Decelebrating Decerebrating Ramadan

A real philosopher pushes wisdom where it has not been before. That includes demolishing erroneous ideologies. Today Ramadan starts and many Muslims are all excited. Ramadan does not corresponds to an astronomical event… whereas many other feasts do, such as the Winter or Summer Solstices, or calendar dates corresponding to Spring, as in the more than 3,000 years old Persian Nowruz, or harvesting in the northern hemisphere, etc.

Respecting religions is fashionable, but it’s all about respecting the religions in power and the mental retardation they inflict. Older religions such as that of the Aztecs, Nazism or Marxism-Leninism are not fashionable anymore. But Islam, which is so primitive that it follows a lunar calendar, like the Romans at some point well before Julius Caesar, is among the respectable religions in part because the powers that be are in bed with the likes of Aramco, the most powerful national oil company that provides oil and rules with Islam. One of several doing this. And reinvesting their money, thus power, on Wall Street. Also the powers that be like to replace creative, but rebellious Euro-Americans with submissives who kneel five times a day… And have only a passion for enforcing what they have embraced, submission…

Muslims, by faith are supposed to not know the most basic astronomy: they believe their big guy in the sky moves the Moon as he sees fit: 

Following the sighting of the crescent by the moon-sighting committee, Saudi Arabia has announced that the first day of fasting will be Monday, March 11, 2024. Ramadan from Arabic Ramadan (Turkish and Persian ramazan), originally meant “the hot month,” from ramida “be burnt, scorched”… It makes sense not to eat during the hot month, but then the moon moved the month around, a full cycle in 33 years… The idea obviously came from the 40 days of fasting in Lent… Old French quaresme 

Islam is one of the twists of Abrahamism, itself a cocktail of Middle East superstitions and tall tales in support of hydraulic dictatorships. There are about 1.9 billion Muslims around the world, approximately 25 percent of the world population. If they follow wacko and have nukes, it should matter to all… Submission-Islam concerns all, and shall be feared. It’s not just about women being told they are half of men and should be beaten:

This is all from Uthman’s Quran… which most people close to Muhammad hated and rose in revolt against…A Muslim friend, who pretends to be interested by science, astronomy and the future, alerted the Internet: “Tomorrow is Ramadan Mubarak. I am ready to fast. Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims around the world.

Patrice Ayme replied: Ramadan mubarak? Blessed Ramadan? Celebrating the rites of primitive savages religions as if they were worth respecting, does not have a future.

The friend, MBT from Algeria in turn retorted that: Sorry, the post is not a celebration of religions. I have Muslim friends, and I live in a Muslim country, and here comes the month of Ramadan, and fasting is very important for health. What does this comment have to do with this post?

All right, this called for a broadside against one of the world’s most tyranical superstitions, here it is: I fast too, all the time. I don’t pretend it’s to satisfy primitives because they are all around, and I desperately want to please them so I can have friends. I prefer no friends to friendship with savages. It’s a moral principle: savagery should be discouraged, and the privilege of my friendship withdrawn, so as not to encourage mental retardation. Actually, not being a savage, friendship with savages is impossible. 

The word “cretin” comes from Christian, because to believe in love and cannibalism and god nailed on a cross while omnipotent, yet whining about love and touting the cross as excellent for mental health… One has to be, indeed, a colossal cretin… Am I going to drink the blood of cretinous Christ and eat his flesh because I happen to have cretinous Christians all around? To hell with them! Let them at least feel what they deserve…

40 years ago in the USA, cretinous christians were all around… They actually evoked the lord before eating. Now much less so since my friend Obama became president and obviously didn’t believe in christian sadomasochism… To start with Submission (“Islam”) is even more sexist than cretinism, I mean christianism… with god perched on a cross to make us all feel bad…

