Why Is Portugal Collapsing? From Deindustrialization and Dummification. Same As Rest of EU

The problem for Portugal, and, more and more for all European countries, more or less: what are they living from? What do they sell? What’s their job? European countries need gas, oil, and high technology: but (differently from the USA) they import all this… well, OK, France has Airbus … But France used to have much more! 

Europe has fallen asleep. The Court of Auditors in France has said that Arianespace is two years old to find a solution to the competition of SpaceX, Blue Origin (with their reusable rockets). Meanwhile, SpaceX continues its experimental efforts at a torrid pace, staggering, India is trying to land on the moon, or a Chinese robot has just made a weird discovery.

China, India and, of course, the US have fully understood that the future and independence can come only from technological dominance, so they make enormous efforts. Europe concentrates on tourism, museums, comfort and widespread mediocrity … And especially on the German industry secretly financed by small bankrupt banks financed by the German states … Unfortunately, the rest of Europe suddenly deindustrializes. ..

Population Collapse, Working Population Collapse: Thank You, Great EU Planners

All vital imports for Europe must be paid: with what money? Unlike the United States (or even Great Britain!), Europe does not create enough funding to finance industries that could create currencies for Europe to pay for what it needs.

In the fourteenth century, Portugal, then a tiny country of a million inhabitants, just released from five centuries of Muslim yoke, had the most advanced technology (maritime) in the world (and against attacked Muslims in Morocco). And now? Where is the Portuguese or even European technology? Now, technology is asking for the moon…

Historians are often baffled by the undeniable rise of the European society and economy by the Eleventh Century [2]. Soon north-west Europe had around the same demographics as the entire Roman empire (more 54 millions), and achieved greater productivity. It doesn’t take very long to find out why: Europe was stuffed of windmills, water wheels, heavy steel ploughs (to turn over fat rich soils of northern European plains), hydraulic hammers, and slow or fast ships all over, enabling trade all over, for example between Scandinavia and the Middle East, Norway and Sicily…

It’s so obvious that many non-European powers have perfectly understood the lesson. So why has Europe forgotten it? Because Europe is the revolutionary center …that mostly came from the driving engine of the early Renaissance, Western Francia, which was divided in 60 states in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. because Europe is the revolutionary center, the European media, owned by the plutocracy, has been excellent at making Europeans believe in the opposite of common sense and their self-interest. Instead, they learned to play, sing, dance and get drunk on their past…

As long as this is not understood, Europe, and Portugal in particular, will sink [3].

Patrice Ayme

[The preceding was machine translated from French original below!]



[1 ] After all transistors were mass produced, and invented, in France, in 1948, with the help of two German scientists… and not by US, as corrupt Swedish Nobel organization claims…).


[2] Berengar of Tours (c. 999 – 6 January 1088), in Latin Berengarius Turonensis, was an 11th-century French Christian theologian and archdeacon of Angers, a realistic scholar whose spectacular leadership of the cathedral school at Chartres set an example of intellectual inquiry. He was excommunicated for his fostering of reason, but, protected by the enlightened William of Normandy, kept on prospering and his ideas spread all over, forever after…


[3] Even the crazed out Boris Johnson understands perfectly well that the fate of Great Britain rests in developing more advanced technology (hence is extolling of the… JET, the Joint EUROPEAN (!) Torus…).


French Original:

Le problème pour le Portugal, et, de plus en plus tous les pays Européens, plus ou moins: de quoi vivent-ils? Il leur faut du gaz, du pétrole, et de la haute technologie: mais ils importent tout cela (bon d’accord la France a Airbus…).

L’Europe s’est endormie. La Cour des Comptes en France a dit qu’Arianespace a deux ans pour trouver une solution à la concurrence de SpaceX, Blue Origin (avec leurs fusées réutilisables). Pendant ce temps, SpaceX continue ses efforts expérimentaux à un rythme torride, sidérant, l’Inde essaye d’atterrir sur la Lune, ou un robot Chinois vient de faire une découverte bizarre. 

La Chine, l’Inde et, bien sur, les USA ont parfaitement compris que le futur et l’indépendance ne peuvent venir que de la domination technologique, donc ils font des efforts énormes . L’Europe se concentre sur tourisme, musées, confort et médiocrité généralisée… Et surtout sur l’industrie allemande financée en secret par des petites banques en faillite financées par les etats allemands… Malheureusement, le reste de l’Europe du coup se désindustrialise… 

Toutes les importations vitales pour l’Europe doivent être payées: avec quel argent? Differemment des USA (ou même de la Grande Bretagne!), l’Europe ne crée pas assez de financements pour financer les industries qui pourraient créer pour l’Europe des devises pour payer ce dont elle a besoin.

