Posts Tagged ‘Great replacement’


April 7, 2023

GREAT REPLACEMENTS HAVE HAPPENED CAUSING CIVILIZATIONAL IMPLOSIONS, And MAYHEMS:Roman Depopulation, A Consequence Of Plutocratic Rule, In Turn Made Rome More Dictator-Friendly Genetic And Cultural Replacement. 

Abstract: Under the Roman Monarchy and then the Republic, when the unique characteristics of Roman civilization were forged, and before the degeneracy known as the fascist empire founded by Augustus, 70% of the population of Rome was  Western European genetically. When the Republic collapsed, this Western European genetics was suddenly replaced by an Oriental genetics, which persisted during the fascist empire. After the collapse of the fascist empire, in the 400s, Roman genetics reverted to Western European stock. This is shocking, right, but it’s also science.

If nothing else, this Great Replacement explains why it was impossible to revert Rome to the Republic, even after the fascist empire had amply proven to be a disaster (certainly so after Caligula, Nero, and two centuries later, by the time of the “Barracks Emperors” a succession of fifty or so emperors and pretenders in a few decades accompanied by infighting and thus, invasions). The ancestors of imperial Romans were not republicans and democrats, but obsequious servants of Middle Eastern dictators, so they viewed tyranny as normal, they were naturally culturally born servants of tyranny.

Had the fascist imperial government imported deliberatley those Middle Easterners with the idea of exploiting those servile attitudes?

Other consequences can be drawn: 

1) demographic implosions and replacements can have philosophical, political and demographic consequences. The collapse of the republic was accompanied by a Great Replacement of genetics, and the collapse of the fascist empire was accompanied by another Great Replacement. After all, around 400 BCE Roman civilization mostly collapsed, and survived only because the Franks followed by the Goths, and Burgundians decided to adopt it. 

2) Fascist imperial Rome was genetically distinct. It failed so badly that its Oriental and Mediterranean population got killed and replaced by the original northern European mix which had been replaced four centuries prior: the wheel of fortune turned fully on itself (an image used at the time).

3) As genes move, so does culture and the neurohormonal hardware and software to go with it.

4) The sudden Great Replacement of Republican values of Rome, reflected the fascist friendly mood of the Orient at the time: no wonder if the population was Oriental. This blatant change of mood, from the Republic to Oriental-dictatorial values was observed by aghast contemporaries, under Caligula and his will to embrace all things Oriental.  


The end of the Roman Republic saw a succession of terrible “civil” wars which caused enormous loss of lives. In the end, Augustus and his army won and got the riches: a centurion brandished a glavius in the Senate and said the army would be paid or the Senate would be put to the sword. Soon Augustus changed most of the Senate, and a military dictatorship was completely imposed. Trade was reestablished, mostly from Africa and the Orient. With it apparently came the genes. 


Genetics Enlighten History; Roman Genetics Changed, As Roman Politics Did:

A genetic study published in Science, 7 November 1919, showed dramatic results. Indeed, genetic history shows that many imperial Romans during fascist times, had roots in the Middle East. At the height of Rome’s power, the city residents showed little European DNA.

Two thousand years ago, the streets of Rome bustled with people from all over the ancient Mediterranean region. The empire’s trade routes stretched from North Africa to Asia, even India. New immigrants poured in every day, by choice or by force. An ancient DNA study showed that those new far-flung imperial and commercial connections showed up in the genomes of the Romans.

By contrast, inhabitants from the city’s democratic, pre-Augustus era genetically resembled other Western Europeans. Roman genetics returned to European genetics after the Occidental empire’s deliquescence in the early 400s (massive invasions start in 406 CE, Britain is then militarily evacuated and Rome falls to the Goth Alaric in 410 CE).  

But during the imperial fascist period most sampled residents had Eastern Mediterranean or Middle Eastern ancestry. At that time, “Rome was like New York City … a concentration of people of different origins joining together,” says Guido Barbujani, a population geneticist at the University of Ferrara in Italy. “This is the kind of cutting-edge work that’s starting to fill in the details [of history],” adds Kyle Harper, a Roman historian at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.

