Didier Raoult’s CURE (Corona Chronicles II)

Infectious disease top world expert, professor Didier Raoult, discoverer of dozens of bacteria, an MD and PhD, leads a very large lab and institute he created in Marseilles [1]. Raoult’s findings are found in thousands of publications. Among many other things, he identified the causative agents of several diseases and discovered giant viruses… plausibly a new form of life, no less. (No doubt, if Raoult was American, or, a fortiori Swedish, he would already be a laureate of the Nobel Prize!)

When French citizens were evacuated from China by military flights, they were put under Raoult’s supervision. 

Very interesting results from France with a treatment combining hydroxychloroquine and a common antibiotic (which has an antiviral, yes, antiviral effect). That compound (and chloroquine itself) have been long known to have effects against some coronaviruses. (Trump himself promoted Raoult’s findings… enabling anti-Trump media to accuse Trump to be “non-scientific”!)

These are the first trial data. Yes this was a small trial, and it was open-label (as people are dying conducting double blind experiments is deeply unethical). However, the results are so striking, these objections can be overridden (larger scale studies have been launched in France).

Coronavirus Marseilles Raoult Work’s show that azithromycin plus hydroxychloroquine cures patients in 5 days. That probably works better, the earlier it’s applied.

26 patients were enrolled in the treatment group, with 16 controls. Six patients dropped out of the treatment group: 3 went to the ICU, one dropped out due to nausea, one left the hospital (apparently recovered?) and one died. No one left the two control groups. 15 male and 21 female patients were treated. 6 of them were asymptomatic, 22 had upper respiratory symptoms, and 8 had lower respiratory tract symptoms (all of those had confirmed COVID19 pneumonia by imaging).

The treatment group got 200mg of hydroxychloroquine sulfate three times a day. Six of those patients were also given 500mg azithromycin in addition. The antibiotic dealt with possible bacterial superinfection. Professor Raoult also uses azithromycin for its antiviral effects

There appears to be an effect of hydroxychloroquine. The effect of the hydroxychloroquine – azithromycin combination is notably stronger effect: down to zero virus as measured by nasal swab, in five (5) days.

These are two inexpensive generic drugs with a long history of use in humans. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine both can have notable side effects, for example, cardiopathy. However, that happens only under chronic usage for cramps (that was discontinued in the USA in the 2000s, for this particular pathology). Brought up in Black Africa, I got malaria more than once, and was given longer treatments of chloroquine. The  treatment of Raoult is only a few days, and should have no adverse effects. Also, as in the case of malaria, chloroquine can be used prophylactically. 

It better work; absent a treatment, COVID19 will be a disaster equal to the “Spanish Flu” of 1918, said, correctly, the Senator head of the Intelligence Committee who admitted to have engaged on insider trading after he was privately briefed. Biden claimed that “Medicare For All, doesn’t work” in Italy. He and his well-heeded PAC and media supporters insisted M4A was the cause of the massacre there. 

However, the USA has, relative to its population, fewer ICU and critical respiratory beds than Italy. Simply, because it blocked (non-US) people coming from China on January 31, the US is delayed by ten days the contagion relative to Italy 9the EU incompetently didn’t block this travel). Expect thousands of Americans to die. And don’t expect the disease to threaten less when it’s warmer: SARS-CoV-2 is progressing in tropical areas… Just as SARS-CoV did.  

Patrice Ayme



Didier Raoult (born March 13, 1952) is a French biologist. He holds MD and Ph.D. degrees and specializes in infectious diseases. In 1984, Didier Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University (AMU). He also teaches infectious diseases in the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University, and since 1982 has supervised many M.D. and Ph.D. degrees.[1]

Raoult is a world reference for Q fever and Whipple’s disease.[11] 

Since 2008, Raoult has been the director of “URMITE” i.e. the Research Unit in Infectious and Tropical Emergent Diseases, collaborating with CNRS (National Center for the Scientific Research), IRD (Research for the Development Institute), INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and the Aix Marseille University, in Marseille. His laboratory employs more than 200 people, including 86 very active researchers who publish between 250 and 350 papers per year and have produced more than 50 patents.[2] Didier Raoult is also involved in the creation of 8 startups to date.

Giant Viruses:

Raoult’s team was the first to discover very large size viruses.