Au quatorzième siècle, le Portugal, alors un tout petit pays d’un million d’habitants, juste libéré de cinq siècles de joug Musulman, avait la technologie (maritime) la plus avancée au monde (et contre attaqua les Musulmans au Maroc). Et maintenant? Ou est la technologie Portugaise, ou même Européenne? Maintenant, la technologie, c’est demander la lune…

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13 Responses to “Why Is Portugal Collapsing? From Deindustrialization and Dummification. Same As Rest of EU”

  1. ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

    “[1 ] After all transistors were mass produced, and invented, in France, in 1948, with the help of two German scientists… and not by US …)”

    What’s funny is that even in the US they could not decide who should get the patent(s). GE and RCA submitted their patent apps within one day of each other (RCA won by 24 hours, but was overturned on appeal IIRC). They obviously were working from a knowledge base of some sort – which was apparently shared in some way.

    I have a personal involvement in this, in a amusing way. By 1956 RCA was making the indium dot transistors in large quantities. My mother was one of dozens of indium dot girls who were poking the indium onto the sides of the substrates for the transistors (by hand!). I was right there with her, as she worked until I had baked for about seven months.

    Ironically, I went on to work there myself as an adult, altho we were making high density integrated circuits by then. General Electric purchased RCA, and it went downhill from there …


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes, it’s all blatant manipulations… A lawyer told Shockley and Al. to add “FIELD” to their title so they could go around pre-existing transistor patents!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In truth the first germanium transistors happened before WW2!) Then they published their paper, and 2 weeks later, January 1949, mass production of transistors starts in France for high speed trains (going too fast for humans alone)… Who gets the Nobel for inventing transistors? Shockley!!!!


  2. John Holzmann Says:

    “After all transistors were mass produced, and invented, in France, in 1948, with the help of two German scientists.” —Sources, please?


    • John Holzmann Says:

      PS: THANKS for offering the French original! It’s good for improving my French. . . .


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        I generally write in English direct. However, in this case, I was forced to address a French forum in French, so I machine-translated back… And then expanded a bit the English version. It’s twice the same language…
        Glad you like it, I was nervous that this would not be appreciated…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Hi John, and welcome! Your comments in the future will appear immediately (only the first ones are “moderated”). Ah, sources… Sources are a complex matter.

      If I thoroughly “sourced” every essay, I would write one essay every three months.
      Sources are not easy. Once, more than a decade ago or more, I sent an essay to the “European Tribune” then an Internet magazine. I alleged a number of non-German banks and bankers had helped Hitler: the Harriman Brothers, Brown Brother Harriman, Warburgs, etc.. Next I knew some (mostly German)… bankers asked the ET to ban me for what we now called “fake news”. They claimed an “Internet Search” showed me and me alone as source of this notion… And so it was: the reality had been expunged by, probably… bankers from the same families (That’s how the Bush family was launched).

      So, of course, the fact Shockley and Al., whatever their other merits, didn’t perhaps deserve their Nobel prize will come as shocker, and not one easy to find , to “source” in the USA. That’s why it’s so important for countries such as China and India to go to the Moon: can’t be denied they achieved something. I wasted 15 minutes, looking for a “source” (although my other “source” called my own memory is pretty reliable in great outlines, because I try to never lie…) Anyway found something in French (surprise, surprise) Wikipedia (!!!)… French name was “transistron”…. I will cut and paste in another comment…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      My own memory remembers more prior European contributions than in the Wikipedia article below (to which I did NOT contribute…)

      L’encyclopédie libre que chacun peut améliorer
      Le transistor est un composant électronique qui est utilisé dans la plupart des circuits électroniques (circuits logiques, amplificateur, stabilisateur de tension, modulation de signal, etc.) aussi bien en basse qu’en haute tension.

      Un transistor est un dispositif semi-conducteur à trois électrodes actives, qui permet de contrôler un courant ou une tension sur l’électrode de sortie (le collecteur pour le transistor bipolaire et le drain sur un transistor à effet de champ) grâce à une électrode d’entrée (la base sur un transistor bipolaire et la grille pour un transistor à effet de champ).

      C’est un composant fondamental des appareils électroniques et des circuits logiques.