The bioarchaeologist study, published in Science, traces 12,000 years of history using genomes from 127 people buried at 29 archaeological sites in and around the city of Rome. Alfredo Coppa, a physical anthropologist at Sapienza University of Rome, sought hundreds of samples from dozens of previously excavated sites. Ron Pinhasi of the University of Vienna extracted DNA from the skeletons’ ear bones, and Jonathan Pritchard, a population geneticist at Stanford University, sequenced and analyzed their DNA.

The oldest genomes came from three hunter-gatherers who lived 9000 to 12,000 years ago and genetically resembled other hunter-gatherers in Europe at the time. Later genomes showed the Romans changed in step with the rest of Europe, as an influx of early farmers, and their plants, with ancestry from Anatolia (what is now Turkey) reshaped the genetics of the entire region some 9000 years ago.



There is a tendency to believe that the Greeks invented everything, and that the Romans were just pragmatic parrots. This comes from looking only at the Republic and not the preceding 230 years of Roman (mostly non hereditary) constitutional, Senate based monarchy, when Rome embraced or established many democratic, not just republican, values., and often before Greece (which was fully aware of the rise of the Western menace). Examplary, but not unique is the case of king Servius Tulius. Tulius, of Etruscan origin, his mother a slave, was a democrat in disguise who ruled 43 years; king Tulius switched the army to the Hoplites, middle-class model, putting the middle class in power... Tulius ruled at the same time as Solon in Athens, but for much longer and his foreign and servile origins would have disqualified him in Athens, but were welcome in Rome.  

Rome went its own way from other Mediterranean city-states in the period 900 B.C.E. to 200 B.C.E. The very success of its Open Society imposed the model to this day, in its direct successor states (France, Europe, their colonies). During its growth, the peculiarity of Rome, widely advertised at the time, was that Rome was the most Open Society in the fullest sense of the term, not just culturally. That openness turbocharged the growth of Rome, attracting prominent talent, even from Greece. Rome did this well before 600 BCE. According to Livy, the first Roman women, 2,770 years ago, were not even from Rome, they were “borrowed” from the Sabines.

Rome was the original Open Society. Athens also claimed itself, two centuries after Rome made immigration its main engine of growth, to be an Open Society, and Athens was Open in many ways, as Pericles boasted in his famous funeral oration; however, genetically Athens was severely locked up: even Pericles’ own son with the Miletus philosopher Aspasia was considered non-Athenian (Reversed later.)

By 600 BCE, even prominent Greeks immigrated to Rome because they knew that their socioeconomic success there would be greater. Some of the seven Roman kings were not Roman born and had immigrated there to become greater… The genomes of 11 individuals from this period confirm that a lot of migration was happening. Some people had genetic markers resembling those of modern Italians, whereas others had markers reflecting ancestry from the Middle East and North Africa.

Between 27 B.C.E. and 300 C.E. Rome was the capital of an empire of up to 90 million people, stretching from Morocco to Britain to the Caucasus, Mesopotamia and Nubia. Rome’s population grew to perhaps a million and a half, it was the world’s largest city and much of its food came from distant shores. The genetic diversity was great… However… According to this study the vast majority of immigrants to imperial fascist Rome came from the Orient. Of 48 individuals sampled from this period, only two showed strong genetic ties to Europe. Another two had strong North African ancestry. The rest had ancestry connecting them to Greece, Syria, Lebanon, and other places in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. All places which were not too friendly to democracy at the time.

This bioarcheology thus confirms orior isotopic, archeological and historiographic studies. Many individuals from imperial fascist Roman cemeteries were known not to have grown up in Rome: isotopes in their teeth revealed they drank Oriental water when young. Ancient texts and words carved on tombstones, let alone the rise of Oriental ways, means, symbols and religions point to large populations of immigrants in the eternal city. 

