Abstract: Before the Middle East sank into dictatorship and theocracy, it had been on a long term mental decline. This was well known in, but poorly resisted by, the Roman Republic. The decay of the Hellenistic regimes (Alexander and successors), and of Rome itself, was marked by a progressive adoption of fascist, theocratic and generally plutocratic features, much of them from the Orient.

The usual explanation (by the famous historian Fernand Braudel) is that the Middle East evolved in an “hydraulic dictatorship” mindset. True. But that does not explain why it did not have it earlier, nor why this oligarchic mindset infected Greece and Rome, so pervasively later. The explanation? Mindsets with lives of their own, can propagate like plagues. It is wiser and more pertinent to analyze (and denounce!) the religious intellectual fascism that amplified the “hydraulic dictatorship” mood, while it established an empire of its own.

Blocked By Zarathoustra

Blocked By Zarathoustra

If Zarathustra’s advanced philosophy had reigned over Egypt, and the Fertile Crescent, instead of primitive, nasty Abrahamism, with its blatant desire to kill and torture people, to please the sky-boss, on a cross or during jihad, the Middle East would have turned out differently (Achaemenid Persia took control of Egypt for only 125 years or so). This is the remark underlying many of my observations. And, I believe, an underlying, unconscious irritation with Abraham  underlays the “Arab Spring”. Many from Syria, Egypt to Morocco are taking a turn against the fascism hiding behind Abraham’s pathetic figure.

Oh, lest I be accused of racism, let me point out that, during the Sixth Century, Roman intellectuals had taken refuge among Persia’s Zoroasthrians, who defended them vigorously. Rome (also known as Constantinople nowadays) was using Abrahamism’s fanaticism to justify its fascist rule, and thus made the bed of Islam.

Increasingly inappropriate theocratic plutocracy is why Egypt went down.

This moody process took nearly two millennia of encroaching decerebration, until fanatic Christo-Islamism clamped down onto Egypt within its saurian jaws. (This is the first of two essays on Egypt. As usual the bottom line I foster is hard-edged realism: calling a croc a croc, and gods who masquerade as crocs, crocs and crooks.)



In Roman times, Egypt was still perhaps the world’s richest region. So it had been ever since the Sahara got desiccated, and its dwellers retreated where there was still plenty of water (and sun, and alluvions).

The riches from the Nile Valley, and adjoining oases, attracted a lot of greedy invaders, and Egypt was frequently massively attacked and sometimes occupied for centuries (for example, the establishment of the New Kingdom after two centuries of invasion by the Semitic Hyksos).

Egypt had long been at the forefront of civilization. This speaks for the power of a centralized state: Egypt was the world’s largest, most centralized state for at least a millennium, when it intellectually dominated with its eight million inhabitants (a very large population for the times).

A lot of Greek mathematics originated in Egypt. Great pyramids were perfectly aligned on the north. Egypt, collaborating with Sumerian cities, elaborated, over millennia, the idea of an alphabet (then perfected by the Phoenicians).

One gets vertigo, contemplating Egypt’s history. A millennium after the pyramids went up, an innovative Pharaoh, Athekanen, invented, and imposed monotheism (that no doubt later morphed in Judaism/Abrahamism).

When Persian dictatorship tried to take the world over, the Athenian republic came to the help of the last honest to goodness Pharaohs. Memorable wars were fought.

By the time the Greco-Romans became dominant, Egypt had been at the forward edge of civilization for at least 3,000 years. Prior to Imperator Caesar arguing furiously with Pharaoh Cleopatra about who it was exactly that was culprit of the shameful burning of Alexandria’s library during military action (they settled their fight in bed; their child, Caesarion, was cowardly assassinated by Caesar’ great nephew, his heir, the despicable “Augustus”, founder of the Roman Principate, a parody of Republic, reminding us strangely of what we have today; RINO, Republic In Name Only).



It’s hard to describe 6,000 years of history in a few sentences. One impression I gather, having meditated over Egyptian history for decades, is that it was first about the military and police. When Egypt had its military and police just right, it was doing fine (although a spark was increasingly missing, that the Crete’s Minoans, and then the Greeks ended up providing).

How could the military and police go wrong? Either by being too strong, oppressive, dictatorial, or by being too weak. Too much calm could also lead to civil war, such as when 94 year old Pharaoh Pepy II died after a very long reign (that brought down the Old Kingdom).

