Posts Tagged ‘Corruption’

Encourage A Coup In Russia

July 13, 2023

The United Nations Charter Article 51 gives inherent right of individual or collective self-defense in the event of an attack against a UN member state. 

UN member Ukraine has been attacked, we have the right to defend it. 

The best thing the Russian military, and its elite Wagner PMC, can do, is a coup. 

If Russian generals arrest Putin, they will redeem themselves: they will be able to argue that they were forced to obey orders until it became absolutely clear they were led by a corrupt, demented clique, and that the orders given to them violated the United Nations charter.

The coalition of more than 50 democracies providing weapons to Ukraine is acting in obedience of Article 51 of the UN and that should inspire Russian generals. 

Nazism was made possible because it had too many investors (US plutocrats) and allies (Kremlin, Japan). In general the fascist dictatorships of the 1930s, even Japan and the USSR depended, physically and psychologically upon trade or investment from wealthy Western actors. 

Major Western companies which still trade with Putin. They should be forced to stop.

Corruption in Russia has been made as profitable as it is because it traded what was stolen in Russia against what the oligarchs wanted in the West… and got from their plutocratic alter ego in the West. For example, hotel chains… 

The German army failed to arrest the Nazis, because they didn’t get support in the West (they asked) [1]. Let’s not repeat the mistake. 

Patrice Ayme


[1] As early as 1937 the German military (army, navy and intelligence) plotted a coup against Hitler. They just asked the UK and US to officially side with France (against Nazism). I have written exhaustively on this, it can also be found in the book “In the Garden of the Beasts”, where the French and US ambassador met to avoid the listening devices. Roosevelt reacted by firing the amabassador, his friend U of Chicago history professor Dodd…. And replacing him by a pro-Nazi (as he did in London).

There is no doubt a coup would have worked. The history of the world would have been very different. Not as US Deep State friendly, one may guess…


[New York Times ran an editorial 7/12/2023 on “How to manage Putin”. The comment above was my answer. The NYT didn’t publish it. Probably didn’t like the part about corruption in the West being the root of the problem…]

General “Armageddon” on the left, named thus for his butchery in Syria, is on the left. More specifically, Sergei Surovikin, a man Russian media have dubbed “General Armageddon” to hype his fearsome reputation as the guy who flattened the huge Syrian city of Aleppo in 2016, using mostly aircraft. Surovikin is the chief of the Russian air force (which was dispatch to flatten Wagner, but suffered heavy losses instead).

Surovikin is an ally, and maybe secret VIP member, of Wagner PMC. He has the same rank (four star) as Gerasimov, the armed forces chief of staff, on the right, who is apparently devoted to Putin and author of the botched invasion of Ukraine and great theoretician of “hybrid warfare”. Hybrid warfare depends heavily on fith column elements in the West such university professors, corrupt politicians (Marine Le Pen?? Trump???? Obama? Certainly Schroder, Berlusconi, and Merkel…), and journalists and bloggers all over claiming Putin is wisdom reincarnated, under NATO assault…)…

The tale gets further twisted by the fact that multi billionaire Prigozhin, “Putin’s chef”, an ex-convict, was the head of the Internet propaganda effort of Gerasimov’s hybrid warfare…

Yevgeny Prigozhin might want to watch out for any poisoning attempts by Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden joked during a press conference on Thursday 7/13/2023.

If I were he I’d be careful what I ate. I’d keep my eye on my menu,” Biden said during a joint press conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki.


[As my censorship by the NYT shows, the entanglement of corruption in Russia and the West is the bottom problem; NYT knows very well the Deep State advises never to approach that subject… which is fully obvious in the case of Hunter Biden, who seems to have got well above 5 million dollars, just from one billionairess in Moscow and one company in Ukraine… for “consulting” then he presented this as loans, and instead of trying to send Hunter to prison, the IRS, well, didn’t do much, although the whole planet knows…]

US Health Greed Is A Category Error

June 13, 2023

While the Democrats criminally prosecute their main opponent with the allegation of spying, a first in a representative democracy, it is appropriate to consider what the Democrats claimed has been their greatest achievement in decades… Healthcare.

Democrats were extremely at fault when they set up the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). ACA was a complete lie. The entire idea, inspired by free enterprise, was a category error. Obama said health care would profit from… competition in the marketplace. Patients were supposed to go to “exchanges” and purchase the best product with an eye on affordability… as if health was a stock exchange.

Obama called this ACA his “signature achievement”. Later, confronted with the abysmal failure, millions of US citizens dead, Obama fanatics claimed that Obama did not have a supermajority, so Obama could not fix healthcare. That was a lie. (Besides Republicans in the past set up the HMO system under Nixon, and Medicare Part D under G W Bush… So there is no proof Republicans are what prevents Democrats from acting…)

Obama claimed that the act of smart purchase would solve the healthcare affordability and availability crisis. Obama claimed healthcare was just a question of the free market: augment the competition, and the price of healthcare will go down… As it does for… cars (price of cars has been going up, in spite of many more models out there than ever before).

Obamacare is what is called in philosophy a category error. Obama claimed that health was all about buying and selling. Care was supposed to be improved by… competition, that is, greed. 

In truth all countries with universal health coverage have eliminated competition for basic healthcare…. and for profit health care insurance. Obamacare ended up financing private insurance with public funds, ensuring that the US healthcare system, per capita, is 50% more expensive than any other system, with the disastrous outcome of a collapse of US life spans. Such a collapse was only seen before in the ex-Soviet Union

The complexity of the US healthcare system was only increased by Obamacare, and complexity means cost: where France has just one computerized individual health card for all and any patient, the “carte vitale” used for all health transactions, with all medical records and drugs on it, the US has… 10,000 different health plans! 

