Uber Greece: When The Main Industry Is Lying

Paul Krugman in  Uber and the New Liberal Consensus  points out that:“Uber actually brings two things to the taxi market. One is the smartphone revolution… The other is the company whose workers supposedly are free contractors, not employees, exempting the company from most of the regulations designed to protect employees…

…The “new liberal consensus“, argues (based on a lot of evidence) that wages are much less rigidly determined by supply and demand than previously thought, and that public policy can and should nudge employers into paying more. If that’s your policy plan, you really don’t want to see employers undermine it by declaring that they aren’t really employers…promote the use of new technology without prejudicing the interests of workers. But progressives need to work on doing that, and not let themselves get painted as enemies of innovation.”

Notice that Uber got lots of mileage from lying that they are an employer without employees. As technology and innovation advance, the law is left behind, and thus so are the punishments for violating it, or its spirit. We have seen a lot of that in the case of Greece. Lying has been supreme about how and thanks to whom, and most prominently, for whom, money is being created. Sometimes it feels as if we belong to an age where lying is the main industry. Engineering is good, lying, more profitable.

Another day, another economist from Munich lying about Greece, in the New York Times, while quoting (favorably) Goldman Sachs. “Why Greece Should Leave The Eurozone“:

“To compete, Greece needs a strong devaluation — a relative decline of its price level. Trying to lower prices and wages in absolute terms (for example, by slashing wages) would be very difficult, as it would bankrupt many debtors and tenants.

It would arguably be better to inflate prices in the rest of the eurozone…If the rest of the eurozone posts inflation rates of slightly less than 2 percent, as the E.C.B. hopes, Greece would be competitive after a decade or so, provided that its price level stays put…

What about the solution favored by leftists: more money for Greece? No doubt, enormous government spending would bring about a Keynesian stimulus and generate some modest internal growth. However, apart from the fact that this money would have to come from other countries’ taxpayers, this would be counterproductive, as it would prevent the necessary devaluation.”

The question of corrupt economic advice keeps coming back. Dreadful advice keeps on coming: first rescuing the private banks with state money, ruining the state, then austerity, ruining the economy. Now they want to make Greece worthless, because they say it will improve the economy.

By forcing on it a devastating devaluation, do Germans want to buy Greece on the cheap? Often it looks like it. The Greeks own more worthy property than Germans do. This property is valued in Euros. Germans cannot buy enough of it. But they could, if the currency used by Greeks became worthless, which is what many German economists advocate.

Those who want to make Greece worthless say: that would improve the Greek economy. However, the Greek economy depends upon tourism (which is roaring ahead), petroleum imports (which would become immensely expensive if Greece devalued), refined petroleum products (those contracts are in dollars, so would not profit from a devaluation) and shipping (all contracts are in dollars).

Ridiculous ideas are rolled out. Take Finland: it’s in recession, with 10% unemployment, still Finland accuses Greece. But, truly, what Finland needs is the same as what Greece needs: easy money and tons of it. Same observation for the Netherlands. That same “leftist” solution, the one the USA implemented for itself.

Hence why the nefarious advice? Because Europe has many enemies and many economists’ repute depends upon sinking the EU, while Wall Street profits from it.

The advice has been to bleed the patient, until he gets better: that’s austerity. Now the advice is to bury the patient, until it revives, raising from his ashes.

All what Greece needs is an anti-oligarchic revolution. Some in the EU will help achieve it.

And that’s why precisely the hysteria has been so great about sabotaging the EU by kicking Greece out. The powers that be don’t want a successful anti-oligarchic revolution. As all European states are supposed to be in the European Monetary Union, and Greece does not want out, this is the violence one was talking about.

