Plutocracy Caused The European Crisis, & Why Fascism Comes In, As A Double edged Sword. How to remedy…

Plutocracy is the rule, not just of money, but of evil (that’s the full sense of “Pluto”, successor of Hades and ancestor of Satan). Plutocracy is amplification of the human Dark Side by Civilization itself. In particular plutocracy shows up in evil corporations which employ politicians. This is not new: (elected) king Francois I of France and his rival Charles Quint (born a few miles away) were, de facto, owned by their respective banks, many around Florence for the former, and mostly in Germany, for the latter. Charles Quint got elected “Roman” emperor, because he spent even more bankers’ money than Francois.

Plutocracy turns into an oligarchy so extreme, it uses evil to keep on ruling. Oligarchy, the rule of a few, is intrinsically fascist and inhuman, because only a few rule… Whereas human genetics has evolved to be ruled by none except love of all and the reason of many… but for the exception of actual combat.

This brings us to the fascist instinct (also something honed by evolution to enable otherwise weak primates to survive). Fascism is not just a tool for plutocrats to go on with their power and terror. Fascism is an old instinct which dominates human behavior when, submitted to a threat of extinction, primates group up, and follow the leader, in all ways, because, so doing, they act as one, and are more coordinated, thus stronger in combat, as they act as one superorganism.

The fasces (“bundle”) symbolised the imperium power of the Roman magistrates (later the emperor) to inflict corporal punishment (beating with the rods) or even death (beheading by the axe), although no Roman magistrate could summarily execute a Roman citizen after passage of the laws of the twelve tables (but Roman “imperators”, top generals, could, on their soldiers). To be executed in Roman “old style” meant being beaten with rods while tied to a x-shaped cross, or the head stuck in a fork, and then beheaded (or self-strangled). This was the punishment that the Senate ordered for the emperor Nero, which prompted him to commit suicide.
The fasces appears to have originated from the Etruscans, as evidenced by surviving artifacts showing a thin bundle of rods surrounding a two-headed axe that may have been influenced by the labrys, the Minoan double-headed axe (the tradition may then have passed to the Franks, as the “Francisque” was a double headed axe). Under the Roman Republic, the fasces developed into a thicker bundle of birch rods, sometimes surrounding a single-headed axe and tied together with a red leather ribbon into a cylinder. The fasces suggests strength through unity, since a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is very difficult to break.
The lictors were special officials and bodyguards who carried the fasces and preceded the magistrates or emperor. The highest magistrate, the dictator, was entitled to twenty-four lictors and fasces, a consul to twelve, a proconsul eleven, a praetor six (two within the pomerium), a propraetor five, and the curule aediles two. During a triumph (victory parade) the fasces was decorated with a laurel wreath. The “fasces” is the origin of our modern word “fascism” to denote totalitarian power. But it is used by many Republican organisations and governments merely as a symbolic continuation of Roman style authority, law and order, of We The People above the universe.

Hence the rise of fascism among those who fight plutocracy. It’s a defensive behavior by We The People. Thus fascism is used in contradictory ways. But that’s not surprising: to fight those with swords, one can’t use flowers, one has to use swords. Nazis didn’t get persuaded by logic. 5.5 millions obdurate German soldiers defending Nazism had to be killed, and even more than that had to be injured or imprisoned, for Nazism to stop. All too often, only violence can stop violence. 

We saw this sort of complexity arise in the 1930s: Italian, German and Spanish fascists were financed, enabled, and manipulated by plutocrats (most of them from the USA)… However, the fascist leaders were riding an… anti-plutocratic wave! (Hitler and company claimed to be fighting “plutocrats”, as they themselves said… while being financed and even armed, by… the same plutocrats they were stridently excoriating in their public discourses!)

