Biden Invaded Iraq, What Could Go Wrong?

As part of my punishment for loving truth, I was submitted to local block parties celebrating Biden-Harris. So there was a large crowd, at a corner in front of an opulent house. The whites were out, with their “BID HARRIS” signs, complete with a dozen blonde teenagers. Cars would pass and honk. Music was blaring. I stopped by, and decided to use my isegoria. After all, here was an assembly (“agora”), and I was in the (blocked) street. The music stopped.

“Of course you all know that Biden killed three million people in Iraq!” A blonde teenage girl around 16 years old, turned towards her “Democratic” blonde mom and asked: “What’s Iraq?” The mom nervously replied: “That’s irrelevant!“. Delighted by this little exchange, I pursued: “Those who voted Biden do not have the excuse that the Germans who voted for Hitler had, because Hitler had not committed his crimes against humanity, yet, when they voted for him, whereas Biden did already.”

They had all nothing to say: I felt as if I were addressing 40 ducks. I study animals, in particular birds, ducks, geese and turkeys, who are abundant where I live. So they gather in large assemblies and quack quack quack. When I address them they stop quacking, and try to understand what it all means. They generally fail, I leave, and then they quack quack again. Here the only difference is that I gave them a thumb up, and the leader of the ducks replied with a thumb up too. Welcome to their nightmare.

I watched Harris and Biden from a giant screen later, in another block party, this time peacefully as a duck among ducks. Biden gave a conciliatory address, he is trying to seduce us, but we are hard core. No more enemies anymore, he said in substance, we are all Americans. No more “demonization“. That, of course was going too far. EVIL-POWER, plutocracy, is intrinsically demoniac. If there is no more demonization, when Senator Biden, in 1998, as a great chief in the US Senate said there was no other solution with Iraq, but to send the US Army to “remove that son of a bitch“, he was not inhabited by the demon. Thus, what was Biden inhabited by? What passes for normality in the Democratic” Party?

The demoncrats will have to be careful: they launched that hatred thing, for no good reason, and it doesn’t get called back easily, for some reason. Once hatred is launched, hatred gets going. As I backed away from the giant TV block party, a SUV engaged in the same street, and got blocked. The driver, obviously not of the “BID HARRIS” persuasion, in a rage, backed three hundred feet at ten miles an hour, way too fast. Also I saw a big black car, full of young black lives. The black hood was adorned with a large golden Swastika. I resisted the temptation of taking a picture, although it would have no doubt been quite spectacular…

The American left elected as President the most right wing, pro-plutocratic US Neocon politician in active existence… and a criminal against humanity, to boot. So the naïve, confused, yet revolutionary president is out, and the dissembling, neocon, plutophile president is back… With the full backing of the Global Deep Plutocracy… What could go wrong?

Well, nothing: the Global Deep Plutocracy is back in command, the pseudo-left should fade back into its customary fakeness. Except if…

Authorities in Oakland, California said “roving teams of armed” individuals targeted and plundered businesses throughout the city. Police described “caravans” of coordinated armed people they said targeted drug dispensaries, grow operations, pharmacies and electronics stores late Tuesday into early Wednesday. One officer shot and killed a 20-year-old Oakland man.

Global Deep Plutocrats are no doubt amused by the insecurity affecting the lower classes: they live in their compounds, exclusive cities, or even islands (as Bill Gates, who has two, or the Obamas). Insecurity will allow the punishing Kamala to punish the miscreants. The insecurity will divide We The People, and distract them. Also they can accuse Trump, a gift who keeps on giving.  


The Global Deep Plutocracy, the GDP, hates Trump, because Trump brandished them as the traitors they are. Trump damaged their “Free Trade” religion, which is neither free, nor a trade… thus Trump compromised their grip on the world, which leaves no space for democracy. If the EVIL-POWER (Plutocracy) has all the power, DEMOS-KRATIA (Democracy) has none. It’s very simple.

The world Biden brought resulted in very cheap oil from fracking implemented by Obama, but also an in-depth corruption of the Western mind. The woman soldier on the lower left played too hard for all to see, here she was playing with a recently diseased individual, and got a six months prison sentence. The woman upper right enjoyed having a human doggie. The troops lower right did this to millions of residences.

The anti-Trumpists labeled Trump and his supporters, half of the US electorate,  “Nazis”, racists, anti-Semites. None of this is true. Whereas Biden associated with KKK members deploring “race mongrels in the military” such as his “dear friend” Senator Byrd, so is not the case of the average Trump voter.

Thus Biden partisans created hatred and massaged it. That hate wins elections is what will be remembered, at the emotional level.

Right now the Biden fanatics will scoff: they have the power. So hate worked well for them, enabling them to ignored the fact that they elected the worst Neocon ever running for president. But one thing it taught to those they hate, is that hate works. And so does ignoring war crimes.


History will judge those who voted for Biden, stridently claiming that they did excellent good, fighting the Devil Trump. Once the German left voted for a guy who had “socialist” in his party’s name. However Hitler had not committed his crimes against humanity yet. Instead he promised to take care of minorities.

Biden is another story entirely: Biden engaged in what some view as crimes against humanity decades before being elected president. As early as 1998, Biden told Ritter in a Senate public hearing that Saddam Hussein would have to be removed by the US Army. The video is (so far!) readily available.

Biden, in 1998, as head of the Senate Foreign Commission, in an official declaration to Scott Ritter, the chief UN weapons inspector: “You and I believe, and many of us believe here, as long as Saddam is at the helm, there is no reasonable prospect you or any other inspector is ever going to be able to guarantee that we have rooted out, root and branch, the entirety of Saddam’s program relative to weapons of mass destruction. You and I both know, and all of us here really know, and it’s a thing we have to face, that the only way, the only way we’re going to get rid of Saddam Hussein is we’re going to end up having to start it alone—start it alone—and it’s going to require guys like you in uniform to be back on foot in the desert taking this son of a bitch down. You know it and I know it.”

In 2002, as chair of the Foreign Committee of the Senate, Biden built up and invented the Weapons of Mass Destruction argument Bush used later. Biden had a direct secure line to war monger president Bush, and egged him on. Pelosi admitted to CNN that as ranking member of the US Congress Intelligence Committee she took part in the lie to the world community. To believe that invading Iraq would not kill millions, as happened, was impossible for any rational person.

But this is besides the point: as President Eisenhower said in his farewell address, the military-industrial complex is the greatest danger for democracy:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Well the military-industrial-Global Deep Plutocracy complex is behind Biden 100%, it literally signed up on him:

So why did the invasion of Iraq happen? To take out Iraqi production and make US oil profitable again for US oil men (Wall Street’s fracking, implemented by Obama on Federal lands).

Does that mean that Biden will commit crimes against humanity as president? Not necessarily. Actually the confessions of both Biden and Pelosi about their efforts to kill millions of Iraqis may be their first step in an act of contrition. But let’s not have our hopes too high. The only wise hope is to be vigilant.

Patrice Ayme.


P/S: Some details in:

DO IRAQI LIVES MATTER? Are Those Voting For Biden Voting For The “Supreme International Crime”?

Relative to the preceding, the Biden style corruption in Ukraine pales in insignificance…Ukrainian President Yanukovych was overthrown in February 2014, and just a few months later (in May), Joe Biden’s son and a close friend John Kerry’s stepson, joined the board of the private Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, registered in Cyprus.

So just after an American-backed coup, US Democratic nobility joined the board of the largest private gas producer in Ukraine. The US administration installed a new Ukrainian government, and as the reward for this coup, Joe Biden’s son personally profited, and then his Dad threw out the prosecutor general of Ukraine, who was after Burisma. The son would not have gotten that job if Yanukovych was still in power.


P/S 2: Covert Action magazine wrote an article on January 19 2021 going into a (partly more) detailed analysis of Biden’s Iraq invasion conspiracy and effort.

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25 Responses to “Biden Invaded Iraq, What Could Go Wrong?”

  1. brodix Says:

    Orwell would be proud. Not.
    It is ridiculous that people have such little historical memory, yet many will find they really are just child soldiers, given a promise and a brick.
    Though the bankers will find in their controlled demolition, it will be the generals coming out to “restore order,” who will be in charge.
    Then we learn what real fascism is. Just ask Assange.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      My US born spouse and others have begged me to adopt a low profile. They too speak of “Nazism”. I was told to be so afraid to say anything to the teacher, the principal, and the school superintendent… That I would not say anything… The problem with me is that I had near death experiences a dozen times, and once I absolutely do not know how I survived. To this day, it’s mystery…

      Anyway, this is going to be fun… I don’t know if AOC is as fake as she should be (a bar tender, entering a Dem beauty contest, really?)… But I know Sanders is… I think that order will be promptly returned when Kamala is in charge… She was always a dominatrix… It was remarkable how few signs for her in Berkeley…


      • brodix Says:

        I don’t know about low profile, but sitting back and watching might be easier on the stress and enlightening.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          I am not too stressed… At best the fight against Pluto media is delayed… But then, supposedly, the so-called “left” was against the tech monopolies… I think they really are after becoming millionaires, as the majority of US Congress is…


          • brodix Says:

            An essay I submitted to one of the publications on medium, that has published several already;
            View at


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            I tried to applaud, but got: “You cannot applaud a draft”…. So you use Medium? I have stayed clear of it ever since they asked money for reading… There is a number of come-on magazines out there, trojan Horses of the plutocracy: Aeon, Project Syndicate, etc… They do have occasional good articles, but then you can’t comment, or they charge, etc…


          • brodix Says:

            wordpress seems to have deleted the link.
            Try it with a space;
            h ttps://


          • brodix Says:

            Money does grease the wheels. It’s certainly a step up, many steps up, from twitter or facebook, for those of us too lazy or time constrained to put the effort into growing our own blog. Which are not free either.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Hopefully the wisdom about what happened is progressing, a friend sent me this:

            (I do NOT approve of all the materials therein, such as silly idea of WTC with explosives, but the fundamental ideas I have been pushing forever…)


          • brodix Says:

            What stands out like a sore thumb about 9/11 is Building 7. It collapsed because of a fire in the basement, presumably caused by planes crashing into buildings next door, burning 10 thousand gallons of diesel fuel, stored there to power generators? Where were the building inspectors and fire marshals who allowed that, without adequate fire suppression systems? Heck, the harbor is right there, all it would take is a big pump.
            Given the degree the military industrial complex really does own everything and it conveniently gave them an excuse to go to war with effectively the entire world, or at least anyone not bowing and scraping sufficiently, by the time they got all the measures through congress, Occam’s razor does raise its ugly head.
            By the time all this does come crashing down, over the next several decades, I suspect a lot of currently classified information will come out.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            I saw the 9/11 attack live from another continent: I was watching a financial news channel. The violence of the events was such that anything seemed possible. The fire in the building next door was obvious, and made sense. The WTC was conceived by idiots. The main engineer was working next door, and after he saw the crashes, he knew the towers were going to collapse: I saw him say this on TV… in a long interview. He said: “I told to myself, oh, these poor people, they are all going to die…” Anyway, long story I have mentioned it in the past. Skyscrapers in the US are poorly conceived. My spouse worked on top of some in San Francisco… in case of severe quakes, they will collapse… That’s what the Japanese engineers say.

            Those who focus on ridiculous, grotesque and redundant conspiracy theories, such as explosives in the WTC, associate serious students of real conspiracies to foolishness for all to see. And thus they come short on the main conspiracy, the largest one, by very far, in the entire history of humanity, the GLOBAL DEEP PLUTOCRACY.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Basic information on how the US Deep State gained control of Germany was burned out, and otherwise buried… Those buildings were shoddily built


          • brodix Says:

            I tend to be non-judgmental and non-committal on issues where I don’t have much information or insight.
            Never waste a crisis.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Being fundamentally perverse, I enjoy reaching enough depth to swoop on my preys by judging them to death… Then I devour them…. But never waste a crisis indeed… Trump proved not ruthless enough, the GDP is much more ruthless than he and the feeble left can imagine apparently……


          • brodix Says:

            It did finally get published;
            View at


  2. Don Kemerling Says:

    What could go wrong?
    Spin the globe, throw a dart, and see which country we attack next.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Biden war against whom? Venezuela is self-ravaged already. And Iran was a friend of Obama-Biden, to keep the Middle East divided… with Trump breathing down their necks, may not happen. Then Biden could always revive the old conflicts… Choices, choices…


  3. John Michael Gartland Says:

    Relentless hate, endless repetition of the false narrative, and the threat of uncontrolled violence all worked like a charm. It is now a winning formula. Total control of the media helps too!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      It’s not just control of the media, it’s ownership of it.
      We will see what happens, but the “blue wave” announced by the “suppression polls” (which are not really polls, but mind binders, which should be unlawful), did not happen. the GLOBAL DEEP PLUTOCRACY will loose the next elections… Except if they jack up even higher their propaganda…


  4. Stephen Jones Says:

    Deep Pockets have their dozens of tentacles around most everyone’s neck. We can watch that Deep Pocket Global Plutocracy in action. Many wise people have been ‘warning’ us for decades. The U.S. remains the country with the most billionaires, with 614, followed by greater China (including Hong Kong and Macao), with 456.
    How many millionaires are ‘made’ every day? Hundreds…
    For daily updated net worths of all 2,095 billionaires (the GDP per Patrice Ayme) – , go to


  5. Ian Miller Says:
    Ian Miller
    Not an encouraging start, is it?


  6. Kevin Carlson Says:

    Biden isn’t even President (yet)


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Kevin Carlson Biden was CHAIR For. Rel. Com. US SENATE in 1998 when he called OFFICIALLY for the USA to invade Iraq. Bush followed. Just read my essay, please, instead of shooting from the hip, in the dark, without context.


  7. Patrice Ayme Says:

    [To FB philo gp]
    Patrice Ayme
    Yeah, we all love each other, solidarity, comradeship, commonality, sociability, sheepiness, etc. Just all the reasons why Biden wanted to invade Iraq in 1998, surely? At least, so thinks the sheeple, supposing generously that the sheeple thinks at all….

    The real truth is that human love is balanced by hatred, greed, jealousy, etc… And Biden is the proof. That son of a high level oil executive invaded Iraq to make fracking profitable inside the USA…. And now Biden is viewed as a little angel by the SUV sheeple, for having crushed the price of oil, while making Wall Street wealthier than ever… What could go wrong? Are you jealous yet?


  8. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Two million years ago there were at least a dozen homini species, in East Africa alone (and there were other species in Eurasia, at the very least). Hate exterminated all of them, but for one lineage. So, arguably, we are a product of hatred. Let’s be careful when we saw through the branch on which we sit…


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!