From the “Deep State” to the “Steady State”: Anti-Trump Derangement Reaches New Lows…

The New York Times published an anonymous essay claiming to be authored by a “senior administration official”, to the effect that Trump is a flaky child, and the country is saved by “resistance” inside the Trump administration by the “steady state”. Trump is not just immature, but: 

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision-making.

Although he was elected as a Republican, the president shows little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people. At best, he has invoked these ideals in scripted settings. At worst, he has attacked them outright.

Free markets”? What is “free” about Chinese market domination? 375 billion dollars of deficit in 1917! … With the US alone. Adding the European deficit, one gets more than half a trillion dollars in deficit. So many good jobs, and know-how lost! … And the consequences are major, even ecologically: France, for example, has no recent development of solar PhotoVoltaic, the cheapest unsubsidized energy in 2018. Why no French PV? Because, argue the French higher-ups, the solar panels are made in China, and purchasing them would aggravate the already catastrophic French trade deficit! 

Chinese market domination is enabled by governmentalism:

Governmentalism works: all serious civilizations have known this. The Greek city states, especially Athens, practiced governmentalism extensively. So did its enemy, the Achaemenid empire. Rome practiced governmentalism, even more so. Western Europe also did, led by the Merovingians, Carolingians, the French monarchy, and the Anglo-Normand state.

Governmentalism was practiced for so long, it spawned a trade subsidiary: mercantilism.

So why doesn’t the West practiced it as much as it used to?

The trade imbalance and de-industrialization of the West is not an happenstance, but a plot: Chinese market domination is enabled by collusion with global plutocracy.

As I have explained many times, the scheme was inaugurated when the Roman Republic degenerated: the Roman plutocracy became strong from not paying taxes, and weakening the core of the empire, Italy, which had given birth to it. Now we are repeating it, on a planetary scale.


So will sneer that Trump is no anti-plutocrat, but that he is not of them himself. Right. However, in disagreement with most other plutocrats (and no, it has nothing to do with Putin: Trump is on the record with his positions since 1970… If anything Trump influenced Putin first, not vice versa!)

Several ideas Trump promotes are lethal to the existing plutocratic establishment (anti-”free” trade, anti massive immigration, anti deindustrialization, denouncing the vested, biased opinion of most media, etc.) The more Trump pushes those iconoclastic ideas, the more the plutocratic establishment is hurt, because it rests on them. Soon, at this rate, lethally hurt… For example “trade”, like “art” are viewed as absolute goods by all old fashion parties be they “left” or “right”. Never mind that they are tax eschewing. No attention is paid by the media that those augment the plutocratization exponentially. And why would the plutocratically owned media undermine beliefs which enables it to exist? Instead the “liberal” establishment insists that having a Supreme Court justice who won’t fancy abortion at 8 months, for no good reason, undermines democracy.  Brandish red herrings, and thrive!


Although Trump has helped civilization to sink lower than ever, this is not the worse problem. The worst is that his opposition is worse.I replied to the anonymous editorial. Here is my comment below. It apparently baffled the New York Times (charitable interpretation!), which started by NOT publishing my ideas (the NYT published another 10,000 comments on the anonymous ed in the meantime)! Thus the readership was kept safe from subservience.


One has to look beyond Trump. One has to look beyond the present “administration”. One has to look beyond the present political system, that so-called “representative democracy”. One has to look at reality: “representative democracy” puts too much power in too few hands. This cannot end up well, because the physical power is increasing while the brain power (the few hands in power) is not.

Thus, “Representative democracy” has to be contained. Notice that “representative democracy” is a contradiction in adjecto. Demos kratia means people power. It does mean the few ruling, that’s oligarchy. Oligarchy is what we have, but we call it democracy. And when, as is the case, just one man has power, that is tyranny (rule of the one). Thermonuclear tyranny. We came very close to all-out thermonuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. If the two leaders had been a tiny bit more crazy…

At some point just one Russian officer, in a particular submarine by chance, prevented the firing of thermonuclear torpedoes against an US aircraft carrier.

Giving too much power to a few men was long tried: contrarily to repute, kings were often elected (such as the founders of the Merovingians and the Capetians). It is the principle of kinship, too much power for one man, which was at fault.