The Egyptian military learned that to safeguard the homeland, it had to extend broadly around it. However, that was not enough: staying on top of military technology, and a preventive diplomacy was a must: at the end of the 13th (!) dynasty, the invading Hyksos showed up with a new weapon, the composite bow. The Hyksos attacked and occupied Egypt for 2 centuries in conjunction with their southern allies from Kush.

The New Kingdom threw the occupiers out when the rump Egyptian military counterattacked with that same weapon.

Similarly the Sea Peoples invasion of the entire Orient was caused by superior military technology, developed in the Aegean Sea (an area that the Minoan thalassocracy, Egypt’s ally, owned before it was wiped out by a volcano).

After Ramses IX or so, Egypt progressively fell to ravenous Libyans, whereas its eastern flank became the realm of various Israelites and Mesopotamians on a rampage. Egypt had lost the vital spark that made it superior. It was reduced to a rich valley.

Why? I would advance the following explanation: Egypt had become a philosophical backwaters. The rigid theocratic state of ancient Egypt, with its increasingly silly looking religion, was left behind by more advanced philosophies and polities. Others had grabbed ideas that had originated in Egypt, and ran further with them.

The earliest known set of laws, 5,000 year old, is Egyptian. Yet, the law was made the backbone of government authority in Babylon next door, 38 centuries ago (Code of Hammurabi). The government erected all around Babylonia formidable steles on which the laws were engraved in stone.

Or the civilization of Zarathustra in Iran, with its promotion of good, evil, and truth as the most important concepts (beats the man with the head of a hawk any day). Watch Israelites mixing Egyptian monotheism with Punic human sacrifices of the son.

The West adopted the formidable intensity of these new ideas with a flourish, but Egypt did not. It was a matter of degree: as I just said, all these system of ideas originated in Egypt. But Egypt failed to aggressively re-invent and amplify them. Egypt failed to metamorphosis. Instead it put Crete and then Greece, in charge of doing so.

What the West would do, though was to make those meta-ideas, law, science, absoluteness of empathy, which are central to the genus Homo, central to the emotional system it endowed its civilization with.

Pharaonic Egypt did not evolve mentally enough. And that made its military and its military-industrial complex, lag. Second best, in military matters, means extinction.

Weirdly the “Sea Peoples” invasion made the situation worse. Egypt was the only state that resisted it. But barely. Yet, it enslaved an enemy army. This both weakened and rigidified Egypt. The Sea Peoples rejuvenated many places they invaded.

For instance, the Etruscans, went on to grab the iron-rich province of Italy, ultimately enriching obscure indigenes called the Romans, Egypt stayed stuck in its elaborate, but by then sterile emotional and emotional systems. Soon it was unable to resist even Libyans. Then the Persians followed.

Once again, the military aspect comes to the fore. When I was a teenager, I was very anti-militaristic. I am still that way, but, ultimately, it’s always the military that enforces righteousness.

(Intriguingly the USA, France, the UK, and even Israel, are presently implementing changes to make their military more futuristic, while diverting more military missions to the… civilian sector, as spectacularly demonstrated by the NSA-Snowden scandal; methinks that they should collaborate more, and more openly.)



My thesis is that dynastic Egypt became a victim of intellectual fascism, generated on its own. An objection would be that, if the Egyptian civilization was roughly the same in 3,000 BCE and 1,000 BCE, how could it have become more fascist?

Fascism, as its name indicates, is about fasces, making many minds point all in the same direction. That’s excellent in combat, but miserable in imagination. However imagination leads to higher intelligence, hence greater combat capability. Thus fascism, being of one mind gives greater combat capability everything else being equal, but is also a lower common denominator, hence the necessity to lift the intellectual base from its opposite, when not in combat.

(Once again a military lesson in disguise, and this is why the French army is reducing its personnel by about 10%, and some conventional forces, while spending more getting ready for future wars; the Israelis talk of going through the same process and the Americans will probably follow… but for the pork barrel F35 program…)

If one looks at the Frankish empire 12 centuries ago, one sees the world’s most advanced political system (although primitive by the best Greco-Roman standards).

The church had been nationalized, forced to educate secularly, slavery was de facto outlawed, tolerance was the law (Christians were free to become Jews, and they did, massively; Muslims left stranded by the recessing invasions were free to be whatever). The Franks then proclaimed the Roman empire had been renovated. It took another ten centuries to throw out Abraham’s crazy, pedophobic god, and renovate the Roman Republic itself… minus the man is a wolf for man mentality.