We have a similar situation now. Bankers, the financial sector, are more powerful than ever (due to a deliberate mismanagement, by bought-off politicians, of “Quantitative Easing” and “TARP” by US and EU governments). Plutocrats manipulate media, the British media, the least trusted among 33 countries polled, in particular (British media is owned by plutocrats who fear european legislation taxing and regulating them… worldwide, so their plan was to weaken Europe fatally…)

Listening to the psychology of Brexit politicians is reminiscent of the attitude the Nazis used to have: absolute certainty on the superiority of their bigotry: that certainty is hypocritical, superstitious, small-minded, colossally stupid, offensive to neighbors, etc.
Like the Nazis, they are paid to exhibit those traits.

The situation is thus very complex, and cannot be acted upon without prior correct analysis. This is true in Europe, and in the USA. Just complaining about “old political” parties, as plutocrat Soros does, is besides the points.

In particular, Brexit was a manipulation. Corbyn the head of Labor, himself, 45 years ago, was the sole anti-European Labor politician, at the time. So Corbyn is probably even more anti-Europe than May herself (also Corbyn is married to a banker, a rather paradoxical feature, below all his Marxist-like rhetoric)….

The way out is much more referendums: now thoroughly motivated, We the People will start analyzing the situation more thoroughly. The best place to start is to re-run the brexit referendum, this time making it “legislating” (last time it was consultative). Plutocrats don’t want this third referendum on Europe in the UK, because they know that We The People will vote to stay in the European Union.

Patrice Ayme



This was in answer to George Soros
Europe, Please Wake Up

Feb 11, 2019 GEORGE SOROS
The first step to defending Europe from its enemies, both internal and external, is to recognize the magnitude of the threat they present. The second is to awaken the sleeping pro-European majority and mobilize it to defend the values on which the EU was founded.

MUNICH – Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion, and the people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late. If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991. Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.


23 Responses to “Plutocracy Caused The European Crisis, & Why Fascism Comes In, As A Double edged Sword. How to remedy…”

  1. Paul Handover Says:

    Now Brexit makes sense. Thank you!


  2. Gloucon X Says:

    Soros: awaken the sleeping pro-European majority and mobilize it to defend the values on which the EU was founded.

    Thanks to the EU being led by a pro-bankster class of politicians, the majority now associates “Europe” with cruel economic austerity aimed at workers and with uncontrolled mass immigration. It is the greedy policies of bankster class, the Soros types, that discredited the noble values of a united Europe.

    It’s really simple. Just do the opposite of what of the plutocrats and their toadies want. They want austerity for the majority. They want to transfer the slums and favelas of the global south to the cities of Europe and North America through mass immigration of hundreds of millions. They think that you, the working people of the global North, don’t deserve a decent life. This vicious plutocrat class hates and wants only to enslave the people. Plutocracy must be destroyed.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      With a m&a bankster at the helm of France, change promises to not be straightforward… However, france is in revolution, and Macron is playing Louis XVI (ie cooperating perhaps he ventured vaguely…)

      One has to distinguish the colossal need for revolution in Europe with the necessity of having a European UNION. The former shouldn’t be used as a pretext to destroy the latter.


  3. benign Says:

    Brexit makes sense for Britain. The EU is a Plutocracy with Germany holding the reins (the economics only make sense for Germany). The EU is not democratic, it is already the closest approximation of the USSR model on the planet (even closer than China).

    I would guess the majority of Plutocrats favor Remaining. It is one step closer to the New World Order (debt-slave immiseration of the masses under central banks coordinated by the BIS, with the ability to send any protesting nation into severe recession at a moment’s notice).

    Of course, some Brit Pluto’s might be Leavers (emigre Russians), but the trillionaire class supports the EU, methinks.

    The point about populism tranmogrifying into fascism is apt, but one can hope, perhaps naively, that it needn’t be so.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Britain is a worse plutocracy than the EU, that is the whole point.
      Britain is being destroyed by Brexit.
      I said, long ago, that Brexit will not happen.
      But, after all, we seen worse, and more stupid in the past, like Nazism, which was similarly motivated.

      BTW by spouse has worked for a UK firm, and is a UK Solicitor, so I have more than casual connection with the UK. What gets me boiling is all the people out there raging against Trump, when Brexit is 1,000 worse. Brexit is, fundamentally, racism. Fundamental racism.