To contain the exaggerated power of a few men, one has to go back to DIRECT democracy, as Athens (and Rome to some extent) practiced, enabling them to advance civilization. In the Internet age, We The People can vote directly in plebiscites. This is done in Switzerland,  very successfully, albeit partly, in California. They both balance the usual representative system with the direct voting system.  


I was disappointed that the NYT didn’t publish my comment, and sneered that it was naturally more interested to exhibit Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms, rather than addressing the deep issues at hand. Then I did something I didn’t do for a while: I sent a protesting comment. Here it is:


I sent a comment to the NYT which was cogent: the problem isn’t so much Trump inasmuch that there is too much power in too few hands, but my comment doesn’t seem to have been published (I got no notice to this effect!) The solution to too much power in too few hands is more direct democracy, not just changing one man, and vest another with the same powers. Why doesn’t the NYT believe that the entire principle of representing one country by one all-powerful man is not at fault, and not relevant to the problem at hand?


What happened? Ten hours later, the NYT published my protesting comment! … Another 39 minutes after that, a full day after submission, the NYT published my initial comment… A rare case where protesting worked.


One can see that great care is bestowed to determine which ideas We The People is exposed to… 

Obviously plutocrats hope that, or at least, hold that, if civilization collapse, they will make out like the bandits they are. This is what happened, indeed, when the Roman state collapsed: the aristocracy survived by making alliances with the invading barbarians. Thus the relative status of the wealthiest improved while everybody else suffered or died… History repeats itself. However, history repeats itself less than ever. Where it used to whisper, it now roars, where it used to crawl, it now rushes, and where it uses to advise, it now lies.

Ideas drive civilization. Sometimes they drive it into the ground. The “fittest” civilizations survived. But, now we have just one world civilization. Just as there is no planet B, there is no civilization B. That’s it. There is no alternative. Only the best ideas, better ideas can save it, by helping it to morph into a sustainable form.

One will not get there by preventing We The People to be exposed to more sophisticated ideas. Because better ideas will be more sophisticated.

Patrice Ayme

29 Responses to “From the “Deep State” to the “Steady State”: Anti-Trump Derangement Reaches New Lows…”

  1. SDM Says:

    The whole scene is a mess of derangement. Xenophobic extreme patriotism is a religion now here in the good old US of A. The plutocratic agenda still holds sway over the people with its propaganda machine at full speed ahead. Even though most Americans want a single payer healthcare, $15 an hour wages, free public college education, etc. the few keep it from happening. How long can this last? Who knows. The world is going down the drain but between blissful ignorance and callous greed, the prospects are not looking good. No wake-up call seems enough to break the spell.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Decades ago, I was anti-nationalist, of the “nationalism is war school”. However, I came to understand that globalization rested, in part on the laudable anti-nationalistic mood of idealist such as me.
      For example, Swiss Canton (even Swiss VALLEYS, withing the 26 cantons) are notoriously nationalistic. Agreed, it used to make Switzerland unbearable in some ways (charging for tap water from the giant stream next door, abominable sexism, etc…) However, there again, cantons were able to subjugate the EU itself! (To build the giant “BASE” tunnels, as the cantons threaten to block truck between Germany and Italy).

      Now this Macron turkey banker-king of France is railing against “nationalism” and “populism”, opposing them to “progressivism”. Actually, he is not progressing very much, I find him less progressing than… Trump. Actually the Italian leaders are the latest version of Trump, complete with outright war with the judicial system (for bothering migrants). In France the corrupt (?) judges of the Constitutional Court, unbelievably declared that “fraternity” should be extended (by law?) to ILLEGAL immigrants (so what is legal? Is the law illegal?)

      Fanatical nationalism is the path to war… so is fanatical anti-nationalism!


      • SDM Says:

        The over the top “patriotism” in the USA carries with it a heavy dose of racism. Although most blacks (and Hispanics too) have ancestry in this country going back to colonial times, they are still perceived by many whites as foreign as recent immigrants or asylum seekers. Ethnic groups such as Italians and Slavic groups arrived much more recently, but as they are white, they fall in line with it too. Interestingly, these same ethnic groups faced bigotry from other whites not so long ago.
        Tribalism is running rampant now and the white majority is experiencing an existential crisis that is fueled by propaganda and economic frustration. The “at least I’m white” mentality of the Old South is easily stoked to look away from plutocratic abuses.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          That may be true overall in the average in the Trump voting (rural) regions… However, in California, the main engine of the USA, whites are already a minority. I was struck in the past by the racism in, say, Washington DC, or the East Coast in general, coming from California and Hawai’i… The demographic picture is changing very fast. At this point minorities tend to view Trump as racist, hence the mass vote for Clinton in California, but I doubt this will go on much longer…