Another problem in the US is outright greed: many top administrators are paid fortunes in the US system, sometimes hundreds of millions. The equivalent jobs in other countries simply don’t exist.  

Obama’s lunacy was a combination of insufficient ability for study, and greedy gullibility: he just did what the health insurers told him to do. Now Obama has three mansions, all in locales for the wealthy, two on expensive islands… so, as far as he is concerned, he is ahead and you are losers. This may sound harsh, but Obama literally had the Vice President of a health insurer write down “Obamacare”. To be more corrupt than that, one has to visit Putin’s Kremlin.

But then, as the Biden Ukraine related tapes say:”We are OK, because we never paid the big guy directly“…

Obama explained on Netflix in 2023, that’s the way it is… There are winners and leaders (like himself), and then there is the great abject mass below… Those without mansions, and who can’t afford healthcare… more than ever, thanks to the system Obama installed, Obamacare… Should we call it more authentically: Obamagreed? 

With Democrats like that, the US public got completely trumped.

Patrice Ayme

Horror: Hyper Wealthy Politico Hammered In San Francisco

October 30, 2022

There is constant violence and murder, and threats thereof, around the SF Bay Area. The inequality has grown enormously, and the destitute, many thousands of them, live in the worst camps on the planet, says the UN. I was brought up in the poorest Africa, and I have seen countless times the SF Bay camps, and I agree: it’s worst in the SF Bay Area. Once a homeless person was laying down in excrements and urine, obviously dying. I called 911…  A few blocks from Pelosi’s 25 million dollar mansion. Pelosi also has a winery, worth much more, just north. Now all this may be tied with Congress people engaging, among other things,  in insider trading, a practice of Congress which Pelosi insisted on, for decades.

Nancy Pelosi is worth at least 135 million. Most of this fortune was made while she was “Democratic” House Speaker, thus, de facto Prime Minister, and the second in line of succession to the US Preidency. Her “genial investor husband” (dixit NYT) much more than that. Feinstein, another SF politician, is worth dozens of millions, and her husband is a billionaire from trading with China, something his spouse mostly presided over in the last 30 years.. Corruption by leaders is a form of violence exerted on society. It is actually the master violence.

In Athens, We The People voted laws directly. In 2022 US, a “legislator” “represents” 770,000 people. The laws those few people voted for created a violent society, and they are fine with it, as long as the great Lords don’t get attacked. Meanwhile in the UK, the new PM earned more than $100 million, and paid no taxes. Sorry, as with Pelosis and Feinsteins, the spouse made the biggest bucks. But the local pluto media considers it a major tragedy when one of the Lords of the Bay gets attacked. Entire streets get blocked, front pages of local media are plastered with the unfathomable horror:

No answer presents itself, when low lives attack the fabulously wealthy and democratically legislating. Local plutocratic media orders you to get deeply upset, because a politically dominant plutocrat was hurt by a low life!

Marion D. Mahoney reacted: “Your first paragraph is interesting. We go to SF frequently and were told by a visitor from Mumbai that the city looks worse than their slums.

Indeed! Fabulously wealthy people living in their mansions of Pacific Heights are not concerned, worried or troubled by homeless defecating in the streets half a mile away. The outrage because a hyper wealthy (spouse of hyper wealthy politician) got hammered is astounding, considering the danger of just taking the subway (“BART”)… Maniacs are all over the place, and usually they don’t connect with the fabulously wealthy. Notice that the police arrived in 2 minutes to rescue Mr hyper wealthy Pelosi.

If one lives in a poor area, the police may show three hours later, purely symbolically, cruise in the middle of street, no stopping (all this is related from personal experience). This blade runner society, with hyper wealth revelling in proximal squalor, is something that Nancy Pelosi, most of the time the top legislator in the USA since 2006, has been instrumental in fabricating with her fake worries and deliberately misguided legislation. Yes, local people have had enough to be hammered by hyper wealth, hiding behind the smokescreen of “woke” discourse and PC racism…

Patrice Ayme


A subscriber of the WSJ published the following funny parody of the discourse the woke, PC, and high level “Democrats” engage in, when similar events happen to somebody else than the US elite:

Douglas Miller:

I think we need to wait for all the facts before we assume this guy is guilty of something.  There are reasonable explanations for why this guy was there at 2:30am with a hammer.  Perhaps he was planning to do some repairs on the home.  He is one of Ms. Pelosi’s constituents – perhaps he wanted to discuss some ideas for Build Back Better III.  Or maybe he thought the hammer would be a good symbol for building back better. Or maybe he was just looking for a matching sickle.  Innocent until proven guilty.  I certainly hope that the bail requirement will be dropped.  The guy is poor and bail is oppressive.  Where is he going to come up with that kind of money?  He’ll probably lose his job if they don’t let him out

Ecologically Fake, Plutocratically Correct

July 19, 2022

The present “ecological” policies of the West were made to fail. It was all a deep and subtle plot. Powers that be, dictators and financiers all tied in to fossil fuels, conspiredt to invest trillions in “renewables”… knowing full well that this couldn’t work as advertized. Intermittent renewables, absent nuclear and hydro, need fossil fuels as base power. This is why pseudo-“super green” California closed nuclear and is dismantling dams (which can be used as batteries for renewables). The present CA governor, who poses as an ecologist, emanates from the Getty Oil…


Official, admired “ecologists” were paid by the Kremlin dictatorship, for decades. The greatest revenue and source of military power of the Kremlin is also fossil fuels. Watch German ecologists, presently the government in Germany, close three perfectly safe, functional and fueled nuclear power plants in Germany. The “Greens” will replace those reactors with coal plants. 


