Why Big Money Hates France

One trait that never ceases to amaze is the hatred for “France” in much of the political, financial, and economic related media in the Anglo-American world.

As I have explained at length, this rage against the country that views herself as the home of human rights, ever since the slave trade got outlawed there in 655 CE, is not surprising coming from plutocrats, and the media they control (which is pretty much all of it). If the Franks could impede business in the Seventh Century, what is there not to hate?

That anger is directly related to the failure of the left to address the 2008 crisis and the outrageous way it was “solved” by profiting some more those who had fabricated it, thuggish financiers.

Imaginative Satanic Thrust Through Ardennes Then France

Imaginative Satanic Thrust Through Ardennes Then France

[The Nazis got very lucky in mid may 1940, as they sneaked in their entire army, undetected by the French and British until it was too late to avoid a tremendous defeat.]

Recent examples of anti-French rage are articles against the business of the French military-industrial complex with Russia. While the much larger relation of the USA military-industrial complex with Russia is enjoying the charms of devoted silence.

The the sale of two ships by France is the occasion of a deluge of racist comments against France and the French. Why not try the same racist frenzy against Blacks, or Jews?

Paul Krugman wrote an ill-conceived editorial: Crisis of the Eurocrats. Semi-education is best to bolster the violently ignorant. Weirdly, Krugman, who is on the right of Marine Le Pen about Europe, is a self-declared “conscientious liberal”.  And naturally a hero of the left. The ignorant left. Even in Europe.

Krugman’s anti-Euro trash brought up racist anti-French comments.

France’s Jews are leaving en-masse today, after waves of antisemitic activity, with violence attached“, opined in support of Krugman “New York Times trusted commenter” Rima Rigas. In truth, 90,000 French have migrated to Israel, between 1948 and 2014. Most of them came initially from North Africa. That’s much fewer Jews emigrating than from the USA to Israel.

It’s well known, in the Anglo-American world, that France exterminates Jews. As France has special laws against Nazism, as do Germany and Austria, to exert great vengeance and retribution against that hated current of thought, that’s viewed, by the millions of anti-French racists in Anglo-Americana, as a proof that the French, left to themselves, massacre Jews, and are ‘anti-Semitic”.

The truth? Scientific and other studies show that probably half the French population is somehow Jewish or Semitic related. Being Jewish was no problem in France, for more than seven centuries, or until the monsters Saint Bernard and Saint Louis agitated their fanatical Catholic snouts. (Monstrosity helps to become a saint.)

In truth, France was stuffed with hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Central Europe when she was invaded in May 1940. The USA had refused to admit any.

That only 75,000 of these Jews, most of them refugees, died from Nazi action, is testimony to the courage of millions of French civilians who sheltered the rest. My own family saved of the order of a 100 Jews. To their great discomfort (food was rationed), while living in terror for four years, in cramped quarters, at the risk of their lives, and then they were chased around by the Gestapo like vulgar rabbits through forest and mountain.

But back to the essence of the problem.

World War Two started when Britain joined France to declare war on Hitler. The Commonwealth followed. Still, the brunt of the fighting was suffered by France until a (provisional) cease-fire was called at the end of June 1940.

The USA helped Hitler in 1939. Stalin was allied to Hitler in 1939. The French military had bad luck in May 1940 against the USA-Nazi-USSR coalition. Yet the Battle of France of 1940 was the deadliest battle in the West during WWII: more than 200,000 killed in 5 weeks. Only in the USSR were there more terrible battles.

How does this relate to the crisis of 2008, that we still enjoy?

It is very simple: those helping Hitler the most were plutocrats from the USA. Hitler was pretty much their thing. Not only they financed it from scratch, but they even provided him with crucial ideas.

Henry Ford brought the malfeasance of the International Jew to the fore, while giving Hitler a fortune. JP Morgan brought Dr. Schacht. Lord Keynes forcefully explained why the Versailles Treaty was an economic disaster, and a fabulous injustice caused by the manipulative French. Even PM Lloyd George told Hitler, at length, in person, that the Kaiserreich (Germany) was on the verge of victory in 1918, when it was stabbed in the back.