          When JFK ran for the presidency his Catholic Irish origin was scandalous… No more now…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes. Now Krugman himself, who used to sing the praises of Obamacare, and (thus) spurned universal healthcare, calls Obamacare pretty bad… (although a marker of progress…). As if that was not obvious ten years ago…

      Funny thing is that some California counties have a discrete universal health care system… in place (I personally know a doctor in the CCC system). Also in California, many cities have the $15 (true in the SF Bay people can’t survive on less…)

      The reason the system lasts is that the propaganda machine is full of Obama, Clinton, or Krugman like characters, the most friendly, self-assured, pseudo-humanitarian wealthy stabbers in the back one can imagine… That the NYT still actively censors comments (as my experience showed) is abysmal… Funny thing is that a supervisor may have overruled some underlings…

      What break spells of ill-fated optimism are catastrophes. I know this well, being a specialist of epic climbs and runs, launched from unwarranted optimism. Human beings are that way: naturally optimistic. They have to be: after all we are all on death row, so we may as well make the best of it… Simply, the catastrophes ahead are going to be even more spectacular than our way of life already is…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. EugenR Says:

    I think the Chinese or Asian dominance of industrial production is all but gone. The production in very near future will be where the markets and the strong currencies are. Viz:
    The economy including the production will be all domestic, where the markets are. If China wants to keep its position it has to make the RMB veru soon a reserve currency.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Interesting, and thanks for the link. No time now, but will read it. It’s true that in the USA, Trump’s conceptual violence against globalization will leave marks. Actually Trump has been saying that for 30 years at least (we have tapes, and it was well known, hence the Donald Trump-Ronald Reagan war). However, now he has the biggest bully pulpit…

      China is in a forceful mutation, and is converging quickly to its best tech and legal oriented moods (such as under the so-called “first emperor”). India and China plan bases on the Moon (so does the USA)… Europe???? Stagnating….


  3. benign Says:

    The Times also published my comment, which was approximately as follows:

    The Times and the letter writer have taken cowardice and yellow journalism to new lows. Shame on you.

    Now it appears the neocons (Ziocons) may have turned Trump, as there seems to be a stand-off over Syria, with Nikki Haley frothing at the mouth while waiting for the likely false flag chemical attack.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes, you should CC and reproduce your comments here… ;-)! I am surprised that they went back to their censorship, after stopping it when the young heir took command (and re-authorized me!)
      I don’t believe the chemical attacks are false flag… This being said, clearly Putin and Assad won that round, the civil war is on its way out. However horrible, Assad is not Franco. One should incite Putin to push onto Assad a bit more. Meanwhile, Israel is laughing all its way to the bank (and I am not saying this is a bad thing…)

      The bottom line in the area is the Iran-Arab conflict, not anymore the Israel-Arab situation… Also hysterical, apocalyptic Wahhabism/Shiaism have to be, and will be stopped… (Putin and Israel know this…)


  4. SDM Says:

    Trump and the white supremacy element of his support is quite evident. Although Trump is correct that “the press is the enemy of the people”, but only in the sense that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump is all about Trump and $$$. The establishment got worried at first but they found a way to get him in line for their tax breaks, deregulation, fossil fuels, climate denial postures, the list goes on. Yet he is only a symptom, not a cause. The democrats have been so corrupted that they have fully abandoned the working and middle class for their pluto donors and play a fake resistance that fewer and fewer are willing to accept. Time for a real third party in the USA.
    When Trump attacks NFL players (predominantly black) protesting police brutality, he falls in line with many whites who are aghast over any black protest – see Black Lives Matter and the reactionary Blue Lives Matter. Racism runs deep in US culture and the Civil War is still being fought in the cultural battlefield, and in the legislatures and courts – the attacks on voting rights are a prime example. And the true sympathies are there in plain sight when the confederate flag get flown throughout many rural areas outside the south. Too ignore or under appreciate it is just to turn a blind eye.


