Unbelievable Comfort: NO BRAIN, NO PAIN

Madness Of The Crowds: Comfortable, Cuddly, Yet Also Experimentally Useful.

In brief: Why do people “believe”? Superstitious religions are tools of oppression. They impose the unbelievable, making the masses stupid and gullible. If so why do they still seduce people? The charitable explanation, is that they offer hope: be nice to Moloch, and Moloch shall give you everything.

But is that all? No. The main reason (for higher-ups) to believe the unbelievable, is that it introduces a simplification of the mental system. It forces a hierarchy of causality that denies whatever contradicts the religion. That means, of course, that it denies most of the world. So the world goes poof. Is not that great?

Baal Temple, Syria: Yesterday’s God, Today’s Lord Of The Flies

Baal Temple, Syria: Yesterday’s God, Today’s Lord Of The Flies

[Ba‘al dhubaab: in Arabic, “Lord of the Flies”, that is, Lord of Dung, a rich idea coming from the Jews, two millennia earlier! Someday soon the Abrahamic religion will also be seen as a pile of dung to join Beelzebub.]

Superstitious systems of thought occupy a double-faced position in the jungle of ideas. On one end of the spectrum, they are a simplification, a laziness, a creature’s comfort, a herd phenomenon.

On the other end, being a simplification, precisely, they allow to experiment more cleanly with new systems of thought. For example, Christianism imposed murderous altruism: an interesting experiment.



A young mother, who does not even look Sudanese, was raised an Orthodox Christian (her Muslim father was in absentia). Later she married a Christian Sudanese. Some Muslim then accused her of adultery (if a Muslim woman has sex with a non-Muslim, she is committing adultery, says that religion).

While she was waiting for another child, Sudanese authorities decided that she had renounced Islam.

Renouncing Islam is a capital crime in Sharia, a set of “laws” (of the jungle) invented by Muslims a few generations after the Qur’an, the book of eternal peace, 5 feet under.

Sharia is the law in Sudan. So the 27 year old mother was condemned by a so called “judge”, to be whipped 100 times, before being hanged to death. No doubt the “judge” had some prurient interest. (Sudan’s president there is under an international arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court. I propose to arrest the “judge” too.)

Chris Snuggs a rather fierce participant to this site wrote: “Islam in many countries is a hideous barbarity, the ultimate manifestation of unhinged minds. Perverted “religions” of this kind are the most staggering example of mass-hysteria the world has ever seen, and peculiar to Homo Sapiens. No “ordinary” animals suffer from this kind of mass simultaneous mental illness. Three billion people need psychiatric help. Astonishing. Why are we prone to mass-hysteria and irrationality on this scale? The French people regularly voting socialist is another example, and of course reminds us of the definition of a lunatic: someone who does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”

Renounce Islam, Die: Does Sharia Hate Islam?

Renounce Islam, Die: Does Sharia Hate Islam?

[This is the wedding picture of the woman who got condemned to death for marrying the Christian on the left. Is Islamophobia truly Homophilia?]

By “belief, and believers” one commonly means “deciding to believe in the unbelievable, because it’s so convenient”. “Belief” is commonly believed to be an acquired taste at best, an imposed violence at worst.

Nietzsche pointed out about Christianism, Voltaire, about Islam, or Marx, in general, that religion is the opium of the people, or something to make the people into a herd.

More generally, theocracy has been used as a weapon of terror, for the oppression of all sorts of peoples.  The Aztecs captured their enemies alive, and then sacrificed them, opening them up, and tearing out their beating hearts. Before cutting them up, and throwing the proteins down the steep pyramids.

This robust religion kept peoples subjected. However, when Cortez showed up with 2,000 super warriors, those the Aztecs terrorized were enthusiastic to levee huge armies to help the Spaniards with the Hummingbird God.

Christianism and Islam do not basically differ from the Aztec gig. The Aztecs brought death through cannibalism. But it was a rather quick death. The Aztecs were horrified by the tortures of the Spaniards. Those knew no bounds. If Spanish tortures were so advanced that was, no doubt, to keep up with the Muslims, and beat them on their own torturous ground.

In Islam, slavery is kosher. All men are viewed as slaves of dog (typo, sorry!) god. A standard punishment for Muslim slaves who had tried to escape was impalement. As the patient could take several days to jerk about, all transpierced, that procedure had an educative effect on the otherwise ignorant masses.