Thus the growth of Oriental ways, means and religions in Rome, viewed as weird and parasitic at the time, does not feel mysterious anymore. No wonder the Republic couldn’t be reestablished: much, if not apparently most of the population of imperial fascist Rome culturally expected imperial fascism as the best government!

The Oriental genetic component disappeared during the Fifth Century, manu military, under Gothic, Lombard and Frankish invasions, and a chaotic and extremely lethal war by Christian terrorist in chief, emperor Justinian, to reimpose Constantinople in Italy (Rome go seized seven times, all aqueducts were destroyed; once, an army entering Rome found only one inhabitant).


Did Roman Tyrants Import Their Servile Tyrant-Adoring Public?

Such results can be readily interpreted in a racist pro-European way, so they need some talking to: indeed, 70% of the population of Rome was typical of the northern European mix at the time of the Republic… when Rome was truly great. When the Orientals moved in, Rome stopped being great as a republic. Numerous caveats are in order.

First, the study must be confirmed by further sampling, if possible. 

Second, 70% of the population of Rome was typical of the northern European mix at the time of the Republic. This population self-extinguished during the plutocratic class wars from 133 BCE to 27 BCE. So, on the face of it, they seem to have been genetically idiotic. 

So the primary reason for demographic change, chronologically speaking, was civil, and class war (several wars were entangled, including against the closest Italian allies of Rome, the so-called “social war”).

Third, genes by themselves don’t think. What was brought over were fascist Oriental ideologies, and respect thereof. So the fascist ideologies seduced the fascist in power in Rome. Under the Republic, massive immigration did not bring any change in political ideology. Can we draw a conclusion?

An obvious objection to the Great Replacement Theory of Rome is that correlation is not causation. However, during the Great Roman Replacement of Roman genetics we have direct causation with civilizational collapse: after all, the ways, means, appearances and religions of the Near East were adopted by Rome, and GREATLY REPLACED the ways, means, appearances and religion of Rome… Even Roman tolerance and philosophical openness and laissez-faire were replaced by fanaticism and religious executions… The Franks would restore much of these Roman values by 500 CE… And reestablished a modicum of civilization that way… 



The problem with Rome is that the mass immigration came from a concentrated source, the Near East. While much civilization and even law and democracy came from the Near East 5,000 to 3,000 years ago, by the time of the collapse of the Roman Republic, the Near East had been shattered by wars and dictatorships for a millennium, following the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (which, by the way had its own Great Replacement, the invasion of the Sea Peoples)

As the immigrants came into Rome, so came their dictatorship-friendly moods, ideologies and superstitions. Christianism, with its jealous fascist god up in heavens, naturally won the connivence of Roman tyrants (perhaps as early as Vespasian).

However, Christianism, a form of Judaism, initially a tribal religion, was universalized with a strong injection of typical Roman values, for example generalized openness, creating Roman Catholicism (Universalism, in Greek). So Christianism, in spite of its natural hate for critical intelligence,  had some civilizationizing elements of the Roman type, which explains its longevity and influence.

Could that switch from Republic to tyranny have been avoided?

After the civil wars, and Caesar’s assassination, establishing a bloody dictatorship, as Augustus did, was the easy way out, back to bovine-friendly peace.  

Could different ways have been chosen? This is an extremely complex question. Gaul next door stayed extremely rebellious (within the Romanitas world).

A problem was the concentrated origin of the immigrants to Rome (caused in part by the vast populations of the Near East). This advantaged fascist metaphysics from the Near East (religions with many gods are not as fascist as a religion with one crazed maniac god threatening his creatures with “hellfire”, the characteristic of Judeo-Christo-Islamism so pleasant to autocrats).

