Trump is the just deserts Obama deserved. It’s bitter sweet, for me. Truth has compelled me, over the years, to say rather unpleasant things about Obama’s deplorable reign. The reign of “cool” was a new wave hubris..

Trump, unwittingly parroting me, said that Obama “maybe the worst president the USA” ever knew. I said this years ago. It was not quite true. I was trying to wake Obama up. Actually Bill Clinton was worse.

It was bitter to say such nasty things, however supported by the veracity of graphs they were, because I used to have so much hope in Obama. And he squandered his presidency away, due to his youth, lack of experience, lack of ferocity, and lack of heroism (to put it mildly). Obama is smart: his words sound often like those I would proferr. However he ruled as a roi fainéant (a French notion which is an entire history by itself, dating from 1789 Revolution propaganda). This lazy king did nothing much, even less than war criminal suspect G. W. Bushdid (when he was not invading Iraq, and plotting with fellow criminal Gaddafi)

Bush established Medicare Part D, whereas (most of, Trump said) Obamacare is doomed: Obamacare is completely collapsing, while Obama talks about in on TV, giving instructions, in a striking imitation of Big Brother. So great is the distress of the US White population, it’s literally dying. The White Population is literally dying off in the USA, in a way reminscent of the end of Soviet rule style (and for similar reasons):

USW = US Whites. Notice USH going on, US Hispanics. Other nations are compared

USW = US Whites. USW Deaths have been going up. Notice USH deaths going down, US Hispanics. US is treating its Hispanics well. Other nations are compared, such as FRA (France) and GER (Germany).

Since Clinton, US Whites have been in distress, as their life span itself, has been redistributed to “Democratic” Party clientele. 

And that’s the truth.

Patrice Ayme’


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41 Responses to “TRUMPED BY TRUTH”

  1. oatmealactivist Says:

    Social, cultural and spiritual health beget physical health. Huge swathes of America have seen their jobs ship overseas, their prospects and their hopes for the children vanish, their communities crumble, their society splinter. This is exacting a terrible toll on everyone except the 1% and their lackeys, the professional class.

    The Democrats invited this by abandoning their historical roots in favor of neoliberalism and identity politics, neither of which had any sympathy for the white working class.

    Obama is one of the worst presidents of all time, and certainly the worst since Woodrow Wilson – no less racist, inept abroad and cowardly towards plutocracy.

    Unlike Trump, Obama entered office with unprecedented good will from the public, a mandate from the voters and a commanding strength in Congress. Trump will not enjoy any of these, and has a task at least equal to what Obama faced in 2008. I’ll spare you the list; you are all too familiar with it.

    Hillary vanquished, the establishment will be looking for another host. It’s surely been decades since they’ve been seriously challenged, let alone defeated. They want blood.


    • Gmax Says:

      Racist Wilson did great for USA. At least that’s what I got from reading Patrice. Wilson made the USA into superpower, by working with the Kaiser. And then against him. Demolished Europe that way


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Trump, after 8 years of Obama, 8 years of Bush, and 8 years of Bill the Goat, has a very difficult situation. That makes him lucky: he can become a great hero, especially as he is wildly berated. Obama fell asleep from all the glory and blind admiration (which is going to wane very soon… as reality set in)

      Turns out that many of the self-described “progressives” electronic media are actually owned by major plutocrats. Same as Main Stream Media. If one is a crony capitalist, or part of state financed corporate fascism, one’s livelihood depends on taxpayers not understanding any of it.

      Meanwhile: Sailor takes 6 pictures inside a submarine, send them to his mom: one year in jail. Information was “confidential”, the lowest level of secrecy. Well below average “classified”. Compare to Clinton.


      • Kevin Berger Says:

        Par contre, attention à la pensée magique et au ouichefoule sinequingue – vous avez déjà déchanté avec un autre candidat devenu président, souvenez-vous.
        Wait & See, donc.

        Au delà de toutes vos attentes et vos analyses, il y a quand même un réel sacrément plombé en embuscade, sans compter l’inertie du système et tous les autres imprévus (vous connaissez la rengaine, ce qui arrive n’est jamais ni la meilleure ni la pire de nos prévisions, mais ce qu’on n’attendait pas). Je me demande déjà comment tous les suce-boules poutiniens qui rêvaient de Trump en fossoyeur de l’Empire vont réagir, d’ailleurs. Remarquez, fossoyeur, il le sera peut-être, sans doute davantage par circonstances que par dessein.

