekiel Emanuel: Death to Those With Dementia, as Useless Eaters” ” http://larouchepac.com/node/11094 http://larouchepac.com/node/28737 ezekiel emanuel IS LINKED WITH obama AND THEREFORE WITH GOLDMAN SACHS. http://prof77.wordpress.com/politics/an-updated-list-of-goldman-sachs-ties-to-the-obama-government-including-elena-kagan/ “Key figures in bringing about the ACA—including several with direct involvement in imposing this on the British health system— have explicitly expressed the T4 principle, that there are “lives not worthy” to continue. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a longtime advocate for this Hitler health view, was appointed by Obama, in early 2009, as the health adviser to the Office of Management and Budget. In April, 2009, he was put on the new Federal Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, to devise rationalizations for cutting medical treatment. In particular, Emanuel stressed that the Hippocratic Oath caused “over-use” of medical resources, which must stop. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28620 “It was the launch of his presidential campaign and Goldman executives soon gave over $800,000 to jump start the Obama presidential bid along with collecting millions of dollars from their fellow Wall Street firms and clients. Oh yes, Robert Rubin became the Obama economic expert, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Billionaire Warren Buffet became his most trusted economic advisor, a man who was to invest $5 billion in Goldman Sachs in the height of the economic meltdown. Yet Buffet was also a personal guest of Lord Rothschild at a private conference at his English estate.” http://bignews.biz/?id=788260&pg=2&keys=financial-Rothschilds-Goldman-presidency “Obama’s “Hunger Cliff” Hits November 1, 2013 • 9:00AM In a feature called “America’s new hunger crisis,” MSNBC reported last night that food pantries are expecting the country to go over a “Hunger Cliff” on Friday, Nov. 1. http://www.msnbc.com/all/americas-new-hunger-crisis As LPAC has reported, directly because of President Obama’s orders to Congressional Democrats to allow the 2009 “stimulus” food stamp program to expire, 48 million people are facing an immediate $5 billion cut in food stamp benefits. And at the same time, not to be outdone by the President, House Republicans are leading a drive in Congress for still further cuts, which are now being negotiated in the farm bill conference committee……” http://larouchepac.com/node/28734 ” Obama Cutting Food for 47 Million Americans October 30, 2013 • 4:43PM President Obama bears direct responsibility for the cuts in food consumption coming now for the 47 million Americans who need and use food stamps to avoid “food insecurity” for themselves and malnutrition for their children. In 2009, when mass unemployment struck the United States and 15% were falling below even the absurdly low “official poverty line”, the so-called Stimulus Act (ARRA) added a subsidy to monthly food stamp “payments”. The subsidy has varied but has averaged $9 billion/year, as the number of Americans needing food stamps rapidly rose from 36 million to 47 million. But on several occasions in budget battles since then, Obama has told Democrats in Congress that there was “extra money in food stamps” which they should offer to cut as of FY2013 or FY2014, in order to avoid other cuts. Why “extra”? Because Obama’s “recovery” would lower the number of people needing the SNAP program. Congressional Democrats finally took Obama’s advice and ended the ARRA subsidy as of Nov. 1, 2014 — now. Many thought they would restore the funds later, but that did not happen. On Nov. 1, then, with the national official poverty rate at about 16.2%, there will be a SNAP cut of $5 billion for 2014 (from an $80 billion annual level). This is a 5% cut in the level of benefits nationally, from a maximum of $133 to $124/month (individual) and from a maximum of $668 to $632/month for a family of four — most states’ levels are lower. These cuts, dangerous to life, result directly from Obama’s “budget strategy”, which also includes cuts to Social Security and Medicare, some of which he has not yet forced Democrats to go ahead with. At the same time, the Farm Bill Senate/House conferees who met Oct. 30 are considering further cuts, of between $4.5 billion (Senate) and $40 billion (House) over 10 years. These cuts will reduce the number of recipients. The House version would knock about 5 million people off food stamps, and 280,000 children off free school lunches as well. Today 39 Democratic Senators, realizing that senior citizens, children, and disabled people, in particular, will die or suffer diseases of malnutrition as a result of this double-cut to SNAP, addressed a letter to the House/Senate conferees, urging that they make no “drastic cuts”. Also simultaneously, many states are imposing or considering additional cuts in eligibility, which will take still more food-short Americans off the SNAP program. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28721 “Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to fleece USA” http://yourdaddy.net/2010/04/29/scandal-obama-gore-goldman-joyce-foundation-ccx-partners-to-fleece-usa/ “Guess Who else visited Obama at the White House…Lloyd Blankfein…Goldman Sachs’ CEO” http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/guess-who-else-visited-obama-at-the-white-house-lloyd-blankfein-goldman-sachs-ceo/ 3) ” United Healthcare, the largest insurer, with about 70 million insured, reported last summer that they had a particularly strong past year, with net income of $5.1 billion, up by 11% from the previous year; similarly for the others — even before the bonanza to result from the corporatist plan to force every American to buy their inflated products, beginning on October 1. United Healthcare, it should be recalled, has as a top executive Simon Stevens, who was Tony Blair’s health policy advisor and the architect of NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) in 1999, the “reform” of the British National Health Service which imposed triage and genocide on the British people through selective denial of cancer drugs, surgeries, kidney dialysis, and other treatments. This was the model for the IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board), which is now the law of the land under Obamacare. Genocide can be profitable. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28409 “UnitedHealth Group Incorporated is a diversified managed health care company headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S. It is No. 17 on Fortune magazines top 500 companies in the United States.