In 2003, Didier Raoult identified with Bernard La Scola a giant amoebic virus, mimivirus,[16] and in 2004 established its genome.[17]

In 2016, this team found in mimivirus a defense mechanism preventing the implantation of virophages in the virus plant (MIMIVIRE).[18] Finally, it has been shown that this virophage could be integrated into the cells in the form of a pro-virophage and that it could be associated with transposon-like structures called transpovirons.[19]

They also discovered Marseilleviruses[20] and Faustoviruses.[21]

The discovery of giant viruses seriously undermines the classification of viruses. Didier Raoult has several times reported that giant viruses are of a different nature than other viruses and that they constitute a 4th branch of microbes known as TRUC for “Things Resisting Uncompleted Classifications”

New bacteria:

Since the 1990s, Raoult and his team have identified and described approximately 96 new pathogenic bacteria[9] and showed their implication in human pathologies. Two bacteria have been named for him: Raoultella planticola and Rickettsia raoultii.


[2] ““With all due respect to Medicare for all, you have a single-payer system in Italy,” Biden said to Sanders. It doesn’t work there. It has nothing to do with Medicare for all.


[This is the Tenth essay of mine on COVID19. The epidemic is rich in philosophical themes, and first of all, our degenerated civilization, and the need to reevaluate all its values!]

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18 Responses to “Didier Raoult’s CURE (Corona Chronicles II)”

  1. Michael Tyndall, San Francisco Says:

    Michael Tyndall
    San Francisco
    @Patrice Ayme

    ‘Fortunately, according to world famous infection professor Didier Raoult in Marseilles, France, 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (“Z Pack”) extinguishes the COVID19 disease in five days…’

    Azithromycin is an anti-bacterial agent of no use for a viral illness unless there’s a bacterial superinfection of the lungs or elsewhere. As far as the reports I’ve seen, the latter doesn’t seem to be a significant issue leading to ICU care or mortality. Absent double blind studies, any reports of efficacy related to the combo are just anecdotal and virtually worthless.

    Remember, something like 60% of ICU patients survived in China. It’s the excess survival over what’s observed with standard care that matters. If experts feel there are enough provocative findings or the scientific rationale for a formal study, then I imagine ones will be done.


    • Douglas, Louisiana Says:

      @Michael Tyndall Azithromycin and related antibiotics, while primarily antibacterials, DO have antiviral as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Google it. Not saying the z-pack plus hydroxychloroquine regimen is 100% curative but saying azithromycin has no antiviral activity is just wrong.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      @Michael Tyndall Thanks for the reply… But you are VERY WRONG
      Professor Raoult’s research has demonstrated the antiviral property of that antibiotic. Moreover infections have been involved in a large proportion of COVID 19 deaths. By the way, bacterial co-infections are involved in 75% of influenza infections, according to the latest meta study from NCBI. Here are some links:
      On antiviral antibiotic:
      Novel antiviral properties of azithromycin in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells.
      Schögler A et al. Eur Respir J. (2015)

      Pharmacokinetic changes of antibiotic, antiviral, antituberculosis and antifungal agents during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in critically ill adult patients.
      Hahn J et al. J Clin Pharm Ther. (2017)

      Azithromycin, a 15-membered macrolide antibiotic, inhibits influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection by interfering with virus internalization process.
      Tran DH et al. J Antibiot (Tokyo). (2019)

      On 75% co-infections with flu, Frontiers in Microbiology, 23 June 2017:


      • Michael Tyndall Says:

        San Francisco March 22

        I stand corrected, but I will say the studies showing significant antiviral effect were in tissue culture and against rhinoviruses. When it was tried clinically in infants with severe RSV bronchiolitis it did not facilitate viral clearance from the upper airway.

        I also thought I heard Dr. Fauci on TV this evening say something dismissively to the effect that it remains to be seen if this drug combo might be of use for CV19 infections.


  2. ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

    I hope it works. I’ve been taking quinine for years, and look at me! Healthy as a horse. I’m not making a joke. There’s something like a 1 or 2 % therapeutic dose of quinine in regular old tonic water. Been there for over a hundred years, and nobody thought to change the formula. Since it cured malaria, then in small doses was a good tonic, right? It’s a bit bitter, but I like the taste. I’m not implying that people should run to the store for a supply of this, but probably doesn’t hurt anything, right?

    Chloroquine is synthetic version of quinine (from bark of tree) – and hydroxychloroquine is a modified version to reduce the toxic side effects of regular quinine. I’ve seen all three ingredients listed variously on the bottles of tonic water! – But not on the same bottle.

    Now, Pepsi Co and Coca-cola will have this cure in large quantities. Naturally they have the concentrate (diluted for tonic products) – or so I would think. The problem is that the “officially sanctioned” version of this will cost $$$$.


    • ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

      Also – I haven’t had a cold or the flu in about 12 years. Just saying …


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Wow, I didn’t think about that. I just saw a French doctor specialist infuriated against “her colleagues in Marseilles” for promoting an “extremely dangerous treatment” “without any proof”… I am no MD, but I had the quinine as a child in Africa, even prophylactically. No problem. It can cause nausea. Now, true used at large dose for a long time against cramps, as it used to be prescribed, it can damage the heart muscle. But the Raoult treatment is short term…

      I used to hate Tonic Water because of the bitter taste, but I am going to inquire… So thanks…


      • ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

        I have to correct myself on the original comment. There is more quinine in tonic water than I wrote. According to wikipedia, there is 83mg/l quinine in the US, and in europe the maximum allowed level is 100mg/l. So, the doses (from what I’ve been seeing on news) seem to be between 400 mg and 1000 mg quinine. That would mean that a little less than 5 liters would have the lower end of the dosage range, and over double that amount of tonic would contain the high end of the range.

        So, the amount in tonic water is between ~10 and 20 percent of therapeutic doses. Five liters (over a gallon) is too much to drink for a single dose, but I can see how it might have some effect at the level I drink (maybe a half liter a day). What do you think?

        I wonder why they just don’t tell people to do it, just in case, except that there are rare reactions (blood disorders) possible in some people. They probably want to be in control of all that.


        • ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

          I guess you can get heart arrhythmias and some other things from the use of quinine or extended use of it (I’m not a doctor here) – but it appears it’s not entirely without it’s risks.

          On the other hand, the barkeeps never worry much about it when they serve a gin and tonic. Come to think of it, don’t they always say something like “Name your poison” when you order? Hmmmm. I’m not a drinker (anymore) – last beer was in 1998.


          • ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

            Another site says that death has occurred with doses as low as 1500 mg (not sure over what time frame) in adults and 600 mg in a child. So, maybe it’s just too toxic at only small amounts in excess of a regular dose, to be promoting it to people to take it on their own. The same site said it usually takes more than 5000 mg to cause death. So, apparently it’s unpredictable. Still – the tonic has not killed *me* yet.


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            I had plenty of Nivaquine as a child, it’s MUCH more dangerous… it can, and will, damage the heart…Quinine at low dosage is zero dangerous… I was taking it prophilactely as a child in Africa. People say whatever to sound interesting. A lawyer furiously informed me that it was “extremely dangerous” certainly not at 600 mg a day for a week…


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            I followed you idea and started again tonic water, first time since Africa, decades ago…


          • Patrice Ayme Says:

            Stupid disinformation. Large dosages over many years. As happened to my own mom… I had large dosage for months as a child, no sequel.
            In other news from the madmen, as the New York Times had it:”Trump to New York: Drop Dead!


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          I think it looks good, and I have, thanks to you, started to buy quinine water… First time since Black Africa, when I was a child…


  3. Kevin Berger Says:

    “Nasty”, “fake news”, oh mon Dieu. Loin de vos Francs, tout ça. Sinon, pour Raoult, un bâton merdeux que je me garderai bien de toucher en l’état, avant la fin et les résultats des essais cliniques (France, Corée, Viêt-Nam il me semble ?,…) et de leur vulgarisation.

    La chloroquine est par contre devenue un véritable “marqueur identitaire”, il me semble, toujours entre les deux même “camps”, ceux qui s’y raccrochent étant grosso modo les “anti-système(s)”, les fanas de TD, MLP, mélenchon, GJ,… et tout ce qui s’ensuit dans l’ordre et dans le désordre (pro-Bachar, pro-K-Daffy, anti-capitalistes, anti ci, anti ça… mais toujours, toujours dans la défiance, et dans la ligne directrice “poutinienne” de dénigrement tous azimut des démocraties, des sociétés “ouvertes”,…).

    En gros, méf’ ! Au delà du médecin et du médoc, la chloromachin est devenue un levier de propagande – et comme pour tout ce qui est gratuit, le véritable produit c’est vous/nous.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      As I documented thoroughly, the efficiency of quinine against coronaviruses has long been demonstrated in experiences on animals.
      Raoult, a Nobel Prize class researcher, as I documented, developed the variant of quinine he promotes now…. And prescribed it 4,000 + personally as a MD.
      His first study was peer reviewed and published in a reference journal.
      Yeah, only 24 patients, but the two control groups were large.
      A second 80 patients study is out, confirming the first.
      People who politicized Raoult are vicious are examples of evil… Dumb, sadistic evil…
      Much buttressing information can be found in what I published


  4. ronaldscheckelhoff Says:

    Hi Patrice,

    Well, I hope the tonic works for you. I’m neither a chemist nor a medical doctor, so cannot give advice. I do know that I’ve done pretty well with the tonic at a *reasonable* level – a half glass a day, sometimes a little more, and sometimes missing days, even weeks in between.

    People will overdo anything – moderation is key.

    I have a weird attraction to the taste, but can’t say it’s an addiction. I do have a hard time passing it by in the store isle without thinking about picking some up for the cart.

    Speaking of stores, the tonic shelves are empty in ours. I think some other people are thinking the same thing as us!


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