Plutocracy Causes Cancer


The most advanced countries claims not to be corrupt. They publish propaganda to this effect every year. The USA has even a “Foreign Corrupt Practice Act”, which is not just used to eliminate rivals, but to bludgeon in the mind of its naïve citizens, that the US is not corrupt. That the most advanced Western countries are not corrupt, is mostly an opinion about themselves that the powers which rule these countries have imprinted their subjects that they should hold it. And we will show here that it is obviously wrong.

Indeed, if the most advanced countries are as little corrupt as they claim to be, why do they fester with so much cancer? Should we not view cancer as a form of corruption? A corruption of the body? An objective form of corruption, which does not lie? Could we then see this map of true corruption appear objectively, by looking at the world’s cancer rate?

Hard To Swallow. Rate of Stomach Cancer, Worldwide. Euramerica Festers With Most Corrupt Stomachs. Could It Be From Poisons Ingested To Make Plutocrats Ever More Powerful?

Hard To Swallow. Rate of Stomach Cancer, Worldwide. Euramerica Festers With Most Corrupt Stomachs. Could It Be From Poisons Ingested To Make Plutocrats Ever More Powerful?

Could it be that this corruption of the body come from a corruption of the institutions?

Arlene Blum, famous mountaineer and scientist put it in a Science Magazine editorial, March 11, 2016, “Tackling Toxic:

“Most Americans believe that if a chemical is in their cosmetics, their coat, or their couch, someone is making sure it’s safe for their health. In reality, little toxicity information or regulation is required for 80,000 industrial chemicals used in commerce in the United States. To address this, legislation to update the ineffective 1976 Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) is currently moving through Congress. The hope is that it will lead to improved regulation of chemicals, but the extent and timeliness of the reform are not certain. In the meantime, the widespread use of harmful chemicals continues to pose a threat to our health and environment.

In 1977, Bruce Ames and I published a report that a flame retardant in children’s pajamas called “brominated Tris” was a mutagen and potential carcinogen. Three months later, it was banned from children’s pajamas, only to be replaced by “chlorinated Tris.” We determined that this too was a mutagen, and it was removed from pajamas. Such regrettable substitution of a harmful chemical with a less-studied cousin is like “a game of whack-a-mole,” according to Donald Kennedy (former editor-in-chief of Science and former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration).*

Unfortunately, highly fluorinated chemicals are now getting the regrettable substitution treatment. These chemicals provide stain and water repellency in outdoor clothing, nonstick cookware, furniture, carpet, cosmetics, and food contact paper. However, they are highly mobile, have no known degradation pathways in the environment, and can persist indefinitely.

Perfluorooctanoic acid, commonly called C8, has an estimated half-life of 2.3 years or more in humans and is associated with cancer, elevated serum cholesterol levels, and other health problems. C8 was phased out of consumer products in the United States last year, a half-century after toxicologists first revealed its potential for harm. It was replaced with numerous perfluorohexanoic acid (C6) compounds that are more rapidly excreted by humans but also show extreme environmental persistence. Are these replacements safe? There is limited research thus far on the toxicity of the C6 alternatives. However, they are increasing in the environment and in human blood, and they share the potential toxicity of their C8 relatives.

One solution to the regrettable substitution problem is to address entire families or classes containing toxic chemicals rather than tackling them one at a time. For example, the Green Science Policy Institute, an organization of scientists that promotes the responsible use of chemicals, has called for a 50% reduction over the next 5 years in the use of six families of chemicals in consumer products, whose studied members have been found to be harmful: highly fluorinated chemicals, antimicrobials, flame retardants, bisphenols and phthalates, organic solvents, and certain metals. Before using such substances in products, we should ask “Do we need this chemical, given the potential for harm?”

Worldwide Incidence Of Cancer, Age Adjusted. Rich World, Rich In Subjugation To Plutocrats, Rich In Corruption, Rich In Cancer

Worldwide Incidence Of Cancer, Age Adjusted. Rich World, Rich In Subjugation To Plutocrats, Rich In Corruption, Rich In Cancer

The good news is that companies are starting to act: Kaiser Permanente, IKEA, Levi Strauss & Co., and Crate and Barrel are phasing out highly fluorinated and other chemical classes of concern from the products they buy, produce, and/or sell.

Scientists can contribute by evaluating health and environmental impacts across a chemical’s life cycle and looking for safer alternatives. They can make policy recommendations and collaborate on consensus documents. In 2015, 230 scientists from 40 countries signed the Madrid Statement, expressing concern regarding the persistence and toxicity of both the highly fluorinated C8 chemicals and the C6 alternatives. Scientists can catalyze dialogue and action among manufacturers, retailers, and large purchasers and have an immediate impact in reducing the use of harmful chemicals.

Such actions by the scientific community can, along with meaningful TSCA reform, improve the health of the population and the environment. Most important of all, it will make our planet healthier and safer for future generations.

  • * D. Kennedy, Science 318, 1217 (2007).
  • ‡ A. Blum et al., Environ. Health Perspect. 5, A108 (2015).

