Devils In The Details

I am often highly critical of the New York Times. However, if nothing else, it provides useful services by pointing out gory details that make plutocracy come to life. 

Krugman, as I have made plenty clear, is a half way house. Half pro-plutocratic, half progressive. He has to: if he was full progressive, the New York Times would shut him down, and the commoners, even many of a self declared “progressive” kind, would view him as a lunatic, and rage against him. One thing Krugman does not do is CO2. He should. That would broaden his economics to a very useful area, directly impacted by the plutocratic mania:

Masochism? Australians Want To Burn Australia?

Masochism? Australians Want To Burn Australia?

If Australians want to burn Australia, they are succeeding (see below).

Commoners, including many posing now as “democrats”, were all for invading Iraq and having Iraqi oil pay for it (that was such a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention that even G. W. Bush may have known about it! FOX News hoped in vain).

A recent example? Maureen Dowd courageously came out with an editorial, “Cat On A Hot Stove”, scathing for “Sir Lecturesalot”, as she calls Obama.

Commoners posing as left-wing wrote enraged comments, accusing her of “hatred for the black man” (the NYT removed these comments later).

Maureen’s crime? She quoted  Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s close adviser and wealthy Chicago friend, who told David Remnick in “The Bridge”, of Obama’s “uncanny” abilities. “Obama needs to be properly engaged, or he disengages. He’s been bored to death his whole life,  Jarrett said. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.

Maybe Obama should have tried something real hard, then, like fundamental thinking…

Another of Maureen’s crimes? Quoting “Senator Dianne Feinstein who “urged presidential leadership”, noting that Obama “stepped back” partly because he felt “burned” by all the scabrous budget fights.”

More Maureen: “When the president says “we’ve all got a lot of work to do,” he means Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obamacare should really be called Pelosicare, as the historian Niall Ferguson noted… Obama thinks he can come down from above, de haut en bas, and play the great reconciler, but you can’t reconcile in absentia. You have to be there. You’ve got to be all over these people.

The paradox of Obama is that he believes in his own magical powers, but then he doesn’t turn up to use them. There’s nothing wrong with a president breaking a sweat somewhere beyond the basketball court.”


Krugman on the all too ignored plutocrat, Erskine Bowles, in Liquidity Preference, Loanable Funds, and Erskine Bowles:

“Here’s Erskine Bowles in March 2011:

‘[T]his is a problem we’re going to have to face up to. It may be two years, you know, maybe a little less, maybe a little more. But if our bankers over there in Asia begin to believe that we’re not going to be solid on our debt, that we’re not going to be able to meet our obligations, just stop and think for a minute what happens if they just stop buying our debt.’

Strange to say, however, neither Bowles nor anyone else of similar views has, as far as I can tell, actually done what he urged: “stop and think for a minute what happens if they just stop buying our debt.”… So the conventional wisdom about how we have to fear a Chinese bond-buying strike just doesn’t make sense — and in fact it falls down in exactly the same way as fallacious arguments about the harm done by fiscal deficits in a depressed economy…

You may find it hard to believe that so many important and influential people could be dead wrong about the basic economics of our situation. But as far as I can tell, this is simply something “everyone knows”, and none of them have ever thought it through.”

My comment:

Our bankers over there”? Our bankers? Eskrine Bowles incarnates and defines modern plutocracy. His evil influence (evil influence; that’s what “Pluto” means) extended from Clinton (the hyper wealthy Bowles was his chief of staff) to Obama. 

Bowles set-up the Obama plutocratic team, and told Obama to “leave your friends behind, they only cause problems”. Thus Obama thereafter got only advice, and even company, only from plutocrats, plutophiles, and their sycophants. 

Bowles does not make errors as far as his pocket book and the power of his influence is concerned. The error is plutocracy, and having individuals such as Bowles in charge of decisive thinking.

Krugman in the Worst Ex-Central Banker In The World: “Greenspan believes that he bears no responsibility for all the bad things that happened on his watch — and that the solution to financial crises is, you guessed it, less government…

The thing is, Greenspan isn’t just being a bad economist here, he’s being a bad person, refusing to accept responsibility for his errors in and out of office. And he’s still out there, doing his best to make the world a worse place.”

My comment:

Greenspan, central bankster. Still in office, propagandizing. Insisting deliberate crimes were, and still are, virtues. The way that central bankster earns his keep.

Greenspan makes Jean-Claude Trichet (the ex-head of the European Central Bank) look like Saint Francis of Assisis plus Einstein combined. Trichet now rails against excessive taxation for the little guys, inequality, tax cheats, plutocracy.

In other news, there are huge fires in Australia. They are caused by heat never experienced before. Is Australia hoisted by its own petard? Of the developed countries, Australia pollutes the most in CO2 per capita.

Climate scientist Andy Pitman from the University of New South Wales in Sydney said the problem has not been caused by “bad fire weather”. Instead, it was the result of a very warm winter – the second warmest on record in NSW during Australia’s warmest 12 months ever.

That’s obviously caused, in turn, by CO2 greenhouse heating Australia is doing so much for. Did I mention Australia’s giant coal export, forcasted with glee to augment 8% a year, each year, for the next five years? (That’s a distinct contribution from the 20 tons of CO2 or so.)

