Go Ogle You

Mandela claimed he was mean and tough, and no saint. That self knowledge was put to excellent use in a spotless, civilization improving career.

Hitler used to say he was a man of peace, a rescuer of minorities. As we all know, he was the exact opposite. Gandhi presented himself as a saint, an Hindu saint, hater of the British to the point he presented himself as Hitler’s friend. Gandhi’s erroneous trains of moods and thoughts wrecked the Indian Raj, cutting it in two, and this started precisely because of Hitler (Indian Muslims were keen to make war to Hitler)… and now we are waiting for the other, nuclear, shoe to drop on the Indian subcontinent.

Generally, the more people speak one way, the more it is to hide the fact they act the opposite.

Don't Be Evil, I Want To Eat You

Don’t Be Evil, Keep Still, I Want To Eat You

That’s why, when Google chose as motto, “DON’T BE EVIL“, it was clear it practiced the exact opposite.

The tech giant has been long walloped in hypocrisy: his founders would make a loud show of driving hybrid cars, to save the planet, while discreetly ordering, not just normal corporate jets, but outright private jumbo jets, to travel in great CO2 style.

So how come two young guys have suddenly dozens of billions of dollars at their command? Just by practicing “don’t be evil“? Christ would have told us the opposite was most likely (remember Christ said a camel was more likely to go through the eye of a needle, than the rich to heavens).

So it’s no surprise that Google is funding groups advancing the agenda of the Koch brothers. Only the naive ought to be surprised.

How could it be otherwise?

Who founded Google and launched it big? The usual suspects. Sequoia capital, Morgan-Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and the usual operators of the Dark Plutocracy  (Summers, Clinton administration, his pet Sheryl Sandberg, etc.). The algorithm was invented by Stanford University (from which it is still leased for around 100 million dollars  a year).

Two Stanford students activated the algorithm, and became “Google founders“. There had been other search engines before, and since.

Nothing special about Google, except who was behind it. As we know now, and I long suspected, and wrote about, the USA’s plutocracy’ intelligence organizations, sucking on the juiciest parts of the world, were a big part of it.

So here you have two young nobodies, one from Russia, and they are given riches beyond comprehension. Why? Just to show Russians that, when you obey the USA, and conform, you will own the world?

No, not just that. But also because absolute money, so absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

The plutocracy that heads the USA needed a tech giant led by the absolutely corrupt. That’s why colossal amounts of money are directed at the gullible with vicious morals.

Vicious morals? We now know that Google acts viciously (it cooperates with the Chinese dictatorship’s censorship, not just the NSA). But the stealthy will-to-viciousness should have been obvious, from the motto alone.

I have been involved in more than one start-up in Silicon Valley, and i have met with several venture capitalists. I can imagine the scene from her: Of, do those two algorithm guys look hungry enough? Could they do whatever, so they can own the big private jet?

On the founders of Google: check for all this. So we fund, and organize that for profit intelligence organization, complete with “backdoors“. Go-ogle.

Organizations that received “substantial” funding from Google for the first time over the past year include Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, the Federalist Society, the American Conservative Union (best known for its CPAC conference) and the political arm of the Heritage Foundation that led the charge to shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act: Heritage Action.

In 2013, Google also funded the corporate lobby group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, although that group is not listed as receiving “substantial” funding in the list published by Google.

Google is preparing for what it is helping to bring, a Tea Party controlled USA (Obamacare was part of the plan). So it’s bringing in Republican coordinators. “A brassy, well-connected New York Republican who served seven years in the House, Ms. Susan Molinari is paid handsomely” as Google’s chief Washington lobbyist, said the New York Times. She should be: she was used as cute blonde bimbo talking head by CBS, before.

Says the New York Times: “based on comparisons with trade group lobbyists, Ms. Molinari is probably paid into seven figures in salary and stock. Representatives of the pharmaceutical and cable industries, for example, which each spent close to Google’s $18 million in lobbying in 2012, earned salaries of $2 million to $3 million…Her father is Guy Molinari, the former Staten Island borough president and a former five-term member of Congress, and her husband is Bill Paxon, also a former member of Congress and now a lobbyist.”

Such is the plutocratic web in the USA: thoroughly corrupt politicians enabling the powers that be. Just in the last year, Google funded for the first time ten right wing fanatical groups. Google spent a record $18.2 million on lobbying in 2012 in Washington alone.

As usual with the plutocratic organizations and celebrities who lead the USA, Google has a distinctively progressive image.

Propaganda works.

To Be Evil, first claim you are not. “Don’t Be evil”. Then persuade your prey it ought not to be evil, either, making it unable to even suspect it has to defend itself. Then Go Ogle everybody.


Patrice Ayme

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8 Responses to “Go Ogle You”

  1. gmax Says:

    GO OGLE U! What a find!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      If they fight from the gutter, that’s where we have to go. Mandela’s trick had been to get them out of the gutter and expose them, in the end. But it did not start that way.
      It started real dirty.


  2. Dominique Deux Says:

    Even that sanctimonious motto is plagiary. Hippocrates’ Oath states in its first line, “Primum non nocere”.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      “Primum non nocere” is part of an oath, an order to oneself, whereas, as I hinted, “Don’t Be Evil” could be an order to the vulgum pecus to behave, while Go Ogle swallows it whole.


  3. Stalinism Not Dead | Some of Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] antitrust office in 2010. He has been involved in a three-year standoff with [Don’t See Evil] Google over how the company runs its search engine. Competitors of the online giant had complained that it […]


  4. Andy Outis Says:

    Andy Outis I’d rather ogle you, Patrice Ayme…


  5. May Day (“Mayday”, “M’Aider”) | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] is the same today: our minds are for sale and traded, by the likes of Facebook. It could not have been done before. New tech enabled this new exploitation. New tech […]


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