      OK, I am in final process of a somewhat related essay, on how the present plutocracy came to be… Last 3 weeks were hard for me… So I will answer your comment more later…


      • oatmealactivist Says:

        I’m going to somewhat agree with gentleman above: If I were in Britain, I’d want as far away from Germany as possible.

        The promise of the EU has been diluted by its anti-democratic nature and German domination. Given that German aggression has twice in the last century brought Europe to war, the EU should be structured to mitigate that country’s designs on dictating the European future, rather than enabling it.

        The obvious counterbalance are the voices of France and Britain, each and both infinitely better advocates of… well… liberty, fraternity and equality.

        The error is that the moral mission to seize control of the EU, reform it to be a vanguard of democratic and Western (read: French and British) values, against plutocracy, against collectivism, against fundamentalism.

        Merkel and her Thronfolger (how much more beautiful is ‘dauphine’?) are only and always for a perverse and civilisation-hating brand of plutocratic globalism.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          I have been furious against fellow physicist merkel, for a very long time:


          Notice that my rhetoric in that essay is similar, but even more strident and ferocious than that of any Brexiter (a whole numbers of brexiters follow me, and claimed I woke them up!!!!) However, that doesn’t mean I can’t see other angles…

          “Anti-democratic” nature of EU is entirely correct, but that’s because the subjacent government are NOT democratic. And the number one example is the BRITISH government: remember the Brexit vote was supposed to be just “CONSULTATIVE”??? It was legislated RETROSPECTIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          France, which has to this date no more seats than Italy (with 12% more population) is going to get some of the British seats in the EP…
          I am for organizing referenda, throughout the EU…
          German domination in the EU happened only because it was OK with France… France having often the same agenda, but secretly. However that should change… Just when Germany will also change…


    • hazxan Says:

      “I would guess the majority of Plutocrats favor Remaining. ”

      I believe your guess would be badly wrong. Sure, some are in favour, but overall Brexit is an extreme right wing project, absolutely supported by plutocrats like Rupert Murdoch. Britains wealthiest man, Jim Ratcliffem is a Brexit supporter and now moving to Monaco to avoid tax.

      Brexit has been driven by multi-millionaires and landed gentry, like Rees-Mogg, as they want to profit even more by turning the UK into a low regulation, virtual slave plantation for the masses.

      Sure some executives on GBP 500k want to remain, but 500k is not plutocrat level in the UK. The 0.1%, hedge fund managers, the financiers, the landowners, the genuine plutocracy are very much supporting Brexit. And they have conducted a 30 year hate campaign against the EU, blaming the EU for the incompetency and greed of the UK’s rulers.

      This includes plutocrat resources to cultivate crackpot conspiracy theories on the internet, that tap in to peoples fears about the EU being some plot to “take away our Britishness.” That the EU will force us all to have a Syrian refugee in our houses and will ban speaking English in schools.

      Once free of the EU, they will remove human rights and protections and this could be the first step in the UK’s descent into fascism. The EU has been used as a scapegoat to divert attention from the real cause of the UK’s economic and social problems – it’s home grown plutocrats.

      In my opinion, of course 😉


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Once again Hazxan, you are 100% right. I DO read the British plutocratic press, it’s 100% pro-Brexit. And the reason is obvious: the UK is an assembly of tax havens, and the EU was getting more and more pressure to cut those down to size. Jersey is the world’s top exporter of bananas, for example. I know some German plutocrats (friends!!!!!), they do everything through the Isle of Man… Isle of Man is the number one market for private jets in Europe… Beats Switzerland…

        And so on. Plutocrats didn’t want the crack down on their tax evading ways… Brexit has proven an enormous distraction, making hard for the Franco-Germans to crack down on outrageous US related plutocracy (although they did some progress recently… or threaten to: Germany just cracked down on Facebook, France is supposed to tax GAFAM according to revenues, not fake profits…)