        Le plus plausible reste AMHA le plus médiocre, càd un Trump-Berlusconi, et une “administration” GOP à l’état chimiquement purequi va vraiment récompenser les EUiens comme ils le méritent (qu’ils crèvent).
        Pas la fin du monde fasciste (j’avais trouvé l’analyse de Trump non pas comme candidat mais comme vendeur assez intéressante, avec son “pacing” pour devenir son propre produit, miroir des attentes de son public, véritable “tulpa” marketing)… et sans doute, probablement pas vôtre fléau de la “Plutocracy”. Enfin, au moins, ça bouge, mais pas sûr que cela avance…

        Sinon, intéressant aussi que Trump ai “perdu” 1,5 millions de voix par rapport à Romney, mais réussisse à mobiliser bien plus dans la rust belt et les états ruraux. En comparaison, Clinton a “perdu” 6 millions de voix par rapport à Obama 2012, et 10 millions à Obama 2008!
        Je veux bien que l’hystérie sur son image ait joué (mes contacts FB US sont essentiellement des fachos locaux, disons que plus l’élection s’approchait, plus la réalité s’éloignait – et je parle de gens assez cultivés et plutôt de bon niveau socio-éducatif, pas des soraliens US type infowars ou prison planet, hein…), mais tout de même, quelle claque! Quel désaveu. (Quelle rigolade!)

        Pour l’Europe, la France et le reste du monde, cf. mes petites interrogations vasouilleuses de la dernière entrée. Peut-être une ouverture dans laquelle s’engouffrer, sans doute un rendez-vous manqué à regretter amèrement dans le futur.

        Et pour finir, un petit lien vers un éditorial assez marrant et tout aussi fin de Mark Ames, daté de 2011 (2004, en fait), mais que je ressors à l’occasion :
        Notez que je ne juge pas les électeurs de Trump, baignant de toute manière dans la même fosse septique spirituelle qu’eux.
        Aux USA, j’aurais probablement voté pour lui; en France, connaissant l’amour de ses troupes pour les européens en général, et les français en particulier, via reddit notamment (pour DT, j’imagine que vous avez lu cette amusante anecdote des années 80, portant sur le nucléaire français), je ne lui porte qu’une indifférence heureusement géographiquement distante.

        Encore une fois, qu’ils crèvent.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          I was behind Obama, a friend, when people thought he had no chance to be elected, whatsoever. I worked hard for 2 years, behind the scenes. As I said I knew it was all over, probably by November 5, 2008, more than 2 months before he became president.Things could have been different if we had got in the administration (one can at least naively hope that), but my spouse and I were busy having a child (and it was not easy). Obama meant well, but he found himself alone, and having already signed with the Devil already (when he had accepted the deal of Hank Paulson). So when he proposed “Medicare for All”, he was 100% alone in that cabinet. And that Dem Party elite.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          On devrait etre “friends” sur FB. Moi, je suis sous mon nom avec une image de ma fille et le drapeau francais…


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Trump deliberately targetted electoral votes in key blue states. There is evidence Clinton targetted heavily… Nevada. In Florida, going around with the attempted murderess and judge death threatener did not work out, as I hoped: 1/3 of Hispanics voted Trump


          • oatmealactivist Says:

            I suspect even more Hispanics would have Trump had he not been relentlessly portrayed as the second coming of Hitler.

            My partner is Hispanic, a so-called anchor baby at that, and amongst his peers I see a virulent anti-Trump sentiment paired with almost no understanding of either Clinton or Trump. Often, this leads to a barrage of anti-white racism (equally as repugnant as anti-anything racism). “How could we win?! I thought there were more minorities than whites now?” one incredulous girl told me.

            It worries me that we’re increasingly uneducated about our civics, but it worries me even more that she views politics through a racial lens and expects ethnic voting blocs to rule.


      • Anon Says:

        I was born in ’92… very strange coming to terms with what just happened and what kind of country I have been born into.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          Anon: Welcome. Your comments will appear instantaneously from now on. Yes, it has been extremely strange, frightening. Although I have opposed both wars against Iraq in the past, I have never been submitted to cyber abuse on the Internet… by people I know are right wingers, but who, unbelievably, now pose as “Democrats”.

          I am a personal friend of Obama, well, way to his left, far out, and the last eight years have been a nightmare, as Obama was thoroughly manipulated by the global plutocracy. Now the election of Trump is the nail in coffin… But only the alternative would have been worse: more of the same. Actually the Democrats are suddenly waking up, and reconsidering the election of political plutocrat Nancy Pelosi as their eternal leader. Pelosi became chief of Congress, in 2006, and de facto PM of G. W. Bush. Pelosi has been one of the many hyper wealthy masterminds of the disastrous 10 years. (And now these demoncrats cannot wait to see Obama fade into the sunset.)


