Abstract: Germany could only lose World War Two, because obviously Germany was too small, weak, demented and stupid to win a world war. If it was that obvious, why did it start it? Why does the shark eat the bait? World War Two was a trap for many populations and many old world orders. For enlightenment to find the root cause of what happened, look at who profited: US plutocracy. The US government, the Deep Dark State, the revolving door between US capitalism and the US government, organized several bait and switch schemes, worldwide, from Japan, to Germany to even France. Those schemes were rendered possible by carefully organized divisions and cognitive dissonances (many of which have not been made explicit to this day by conventional scholarship). The Nazis themselves got entrapped, but they understood this too late, September 3, 1939, when they anxiously discovered that they were at war with France and Britain, leaving them with a very low probability of winning (especially considering France and the UK are the parents of the US).


Hitlerian Germany lost World War Two because the nasty don’t deserve anything else, of course. But there is much more to say, bearing on the astounding way all too many Germans, starting with their crippled, not to say creepy, finance minister find normal to treat part of Europe, even today.

Salvador Dali pointed out that Germany launched World War Two, just to lose it. The same German sadomasochism is fully obvious with all Germans who proposed to throw Greece out of the Eurozone. Indeed, violent ones, explain to me what to do next with the Greeks? Use German high tech to displace Greece east of New Zealand?

Thankfully, Germany is not Europe’s hegemon (contrarily to what superficialists believe). The French Republic leads a coalition with more economic power than Germany, and (hopefully) is determined to keep Greece under its wing. France is also flouting the restrictions on deficit (Germans can go fight in Africa and the Middle East, to help if they want: the Légion étrangère, which defeated elite Nazi soldiers in Norway in 1940, just got new tanks, which will go into combat in a matter of days)

Hundreds Of Thousands Died In The Battle Of France. Calais, May 1940. The USA Sat On Its Hands, Apparently Waiting For Better Things To Come

Hundreds Of Thousands Died In The Battle Of France. Calais, May 1940. The USA Sat On Its Hands, Apparently Waiting For Better Things To Come

[France was allied with the entire British Commonwealth; however, in May 1940, much of the British army was barely getting over. In particular a promised British armor division supposed to show up where the Nazis broke through, had not arrived. The USA, was, at the time, de facto allied with Hitler.]

After winning his referendum on the NO (“oxi”) to Greece’s creditors, Tsipras operated close to a 160 degree turn. But it makes sense. Now Tsipras has popular support, and he requests help for three years (rather than three months). Greece should be given all what he wants. Enough of starving Europe with lack of money, just as European were starved of food in Nazi extermination camps.

Saving Greece now depends upon defeating (whatever remains of) the fascist mood in Germany. So it’s timely for little recaps on recent German exploits. How did Germany end up killing more than 800,000 Greeks, a little while back?

Starting in 1792, and ending apocalyptically in 1945, the obsession of German speaking plutocrats was to destroy the French Republic. In the process, Jewish European and Prussia got annihilated.

I don’t like Muslim Fundamentalism, nor do I like German Fundamentalism. The latter’s ugly mood has resurfaced recently. Fortunately, the hegemon in Europe is not ugly obsolete, tribal moods, but the French Republic. (For all the claims that Germany is Europe’s superpower, the Eurozone coalition of countries indulgent with Greece led by France had 54% of the GDP, a few days ago.)

The correct lessons of how Germany got crazy in the Twentieth Century have not all been drawn. Reading Nietzsche helps, as he forecast in a general fashion what happened next, including with the Jews, although it turned out perhaps even worse than he expected.

The French Republic nearly annihilated the Prussian plutocracy in the first week of September 1914, in a bold counterattack, east of Paris. After that, the, entrenched, frontlines did not move for four years.

In 1919, at the Versailles Peace conference, the French Republic tried to make sure Germany could not try the same sort of attack again, as easily. In vain: Great Britain and the USA had interest to keep the French Republic down, and Germany was the best way to insure that. France was left to face German fascism alone. Germany refused to repair its deliberate destruction in France and Belgium, and soon turned to a maniac to help getting even more crazy.