  5. Paul Handover Says:

    I recently decided that I had been a resident of the USA, as in Green Card holder, for long enough and that applying for my citizenship was the order of the day, especially as it can now be done online.

    But along with that application comes the idea that I should start understanding the politics of this grand nation. H’mmm! Completing the application form is a cinch compared to understanding, even partially, current American political themes.

    So I turned to some close friends to coach me on the ‘good and the bad’ of the present administration so heavily dominated by President D. Trump. Plus, I mused for some time upon the tone of the piece in this week’s Economist magazine. I refer to #Treason on p.24 of the Sept. 8th-14th edition.

    All very confusing!

    So many think that the current President is utterly out of control. Then other friends, close friends, speak so favorably of President Trump, drawing on the way that he is breaking up the cozy, unelected cartels buried so deeply in the inner rooms of the government.

    Your essay above, Patrice, doesn’t offer the clarification, the tutoring, that I crave. So let me ask you a question. (Two questions really!)

    1. Is President Trump good for the USA, or bad for the USA?

    2. Why did you answer Q.1 the way you did? Thanks

    Because sooner or later this old Brit will be entitled to vote in local and Federal elections!


    • G Max Says:

      Patrice seems to have gone AWOL! I think she has problem w her mom’ s health. She will tell you that Trump good or bad is not the question, direct democracy, voting on propositions is where it’s at

      Liked by 1 person

    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Hi Paul: Sorry I was out, I have lots to do taking care of my ailing mom, trying to make her life possible.
      The USA is a gigantic representative democracy. It’s not all about Trump.

      Saying “the current President is utterly out of control” is REVEALING: did it work better when the president was “under control”??? As Benign said it, Obama was a “Manchurian candidate”, in other words, a puppet. He did what he was told to do. An excellent example is that he didn’t impose universal health care (he could have, using Medicare, on day one). Yet, on day one of his presidency, he terminated US Federal support of research on hydrogen (especially fuel cells). He was told not to do Medicare For All (which I suggested, and Obama later proposed to his cabinet, which overruled him. keeping him…. in control!). But he was told to KILL hydrogen, so he did. Instead Obama developed FRACKING, staying thus in perfect control….

      So anti-Trump hysteria is unjustified for true democrats (and Trump spent most of his life as a democrat, or leading democratic positions)… Instead of worrying about Trump, real democrats will worry about real reforms, the ones OBAMA DIDN’T DELIVER….

      The president is like the conductor of an orchestra, in the USA, he is NOT the orchestra…

      I hope that helped.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. benign Says:

    Paul and Patrice,

    I will jump in if you don’t mind:

    1. Trump can only be good for the USA if he

    a) breaks the grip of the big money interests, the banks and MIC (satanic I have come to believe) that are fleecing the middle class. Obama was elected to do the same thing and immediately revealed himself to be a Manchurian candidate as he kept on W’s advisors and continued his policies of war and globalist middle-class expropriation;

    b) breaks the cycle of endless wars that the American people are vastly ignorant of (YouTube has just shut down all Syrian government channels; ignorance is compliance). The reaction of the Deep State to Trump’s attempts at rapprochement with Russia was telling.

    Financially we are in about the same position the country was in 1939-39: we have a banking system loaded with bad debt and a super strong military–though not undefeatable. Apparently, the plan to take over Russia has been kept alive after the first attempt failed in 2000. A war produces an inflation that helps to solve the debt problem; an alternative is an infrastructure binge; one or the other will happen. See


    globalism corporatism, as the multinational banks/corporations form the supranational backbone of globalism; it is a war of “managerial capitalists” (not true owners but get compensated with manipulated equity returns) vs. salaried and hourly working stiffs. The banks like to finance both sides of wars.

    Trump’s economic policies are anti-austerity–which leads immediately to deflation–but are unsustainable. If a traditional R or D gains power, we will have a return to neo-feudalism as they dismantle Social Security, etc., as Clinton/Obama did.

    It is important to note that the banking system never charged off all the bad debt it created leading up to the GFC. It was swept under the carpet into the Fed or made fictive via FAS 157 liberalization (the accountants stopped “recognizing” it but kept it on the books).