So vicious are these pseudo-ecologists and Kremlin servants that they prefer to dispose of unused nuclear fuel, at great cost, ecological and financial… rather than letting that nuclear fuel be used in plants, making energy. It is as if they seeked the opportunity to make more CO2…. and help nuclear dictator Putin make more money to purchase electronics on the black market, to equip his rockets, and kill Ukrainian civilians.


Those devious plots are increasing considerably the production of CO2, now well above 50 gigatons per year. Thus they make the CO2 catastrophe worse, and thus foster wars, the first of which is the invasion of Ukraine, which is motivated by the fact that well irrigated Ukraine will stay a world sized breadbasket while other countries roast. Recently, Ukraine was providing enough grain to feed 400 million people. It could produce even more.


The CO2 catastrophe, wars and an enormous, stealthy yet indispensable fossil fuels infrastructure thanks to the  “renewables” trick will make the powers that be ever more powerful.  


As it is, after spending trillions which should have been spent on hydrogen and nuclear instead of sun and wind, “renewables” are less than 4% of the world primary energy production, and all they did was to make advanced countries more fossil fuels dependent: nuclear energy production has gone down 10% in the US, and much more in Europe, as enormous subsidies went to sun, wind and blah blah blah tricks to transfer more money to the wealthiest through “carbon” exchange tricks.


Not only do conspiracies drive history, but they are enacted through plots… Helped by disinformation and myths…Nothing new here. What’s new is nukes, CO2 levels not seen since before the dawn of humanity, the sixth extinction, and the various forms of pollution driving it…

Patrice Ayme

Let there be wind, say corrupt ecologists paid by Kremlin dictators and other tyrants.

“Democracy” By “Representatives” Is Intrinsically Corrupt!

July 10, 2022

Elected politicians are generally individuals obsessed by a thirst for power. Few elected politicians can turn elected office into a sinecure as Joe Biden did, elected Senator while still too young to serve, with a half century career as a politician (Biden made a huge amount of money during Trump, in his first bout in four decades without a top office, his only interruption).

To get elected the greedy need a lot of money, given by the financial establishment, in exchange for future favors.

But worse than that, politicians are not sure they can stay in office forever, so they need to get on boards, or become very friendly with the wealthy and powerful, etc. Now we learn a EU commissioner negotiated her future position at Uber, while still in office. 

Thousands of leaked files have exposed how Uber courted top politicians, and how far Uber went to avoid justice.

Many so-called “tech” monopolies are just organizations violating the spirit, if not the letter, of the law. Recently two-third of media revenue in the US went through Google and Facebook. 

When Macron was helping Uber, he was not even elected, just selected by elected dictator Hollande. Macron’s first elected office was the presidency…

The Uber files detail the extensive help Uber got from leaders such as Emmanuel Macron and ex-EU commissioner Neelie Kroes.  Uber’s long time boss personally ordered the use of a “kill switch” to prevent raiding police from accessing computers.

The Uber Files are a trove of more than 124,000 records, including 83,000 emails and 1,000 other files involving conversations, spanning 2013 to 2017.

They were leaked to the Guardian, and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Elected office selects for greedy individuals. Abe, the powerful Japanese PM who got assassinated, resigned of his own volition… However he was still pulling the strings as a not-so secret Shogun. I have less against Abe than many other politicians, and regret his assassination (for no good reason). However resentment against the present elected representative system is justified. Acting in anger against these powerful  Shoguns, elected or not, is part of democracy… Not democracy through dictatorial representatives, but people-power, demos-kratia, in its raw form. 

This is why violent street protests are part of the French revolutionary tradition: direct democracy at its rawest, and roughest. The US does not have as much violence in the street (except for the independence and secession wars)… But that’s because one can install two billion people in the US before arriving at the stress level of say, China (which has more reduced arable land than it looks)… or Western Europe.

As the climate crisis unfolds, dragging behind it wars such as the grabbing of Ukraine, violent strife will augment considerably, and the elected dictators will have to try catching the next plane, as just happened in Sri Lanka…

Just as we need an absolute wealth limit, one needs an absolute power limit, and term limits are not enough. One needs influence limits. One also needs, as Greek and Roman democracies had it, other types of offices limiting the power of elected representatives… Some by drawing lots.

And one needs more debate, more isegoria and parrhesia…. 

 Patrice Ayme


That Mark MacGann was a lobbyist for Uber. At the time Macron, ex-Rothschild super banker, ex-Inspector Of Finance of France, was Economy and Finace Minster nominated by president Hollande…

COVID EXPERTS Or Expert THIEVES? U.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries. Plus: LOCKDOWNS KILL! 

February 6, 2022

U.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries, is a title of the New York Times, February 1, 2002. Wow, if the New York Times starts telling the truth… What’s next? Revealing that the US financiers of the Wuhan Virus (lab), sitting pretty at NIH, had various vested interests in COVID? Just asking?

Let’s relax with a bit of boring New York Times:

The ballooning death toll has defied the hopes of many Americans that the less severe Omicron variant would spare the United States the pain of past waves. Deaths have now surpassed the worst days of the autumn surge of the Delta variant, and are more than two-thirds as high as the record tolls of last winter, when vaccines were largely unavailable.

With American lawmakers desperate to turn the page on the pandemic, as some European leaders have already begun to, the number of dead has clouded a sense of optimism, even as Omicron cases recede. And it has laid bare weaknesses in the country’s response, scientists said.

Death rates are so high in the States — eye-wateringly high,” said Devi Sridhar, head of the global public health program at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, who has supported loosening coronavirus rules in parts of Britain. “The United States is lagging.”