Patrice Ayme’

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23 Responses to “Uber Greece: When The Main Industry Is Lying”

  1. Kevin Berger Says:

    Uber (and the attendant “sharing economy” ) = one new step toward the “liquid society” that is modernity. And to go on a tangent from your above post, islam, and, dare I write it, the mass import of muslims, is a powerful solvant that is very much apprciated by the masters of the world, in a basic but crudely effective divide & conquer way.
    Just as the previous incarnation of those forces – the British empire – used to move populations around and to tinker with demography in order to weaken opposition (Sri Lanka still paying the price today, for example), I cannot imagine that the current one – the transatlantic empire?, I guess, deterritorialized and financiarized, but still very much an anglo-saxon supremacism – does not play by the same rules. Anything that can help reduce individuals to just that, individuals, is a boon, sexual identity, racial identity,… a sea of individuals that the thalassocracy can naturally rule over.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Islam was used to dumbify the masses, make them stupid, as early as 1945, in a deliberate plot. See my “Great Bitter Lake”.


      Fundamentalized Islam was, and is, part of the plutocratic plot to distract and conquer.

      The plutocratically owned MSM, the Main Stream Media, is partial to anything which makes the masses dumber.


  2. EugenR Says:

    I believe a lot if not most of what is to be said about the Greek economic crisis you can find in the following discussion between me and Hubert, a German intellectual I edited in my blog. Judge by yourself.

    Germany versus Greece

    If still not satisfied, I add some additional articles I wrote about the subject.

    Greece without Grexit

    Europe!!! Where too?

    Greece versus Slovakia

    Germany is not to be blamed for everything-mainly not for the Greek economic crisis


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      There is a European economic crisis, Greece is a particular case, extreme in some ways. I am not going to do like most of the German population, and, once again, displace my ANGST from what causes it really, to an innocent population. Yesterday the Jews and the French, if not the Slavs, Gypsies, and what not.

      Europe needs enough money, with enough velocity, to make its economy work. Finland is a case in point. Finland has around the unemployment rate of France, BUT is in recession (France had no recession since before 2008, Germany did). However Finland is held hostage by Wall Street types who insist there is too much money around. Same observation for the Netherlands (but less striking).

      Ultimately, everything rests not on Germany, a half senile bully with a dead ideology, but on France. France can ally with whoever, and do her own Eurozone. As France is presently at war on several continents, just like the USA, and differently from Germany, she needs money to keep on moving. If the USA and France sat on their hands, Islam and Russian extremists would take over mighty quick, we have seen it all in the 1930s (when the USA sat on its collective hands).

      In the exchange you had, Hubert told you Germany was in violation of the letter, and certainly spirit, of the Eurozone. He is right. Also the Greek crisis got the lenders and debtors off the hook. They, basically, stole the money. And were replaced by the Greek Public as both lender and debtor, a new sort of serfs.


      • EugenR Says:

        Very much so. The time came to ease the grip. Greece, but also Estern Europe needs massive investments now. For the capitalist I have good news. There is high yield to be collected here.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          All of Europe is starved for money. Except Germany. Great Britain, BTW, maintained an easy money policy, and high deficits, for years. France had enough last year, and decreed she would run 4.5% deficit for two years, very officially (Britain was then at 4.7% deficit, turns out).

          As I said, it’s pretty France who is deciding. When the French gov decided to keep Greece in the Euro, that was it. Merkel went over to the French side, and obscurantist Germans (including one on this site) foamed in impotent rage.

          We are very far from that (as Germany lined up behind France, including in a lopsided vote in the Reichstag), but France could very well eject Germany from the Eurozone… And thrive (so it will NOT happen, as even the most idiotic decision makers in Germany know this). My bet is that French deficits are going to be above 5% for several years…


          • EugenR Says:

            The absurdity is that the only countries that fulfill the Maastricht criterion are Poland and Czech republic, and maybe Romania and Bulgaria, who are not in the Euro zone and with big deficit in infrastructure. Their debt is around 50% of the GDP. Time to release the budget strains in these countries.


  3. Sladjana Josic Says:

    I’ve just came back from Greece. I watched several greek tv channels(ert 1, vouli).
    Risk of collective brain washing is huge.


  4. Sladjana Josic Says:

    Sladjana Josic The Greek propaganda is a kind of black and white or pro and contra propaganda: pro socialism anti capitalism, pro russian anti german, pro revolution anti civil obedience. Lenin and Stalin are popular historical figures. Merkel is compared with Hitler. Cuban revolutionaries are popular too.