[5] UnitedHealth Group offers a spectrum of products and services through two operating businesses: UnitedHealthcare and Optum. Through its family of subsidiaries and divisions, UnitedHealth Group serves approximately 70 million individuals nationwide. ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnitedHealth_Group THE BIGGEST SHAREHOLDER OF UNITEDHEALTH GROUP IS FIDELITY. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/mh?s=UNH FIDELITY IS CONNECTED WITH BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON. ” Abigail Pierrepont (Abby) Johnson[4] (born December 19, 1961) is an American businesswoman. Johnson is President of Fidelity Investments Personal and Workplace Investing. Fidelity was founded by her grandfather Edward C. Johnson II and her father Edward C. (Ned) Johnson III is its current CEO. As of March 2013 The Johnson family owns a 49% stake in the company.[3] She had a brief stint as a consultant at Booz Allen & Hamilton from 1985–86, completed an MBA at Harvard, and joined Fidelity Investments ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abigail_Johnson Arthur Johnson, an Independent Trustee of Fidelity, is also a director of Booz Allen & Hamilton. http://www.boozallen.com/media-center/press-releases/48399320/49502902 BOOZ ALLEN & HAMILTON IS LINKED WITH CARLYLE, BUSH FAMILY, BLACKSTONE AND DEUTSCHE BANK. http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-911-illusion-part-ii-deutsche-bank-blackstone/ “In 2008 Carlyle Group bought a majority stake in Booz Allen for $2.54 billion.” ” Carlyle is the 11th largest defense contractor in the US. It is 20%-owned by Mellon Bank (http://www.dkosopedia.com/wiki/Mellon_family) and is controlled by the powerful Blackstone Group (seeOverthrow of the American Republic), which dined cheaply on the carcasses of looted S&L’s at auctions held by Bush Sr.’s Resolution Trust Corporation. ” http://www.almartinraw.com/uri1.html http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-911-illusion-part-ii-deutsche-bank-blackstone/ ” Henry Kissinger’s good friend Lord JACOB ROTHSCHILD sat on Bioport owner Blackstone’s International Advisory Board. (See Corexit Linked to the Blackstone Group and Lord Jacob Rothschild) ” http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-911-illusion-part-ii-deutsche-bank-blackstone/ http://beforeitsnews.com/gulf-oil-spill/2010/06/corexit-linked-to-the-blackstone-group-and-lord-jacob-rothschild-76363.html ” Blackstone was founded in 1985 as a mergers and acquisitions boutique by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman, who had previously worked together at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc. ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackstone_Group Peter G. Peterson ” is founding Chairman of the Peterson Institute for International Economics ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_George_Peterson http://larouchepac.com/node/28610 Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the wife of EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD, is a director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. http://www.petersoninstitute.org/institute/board.cfm Blackstone is also related with the LCF EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD, for example, through the person of Daniel Costa Lindo that is a M&A Analyst at Blackstone and was Private Equity Analyst at LCF Edmond de Rothschild. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/daniel-costa-lindo/32/255/543 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_de_Rothschild https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_de_Rothschild ( United Healthcare Firing Medicare Advantage Doctors, Panicking Elderly Patients http://larouchepac.com/node/28691 ) “Healthcare Cuts Are Killing Americans Now November 1, 2013 • 8:47AM The Nazi policy embodied in Obamacare, with its “free market” variant, is proceeding to implement genocide, by cutting off medical care. Two recent examples — one due to the cutoff of insurance coverage, and the other to dissemination of the killing policy of denying treatment to those considered “not worthy of life,” give you a sensuous picture of how this is proceeding. Here is testimony from a low-income woman in her early ’60s, diagnosed with sickle beta thalessemia, who depends on regular treatment for survival: “Last month, the day before my scheduled visit to an infusion nurse in the Boston Medical Center’s Cancer Care Section of the Hematology/Oncology Clinic, the hospital phoned to inform me that they no longer had a contract with AARP Medicare Complete, insured through UnitedHealthCare. “Hence, I could not receive my treatment there the next day. I’ve been treated there for the past 15 years. “One of the physicians who cares for me assisted in helping me to get set up at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. I was fortunate, but this physician told me that the infusion nurses in this section of the hospital are extremely upset because this drop [of coverage] now affects at least another 50-plus patients—many of whom are not able to delay their treatments, or go to another hospital with knowledge of their illnesses.” The second example pertains to denial of care to those considered too old to receive care. According to an East Coast doctor, an 86-year-old man, who was in robust health, recently fell ill with pneumonia. The doctor referred him to the hospital, where treatment commenced. But apparently this gentleman did not respond immediately to the treatment. Instead of informing the doctor, or upgrading the treatment, the patient was downgraded in his level of care. The next thing the doctor knew, he was presented with his patient’s death certificate, which stated precisely what had been done and not done which led to the patient’s death. This is the philosophy of the Nazi doctors and regime—and it is happening here. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28733 ” Team Obama Knew And Lied: Millions to Have Insurance Cancelled Multi-millions of people cross-country, who hold health insurance policies as individuals, are now receiving notices from their insurers that their contract is cancelled as of a specified date in the coming months. For example, 290,000 in the state of Washington have been so notified. The policy-holders are told: Good luck. Seek a new policy on the exchanges, which you will find is far more expensive, different and bad. President Obama knew about it from the very start, lied, and is getting hit with a renewed blast of rage from the population. He has repeatedly said, as he did in 2009, “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan…” under his Affordable Care Act. It is estimated that some 14+ million Americans as of recent years, are holders of “individual” (that is, not employer or other group) health insurance policies. But under Obamacare, 50 to 80% of these people—10+ million—will receive a cancellation notice. Already, 2 million people have received cancellation notices, according to a CBS News report today, which is more than has been enrolled for coverage on the new exchanges! ……….. http://larouchepac.com/node/28713 ( Insurance Cancellations: What Did Obama Know, and When Did He Know It? http://larouchepac.com/node/28724 ) ” Obama Administration Keeps Chiseling Seniors: Social Security Cost-of-Living Increase is Only 1.5 Percent ………In the context of the Oct. 30 Senate-House budget conference meeting, NPR ran a spot on Social Security, yesterday, citing Soros partner Stanley Druckenmiller saying of Social Security that, “This is all current seniors just feeding at the trough, stealing from future seniors,” and also quoting Jonathan Cowan, the director of the “Democratic” think tank Third Way, saying that “Older Americans, their lobbies, and the politicians who do what they ask, are actually waging war on young people.” A number of stories out in the press note a developing split between Obama and Congressional Democrats over Obama’s willingness (actually, eagerness) to entertain cuts to entitlements, including Social Security and Medicare. Negotiations on the budget deal (cuts) are scheduled to resume Nov. 13. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28736 SOROS IS A MAN RELATED ALSO TO CARLYLE GROUP, BLACKSTONE AND ROTHSCHILDS. http://www.culturechange.org/CarlyleEmpire.html ( More People May Lose Health Insurance Through Website Crash http://larouchepac.com/node/28681 ) ( Pushing Entitlement Cuts Goes Way Back with Barack Obama http://larouchepac.com/node/28701 ) 4) “CUTS IN HEALTH INSURANCE FOR DETROIT CITY WORKFORCE November 1, 2013 • 5:57AM A week ago, Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr had announced sweeping changes to health insurance for active and retired workers, slated to take effect Jan. 1, and included a summary of those cuts published by the Detroit News. More information is contained in an “adversary proceeding” filed in the bankruptcy court in Detroit on October 20, 2013, by the Official Committee of Retirees and two union retiree organizations, against the City and Orr. The opening paragraphs of the Complaint explain that during their employment with the City, the retirees “agreed to a compensation package which included the City’s commitment to provide them (and often their spouses and dependents) with healthcare benefits at a significantly reduced or no cost when they retired.”… “Nevertheless, the City recently distributed its 2014 Calendar Year City of Detroit Retiree Healthcare Plan, by which the City attempts to walk away from its contractual obligation to provide vested healthcare benefits to the Retirees and their spouses. The City has unilaterally decided to reduce its funding of the vested healthcare benefits by approximately 83%.” This means, the Complaint continues, that “To obtain comparable healthcare benefits, many of [the retirees] will be forced to go out of pocket an additional several hundred dollars per month and several thousand dollars per year.” The Complaint explains that, based on the City’s announced cuts, * “75% of Medicare eligible Retirees will see: (a) their deductibles quadruple from $175 to $750, (b) their medical co-pays and co-insurance out-of-pocket maximums double, and (c) their drug co-pays sky-rocket.” * For retirees not eligible for Medicare, “the City’s Plan will significantly increase their premiums as well as their share of actual costs incurred.” Specifically, “the City is reducing its share of the total healthcare costs for the Retirees not eligible for Medicare from 72% of the total costs to 15%, while increasing the Retirees’ share from 28% to 85%.” * Further, “On the healthcare exchanges, a Retiree who makes $29,000 annually would have to pay an additional $812 in annual premiums (above the City’s contribution and any federal subsidy) just to procure a policy that will cover only about 70% of his costs. … These additional expenditures are beyond the means of most Retirees, many of whom survive on an income under $20,000 per year. … Because of these additional costs associated with medical treatment, significant and important medical procedures and/or treatment will now be beyond the financial means of most Retirees.” Adversary proceedings are separate but related to an ongoing bankruptcy case (in this case, that of the City of Detroit), when two or more parties dispute who has the right to certain assets, or whether previous financial actions by the debtor were legal, and similar issues which affect the main case. The Official Committee was appointed in August by the Bankruptcy Court, to act as the authorized representative of the retirees in the Detroit case. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28731 THE PROBLEMS OF DETROIT ARE LINKED WITH THE BANKS UBS AND BANK OF AMERICA. ” Detroit Requests Congressional Hearing; Swaps Costs May Be Worse July 31, 2013 • 12:06PM On July 30, the Detroit City Council unanimously approved a resolution calling for a Congressional (House Judiciary Committee) hearing on the “strategic” use of bankruptcy filings across the nation, and whether Detroit is using this to cut pensions and retiree healthcare. The resolution backs a call for hearings by Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. John Conyers of Michigan. City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson proposed the resolution last week. Some experts are now estimating that the payments to the megabanks UBS and Bank of America, which Detroit faces on the “interest-rate swaps” derivatives it was conned into buying, may even be considerably larger than the $225 million reported in EIR’s “Detroit Facts”. According to both the Financial Times and columnist Yves Smith’s Naked Capitalism blog, the city may face immediate looting of $700 million, on top of more than $100 million a year lost to the city for the past eight years on these derivatives bets. The appointment of Kevyn Orr as emergency manager by Gov. Rick Snyder on March 14, was itself a “credit event” potentially triggering a $400 million derivatives payment by the city, one which Orr and the banks may be “not bringing