The US effort has been led by Dr. Fauci, who said multiple times that attacks on him were attacks on science, because”I am science”

Fauci style science is like a chameleon, always changing appearance. Videos are out there of Fauci authoritatively contradicting Fauci. Fauci is not just science, he is also bipolar and schizophrenic. In truth, much of the science on COVID has drastically evolved.

For example, I believed from earlier publications that the virus infected neurons. However a thorough paper published in science a couple of weeks ago, asserts that it is the immune reaction which attacks the brain. If that’s really true, it changes a lot of things…



An international huge meta analysis led by John Hopkins University showed that lockdowns during the first COVID wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID mortality by .2% in the U.S. and Europe.


This systematic review and meta-analysis are designed to determine whether there is empirical evidence to support the belief that “lockdowns” reduce COVID-19 mortality. Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). NPIs are any government mandate that directly restrict peoples’ possibilities, such as policies that limit internal movement, close schools and businesses, and ban international travel. This study employed a systematic search and screening procedure in which 18,590 studies are identified that could potentially address the belief posed. After three levels of screening, 34 studies ultimately qualified. Of those 34 eligible studies, 24 qualified for inclusion in the meta-analysis. They were separated into three groups: lockdown stringency index studies, shelter-in-placeorder (SIPO) studies, and specific NPI studies. An analysis of each of these three groups support the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality. 


While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.


Meanwhile, Neil Young, a Canadian who made his fame with students shot in Ohio, recently burnished his progressive credentials by denouncing a pioneer of messenger RNA research. A “podcast” host interviewed a professional researcher Dr. Malone, over three hours, in an interview which was often highly technical (I listened to the first half)… and highly critical of established experts, many of whom Dr. Malone met professionally in his long career. Wikipedia has a hit piece n Dr. Malone which poses as a biography (although it mentions he could get the Nobel for his research [2]). Suddenly celebrities  with no background in science whatsoever denounced anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, all over got cheap advertizing by displaying their scientific virtue. Now, of course, the governor of California, a corrupt politician and plotician making a colossal fortune from his prostitution for the house of Getty, is also an expert biologist in his own mind, proclaiming states of emergencies in California to mask two year old babies, claiming they spread the disease…. While Newsom himself goes unmasked, claiming it’s OK, as long as he has a mask in his left hand... in the sort of places where he himself ordered low lives to wear masks…

Dr. Malone was banned all over social networks. His discourse is learned, circumspect and technical. So why banned? Because he says, Malone exposed that many of the “experts” had colossal vested interests. They typically sat on the boards of companies they recommended as experts… while making millions from these boards and their stocks or options.  

All this ugly reality got hidden by the mask masquerade. Masks showed their inefficiency during the recent bouts of COVID. Now, the more controversy, the more the mask masquerade masks the reality of what is going on: the financing of a lab known to be extremely dangerous in Wuhan, the refusal of cheap therapeutics, etc… While “COVID experts” sit pretty on the boards of immensely wealthy pharmaceuticals, etc…

I have argued that the “Mask Masquerade Kills”: masks are mostly ineffective [3], while giving a false sense of security, thus exposing people to contamination. But then they are useful to the establishment as small people, low lives learn to live without faces, while believing that having no face saves lives…

Even George Orwell and other writers writing about the worst futures they could imagine, never dream that one day people would view having no faces as the summum of morality and altruism. Let alone, health.

Patrice Ayme


In other news, “Facebook, the company now named Meta’s share price slide on 2/3/2022, saw chief executive Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth fall by $31billion.” The drop in Mr Zuckerberg’s personal fortune was equivalent to the annual gross domestic product of Estonia.“… And the worst is… The worst is that he borrows against it, spends the borrowed money, and does not get taxed on it. Should we call him Suckerberg, as he sucks on us all?


[1] When I get Poison Oak, experience has shown me that an early and aggressive treatment including a small dose of prednisone is very efficient; waiting to go see the building up of the immune reaction and the doctor is the recipe for weeks of poison oak misery, and much higher doses of corticosteroids, etc.… Even better, just use water within the hour, or intensely rub alcohol… And be careful breathing it, it can kill…


[2] Wikipedia (2/5/2022): Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and while Stan Gromkowski, an early mRNA vaccine researcher and cellular immunologist, views Malone as “an underappreciated pioneer” who could be in contention to win a Nobel Prize for his work,[1] credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman[17][3] or Moderna co-founder Derrick Rossi,[11][18][19] 

First attempts at mRNA vaccines were in France in 1990s. mRNA was discovered in the 1950s by French Nobel laureates: Lwoff, Jacob, Monod…


[3] Paradoxically, I got COVID in Spring 2020, after a collision in the complete wilderness with an unmasked cyclist on a trail forbidden to cyclists, and on which I had never seen a cyclist before. Thus I would have profited from wearing a mask… This group of cyclists was there as they knew there would be no rangers because of COVID. Also it was the only spot a collision could happen by surprise, because of a sharp bend… In general though COVID is transmitted in enclosed locals where only HEPA filters and open windows could lower the viral load floating in the air… Getting the virus outdoors is nearly impossible.

Obsessed By Clean Air

January 15, 2022

Clean Air Is What We Need, Not Just Vaccines:
After censoring earlier observations of mine on masks, the NYT finally published this:

After the cholera epidemics of the Nineteenth Century, a conclusion imposed itself: cities needed clean water. After COVID, a conclusion is that we need clean air. We have the technology: High Efficiency Particle Air, HEPA filters can eliminate most of the viruses and bacteria from the air, using Van Der Waals forces. Masks cannot do that. HEPA filters should be mandatory everywhere.