What’s the picture? Constant change. The cathedrals gave a pretext to create massive iron architecture rendered possible by hydraulic hammers. But it was just a pretext. The reality was that singular change had become the new secularism.

In my thesis Egypt mentally froze, while the world it had given birth to, kept on changing. New dimensions opened, but Egyptian civilization ignored them . The dimensions the Egyptians had created progressively became a lower dimensional subset of the Orient. Egyptian civilization became increasingly intellectually fascist in a relative sense.

How come the Egyptians could not adapt? Well, they did, to some extent. Hence the New Kingdom, and monotheism (for a while). Also Egypt subcontracted the sea, and much culture to Crete and the Greeks. The Minoan thalassocracy centered on Crete blossomed as the most advanced civilization mostly with the help of its natural partner, Egypt.

Under the Greeks, and then the Romans, Egypt underwent a renaissance. For six centuries, Alexandria became the world’s most intellectually advanced place (although Athens had rebounded).

However, Abrahamist superstitious terror, starting in the Fourth Century, crashed civilization. Nowhere was the madness of men in black, the monks, as ferocious as in Egypt. Probably because nowhere else was the breath of theocracy as strong (from the latent mood of theocratic hydraulic dictatorship). The philosophers tried to resist. But secular Egypt was caught in a vice.

The fascist Roman state did not want an intellectually independent Egypt, so, when it was not in open conflict with the monks, it was allied to them. Intellectuals fled to Persia. The bishop of Alexandria created Arianism, which contradicted the “Catholic Orthodox” doctrine of the Trinity set-up by the self declared “13th apostle”, emperor Constantine. The simmering conflict with Constantinople went on until the Arab Muslims surged from the wastes of Arabia. Coptic Egypt, including Palestine, made peace with them. Until, three years later, it realized that the Muslims were even worse than Constantinople.

Egypt then fought Islam to death. And lost that second, desperate war. Ever since theocracy has reigned over Egypt, with few eclipses (one in the times of Saladin, when Frankish penetration was massive; one in the modern era, when European secularism was in control).

So here we are. Peaceniks believe that what was grabbed by military force will be surrendered peacefully. Well, the present Egyptian military begs to disagree. Correctly so, if one looks at history. Islam was not voted in. The Calif Omar just attacked and invaded.



Meanwhile, al Zawahiri, the real brains of Al Qaeda, one of the principals, if not the principal, of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, has resurfaced so mightily that, terrorized, the great Western powers closed their embassies in many countries. (Hey, Mr. Terrorist In Chief, what happened to your elimination of Bin Laden? Did not get enough data from it?)

What does this all mean? How come Egypt went back to theocracy after the Brits left? Well, precisely because, starting in 1945 on the cruiser Quincy with FDR, the USA played the Muslim Fundamentalist card, to get all the oil it wanted from a family, the Saudis, that took refuge behind theocracy to justify its rule.

That made the Saudis, and thus Washington, addicted to their enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood. Quite a bit like a junkie with heroin. Don’t like it, think one could stop, but never do.

In any case, as long as Egypt keeps on revering the mythical individual, Abraham, who was willing to bind and kill his son to please his boss, it will not be free of intellectual fascism of the worst kind. A religious frenzy that celebrates the mind of those who want to destroy children, the same exact frenzy that led to Carthage’s destruction. And one that ancient Egypt never got involved with.

So, when Egypt was the greatest, it did not view children as religious fodder. But, for more than 13 centuries, the greatest religious celebration has been a psychopath’s willingness to kill his son. How difficult is it to see that such a superstition is not viable, and that, in such a valley of tears, and fears, nothing very good can grow again?


Patrice Ayme

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28 Responses to “Why EGYPT DEGENERATED”

  1. GMax Says:

    So you are saying Egypt degenerated for the same reason as Rome?


