The 9/11 Conspiracies


Propagandists of the established order say:”Conspiracy theorists are mad”. They know, or hope, that most people know no history: most of history is the fruit of conspiracies.

As Pharaoh Ramses III wrote in stone in 1175 BCE: “The foreign countries (i.e. Sea Peoples) made a CONSPIRACY in their islands… No land could stand before their arms…” Islands such as Sardinia, Sicily, etc. had conspired to attack the rich G8 of the Bronze Age civilization of the Eastern Mediterranean. Result of this conspiracy? Civilization collapsed so badly over a century, that even writing itself was lost.

For decades, I met smart behinds who told me only crazies thought conspiracies were interesting. Then there was 9/11. Even the smartest cretins had to admit, from the bottom of their obscure minds, that it was a conspiracy. Clearly, a conspiracy of Al Qaeda. But not just a conspiracy of Al Qaeda: president Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Bush conspired with Muslim terrorists, and president Obama has sung the praises of their ideology, Islam (also known as “Salafism”). One knows a conspiracy best, when the emperor has no clothes. Here is the American leadership, naked in the White House, for all to see, and few to understand:

Reagan Meets With Muslim Terrorists at the White House. That Conspiracy Led To 9/11

Reagan Meets With Muslim Terrorists at the White House. That Conspiracy Led To 9/11

[Smart idiots will say:’Oh, because you think these people flew the planes in the World Trade Center? It’s hard to answer idiots. Try with a chipmunk. Idiocy is easy, intelligence, difficult.]

If one conspiracy, why not more? It was astounding that, three years after the world soccer cup in Paris, the USA was completely undefended. Was that deliberate? A conspiracy of inaction, maybe? Acting up, by not defending oneself against an obvious threat? Was Bush and his friend Clinton subconsciously looking for reasons to invade and destroy Iraq, maybe? Just speculating.

A country such as France has air patrol ready to take off with fast (2,530 km/h) supersonic interceptors. The interception time, anywhere, anytime is 5 minutes, at most. Israel, of course, has even shorter interception times. In 1998, during the world cup, the French Air Force flew CAP (COMBAT AIR PATROL) above the Stade de France. (After centuries of fighting Muslim terrorists, that was only natural.)

There was plenty of time to intercept the planes of 9/11, had interceptors been ready anywhere in the north-east USA (a civilian in civilian clothing took off after the jets in an unarmed military F15, in one of the weird events. An unarmed interceptor could have crashed in a civilian jet: the Nazis used that method in April 1945 against US bombers… However that guy did not catch up.).

The surface area of France is comparable to the north-east heartland of the USA. For Christmas 1994, six Jihadists tried to crash a jumbo jet hijacked in Algeria, on Paris. They were all killed, and the passengers all rescued. Starting on September 14, 2001, CAP has been flown over the USA and Canada. There was no CAP before that. 

Many believe that 9/11 was actually a conspiracy of the US government. In a sense, we already see there was: not having any air defense over the USA was more than weird.

The detailed reasonings of those who think the US government dynamited the towers are silly, counterfactual, erroneous. But a friend of mine, whom I knew for decades, is not just a mountain climber (thus calm), but also a top notch, white, US born engineer in charge of checking nuclear plants and dangerous gas pipelines in earthquake country. He is also not political.

My friend does believe that there are reasons to believe that 9/11 was a US government conspiracy. He is a top notch engineer, so he cannot be easily written off, as a basket case from “the basket of deplorables” (to quote Hillary Clinton). Various subtle indices look very suspicious to him. So what’s up? Hence we see that those who believe that the US government set up 9/11 can be very serious, and much more versed in matters logical and technological than, say, president Obama.

How come? The answer is obvious: they are right, in some sense. They correctly perceive that the US government’s modus operandi is to set-up conspiracies within conspiracies. (And little do they know: much of Twentieth Century history was a conspiracy, still undetected, and quaint technologies such as “Quantitative Easing”, are themselves conspiracies. All they have in common is they profit always the same class.)


The US Government’s Actions, In the Most Important Sense, Set Up 9/11:

Did agents of the US deep state plant explosives in the World Trade Center? Obviously not: the poorly conceived buildings, basically large steel tents, collapsed on their own. In 1945, a bomber lost in the fog, hit the Empire State Building. The skyscraper caught fire so badly and thoroughly that the elevators’ cables melted.

Yet the Empire State is well-built, with concrete and a honeycomb structure. Contrarily to the World Trade Center, the Empire State did not see its structure melt. A cab stuffed with rescuers and wounded crashed to the ground from the top, after its cable melted… The elevator emergency braking worked, and all, although wounded some more, survived.