Violence is intrinsic to the Abrahamic religion. It all started with the Bible, a compendium of holocausts, praising an holocaust driven god. Getting advice and example from the Bible allowed Europeans, clutching their bibles, to massacre the Americas, and much of Eurasia and Oceania.

Now religious fanaticism is less of a problem than a distraction, as the secular, republican spirit mostly rules, except in a few places: Israel, some places in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, where old fashion Islam is gaining ground.

Does that mean we are getting rid of the COMFORTABLY UNBELIEVABLE?

No. Why?



Because having unbelievable beliefs brings mental economy, and ties that bind. What could go wrong?

Let me explain a bit more: intelligence is highly profitable, but it’s also costly. To become intelligent, one has to create lots of neurons and synapses. And the environment does it: studies on rats have proven this. Long ago.

All these neurons and synapses require a lot of energy to build. That’s exhausting: one has to go hunt and gather a lot. Also, once built, all this awareness brings pain: many a religion and philosophy have moaned about extinction (“nirvana”) of consciousness as the solution to the problem of pain (how that differs from Hitler’s solution beats me).

From there springs the opium of the people effect: opium creates an absence of mind by putting many neurons to sleep, but it’s the same result, even more efficiently, by making sure none of these neurons is ever born.

Finally, last, but not least, as the religion simplifies the system of thought, it creates a simple system of thought, and a simple brain. A simple type of a specific brain. Those are easy to match to each other. All those who believe some guy is the son of dog, chose to be crucified for man, and taught us love, are, clearly, made for each other. They have an insanity to share.

There is nothing more reassuring than the herd. And a crazy herd, charging all along, is the ultimate symbol of force, thus, safety.



My spouse had a friend for a few years, and even travelled overseas with her. She was, superficially well educated. As all would-be shock philosopher, I tend to stay apart. Yet, in the end, we met. It was rather brief.

She was from Morocco. I know Morocco, first time I was there I was two years old. I mentioned in passing that this beautiful country was graced with Roman monuments. She mumbled something to the effect that Europeans could never resist invading Muslim countries. I pointed out that the Romans were in Morocco nine centuries before the Muslims ever invaded the place. Her face went white. She told us Morocco had always been Muslim.  We were basically insulting her country.

I said: not so. I told the truth. Her world, her simple world full of simplifying lies that bind, was shattered.  I was not just demolishing her world view, but her social fabric, made of victimized conservative Muslims invaded by greedy Romans.

She did not contact us ever again.

I am never the one to interrupt relationships, because I view even the worst relationships as interesting experiments in my philosophical laboratory… That has led me to harrowing situations, because insuring the integrity of their mental systems brings up the greatest ferocity in human beings.

Such is the human condition.


That ferocity in things mental may look baffling. But it is of the essence. Homo is the intellectual animal. Human ideas compete, and they compete to death. Inferior ideas get killed. Superior ideas thrive, munching the bones of past guesses.

Lovers of the free market gloat that it can produce superior product. Bu there is no product higher than an idea. And the ideas do not just constitute a market. They constitute a jungle, where pain, greed, anger, rage, ecstasy and lust are just ways to achieve a healthy jungle.



Although I focused mainly on the Abrahamic religion above, the situation is general. Stupidity binds.

An example is indeed presently provided by socialism, the old fashioned way, complete with a plethora of useless civil servants and assisted ones (as Chris fulminates).

An other excellent mania of the crowds is found in physics, where completely insane theories have progressed in recent years ( for example the Multiverse madness).

By this, I mean more than physics became more insane than any of the preceding. Yet, precisely because it presents the neurological advantages of insanity, the insanity in physics has been progressing. A delicate moment.

That’s progress, how progress works.

When physicists have gone completely insane, hopefully someone will point out reason, and be believed (it took more than a millennium, between Ptolemy and Buridan, though!)

Folly expands, occupies all space, reason follows, and sweeps behind. That’s how intelligence progresses: even the mania of crowds can be put to work.

Whether it’s painful or not, is irrelevant. The fundamental constructive naturally occurring software, the fundamental principle, of man is not pain, but intelligence.

Patrice Aymé

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34 Responses to “Unbelievable Comfort: NO BRAIN, NO PAIN”

  1. Alexi Says:

    Good article with the exception of your comments about the Multiverse, which even though I have done my best to explain, remain naive.