Ever since 1792, the greatest enemy of plutocracy is not plutocracy, German or not, but the French Revolution. In 1815, at Waterloo, France was partly dismembered, losing parts of Gaul (otherwise France would be a 100 million superpower now; instead a French pilot from Airbus had to content himself today with traversing the channel in an electric plane; Airbus plans hybrid electric jetliners soon).

Besides the necessity to keep the French Revolution down, Germany could be made into a plutocratic province of Anglo-Saxon plutocracy… As it was. Such facts put plutocracy in a bad light, and are certainly not official historical analysis.

French leaders expected Germany to try to destroy the French Republic again within 20 years. As happened.

So the question arises naturally. Why, if the Germans were so keen to make another world war, did they not learn from their mistakes? The question surfaces all over. Here is a short one:

Why did Germany lose WWII?

This is a short compendium of well-known reasons. It is entirely correct, yet entirely silly.

Its main argument is that Germany did not have the economic capability to take on the UK, the USA, and the USSR.

Yes, true: but how did it get to that? In, say, 1935, 1936, Nazi Germany was de facto, or formally allied to Great Britain (with a formal treaty in 1935), the USA (massive investor and even monopolist in the Dritte Reich), and the USSR (the secret alliance between Germany and the Bolsheviks, dating from 1916 was made official in 1939).

The other two reasons given are second, or third order (not false, but secondary, consequential to much more important reasons).

One should not forget everything really important, such as history, computing, intelligence…

Where to start in exposing why Germany lost World War Two? First of all because Germany was perverted by an abominable mentality.

France Then, Greece Now?

France Then, Greece Now?

The Nazis used to point out that France started World War Two. Indeed, sort of:


Nazi Germany lost the so-called Second World War because the French Republic declared war to Hitler on September 3, 1939, while dragging Great Britain into the conflict.

It required guts on the part of the French. When the French Republic declared war, Hitler was allied to Stalin, Mussolini, the Japanese fascists, and not least, a giant panoply of plutocrats from the USA who made sure Congress did as they wanted.

American plutocrats provided the Nazi dictator with an entire economy, not just enough weapons to kill an estimated 10,000 opponents in 1932. American plutocrats provided Hitler with advanced secret technology, such as how to make synthetic oil (Exxon, then under another name) and computers (IBM: did not change names, just covered up the story), and near infinite financing: Prescott Bush, grandfather of W. Bush managed the most important Nazi war industry, American Silesian. And so on. Books on all of this are given the very cold shoulder by (plutocratically financed) universities of the USA.

Hitler had no oil, at all. But Texas, and, in particular, Texaco, had plenty, and so did the USSR. They sold it to Hitler.

Without American plutocratic corporations input, Hitler could not have driven one single mile inside France.

Nazi computers? The IBM corporation of the USA had been given the monopoly of computing inside the Reich. The vaunted Nazi organization was all managed from New York (starting in 1942, after Hitler had declared war to the USA, said detailed management went on, but passed through Geneva).

Hitler wanted a world war, but he knew he was not ready. He had 1,000 medium tanks (although he got another 1,000 from Czechoslovakia). France had more than 3,000 tanks, most of them heavy, or superior to German tanks. (Let alone the UK’s two armored divisions.)

Hitler knew he was not going to be ready before 1945, just to confront France and Britain (supposing those two did not arm themselves even more!).  By 1945, the new German weapons would have been massively produced (jet fighters and bombers, anti-aircraft rockets, aircraft carriers, new silent submarines, mass production of Panther and Tiger tanks, etc.)

The French knew all of this. They could see Hitler had constituted ten armored (“Panzer”) divisions (the French had seven armored division, and three super heavy, unstoppable armored divisions). By declaring war on September 3, 1939, France short-circuited all of Hitler’s strategy.