Hitler was like a drone, a remotely operated device, with hundreds of American plutocrats pushing the buttons. Even Hitler understood this. Only in 1941 did he half understand that he had been played: some of his wealthy friends turned into fiends, as it suited their interest better.

This was all passed under silence, and ignored. Still is.

Nobody points out that the plutocrats were playing both sides, while gathering ever more power. Their influence was occulted, in appearance after 1945, when the more than 20 million trained soldiers of the West (16 million were actively serving in 1945) had to be reintegrated in civil life, with nice social programs. To prevent them to make a revolution.

However the Dulles brothers, who were as tight with the Nazis as imaginable, before the war, pretty much controlled the USA in the 1950s. One headed the State Department, the other, the CIA.

The uncooperative and disruptive Kennedy brats were promptly assassinated, and it has been a home run ever since.

The rage against the French Republic has gone on ever since, because plutocrats control it less well than the rest, ever since 1789. True, the Nazi spearheads cut the French best armies and the British army from behind in May 1940. However, that was incredible luck. The French high command made incredible mistakes (sending the mobile armor reserve to help the Netherlands), and a succession of lucky draws of the dice favored the Nazis. When a Spitfire pilot said he saw the entire Nazi army on a leafy road in the Ardennes, he was thought to be deranged, as this was too crazy an idea to conceive.

Most of the military re-runs of May 1940 show the French and British winning a crushing victory. The very nature of the Nazi Panzer thrust exposed it to be cut from behind. It was a close thing. Had the French command being less foolhardy, and the Nazis a bit less lucky, it would have happened.

The plutocrats vaguely perceive that: how dare the French have attacked Hitler in 1939, and, in the end, prevented them, and Hitler, to exploit Eastern Europe and Russia, as had been the plan? (This is what the British-Nazi treaty of 1935 had anticipated.)  And the French could have won, clean? And they had an atom bomb program? What would have happen to the “American Century”? Still born? Is the European Union an attempt to achieve the same result, through a more devious route?

How to fix the plutocratic madness that’s taking over is simple in theory: first, determine property worldwide with a cadastrum, as Thomas Pikketty suggests. Because most of it is hidden.

And then tax wealth at 95%. And go all the way: put a cap on wealth commensurate with the one the Roman Republic had. That’s what I say.

Yet we are still in the midst of a coup by the few against the many. How? The few control the media, including the universities, the politicians, and other celebrities. To the point that bleating is the sheeple’s highest calling.

And, in Anglo-Saxon countries, raging against “the French”. Those who attacked Hitler in 1939, while the USA’s big money leadership, to its eternal shame, but well in line with its racist, exploitative past, helped the Nazi dictator to the best of its ability.

When accused later to have plotted to launch the USA into World War Two, president Roosevelt said he did not do it. What proof did he roll out? Franklin Delano Roosevelt boasted that he had been instrumental in limiting the percentage of Jewish students who could attend Harvard University. In other words, he was so spiritually close to Nazism, that he could not be suspected to have plotted against it. I rest my case.

Patrice Aymé

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13 Responses to “Why Big Money Hates France”

  1. Ian Miller Says:

    One could argue there is a degree of factual inaccuracy here. The best opportunity for a crushing defeat of Hitler came in September/October 1939. Hitler had sent most of the Wehrmacht into Poland. Had France thrown a reasonable fraction of its army against Germany, it could have marched more or less unopposed to Berlin (Source: Erich von Manstein, probably the greatest field commander of WWII) May 1940 was not close at all, because von Manstein had a much greater appreciation of the value of mobility, not helped by the British not having recognized what the problem was. As an aside, most of von Manstein’s “tanks” were the Mark 1 version, which were little better than trucks with a gun and some steel sheet.

    The late Roman republic had tax farmers, and here there was no uniform rate, and the accretion of wealth to governors, etc, was oppressive (or considered so – we have to be careful here as to what comprises “oppressive” in the eyes of the payer), but this was abolished by Augustus. Augustus maintained the same state wealth, if not more so, with a poll tax of uncertain size, but not much, a wealth tax of about 1%, and a customs duty of about 5%. In the late Republic, it is possible that some tax farmers greatly exceeded these rates for personal wealth accretion.