      1 Étymologie
      2 Historique
      3 Classification
      3.1 Transistor bipolaire
      3.2 Transistor à effet de champ
      3.3 Transistor à unijonction
      3.4 Technologie hybride
      3.5 Applications
      4 Constitution
      5 Description schématique
      6 Évolution
      7 Principe de fonctionnement
      8 Emploi
      9 Notes et références
      9.1 Notes
      9.2 Références
      10 Annexes
      10.1 Articles connexes
      10.2 Liens externes
      Le terme transistor provient de l’anglais transfer resistor (résistance de transfert). Il a été sélectionné par un comité directeur de vingt-six personnes[source insuffisante]1 des Bell Labs le 28 mai 19482, parmi les noms proposés suivants : semiconductor triode, surface states triode, crystal triode, solid triode, iotatron, transistor. Pour des raisons commerciales, il fallait un nom court, sans équivoque avec la technologie des tubes électroniques, et le mot Transistor fut retenu3.[source insuffisante]1

      Par métonymie, le terme transistor désigne souvent les récepteurs radio équipés de transistors (originellement appelés poste à transistors).


      Une réplique du premier transistor.
      À la suite des travaux sur les semi-conducteurs, le transistor a été inventé le 23 décembre 1947 par les Américains John Bardeen, William Shockley et Walter Brattain, chercheurs des Laboratoires Bellnote 1. Ces chercheurs ont reçu pour cette invention le prix Nobel de physique en 19564.

      Herbert Mataré et Heinrich Welker deux physiciens allemands ont aussi développé parallèlement et indépendamment le « transistor français » en juin 1948 alors qu’ils travaillaient à la Compagnie des Freins et Signaux à Paris5. Ils déposent leur première demande de brevets pour un transistor le 13 août 1948. Leurs études[Mal dit] montrent qu’ils ne se sont pas appuyés sur l’annonce du transistor du laboratoire américain mais qu’ils ont bien eu l’idée en même temps5. Le 18 mai 1949, cette invention européenne est présentée par la presse au public sous le nom de « Transistron »6. L’objectif est alors de conquérir le marché mondial en premier. A l’époque, la presse technique donne l’avantage au transistron considéré plus résistant et plus stable5. Néanmoins le gouvernement français étant focalisé sur la technologie nucléaire, le transitron est mis à l’écart et perd son avantage face au transistor5. En 1952, Herbert Mataré crée l’entreprise Intermetall qui est la première à produire des transistors et qui atteindra son apogée un an plus tard avec la présentation de la première radio à transistor un an avant celle de Texas Instrument.

      Avant cela, Herbert Mataré avait déjà approché l’effet transistor alors qu’il travaillait pour l’armée allemande durant la seconde guerre mondiale dans le but d’améliorer les radars. L’urgence de la guerre l’empêcha de se pencher davantage sur le sujet et il qualifia ce phénomène d’« interférences ». Lorsque la Russie reprit le village où il travaillait en Pologne, Herbert Mataré dut brûler toutes ces notes de peur qu’elles tombent entre les mains de l’ennemi5.


      • johnscorner Says:


        I am grateful for these references. But/and now that I have had the opportunity to read these articles you have provided, it seems your judgments, based on your memory, may be a bit . . . unfair. I’d be grateful to know why you believe it is appropriate to disparage “the Swedish Nobel organization” for granting Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain for the transistor when, as this French Wikipedia article notes, “le transistor a été inventé le 23 décembre 1947 par les Américains John Bardeen, William Shockley et Walter Brattain, chercheurs des Laboratoires Bellnote 1. . . . Herbert Mataré et Heinrich Welker deux physiciens allemands ont aussi développé parallèlement et indépendamment le « transistor français » en juin 1948.” Not to take anything away from Mataré’s and Welker’s achievement. It just seems unnecessary–based on the information you have so graciously provided, to knock either the Nobel organization or the Americans. . . .

        Now, in another comment, you suggest that “the first germanium transistors happened before WW2.” –Again, I see no evidence. Even the German-language radiomuseum.org article (https://www.radiomuseum.org/forum/transistoren_erste_und_transistor_radios_halbleitertechnik.html?language_id=2; English translation available at https://www.radiomuseum.org/forum/transistors_early_research_first_applications.html) gives prime position to Bardeen and Brattain for development of the germanium “point-contact” transistor (which, apparently, is the first “true” transistor), first demonstrated to a small audience in the lab on 23 December 1947, and made public on 30 June 1948. (An application for the French “transitron” was not made until 13 August 1948

        The German article also notes that Shockley was unhappy that he had been cut out of being able to take credit for that first development/discovery. . . . But he would go on to help develop the next major advance in the technology (major advances in 1949) so that the new “junction” transistors would last more than 100 times as long as their predecessors. . . .

        All of these articles give Mataré and Welker credit for independently developing their own version of a point-contact transistor; and the German article also credits them with helping to initiate the use of transistor-based telephone amplifiers between France and Algeria in 1950. . . .

        But I’m not seeing the “pre-WWII” timeline you suggest[ed].



        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Hi John, thanks, sorry for the delay for your comment being published, but the system automatically blocks when more than one link (I think). I am going to think carefully about what you wrote. However I just wrote a long article on Aspasia, with an extremely iconoclast thesis… So I am tired…. Still working on EARTH OUT OF OXYGEN argument(s), trying to counter the argument of professor Denning, which was widely reproduced to contradict the OUT OF OXYGEN thesis that Macron used, loud and clear…
          This is about the planet: more important.
          The transistor and many other electronic discoveries were attributed way too much to US citizens… Justifying in turn, many an imperialist posture.
          Just look at the classification of the universities!
          Ideas are more or less significant. The most significant thinker is the one who thinks the highest significance first, as I explained in today’s essay…


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Hi John, I (sort of) agree with what you say, but that doesn’t remove what I say… Far from it… I am a philosopher, but I have graduate degrees in math AND physics. The way I philosophize is that I view information out of the Main Stream, and significant enough to contradict, or supersede it, as potentially VERY important. Then the big question is: is it possible? How likely is it to be true?

          For that, one needs to have a very broad context…. And that is only established after embracing a super giant world picture, and checking it for integrity, coherence, non-self-contradiction. To achieve this, I don’t lie. Lying implies remembering two versions: the original, and the lie. It requires a huge amount of work to find links to sources, especially now as Plutos manipulate the Internet.

          Plutos got me thrown out of several site, alleging I lied, because no source could be found in the Internet, but for me. An example was when bankers asked the European Tribune to ban me, because I had asserted that (some) bankers had helped Hitler get to power. As only me could be found on the Internet saying this, I was banned (it was more than a decade ago). Those bankers who wanted me banned had made sure that the articles involving bankers with Hitler had been removed from top placements in search engines… That was 80 years after the facts, but banking is a most sacred cow, never does anything wrong in its management of the world.

          (Like don’t look for me in Bing: I have been banned there. Articles such as the following may help understand why: https://patriceayme.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/gates-of-hell/
          At the time Gates was fornicating with Epstein…. ;-)!)

          So Shockley and company were told by a lawyer to add the word “field”… Otherwise their “patent” presented nothing new, and was not going to be issued by Washington… It’s a famous story: got the Nobel, because of an inventive patent lawyer. Why should I waste time producing a source? I have things to do which are a quadzillion times more important.

          The chronology shows, at the very least, that the transistor was co-invented independently… The Nobel circus is attributed to only a few individuals (maximum three). Is that because truth goes by three? The Sakurai prize was given to 6 for the so-called “Higgs” boson: that’s better than giving the Nobel just to 3.

          Quoting the French about their evaluation of US achievement is often fraught: contrarily to repute, a large part of US intellectuals and reporters were actually paid, during and after WWII, to give an exalted picture of the USA. In the 1950s, 50 top French reporters were on CIA payroll (hearings in US Congress showed). I suspect it’s much more than that.

          I also know Facebook has censored some of the links to my Warren essays (I have a couple of those, out 2,000, or so). I asked them to change that, they didn’t. I shut up, because I know they will ban me, if I insist. Manipulating information is not new. We are supposed to Make America Great Again, by reportingit, and it alone, invented the transistor… And the lies go marching home…

          When Johnny comes marching home again,
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          We’ll give him a hearty welcome then
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          The men will cheer and the boys will shout
          The ladies they will all turn out
          And we’ll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
          The old church bell will peal with joy
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          To welcome home our darling boy,
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          … Get ready for the Jubilee,
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          We’ll give the hero three times three,
          Hurrah! Hurrah!
          The laurel wreath is ready now
          To place upon his loyal brow


    • Patrice Ayme Says:


      A History of French Transistors

      Copyright Mark Burgess 2010

      The first transistor to be produced in France was invented by Doctors Welker and Mataré of the Société des Freins et Signaux Westinghouse (F & S Westinghouse) in mid 1948 and announced to the World in May, 1949:

      “This Wednesday, May 18, 1949, the Minister of PTT presided over the presentation of the transistron triode PTT 601 and some apparatus equipped with these devices at the laboratories of Service des Recherches et du Contrôle Techniques (SRCT) of PTT.”