    Dr. Nima Arkani, one of the great physicists today, admits that he doesn’t like the idea of the Multiverse, but even the most modest extensions of the standard model demand it. That is truly honest statement. One that is worthy of a scientist and a philosopher.


  2. Dominique Deux Says:

    Were militaristic Prussia, imperial Austria-Hungary or autocratic Russia, all with an infestation of civil servants way beyond anything we now have in Western countries, Socialist?

    You often stress the fundamental legitimacy of the State, and the need for its leadership, as opposed to the pluto-friendly vagaries of the Invisible Hand; yet you now join the ranks of the Snuggses who bay and rant against the State’s servants.

    “Useless” civil servants are, well useless. So are useless philosophers, mathematicians or teachers. There still are a great many useful people among all those categories. By all means prune out the useless ones, and stop there.

    The “mad cow” disease was visited on us courtesy of an imbecillic decision by Baroness Thatcher, who decided that “less State” meant, inter alia, no State monitoring of animal feed factories and the wholesale firing of vet inspectors. Soon enough an astute Free Market Worshiper decided that following a regulation which mandated heating meal made from sheep carcasses was against Free Market orthodoxy and his own bottom line. Hundreds died an atrocious death, a bovine holocaust followed, staggering financial losses almost killed the livestock industry, because a narrow-minded grocer’s daughter enthralled with the idiotic philosophy of Ayn Rand had been given the power to act out her fantasies by a bunch of Snuggses.

    I rest my (definitely Socialist) case.


    • red Says:

      “many a religion and philosophy have moaned about extinction (“nirvana”) of consciousness as the solution to the problem of pain”

      that is not the case, atleast in buddhism (or its variants). Infact it asks not to accept anything until you examine and EXPERIENCE everything thoroughly. It is the closest you can get to REALITY.

      the idea of nirvana is to be in full control of your thought trains (“passion” as you put it) – Without any active effort. Because you become (submit/accept/merge) it. This is how who transcend pain – because you OWN every moment. There is also wonderful side-effects – there is no BS, pretends, egos, etc, you gain priceless wisdom (“common sense”). Humility comes natural. All this is effortlessly done, as it becomes your nature.

      while you workthrough all this, depending on your personality (“karma”)), everybody cleanses differently. It was never about extinction of consciousness or “not dealing with things”. It was all about dealing with everything HEAD ON. No BS’ing around 🙂

      In other words, nirvana is a particular state (self nature), all humans can be in, if they can dare enough to LET GO and be everything and understand everything. Life is more sweater and lively this way.

      As they say, there is nothing new under the sun. Its a closed, bounded system.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      I am no specialist of Austro-Hungry, which was a complicated universe onto itself. It was also a new state, having been created in mid 19C.

      But, definitively, the state Bismarck created was partly socialist, and I am sure he was proud of it: he created the first universal health care, and other social oriented programs. He was a polyglot (spoke half a dozen languages), and poly cultural, who sang the Marseillaise with relish.

      That part socialist state of affairs allowed the plutocracy to hide behind.

      I am not as extreme as Chris, and I am not Snuggling. However, clearly, France has too many civil servants. Six millions, no? That’s much more than Britain (where doctors are civil servants: only 45,000 in France). The USA, population 320 millions, has only 18 millions civil servants (Fed and states).

      If the USA had as much civil servants as France, it would have around 29 million civil servants.

      Even the dim Hollande has understood, and some government layers in France are going to be compactified. When I see all the hordes and herds of civil servants in, just, say, Aix en Provence, I am astounded. Some are paid very well, much more, several times more, than teachers. One of them just drove the mayor around (OK, her bed too).

      Thatcher is another problem entirely: she HAD mad cow disease, so, naturally empathized! ;-)!

      I am a friend of the state:

      Synthesis Found: GOVERNMENTALISM WORKS.

      However, clearly, especially for small companies, the situation in France is abysmal. In the Silicon Valley, venture capitalist are laughing: they don’t hide that they steal in Europe, and France in particular. Was does Hollande do? gap his mouth like a carp hoisted out of a lake.

      Sarkozy killed French industry, Hollande is killing the rest.

      BTW, I listened to Hollande when he passed by the Silicon Valley/SF. Everybody among the expatriate was shocked that he did not make ONE gesture to incite the dozens of thousands of French in the Bay, to come back invest in France.


