Brexitxit Coming… Obsessions Lasting…

People are motivated by obsessions. How obsessions happen and evolve can only be uncovered by studying particular cases. Racism and other tribalisms are example of ubiquitous obsessions… To sound Politically Correct, and cover-up the truth, modern tribalism is called “identity politics“… As many on the self-declared “left” in the West are affected by this basic racism. The other day, I spent four delightful hours talking to a government lawyer, blonde, near white skin (even in summer in the sun), and amazingly pale blue eyes… fiercely identifying as “black”. Another lawyer an Argentinian-American told me, as I sneered, the next day:”Stop telling people how to identify“.

It evoked to me of this famous picture of Adolf Hitler, holding the hand of a happy blonde child, a depiction of Aryan beauty. The photograph was used in Nazi propaganda… Until, years later, it was supposedly found the child had “Jewish blood“.

(Of course the child was more “Nordic” than Hitler, to call her Jewish, as to call white blue eyed blondes “black”, was mentally degenerate…)

There is no better obsession to study when studying obsessions than this self-contradicting idiocy known as “Brexit”, the concept of Great Britain, a European archipelago, would leave Europe. It is a case of Diversion Derangement Syndrome: Great Britain has a serious plutocratic problem, and, instead of fixing it, the Brits got persuaded that the Union was the cause of it, whereas, in truth, it’s British plutocracy which has made Europe more plutocratic…

BREXITXIT?  Brexixit is the exit of Brexit. The failure of Brexit. Brexitxit sounds nearly Polynesian. And it’s entirely appropriate, because Great Britain is lost in a vast sea. Brexitxit will happen: the charade in Great Britain is insane enough to make enough Brexiters pause that the 2016 referendum will be reversed. I said, long ago, that Brexit was fundamentally racist, and, thus, will fail.

Brexit Is Racism… And That’s Why It Won’t Happen. The UK Will Stay In The EU

Brexit is seriously racist. Moreover it is devious, deluded, and even criminal, from foreign intervention in British democracy. It would be a bit like Trump followers going crazy, and throwing out all the Asians. Indeed, the Asians brought riches to the USA, from investing and their work, they are thus wealthier than average US citizens. Similarly, European citizens investing and coming to Great Britain made it richer… The exact people Brexit wanted no more to do with…

In truth, the individuals driving Brexit have been world plutocrats: they had transformed Great Britain into a giant tax haven for themselves, and were driven to furious anxiety by the reorientation of the European Union, towards taxing plutocracy more, and, in particular, more than Britain installed world plutocrats could stand. The Plutos then used their control of the media to drive the half of British voters to madness.

Thus, Great Britain has been given to the wolves, in the last few decades, but not those wolves people have been indignantly barking after. Boris Johnson will be their punishment…

Maybe, maybe not. Brexit is actually hilarious. Moreover Boris Johnson is going to be even funnier than May…

Chris Snuggs, a gentleman of great education, a teacher, an international school head, and extremely multinational and world traveller, thinks highly of Boris Johnson: “No, he may be the UK’s saviour once again from Continental fascism, but only if he is courageous enough to stand up to the Forces of Darkness.

Patrice Ayme Beyond just using Boris Johnson’s hairdo for mopping the floor, and his girlfriend to call the police, we must recognize Boris can be quite funny. Anyway, the polls are clear: Brexitxit is around the corner, helas…

Chris Snuggs “If the French could vote TODAY on whether they want to abandon French sovereignty in a federation, HOW WOULD THEY VOTE?
We will NEVER KNOW because the plutocratic Illuminati will NEVER give them a vote. They made that mistake in 2006 when giving the French people a referendum on “The European Constitution”, the name itself giving the game away and revealing the galactic arrogance of the Illuminati:
The French voted NON, so the Illuminate simple passed the bill in parliament as “The Lisbon Treaty”.
As I said – FASCISM; an elitist group claiming IT ALONE has the right to decide because the people are too stupid.
You did not have the French Revolution to be subject to this, and it is time you voted into power someone who respects democracy.”

Patrice: The European Union is actually LESS fascist than its constituent nations… which are free to NOT follow EU law, de facto… Even on excellent EU laws, like those on pollution: France has been flaunting EU law on soil, air and water pollution, big time, forever…

The EU is just as its title indicates: European, and an Union. The EU has an executive, the European Council, of the 28 democracy HEADS (or their subordinates). An administration, the EC, remarkably efficient, administrating 513 million people, a Parliament, a Supreme Court, etc….

The EU is much less fascist than any of the other major states (or “Unions”: United States, Russian Federation, etc.)

Could all the major states, including the EU, be made much more democratic? Yes! With Referendum Initiative Citizen (RIC). Basically make all states into large Switzerland. The lamentable Brexit occurred as a successful Diversion Derangement Syndrome. The DDS happened to divert from wild, rogue, globalized plutocracy. The European Union is the solution, the prevention, of an even bigger malady: intercine European conflicts. Brexit threw the baby with bath.


