“Bleak” Climate Catastrophe Better Than Non CO2-Wall Street Energy (Says Pluto!)

‘Bleak’ U.N. Report Finds World Heading to Climate Catastrophes

What the United Nations doesn’t say is that the fossil fuel plutocracy is entangled with the banking and investing (“Wall Street”) plutocracy: they hold the world, and they love their fossil fuel, CO2 machine, because it intrinsically concentrate power in a few hands.

Four years after countries struck a well-advertised deal in Paris to rein in greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to avert the worst effects of global heating, humanity is headed toward those very same climate catastrophes, according to a United Nations report issued 11/26/2019, with China and the United States, the two biggest polluters, having expanded their carbon footprints last year.

The summary findings are bleak,” the report said: countries have failed to halt the rise of greenhouse gas emissions even after repeated warnings from scientists. The result, the authors added, is that “deeper and faster cuts are now required.

Fat chance. Obviously, nuclear war is a more palatable option, according to most SUV drivers and jet-setting tourists…

The hellish energy system we use presently is used because the plutocrats in power get more power that way. And because We The Sheeple addicted to Pluto media, doesn’t know that another way was feasible, even 30 years ago.

Because CO2 Was Not Enough, We Added Mercury:

Next to San Francisco, coastal mountain lions can have lethal levels of mercury in their blood. How? Mercury rises, in a bio-absorbable form, in the coastal upwelling, and is condensed by the fog. This mercury is dropped in the ocean from smoke of coal generation, a world away. 

The rise in CO2 is brutal, most of it goes into the oceans, where it turns into carbonic acid, which kills plankton. As LIPs, Large Igneous Provinces, can do, massive CO2 production can kill oceans, collapsing food chains, worldwide, and killing oxygen production. Then, in combination with rising temperatures, massive oxydation all over (for example of permafrost and other half decomposed biomass ready to burn in tropical area), the oxygen content of the atmosphere could actually collapse. This is probably how the enormous mass extinction between Permian and Trias proceeded (form the eruption of the Siberian Traps).

We are engineering such an extinction now. When taking all the other man-made greenhouse gases in consideration, as we must, we are not far from 500 ppm of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases, a level not seen in dozens of millions of years. We are rising the CO2 at such a rate, that planetary heating is lagging, giving us a fake sense of non-emergency.


The Road Not Taken Nuclear and H2:

Seas will rise by 20 meters, guaranteed. It could happen in decades.  This can be mitigated only by massive deployment of new safe nuclear and hydrogen (and its derivatives: ammonia, methanol) for massive green energy storage, transportation [1].  

Contrarily to what fake pseudo-ecologists have led us to believe, nuclear energy can be made perfectly safe: most reactors still deployed use 1950s technology made to maximize plutonium production. Plutonium free nuclear energy (for example from Thorium) is feasible, and could have been long massively deployed, if the effort to do so had been accomplished [2].

4,000 fourth generation, or Thorium nuclear reactors could produce all of the world’s electricity, and plenty enough “green” hydrogen to operate hydrogen trains, hydrogen ships, etc.


Wealthy Countries Exporting Fossil Fuels Are Criminal. Why No Thorium?

Countries such as Norway and Canada or the USA, which geared their economies towards fossil fuel exports, while they could do something else, should be condemned, ostracized, vilified, etc. Them and their accomplice citizenry. (That Arabia or Indonesia, or Venezuela export oil is one thing: they have no choice to be part of the world economy; they should be encouraged to convert to green energy). Norway has actually gigantic reserves of Thorium, orders of magnitude above its fossil fuel reserves; it’s also one of the world’s wealthiest countries, per capita. The UN should order Norway to finance Thorium reactor research….  

In a further act of fossil fuel-Wall Street friendly malice, US presidential Sanders has dropped a fossil fuel tax from his government program. No time, he says. Well, that’s stupid, not to say venal. Fossil fuels have giant subsidies and kill of the order of ten million people a year (according to the WHO). A carbon tax would implicitly contain a no-subsidy provision… 

In this disaster, many noisy ecologists and scientists are actually working against their official position. For example, they would view my discourse as panicky. But I am the reasonable one, and they are the ignorant trying desperately to please the authorities while only mildly disagreeing with them (but for a few exceptions).


Land To Go Under, Oxygen To Falter… What could go wrong?