Without HEPA, viruses build up in the air, and then circumvent masks’ fibers. So mask or no mask, in an enclosed room, after two hours, if one person exudes viruses, everybody catches said virus (N95 means 95% efficiency at 300 nanometers; but the virus is 100 nanometers, and 95% is not 99.97% anyway… The latest number is what HEPA filters achieve… On their first pass…), Not taking any of this in consideration explains the lamentable results of some countries with COVID. One can compare comparables.

The USA and its CDC, with their armies of well paid “experts”, have fared badly…. compared to some comparable countries. While the vaccine development has been remarkable, especially the mRNA vaccines, the mask mandates have been ineffective. That can be seen epidemiologically. Just today the CDC finally agreed that many masks worn in the US don’t work very well. Telling what peer reviewed articles said on the subject causes censorship in social media.

Living with pandemics cannot be avoided: too many people, too much travel. A good mitigation strategy is HEPA filters everywhere. They are cheap.


Mendham,NJ replied:

@Patrice Ayme You are obsessed with Hepa filters. That is one small part of the equation; not the most important. The most important factor with Covid is its biology. The way it behaves is erratic and in a way it has a mind of its own. This is why all the experts have been wrong now for two years, not only in this country but throughout the world. This disease has to be controlled as a prn basis and with support services until it peter out as it is doing now. The hysteria has to stop. This viral disease is not cholera which can be controlled and treated with appropriate antibiotics and environmental and social issues.


Well, literally, air filtration of viruses and bacteria is antibiotic… anti-bio: against life. Another comment on the preceding was authorized:

Joseph DiBello
Marlborough MA

Your points are valid, but Patrice is right about the masks and air filtration.


Peer reviewed articles have show that masks, as used in the USA can be five times worse than… no mask (the CDC is still in denial of that). As a result France, and other European governments, outlawed nearly all mask types, more than a year ago. Millions of masks were destroyed.  

At face value, the US expert establishment connected to the CDC is arguably the worst… in the world. Just look at the numbers.


Fauci, in an explosion of hubris, said that “attacking him was attacking science”. No, it’s attacking corruption in science. NIH called “gain of function” by a slightly different name, and then proceeded to finance the Wuhan Insititute of Virology to do just that on many species of bat corona viruses… While knowing the lab was not respecting the level 4 (maximal) safety necessary to do this. Whether that caused the pandemic or not is not sure. What is sure, is that it was, per se, a criminal act.

We need clean air!

Patrice Ayme

What is the Scientific Method? First, Debate. And Consider Obama’s Corruption

August 23, 2021

The New York Times glorifies the “sophisticated, vaccinated crowd” at the Obama narcissistic birthday multimillionaire bash it gushed about… and then bemoans the lack of scientific education of the US population… obvious in the case of COVID, supposedly. However, it contributes to it. It not so mysteriously delayed my comment below by 12 hours, while letting several hundreds anti-Trump and anti-Republican comments getting published instead. 

What is the essence of the scientific method? The essence of the scientific method is to debate experiments and the logic of their interpretation. Debate is the first order of things, with the “Scientific Method”. No debate, no science. If one wants to teach the scientific method, one will have to teach debating, and the love of debate, first. So science education starts well outside of science… In the domain of applied philosophy, rejoining what Steven Weinberg was saying.

Here is my lethally delayed comment:

What is the scientific method? Some say: double blinds, statistics? In truth, it’s not completely elucidated. The mRNA vaccine science was generally dismissed only a few years prior. Synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA) engineered by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna use pseudouridine and 5-methyl cytidine as substitutions for uridine and cytidine to avoid the immune response and cytotoxicity induced by introducing mRNA into cells. MRNA not using these substitutions is less effective. However, the influence of base modifications on RNA is poorly understood. And so on.

The scientific method is common sense, applied to experiments (or thought experiments) it advances through debate. So debates, and the desire-to-debate should be promoted. The mRNA vaccines are working, it’s likely that they will have little negative health impact… Differently from vaccines which modify the genetics

There is plenty of scientific evidence that masks are counterproductive… The virus is the same size as smoke (100 nanometers); dogs smell COVID at a distance: feeling protected by a thin material, people gather, and breathe the smoke/COVID. HEPA filtration and ventilation certainly absolutely work, and should be enforced!

Some authorities in the West were derelict: death rates vary enormously, worldwide. Europe received flights from Wuhan, while the city was isolated, inside China. It has transpired that NIH was financing the Wuhan Institute of Virology to turn around an interdiction of Gain of Function from Obama

This gigantic spread, the Obama narcissistic birthday bash, with Obama’s mansion to the left, is a testimony to the corruption of a “democratic” US president. Differently from Carter, Reagan, the Bushes, or Trump… Clinton and Obama made all their money from presidential trafficking… The island where this is located, Martha’s Vineyard, is full of professional “democrats”, and the corruption so intense the median home value is 4.2 million dollars. The spread above had been listed for 15 millions… Just one of many Obama’s properties…

Small world: Going around GoF interdiction by Obama (rightly so, I may have played a role…)… made NIH finance WIV. It reminds one of the CIA financing Mujahidins.

Obama’s birthday bash, with its huge 475 persons party, was a considerable reduction of what had been planned and had to be reduced because of the Delta Variant pandemic (the optics were bad). Obama danced all night, nobody wore masks. A president, flaunting the wealth he made from his presidential office. How does one call that? Afghanistan? President Truman, a democrat, had made a point to live from his retirement. And Truman explained why: to honor the office of the presidency. But Obama presided over the corruption he installed in Afghanistan… The buck stopped with him…

And why don’t you talk about Trump, lesser wits will bemoan. Well Trump did not pretend to be what he is not. Now that Biden is in power, it is very clear that Women Lives Don’t Matter (“US has no national interest in Afghanistan”), and that the Machiavellian treachery, mercurial and unpredictable inversion of alliances that was used to defeat the American Natives, is still in command, from the institutional subconscious. Ah, yes, once they were sure nobody would read my comment, 12 hours after getting it, and after publishing hundreds of partisan comments about the hatred of “Republicans” for science, the NYT published my ideas. So, the NYT cannot be accused of censorship and violating its “newspaper of record” mission.