  2. Gmax Says:

    Very astute, thanks a lot. Obama and Clinton got what they begged for. Question: what about the age of the groups? For instance the Hispanics will be younger, no, so have fewer deaths than the US WHITES, no? Does that make sense?


  3. Picard578 Says:

    Yes, I have read the article. Maybe it is because he is from “within the system”, within the plutocracy, but it seems that Trump does understand what the problem is.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      The USA’s first billionairte was Carnegie (late 1800’s). And Carnegie was a bit to the left of Bernie Sanders: he famously wrote about it in detail (heavy taxes on the hyper rich). Teddy Roosevelt (practical father of FDR) then passed the anti-monopoly laws. Then those were circumvented with great US investment in Germany, 1914-1945 in its first phase (not a typo). So here we see plutocratic globalocracy was tied in with fascism and war.

      Hillary, in her folly, during a debate a few weeks ago, condemned Trump for campaigning AGAINST Reagan in 1987. About the globalization that would get in high gear five years later under Bill Clinton… Reagan’s errand boy. (Clinton enabled Iran-Contra for Reagan… Making him a fake “Democrat”). Trump has always espoused very democratic views which have become hated and despised by the Kugman vision of globalization the “Democrats” adopted.

      What was even more crazy is that nobody, except your truly, seems to have noticed!!!!!!!!!! That Hillary defended… Reagan. Obama is another Reaganite. Reagan is somewhere to the right of Nixon, BTW… And those people well to the right of Reagan…


  4. Gloucon X Says:

    It’s been accelerating plutocracy in the USA since the mid-60s, which was the last time that pro-middle class legislation was passed. If you were lucky enough to work for various subsided sectors, you did ok, and maybe even prospered. But if you worked in the service or manufacturing sectors(where most of the non-college educated people work–70% of the population) you got raw capitalism and were crushed. The next stage of capitalism will be dramatically increased robotization to eliminate the need for this 70% of the population.

    Our mistake was to think that a president could stop this machine when they are merely one of the cogs. It hard to give up the idea that we have a voice. But think how silly is the idea that a plutocracy will let itself be voted out of power. Power resides in the ownership of the economy, not in the government. Americans simply cannot imagine a country without plutocrats.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      That’s why the plutocracy is so angry. My plan? Simple, do exactly the opposite of mental retard Obama: a flurry of executive orders on day one, immediately pushed into laws by Congress. For example? Ford wants to send all small car manufacture to Mexico: pass the executive order of the 35% tax, day one.


      • Gloucon X Says:

        Sounds good–and he can do it too. It would be great for US manufacturing, but aren’t we assuming Mexico won’t fight back in a trade war. What if Mexico retaliates with tariffs of their own against the highly government subsidized American dumping of $18 billion a year in agricultural products into Mexico which devastated their own agricultural sector. US products would then be over priced and Mexican farms would be rejuvenated. So yeah, he can do that, and cause a major depression in the US farm sector. Would big agricultural interests, which just happen to be centered in states and places where Republican congress members reside, stand by and let that happen?


  5. Patrice Ayme Says:

    One third of Florida Hispanics voters voted for Trump. Are those Hispanics racist xenophobic anti-LBGT Muslim hating bigots of the hateful type, as Trump haters have it? Or are those holding that opinion slightly deranged?


    • Gloucon X Says:

      An interesting development. Florida’s Hispanic immigrants are mostly from South America and the Caribbean and obviously felt less threatened than the mostly Mexican immigrants in western states. In Texas Hillary cut the Republican margin by one third which means that eight years from now it could be voting like California in presidential elections. The mobilization of Hispanics did not take place as I expected. The are on the bottom of the economic ladder and in jobs where taking off from work can get you fired. So they tend not to vote, especially the first generation of citizens.

      Hillary’s horrible performance with non-college educated women(who she lost by a heavy margin) is also worth looking into. Trump is slightly above 47% — exactly where Romney was. Hardly a wave election for Trump or Republicans. But it was exactly as you said it would be–a rejection of Obama/Clintonism which appeared to many people to be a do-nothing status quo modeled on Hoover’s reaction to the Great Depression. It was a rejection of the past eight years–but not and necessarily an embrace of Trump or Republicanism. It was an act of desperation based on the reality that there is no party in the US that represents the interests of the working class, or even most of the so called middle class.