Surely, they say, we won’t run out of oxygen. Hey, it never happened before. Well, that’s not true: it did happen before, but there were no monkeys around. Surely, they say, seas won’t go up twenty meters. But it did happen before, and not so long ago. In the Jurassic, seas were 70 meters higher.

More than three million years ago, in the mid-Pliocene era, before the apparition of the genus Homo, the planet’s mean surface temperature was between 2°C and 3.5°C higher than pre-industrial levels while the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration was about 400 parts per million [3] – a figure we have already surpassed as greenhouse gas emissions continue rising.

New methods of analysing marine geological sediments to construct a global sea-level record have brought ominous news in 2019: the West Antarctic ice shield melted around 450K BP… under an “atmospheric forcing” milder than what we are already experiencing now (it was around 400 ppm CO2). And the rain of ominous news is getting worse. 

A study by recent PhD, Dr Georgia Grant from New Zealand, confirms that one third of Antarctica’s ice sheets melted during the Pliocene era (she has advisers older than her). Thus seas rose up to 25 metres above today’s level. The era experienced sea level fluctuations between 5 and 25 meters above the present, with an average of 13 metres.

My own opinion, long published, is that the two giant basins of East Antarctica Wilkes and Aurora, may also collapse soon. The scenario is clear: the mouths of said basins is at polar circle latitude. Once warm water sneaks below,collapse could be a matter of decades, even years; By themselves, they would rise seas by more than 15 meters… All real estate less than 30 meter high should be sold. Of course, few serious people would believe this… because they are uninformed fools, and they bleat: didn’t happen before…

Yes, it did: go watch the Jurassic. Maybe in a theater near you, oh simple minds… The Jurassic was the Jurassic because of high seas, high CO2, high temperatures. There may have been a little glacier up high somewhere on the high mountains in Antarctica.

Antarctica Friis Hills. Yes, Antarctica will melt. Completely. Soon. Brace for impact. Present mathematical predictions pertaining to the human impact on climate are purely linear. Reality is generally linear only in first approximation; reality in full tends to be nonlinear (yes, I use the same meta argument in the foundations of Quantum Physics)

Ninety (90) percent of the heat from global warming to date has gone into the ocean, and much of it into the Southern Ocean which bathes the Antarctic ice sheet. Said sheet has been protected by a curtain of freezing cold water. Soon it will fray. At least one third of Antarctica’s ice sheet, and perhaps as much as half—equivalent to up to 20 metres sea-level rise—sits below sea-level and is vulnerable to widespread and catastrophic collapse from ocean heating. Consider the map in:


… and look carefully how much of Antarctica is underwater. Much of it, it turns out is already covered with lakes (below the ice!)

Much of Antarctica melted in the past when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were 400 ppm… And, as I said above, we are not at 400 ppm… We are already at 500 ppm. 

(OK, right, I am exaggerating, we will reach 466 ppm, all greenhouse gases forcing in 2020… Extrapolating slightly from: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/atmospheric-greenhouse-gas-concentrations-6/assessment)

As I said, long ago, more than a decade ago, a rise of two degrees Centigrade is too much, because it will trigger massive polar melting:


I have explained the problem in detail… it is a nonlinear story.

Some will scoff. They have linear minds, and live to please the establishment. Typically they live in universities to please The Man, Pluto.

OK, right now, hundreds of people have been shot in Iran, secretly, and 200 have been hanged, even more secretly (I just talked to an Iranian friend who escaped Iran… yesterday. Nov 25, 2019…). Ah, and also 13 French soldiers died in desiccating Mali, yesterday: the French Republic is fighting the savage Islamists, rendered mad by the greenhouse, in places I used to know. Two helicopters apparently collided, during combat…  

When the greenhouse heating has become a daily catastrophe juggernaut, expect more of the same lethal fighting of man against man, and, if we are not careful, with nukes. Even Trump has to get used to the idea: all well considered, after all, the US is also back fighting in Syria (where the French are also engaged in combat against the Islamists…).

As the rats destroy their cage, as humans destroy their planet, they will fight each other. 

Patrice Ayme



[1] Thorium reactors were made to work inside labs in the 1960s. To deploy them in a massive energy production program would have required a much less great effort than the Manhattan project (first, because we know they can be made). It’s a question of knowing what sorts of pipes to use, etc: tech details… Thorium produces little and not long lasting nuclear waste.