No way to build an auspicious future for humanity by celebrating superstitions which killed millions, and set civilization back by centuries (when the discoverer of blood circulation was burned alive over a few hours with his books in Geneva, the publication of the discovery was set back by a full century, and is now attributed to some Englishman… Because the English, second only to Christ, discovered the word…) 

Islam has been a disaster for what used to be the world’s wealthiest and more advanced place. What kind of god is it who can’t take offense from a lowly human? Verily Islam is an excuse for dictatorship… Just as Theodosius I’s catholicism was such an excuse in 380 CE: that’s where the parrot known as Islam comes from: Roman imperial tyrannic terror justified by fascist unhinged Allah in the sky with shards of sadistic diamonds…

Mental retards are OK, if it’s genetic: not their fault, let’s be generous and merciful. But the imposition of cultural mental retardation is something else entirely. The Marxists tried that, the Nazis did, the Putinists do… And of course Christianity tried to impose as much mental retardation as possible as long as possible… Because only then could the mental retards at the head of Catholicism go on with their corruption and self-service…

The amount of violence prescribed in the Quran is astounding… and certainly to be feared, if interpreted literally: VIOLENCE IN “HOLY QUR’AN”. (…/some-violence-in…/) To tell us we are racist when we fear Islam aims to make us all more stupid than we already are… Meanwhile the fascist Catholic in chief, anxious to please his Czar in Moscow, asked Ukraine to surrender to the worst tyrant humanity has ever seen… potentially.

“I think that the strongest one is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about the people and has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates,” Pope Francis said… Right, this is worse, way worse than anything Islam can do short term or even medium term. But it’s Catholicism which got Islam started… in several ways: his cousin, the chief missionary Catholic in Arabia, told Muhammad that he had seen Archangel Gabriel in the desert… Then the archbishop of Alexandria offered Muhammad priceles slaves… including the woman Muhammad got his only son from, and Muhammad was extremely attached to the child who unfortunately died shortly before his father…

The worst irony into all this is that Muhammad was very woman’s lib: he did much for the lives of girls and he refused to admit to his beloved wife Aisha’s infidelities and modified the Quran so that she couldn’t be accused (requiring four witnesses, etc.)

Also, more generally Muhammad was not rigid: he started with massacring the Jews of Medina, but later came to consider not just Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians as people of the book, but also Sabeans, etc… Extending protection to them. And there are more than 100 types of Islam, so… Those with a superstitious approach to Islam miss the point… The point Muhammad tried to make…

Patrice Ayme

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2 Responses to “Decelebrating Decerebrating Ramadan”

  1. D'Ambiallet Says:

    lots of nuance. you dont seem to hâte the prophète of Islam. How does he compare to Lenin in your opinion?


  2. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Peter ODonohoe

    Patrice Ayme the source of abrahamic religion is Mesopotamian myths.

    Influence of Mesopotamian Myths

    The people of Mesopotamia relied on their gods for every aspect of their lives, from calling on Kulla, the god of bricks, to help in the laying of the foundation of a house, to petitioning the goddess Lama for protection, and so developed many tales concerning these deities. The myths, legends, hymns, prayers and poems surrounding the Mesopotamian gods and their interaction with the people introduced many of the plots, symbols and characters which modern-day readers are acquainted with such as

    * the story of the Fall of Man (The Myth of Adapa),

    * the tale of the Great Flood (The Atrahasis),

    * the Tree of Life (Inanna and the Hulappu Tree),

    * the tale of a wise man/prophet taken up to heaven (The Myth of Etana),

    * the story of creation (The Enuma Elish),

    * the quest for immortality (The Epic of Gilgamesh),

    * the Dying and Reviving god figure (a deity who dies or goes into the underworld and returns to life or the surface of the world to in some way benefit the people) who is famously depicted through Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld.

    These tales, among many others, became the basis for later myths in the regions the Mesopotamians traded and interacted with, most notably the land of Canaan (Phoenicia) whose people, in time, would produce the narratives which now comprise the scriptures known as the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.


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