Not Telling Truth Fosters “Anti-Semitism”, Perpetrator New York Times Reveals… Unwittingly

The Holocaust, World War Two and the Ascent of Hitler were rendered possible by US plutocracy. Said differently, with the same content: if US plutocracy had opposed Nazism, it would not have happened. It was simple: line up with the French Republic in 1933. Instead the USA, led by FDR, opposed France, and then pushed for something called “isolationism“, a fig leaf to hide US pro-Nazi feelings.

Some, who don’t even the know the basics that not only does history repeats itself, but sometimes, it just keeps on going, just the same as before, with different mask and lip service, will scoff, because they don’t realize it’s more of the same now.

New York Times had a flicker of self-consciousness today;

The Times published an appalling political cartoon in the opinion pages of its international print edition late last week. It portrayed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as a dog wearing a Star of David on a collar. He was leading President Trump, drawn as a blind man wearing a skullcap… such an obviously bigoted cartoon in a mainstream publication is evidence of a profound danger — not only of anti-Semitism but of numbness to its creep, to the insidious way this ancient, enduring prejudice is once again working itself into public view and common conversation.”

What a contrast 2 years make… New York Times, 2 days before the election of Trump, had proclaimed that Trump was “Anti Semitic”… Something obviously in total conflict with reality (Trump beloved daughter had married an orthodox Jew and converted to Judaism…). Anything to support hatred… Hatred for Trump, yes, but, more generally love for hatred in general…

Yes, well, the most insidious creep, the most enduring prejudice, is indifference to truth, and the search thereof. That’s the main reason for civilizational collapse. Yes, it happened before, dozens of times. However, this time is different: the biosphere will follow.

New York Times: “For decades, most American Jews felt safe to practice their religion, but now they pass through metal detectors to enter synagogues and schools. Jews face even greater hostility and danger in Europe, where the cartoon was created. In Britain, one of several members of Parliament who resigned from the Labour Party in February said that the party had become “institutionally anti-Semitic.” In France and Belgium, Jews have been the targets of terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists. …

This is also a period of rising criticism of Israel, much of it directed at the rightward drift of its own government and some of it even questioning Israel’s very foundation as a Jewish state… anti-Zionism can clearly serve as a cover for anti-Semitism — and some criticism of Israel, as the cartoon demonstrated, is couched openly in anti-Semitic terms…”

“Funny Papers”. 1940 Anti Jewish propaganda on left, 2019 Anti Jewish propaganda on the right

I sent a comment to the New York Times, which censored it. Here it is:


Anti-Semitism” is too vague a term. It is important to have precise terms. What people generally means by “Anti-Semitism” is, truly, “Anti-Judaism”.

Nowadays, the most strident Anti-Judaism comes from a religion established by Semites… who were inspired by Judaism, but then insisted that the Jews had not respected the god of Abraham found in the Bible.

What are the roots of Anti-Judaism? They seem to be multiple, but that may be an illusion. The Roman Republic recognized the state of Israel, and presented itself as the guarantor of its independence to the rest of the Middle East. However, Rome then became a fascist empire, and subjugating the Jews culminated in the Judean War (66-73 CE). During which time the Gospels were written, which some view as Flavian propaganda (the three Flavian emperors rule finished with the assassination of Domitian). They were not favorable to the Jews. The Jewish temple was destroyed. Two subsequent revolts made matters worse. Jews were interdicted in Jerusalem.

Emperor Julian ordered (in 363 CE) the return of the Jews and the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple. However, he was assassinated by a Christian soldier. After that a Christian dictatorship was established, with “heresy” subjected to the death penalty. All Christian sects were annihilated, except for imperially defined Catholicism… And Judaism.

Next, Islam was invented, and was meant to be closer to the true word of God than Christianism, and Judaism, the latter being viewed as even more deviant. The basic texts of Islam (Quran, Hadith) are generally insulting to Judaism, and even lethally threatening.    


New York Times: “Both right-wing and left-wing politicians have traded in incendiary tropes, like the ideas that Jews secretly control the financial system or politicians.”

PA: If it were secret, they won’t know about it… (Hahaha)

New York Times: “most anti-Semitic assaults, and incidents of harassment and the vandalism of Jewish community buildings and cemeteries, are not carried out by the members of extremist groups. Instead, the perpetrators are hate-filled individuals.

In the 1930s and the 1940s, The Times was largely silent as anti-Semitism rose up and bathed the world in blood. That failure still haunts this newspaper. Now, rightly, The Times has declared itself “deeply sorry” for the cartoon and called it “unacceptable.” Apologies are important, but the deeper obligation of The Times is to focus on leading through unblinking journalism and the clear editorial expression of its values.”

Yes, sure. Which values at the New York Times, exactly? The Nazis, too, had “values”. Values so valuable to them, they died for them in large numbers. So tell me, NYT, why did you censor my preceding comment? Apparently your values include values intolerant of to the truth and reality I expressed.

New York Times: “Society in recent years has shown healthy signs of increased sensitivity to other forms of bigotry, yet somehow anti-Semitism can often still be dismissed as a disease gnawing only at the fringes of society. That is a dangerous mistake. As recent events have shown, it is a very mainstream problem.

As the world once again contends with this age-old enemy, it is not enough to refrain from empowering it. It is necessary to stand in opposition.