  5. tom Says:

    @Sladjana: what exactly did you watch? vouli is the parliament’s channel(why the parliament needs to have a channel, I doubt any greek who does not work there understands) and shows mostly a) parliament sessions(where yes, what you hear is exactly what each MP says, including both pro and anti-capitalism/socialism/EU etc positions and b) old movies.
    Ert is the state channel. I have not seen anything on Lenin or Stalin lately there. And no, neither is a popular figure. On state TV I have never seen Merkel compared to Hitler. On the contrary on private TV stations, there are frequent ‘panels’ (sinc ethey cost much less than a movie or a series) where the main criterion is to invite ‘colourful’ personalities, i.e. people with extreme views on both sides, so they can have a good fight that hopefully will boost ratings.

    Mind you that for all the bashing of state employees, if bank deposits are at risk, it is precisely because of the unserviceable loans held by private companies, including practically all media moguls.


    • Sladjana Josic Says:

      Sladjana Josic: There are three Ert channels (ert 1, 2, 3). So i watched three ert channels and vouli. I have no reason to write lies. I wrote what i saw on these greek channels.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Patrice Ayme: Dear Sladjana: I don’t think Tom wanted to accuse you of lying. He also pointed out devious plutocrats hold the media. I would add that effective propaganda is subtle. FOX News, in the USA, often camps itself as abrasively critical of the established order (when, in truth, it’s servicing it!). Somewhat similarly in France, harsh critiques are directed off crucial targets. The People of Greece has been severely mistreated. Anger is natural, and welcome. Only thus can the establishment be mitigated.


  6. tom Says:

    @Sladjana: This was a simple question, not an accusation. Did you watch this in the news as a statement by the anchornewspeople, some guest, a panel or the parliament sessions? Was it a statement by the newspeople or by some political figure (it would help to know which)?
    In general Ert is fairly objective and the anchorpeople do not do commentary, in contrast to anchorpeople in private channels. Since what you wrote is contrary to my experience, I simply asked for clarification, as I certainly do not watch these channels all the time and you could be right and I may have missed something. But what you wrote seems strange, especially the Stalin/lenin thing, so I’d be interested in details. On what occasion was Stalin mentioned? Was it some WWII documentary? Was it some minister or government spokesperson extolling Stalin’s virtues when, presumably asked about economic issues?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Personally, I know anger can be an indispensable mover. The Greeks OUGHT to be extremely angry. Certainly PM Tsipras needs that energy, that energy from anger, be it just to tax plutocrats, oligarchs, and theocrats…


  7. Sladjana Josic Says:

    Sladjana Josic: I watched an old russian programme about Stalin’s life on one of the mentioned greek channels. I advice Tom to go to Greece and watch local greek media, if possible.

    In my opinion, it is not good to be driven by anger. Anger is a destructive feeling. Political life should be based on rational thinking and understanding. After all anger and irrational thinking lead to war, while balanced emotions and rational thinking lead to peace.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Destructive feelings towards what needs to destroyed are good. Example: France declaring war to Hitler, September 3, 1939. Other example: the present banking system OUGHT to be destroyed. But it cannot be, because the public is not angry enough to try to understand what is going on. Let alone fight back.


    • tom Says:

      Thanks for the clarification. So it was not some government official glorifying Stalin, but an old russian documentary on a historical figure. So your statement ‘Lenin and Stalin are popular historical figures’ does not seem to follow from the facts. For instance showing ‘the godfather’ on State TV does not mean that the mafia are popular figures.


      • tom Says:

        P.S. An even more relevant example than the godfather would be the ‘Attila the Hun’ movie, done from a pro-Attila and anti-Rome perspective. Showing that movie hardly means glorifying Attila.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        I highly doubt that Stalin and Lenin are presently popular in Greece, indeed!
        A major Mafioso was just buried in Rome to the sounds of the movie “The Godfather”, while posters claimed that, after “conquering Rome”, he “was going to conquer paradiso”. An helicopter dropped a red cloud of rose on the funeral cortege…


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!