In Gaul, the population was NOT significantly replaced, and kept embracing a characteristic mood in which Caesar found it: rebellious [1]. The Gallic wars of Caesar may have caused the death and enslavement of a few millions, but that was not enough to replace them Celts all over with Romans, who, anyway, where genetically the same and culturally very close, and military-economically entangled, even before the conquest by Caesar. When, four centuries later, the Germans, or more exactly the Franks came to control Gaul, they were fierce on the battlefield, and on the plowing field, but the Franks were relatively few in numbers. So the genetics and the culture of Gaul didn’t change much, and this explains why the Roman empire was reborn in Gaul. Gaul didn’t just preserve Romanitas: there were actually several attempts over several centuries, before the Imperium Francorum imposed itself, to establish a “Gallic Empire”… There was a state under such a name, preceded and followed by attempts from Frankish generals to seize power in Rome against the excesses of Roman Catholicism… in particular, the Frank Arbogast’s defeat in September 394 CE led immediatly to the collpase of the Occidental empire (a striking and undeniable fact generally ignored by parroting historians). 



Nowadays, Europe gets a lot of immigration from the same general region, now under fascist variants of Judeo-Christo-Islamism… to the point that “Islamophobia” has been more or less identified with being anti-immigration. Moreover, policies to make those immigrants reproduce while discouraging natives to do the same are in place in most of these countries (and those countries who try to advantage their naitves, for example Hungary, are labeled “racist”, a case of blatant hypocrisy, as if the Great Replacement was anti-racist, while, in truth, it’s genetically based!)

The USA does not have this problem of a concentrated immigration and entangled ideology from a particular place: immigration to the USA is from all over. There is a long tradition in the US to throttle back immigration from areas which are not liked, and to advantage others (in the last generation, high tech Russians, Chinese and Indians have been favored). A practical effect is that no genetic group dominates in the USA and thus, no imported ideology dominates: American football still reigns as supreme decerebrating religion. 

Increasingly, the “woke” ideology is supposed to replace on the left yesteryear “Christianity”, as the new way to tie up together (re-ligare). That, and hating Trump. On the right, clinging to values evolved from Christianism is particularly seductive to “Latin” immigrants. That and condemning late term abortions, wokeness, and so on. So the USA has a balance of contradicting ideologies and immigration…. That enables the US to grow its immigration… much more, while reproducing itself ideologically.

What can Europe do to avoid the Great Replacement trap? Well, encourage local reproduction and global immigration, as the USA does… And also be more attentive to imported toxic ideologies of the fascist persuasion: not just Islamism, or Putinism, but also offshorization, the latter something that also affected Rome severely, causing mass unemployment and powerlessness… And directly related to the Great Replacement: Tiberius Gracchus spoke about many elements of this, 21 centuries ago…

The theory of the “Great Replacement” has been controversial in Europe. It is useful to know that it did happen before, and more than once, and the consequences were dramatic.

Want to learn from history? Notice the similarities…

Patrice Ayme



[The modern joke by Italians about Rome is that Rome is the only African city without a European quarter…]


[1] In the context of the preceding chapter, the history of Gaul is very relevant, and offers a completely different, yet complementary picture. Gaul, Gallia Comida was divided in 60 states, with varying polical systems, some with Senates. Gallia was very advanced metallugically, providing weapons for the Romans, and was very proud and strong minded. However, gallic civilization was subject to the Celtic religion, prone to human sacrifices and hostile to literacy for the masses. The Romans wiped out the Druids… And the Celts were thankful.

This gratefulness for having eliminated Druid theocracy explains why Gaul never again protested Roman civilization: instead, it got incorporated, and Gaul became more Roman than Rome. At the same time, papyrus from Egypt became a basic necessity, and middle easterners and their camels were ubiquitous… The genetic dislocation of Italy didn’t occur, and the basic mood was preserved, with the tweak that established religion got a bad name… at least until the terror of Louis XIV…


P/S: «Une société, une civilisation, nous a avertis l’historien René Grousset (died 1952), ne se détruisent de leurs propres mains que quand elles ont cessé de comprendre leurs raisons d’être, quand l’idée dominante autour de laquelle elles étaient naguère organisées leur est devenue comme étrangère.»

“A society, a civilization, warned us the historian René Grousset, only destroy themselves with their own hands when they have ceased to understand the reasons for their own existence, when the dominant idea around which they were once organized has become alien. »

This is what happened in Rome with the Great Replacement, when the idea of Republic became an alien, and this is what Europe is presently threatened with, as it makes into a moral principle to adore mentalities it used to abhor….