      “Work on semiconductors conducted in France in recent years in collaboration between the Administration des PTT and the Société des Freins et Signaux Westinghouse has produced similar results to those of the Americans.

      Building on previous work Doctors Welker and Mataré and a team of researchers prepared germanium of high resistivity and started manufacturing high back voltage detectors, a prelude to the development of the of germanium triode or transistron triode. During the same year the first germanium transistrons manufactured in France, left the Laboratories. In French we could call this device “transistance” which is the literal translation of the American term “transistor.” However transistance in French would be an electrical property like résistance. Thus we have the name “Transistron”, from “Résistance de transfert,” the suffix “tron” indicating active elements involving electrons or ions.” [Sueur 1949 Courtesy P Zeissloff Le Forum de Radiofil]

      In his publication René Sueur of the SRCT drew attention to parallels with the launch of the point-contact transistor by Bell Laboratories a year earlier: “A similar presentation was held in America at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1948.” Both devices were point-contact types independently developed. Both organizations carefully orchestrated their publicity and secured newspaper and electronic press coverage.
      Both exhibited applications for the new devices: in the case of SRCT an in-line telephone repeater, a three transistron AF amplifier, a four transistron telephone repeater, a 300m transmitter and a six transistron receiver that could drive a loud speaker (shown here). [Toute la Radio 1949 137]….

      Since beginning this article I found that Christian Adam was writing several articles on the history of French transistors and we agreed to collaborate by pooling information. Collaboration has enriched both endeavours. I am indebted to him for providing additional references and information. His article, Histoire du transistor à pointes en France has been published at Radio Museum and is an excellent and well illustrated account of the development of the Transistron, the first French transistor, in the context of developments in the USA and Germany

      Key Links

      The purpose of this history is to provide new information for English readers regarding the development of transistors in France. The story of the first French transistor, the Transistron is well told in English. See, for example, Michael Riordan’s account How Europe Missed the Transistor and Armand Van Dormael’s The French Transistor For this reason the account of this important development is relatively cursory in this article, although with the inclusion of new material.

      The Radio Museum provides comprehensive information on tubes, transistors and receivers and is worth joining to obtain maximum benefits from its database.

      The site “Pocket-Transistor” is a superb resource for information about transistor receivers including the Solistor 8 mentioned in this text as is a site by a well known French collector Jean-Claude Pigeon and Jean Luc Fournier on the early French transistor receivers.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Histoire du transistor à pointes en France
      Ernst Erb Otmar Jung
      Papers » Radio-History, beginning 1909 » Histoire du transistor à pointes en France
      Christian ADAM
      31.Jan.10 21:38
      Histoire du transistor à pointes en France
      L’article en pièce jointe se propose de restituer l’histoire du transistor à pointes en France. Il y a maintenant un peu plus de 2 ans j’ai ouvert le forum sur les premiers transistors en France:

      Ce forum nous a permis de retrouver dans la littérature la trace des premiers transistors produits en France, plus particulièrement ceux à jonction.Je remercie chaleureusement tous les contributeurs pour avoir documenté ce forum, sur la base d’un important travail de recherches. Il nous restait à faire une synthèse de ce travail. Je m’y suis attaché dés le début du forum, mais rapidement je suis tombé sur l’histoire du Transistron, le premier transistor développé en France par les docteurs Mataré et Welker, scientifiques allemands travaillant en France dans l’immédiat après-guerre à la Compagnie des Freins et Signaux Westinghouse. Cette histoire m’a passionné et j’ai donc commencé à me restreindre aux premiers transistors à pointes en France, pour pouvoir accorder au Transistron et à ses inventeurs MM. Mataré et Welker la place qu’ils méritent. Puis sont évoqués les transistors à pointes français connus.

      Pour pouvoir mieux se situer dans le temps, la comparaison est faite avec les Etats-Unis et l’Allemagne.

      Le Transistron de MM. Mataré et Welker avait déjà été brièvement évoqué par Ernst Erb:


      On trouve également de nombreux articles sur Internet. Ces articles sont cités dans la bibliographie. J’espère que ce document fait à la fois la synthèse de l’existant et apporte des nouveautés inédites en les mettant à la disposition des collectionneurs grâce à la diffusion sur Radiomuseum.org

      Bonne lecture,

      Christian ADAM
      Histoire du transistor a pointes en France (1733 KB)


  3. johnscorner Says:

    Merci. Merci beaucoup!


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