    • gmax Says:

      Patrice has explained, and it is readily available, that the West Wall was in the way. The allies took 6 months to break thru it in 1944-1945. Did u also hear of the Rhine?

      I am afraid that is more anglosaxon propaganda as Patrice said


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      That story re-surfaces like the Loch Ness monster. If Von Manstein, who was still a Nazi in 1960, and an influential one, says it, it’s go to be true. Heil Manstein!
      It’s like Gmax said. I talked about this in the past, and had many “friends” turned into enemies about it. People don’t know about the war and just repeat what the Nazis, or the Dulles, sorry about the pleonasm, said about it.

      The Republic passed the absolute cap on wealth around 380 CE. Whatever Augustus did, it did not work. He did not have the money and devolution to pursue the empire into Germany, and that left it vulnerable. Augustus could be viewed as treacherous, in several ways, and I have no doubt his great uncle Caesar would have told him just that, had he been around.

      I do not approve all what Caesar did, far from it, but I respect him. Not so with Augustus, a real piece of trash.

      By Marcus Aurelius, there were too many Germans, way too close, and not enough tax receipts to pay the army.


  2. Aaron Greenbird Says:

    speaking of big money…by a vote of 231-92, the House on thursday adopted an amendment that would prohibit the dept. of defence from spending funds in its fiscal 2015 budget on all programs that address climate change…..amazing……


    • gmax Says:

      All the more that’s a defense issue. Meanwhile they go on with the F35, which Russia and China can see on VHF radar


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        Details, details: as long as one calls the F35 “stealth” people will believe it.
        [VHF: Very High Frequency. F35 is not stealth for VHF, just because of its dimensions]


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Let’s see what happens when the Potomac overwhelms the Mall…
      The fossil fuelists are afraid of algae fuel, a variant of solar energy. That fuel would kill fracking. That would, and ought. Moreover, it’s the only serious CO2 capture system out there.

      The Navy has already run a fleet on it.

      Thanks for the news, BTW, I was unaware, but not surprised: Congress has fustigated the Pentagon about alternative fuel for years.


  3. gmax Says:

    Wow, how productive! What do you think of the Front National victory in France? It’s hilarious all these nationalists elected to a transnational assembly


    • Dominique Deux Says:

      Hilarious? They’re laughing all the way to the bank.
      Since yesterday one cannot open a radio or a TV without being plastered with these lowlifes’ loud, thumping banter, with the newsies in abject surrender.
      Yet they only were supported by 10 percent of the population. But it’s like von Manstein: whatever they say, the media scrape and bow.

      Thank God Italy saved Europe’s honour, and hopefully Europe itself.


      • Dominique Deux Says:

        btw I find Patrice’s assessment of Marine Le Pen’s financial acumen puzzling.

        The only thing she knows about money is how to be born into it. At least her daddy worked for his own inheritance: he was a very minor, dirt-poor extreme right leader when he struck a friendship with a wealthy industrialist with similar ideas, Lambert. The man was a drunkard and it is widely said that Le Pen drank him to death after he secured a will making him the man’s heir. So, for a plutocrat, his wealth might almost said to be virtuous – he stole from a tycoon. The man’s family was not amused and lost all its cases in court.

        As for her party’s stand on money, it is ludicrously inconsistent, mixing extreme Ayn Randism and populist rants.


        • Patrice Ayme Says:

          I will reply to this in a short essay. Le Pen senior did well for himself, indeed. Yet he is a sort of war hero (no?), and was, until beaten by his own blonde grand niece, France’s youngest MP…


      • Patrice Ayme Says:

        What did Italy do? I’m not scared by France sending 25 or so nationalists at the Euro Parliament to rant and foam at the mouth. The UKIP officially hates their national, FN, guts. It’s J-C Juncker that worries me.


  4. Hate Euro, Hate Union | Patrice Ayme's Thoughts Says:

    […] Morality Without Intelligence Makes As Much Sense As Will Without Mind. Intelligence Is At The Core Of Humanism. « Why Big Money Hates France […]


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