Debate Islam Intellectually: That Means Don’t Massacre Muslims

March 15, 2019

There was an abominable attack against people inside mosques in New Zealand. The perpetrators explained they created violence, to lead Jihadists in turn to be more violent, amplifying the initial violence, until apartheid ensues, and all Muslims go back home (never mind that some of the “Muslims” went to the “West” precisely because they couldn’t stand Islam anymore; moreover many of the worst Jihadists are “Western” converts to Islam, as the final battles of the Islamist State showed).

The idea of the assassins in New Zealand then is that the “Great Replacement” of “whites” by “Muslims” would stop, once the violence level is high enough.

That there is a “Great Replacement” is a fact, but the cause is not Islam per se. We have seen that story before, namely when the plutocrats took power in the Roman Republic: the population of Italy collapsed. It doesn’t have thus to do with Islam, but with the replacement of democracy by plutocracy, and the discouragement which then possess the subjugated masses…

Bringing violence in, amplifying it, could work, it has worked many times before, except if everybody knows the game, because then everybody goes meta on the game, and the game changes to a meta form, another game. All the more that, in this case, this is the ultimate form of game, where people become game and get killed… thus motivating all participants (that’s all of grown-up humanity) to become much more involved and smarter.

I have been there. Magnificent. I recommend visiting Isfahan, one of the world’s most spectacular cities. An occasion to ponder the history of iran, at the time of Shah Abbas…. And why, ultimately, didn’t work… Thus why a more democratic society is intellectually, thus physically, superior…

Earlier in the week, the relevant authority in Pakistan called me all sorts of names and asked for my site to be shut down (supposedly that was partly one; I would be interested to know how many islamofascist countries obeyed…) Clearly, civilization is having a problem with debating ideas.

Some Mosques are among the world’s most beautiful buildings, and should be religiously preserved, just for that. In the name of the religion of the most beautiful art. Although Islam administered countries didn’t contribute to civilization as much as Islamophiles claim, they played a positive rle, be it only, irony of ironies, by preserving a significant part of the Greco-Roman inheritance found in the regions the Jihadists had invade.

The basic Islam ideology was the fruit of Muhammad’s life. Said life was entangled with Christianism and Judaism. Muhammad actually met his first wife thanks to some Christian whom he had met in Christian land, next to (then Christian administered and occupied) Jerusalem. Later, a cousin of theat first wife, who was one of the most famous  and proselytizing Muslims in Arabia, suggested to muhammad that his visions in the desert were those of the Archangel Gabriel, talking in the name of the (Judeo-Christian) god. As there were difference between what Muhammad thought he heard and the practice of Christians and Jews, he endeavored to set them right in a set of revelations, the Recitation, the Qur’an.

Muhammad had other agendas too, and became a confirmed caravan raider, after being a caravan trader for his wealthy business woman of a wife. He was well aware of the fragile state of Rome and Sassanid Persia after a long exhausting war between these two. He declared that was the best time to attack in 1,000 years, after 12 centuries of Greek and Persian domination. So attack he did: he led a huge army into Roman territory… but the Romans refused combat and withdrew. Muhammad went back to Mecca, and mysteriously died, traditionally age 62 (but his real age may have been very different).

At Muhammad’s death, the first two “Successors”, the first two “Caliphs”, Abu Bakr and Omar, conspired to tweak or select much of the Qur’an. Aisha, Muhammad’s child-bride was involved in this too: confronted by Omar about the disappearance of some verses in the Qur’an, she claimed that she had hidden them under a bed, but, unfortunately, a goat had found the verses, and eaten them. Omar was a notorious mysogenine, and Aisha was notoriously free-wheeling (with Muhammad’s benediction).

Muslim warriors (Jihhadists) were promised to sit next to god if they died fighting for Islam. Under Abu Bakr and Omar, in a few years, the Muslim army destroyed Persia, and conquered Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The military expansion of Islam took all by surprise, and, within a generation, