This Is TOTAL WAR, Appeasing Putin Makes Him Worse… As Happened With Hitler.

Only a force greater than his own, can stop a criminal against humanity. Because he has nothing to loose, having burned his bridges with humanity, busy as he is, killing children, the criminal against humanity is in the mood of his victory, by all and any means, or his own death (the latter to be avoided at all and any cost).

True evil is a demonic neurology which feels that fear, pain and punishment, anguish, horror and consternation are their own rewards. Evil carries its own rewards.

However, if, on top of being rewarding by itself, evil bring in material goodies, a plush life, so much the better! So it has been for Putin and his fellow criminals, since 1999. But now they are older, running out of time, thus more ambitious. The top Prussian generals in 1914 felt the same: old and on their way out, it was their last chance to use their wonderful war machine, and leave a mark for centuries to come.

The more successful evil is, the more evil captures the neurology of the perpetrator(s). Evil is a neurohormonal chain reaction. The more successful horrendous criminals against humanity are, the worse they get. The more democracies let the nuclear tyrant become ever more successful, the worst he will get. Appeasing him, hoping he will get reasonable, making him concessions, is encouraging him.

The Secretary General of NATO begged Putin to become reasonable (on 3/4/2022). This weak and uncomprehending character, curiously at the head of a military alliance when he does not understand the first thing military, does not understand that Putin is reasoning on a completely different scale, where the reasons of cockroaches are just all about cockroaches, not about the reasons of those who crush cockroaches.

The nuclear tyrant Putin is coming for you, he is just warming up by targetting civilians, killing little children, setting fire to nuclear power plants… This war where Russia becomes the world’s greatest power for all to obey, is just starting. And in the way that is already true that Russia is the world’s greatest power, because it is 6,257 nukes!

Not fighting with full force as early as possible against Putin makes him successful, hence worse. We had the same problem developing with Hitler, Mussolini, or the Kaiser, a while back… Too little, too late, and too much hope that evil would restraint itself if one behave.

Thus all too many victims of the Nazis tried to be nice to their executioners.

This time what we risk is full blown nuclear war, if we do not crush Putin while his evil has not yet contaminated too many of his servants. If Putin becomes more successful he will make more adherents, admirers and accomplices.

The more the war last, the more Russians will sink with their evil Fuhrer Vlad the Mad into insanity, and criminality. Thus we may get the same situation as with the Nazis, when most Germans kept on fighting precisely because such terrible horrors had been made in their name, and by themselves… By 1944 most Germans knew they had killed the Jews and they had a feeling of collective responsibility, and they grimly kept on fighting because they knew they had taken part in a collective crime.

And when one is a criminal, one may as well go all the way. 11 women raped by Putin’s soldiers have been reported in Kherson (many of the southern soldiers, displaying a “Z” are tough professional soldiers coming from Crimea). Five of these eleven were killed: hey no witness, no bother…

We are strategically somewhere between 1936 and 1940 [1]… But the more we wait, the bigger the nuclear war. If Putin is defeated thoroughly now, he may explode a few nukes, but he will be thrown out.

However, if we let Putin turn his massacre of Ukraine, the destruction of a democracy, into an undeniable military success, Putin will be confirmed in his conventional and nuclear ferocity. He will be on a roll, he will have to be on a roll, for reasons I will explain in another essay.

Wisdom, now, is to go all out. If Ukraine falls, we are doomed.

And what about the nukes? Weak cowards will whine, and tremble. Well, if they are to fall, they were to fall anyway. The last thing to do with a madman who threatens to use nuclear weapons, is to start doing what he wants.

Patrice Ayme

One of Putin’s bombings in central Ukraine, February 2022. Putin has been using bombs over Ukrainian cities bombs so powerful that these bombs have replaces nukes in the Russian arsenal.

[1] If France and Czekoslovakia had rejected Hitler’s ultimatum in 1938, and it had come to war, they would have won. Instead Czekoslovakia was betrayed, and forced to surrender without fighting. Two prominent results: 1) Hitler captured the important Czek armament industry; in 1940, half of the 2,000 Nazi tanls were captured Czek tanks. 2) By 1939, the Russians made official their (previously secret) alliance with the USSR. When Nazi tanks drove into France, they were fueled by Stalin.

Right now, Putin is allied with Xi, but Xi is still careful, because he is not sure that Putin will win. However, Xi’s fanaticized, anti-democracy public Internet opinion is fanatically pro-Putin…. If Putin wins, Xi will constitute with Putin a new Axis for all to see…

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2 Responses to “This Is TOTAL WAR, Appeasing Putin Makes Him Worse… As Happened With Hitler.”

  1. Don Kemerling Says:

    Putin has a bit of our famous Civil War General Sherman.
    “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”
    – General William T. Sherman


    • Patrice Ayme Says:

      Are you saying that war is the remedy that Ukraine has chosen? Are you saying that Ukraine attacked Russia? Are you identifying Putin to Lincoln?
      Or you have no idea about anything?


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