      • Dominique Deux Says:

        “The USA, population 320 millions, has only 18 millions civil servants (Fed and states).”

        What about city employees?

        They are part of the French figure.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Although most federal agencies are based in the Washington D.C. region, only about 16% (or about 288,000) of the federal government workforce is employed in that region.
          My number of 18 millions comprises all and any government employees, most of them employed by cities.


  3. Alexi Says:

    Sorry to double post but I wanted to correct my original comment, which I composed on my phone so has a couple of errors. I also wanted to add a link:

    “Good article with the exception of your comments about the Multiverse which, even though I have done my best to explain, remain naive.

    Dr. Nima Arkani-Hamed, one of the great physicists today, admits that he doesn’t like the idea of the Multiverse, but he concedes that even the most modest extensions of the Standard Model demand we take the Multiverse seriously. That is truly honest position. One that is worthy of a scientist and a philosopher.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Alexi: I am taking the Multiverse madness seriously, that’s why I mentioned it after the Christian madness.

      Nima Arkani-Hamed, a celebrity physicist, never did anything significant, although he is part of a plutocratic plot to make people stupid with silly physics. So he got a three million dollar prize from a plutocrat, to create a buzz. Apparently it’s working. Call me naïve if you want not to follow the buzz. Never had, never will. And no top intellectual ever did.

      In case you did not notice, there is no evidence for SUSY whatsoever (I worked on it a long time).


      • Alexi Says:

        Philosophy always proceeds evidence. The lack of evidence for SUSY is not the problem that is before us.


      • Alexi Says:

        I will not assign sinister intent to the work on Arkani-Hamed. The equations speak for themselves. The philosophy speaks for itself. I think I understand why you are biased against the Multiverse better than you do and that is enough for me.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          You have multiverse religion. Give me one reason for the multiverse? Except plutocrats have admired the likes of Arkani-Hamed, and directed millions at them. The sinister content of Arkani-Hamed is that his work makes us all stupid. Other prestigious physicists are of the same opinion as me, BTW. There is a deliberate steering of physics to stupidity, driven by billionaires. Same happened in evolution theory, and climate science.


          • Alexi Says:

            I have provided videos where Mr. Arkani-Hamed carefully explains why he thinks there is a Multiverse. When I was an undergrad in philosophy I thought of the Multiverse myself when thinking that the constants of physics look strangely fine-tuned. There are many avenues to the Multiverse. No need to invoke conspiracy theories or arrogantly think you are smarter or more serious than other thinkers.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Weirdly, the video seems to have disappeared! How is that possible? Did we change universe? Was I wrong all along???


          • Alexi Says:

            Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrTq_m1pLz8


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            I will add it to my essay, from a few minutes ago.
            I do not think he is honest. But he has no choice. Like a snake oil salesman… But, at least, he gives good fodder for debate. That’s all what matters… So thanks for pointing at him.


          • Alexi Says:

            He strikes me as extremely honest and admits that you have every reason to be sceptical of the Multiverse, then he explains carefully why he takes the idea seriously.


  4. Bootylicious Says:

    The Abrahamic religions are like the later Bolshevik Revolution and Mao China Cultural Revolution where they try to destroy the more ancient culture, its no surprise that the Abrahamic faiths and Marxism had been promoted by the same people who also controls the World finance.

    Also Patrice, if you still didn’t figured out who is the responsible for the French bash campaign since the Iraq invasion you’re totally clueless.

    PS: Yes, it was the jews.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Hi Bootylicious, and welcome! Well, I think that, when Holder wants the French giant bank BNP to pay a ten BILLION dollar fine for an offense for which Anglo-American banks paid NO fine whatsoever, it’s clear the Obama administration is serving the banks of wall Street.

      The same method against Swiss banks has completely destroyed the Swiss banking industry as a manager of Western capital. The Swiss used to be number one, now they are not even on the radar, and the USA, once far behind, is… number one.

      Now, OK, some will say the banks are the Jews, etc. But, well, that seems implausible. Although I do not have statistics… It’s true that some examples of French bashing where the French are presented with exactly the opposite role from the one they played in WWII, are exasperating. My family saved more than 100 Jews in WWII, nearly died for it, and now I have to hear this idiotic, criminal propaganda, that the French were after the Jews (some were, but some Americans are cannibals, too… although most are not).


