High Finance Mafia’s Ultimatum to Greece

Moods rule the world. When the mood was tolerant upon making fortunes from overseas slavery, fortunes were made in Europe and the USA.

George Washington inherited ten slaves at the age of ten, when his dad passed away. When he died he and his wife had hundreds of slaves. Washington spent a last few weeks of his life making great efforts to catch a slave of his wife, the 22 year old Ms. Judge, who had escaped to the north. Washington never freed one slave, in spite of the huge pressure from his friend Lafayette.

Lafayette to whom, after all, Washington owed his presidency: Lafayette persuaded Louis XVI to go to all-out war to create the USA; on the way, he disobeyed the King’s orders, and the monarch sent him to prison.

Enough Games With High Finance, Time For War

Enough Games With High Finance, Time For War

At Thermopylae, 300 Spartans blocked an army of several hundred thousand savage slaves of plutocracy for days, before being literally stabbed in the back. However, the Spartan delaying action allowed the Athenians to evacuate Athens and prepare for the battle of Salamis, where the giant Persian fleet (composed in great part of captive nations), was sent to the bottom of the sea.

That was in 480 BCE. A time when the Greek invented, and defended a new civilization, Direct Democracy. That time is with us again. The despicable suspects of the Eurogroup are the new savages. They have to be fought, and for that, the mood has to change. Enough tolerance for High Finance.

Lafayette was a mood changer. Later, given the order to fire on We The People, as commander of the National Guard, he refused, and made the Revolution of 1789 possible.

Slavery was a mood. A satanic mood.

What are today’s satanic moods?

Moods depend upon moods. Putin’s mood depends upon the fact he has seen Western plutocrats getting away with murder and ridiculous assertions.

The mood, in the world, is that those who create, and get to play with, money, rule the universe.

Unbelievably, the “Eurogroup” (all the finance ministers of the governments of the Eurozone) sent Greece an ultimatum.

“The Greek authorities committed to ensure appropriate primary fiscal surpluses and financing in order to guarantee debt sustainability in line with the targets agreed in the November 2012 Eurogroup statement. Moreover, any new measures should be funded, and not endanger financial stability.”

As Paul Krugman puts it: “Translation (if you look back at that Eurogroup statement): no give whatsoever on the primary surplus of 4.5 percent of GDP.

There was absolutely no way Tsipras and company could sign on to such a statement, which makes you wonder what the Eurogroup ministers think they’re doing.”

Krugman is right on that one.

What the Eurogroup ministers are thinking is that, if they want their careers and retirements to advance nicely, they better abide by the mood of High Finance.

Varoufakis replied with: ”No Time For Games In Europe.”

He starts this way: “ATHENS — I am writing this piece on the margins of a crucial negotiation with my country’s creditors — a negotiation the result of which may mark a generation, and even prove a turning point for Europe’s unfolding experiment with monetary union.

Game theorists analyze negotiations as if they were split-a-pie games involving selfish players. Because I spent many years during my previous life as an academic researching game theory, some commentators rushed to presume that as Greece’s new finance minister I was busily devising bluffs, stratagems and outside options, struggling to improve upon a weak hand.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

If anything, my game-theory background convinced me that it would be pure folly to think of the current deliberations between Greece and our partners as a bargaining game to be won or lost via bluffs and tactical subterfuge.

The trouble with game theory, as I used to tell my students, is that it takes for granted the players’ motives. In poker or blackjack this assumption is unproblematic. But in the current deliberations between our European partners and Greece’s new government, the whole point is to forge new motives. To fashion a fresh mind-set that transcends national divides, dissolves the creditor-debtor distinction in favor of a pan-European perspective, and places the common European good above petty politics, dogma that proves toxic if universalized, and an us-versus-them mind-set.”

I sent this letter to Varoufakis (the New York Times published an abridge version):

Dear Mr. Varoufakis, Finance Minister of Greece. Civilization is not a game, indeed. Game theory assumes selfish players (as you, an academic with a career in Game Theory says). Civilization is not about selfish players exclusively. High Finance is, though.

Civilization is just the amplification of human nature as it is meant to be, at its best, inside a tribe. However the peaceful life of a tribe depends upon the fundament of humanity, and that is love.

Without love, no human baby would ever survive more than a few days. We are born out of love. So is civilization. Sustainable civilization, that is.

In the past century, Germany had a pattern of atrocities that rested on the meta-principle of obeying orders from authority, no matter what.

That is in Kant, as Eichmann pointed out for his “defense”. Anything else was “Schuld” (debt, fault).

So Germany had a pattern of finding “right” only what fit its leadership. So far the banking crisis in Europe has brought Germany 40 billion Euros in profits it would not otherwise have made (as investors flocked to German sovereign debt). Something similar has happened with France (making lots of money from the crisis).

What authorities are German authorities now evoking, to act as robots anxious to keep Greece as a “debt colony”?

Obviously those who escaped after extending the loans that could not be repaid, private bankers from such nations as Britain, France and Germany.

The world is still under the order of High Finance. For High Finance, Greece is an example that needs to be made. For those who want to break High Finance, the new Greek government shows the way.

Because “right” has to be defined according to the Greek people, not a world of High Finance, which has long gone completely mad.

To check for madness, see the $800 trillions of financial “derivatives”, more than ten times world GDP. Contemplate also France, which has four banks that, should any of them fail, would bring down the world financial system.

You suggest to target “large-scale corruption” instead of the Greek middle-class with its privately owned pharmacies. However, the largest-scale corruption in this world is High Finance itself, the authorities German authorities abide to.

Greece saw worse, at Thermopylae and Salamis. Sometimes, it is right to fight, just because it’s right, no matter what.

If one is to die, one better die, standing up in defense of the right principles.

Patrice Ayme’


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16 Responses to “High Finance Mafia’s Ultimatum to Greece”

  1. Melody Ermachild Says:

    I agree with your perspective on Greece. Living in Germany, one hears this discussed so often as “moral” issue — the idea is that the Greeks took on this debt and are morally obliged to pay it. No consideration that it was Greek elites who borrowed, and that those who loaned — the big banks — have some responsibility too.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Hi Melody, and welcome. Next time your comment ought to appear instantaneously. I am travelling right now, and got just a tiny piece of WIFI here I can use, before jumping in a CO2 machine…

      Germany is fully culprit in many ways, like converting the Drachma at twice its value, so that Greeks would buy lots of Porsche.
      As we speak German and French banks hold at least tens of billions of stolen money the Greek government has a legal right to. In other words, France and Deutschland are behaving as Switzerland used to. And their culpability goes further than that…


      • Duviel Says:

        I am very competent in Macro-Economics (although, not through formal schooling therefore I lack some of the correct wording). But, when it comes to finance (international finance in particular) I am fully an (pretty sure I spelled this next word wrong but who cares) amateur.

        Please explain (for us not so educated on topic) why the lenders are at fault for the barrowers taking more than they can pay.

        Thank You.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Dear Duviel: There is plenty of evidence that a number of entities, and institutions, as I explained offered plenty of gifts to “Greece” (often other plutocrats IN Greece), money they knew perfectly well could not be reimbursed (never mind, because the Public stepped in: private banks are backed up by the Public, meanwhile managers get bonuses in the expansion phase!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

          Moreover the Eurogroup converted deliberately the Drachma at twice its real worth (the German Bundesbank let it be, hoping Greece would buy Germany plenty of stuff, as it did!).

          So banks gave money (to their friends, and accomplices) they knew said co-criminals could not reimburse, then screamed bloody theft, and got the Public to replenish them. So basically we had a transfer of money from the Public to the plutocrats, so much so that the Public is suffering.

          I say: let’s enquire upon the full entanglement of this massive organized crime. The bankers and banks found culprit ought to be punished, not just with jail terms but also property recovery. But we are far from this: as we speak northern banks (UK, France, Germany) store Greek plutocratic money, in one of the world’s greatest tax evasion!)


          • Duviel Rodriguez Says:

            Thank you, I will take a while to digest this info.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            You are more than welcome, Duviel. The Eurogroup, and the ECB, and the central banks of France and Germany, among others, are all suspects and culprits in this Greek problem. They are trying to have us entertain the delusion that they are not. The only sure thing, is that the present Greek government is purely innocent as the driven snow.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            The Geneva attorney general just launched (2/18/15) a massive search of, and a criminal inquiry on, the British bank HSBC, for possible money laundering of the money of the worst criminal networks in the world: Al Qaeda, hard drug networks, etc.
            The banks as we have them today, the 29 world endangering banks are ALL criminal organization, and their leaders ought to be fully expropriated and put in prison. ALL of them.