France Bet All In Opposing Hitler. Roosevelt Had Pledged To Help, But He Lied. More Than 50 Million Europeans Died, USA Prospered

France Bet All In Opposing Hitler. Roosevelt Had Pledged To Help, But He Lied: see France, above, holding the empty “ROOSEVELT PLEDGE” card above. More Than 50 Million Europeans Died, from the result of Roosevelt’s and the US Deep State’s, US plutocracy’s, betrayal… But the USA Prospered… As intended…

By the time Hitler attacked the USSR, the campaigns against Poland, France and Crete, and the defeat suffered in Norway at the hands of the French Foreign Legion, had cost Hitler the death, or “disappearance” of no less than 150,000 of his most fanatical soldiers, and the Wehrmacht was actually less powerful than when it attacked France.

The Luftwaffe (Nazi Air Force) had lost more than 4,000 planes, and thousands of its best pilots. By December 1940… Between the battles of France and the Battle of Britain…

Not only this, but because the Nazis were forced to mass produce existing equipment, they could not develop, and mass produce, new weapons. By the Battle Of Brody (June 1941), the Germans discovered that the new Soviet T34 tank was nearly as impervious to their weapons, as heavy French tanks had proven, a year earlier (one heavy French tank had taken 400 hits before being destroyed).

And so on. The Brits broke German codes very often, all too often. For example, British intelligence was even able to warn the USSR about the detailed Nazi attack plan at Kursk in 1943. Kursk was the last ditch Nazi effort: failing it meant failing the war in the East; it failed, because the Soviets mysteriously anticipated all German moves. Thus the greatest tank battle ever was lost, and after that the Nazi empire was just a fat, obese, soft belly facing Stalin’s 600 divisions.

Stalin counter-attacked at Moscow in December 1941 because his spy Jorge, and others, who had told him in advance that Japan would attack the USA (instead of attacking the USSR). That allowed Stalin to put the entire Siberian Army on trains, and bring it to the front around Moscow.

Nazi Germany lost, because France and Britain surprised it by daring to attack Nazi Germany and its allies, the USSR, and American plutocracy in September 1939. As a devastated Hitler said with insane fury to his collaborators on September 3, 1939, after receiving the Franco-British declaration of war, and watching Berlin silently for ten minutes: “NOW WHAT?”

Goering mumbled: “If we lose this war, God help us.”

Indeed. The Americans, not amused by Nazi war crimes, hanged very slowly (around twenty minutes, or more), some of the top Nazis. (They claimed disingenuously that it was all accidental.)

A year later, a year after France (and Britain) declared war, the war was lost. Just like Napoleon, and for the exact same reason, Hitler could not cross the channel: the First French army, making a circle of steel and fire, had allowed the entire British army to escape at Dunkirk.

Hitler had to secretly prepare to attack his Soviet ally. As he explained to 10,000 Nazi Generals, there was no choice: Britain could not be defeated. The Nazis had to crush the USSR before Stalin understood that.

An attack was planned in mid-Spring 1941, to make sure Moscow would fall before the following winter. However his ally Mussolini had a mind of his own. After being severely defeated by the French in June 1940, he was anxious for revenge, and virile behavior worthy of his alleged ancestors. The Italian buffoon gave an ultimatum to Greece, invaded, and was promptly defeated by the Greeks.

That was a serious problem: with an hostile, British (and Free French) allied Yugoslavia and Greece to the south, Hitler was in danger of a British (and French) counterattack to the south. So Hitler attacked Yugoslavia and Greece. while the British rushed to the rescue. The Nazis could not swim tio Crete, so they flew all their paratroops. They won, after severe losses. In the end, the attack of Russia was differed by six weeks. And it’s a significantly diminished German army which attacked.

The battle of France had been lost for a number of factors, most of them accidental (several unlikely accidents together, at the same time, brought a catastrophe).

So why did Germany lost World War Two? What was the fundamental cause?

Because the French Republic attacked in a timely manner.

Patrice Ayme’

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17 Responses to “WHY Did GERMANY LOSE World War Two?”