Osama Bin Laden was a peaceful scion of plutocrats, managing family business in Turkey, when he was contacted by the CIA and SIA (Saudi Intelligence Agency). OBL was then made into the second main agent of US imperialism in Afghanistan (the first one being Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency). Pakistani intelligence advocated striking soft targets, such as schools. Pakistan acted under American orders, all along. The idea was to make Afghanistan dysfunctional, if not an American province.

As usual, the leaders and owners of the USA wanted absolutely that the French (!) or Russian commercial and diplomatic empires be made as small as possible.  

The American Deep State & Secret Agencies Plotted With Islamists To Frustrate French & Russian Secular Interests

The American Deep State & Secret Agencies Plotted With Islamists To Frustrate French & Russian Secular Interests In Afghanistan

Front row, from left: Major Gen. Hamid Gul, director general of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Willian Webster; Deputy Director for Operations Clair George; an ISI colonel; and senior CIA official, Milt Bearden at a Mujahideen training camp in North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan in 1987. (source RAWA)

My father was involved in geological missions which revealed that Afghanistan’s soil was rich in minerals. After that, all hell broke loose, as Pakistan attacked Afghanistan covertly (obviously under US orders). As that was not enough, president Jimmy Carter outright ordered direct all-out secret war against Afghanistan, on July 3, 1979. To learn it from the horse’s mouth, one can consult:


(That interview of Carter’s National Security Adviser was censored in the USA, as it appeared only in the French version of that magazine! Censorship helps conspiracies, this is why the New York Times blocks all my comments, even if innocuous, and three words long.)

The idea of Carter was the same as it would be with Bush and Iraq: one way to make the USA stronger, is to make other countries weaker.

French intelligence people have asserted that Osama Bin Laden met with US intelligence officials, even when the USA was already in open conflict with Al Qaeda.

Speaking of conspiracies, is Barack Obama the founder of the Islamist State? As Trump asserted? In a sense, yes. It was under Obama’s watch, he was the main actor (as Trump said). Obama and Clinton took active measures to insure that Syria would be in the mess it presently is.

In particular, the deliberate destruction of Iraq by the USA, exactly what US oilmen and frackers wanted, could only bring forward a desperate resistance of deplorables such as the Islamist State fighters.

Sad is the state of US politics, when it is a greedy, self-inflating tycoon who has to tell the fundamental truth, because American intellectuals did not dare to, or, worse, were incapable of even having these thoughts.

Did higher-ups in Saudi Arabia finance the 9/11 attacks? Probably. Bin Laden was then cut-off, officially, from its wealthy family. So where did the considerable money for organizing 9/11 come from (the plot was larger than just the four planes which killed 2,996 people). It is also clear that much larger amounts of Arabian money fostered all sorts of terrorism and ‘radicalization”, worldwide since the 1930s. Now, of course, “Arabian” money does not really exist. Ultimately that was all about dollars circulating, and recycled on Wall Street (yes, Dollars, not Euros: Saddam Hussein lost his life for forgetting the difference)

So it is excellent that Congress voted unanimously to let families sue the State of Saudi Arabia. If we want to outlaw Salafism, as I proposed (and now Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, a French presidential candidate, supports the idea… so I support her), we have to outlaw Saudi Arabia under its present ideology and legal system.

Today, the resolutely clueless Obama, hell-bound, as usual, to make us all stupid, started his 9/11 tribute by quoting the god in the name of whom the planes were crashed in the towers.  THE PRESIDENT: “Good morning. Scripture tells us, “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you…write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Well, this is a circus. The 9/11 hijackers killed in the name of the exact same scripture, which Obama quotes from approvingly, about the exact same god. And Muslim are going to celebrate the willingness of Abraham to kill his son, just because the same God told him to. The Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur’an all say, in all too many places, to kill unbelievers, miscreants, homosexuals, and this or that category of people.

By quoting “Scripture” as it were the ultimate ideology, the highest morality, Obama is winking at the terrorists who killed thousands of innocents on 9/11. Surely he is chuckling inside (as he orders drone strikes on civilian gatherings, just because he can).

By using Fundamentalist Islam as a weapon, starting in the 1930s, the USA used an unpredictable dragon to foster its oil agenda. Soon enough, the God of “Scripture” became the official god of the USA, inscribed by Congress in 1954:”In God We Trust”, replacing the old secular motto.

That was the least problem. The bigger problem, is that fostering of the desert God, and his will to human sacrifice made the West irrational.

But then, of course, that is the ultimate conspiracy. The only way great masters can exploit multitude of small people, is by making them so irrational that they lose track of their self-interest and of what is human, and what is not human. That was Reagan’s job, that was Clinton’s job, that was Bush’s job, and it has been Obama’s greatest success. Just because of Obama’s lofty rhetoric, and the color of his skin, nobody seems to have observed what he was really doing.

Fostering plutocracy further. But his employers will be grateful next year. That Nobel Prize on day one was just a foretaste of riches to come. Absolute power rots minds absolutely.

