Obama’s Dog Wishes

Once I was talking to a MD, a very young cancer specialist. He is making millions, in the very exploitative health care system of the USA. He told me Obama was really smart. I asked him why. He said: ”He taught Constitutional Law, was a Senator, and now he is president. What other proof do you need?” I pointed at Obamacare. He chuckled, no doubt contemplating decades of happy returns of multi-million dollar income, in the guise of helping the underclass.

Right, Obama is very smart. Yet, one can be smart in many ways. This is Obama’s wishes, 24 December, 2013. I am cutting and pasting Obama’s exact tweet:

“From this family to yours, have a peaceful Christmas Eve.” pic.twitter.com/nfPOEni3xk. This is the picture:

Obama: I Stick My Tongue Out To You

Obama: I Stick My Tongue Out To You

A given thing can always be looked at in many ways. A way to look at Obama sending a pic of his panting dog is that Obama is acknowledging the truth.

In words: When you are a dog, it is natural to stick your tongue at We The People. Obama cares for your health: he is ready to lick you.

Countless leaders rose through obscurity, throughout the ages, and were viewed, by their millions of followers, as the smartest men who ever lived.

Some will say, this is different, the USA is a democracy. But of course not: including the so called “representatives”, less than 1,000 people pull the string in the USA, population 320 million. In Athens, thousands of people pulled the strings. A quorum of 6,000 citizens existed for the less controversial decisions. It’s as if, in today’s USA, a minimum of twenty million individuals had to explicitly vote for decisions.

Republican Rome was also much more of a democracy than we have nowadays: a Consul had full judicial and executive powers just for one month at a time, and that just for a year, and had to share power with the Tribunes of the People, who were sacrosanct, and kept the legislative power.

As I explained, in “Representation Is No Democracy”, Switzerland is legislatively democratic: the People decides the laws. But not so in the other Western so called “democracies”. Athens was legislatively and executively democratic.

So Obama became president. He and a critical mass of his supporters had a party until they lost most power in their carnival cruise ship. Then they accuse the Republicans to have taken over the helm. They had just forgotten to use their full power to serve We The People, when they had it.

Most of Obama’s “reforms”, and change of directions had to do with pursuing what G.W. Bush had started. So we are in G.W. Bush’s Fourth Term.

G W Bush, son, and grandson of one of history’s worst plutocrat, naturally had decided to make tax payers rescue American banking, and American industry, even before Obama became president.

The only thing Obama really did is to decide to have the American Middle Class pay some more to the health care plutocracy, by duplicating the “reform” Republican plutocratic governor Romney had imposed in Massachusetts. Interestingly, Obama, a Freudian dream boy, calls Obamacare his “signature achievement”, the exact same term, signature, that he uses when he kills civilian gatherings with drones.

Most of Obama’s supporters can’t see deeper than Obama’s bronze color, and, to this day, sing his praises. I personally gave two years, much writing and action behind the scene, influencing the influential, and spent a fortune getting Obama elected, just to see him follow exactly the “advice” he got from all and any the plutocrat he met, whom he all celebrated as “friends”.

Thus one can safely say that most of Obama’s supporters are not very smart. Yet, that’s smart: not only they do not suffer more than mussels beatifically beaten by the waves, but they please their masters. Plutocrats don’t want them any other way than dumb, and self congratulatory.

And what of Obama? Is he smart? There are many ways to be smart. One can be smart as a dog, smart as a human, or street smart. There is no doubt that Obama is street smart. Wall Street smart.

However, history judges the presidents of the USA according to higher standards. What does Obama think of it himself? Well the picture says it all. It’s what’s called a Freudian slip. Obama views himself a s a dog. He is not just basically powerless, but he has been Wall Street’s lapdog. Now he wishes you Happy Holidays.

History will just point at Obama’s abysmal lack of accomplishment, or when the Financial Times philosophy came to power. Even G.W. Bush’s Medicare Part D (Seniors don’t pay for drugs) can point at a higher achievement to serve We The People. And, by the way, all the most dreadful policies of Bush (torture and arbitrary detention officialized, defended, and globalized; invasion of Iraq) , were inverted by Bush himself, not Obama. Obama’s presidency sat on Bush’s Shoulder.

Bush: See How Easy It Was, To Roll Them Up? Obama: Well, You Decided All, I'm Just In Love.

Bush: See How Easy It Was, To Roll Them Up? Obama: Well, You Decided All, I’m Just In Love.

Obama introduced his own satanic policy: arbitrary execution by drones of gatherings, so called “signature strikes“. Something still going-on, the latest being an attack on a wedding in Yemen, a few days ago: spirit of Christmas, Nixon style. The worst about this, is that, differently from Auschwitz, which was secret, this is all public, and thus the horror is endorsed by the People of the USA…. Very publicly.

Obama realizing, however unwittingly and subconsciously, that he is just a dog, commander in chief, presumably, of a pack of many dogs, and a lap dog of Wall Street, is a sad gift to make us. But we will accept this gift. Finally he came with the truth. As the world totters on the edge of many abysses,  truth is the greatest, and first, gift.

The Ancient Greeks already cut and decorated fir trees for the winter solstices, and the Roman Saturnials were such an extravaganza, complete with gift exchanges, that many laws were passed to reduce their duration below four weeks. Sometimes, honoring tradition is the best thing.

From one who holds the truth dear, following a 28 centuries old tradition, Happy Holidays! And, next time, let’s all try to find a dog who, at least, can bark.

Patrice Ayme

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10 Responses to “Obama’s Dog Wishes”

  1. gmax Says:

    Lapdog without a bark ain’t much to write about… Or for history to remember


  2. Paul Handover Says:

    Haven’t read the post yet, just wanted to wish you and your daughter a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Paul, I much appreciate! Same for your entire, and spread-out family!
      Peace, although a great pleasure always, can get oversold, as all intellectuals know. Ha ha ha.


  3. Paul Handover Says:

    OK, just read your post. Bound to say, predictably one might add, that until we learn from dogs, we do not have a chance of building a better society. Time is running out.


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