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Once again Hazxan, you are 100% right. I DO read the British plutocratic press, it’s 100% pro-Brexit. And the reason is obvious: the UK is an assembly of tax havens, and the EU was getting more and more pressure to cut those down to size. Jersey is the world’s top exporter of bananas, for example. I know some German plutocrats (friends!!!!!), they do everything through the Isle of Man… Isle of Man is the number one market for private jets in Europe… Beats Switzerland…

        And so on. Plutocrats didn’t want the crack down on their tax evading ways… Brexit has proven an enormous distraction, making hard for the Franco-Germans to crack down on outrageous US related plutocracy (although they did some progress recently… or threaten to: Germany just cracked down on Facebook, France is supposed to tax GAFAM according to revenues, not fake profits…)


  4. benign Says:

    “Brexit is racism”? Please. Recent immigrants voted for Brexit. Were they “racist”? Brexit was motivated by deep antipathy toward unelected Brussels bureaucrats telling them what to do, and by the rational fears of those in the lower income classes toward the well-known and documented wage deflation usually caused by large immigration.

    The Brits were at least smart enough to keep their own currency! Not so the Italians, Spanish, Greeks,… who had their national debts instantly magnified with their conversion to the Euro….

    UK income inequality is slightly below the EU average, but above that of the more developed EU countries. See

    Moreover, by seeking to displace the UK as financial capital, the EU is simply inviting income and wealth inequality. This may simply be another indication that the EU bureaucrats have UK-related Plutocrat-envy. The EU has no idea what it’s doing. It will fall apart because the economics of a shared “national” (“United States of Europe”!) currency without a shared national debt is guaranteed to shred itself into ribbons.



    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes lots of blacks like charcoal, with uncertain English back Brexit, repeating like the asses they are that Britain did very well with Europe for centuries and can do the same, as before. The BBC, which is paid to be Brexit, love to show them in its videos… Maybe they pay them, god knows.
      186,000 Jews served, OFFICIALLY, in Hitler’s racist extermination army (some even served secretly in the… SS).
      Brexit is fundamentally racist because it’s motivated by the hatred of the other (the bad race). There are no races, biologically speaking, so racism is purely spiritual, like Brexit…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      The question of the Euro is something else, highly technical.
      The Pound was fed by high money creation… a policy I favor. But now that it is collapsing, the virtuous circle has turned vicious…
      Eurozone denizens are happy with the Euro, polls show. The problem with the Euro, I have detailed in many essays. Contrarily to what anti-Europeans like Krugman say, it’s NOT intrinsic to the Euro, it’s intrinsic to how it was managed.
      Now that Germany is at the mercy of Trump, flirting with recession, maybe things will change…

      The EU is NOT led by bureaucrats in Brussels. It’s led by the 28 EU governments and the European Parliament. We don’t have to repeat the lies of the Brexiters.


    • hazxan Says:

      ““Brexit is racism”? Please. Recent immigrants voted for Brexit. Were they “racist”?”

      Yes. In a few cases, families who have been here one or two generations voted Brexit to “keep the Eastern Europeans out”. I saw them interviewed. Sounds like racism to me.

      Statistically, you are way off track, because the towns and cities that have highest numbers of “last few decades” immigrants, had high Remain votes. The city of Leicester, with a very high proportion of less then 2 generation British, voted Remain. But the county of Leicestershire voted Leave.

      Of course there are exceptions, but the significant core of the Brexit vote was white, middle class English.


  5. Jo Liana King Says:

    “Listening to the psychology of Brexit politicians is reminiscent of the attitude the Nazis used to have: absolute certainty on the superiority of their bigotry: that certainty is hypocritical, superstitious, small-minded, colossally stupid, offensive to neighbors, etc.”

    Jo Liana King: Your clarity on this is painfully sublime.


  6. benign Says:

    I will just say that turning Brexit into an issue of “racism” represents a very serious deterioration of the level of discourse here.