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        I read Florida went from up in percentage of Hispanics who voted for Trump. Relative to Romney.

        Anyway, Trump potentially is going to turn the Republican Party upside down… lest he be assassinated by Lee Harvey Ostwald (resuscitated for the occasion, hey, why not? They believed anything!) If he does, things could be very different very soon.

        Thanks for saying it would be as I said. It was much closer than I expected, due to Trump’s lack of experience, and the Clinton making a sex attack on him he did not expect.Trump is probably going to learn fast, though. In my opinion, he can do a lot, and, in particular, all what Obama should have been doing and more (and was paid not to do: here is a Nobel).

        Trump has a vision of economics similar to mine: I recommend giant stimulus, giant spending, and inflation up to 4% (exactly what I recommended eight years ago). In contrast, Obama had signed onto the Goldman Sachs plan… Because the Deep State, led by Paulson, had told him so.


  6. benign Says:

    I tried to publish a comment, it didn’t work, I published it again, it said duplicate comment, but it never shoed up. Am I being *censored*?


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Absolutely not. Beware the Internet.
      You are not censored. On this site, only one complete imbecile, who behaved as a “troll” was censored. Interestingly, all commenters are in excellent standing. Then I look at these famous philosophy sites managed by famous official “philosophers”, and they censor me, because they are scared their readers will read me instead of them. It’s really funny, kindergarten stuff from people who claim to be the smartest on Earth.


  7. benign Says:

    Now it works! My comment was that Obama was groomed by the CIA for his role. His mother was CIA, allegedly, and their are the usual CIA-ish “gaps” in his resume. He was truly a Manchurian Candidate.
    Let us hope and pray Trump’s instincts are at root democratic.
    cheers, Patrice


    • John Rogers Says:

      Her parents were CIA too, originally OSS in Lebanon during WWII (CIA is big on nepotism – see Aldrich Ames). Now if agents of the plutocracy (Allen Dulles, Wall Street banker) organized the CIA as the plutocracy’s paramilitary . . .


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        It goes all the way back to Machiavellian US pres. Wilson: he employed first the Dulles, as spies. I am writing another WWI inception essay, BTW. Wilson was the secret ingredient in the sauce of WWI inception. Thus we can say that, 102 years later, we are still engaged in the same enfolding strategic dynamics… It’s fascinating.

        BTW, Trump said many things and their opposite, but, among the things he said, many have long been found here (like riling against Glass-Steagal/Banking Act of 1933)


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      His father was clearly CIA too. He was from a not-in-power-but-could-be tribe in Kenya. So they got him in Harvard, a crucial cog in the imperial machine (a Harvard prof wrote Saif Al Islam theses, and was paid by Soros; Harvard “economists” played a crucial role, MIS-advising Yeltsin, etc… While mis-advising Clinton, etc.)If it turns out the CIA organized his parents idyl.

      Trump is no Mandchurian candidate, hence the rage of plutocrats and the Deep State. They had a similar rage, after JFK started to disobey, and fired (naively) Dulles (a more definitive form of dismissal would have been more appropriate… Or, let’s say, prudent)


  8. benign Says:

    The statistic is for deaths of people 45-54; should have been noted. Reference is


    • Gmax Says:

      Thanks, very nice article. White people are desperate (I am not 100% white, so I am not 100% desperate, yet did not vote Klingon, Clinton. Hehehe)


  9. Patrice Ayme Says:

    [Sent to Times Higher Education]

    First problem: Plato was more of a fascist than Trump. Plato actually resided with some tyrants (Aristotle went well beyond that).

    Secondly, the situation for the median US citizen is terrible in roughly all parameters. Only a small elite is prosperous, and splurges with most power and GDP. Recent thorough, original articles, about the specifics, with graphs on Patrice Ayme site, in first ten days of November 2016 (Google).


  10. dominique deux Says:

    Plutocrats hate Trump so all is rosy.

    Guess the many people around the world about to see global efforts against climate change – however weak – wiped out by an ignorant lout are plutocrats too.

    Sorry Patrice, you went over to the dark side, even granting that the bright side is no good either.


    • Gmax Says:

      I think Patrice said Obama did nothing for the climate, the states did. I also think Patrice is both the dark and the bright side, she was always clear on that. Obama was all talk, no show. Fact is OBama was very bad about climate, Patrice had made a whole series of essays on that in the past. Obama cut all fuel cell research, and send it to his friends. Then he put mileage targets for 2023, way far out in future.