up” until bankruptcy court hearings start. Detroit’s rapid indebtedness — going from about $6 billion in debt in 2005 to $18 billion now, is in fact not unusual, except for the size of the city. The national total of municipal debt outstanding doubled from $1.9 trillion to $3.8 trillion in the same period of time, because of the impact of debt and interest-rate derivatives looting, and then the overwhelming economic effects of the 2007-08 global banking crash. ……….” http://larouchepac.com/node/27564 BANK OF AMERICA is also connected with the person of Warren Buffet a friend of JACOB ROTHSCHILD and EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/14/warren-buffett-ibm_n_1092165.html https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/introduction/PEHI_Jacob_de_Rothschild_bio.htm https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/introduction/PEHI_Evelyn_de_Rothschild_bio.htm Bank Of America and Merrill Lynch ( subsidiary of Bank of America ) are also related with the Edmond De Rothschild, owned by BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD AND ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD, through the persons of Gerald Levy, Matthieu Walterspiler, Barbara Colombo, Beate Bakker, etc… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_de_Rothschild https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_de_Rothschild http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gerald-levy/60/b49/b87 http://uk.linkedin.com/in/walterspiler http://www.linkedin.com/pub/barbara-colombo/26/b21/766 http://ch.linkedin.com/pub/beate-bakker/16/a55/491 UBS IS ALSO CONTROLLED BY BLACKROCK LIKE GOLDMAN SACHS. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9247055/BlackRocks-Michelle-Edkins-behind-wave-of-shareholder-revolts.html http://advisor.morningstar.com/articles/printfriendly.asp?s=&docId=18573&print=yes CONSEQUENTLY WE WILL FIND ALSO IN UBS JACOB ROTHSCHILD, BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD, ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD AND EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. ” The fight for a Glass-Steagall type banking sepearation in Switzerland is now reaching the boiling point, with the Swiss Banking Association being forced to come out in the open and attack proposed legislation in Switzerland for Bank Separation, while a grouping of political forces are now consolidating their fight to force the legislation. …………………………. UBS chief Sergio Ermotti, on the contrary, chose to declare war in an interview with the economic magazine L’Agefi. While the apparent subject of the interview was the UBS gains from its investments in Vodafone, his remarks came down to an attack on the bank separation initiative, and, in particular, on SPP leader Christoph Blocher. In view of those financial gains, Ermotti said, it is understandable why people who want to strengthen the Swiss financial center and its banks, keep pushing bank separation. “It is also fundamentally difficult to carry out a professional discussion on the issue,” he protested….. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28272 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/8875360/Taxman-accused-of-letting-Vodafone-off-8-billion.html ( More Evidence of How the British Looted Detroit to Death http://larouchepac.com/node/27516 ) ( Detroit: Pensions or Derivatives? Glass-Steagall Would Have Made the Choice http://larouchepac.com/node/27528 ) http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/gangster-bankers-too-big-to-jail-20130214 ( UBS, Scared by Glass-Steagall, Announces Fake Pre-Emptive ‘Separation’ http://larouchepac.com/node/28739 ) 5) ROBBER BARONS OF DEUTSCHE BANK PLAN TO STEAL THE DEPOSITS OF THE SAVERS ” At an event of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Wiesbaden on Wednesday night, the theme of which could be described as “Ask what you can do for your bank,” the two speakers, Hesse State Finance Minister Thomas Schäfer (CDU) and Deutsche Bank chief economist Thomas Mayer, made heavy propaganda pitches for the bail-in approach, presenting it along with the euro as ostensibly lacking any alternative. Mayer even went so far as to speak of the “unenlightened welfare state citizen” who always wants the state to give and never gives himself, as opposed to the “enlightened welfare state citizen” who voluntarily pays more taxes.” http://larouchepac.com/node/27223 http://larouchepac.com/node/28525 WE HAVE ALREADY NOTED THAT DEUTSCHE BANK IS RELATED WITH BLACKSTONE. http://transmissionsmedia.com/the-911-illusion-part-ii-deutsche-bank-blackstone/ NATO THAT IS CONTROLLED BY THE ATLANTIC COUNCIL HAS STRONG RELATIONS WITH DEUTSCHE BANK. CAIO KOCH-WESER, VICE CHAIRMAN OF DEUTSCHE BANK IS ALSO CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS ADVISORY GROUP (BEAG) OF THE ATLANTIC COUNCIL. http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/about/advisory-groups 6) ” VIOLENT REVOLTS IN BRITTANY, A TASTE OF GREECE IN FRANCE October 31, 2013 • 10:56AM The French region of Brittany, once the model of the post-war industrial reconstruction and modernization policies, has in recent weeks and days entered into profound crisis. Last weekend a demonstration of some 1,000 farmers and entrepreneurs became a violent confrontation with the police. One of the demonstrators lost his hand when a grenade he was launching exploded, another one was gravely wounded. Apparently, what led to a mass revolt in the region is an ecology tax on heavy transporters adopted by Sarkozy, but which the Socialists with their Greenie allies are now imposing throughout France. Brittany is a very extended region with a highly developed and integrated agro-food sector, which would be taxed much more than other regions……….” http://larouchepac.com/node/28726 ” But behind this ecological tax there is another issue, which has never been submitted to public debate: this is the first time that the collection of the tax is entrusted to private companies. A consortium led by Benetton, Goldman Sachs, Thales and SFR receives 20% of the tax revenues to ensure its collection. Something similar has never seen before!…………. “The eco-tax is without doubt expensive,” admits Marie-Hélène Des Esgaulx. For a total of 1.2 billion euros collected, approximately EUR 280 million are devoted to the remuneration of the private company that ensures the collection. 23% [1]! It is the most expensive fee ever implemented!