    • Dominique Deux Says:

      Bootylicious – As a Frenchman who is well aware of the recent surge of US French bashing, and of the role organizations with visible Jewish participation played in it, I completely, adamantly reject your indictment of “the jews”. Imperialist, lying Neocons and oil-thirsty Bush conservatives were in cahoots against a country which told the truth and stood its ground, as is a friend’s duty – that’s who I keep in mind when thinking of French-bashing. But I’d rather be bashed all day and all night than accept the kind of “defense” you offer us and be associated with your bigoted view of the world.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Agreed 100%, Dominique. Yet SOME American Jews CAN be particularly offensive (I have good friends who are American Jews). As from a family of “justes” I view that sort of 100% counter-factual attitude (France attacked Hitler, the USA collaborated until, and after (!) 1941), as the very source of what created, say, Nazism.
        And also crazed, murderous, vicious Jihadism now. That needs to be said.


    • EugenR Says:

      You have no intellectual capacity to differentiate the right from wrong, the evil from good. You are just like this Moroccan girl in the article, that changes the facts to adopt them to her theory of hate that defines her identity. The truth is i usually don’t react to writings of your kind of people, who can see the world only through prism of misinformation, misconception, and blindness caused by their failure, which rises in them envy and hate to those who seems to you “unjustly” more successful than you.


  5. Red Says:

    “many a religion and philosophy have moaned about extinction (“nirvana”) of consciousness as the solution to the problem of pain”

    that is not the case, atleast in buddhism (or its variants). Infact it asks not to accept anything until you examine and EXPERIENCE everything thoroughly. It is the closest you can get to REALITY.

    the idea of nirvana is to be in full control of your thought trains (“passion” as you put it) – Without any active effort. Because you become (submit/accept/merge) it. This is how who transcend pain – because you OWN every moment. There is also wonderful side-effects – there is no BS, pretends, egos, etc, you gain priceless wisdom (“common sense”). Humility comes natural. All this is effortlessly done, as it becomes your nature.

    while you workthrough all this, depending on your personality (“karma”)), everybody cleanses differently. It was never about extinction of consciousness or “not dealing with things”. It was all about dealing with everything HEAD ON. No BS’ing around 🙂

    In other words, nirvana is a particular state (self nature), all humans can be in, if they can dare enough to LET GO and be everything and understand everything. Life is more sweater and lively this way.

    As they say, there is nothing new under the sun. Its a closed, bounded system.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      The only way to control passion is by experiencing them, under control, not by extinguishing them, out of control.

      Understanding an element of reality is the meta level consecutive to having built a neuroglial network reflecting said element.


  6. Patrice Ayme Says:

    The essay pretends to explain a bit why people think what they think. And why the madness of crowds has its uses.

    (And that’s not just because madness tends to disappear crowds into the sea, like superfluous lemmings…)


  7. EugenR Says:

    Dear Patrice, You wrote;

    All these neurons and synapses require a lot of energy to build. That’s exhausting: one has to go hunt and gather a lot. Also, once built, all this awareness brings pain: ……

    Is there any scientific evidence, that higher level of consciousnesses brings discomfort due to higher energy needs? I am definitely aware of the fact that as more i learn about the world my discomfort with the reality only grows. Maybe it is not caused by the fact that i have more precise perception of the reality but because of some inter mind neurological processes?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      dear Eugen: The subject has not been studied to my knowledge. I mean, directly studied. Indirectly, it’s clear that learning necessitates neurogenesis, and that exhausted organisms don’t grow (that is the old theory of sleep that comes I seem to remember, from Aristotle, our first biologist).

      Informally, higher mental activity is draining. All top intellectuals admit this. They need rest, and if they don’t, they kill themselves at work. Or then they underperform. That field is now experimentally tested on students. The first results clearly show that rest is needed for higher learning. What I have personally noticed is that I need to work out the opposite mental muscle groups… Otherwise I get mental tendonitis. It’s the same as in sports.


  8. EugenR Says:

    Patrice, it is beautiful. Poetry of intellect.

    …………Lovers of the free market gloat that it can produce superior product. But there is no product higher than an idea. And the ideas do not just constitute a market. They constitute a jungle, where pain, greed, anger, rage, ecstasy and lust are just ways to achieve a healthy jungle………


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