    • EugenR Says:

      The Greek economic problem is a moral problem rather than an economic problem. The moral question is what responsibilities has a common Greek citizen, when his leading elites, whom they had elected election after election, inspite the common knowledge, that they are corrupt aristocratic plutocrats, doing mainly to their own pockets, create an unbearable debt. Rightly should be also asked the question, what responsibilities shout carry the leading elites, who implemented, short sighted policy of greed, personal enrichment and deception and if and how they are punishable for their crimes.
      So the moral question is, who has to take responsibilities for promiscuous behaviour? Should it be the Greek leading elites? The Greek people? Maybe the German and French banksters and their servants ( like the rating agencies, viz bellow )? Or maybe the moral responsibility lays on the shoulders of the descendants of the German Nazis?

      4 billion US$!!! for Rating Agencies.


      • Duviel Says:

        The responsibility lays with the greek government that spent the money. Unfortunately the people will also lose out on all those government jobs, pensions, etc. If Greece is able to hold a strong enough hand to convince creditors to forgive than good for them. But, if not than it sucks for them. Greece should (if concesions not good) file for bankrupty and live of their own economy without loans. They can do it, they just have to rebuild a real economy instead of living of fake money, thats loans. US government is living on debt in same way but they have worlds reserve currency (can and have been printing as much as they want without effecting currency much) and largest economy. Also, most of biggest lenders (China, Japan) benefit greatly from American consumption therefore do not mind continuing to lend and would not want to collapse that system.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        The responsibility lays with all the preceding, among others. Moreover, I don’t see the Franco-German banks cooperating, even now. Why to punish the Greek public for not having thrown the bastards out before? And what about the northern bastards, still fully engaging in their crimes? Or enjoying the fruits of their crimes?
        There are vague noises in the USA about criminally rating the rating agencies. Nothing about the rats therein, though…

        Liked by 1 person

      • gmax Says:

        When people cannot pay and are dying from it, it is not only a moral problem, but an economic one. At 4.5 percent surplus, Greece is dying.

        Syriza has proposed a 1.5 percent surplus instead (Germany has no surplus, but a way too big positive commercial balance).

        All this because of greedsters and banksters in Germany (and other northern countries). Why did they not let the BIG BANKS DEFAULT instead?

        Commoners want to know!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Duviel Rodriguez Says:

          It’s probably in Greek interest (at least short to medium term) to default and not pay back loans. They will have to live without external funds and will probably have to exit EU. Western EU banks (and tax payers to a lesser extent) loose big if Greece defaults.

          Don’t the loans come from central banks wich use the peoples money. All or most of those loans come from newly created Euros, right? That means that by printing for Greece you are reducing the value of the Euros everyone else holds.

          Question is when it is re-paid who keeps the repayment. Central banks have to pay back tresuries, right? Although at near 0% interest.

          A caveat to the printing causes inflation theory is that inflation in Western EU is very low right now. Even with all the printing.

          The US has a similar situation. I wonder if thats a short term illusion and we will see heavy inflation coming soon.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            What we have now is strong deflation. The latest French number, today, is MINUS .4%.

            Greece just asks for a lower interest rate repayment (that’s the usual trick to avoid default). The Troika has imposed to Greece to borrow, so that the country could reimburse. Anti-Europeans call all this the “Eurocrisis”, but it’s NOT a Euro crisis.


  2. ianmillerblog Says:

    An apt picture embedded in the article. As I understand it, Sparta was the first government entity to borrow well belong its ability to repay and then default. Of course, collecting from Sparta was a problem. Collecting from modern Greece is also a problem, although one of a different kind.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Never heard of that one about Sparta. Sparta was real special. Far from always in a bad way….
      The present Greek problem is perfectly solvable… Through anti-plutocratic solutions… And therein the hypocrisy: I don’t see the banksters and their servants pushing Greece that way, for some reason..


  3. gmax Says:

    The plutocrats are furious against Greece, they are vituperating big time. The Economist, in particular, this paper which makes its profits transit through Luxembourg was full of spite and cold fury. Thry are afraid of Podemos… The Spanish Syriza


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