When Dog Turned Into God

We have a striking historical case of someone, whom history ought to treat as a dog, and who was famously told he was a dog (but in a way too sophisticated for him to understand), who later came to consider himself as a god.

Alexander, son of Philippe, visited Diogenes. He stood in front of Diogenes’ barrel, and told him he would do for him whatever he wanted. Great leaders like to pose as helpful, and open minded.

Diogenes told him to stop making a shadow.

These were the times when a shadow was been thrown over all of civilization.

In the USA, Church And State Are Not Separated. Anymore.

In the USA, Church And State Are Not Separated. Anymore.

A correct trajectory is one according to the Principle of Least Action. Correct thinking may be the one achieving the most, while supposing the least.

Cynics know the theists have a dog in the fight, and his name, or that of his Representative, Messenger, Archangel, Son, Demiurge, or whatever, is Sacrosanct. Sacrosanct is a concept coming from Republican Rome: Tribunes were sacrosanct: attacking them physically meant death.

Cynics know theists insist upon a particular name, because they want to make their champions more respected and powerful than anybody else. Alexander went back east where Orientalism thrived. Alexander saw his blood flow. He wondered: “Is that the blood of a God?” His fellow Macedonians, and a few Greeks, companion in arms, laughed.

In the Orient, Godism was strong (sorry, let’s be polite with those who come from the fanum, the temple: Theism). Because, in a Hydraulic Dictatorship, you need a great dictator, and thus a great god created in His image, thus demonstrating that the dictatorship on the ground is ordained by the dictatorship in heavens.

The original cynicism was a reaction to the rising plutocracy: it’s no accident that the fundamental plutocrat, this follower of the demonic instinct, who had annihilated the entire City-State of Thebes, Alexander the Great, was viewed by the fundamental cynic, Diogenes, as a blot on an otherwise cloudless sky.

Reminding Alexander that humans were just dogs, was a way to remind Alexander that he himself was just a dog. (And a dog who kills tens of thousands in a city which has surrounded, is indeed rabid; Alexander the “Great” also crucified thousands in Tyr, and annihilated that City-Civilization too.)

Alexander’s reply: I am a God, not a Dog.

If humans are dogs are not their deities in their image too? Are not, thus, the gods, dogs? It’s hilarious to see debates about cynicism in the USA being transformed into the usual my-god-is-bigger-than-your-dog quarrel. As one commenter said, “continental” philosophy is pretty ignored. Too anti-God, of course, to survive deep down in the American aquarium.

To kill the Dog who wants to rule us (Alexander and his countless imitators, some contemporary), we have to kill the God they pretend to be, or in the image of (or live according to, thus giving them divine power, while bringing to life the ahistorical Jesus)

Nietzsche famously said: “Man is a rope, stretched between beast and Übermensch.” I prefer the truth: “Man is a hope, stretched between beast and Übermensch.”

But there is no hope, when all the hope there is to follow the Dog, especially when he strive to make himself believe he is a so-called “God” (As Alexander did, until Antipater told his valet, Antipater’s youngest son to do away with him… At least so it is pleasant to believe).

There is the paradox of the (make-)believer. Somebody who goes through life, assuming more than s/he needs, to gain theoretical advantage.

In the blessed USA, churches don’t pay tax, and thus legions believing the American world is the will of God (or, as Diogenes implicitly said, Dog) are ready to serve a government of plutocrats, by plutocrats, for plutocrats.

Don’t tell me what your society is: tell me what your gods are, and I will tell you what your elites do claim they believe in, and what they can get away with.

Patrice Ayme’

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6 Responses to “When Dog Turned Into God”

  1. dominique deux Says:

    Love the cartoon. So very true.

    Pasthun tribesmen and Tea Partiers have a lot in common: they like their guns on hand and well greased, their women barefeet and well behaved, their preachers fiery and unbending, and in addition they’re most courteous and hospitable and cook a mean barbecue.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes, the hospitality custom is really something! When hospitality is extended, even lethal enemies become respected guests. I don’t exactly have my mind around why it works… Yet I practice it. I have never turned down a comment (even one completely Nazi one, long long ago, although I sat on it for 6 months…). However, I will fiercely criticize, and scold those I really don’t like. (They don’t come back! ;-))

      This is very different from the censorship method many sites use (assorted with threats, quite often!)

      One thing I got from my African childhood, was that debate is the most important gift among full grown adults. Or even children, come to think of it. Africans tend to know this very well, and conversations for ever, are a rule.

      Afghanistan is a case of mindsets gone mad. Islam, interpreted literally, is an excuse for the worst predators. In the 1960s and early 70s, Afghanistan was completely open, open minded, full of hippies, safe: my parents went there, all over, several times (my dad was very close to the colleagues of his who found the riches of Afghanistan; then all hell broke loose, as the Americans were understandably furious to see the French and Russian angling towards some riches somewhere…)

      So the USA’s “real government” unleashed Pakistan’s ISI….


  2. Brodix Says:

    December 18, 2014 • 7:10 pm
    Absolute is basis, so a spiritual absolute, or state of absoluteness, would be the essence from which we rise, not an ideal from which we fell.
    Good and bad are not a cosmic dual between the forces of righteousness and evil, but the basic biological binary code of attraction to the beneficial and repulsion of the detrimental.
    What is good for the fox is bad for the chicken and there is no clear line where the chicken ends and the fox begins. Between black and white are all the colors of the spectrum.
    Nature expands and consolidates. Form is the apex of that process. Rise and fall.


  3. Brandholm Says:

    Patrice, personally I’d consider us closer to super-Bonobos than super-Baboons. Regardless, I have a question regarding your claim that ancient Greeks didn’t know of them. Baboons (from what I understand) were used in ancient Egypt for duties very similar to what we use dogs today. You can certainly see images like this on Papyrus from that time. Wouldn’t the Greeks be aware of this through trading contacts at the very least?


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