Vote For Better Ideas, Not Just The Same Old Clowns, Or Their Clones

Biden-Obama Versus the Perspective of Real Change For the Best

The New York Times accepted the following comment of mine on Up, Up, Up With Elizabeth Warren (in seconds: things have changed!)

Biden was the closest associate to Obama. And being associated to Obama’s rule of hypocrisy, dissembling, and raising inequality is why, more than any other factor, Clinton was defeated (careful post-election studies have shown this). So Biden would be defeated by Trump, for the same reason Clinton was; the global oligarchic multinational oligarchy and plutocracy has to be rolled back. 

Another advantage of pushing Warren’s candidacy is that she fights for progressive ideas, not just for acquiring power for herself, personally. Even is she would be defeated by Trump, her defeat would make these progressive ideas advance in the collective consciousness (and that’s sorely needed).

A careful examination of the graph above is revealing: first the previously quick augmentation of US life expectancy was curbed by plutophile Reagan… And then life expectancy started to go down outright big time under Obama: it turns out that Obamacare took care of you the way the Mafia usually takes care of the commons…

Whereas we saw the Obama-Biden work before: nothing happened, except a direct continuation of George W Bush’s, and Clinton’s main thrust, more efforts to push for GAFAM monopolies and to give away ever more power to multinationals such as the Trans Pacific Partnership, decimating US jobs, and laws… 

It is better to fight the good fight, for progress, rather than giving one’s fate to the usual back-stabbers… if nothing else, the latter strategy has been tried since 1980, and the result has been ever more inequality in nearly all ways, and now even reducing life expectancy. If one wants a new and better country, one will need a new and better mind, this is what Warren offers, and Biden doesn’t.

Patrice Ayme

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2 Responses to “Vote For Better Ideas, Not Just The Same Old Clowns, Or Their Clones”

  1. Gmax Says:

    I think Biden is improving, he seems to me close to you on Medicare For All than you think. But I am for Warren too.

    Notice Trump is positioning himself to fight Warren by executive orders. Like Boris Johnson he is taking some leftist stances


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