…….. http://www.bastamag.net/article3465.html http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bastamag.net%2Farticle3465.html IN CONCRETE THE BENETTON FAMILY IS A COVER OF THE ROTHSCHILDS. ALESSANDRO BENETTON WORKED FOR GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandro_Benetton BENETTON IS ALSO CONNECTED WITH JP MORGAN. http://blog.ilgiornale.it/porro/2013/10/28/i-benetton-e-i-muri-cinesi-di-jpmorgan/ http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.ilgiornale.it%2Fporro%2F2013%2F10%2F28%2Fi-benetton-e-i-muri-cinesi-di-jpmorgan%2F 7) GOLDMAN SACHS CONTROLS ALSO BRITAIN BECAUSE THE GOVERNOR OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND IS A MAN OF GOLDMAN SACHS. ” Bank of England Head Carney Hangs Out His Shingle: Financial Cancer Welcome Here October 28, 2013 • 8:53AM The new head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, who took office in August of this year, intends to make the City of London even more friendly than it is now to cancerous financial speculation, if you can imagine that. In his first major speech on financial regulation, Carney, a former Goldman Sachs banker, told an audience organized by the Financial Times: “Five simple words describe our approach: we are open for business.” Among other things, he announced relaxed rules for collateral that banks must provide in exchange for Bank of England funds. In an Oct. 26 article in the Telegraph, Kamal Ahmed gushed: “The new Governor has shown a proper understanding of the role financial services play in Britain’s economic health. Yes, the banking sector might be four times the size of the UK’s national income—a figure Mr. Carney suggested could rise to nine times by 2050—but as long as that system is resilient and the taxpayer protected from ever having to bail out institutions again, it does not need to be a problem.” Ahmed quoted Carney saying: “The UK stands to benefit because of London’s place at the heart of the global financial system.” Therefore, the Bank of England “will now offer liquidity against a wider range of collateral, offer it over a longer period and lower the cost of the facilities,” Ahmed reported. “The City, after all, does support a million jobs in the UK, two-thirds of them outside the capital.” Ahmed also urged Carney, and the Confederation of British Industry, to put an end once and for all to any thought of ring-fencing or anything vaguely resembling bank separation—let alone a serious Glass-Steagall anti-cancer treatment—lest the City of London’s preeminent role in world finance be threatened. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28692 ” Great Britain is attempting to rebuild its empire, step by step, in the midst of the meltdown of the trans-Atlantic system. Earlier this month while on tour in China, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced that the City of London hopes to become China’s offshore banking center, and it wants to corner 80% of the renminbi foreign exchange trade. Now both Osborne and Prime Minister David Cameron have announced that they want London to become the Islamic banking center of the world, as well…………” http://larouchepac.com/node/28709 carney, osborne and cameron WHILE ARE MAKING PLANS FOR THE BANKS, IN THE SAME TIME ARE ABANDONING THE MOST VULNERABLE PEOPLE OF THE SOCIETY IN THE MISERY !!! http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/apr/20/david-cameron-jersey-panama-geneva http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1080666/Multi-millionaire-Nat-Rothschild-Osbornes-200-000-gift.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/163850bn-official-cost-of-the-bank-bailout-1833830.html “UNITED KINGDOM GOVERNMENT DENOUNCED FOR CRIMES AGAINST DISABLED PEOPLE TO INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT IN THE HAGUE” http://www.mssociety.org.uk/forum/everyday-living/united-kingdom-government-denounced-crimes-against-disabled-people-internation http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/sep/12/private-firms-disability-assessment-regime http://socialinvestigations.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/charity-sector-lobbied-jeremy-hunt-to.html http://socialinvestigations.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/over-60-mps-connected-to-companies.html http://socialinvestigations.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/nhs-privatisation-compilation-of.html “EXCLUSIVE: RED CROSS LAUNCHES EMERGENCY FOOD AID PLAN FOR UK’S HUNGRY” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/exclusive-red-cross-launches-emergency-food-aid-plan-for-uks-hungry-8872496.html “10,600 SICK & DISABLED PEOPLE DIED LAST YEAR WITHIN SIX WEEKS OF THEIR CLAIM ENDING ”
    10,600 sick & disabled people died last year within six weeks of their claim ending
    ” BEDROOM TAX BLAMED FOR GRAN’S DEATH ” http://www.standard.co.uk/panewsfeeds/bedroom-tax-blamed-for-grans-death-8612630.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2240075/Now-sick-babies-death-pathway-Doctors-haunting-testimony-reveals-children-end-life-plan.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9716418/Half-of-those-on-Liverpool-Care-Pathway-never-told.html 8) “Glass-Steagall Campaign in Italy The following was contributed by Liliana Gorini, Chairwoman of Movisol, in Italy. In the last weeks, the debate over banking separation increased in Italy, as a result of the Movisol campaign to gather signatures 50,000 signatures for a proposed legislation on Glass-Steagall, and also as a result of the worsening economic and social crisis in Italy. More than 1,500 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have committed suicide in Italy in the last year, because their firms, which were mostly family enterprises, went bankrupt as a result of the lack of bank credit. At the same time, the Monti government and the Letta government, gave banks that have been speculating in derivatives, such as Monte dei Paschi di Siena, almost EU6 billion, more than the revenues of the much-hated IMU property tax on homeowners’ residences, while cutting the social expense (pensions, health, education) as demanded by the EU. And now the discussion about bail-in and a 15% forced levy on bank accounts, as in Cyprus, is making the population very angry. ………………….. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28706 ( Italy: Two New Legislative Initiatives for Glass-Steagall http://larouchepac.com/node/28732 ) THE PRINCE GIROLAMO STROZZI IS A DIRECTOR OF MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA. Click to access Banca%20Monte%20dei%20Paschi%20di%20Siena2003.pdf GIROLAMO STROZZI IS CONNECTED WITH TONY BLAIR. http://aangirfan.blogspot.nl/2006/05/blair-and-natalia.html AND TONY BLAIR IS LINKED WITH JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/6672904/Roman-Polanski-will-be-too-late-to-complete-his-film.html “Tony Blair. Illegitimate Son Of Jacob Rothschild….Evidence” http://the-tap.blogspot.com/2012/06/can-you-spot-it.