    But the overarching historical empirical regularity is that extreme inequality leads to revolution or war or both, which are unpredictable. Although I didn’t vote for him, I now favor Trump staying in office and finishing his cleaning-out of the MIC and adopting a well-behaved role in a multi-polar world. It is clear that Obama et al perverted the FISA system to spy on Trump, which is much worse than Watergate.

    So far Trump’s policies are like Reagan’s: tax cuts for everyone but mostly for the rich, and deregulation. If Trump is able to effect a Modern Monetary Theory (sovereign money, not debt) financed infrastructure boom instead of WWIII, he wins. It the Deep State gets its WWIII we all lose, and the 1% come out of their bunkers when it’s over to inherit the ashes, which is apparently what some are planning for.




    • G Max Says:

      HI Benign
      What’s MIC?
      I agree w you BTW, except as feist single woman dem, voting Obama twice, I voted Trump. I am still registered dem, but Obama was insufferable, doing exactly the opposite of what he posed about


  7. benign Says:

    globalism [equals] corporatism


  8. benign Says:

    A propos… Make to read the last sentence.


    • Paul Handover Says:

      I’m resisting replying to your very interesting contribution above until the honorable Mr. Aymes has responded. But didn’t want to delay offering my appreciation for the Economist link. I subscribe to the magazine and must see if that article was published in the last edition.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. benign Says:

    I left out two: it’s war, revolution, societal collapse, or plague.


  10. G Max Says:

    Sheer madness everywhere, out there, among the establishment. And that includes all the media and celebrities. They are all on to it. Warhol spoke of the 15 minutes of fame, for everybody but those guys famous for being famous stay famous forever. So they say and do whatever, that puff them up.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. benign Says:

    Patrice – hope your mom is better.

    G Max – MIC = Military Industrial Complex. Agreed on Obama.

    Yes, one smells the whiff of madness that often precedes war. Trump may take harsh (though justified in my view) measures to prevent overthrow, namely the widely rumored military tribunals of O, HRC et al. for treason. That will certainly stir up the “anti-fascists” (the real fascists), but he and Putin, I believe, are trying to avoid war. Putin has also gotten harsher. Whether the Plutos laugh all the way to the bank remains to be seen. Trump’s tax policies don’t reduce inequality in the short run.

    cheers, b


  12. ianmillerblog Says:

    The reason China (and some other countries) are making all that stuff is that most of it was developed in the US or Europe, bought up by the plutocrats, and they make it in China, etc, because they can ship it around and lodge their profits in places like the Caymans (where the goods never go). Tax reform would be a good start to deal with this problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Indeed. However, as I have explained many times, plutocrats do not do this just to maximize profits, but to weaken We The People. The same happened with the Roman empire: Italy, while still rich, got drained from jobs (thus real power). That was the first globalization, and it led to the Fall of the Republic, then the empire, and finally the state, and civilization barely escaped, saved by a few barbarians…


  13. benign Says:

    Colleagues! I have found a treasure worth your $.99 on Amazon.

    Reading “Fruits of Graft,” a book by Wayne Jett, an Oklahoman lawyer who has studied the concentration of wealth in the US, I read with interest his assertion that the *original blueprint* for the New World Order (“The New Republic”) was a 1901 short book by H.G. Wells titled “Anticipations.” Wells, beyond being a sci-fi author, was very influential with Anglo-American politicians including FDR. In this tract he lays out where he thinks world society will go in the next hundred years.

    I can’t tell you how mind-blowing reading this short book was for me. Wells’ description of the two-class “world state” to come is preternaturally prescient. Jett asserts that “Anticipations” was all the rage among the elites for half a century. Read!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Benign. Yes I am vaguely aware of “fruits of graft”… but not Wells, yet not surprised. I am not in the USA now, so it won’t be easy to get the book. Moreover, I was exposed (and victim) of extraordinary corruption in Big Law and the US justice system recently, going well beyond anything I have seen suggested before.

      I didn’t know Wells ventured in plutocracy, and suggested a 2 class system.

      Nietzsche would have scoffed, pointing out that’s what he condemned all along: he insisted that Christianity was a “slave religion” and YET the aristocracy, the “blonde beasts” were operating according to a masters’ morality which was just the opposite of Christianity. Christianity was put in place by the ultimate aristocrat, Constantine, born from a Roman Caesar… BTW, Theodosius I, the emperor who in 381 CE made heresy punishable by death, was also born from a top general (so top, he got executed…)


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