  2. aaron greenbird Says:

    once again, i can only stand and applaud….brilliant, well written, concise….this needs to be read by many people…… thank you. aaron g.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Aaron: It’s to me to congratulate you for congratulating me! “Concise” is particularly appreciated! ;-)! No, really, I appreciate a lot! (Although some people told me they tried to “like” my essay, but it did not go through…)


  3. EugenR Says:

    Dear Patrice, as you know geographicly Egypt is a land of two rather narrow stripes of flat land with the Nile in between and surrounded with desert. This topography makes it easy to rule and control centrally. This is why the Egyptian cultures and dynasties could prolong for centuries, as contrary to Greece or even Asia Minor. The Egyptian culture was destroyed by its conservatism. At first it couldn’t oppose the Parthians, then happily accepted Alexander as an Egyptian God, and when the Romans came they hardly remembered their own past greatness. Not surprisingly when the christianity came, they embraced it more than others. The Coptic church is one of the most ancient, it started at about 55 a.d.
    As contrary to it the Islam had to conquer Egypt (and also Persia) to become the dominant religion there.
    But now Islam with its totalitarian attitude has a big problem in Egypt. The All Mighty is not very helpful when it comes to the need to feed 85 million egyptians, and even is less helpful creating functioning economy, that can create jobs, and healthy social and political institutions. The Muslim concept of “everybody has to believe in Allah and its prophet”, is an excellent concept in countries where the land contains oil. And even then only if the greed of nighboring co- believers doeasnt cause them to start a war. Islam could be a successful instructor how to run a country with few million Egyptians. But with 85 million Egyptians, partly educated and partly illiterate (30%), it is not a very helpful tool.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Eugen: We agree about the conservatism. I tried to explain it started as the edge of knowledge and wisdom and stayed there for millennia. The Bible is little more than translated Egyptian fables, 2,000 years old… At the time they were “borrowed”.

      As far as control is concerned, Persia’s Darius was getting news from all over the empire (bigger and more diverse than the USA, as it spread over three continents! in one week… He built roads to do this.0. And indeed Persia became several times as large as Egypt at its max. Alexander was respectful with Egypt (especially by his standards; he had just crucified most of Tyr…). He went on a pilgrimnage in a very distant oasis (now in Libya)… (!!!)

      My thesis is that: 1) Egyptian religious conservatism made Egypt fall off the edge of civilization. especially after Crete was gone, and Ramses III… 2) After a spectacular revival under the Greeks (-“Romans”), Abrahamism buried Egypt…

      There is more to say, especially in comparison with the West.


      • EugenR Says:

        Dear Patrice, I do have to disagree with your notion; …..The Bible is little more than translated Egyptian fables, 2,000 years old…..

        Even if some influences can be find between the Bible and
        Egyptian or other ancient texts, the Bible still is an unique and a very important text with huge influence on human culture. More than that, even today many prieceve Bible as more than just another text. Maybe it is justified to oppose those who claim it is a holly text with divine origin, yet completely to deny its value is intellectually very wrong.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Dear Eugen: Sorry I was rough to the Bible and the 4 billions or so supposedly goose praying behind it… Gives me chicken bumps. A few years back I purchased a book of recently translated into French very old Egyptian fables. The authors were French researchers, and the work may not exist in other languages (The 1001 Arabian Nights appeared first in French in the early 18 C, and in Arabic or Farsi much later; the Turkish plutocrat in chief, so called “Successor”, Caliph, had decided to destroy printing presses…)

          When I read the Egyptian fables I was stunned to discover “Bible stories” (even the crossing of the sea). Now, OK, that’s just me, reading, the work of two French… But that’s how new thoughts germinate: one mind, somewhere, seeing the obvious, not previously seen. It’s like the apparition of the Israelites shortly after monotheistism inventor Ahtekanen…

          Ah I did not deny the value of these Egyptian fables, some of them 5,000 years old. Another point: everybody knows how valuable the Bible is. Maybe one of these days one should add up all the dozens of millions killed in its name, more or less, to amplify its impact even more, for all to see very clearly. Even me I am supposedly in the Biblical statistics (in more ways than one).

          Another point is that the idea of the struggle between good and evil, truth and lies, good god and bad god, etc., this is Zarathustra and company, and there too it’s pretty obvious the Jews imprisonned in Babylon (others were still back home, free and OK) got a lot of inspiration from a much older source… After the first (or was it the second?) temple’s destruction…

          Of course, dozens of millions are still ready to die for the Bible, nowadays, no questions asked. And that’s precisely the problem. Yesterday I lashed back to one of my (French catholic) “followers” precisely because she claimed my answer was “no answer”. It’s hard to help with reading those who prefer to listen to voices in their heads, and their well known relationship with the sky-boss. And they are always willing to sacrifice the child. Got it.