      Trump talks a lot, he is like the Bible, saying everything and it’s opposite, depending upon his angle at that moment. Please don’t fall for plutocrats’ propaganda. It’s going to be wonderful, or, at least better than with the liars and thieves around Clinton clique


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      It’s not all rosy, it’s very dark. Republican Senate already told Trump to get lost on some very important issues.
      Give me one example of great climate change Obama thing.
      Paris COP 21 had to be modified at last minute, because the USA refused to sign otherwise. It removed all the teeth from COP21.
      I am deep in the Dark Side, and look around with my X ray vision. I see Obamas all over, drown in a sea of PC posers, full of hatred and insults.

      BTW, look at Gmax comment and my answer. Obama killed fuel cells, and redirected money to those who now owe him. Alleluia. That should not be the role of the Federal Gov. Yeap, Obama did nothing for climate. The famous pipeline he killed only after his National Sec Adviser divested herself of millions of dollars of shares she had in it. Alleluia…
      Heneni, heneni…


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      BTW, with all due respect, and Kevin seem to have the same problem, as most Europeans do, you do not seem to know how the US political system works. California and Texas are, de facto, not just the largest states, but semi-independent. And staters are states, they are not “regions” or “provinces”. So the US huge efforts in climate were independent of Obama’s big mouth. God bless America, but not Obama. Obama could have done a lot in the first year, but did not. We will see how Trump handles that. Sanders, Warren, and yours truly support change.

      However Trump is now confronted to 635 elected MPs and Senators, and they take great umbrage at the first opportunity. Let alone 50 states…


  11. How Do You Spell Obama? | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] President) was a more important factor that the fact that, under that woman’s rule, the White Population of the USA started to die more and more… It is folly to suppose most people, most of the time, will put survival below any other […]


  12. picard578 Says:

    Reblogged this on Defense Issues.


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks Picard!
      It’s an important point, actually the most important point to explain the rise of Trump, and why so many of the same exact people who voted for Obama in 2012, voted for Trump in 2012. (The vast vote for Clinton in California was greatly explained by the pro-California monopolies which profitted so much from Obama…)


  13. Patrice Ayme Says:

    [Sent to Picard, December 24, 2016.]

    Thanks for reblogging this sobering essay, Picard.

    Expressing the suffering of the white population in the USA has been derided in recent years as racism (I am from a non-fully white family, so accusing me of racism because of this observation is difficult…)

    But the problem is real, and accute. The (pseudo-) left had fully betrayed the working class which it used to be the emanation of. Plutocracy has completely not just corrupted the leaders, but corrupted the selection process of said leaders… Trump gives every indication to want to fix the problem, tha’s why he was elected.


  14. Athens, Direct Democracy, Now. | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] There are not just pseudo-experts, as Taleb correctly says (pseudo-experts who pontificate about what the universe had for breakfast, 13.76 billion years ago… Or that only the economy they feast on serves We The People best, contrarily to evidence and mortality graphs…). […]


  15. Patrice Ayme Says:

    Sent to WashPost, Feb 27, 2017…]

    Paul Krugman? If I send a comment to the New York Times on Krugman’s blog, I am censored. Why? Because the New York Times is plutocratically owned and brazen at excluding those whose critiques go really deep inside the foundation of the plutocratic state.

    This is why the New York Times censors ALL my comments. No exception. Even if it’s a comment on philosophy: the paper seems terrorized that the general readership would read me, an obscure reader.

    That behavior should actually be against the law: the New york Times is a “newspaper of report”. Like the rest of the press, but even more so, it has privileges accorded by the public, thus duty TO the public. By censoring those whose comments go against the liberties the New York Times takes against the truth, the NYT is treachorous to the public.

    By the way I was a full subscriber of the New York Times for decades, and saw the paper lie about the 2003 attack against Iraq. Krugman poses as a progressive, because that’s where the gravy train is, for him. But Krugman is not a progressive. He just masquerades as one.

    Paul Krugman actually started his career at the White House, helping Reagan set-up the GLOBALOCRACY which, soon after Trump criticized (1987).

    Krugman’s entire career has been about enabling international corporations skirt laws and taxes by going overseas, killing the USA, and the West, in the process. But letting Krugman jet around the world, first class, polluting the planet with his CO2. In other words, Krugman is about fleecing the public, and he is busy byuing himself a conscience by talking with the opposite side of his mouth.


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