  1. gmax Says:

    Schlaube and Lagarde are backing off, latest news


  2. EugenR Says:

    Well, it did not help the European Jews, the 100 million others cold bloodely murdered and finally the European civilization, which is retreating slowly in front of us to it’s original corner.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Well, I think the French Republic will win that one, thus German fascist tendencies will be further crushed.
      The problem will remain that fascist banking is still in the driver’s seat.

      As far as the assassination of the Jews by the Nazis/Germans, one has still to pinch oneself for the reality of it. It was so astounding: how did it get to that? Some of the massacre of very small Jewish children was so revolting that even top Nazis got revolted (not about the fact, but how it was implemented).

      Yet, this cold indifference, this unrealism, seemed very obvious when dealing with Greece, in the last few weeks, in some individuals I listened to. Not the same, agreed, but the same sort. And that’s why it’s good that events are forcing them to change their sinister music. Because they will capitulate to Tsipras.


    • indravaruna Says:

      Hitler crime is that he didn’t killed ALL JEWS.



      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        I am getting tired of insane maniacs using this site to publicize their hate crimes. I already banned a commenter who took himself for an agent of god, and insisted that those of did not follow (his) god were “subhuman“. Presenting as a crime not killing “ALL JEWS” falls is itself clearly a crime under (at least) French law.

        Although I do not follow French law blindly (especially regarding celebrities, in particular politicians, where I follow USA law), I will follow it for hate and what I call thought crimes.

        The idea of killing “ALL JEWS” is not new, but it’s what I call a THOUGHT CRIME from the Middle-Ages, and I used it actually as an example:


        It may amuse you to foster hatred, and you are not the only one that way. However, fostering crime and hatred works with impressionable youth. Sites promoting unreasonable hatred against innocent people “ALL JEWS”) ought to be banned, and you make this site into one such by using it an amplification device.

        Thus, should you do this once more, you will be banned. One criterion is whether you threaten children. Critiques against sub-groups, or sub-moods loosely connected to Judaism are not forbidden. But there is a difference between a rallying cry of hatred (see Luther about the Jews), and constructive criticism, or historical analysis.



  3. Jason Vogel Says:

    “I watch way too much AHC. They mention that Stalin knew the Japanese would not attack him. There is no mention that he knew that they would attack the US. Nor have I ever heard of IBM Nazi computers. Nazi Texas Oil? Could you please provide some sources.”


    • John Rogers Says:

      Just to throw my 2 cents in here, I thought EVERYONE knew about IBM’s little services to the Third Reich. The then standard Hollerith (punched) cards were vital to keeping track of who to send to the camps and the gas chambers. Here’s a link:

      The more interesting question is Prescott Bush’s services to Hitler and the Nazis.

      I can’t find the link now, but there’s a quote somewhere about Hitler commenting on how valuable Prescott was to the rise of the Nazis. Incidentally, it’s the same now as then except for the increased throttle hold of the bankers. Wall Street (and THE CITY) are largely populated by functioning psychopaths.

      I think Patrice is bang on with practically everything she posts.
      And, as gently as i can put this, you really should learn how to use Google and not depend on others.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Nice links John, thanks! We have never enough of these. It is still the biggest thing about WW!! with a bearing to what is happening today.


      • Kevin Berger Says:

        FWIW, and YMMV :
        Those are some of the long out of print books used, among many other open source documents (news, books, etc, etc…) as ressource material for the radio show of the website’s owner. FWIW, the shows from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s are very interesting, if lecturing and pedantic, though in an amusing fashion, just be aware of the pet peeve of the main contributor, IE the all-encompassing “underground Reich”, that is definitively in conspiracy theory realm (more believable than the Illuminati! and al, obviously). The 80’s-90’s thematic archives series are quite entertaining, if mind-bogglingly entangled and cross-pollinating.


    • John Rogers Says:

      Yeah I know what you mean about AHC. The problem is that they have to ground all this stuff in film footage (it’s TV – no film, no story). And it may sound simple-minded to say it, but people aren’t always doing film and video when they’re doing bad stuff.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Excellent point, John! If one gets it on film, and keep it on film, generally, it’s going to be pretty. Similarly, real bad stuff will have few witnesses. Another filter is that authors tend to put in books what readers want, and, generally bedtime stories sell better than real gore.