          Last point: really cynical people will apply your set of sentences to a more recent book that was published at more than 11 million specimen. Goose thinking does not humanity make.


          • EugenR Says:

            Patrice thanks. I agree that ideas if taken dogmatically may become murderous. It is not only bible, but apparently any faith even a secular faith, if taken dogmatically. On the other hand, without faith (not necessarily in divinity) all what is left to the masses is enjoyment of the moment and identification with the soccer team.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Thanks Eugen. Actually I came to think, from reflecting in our exchanges, that the loud and obnoxious demonstration of superstition is intrinsically racist (or aggressively tribal). No time to develop the idea, though….
            Now for another carpet bombing on Summers…


  4. hay day hacks Says:

    Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thanks,
    However I am experiencing problems with your RSS. I don’t understand why I can’t join it.
    Is there anybody having the same RSS issues? Anyone that knows the
    solution will you kindly respond? Thanks!!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Plenty of problems with the site, the “likes’ and the RSS. I don’t know why. Many people told me their comments or “likes” did not through, and apparently genuine comments were sent to spam, even from regular commenters! Sorry about this. I will talk to WordPress about it, and will see if we can arrange this if I pay them more (hahaha)


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Another thing is that there are frequent revisions in the first few hours, so the mail sent to readers initially has often significant imperfections…


  5. Lovell Says:

    Signs and symptoms of American way to Egypt are everywhere:

    1. The bible-belt south is saturated in evangelical orgy.
    2. Intellectual corruption of our universities through study grants
    funded by plutocrats like the Koch brothers.
    3. Idiotization of our socially apathetic American youth who are
    either soaked in poverty or lost in hormonal frenzy.

    This madness must end or both the Great Sphinx of Giza and Mount Rushmore will just be reduced to old symbols of faded glory.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Lovell: we have explicit statements of the USA Founding Fathers in which they heap contempt on superstition, in particular Christianity (G. Washington:”the USA has nothing to do with the Christian religion…”). That’s why, indeed, the deviation towards putting the “USA under God”, since 1954 is something that cannot be condemned enough.
      The last presidential oath, and its attending fanatical Christian preacher was grotesque, and a warning of things getting the way you are fearing.

      Washington Taliban

      It’s true that the “Arab speaking Spring” is, in first order, very simple: get rid of superstition as the commanding mindset!


    • Lovell Says:

      Dear Patrice,

      And then of course there’s the Lutheran University, Catholic University, Mormon University, Baptist University, etc, promoting creationism and intelligent design as well as denying AGW.

      Even Harvard is home to corrupted professors like Carmen Reinhart, Larry Summers, Niall Ferguson, and Gregory Mankiw.

      Corporate money flows into those universities in the form of study grants promoting conservative/plutocratic agendas.

      So you are right, intellectual corruption and theocracy is a lethal combination that could very well bring down an empire.

      And communist China looks with profound pleasure as we continue to self-destruct.


  6. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Dear Lovell: the world is so entangled that we are all going down as a result. To wit the refusal of France, Spain, Italy to let the plane of Hugo Morales, president of Bolivia, through their airspace, on the suspicion that Edward Snowden was inside! The plane came from Russia and forced down in (ex-“neutral”) Austria, and was searched!

    Yet, of course, and that’s the difference with the fall of Rome, Rome dominated its world (except for its powerful Hellenistic/Sassanid/Persian/Zoroasthrian neighbour to the (far) east; and the northern, central and eastern Germans).
    The USA does not dominate its world, which is the entire planet. Even as a democracy it does not dominate, as the Europeans have much more might than commonly acknowledged.

    So what’s the computation of the powers that be in the USA? Fracking. Not just for oil, gas, but fracking as a symbolic method: brute force. Extraction, exploitation, thanks to brute force, never mind the consequences.

    To wit the plan of naturalizing another 11 millions (who were let in rather deliberatley…). In California, Central Valley freeways are being enlarged: enlarge, and the immigrants will come. The redeeming plan seems to be to build an empire, whichever way, as long as it’s hugely imperial. If it’s evil, so be it. Or maybe it’s even better, as the animal juices will flow

    One should not pooh pooh that somewhat fascist, exploitative, extractive method; it may well work. Thanks to various exploitations of dozen of millions of lower lives, deadly bioengineering, pesticides, fungicides, there is money to pay engineers, professors, software, or not, etc. So such trained Europeans, Indians, Chinese, are made offers, in the USA, that they can’t refuse…

    Thus the West is hedging. On one side of the Atlantic, there is the European Union, truly led and created by the French Republic according (more or less) the principles of 1789. On the other side, its rambuctious child, still doing what it does best: naive, direct, brutal empire building.

