Aphorisms 10/26/16: Populism, ITC, Syria, Hormones, Hillary

I wrote to some “friends” who called me a liar, in public on the Internet (for saying that inequality grew under Bill Clinton). I rolled out graphs from FRED (Federal REserve Data). They replied that they just felt that I was a liar, and that was good enough. It’s all about how one feels. Thus they did not need to read anything I wrote, ever, never did, never will. Nor did they need to look at any graph I presented: so much stuff on the Internet, you know, complete with interviews of little green men. I pointed out that Obama had a “supermajority” many times over a 100 weeks period, he could have passed progressive legislation. They rolled out links saying the same exact thing inside (but not in their blaring titles), and then called me a liar again, by claiming that Obama had a supermajority at some point, although they had just proven my own point, which contradicted theirs. We live in the age of the 140 characters minds.

So maybe long essays, going deep, are inappropriate in the Internet age. And the “aphorism” approach needs to be revisited. Better to say everything in a few shocking lines than nothing new in a long book. (Nietzsche said roughly the same.)

Where Populism Comes From:

Since Bill Clinton abrogated FDR’s Banking Act of 1933, the part of GDP going to the richest has grown by 40% relative to the part of GDP going to We The People. Thank you Bill!

The alternative theory promoted by the servants and profiteers of the established order, is that populism comes from the undeniable allegations that Trump touched once the arm of a porno actress., and was like an “octopus” once in a plane, thirty-five years ago, let alone would have called an attempted murderess and Miss Universe “Ms Housekeeping”, in a private conversation. Thank you, Hillary, for going high, like Michelle Obama suggested. Is imagination higher than high? Imagination is higher than the reality that was, and create a new one, by its mere existence (this is what Quantum Theory says). Here for some imagination in action. If you think you can get away with presenting the empress, as if she had no clothes, you will be deleted by the plutocratic organizations Obama promoted:

Don't Insult the World President! Instagram accounts with up to 107,000 followers were deleted without warning when the preceding art was shown (it is to be noticed that this is is not Hillary Clinton as the latter seems to have an anatomy much more ready to resist famine).

Don’t Insult the World President! Instagram accounts with up to 107,000 followers were deleted without warning when the preceding art, in Melbourne, Australia, was shown (it is to be noticed that this is is not Hillary Clinton as the latter seems to have an anatomy much more ready to resist famine). Humor Is Disappearing, Terror Expanding.

[Facebook owns Instagram; Facebook considers female chests to be obscene, an object of well-educated revulsion, and thus a potential excuse for deletion of disrespectful, irreverent activity unbecoming a servant of the established order; and servants of that order, we are all implicitly considered to be; the alternative is deletion.)


Africans Are Criminals Says International Tribunal:

The International Tribunal Court (ITC; CPI in French) is a branch of the United Nations. The USA and Russia, apparently worried about their own future war crimes, have refused to become members. They did not need to worry. Since its creation in 2003, the ITC has opened ten inquiries, nine of them in Africa.

During the third week of October 2016, three African countries, Burundi, then South Africa, and now Gambia, have announced their withdrawal of the ITC. Gambia is an ill-disguised dictatorship (the president is running for his fifth mandate in December). However, the Gambian “Information minister, Sheriff Bojang, who is as black as a beautiful piece of coal, told the truth when he said that: “… Although one calls it an “International Tribunal”, the ITC is an international court of  whites who prosecutes and humiliates people of color, especially Africans”.  

As I said, Gambia is a dictatorship. However, Even dictators tell the truth sometimes. Every truth is precious, whatever its source, as any newborn is precious, even if born from hell.


Anything which compromises US supremacy is unfair:

Such as making Apple pay more than 1% tax in Ireland.The Obama doctrine, new paint, same old same old.

Mike Griffith, a fanatical Hillary Clinton supporter, and friend of mine, answering the preceding: “Why give up power?

It is revealing that Clinton partisans are actually rapacious, and power obsessed. Well what Obama did was to give an excess of power to hellish corporations (names unsaid, for obvious reasons) or poster boys (like the musky boy). This, by the way, was the core of Mussolini’s “fascismo” (a notion pushed by professor Gentile). Make corporations powerful, thanks to deals with the state. It failed. Why?

There are many types of power. Raw military power contradicts intellectual power. A balance of power makes the best power for the advancement of civilization.


If the Empress has no clothes, it does not matter who observed it:

The Economist accused Putin to have revealed some lies and manipulations of the Clinton machine. As if there was a Putin behind every US email. As if revealing a crime was more criminal than the crime. What is wrong about revealing manipulations of the US elections by American manipulators? Revealing the little plots of some Clinton helpers helps the democratic process. So, supposing Putin helped reveal the emails, he did not write them! Keep your cool, you the Clinton sycophants and servants, and learn to distinguish.