The 9/11 hijackers killed in the name of the exact same scripture, which Obama quotes from so approvingly today. Clueless, or devilish? Satanic, of course: we don’t call it plutocracy, the rule of Pluto, also known later as ‘Satan’, for no good reason. By quoting “scripture”, Obama exonerates “scripture”, just where scripture killed 2,996 people (yes, I included the hijackers). Because exonerating “scripture” from the act those who believe in it accomplished in its name, does not just binds us to “scripture” some more. It also means that we learn to ignore the main reason why those suicidal attacks happened. In other words, president Obama is teaching us to accept to be stupid.

Making those it subjugates stupid is an elite most self-preserving strategy.

Patrice Ayme

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12 Responses to “The 9/11 Conspiracies”

  1. Gmax Says:

    Sometimes it seems like you are courting disaster. YOUR disaster. Your accusation are extremely cogent. Too cogent by half. The plutocrats and their valets in the deep state cannot be amused. You may run in trouble


  2. SDM Says:

    Chomsky and Hedges have pointed this out for years. But media propaganda keeps it from scrutiny by most of the US populace.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      I approve of Chomsky and Hedges, however… Chomsky is often over the top, to the point he sounds, and is, implausible. Hedges, well, is a recent guy. What I pointed out there is what was the real MOTIVATION: minerals, the same motivation as with iraq. And the aim was either to grab the riches or to PREVENT OTHERS TO GRAB THEM.
      Chomsky does not get in this sort of details.

      As I said, my dad was in Afghanistan (with my mom), going all over, as a geologist, several times (some of his friends, like Lapparent, were heading the geological study of Afghanistan mandated by the Afghan government). The country was very safe then. But the considerable riches were found, and, as in Algeria (my dad was Algerian and found the oil there), the American plutocrats pounced. This sort of behaviors happens to this day, in myriad of ways.


  3. SDM Says:

    you may have seen this already but it may be worth a look-


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      How the towers went down is clear. The Europhysics article on the subject was idiotic, and the main character, a physics professor, believed in cold fusion and that Jesus visited America.
      The towers collapsed from poor architecture. As I said, they were steel tents. The steel was not deep within concrete, but just protected by a thick asbestos paste. That paste was stripped on impact at 260 meters per second by large 767 jets. So steel was directly exposed to fire around 1,000 Celsius, force fed by self generated wind.
      At 500 Celsius, steel loses half its strength.

      The thickness of the asbestos paste was below code in most of the WTC. Where it was respecting the New York fire code, being twice thicker, the steel resisted twice longer.

      The WTC’s architecture was unique in the world. It was made to have large floors, clear of any columns. After the impacts, the architect who conceive them, who saw the scene, was aghast: he knew that they were going to collapse.

      Architectural stupidities are nothing new. The Millennium Tower in San Francisco was build on top of a sort of raft of concrete and steel, swimming on top of sand, by the old seashore. Guess what? The raft is sinking and tilting, so is the tower (which went up after 9/11). How come? Contrarily to the WTC, actually, in the exact opposite way, the Millennium Tower is entirely built of pure concrete. Thus, whereas the WTC was all too light, the Millennium Tower is all too heavy.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Reading carefully:
      brings to opposite conclusion from demolition…


  4. Kevin Berger Says:

    Bit of a tango here, about a probable typo : instead of 1996, you are probably referring to the 1994 GIGN assault in Marignane (IIRC, from infos shared by Algerian intelligence & some peculiar refuelling demands made by the hostage takers, crashing the plane in or having it explode over Paris may have been the ultimate goal of the journey, though I don’t know if that was ever made certain – apart from Pasqua saying so on teevee I believe).
    Apart from that, nothing that could be added to this anniversary entry, except that “trutherism” is the proverbial rabbit hole, the real conspiracies lie pretty much in the open, without any consequences, and that propaganda DOES work, well (the association between Iraq and 9/11, and from there, the Iraq war, in a sizeable part of the Us public’s mind, seemingly).


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Kevin! It was not a typo, I remembered it as 1996, but you are right it was 1994! I will correct it.

      Actually, you are right, the fake conspiracies hide the true ones, otherwise glaringly standing up in the open.


  5. Dooglio Says:

    dooglio to Tyranosopher 9/16/2016
    Where did the 500,000 tons of steel, concrete, glass, etc go, then? Because there wasn’t enough material in the bathtub. In fact, if that much weight per tower had actually slammed down into the ground, it would have registered at least 3.2 on the Richter scale and would have destroyed the bathtub, causing the Hudson river to flood Lower Manhattan. Where did all of that material go?


  6. Ray Re Says:

    Ray Re
    Can you explain the clean cuts on the beams rather than melted metal?


What do you think? Please join the debate! The simplest questions are often the deepest!