    And China? In between. Trying to switch, to scramble, switching, from the Chinese system from Confucius, 26 centuries old, to the Western model from Crete-Greece-Rome-Francia.

    Methane may invite itself…


  7. bowtiejack Says:

    Another wonderful article. Thank you.
    What I like is learning all these new perspectives about things that were left out of my own education (which was conducted mainly in American Catholic universities but from which I am long healed by voracious reading). Interestingly, when I was an undergraduate at Notre Dame in the frozen wilds of Northern Indiana, all the books on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (yes, it was that long ago) were kept in a locked cage in the basement of the library. So to read your Kant or whatever, you just walked over to the bookstore and bought a paperback copy. Seems to be a comment on the efficacy of censorship there somewhere.
    Anyway, on this bible business. Somewhere around here I have a large copy of the Larousse Encyclopedia of Myth. Reading it some years ago, it finally hit me that it was essentially a compendium of dead religions. And if all those religions died and are now “myths”, who is to say that’s not the future of the bible, Christianity, and the rest of it. Perhaps by that time too they will have deciphered what aspects of primate psychology caused this obsession with “faith” by so many for so long. Probably denial of death is a big part of it. Really, were the Egyptians with their mummies and their ka, ba and the rest of it so far from the eternal life of the Christian soul in heaven?
    Running through all of this for me is Freud’s observation somewhere that “anger is transmuted fear”, because religious people are invariably very emotional (especially in the American South) when any of their beliefs are questioned and they do get angry.
    So I say Thank God (sic) for Islamic terrorists, because after those stupid godless Russian Communists let us all down by just folding up, America might have lost its way and had no national purpose. But now we have a new demonic all-powerful devious threatening OTHER on which to project our fear and anger in the name of the Christian God. It’s all good.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thank you Bowtiejack. It’s astounding that the “index” of prohibited books still had a life in the 20C. The only reason that people speak of Copernic is that 60 years earlier or so the Church had put to the “Index” all the works of Buridan (who had died 150 years later). As I have documented in essays, long ago, it’s Buridan who demonstrated and proposed the Heliocentric system. In his lifetime, he was untouchable (it was head of the university of Paris, the world’s migtiest and had the ear of several French Kings…

      The Abrahamic religion (Bible, Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.) is basically ZOROASTHRIANISM FOR DUMMIES.

      Although it is generally considered Pharaoh Akhenaten invented monotheism, the old Persian was basically monotheist too. There was a devil, a dark side, but it was supposed to be defeat by Ahura Mazda, helped by human generated truth.

      The Abrahamist fanatics may indeed help the USA to see the madness of the Abrahamic religion. This is the context in which George washington formally certifed that the USA had “nothing to with the Christian religion”.PA


      • bowtiejack Says:

        Here’s the latest from Texas where I was born many many years ago and which I do not miss in the least.

        “Nearly a third of Texans believe humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time, and more than half disagree with the theory that humans developed from earlier species of animals, according to the University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.”



        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Funny, so far, to read about it, but this may change. We may not be amused at all in the proximal future. By some measures, the USA is getting an ever more brutal society. True, there are fewer executions, but never before have so many being under judicial supervision. Also never before have torture and extra judicial execution being advocated. My guess is that the founding fathers would have been horrified…


  8. EugenR Says:

    Dear Patrice, you wrote…………..loud and obnoxious demonstration of superstition is intrinsically racist (or aggressively tribal). No time to develop the idea, though….
    Let me try to spare your time. Seems to me the major force that drives the masses to violence is hate of the other. At least that’s what drives the violence in Syria in these days. Hate is the perfect glue to bind human society and the Plutocrats know it and use it for their purposes.

    Interestingly the most vicious racist-tribal aggressive phenomena, the Nazi regime, based its cruelty on certain kind of philosophical rationalism. Marxism was an other kind of murderous rationalism. Not all the evil comes from superstition.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Eugen: I agree with you. However, from my perspective, both Nazism and Stalinism were superstitions.
      So is the present plutocratic religion that elevates greed to the one and only metaprinciple. Actuallly that’s the simplest of them all.