        I tend to react differently. As this apparent German Doktor (“Chris”) told me I was driving a wedge between France and Germany, just by telling the truth, I am preparing another essay on German fascism (once a Muslim Fundamentalist scholar commented that Islam was a religion of peace, so I put out my “Violence In Holy Qur’an”… An Israeli peacenick was involved… The Muslim scholar was completely defeated)


        Germany and Finland (!) are creating difficulties. That’s really hilarious, considering Finland is in trouble, and would profit from Euro-wide liquidities. I was just listening to Goebbels and Hitler (in Deutsch!)… Part of a documentary on contemporary Neo-Nazis. I wonder how much they influence the debate in Germany…


  4. indravaruna Says:

    France is just another ZOG controlled country.


  5. picard578 Says:

    Reblogged this on Defense Issues and commented:
    Unfortunately, a lot of fascist mood remains in Germany. Merkel is supporting Islamofascism because she is also supporting German neoliberal fascist mood, and sees in Islam a common soul. And United States are no different. US plutocrats had long seen a common fascist mood in Germany, starting with when they gave Hitler ability to produce synthetic fuel, which allowed him to launch World War II; I wrote this post about US imperialism some time ago:

    And many of them remained allied with Hitler throughout World War II, even when US res publica was fighting the Nazism, and US youth dying in war (albeit it was USSR that actually contributed most to defeat of the Nazi Germany, followed by the British Commonwealth – that is, Empire plus Dominions; despite what US national mythology wants you to think, US were comparatively a minor player). IG Farben and Vereinigte Stahlworke, produced 95% of German explosives in 1937-8, using capacity built by US loans and partly US technology. IG Farben had cooperated with Standard Oil, which gave it monopoly on German gasoline production. On beginning of World War II, IG Farben was largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, with vast influence, something which was only made possible by Wall Street capital. IG Farben was also tasked by Hitler to make Germany independent from imported resources – rubber, gasoline, lubricating oils, magnesium, fibers, fats and explosives – by utilizing vast German coal reserves. Processes were developed or acquired abroad – such as iso-octane process, acquired from United States. Two largest tank producers in Germany were also Opel, a subsidiary of General Motors (which had 100% of ownership in it), and Ford A G, subsidiary of Ford company in Detroit (Ford himself was decorated by Hitler for his services to Third Reich). Bendix Aviation helped create German aircraft industry – in 1940, it supplied complete technical data for diesel engine starters to Robert Bosch, and before it it supplied data on automatic pilots to German Siemens&Halske A G.

    Through German Ford, Germany imported various war materials. In late 1930s, Ford-Werke AG was transformed into German company, which exported automobiles to rest of Europe and US; any required foreign supplies were procured through American Ford Company. During war, Ford transferred modern US production and sales methods to Germany; information about that was promptly buried by Washington. French Ford produced 20 trucks a day for Wehrmacht. While US Bombing Command did not bomb European plants owned by Wall Street interests, UK Bombing Command apparently did not receive note. When RAF bombed Ford plant in Poissy in France in 1942, Vichy Government paid Ford 38 million francs as compensation for damage. Its primary function was manufacture of light trucks and spares for trucks. And it was trucks, not tanks, that enabled German blitzkrieg through France – even though tanks did play important role, army can only move as quickly as its logistical support allows it to. Germany failed in invasion of USSR partly because only few of its elite divisions were entirely motorized, while rest were entirely foot-slogging or, at best, horse-bound.


  6. Trade Wars, Divisions, War War: It Happened Before, In The 1930s | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] More prosaically, German generals wanted a pretext to kill the Nazis. Instead Hitler showed them an isolated France… The US attitude was to play all sides, until the American Century got firmly established. […]


  7. Gmax Says:

    Hidden gem of an essay.


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