Not only did the USA not stand in opposition against Hitler (until Hitler attacked the USA), the US political class, media and the US mighty corporations and plutocratic class empowered Hitler… Sometimes throughout the war (some US corporations helped Hitler throughout the entire war, unbelievably enough; IBM went smoothly from ensuring its 35 German plants gave Nazism the organizational computing power it needed, all the way to 8 May 1945, to providing official translation of the Nuremberg tribunal proceedings… None of the 35 IBM plants was targeted in US precision bombing… nor were hundreds of other US owned plants. That was particularly blatant in Cologne: the city was thoroughly destroyed by US bombing on one side of the Rhine, whereas kilometers of US plants were intact on the other….).

Picture found in NYT, before they read my second censored comment, and removed it… When in doubt, accuse the French, it’s always safe and satisfying… Especially when they are right.

I sent another comment to the NYT for the further instruction of its deluded editorial board. I knew they were going to censor it. The point was to teach them something, supposing they can learn it (hope springs eternal). Here it is:


The New York Times illustrated its “anti-Semitic” description with a picture in France. That, implicitly suggests the phenomenon is stronger in France than elsewhere. However, historically was not the case; in 1939-1940, France accepted hundreds of thousand of Jewish refugees, and the USA, none.  France also declared war against the Nazis, Sept 3, 1939. The USA did not, making the Holocaust possible (Hitler declared war to the USA, Dec 11, 1941).

I sent a comment retracing how Rome launched Anti-Judaism, because of the fascist empire, and that was extended by the Roman state religion, Christianism… And that the same Anti-Judaic theme was extended by Islamism.

The NYT censored my comment… although I told the strict truth, and the Times itself admitted it did not behave well in the past, by NOT telling the truth. It is indeed the highest US authorities in media and politics which denied the Holocaust early in WWII when it could have been prevented it by helping France. Your present attitude is more of the same. Luther wrote strident texts against the Jews, wishing for their torture. Islam in its fundamental texts is lethally anti-Judaic.  

This is Hadith 41;6985: ”Allah’s Messenger: The last hour would NOT COME UNLESS the Muslims will FIGHT AGAINST THE JEWS and the MUSLIMS WOULD KILL THEM until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree, and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and KILL HIM…”[1]

You will censor my comment, though it is depicts the exact truth. So doing you think that you are wise, because you appease, by lying. Lying by omission is still lying. This is exactly what the US media did in 1939-41, making the Holocaust possible.

Amusingly, the New York Times did receive my comment and thought about it… because it removed the Anti-French picture they illustrated their story with, and replaced it by the lighting of candles… Not France implicitly accused anymore… I guess, even the NYT can learn a few things about itself…

Patrice Ayme



[1]: How much more horrendously hateful can one be as in this Hadith (which is repeated several times with micro variations, in the most basic Hadith texts)? This is allowable in fiction. However, in all too many mosques, and houses, this is taught as a basic fact of the universe.


Nota Bene: The essay above was posted May 1, US time. After publication, I discovered my first comment was posted (very belatedly, and well after the second comment was sent to the NYT). The second comment, more accusing, was not published. It seems it let to publication of the first… So I look like a liar now… Games…

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11 Responses to “Not Telling Truth Fosters “Anti-Semitism”, Perpetrator New York Times Reveals… Unwittingly”

  1. Chris Snuggs Says:

    Chris Snuggs: You say: the most insidious creep, the most enduring prejudice, is indifference to truth, and the search thereof. That’s the main reason for civilizational collapse. Yes, it happened before, dozens of times. However, this time is different: the biosphere will follow
    Chris Snuggs: As a thinking and independent human, I reserve the right to decide for myself what is true. At the moment, governments and other organisations are giving themselves that right and forcing it on us. ISLAM is a prime example; the EU is another. Both are therefore hideous.


  2. Chris Snuggs Says:

    George Orwell: During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


  3. Gmax Says:

    Looks like you scored several times against the Times here. They did remove that French hating picture, and they admitted they acted horribly in the 1930s, helping Hitler, something you always said, at the risk of looking like a lunatic. You won!
    OF they would not publish that second comment when you roasted them
    Kudos to you!


  4. SDM Says:

    Much like the Venezuela coverage by corporate media. See:


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Pluto media is atrociously manipulative, but to attack it about its treatment of Venezuela, is doing a strategic mistake: one doesn’t attack the enemy at its strongest point.
      The crisis is real in Venezuela, and has to do with Maduro, mostly (I am not accusing Chavez…. although it’s possible to do so!)
      There has be no freedom of press in Venezuela, for a decade, according to independent usual observers…


  5. A.Z.M.B ‏@Voodooqueen126 Says:

    “When Islam was invented, it was meant to be closer to the true word of God than Christianism, and Judaism, the latter being viewed as even more deviant. The basic texts of Islam (Quran, Hadith) are generally insulting to Judaism, and even lethally threatening”

    Because narcissistic people hate to be mocked


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Narcissistic are those who have decided they know what the universe is all about… And what is, indeed, more all-knowing than embracing an all-knowing ideology?


  6. Patrice Ayme Says:


  7. Patrice Ayme Says:

    [Sent to victims anti-Jewish incident.]

    Such hatred may start by confusing “anti-Semitism” with “anti-Judaism” (it seems it’s the latter). Not speaking of the anti-Jewish attitude hides the root of the problem, how it all started (under the Flavians), and how it relates to modern developments (Nazism and the present situation…)


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