Dr. Blum works at UC Berkeley in the world’s most famous laboratory detecting the carcinogenicity of products. It was founded, many decades ago, by Dr. Ames, and is now the golden standard in that field. Dr. Ames noticed that mutagenicity implied carcinogenicity, and found easy in vitro tests for the former.

So none of 80,000 industrial chemicals used everyday in households and foods have been appropriately tested.

This is probably why so many people die of Parkinson (Andy Grove, founder of Intel just did so, at 79). In any case this is why the hundreds of thousands of California Monarchs which used to fly around, have disappeared (I saw one yesterday, just one, next to the flower they prefer, but which now have become very rare). Parkinson was unknown before Parkinson identified it in the 1820s in England.

This is also no doubt why the cancer rate of brain tumors has quadrupled since 1950.

Meanwhile a few people control half the wealth in the world… PRECISELY because the mood reigns that, among other things, chemicals should not be tested appropriately, or known thoroughly. It may well be why autism rates have blossomed.

After all, latest generation insecticides, neonicotinoids, a way to make insects smoke, and, thus, die, give a sort of Alzheimer to bees (and probably not just bees, methinks).

The same mood that dangerous people doing dangerous things should be left in peace plotting with their co-conspirators, means that, when Apple Inc. does the “double Irish” tax avoidance scheme through the British Virgin Islands, to become the most “valuable’ company in the world, little people thank Apple to be so vigilant about their iphones’ vaunted secrecy.

Corruption does not have to involved lots of money. Thanks to 2,000 strikes by Russian aircraft Palmyra was just liberated from the Wahhabists. Documents just read by French TV in Palmyra, show that an Islamist fighter could buy a woman for six months, for the modest price of three Euros. Yes, three.

Meanwhile, a leak of 11.5 million documents out of just one law firm in Panama shows much greater lawlessness than expected.

That leak, with just one law firm, shows how Global Demonic Plutocracy (GDP) pays the political leaders which it employs.

Let’s notice in passing my astounding foresight: I wrote on this site last week that Obama went to Argentina, to celebrate the reinstitution in Argentina of made in the US corruption. Sure enough, within days, the Argentine apparent Criminal In Chief, Mr. Macri, the new president, offered money to Vulture Funds based in New York. No doubt those New York Vultures billionaires could have fed discreetly the companies that said law firm is managing for Mr. Macri, the Argentinian Corrupter In Chief. The way it works is that local natives lend their names to head said companies, nominally speaking, allowing the likes of Mr. Macri, or the president of Iceland, or Ukraine, to be paid by Global Demonic Plutocracy.

It would be interesting to add up how many people the GDP kills each year. Considering everything, all the avoidable causes of death fosters onto us by the greedsters, it may well be above twenty millions. And this is even before the next large wars its policies may bring (as they did in 1914).

It’s a lunatic asylum out there, and, naturally, the inmates are not happy, when informed of that fact. After all, they elect their leaders, lionize plutocrats, and live exactly as they are told to live: by not taking great pleasure in asking as many uncomfortable questions, as they can possibly imagine. Instead the average male becomes an expert at sport scores of celebrities, like the despicable Mr. Messi (many times the best soccer player in the world, whatever that means for those addicted to sport scores…). Messi is one of 140 celebrities nabbed in the Panama papers. He is probably not one of the 150 sport celebrities given elicit drugs by this British doctor (his clientele was local, British super rich “sport” figures). It was long obvious that Spanish and British (let alone American) sport figures are drugged out (just look at their medals!)

That’s alright: those addicted to the scores of drug sports do not deserve any better.

But when we are all condemned to lunch, diner and what not, with Satan, and to eat the foods his obsequious servants the plutocrats, have concocted to poison us, I think we should draw a line…

Patrice Ayme’

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8 Responses to “Plutocracy Causes Cancer”

  1. Gmax Says:

    Does plutocracy cause autism too? Seriously!


    • Picard578 Says:

      As a matter of fact, yes it does. Air pollution, deficient nutrition and problems in family all contribute to development of autism, and all three are directly related to plutocracy.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        It’s indeed extremely likely.
        In the case of cancer, as the maps I rolled out show (and they are sometimes even more striking for other particular cancers, such as Pancreas), the chemical environment is at fault. That’s also proven for Parkinson, which was unknown before 1820 in the West, and still not present at all in some secluded parts of the world…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      My answer will be uncharacteristically mild (although I do agree with Picard’s answer!) It’s harder to quantify autism than it is to quantify cancer. Cancer, either one has it, or not. Evaluating autism is more cultural dependent. But, as researchers have become aware of this recently, no doubt we will get relevant statistics, worldwide, soon!


  2. SDM Says:

    The lack of chemical oversight is an atrocity. The general population has no idea of how little regulation there is on these substances. NY Times published a revealing story of a toxic tort lawsuit just this year that uncovered the callous disregard for public safety.


  3. Leader Corruption Corrupts Society | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] have argued in “Plutocracy Causes Cancer”, that the USA is the world’s most corrupt country. Americans will never believe this, because […]


  4. Transatlantic Sadism | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] does TTIP’s secrecy mean? Well, remember my essay on corruption: “Plutocracy Causes Cancer“? I proposed to consider that the USA was 15 times more corrupt than the Congo, because the […]


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