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Rothschild,_4th_Baron_Rothschild http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1138789/Now-Tony-Blairs-finally-got-private-jet-hes-wanted-rented.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Robert_de_Rothschild NOW WE MUST NOTICE A STRANGE COINCIDENCE:” TONY BLAIR A GREAT FRIEND OF JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND ALSO GREAT FRIEND OF EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD AND “CASUALLY” HE FOUND A GOOD PLACE IN THE BANK JP MORGAN”. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/05/28/heckler-brands-tony-blair-a-war-criminal-over-jpmorgan-payments/ http://landdestroyer.blogspot.de/2012/05/protester-calls-tony-blair-war-criminal.html http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/celebritymoney/article-2167655/Former-PM-Tony-Blair-alleged-earned-80million-2007.html http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article-2167038/Tony-Blair-earned-20m-just-year-advising-business-bosses-foreign-governments.html ” In Britain, on April 1, 1999, the first initiative was taken by the Tony Blair government (1997-2007) in the name of health care “reform,” to institute an updated version of the Hitler T4 program: the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was formed, to dictate what treatments would, and would not, be given to designated groups of patients in the British National Health Services (NHS), which had served the nation since the 1940s. Blair’s health adviser to set up NICE, Simon Stevens, then moved to takedown the NHS system, by privatizing key functions, in particular through the private insurer UnitedHealth Group UK, which Stevens joined. The record shows how the death rate has climbed for whole classes of Britons, especially the elderly and cancer patients, as a result of both NICE barring treatments, and the NHS being dismantled. For example, as of 10 years after NICE went into effect, only 40 to 48% of British men diagnosed with cancer survived, and 48 to 54% of British women; in stark contrast to Sweden, for example, where 60% of men and 61% of women survived after a cancer diagnosis. …….. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28620 JP MORGAN IS ALSO CONNECTED WITH THE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED BY BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_de_Rothschild) AND BY HIS WIFE ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_de_Rothschild ). http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/juan-bergas-sastre/22/39/898/en http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Richard-Madeley/89504503 ( NAZI ” j.p. morgan SAYS POST-WWII ANTI-FASCIST CONSTITUTIONS ARE OBSTACLE TO REIMPOSING FASCISM ” http://larouchepac.com/node/26996 ) http://waronyou.com/forums/index.php?topic=25529.0 http://larouchepac.com/node/28338 http://larouchepac.com/node/27485 http://www.occupy.com/article/global-power-project-part-4-banking-influence-jpmorgan-chase http://larouchepac.com/node/28700 THE BANK MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA IS RELATED ALSO WITH THE EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED BY BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD AND BY HIS WIFE ARIANE DE ROTHSCHILD. http://be.linkedin.com/pub/tiziana-rizzo/9/896/7ab http://www.linkedin.com/pub/amaury-nam%C3%A8che/a/bb4/51 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_de_Rothschild https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_de_Rothschild http://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/18263600/jp-morgan-under-investigation-in-monte-paschi-probe-document/ THE “ITALIAN” FINANCE MINISTER fabrizio saccomanni WANTS TO REDUCE THE USE OF THE CASH PAYMENTS THAT ARE ALREADY BANNED OVER 1.000 EURO WITH THE PRETEST THAT WILL BE REDUCED THE TAX EVASION. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&sl=it&tl=en&u=http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/modules.php%3Fname%3DNews%26file%3Darticle%26sid%3D12531 ” Imposing the “cashless society”, banks get rid of their old nightmare: the bank run. Banks do not really have on hand the money that you gave them in storage; have them involved ten or twenty times their value, in «investments»;they earn huge profits from interests on this fictional currency. The game holds up because people do not know this fact – the fundamental fractional credit fraud – and believes that his deposits are safe in the Bank». …………………………….. In cashless society, the problem is solved. The Bank may lack cash, banknotes but is never short of electronic bits. Do You want 10 thousand euros today ? You call the Director, they say you that “is prohibited”, and if you insist, they tell you to re-pass “after five days”. Tomorrow instead 10 thousand euros are ready and already paid in your virtual wallet, which can also be your smartphone.” http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.effedieffe.com%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D219625%3Abersani-fara-la-guerra-al-contante-opponiamoci%26catid%3D83%3Afree%26Itemid%3D100021 ” Saccomanni worked at the Bank of Italy most of his career.[4] His tenure at the bank interrupted only when he worked at the International Monetary Fund (1970 – 1975) and at the London-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development where he served as vice president from 2003 to 2006.[5] He also served as the chairman of the foreign exchange policy committee of the European Monetary Institute from 1991 to 1997 in addition to his post at the Bank of Italy.[6] He was the director general of the Bank of Italy where he started his career in June 1967.[3][7] He was appointed director general on 2 October 2006 and reappointed in 2012.[1] He was also a board member of the Bank for International Settlements and an alternate to the governor of the Bank of Italy in the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.[3] ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrizio_Saccomanni THE PLAN OF ELIMINATION OF THE CASH IS IN CONCRETE A PLAN OF GOLDMAN SACHS BECAUSE THE BANK OF ITALY WHERE WORKED saccomanni IS CONTROLLED BY GOLDMAN SACHS. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/2809685/Italians-claim-country-run-by-Goldman-Sachs.html saccomanni HAVE TO EXPLAIN US HOW IS GOING TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF SOME OF HIS FRIENDS, HUGE TAX DODGERS, THAT CONTROL THE BANK OF ITALY. ” In the Cayman Islands were found the following accounts: 700 26891 A01 N BANCA D’ITALIA UFFICIO RISCONTRO VIA NAZIONALE, 91 I-00184 ROMA ITALIA 709 27154 A01 N BANCA D’ITALIA SERVIZIO RAPPORTI CON L’ESTERO, UFFICIO RISCONTRO 2484 VIA NAZIONALE, 91 I-00184 ROMA ITALIA; – on the web – http://spazioinwind.libero.it/cobas/finanzaloro/bancaditalia.htm – The Bank of Italy in 1994, through the Italian Exchange Office (UIC) entered – with $ 100 million – in a society controlled by the Hedge Fund Ltcm established in the tax haven of the Cayman Island by promoting members of the same LTCM! ! http://www.disinformazione.it/questione_monetaria.htm http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&sl=it&tl=en&u=http://www.disinformazione.it/questione_monetaria.htm http://www.globalresearch.ca/financial-crime-in-londons-parasites-paradise-or-the-best-sanctuary-money-can-buy/5307928 CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL EUROPEAN UNION HAS PREPARED BIG FUND (EUROPEAN STABILITY MECHANISM) WITH THE MONEY OF THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS TO SAVE SOME BANKRUPT BANKS. http://larouchepac.com/node/23172 ” Deutsche Bank, now the number one derivatives- and currency-trading bank in the world through its City of London operation, survived to become what it is now — a monster with a $72 trillion derivatives portfolio — because it was massively bailed out in October 2008 by Timothy Geithner and the New York Fed.” http://larouchepac.com/node/26698 ITALY AND THE EUROPEAN UNION ARE WELL CONTROLLED BY GOLDMAN SACHS. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/analysis-and-features/what-price-the-new-democracy-goldman-sachs-conquers-europe-6264091.html ( FIVE YEARS LATER: RED CROSS, CARITAS WARN OF EUROPE’S DESCENT INTO HELL http://larouchepac.com/node/28529 ) 1) ITALY IS INCREASING ITS DEBT IN ORDER TO POUR, IN SEVERAL INSTALLMENTS, OVER 125 BILLIONS TO THE ESM: 2) ITALY WILL INCREASE FOR A SECOND TIME ITS DEBT WHEN WILL ASK AS LOAN A PART OF THAT SAME MONEY WITH USURIOUS INTERESTS BY THE ESM IN ORDER TO GIVE THEM TO THE BANKS. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.comedonchisciotte.org%2Fsite%2Fmodules.php%3Fname%3DNews%26file%3Darticle%26sid%3D12431%26mode%3Dthread%26order%3D0%26thold%3D0 ALSO ITALY ARE ABANDONING ITS DISABLED PEOPLE WITHOUT BENEFITS AND WELFARE IN ORDER TO SAVE THE BANKS. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nuovaresistenza.org%2F2013%2F10%2F26%2Flitalia-abbandona-piu-deboli%2F ( Poverty Has Doubled in Five Years in Italy http://larouchepac.com/node/28725 ) 9) ROBBER BARONS IN ACTION IN ITALY enrico letta, THE PRIME MINISTER OF ITALY IS PROCEEDING TO THE SELLING OUT OF ITALY. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Letta enrico letta IS A PUPPET OF GOLDMAN SACHS BECAUSE HIS UNCLE gianni letta IS “A MEMBER OF THE ADVISORY BOARD OF GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianni_Letta letta IS SELLING THE COMPANY ANSALDO TO DOOSAN, GENERAL ELECTRIC AND HITACHI. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ilmanifesto.it%2Fattualita%2Fnotizie%2FmricN%2F9907%2F DOOSAN IS RELATED TO MCKINSEY. https://alumni.mckinsey.com/alumni/default/public/content/jsp/alumni_news/20060926_JimBemowskiLBN.jsp MCKINSEY IS LINKED WITH TONY BLAIR, A NOTORIOUS FRIEND OF LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND SIR EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005/06/enron-mckinsey-tony-blair-cabinet.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359330/Gaddafi-heir-Saif-inevitably-friend-Andy-Mandy.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1138789/Now-Tony-Blairs-finally-got-private-jet-hes-wanted-rented.html MCKINSEY IS ALSO LINKED WITH BENJAMIN DE ROTHSCHILD. http://il.linkedin.com/pub/michal-agmon/22/359/784 http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Pascal/Chrobocinski GENERAL ELECTRIC IS CONNECTED ALSO WITH BP AND GOLDMAN SACHS BOTH CONTROLLED BY BLACKROCK. http://larouchepub.com/other/2007/3427bae_slimemold.html http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/BlackRock HITACHI ALSO HAS RELATIONS WITH GOLDMAN SACHS. http://www.hightechnewstoday.com/mar-2011-high-tech-news-archives/55-mar-07-2011-high-tech-news.shtml ” In the television performance of PILLAGER Saccomanni, aroused particular wonder the hypothesis to privatize, in addition to ENI, also the RAI…….. The interesting aspect of the RAI in the eyes of privatisation lobby, concerns something else, precisely its not negligible real estate. The “public” broadcasting entity owns many buildings and land, located in almost every region of Italy. ” http://terracinasocialforum.wordpress.com/2013/10/31/colto-con-le-mani-nel-sacco-manni/ http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fterracinasocialforum.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F10%2F31%2Fcolto-con-le-mani-nel-sacco-manni%2F https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAI RAI OWNS ABOUT 660,000 SQUARE METERS OF REAL ESTATE !!!. http://www.immobili.rai.it/ http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.immobili.rai.it%2F ” The privatisation of real estate does not give nothing to the State, but It costs, and even very much…..Saccomanni has decided to find the necessary money, almost two billion euro within the next four years, in an institute like the INAIL, the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work. ” SACCOMANNI IS PAYNG THE ROBBER BARONS TO STEAL OUR HOME ? “In the INAIL there is still a lot to plunder, because is not only a financial safe, but also owns a huge real estate. Although the sales of the past few years, INAIL still owns a real estate rather rich and varied, ranging from historic buildings of architectural and artistic value, until the offices and the apartments. ” http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.a-realestate.it%2Fnews%2Fspeciali%2F111006_inail.html%3Fpg%3D2 ( ITALY WILL SELL OFF HISTORIC CASTLES TO RESTORE THE BUDGETARY HOLES http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.comedonchisciotte.org%2Fsite%2Fmodules.php%3Fname%3DNews%26file%3Darticle%26sid%3D12458 ) ” The Wall Street Journal recently reported the renewed interest for U.S. and German multinationals for the Italian real estate; ” http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304330904579137381040342114 http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=it&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fterracinasocialforum.