Patrice Ayme

Hedge Funds And Financial Bandits Financed Biden: The List

January 31, 2021

BEST PRESIDENT THUGS’ MONEY WANTED TO BUY. Read All About The High Finance Thugs Below!

Janet Yellen received $810,000 in speaking fees in 2019 and 2020 from Citadel, the hedge fund wrapped up in the Gamestop saga. Citadel has spent $240k per year lobbying Congress and the Treasury Department. The Gamestop story has thrown a light on one of the many ways in which the elite colludes. 

The collusion between immense financial wealth and politics is not new. President Jackson, a duellist with unextracted bullets in his body, the greatest general of his time, massive invader of a giant swath of what became the present USA, ethnic cleanser of civilized Native Americans on an epic scale, defeater of the British, declared on his deathbed that he was most proud of having kept the USA safe from European bankers. 

Well, they finally arrived through the backdoor… For example by secretly financing some American banks. This helped bring World War One, but was not really noticed. Next came the crash of 1929-1930, which ushered the Great Depression. The bankers had pulled the strings during the boom… but the politicians took the erroneous decisions, mostly by rising tariffs too brutally and letting everything collapse… In any case, bankers hated President Roosevelt, and he “welcomed their hatred” as he put it… FDR signed the Banking Act of 1933, repressing the financial plutocracy by separating speculative banking (investing in the financial markets), and industrial banking (investing in the real economy). However, under the reign of king Clinton I, the Banking Act of 1933 was greatly dismantled. The consequences were the collapse of an elite hedge fund, LCTM, which threatened the entire financial system. The Fed intervened, saving the system. The work of Clinton I came to light again in 2008, with a somewhat similar crash. This time the Fed , and kings Bush II and Obama I intervened and saved the wealthy, with taxpayer money, to the great applause of the ignorant Commons.      

President Joe Biden’s electoral campaign raised a known total of more than $1.6 billion that we know of so far, according to OpenSecrets (January 2021). This amount includes donations to his official campaign committee and outside groups like single-candidate super Political Action Committees and hybrid PACs. Many of those contributing to Biden belong to the Financial Plutocracy, the core of the Global Deep Plutocracy (the sort that already existed in the Sixteenth Century, when Francois I and Charles Quint, fighting each other, were financed by bankers… And the sort which financed the war against the French Republic in the Eighteenth Century, and their descendants which never seemed to have seen since something nefarious enough not to finance…)

During the Gamestop scandal, some financial institutions blocked trading to buy shares, advantaging massive hedge funds which were short. When Internet critters spoke about it, Big Tech shut down their babbling… Because it is nefarious to the elite, by suggesting that the elite conspires, which, obviously it does on a planetary, global scale. Not much of that Internet censorship differs in essence upon what is done in the Chinese dictatorship. The only difference is that in China, it’s the government which represses, whereas in the “West”, it’s the bandits themselves, without any pretense at governance, as they claim to be driven by greed… Whereas the Chinese Communist Party claims to be driven by its desire to make We the People thrive (and can justify this to a great extent!)

Where Is Big Money Funneled?

Large donations in U.S. presidential elections are directed toward super PACs (super Political Action Committees), or hybrid PACs because of the $5,600 limit on how much an individual can give to a candidate’s official campaign committee per election.

Priorities USA Action, a liberal, hybrid PAC in its fifth election cycle, has received the most money of any pro-Biden, single-candidate organization. Millions of dollars have come into the PAC from the affiliated Priorities USA nonprofit, but since it doesn’t disclose donors, it is a “dark money” group: we can’t be certain who contributed to it. Biden supporters may also give to joint fundraising committees set up for the presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee like the Biden Victory Fund and Biden Action Fund.

Top Industries

The biggest industries represented among Biden donors are (thuggish) Finance, Securities & Investment, and Internet plotters, known as “Big Tech”.

The following were the top donors to the Biden 2020 election cycle, according to processed Federal Election Commission data.

1. Donald Sussman, Paloma Partners – $9 Million

The founder and chief investment officer of hedge fund Paloma Partners, Sussman has been a long time major donor to Democrat candidates. He gave to the Priorities USA Action and Pacronym political action committees. What is the problem with hedge funds? First only the hyper wealthy have access to them. OK, next donor, and here comes evil so deep, most people are never heard about it, as they pursue their enslaved low lives:

2. James Simons, Euclidean Capital – $7 Million

Jim Simons, a mathematician of definite renown (“Chern-Simons differential form”), co-founded the legendary, but all too real, hedge funds of Renaissance Technologies. Renaissance was founded in the 1980s by Simons and other mathematicians (who crucially contributed mathematical trickery). Simon, an award-winning mathematician and former Department of Defense code breaker, is known as the “Quant King“. 

The idea is actually extremely primitive: it consists in stealing people before they know it. As the idea is rather embarrassingly simple, pigeons do this everyday to each other, it is hidden below a mathematical mumbo-jumbo to make the naive and easily dazzled, believe in wizzardy. All what Simons and his henchmen do is to process massive trades a tiny bit faster than everybody else, while leading the market where they want it to go (by using their size and an arsenal of tricks). 