      Fascism, and, in particular Nazism, were complicated systems of thought. So is Marxism-Leninism (and even it’s highly degenerated state of Stalinism; Maoism evolved in all ways, and then Chouenlaism, followed by Dengtsiaoism, and now a regime reminscent of Napoleon III…).

      Why do I say they were superstitions? Because they rested on denials of reality. It’s clear in the case of Nazism: it believed that races existed (sort of false) and that hybrid specimens between these non existent races, were degenerate (completely false, as fresh genetic material from far away reinforces!!!)

      In the case of Stalinism, the huge lie contradicting reality was that the dictature of one guy, or an oligarchy, was the dictatorship of the proletariat (supposing that was good, another denial of reality! But a lesser one…)


  9. EugenR Says:

    Dear Patrice, you say; ……………rom my perspective, both Nazism and Stalinism were superstitions.
    So is the present plutocratic religion that elevates greed to the one and only metaprinciple. Actuallly that’s the simplest of them all.

    Let me cite from my book, where i have a whole section about greed, about the greed;

    ………Speaking of greed, let me tell you a real story, which happened in the sixties in a kibbutz, hidden between the hills of northern Galilee in Israel. If you are not familiar with kibbutzes, at that time they were small cooperative villages with few hundred members living in communities, without any private possessions. In the kibbutz all the important decisions were made by the general assembly of the kibbutz members and applied equally to all members. The kibbutz members were not paid for their work, and all their personal needs were covered by the community. The only money they received for their work was pocket money, enough to purchase cigarettes, candies and other small stuff.

    Cainele, one of the members of this kibbutz, was a great lover of classical music and had one big dream in his life – to purchase a gramophone so he could privately listen to the music he loved so much. Of course a gramophone was well beyond his financial means, but Cainele did not give up his dream, and instead gave up smoking, and coin by coin he started to save up his pocket money. After ten years self-denial of any kind of “luxury”, he finally had enough to pay for the so much desired gramophone.

    But just by chance, very soon after Cainele purchased the gramophone, the kibbutz started to prosper economically, and after serious consideration the managers decided to share the new “wealth” with the kibbutz members. On the principle of equality they made a proposal at the general assembly of the kibbutz that all kibbutz members should be given a brand new gramophone, exactly the kind that our music-loving acquaintance had bought a half year before. Guess who fought most fiercely against the decision?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Dear Eugen: Very interesting. The human mind is complexity’s home. It would have been wiser to bask in the belief that Cainele’s acquisition of the gramophone would have led the way, as Moise did…
      Wisdom can be a very practical notion…


  10. EugenR Says:

    And some more from the book;

    All about economics with Humor

    about the greed,

    Despite the communist belief in human willingness to act for a common purpose, most of the people authorized to manage the resources of the country abused the trust placed in them. No amount of control or supervision could prevent their exploitation of their position. Even if they did not officially own substantial private assets or receive a high salary, there were few limits to what they could obtain unofficially in perks, privileges and bribes. Most of them did not care if their acts caused misery to the others.

    In my view human altruism increases with wealth, while poverty and misery are a major cause of cruelty and egotism. But then, you could rightly say that this kind of behavior is just human. Yet this is exactly the difference between the two systems. While the capitalist system accepts human beings with all their moral shortcomings, and accepts them as having only limited abilities to sacrifice for others, the communist system believed it was possible to remake human character to meet the highest standard of mutual altruism.

    The human being is a socio-economic creature, with several contradictory attributes: Greed against Altruism, Competition against Cooperation, Individualism against Solidarity, Antagonism against Alliance, Heroism against Gutlessness, Resistance against Submissiveness.

    We can then say that the most basic difference between the two economic ideologies is that while the so-called capitalist system tries to tame all these contradictory attributes and manipulate them by balancing between them, hoping for a positive outcome, the so-called communist system tries to fight and delegitimize the negative attributes of human character.


  11. Black Hole Inequality | Some of Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] Another example of non cyclicality is what happened to Egypt; after rabid men in black, the Christian monks ravaged Egypt around 400 CE, and burned the world’s largest library, Egypt, which had been a creator of civilization for 3,000 years, never recovered. […]


  12. Black Hole INEQUALITY - NewsCream Says:

    […] Another example of non cyclicality is what happened to Egypt; after rabid men in black, the Christian monks ravaged Egypt around 400 CE, and burned the world’s largest library, Egypt, which had been a creator of civilization for 3,000 years, never recovered. […]


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