Chris Snuggs Sorry. The LISBON TREATY kills national sovereignty. It is as simple as that. Any nation under the LISBON TREATY is NOT a sovereign state. There is NO WAY YOU CAN DENY that, Patrice. Doing so would destroy your credibility.
A sovereign state has control over its borders, laws, finances and defence. It may enter into agreements with other states regarding those matters, but as soon as it is not free to cancel those agreements, it is NOT A SOVEREIGN STATE.
You didn’t answer my question. Would The French People Collectively Vote To Abandon French Sovereignty?

One Hundred And Sixty-five Nations On The Planet Are Sovereign; The UK Seeks To Become One Of Them.

Answer: California is a state, but not a sovereign one. Does California do pretty much what it wants? Pretty much so. California has a bigger GDP than Britain. The French voted to abandon part of French sovereignty, and transfer it to European sovereignty (which they themselves influence). The French voted many times that way, last for the European Sovereignist Macron not Le Pen. So one can call that a vote to abandon *SOME* elements of sovereignty. In exchange California and France get amplification.

There are plenty of pictures of this man and child, some hugging. Nazis withdrew the pictures from propaganda when they learned the girl was “Jewish”… But, showing the immense complexity of real Nazism, Hitler kept on having the same relationship with the little girl, even though he knew she was “Jewish”… “Jewish” in Nazism was exactly like the “one drop “blood” rule” in the USA: it was grotesque. More alarming, to this day is that, like this blonde blue eyed, sharp thin nose lawyer I was talking to, US “Blacks” still apply the “one drop blood rule” to…. themselves… And so do the others. Many pseudo-democrats apply this “identity politics” to anything. For example, Wahhabist Islam has become a… race… liberating women….

Chris Snuggs: “And you are doing what all REMAINERS DO: introducing irrelevant examples:
“An administration, the EC, remarkably efficient, administrating 513 million people, a Parliament, a Supreme …”
It does NOT administer 513 million people. It is NOT A STATE. It is TRYING to administer them but it has NO MANDATE TO DO SO. And if you think that the salaries and expenses of Eurocrats are less than obscene, then I am afraid we part company. An elite imposing things on the plebs to which the latter have not consented is FASCIST. Unfortunately, fascism comes all to easy to Continental elites as we have seen repeatedly over the centuries.
You are welcome to submit yourself to German rule; we refuse it.”

The Lisbon Treaty was voted in by referendum (Ireland, say) or by acts of Parliament, all over Europe. Unimpeachable direct or “representative” democratic process.

Obsessions are important, and actually fruitful and can be progressive: obsessions enable to push new systems of thoughts to their full extent… thus make us more intelligent. Many mathematicians are now depicted as “Asperger”… meaning obsessive (Dr. Asperger himself was a virulent, professional Nazism, and his “syndrome” was part of his Nazi system of thought…)

Obsess all you want, as long as you can also obsess out of the box you usually obsess in. Not just your logical box, but also your hormonal and emotional boxes. This is one thing heavy exercise provides with. Obsess and profess, but don’t forget to fess up.

There is an obsession problem. People are obsessing wrong. A century ago, in the West, there used to be capitalists, rentiers, opposed and opposing the socialists and communists. However, the latter have been disabled themselves, and have been disabled (long story, basically plutocratic capitalism at work). So what do people do now? They cultivate other obsessions. Petty obsessions, because if they had serious obsessions, they would be fired… And join the homeless on the streets. Thus, to alleviate their well-founded rage and anxiety, they focus on petty, insignificant issues…. Hence the increasing abundance of Diversion Derangement Syndrome: obsessing about nothing, focusing all of one’s emotions on issue such as “Trump is anti-immigrant” (never mind that he married two at-some-point illegal immigrants and had children with them).

Know Thyself means, in particular, know thy obsessions. If one doesn’t have full knowledge of one’s inside hell, it only be out of control.

Patrice Ayme



P/S: I used to rage against Obamacare, and some called me what I was not. Now, guess what? The Democratic controlled US Congress just voted to repeal part of Obamacare! So I was right all along!

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5 Responses to “Brexitxit Coming… Obsessions Lasting…”

  1. Gmax Says:

    The more I read about Ilhan Omar, the high clan Somali woman who is US Representative the more I realize she is a plant, there to make Trump look good. You should look into it.

    And yes Brexit won’t happen ad you said for ever and ever. What’s new?


  2. Operation Hard Block Says:

    About 5 years ago, it was a rainy 3 day weekend and I spent all weekend reading your blog/essays. It was a marathon and it was great!


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Thanks HardBlockWAR! Much appreciated. This is exactly why I write: so that, somehow, somewhere, it reaches another mind… It tells me something about the human condition that I harbor such an ardent desire! I think we are much more spiritual than we’re usually supposed to be…


  3. ianmillerblog Says:

    Got to disagree here. Brexitxit is NOT Polynesian-sounding. The Polynesians went out of their way to avoid the letter X . Aztec, maybe??


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      OK, OK, OK… I agree with you. It was just the repetition which sounded Polynesian… Aztec sounds good, especially because of the evocation of human sacrifices….


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