This sort of trading is thoroughly unethical that it should be unlawful, because it is a sure way to transfer more wealth to the wealthier, by giving a systematic trading advantage to the wealthiest. From there to systemic racism, there is a distinction without any difference. Thus, Simons is a revered figure, especially among mathematicians (he gives them crumbs, founding an institute… where I was hosted, sort of). Simons gave to the Priorities USA Action and Unite the Country political action committees.

3. Deborah Simon, Retired – $6.1 Million

Her father was the late Melvin Simon, the co-founder of America’s largest mall operator, Simon Property Group. This self-declared friend of man, “philanthropist”, gave to the American Bridge 21st Century and Unite the Country political action committees. Her sister Cynthia also donated $1.75 million.

4. George Marcus, Marcus & Millichap Co. – $4 Million

The billionaire real estate magnate is the founder of Marcus & Millichap Company and chairman of Essex Property Trust. Last year he co-hosted a fundraising event for Biden, and he has contributed money to the Priorities USA Action, Unite the Country and American Bridge 21st Century political action committees.

PPP On September 23, 1998, the chiefs of some of the largest investment firms of Wall Street—Bankers Trust, Bear Stearns, Chase Manhattan, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and Salomon Smith Barney—met on the 10th floor conference room of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 

5. Michael Moritz, Sequoia Capital – $3.5 Million

The Welsh native is a partner at venture capital firm Sequoia Capital. He’s also an author and former tech journalist. The venture capital firms and Silicon Valley in general have been operating in concert with the US Deep State. They too use tricks which should be illegal (founding startups which are bound to get sure contracts with Big Tech down the street, in exchange for what are basically kickbacks…)

It is better than the anti-innovation attitude of the Roman imperial state… But not that much better. After all, Louis XIV financed the famous physicist Huyghens… And this sort of pseudo-intellectual pseudo-goodism may have persuaded Louis he was a good person, enabling him to engage in repression against Protestants, which brought tremendous wars which were catastrophic for civilization and Europe in general and France in particular. Moritz gave to the Pacronym and American Bridge 21st Century political action committees.

6. Kenneth Duda, Arista Networks – $3 Million

Duda is the co-founder, chief technology officer and senior vice president (software engineering) at cloud networking solutions provider Arista. He gave to the Pacronym and American Bridge 21st Century political action committees.

7. Seth Klarman, The Baupost Group – $3 Million

Billionaire investor Seth Klarman is a longtime independent and has given to the Republican Party in the past. “I’ve seen meaningful numbers of people put aside what would appear to be their short-term economic interest because they value being citizens in a democracy,” he grandly told The New York Times in August. He gave to the Pacronym, Priorities USA Action and Unite the Country political action committees.

8.Reid Hoffman, Greylock Partners – $2.5 million

Hoffman is the co-founder and former executive chairman of LinkedIn. The billionaire tech investor is currently a partner at a venture capital firm. He backed Alloy, a data exchange platform for the Democratic party which will begin to wind down its operations next year. He gave to the American Bridge 21st Century and Unite the Country political action committees.

9.Stephen Mandel, Lone Pine Capital – $2.5 million

Mandel founded hedge fund Lone Pine, which has an excellent long-term track record. He was among the top 10 highest paid hedge fund managers in 2019, with an income close to $1 billion. He gave to the American Bridge 21st Century political action committee.

10. Phillip Ragon, Intersystems Corporation – $2.5 Million

Also known as “Terry,”Ragon is the founder and CEO of private healthcare software company Intersystems. He and his wife, Susan, have signed The Giving Pledge, a trick to persuade the Commons that the plutocracy will redistribute all its money to them: so no need to tax plutocrats, aka “philanthropists”. Ragon gave to the American Bridge 21st Century political action committee.

Other Biden Loving Plutocrats:

Renaissance Technologies director Henry Laufer and his wife, Marsha, together contributed $4 million to back Biden. Stewart Bainum Jr., the chairman of Choice Hotels International, gave $2 million to the Unite the Country political action committee.

Big donors from the media industry include director Steven Spielberg and his wife, Kate Capshaw, who together gave $2.5 million. Jeffrey Skoll, the first president of eBay and founder and chairman of Participant, which has produced more than 100 feature and documentary films, gave $2 million. Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane donated $700,000 and media mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg gave $200,000. Kathryn Murdoch and James Murdoch, son of News Corporation executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, together contributed $1.6 million. That’s called hedging, in case you wonder. The demolition of Donald Trump by Fox News’ “moderator” Chris Wallace in the first presidential debate looks less of a coincidence in this light….

Is Biden hopeless for progress? Not necessarily. As he put it long ago:

Politics is a damn expensive business. I had one hell of a time trying to raise money as a candidate. I had to put a second mortgage on our house to get that campaign started, and I ended up spending over $300,000 to get elected. I believe that public financing of federal election campaigns is the only thing that will insure good candidates and save the two-party system. It is the most degrading thing in the world to go out with your hat in your hand and beg for money, but that’s what you have to do if you haven’t got your own resources.

Well, it’s not just about little Biden getting humiliated. This is about the planet. When vicious thieves become the wealthiest, most influential persons in the world, we get a world founded on vice and thievery. No way to ensure the survival of civilization, being guided by the most despicable. This is a lesson to meditate worldwide, including with the Russian and Chinese dictators.

These bandits did not steal pizza slices. They stole the future.

Patrice Ayme

Refusing To Vaccinate: Are Our Experts Homicidal Cretins? Or Just Corrupt? Drunk On Power?

December 30, 2020

The Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine passed its class III trial with flying colors, more than 95% success rate (no symptoms, and basically no grave case of COVID). It was then authorized on an emergency basis. Forty millions doses were expected to be produced by the end of 2020. However 20 million doses were kept in reserve.