[2] Once we have enormous thermonuclear reactors, to mechanically extract the CO2 from the atmosphere, we will be able to stabilize the heating of the planet to a Jurassic state, by lowering the CO2 ppm. 


[3] The lowering of temperatures is associated to the rise of Homo. We don’t know if that’s causal, but a reasoning is easily done: lowering temps opened giant parts of the Earth to the sort of savannah park favorable to humans (by opposition to tropical forests)… In particular in Eurasia, augmenting enormously the niche favorable to the social killer ape.

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7 Responses to ““Bleak” Climate Catastrophe Better Than Non CO2-Wall Street Energy (Says Pluto!)”

  1. Gmax Says:

    Most people in US behave as if talking about climate change is like crying wolf. And the attitude of US to UN is like attitude of English relative to EU. You will need seas 3 feet higher to get them woke


  2. Gmax Says:

    They prefer cats and dog talk. That they love to rehash all day long, like kitten pictures, and narcissistic stuff. It is denial 24/7


    • ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

      Well, the global energy infrastructure is run by the global energy corporations, and they are the gatekeepers at the moment, and they aren’t going to do anything but push their cash cows thru that gate. That stands to reason – unfortunately – because the corporate profit is the be-all and the end-all for them. The monies for alternative energy have to bypass the gate, but many pols want to moderate the alternate path conversation to ensure that it follows in the direction of fossil.

      It reminds me of the movie “Chain Reaction” starring Keanu Reeves and Morgan Freeman. Reeves invents clean, contained fusion, but is immediately set up for a bogus murder rap after his facilities are raided and his fusion IP is stolen. Freeman (Reeve’s adversary who is working with the thieves) – makes a telling statement in the closing moments of the movie. Freeman’s character’s rationalization is that “Free energy would destroy the economy …” (my paraphrase). Of course, it would have destroyed the economy Freeman’s character lived in, since that character’s economy was based on fossil.

      Decision making for energy needs to be free of influence by the likes of Freeman’s character. I still find it appalling that so many people are still buying gargantuan SUVs in these days, but fossil apologists have all the rationalizations handy for the buyers.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Yes, Ronald… But one should emphasize the point that the financial plutocracy controls the world, and the fossil fuel energy complex is its accomplice…. Since the 1930s, at least , if not earlier. See FDR’s manipulations in 1945, just before he died, and after he gave half of Europe to Stalin, to Churchill (and De gaulle) dismay:



    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Yes, cats and dogs and other porno sites is where the genuine Anglo-Saxon interest is found… But this denial enables base profitable ways: killing the Indians yesterday, the planet today (see fracking: the US/Obama went for it, France outlawed it; so the USA is getting wealthier, and more influential, France poorer, and less influential…)


  3. Gloucon X Says:

    “As the rats destroy their cage, as humans destroy their planet, they will fight each other.”

    So then it follows that our ruling plutocrats should be, and very likely are, happy to help create abrupt climate change since increased chaos, distraction, and division is what helps them maintain their control. We should expect no serious attempt by plutocrats to mitigate human-caused abrupt climate change, no matter how catastrophic the effects. As long as plutos rule, there’s no point of even discussing climate change or any other effort to create a better world.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Excellent point GlouconX. Actually, the central point. Strife enables plutocrats. The best example is the collapse of the Roman state. The plutocrats survived: all wealthy families had a bishop in their midst (that’s why so many bishops had hundreds of slaves). They typically made deal with the new incoming Plutos, the wealthiest Barbarians (who tended to be elected kings for the same reason as well bankrolled politicians get elected today…)

      This is why the idea of the New Green Deal is… good. But of course they poison it by excluding a carbon tax (latest wacko Sanders idea), hydrogen (for massive storage, transportation), new nuclear (Thorium, fourth generation Uranium, and fusion around the corner). Carbon tax and hydrogen as ammonia or methanol is immediately deployable, so is existing third generation nuclear (which China, using French tech, is deploying… and selling)

      The “poisoning” aspect is important. Obama talked ad nauseam about “Obamacare”, a thoroughly poisoned project (mostly because they outlawed the “Public Option”)… So now US citizens are dying, life expectancy heading down… from Obamacare… When Sanders says: no carbon tax, we don’t have time, he is like a guy in a burning house saying, no water, we don’t have time… But now our house is the planet, there is nowhere to go outside… Nobody out there, not even Elon Musk…


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