“Vegetation that would commonly basically shut down in winter continued to transpire,” says Pitman. By continuing to give off water, the vegetation dried out the soil so that in spring, the plants had little access to water and became dry. That primed the landscape for fire: “Really hot days combined with strong winds plus ignition equals a major problem.”

Details, details, details… and before you know it, the devils are roasting the landscape.

The hotest item in the Australian elections of 2013 was the carbon tax. Enough Australians voted against it (basically) to change to a right wing government that railed against efforts to curb CO2 emissions. Now Australia feels the heat. Abusing people is one thing, abusing physics, another.


Patrice Ayme

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22 Responses to “Devils In The Details”

  1. Paul Handover Says:

    Patrice, unless it’s a bit too early in the morning for me (it’s 5:25 am!) I don’t see what that top graph is measuring?


  2. Martin Lack Says:

    Thanks for alerting me to this, Patrice. As someone with both UK and Australian citizenship, I am deeply saddened by the election of a climate change denier as Prime Minister. I really do hope the legal challenges succeed in preventing the abolition of the Carbon Tax (etc) put in place by the previous government.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Martin: Glad to see you here. Ecology’s main adversary is, right now, not ignorance but plutocracy (= deliberately lying about the devastation before, literally, the flood.) What indeed could the devil (= Pluto) do worse than destroying your planet?

      Right now the esteemed aussie PM, Abbot (funny name: a priest? That goes with the territory…) does not have the votes (especially in the Senate) to repeal the carbon Tax and in theory australia is committed to Kyoto targets…

      But then again the big, very bad example comes from the USA (=damn the torpedoes!)


  3. Paul Handover Says:

    Patrice, I shall refer to this post of yours together with an essay from Ian Welsh in something I’m writing for tomorrow.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Very good, Paul! No doubt you will bring more common sense to one more of these interesting collaborations you bring together! Internet debates! A long way from the paleolithique cave!… But still the same idea. Minds together do not just bind together, they find together.


  4. Alexi Helligar Says:

    The word consciousness, breaks down to con+scious+ness, which literally means together knowing or shared knowledge.


  5. Alexi Helligar Says:

    In other words: Without society there is no consciousness. The sages of old knew this. Why has it been forgotten?


  6. gmax Says:

    What to do with Australia? Or China? Put them on a black list? Tax them?


  7. The power of sharing. | Learning from Dogs Says:

    […] recently published a post called Devils In The Details.  I mentioned in a comment to that post that I would be referring to it in this place.  Patrice […]


  8. Andrej Dekleva Says:

    Found an excellent review by Paul Krugman of ‘The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World
    by William D. Nordhauson’ on NY Review of Books – the title sounds a bit Aymesian too: ‘Gambling with Civilization’. Very critical and fact filled piece arguing for carbon taxes, etc. but also not overly optimistic about the possibility for technological fixes. That it appeared on NYRB at the same time as your piece is almost, shall I say it, serendipity.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Andrej: Thanks for telling me of this, I will have a look.

      After drowning Krugman’s blog, and the New York Times with my propaganda for more than 10 years, I expect no less. They keep on censoring lots of the more drastic comments I sent them, BTW, but, then by miraculous serendipity, they end where I was… Sometimes a few years later.

      Somebody much more famous, who I personally know, also does the same too, at least at the level of blah blah blah (but executed the other way). Whatever. That’s what ideas are for.

      Tech fixes can be found, but we need more FUNDAMENTAL research. Because fundamentally, we are not quite there yet. An example is the electricity storage problem: we can’t put dam everywhere (although we could make artificial lagoons… while we still have enough energy to do so… With several billions per lagoon, ain’t obvious…)

      ITER is good, but slow evolving, and we can’t just hope it will all be OK with fusion. There should be massive research with advanced nuclear fission too.

      Anyway, let me read that piece, thanks…


  9. Olin Morchiba Says:

    Who is it who Ayn Rand seduced?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Olin: Ms Rant, born Rosensomething in Russia, used to love going around the White House. anyway, here is a CNBC rant: “More than 25 years after her death – we are still in love with and obsessed by all things Ayn Rand. Visit a book store and you’ll still see plenty of that precious shelf space devoted to her and her novels. Two of her books, Atlas Shruggedand The Fountainheadcombined have sold more than 12 million copies in the US.

      And a new book, AYN RAND And The World She Made by Anne C Heller (Doubleday/Random House ) is coming out this fall in October.

      Rand, a Jewish immigrant from Communist Russia grew up to become a literary giant, cultural idol and cult hero whose ideas changed the American cultural and political landscape.

      Her influence over the Reagan White House is legendary and now her ideas are again front and center as a new White House faces this current economic crisis. Earlier this year in an editorial for the Wall Street Journal editorial, a writer said basically everything you need to know about how to fight a recession can be found in Rand’s novel, “Atlas Shrugged.”

      Blah blah blah… Greenspan, for one, said loud and clear that pale ranting parrot of Nietzsche was his mentor and light of his days… Obama claimed he read her (lucky him, I get instantaneously bored, frozen solid…)

      Ayn Rant seduced the USA elite, who wanted to be seduced by a pretentious fool, and that’s why the NSA records 70 million French citizens communications in three weeks: because those who grab are the crabs, and crabs dominate the beach.
      Rant said it.


  10. Mad Bull Lost Its Way | Some of Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] Intelligence at the core of humanism. « Devils In The Details […]


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