Why? To make sure the elite gets its second shot, thus superb immunity? We were indeed told that it was to make sure that there would be enough second doses a month later. The reasoning is, at best, idiotic: as production is ramping up, there certainly would be enough doses a month or two later. Actually the head of research and development at Pfizer, a woman, said exactly what I just said (but she has to be discrete).

Come to think of it, that reasoning, that shots have to be kept in reserve, is so blatantly idiotic it cannot be the truth. The Class III trial of that vaccine has shown that considerable protection from COVID appears after just ten days of the first dose (quickly around more than 50%, more than the flu vaccine). Presumably the “experts” had time to get informed of this significant fact. Although I suspect that they spend so much time with celebrities, plutocrats and power types or their stockbrokers, that they perhaps do not have enough time to read the latest science. (Not kidding: the esteemed Dr. Fauci had time for Kim Kardashian and no less than 36 hollywood and rapping celebrities; he was against banning travel, before he was for it, and against masks, before he was for them; hey, jumping all around like an illogical goat helps his fame…)

A friend of mine who is a top lawyer told me half the doses were kept in reserve to make sure that the 1%, the power brokers, the elite of politics, wealth and celebritism had enough vaccine to flaunt its privilege. 

More prosaically, why do some individuals aspire to so much power over others? Simply because that tells us, and them, how much more valuable those individuals are: they are worth saving and we are not. Their lives are so much more worthy. Let them have vaccines, while we do not. They are our gods, we shall pray at their feet, while they prey on us.

Watch, in places such as California, thirty-something teachers, who are paid full time, not to teach, because their unions refuse to teach, getting priority for COVID vaccinations. 

Kamala Harris and her husband, both 56 years old, are superior beings: they should get a vaccine they need 1,000 times less than an older person, who will then not get it, because the old and common do not deserve to live, but she does. You the commons, have to learn to be a worm with a smile…

US Vice President (“elect”) Kamala Harris is in perfect health, and 56 years old. She, and her 56 years old husband, received the coronavirus vaccine. People more than 65 years old, have 90 times higher probability of dying from COVID, & are not getting the vaccine, while relatively young super healthy politicians get it. Equality for all to see. We The People die, while our dictators do their best efforts to live, and flaunt it!

Friend Vikki Stefans objected: “She’s in Congress with a bunch of goofballs who attend unmasked WH parties though. I’d say the exposure risk is pretty high and the leadership example matters too. She DID let Joe go first!!”

Patrice Ayme replied:

The leadership of flaunting privilege? I know a high density living place with more than two thousand residents with a COVID outbreak. Many individuals therein are aged more than 80 years old. I asked several local authorities to get vaccinations authorized. They ignored my request: city hall said they did not worry about such things. The County Health Officer, prone to issue fascist orders of the nonsensical type, replied they had lots of requests… But my request was on behalf of the largest high rise in the entire 1.6 million inhabitant county, a Silicon Valley county full of single family homes with a median price above a million dollar. 

So twenty-five year old teachers who refuse to teach, and are living in single homes, are getting vaccinated, though. Half a mile away a high density situation just saw five hundred forty (540) COVID cases out of 540 residents, some elderly. No vaccines, a few deaths already. I say Ms Harris is the example of privilege, as is her privileged Big Law partner husband.

They show that the elite considers it important to tell us that they deserve to live, and we do not. Why is it so important? Because it is unfair, so it invites We The People to think of the guillotine. A conflict is created, and conflicts keep the otherwise mentally vacuous busy, providing a distraction from their ambulatory nihilism.

Patrice Ayme 



I suggested a few weeks ago to do only the first shots. Now Great Britain just opted for the common sense policy. From the New York Times:

Britain became the first country on Wednesday to give emergency authorization to the coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, opening a path for a cheap and easy-to-store shot that much of the world will rely on to help end the pandemic.

In a bold decision to accelerate vaccinations, a British government advisory body directed clinicians to give as many people as possible their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine, without reserving supplies for planned second doses.

Instead of administering the two shots within a month, clinicians will wait as long as 12 weeks to give people their second doses, the government said, a decision that applies to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine as well as the Pfizer-BioNTech shot that Britain authorized early this month.

With the vaccination rollout moving slowly in both Britain and the United States, British officials were heeding calls to delay the second doses as a way of giving more people the partial protection of a single dose. Matt Hancock, the health secretary, said people would start receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine early next week.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca shot is poised to become the world’s dominant form of inoculation. At $3 to $4 a dose, it is a fraction of the cost of some other vaccines. And it can be shipped and stored at normal refrigeration temperatures for six months, rather than in the ultracold freezers required by rival vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, making it easier to administer to people in poorer and harder-to-reach parts of the world.

When given in two, full-strength doses, AstraZeneca’s vaccine showed 62 percent efficacy in clinical trials — considerably lower than the roughly 95 percent efficacy achieved by Pfizer and Moderna’s shots. For reasons scientists don’t yet understand, AstraZeneca’s vaccine showed 90 percent efficacy in a smaller group of volunteers who were given a half-strength initial dose.

[The latter point needs to be demonstrated with certainty… but is plausible…]

In Britain, Professor David Salisbury, formerly responsible for the country’s immunization program, has campaigned to delay the second shot until all high-risk people have had the first dose. After two weeks of declining infections, new cases have risen sharply in the U.K. since the beginning of December, apparently in part from a mutation making the virus 56% more transmissible.

On December 22, former long term U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair said that proceeding with the previously planned second-shot schedule would result in “colossal” damage in terms of infection rates, deaths and economic impact.


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Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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