What I wrote should not be construed as support for Putin, and, or his activities, many of which I condemn. However I also condemn the fact that Clintonistas are talking obsessively about Putin when their own mess, manipulating illegally the US electoral process, is pointed out.


Hormonally Determined? Yes and No:

If one makes an Internet search for images on any subject, after a while, one seems to fall on pictures of women in various state of undress.

To this Kathleen Hawes Watkins answered: “Revealing the male perceptual preference for image over words. (I imagine a completely male-centric media would be all images with very few, if any words). Language is predominant in females, visual cortex predominates in males.”

Patrice Ayme I guess that makes me female, as I talk a lot… Notice too, that, historically, most of the important talking was made by men (from sexism, in part; unavoidable gender roles too). Does that make these men, who created civilization, into women? What is the real science behind that? And even if there is how do we know differences did not arise from sexism, which is already blatant in pre K?

It is true that there are sexual differences in depression (women get twice more depressed than males, presumably killing their enemies rather than crying about it). This seems to be actually traceable to real physiological differences at the cellular levels (studies in rats show). It makes all evolutionary sense, as females should be more cautious, and males more aggressive. Both behaviors improving the chances of future generations.


Virtuous Circle, Washington Way:

US defense contractors got 70 billion dollars of contracts, through military “help” to the Afghan army alone.

Afghan Taliban is indoctrinated in Islam schools in Pakistan. Who is the big ally of Pakistan? The USA. Who profits?  US “defense” contractors

The war in Afghanistan has thus contributed in making the  wealthiest in the US richer. One may ask whether that was not the aim all along (fostering Bin Laden, etc.). And, in a way, it has been a Machiavellian play, not at all what it looked..

US intervened in Afghanistan fully by July 3, 1979. (fostering Bin Laden, etc.). And, in a way, it has been a Machiavellian play, not at all what it looked.


“WE” Hillary I, And Us, the plutocrats, look down at you, low lives down there:

Hillary about low lives who want to change the world, when she was talking at Goldman-Sachs, for more than $200,000 a pop: “…we all should be really understanding… & we should try to do the best we can not to be a wet blanket on idealism.” Who is “we”?

A friend, Mr. Gartland wondered: “The royal we?” I have a more sinister  interpretation: it’s not just the royal “WE”, more probably, it’s:“We The Plutocrats”. Hillary identified with her audience during that speech, which was made of Goldman-Sachs partners. Hillary’s too many candle light dinners with Goldman-Sachs CEOs did that to her. Hillary will generalize, once most people understand exactly what it means. As a top banker told me recently: it’s a criminal organization. A criminal organization which does not just organize governments, but society and minds.

Patrice Ayme’

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4 Responses to “Aphorisms 10/26/16: Populism, ITC, Syria, Hormones, Hillary”

  1. SDM Says:

    Obama’s first 100 days – what could have been had their been a will to make it happen. Perhaps the best opportunity to reinstate Banking Act of 1933 and tragically wasted, then no public option or Medicare for all, no prosecution of bankers, instead the bankers got paid and the public left holding the bag. His legacy is sadly and irredeemably tarnished by such a lack of will.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Obama’s lack of everything except Will To Power, all covered up with a will to lie. I have an essay coming up on that. Basically they had a supermajority for like 6 months here and there, and could have easily engineered one for 12 months. I was abused on the Internet when I said this earlier this week, and was called all sorts of names (racist, xenophobic, liar, and worse…) Amusingly the people who insulted me linked to sites which proved my point… although their blaring titles were saying the opposite…


  2. indravaruna Says:



    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks for the link. Very infuriating article, indeed. Not all false. So things are right, other deeply misleading. The defeat of May 1940 was Franco-British. Both countries got beaten mostly because they had not trained before in Spain in 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, as the Nazis had. So the French and British air forces had a steep learning curve. Ironically, the second British armored division was late in arriving and was supposed to be in the way of the Panzer Thrust. Actually the 330 tanks of said division were “in transit”. They never arrived.

      As the French reserve division held two Panzer divisionen and cave in to a third one only after bombing from the entire Luftwaffe, and man many other factors, the main cause of the defeat was not to have fought the Germans earlier, for training purposes…

      Brexit came from thousands of articles like that, the one you linked, which have rendered the Brits completely mad. Actually Brexit is a form of Nazism. Like Nazism it’s not all wrong in all ways, though, and one should bear that in mind… Where Brexit is right, its ways should be adopted. Actually Bruxelles suddenly stopped their next flurry of ridiculous micro-regulations…


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!