    • hazxan Says:

      “I will just say that turning Brexit into an issue of “racism” represents a very serious deterioration of the level of discourse here. ”

      But any discussion on Brexit that ignores the fact that racism and xenophobia did have an effect, is pointless. Like a discussion on rocketry where gravity is forbidden. Or a discussion on World War 2 where the issue of Nazism is not allowed,

      To try and pretent that the mass of voters studied EU trade laws and pondered papers on the economic impact is farcical. For most, it was an emotional issue, on both sides. “Am I British?” “Am I European?” And now people are feeling more empowered as time passes, I’m hearing with my own ears, more people say “I don’t care about the economy, I voted Brexit to stop immigration”. No amount of attempts at gaslighting will make me ignore my direct experience.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Very well put, Hazxan, exactly the point. Thanks.
        Most Brexiters know next to nothing about how the EU works.
        There were other ways to control immigration, BTW. Such as national ID laws more enforced. Funny part is that Brexit may well INCREASE immigration by NON EUROPEANS into the UK, as happened BEFORE the UK got into the European Common Market… and for the same reasons…

        By the way, the top Brexiter in the world now is Donald J Trump… Saying all sort of nonsense, like trade with the UK will jump. Certainly fresh produce will not come from the USA. Ultimately Ireland and Scotland will secede, should Brexit really happen (I persist to think it will not, stay tuned… ;-)).

        An example. British neuroscience was in the process of getting one billion Euros from the EU. That’s going to be cut to zero, and will NOT be replaced by May’s government. That’s bad for neuroscience, worldwide, and bad for the UK, and bad for all those suffering from neurological diseases… nearly all of us, ultimately…. and, in particular, Brexiters, already old and consumed by the hatred and fear of the others not quite English…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Well, no, sorry, the fear of the others, the rejection of the neighbors, all of them, is fundamentally what is going on in “racism”. “Racism” is indeed a spiritual position where the other is viewed as alien and vicious, and to be excluded, rejected, discriminated against. All Europeans have now to wonder why the English dislike them so much, they want to go back to WAR. Yes, WAR, that is the whole point of establishing a HARD broder inside Ireland, on a 500 kilometers frontiers.

      The “TROUBLES” in Ireland were stopped by the European Union by accusing Britain of crime against humanity (detention in ships without charges, usage of torture such as continual light and loud noises, 24/7…). The “troubles” killed more than 3,000 people, more than 3 times the level of war.

      The present situation is very serious. Here is an extract from the Guardian today:

      Agreement on legislation exempting UK nationals from requiring the travel permit is mired in a dispute over whether the British overseas territory should be described as a “colony” in the EU’s statute book.

      Spain has insisted, with the reluctant support of the other 26 member states, that a footnote containing the contentious description of the disputed territory is added to the legislation.

      But on Wednesday morning the European parliament rejected the language proposed by the council of the European Union, the body that represents the member states.

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      It is the third time the member states’ proposal has been sent back by MEPs and casts doubt over whether the legislation can be salvaged in the next few weeks.

      Petr Ježek, a Czech MEP, said Spain was “playing with fire” with just weeks to go before the UK leaves the EU.

      “The negotiation is stuck,” he said. “Brexit will hurt immensely and we should do everything possible to soften the impact rather than create further problems for half a billion people. If there is no agreement, and no visa exemption for the UK, the British government may adopt a similar approach – and that would be a disaster.”

      Ježek said the European parliament’s position had been adopted unanimously and that MEPs could not accept “colonial language which has no place in the world”.

      The parliament is suggesting the footnote could be reduced to merely stating that there is a “controversy between Spain and the United Kingdom concerning the sovereignty of Gibraltar”.

      But Ježek warned there did not appear to be any sign that the council was willing to compromise. “It is quite stubborn.”

      The “COUNCIL OF EUROPE” is the equivalent of Trump, it is the presidency of the EU, it’s made of the elected governments HEADS. Now 27 because Britain has decided to be estranged by activating article 50.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Brexit is a deterioration of civilization founded on the fear and dislike of the others. One needs a name for that, and it happens to exist. Brexiters don’t like to hear it, because it forces them to look at what they truly are.


  7. Gmax Says:

    BREXIT IS RACISM! You nailed it! And of course blacks can be racist


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