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F10%2F31%2Fcolto-con-le-mani-nel-sacco-manni%2F THESE MULTINATIONALS ARE REALY AMERICACAN AND GERMAN ? A) MORGAN STANLEY IS CONTROLLED BY BLACKROCK LIKE GOLDMAN SACHS. ” BlackRock says it owns about 6.2% of Goldman and 5.4% of Morgan Stanley ” http://advisor.morningstar.com/articles/printfriendly.asp?s=&docId=18573&print=yes B) ALLIANZ IS CONNECTED WITH GOLDMAN SACHS http://larouchepac.com/node/14786 C) QATAR IS A PROTECTORATE OF THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. http://www.ipfa.org/news/12957/rbs-pledges-its-expertise-to-support-long-term-qatar-growth BUT RBS IS ALSO LINKED WITH GOLDMAN SACHS. http://larouchepac.com/node/14786 D) CERBERUS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP IS LINKED WITH BLACKSTONE. SETH P. PLATTUS IS ” Chief Administrative Officer, Co-General Counsel and Senior Managing Director of Cerberus Capital Management….Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Plattus was an investment banker for The Blackstone Group from 1990 to 1994 ” http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Seth-Plattus/68085282 E) KKR & Co. ( Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co ) IS RELATED WITH JP MORGAN. ” Institutions which hold two individual cross leadership positions with JPMorgan Chase include: the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the University of Chicago, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., General Electric, Asia Business Council, the U.S. President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the Coca-Cola Company, National Bank of Kuwait Advisory Board, INSEAD, China-United States Exchange Foundation, Mitsubishi, the Carlyle Group, and the IMF. ” http://www.occupy.com/article/global-power-project-part-4-banking-influence-jpmorgan-chase F) OAKTREE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IS LINKED WITH CITIGROUP, RBS, GOLDMAN SACHS AND WARREN BUFFETT, THE FRIEND OF JACOB ROTHSCHILD AND EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD. Howard Marks Co-founder and Chairman of Oaktree Capital Management ” worked at Citicorp first as an equity research analyst and then as the company’s Director of Research. From 1978 to 1985 he served as the company’s Vice President, as well as a senior portfolio manager overlooking convertible and high yield securities ” ” In March 2011 he published the book The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor through Columbia Business School Press. The book covered his investment strategies and analysis of market opportunity and risk. The book was praised by Warren Buffett, who called it a rarity in its usefulness. According to Buffett, “When I see memos from Howard Marks in my mail, they’re the first thing I open and read. I always learn something, and that goes double for his book.”[12] ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Marks_(investor) ” The Royal Bank of Scotland interlocks with BP, Goldman Sachs, Textron, Lloyds TSB, UBS Warburg, J.P. Morgan Cazenove, Swiss Re, mining company Xstrata, pharmaceuticals giant AstraZeneca, Citigroup, and the Prince’s Trust. Lloyds TSB and HBOS, the other two of the top five British banks, plug into this same network in multiple places.” http://larouchepub.com/other/2007/3427bae_slimemold.html http://larouchepac.com/node/14786 G) BLACKSTONE GROUP ” Professor Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and former Chairman of President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers, goes public over the World Bank’s, “Four Step Strategy,” which is designed to enslave nations to the bankers. I summarize this below, Step One: Privatization. This is actually where national leaders are offered 10% commissions to their secret Swiss bank accounts in exchange for them trimming a few billion dollars off the sale price of national assets. Bribery and corruption, pure and simple. ” http://www.iamthewitness.com/books/Andrew.Carrington.Hitchcock/Synagogue.of.Satan/1998-2002.htm letta,saccomanni AND company ARE PREPARING TO TAKE THE HUGE TANGENT OF 10% BY GOLDMAN SACHS ? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/2809685/Italians-claim-country-run-by-Goldman-Sachs.html AND berlusconi WHERE IS ?……..IS WAITING ALSO HIM THE HUGE TANGENT OF 10% ? ” To remedy this crisis, we must undertake three important initiatives: 1. SEPARATE THE PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLE OF MEDICINE FROM A DISEASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Restore the essence of the Hippocratic Oath as the philosophical center of the medical professions. The practice of medicine is meant to serve the development of people, not Wall Street financial conglomerates, and “population reduction” agendas. As Hippocrates said, “It is the duty of the physician, not only to do that which immediately belongs to him, but likewise to secure the cooperation of the sick, of those who are in attendance, and of all the external agents.” 2. RESTORE THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT OF 1933. The same Wall Street debt bubble which is crushing the Federal government is crushing the medical profession, as well as the rest of the economy. The only way to liberate ourselves from its destructive effects, is to restore the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Its repeal in 1999 opened the door to the growth of the biggest financial bubble in history. We must separate commercial banking from investment banking, and let Wall Street sink under the weight of its own bad investments. No more bailouts, or bail-ins, for Wall Street. 3. IMPEACH PRESIDENT OBAMA. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he is incapable of performing the job for which we hired him. Multiple legal authorities have already assembled articles for impeachment. This man has failed you, and will allow you to die, with his inept and undeniably lethal policies that masquerade as “health care reform.” It is time for the American people and their medical community to wake up, before it is too late. ” http://larouchepac.com/node/28640 LikeLike
    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      I am no friend of Larouche. And I have strong reservations about some policies of president FD Roosevelt (although I approve very much some of them). However, I do agree that FDR’s Banking Act of 1933 (“Glass-Seagal”) ought to be re-instated.
      As I am in the process of doing other urgent things, such as posting against Obamascare, I will read the rest of the comment later. (So any outrage there, if any, is not approved by my silence! ;-)!


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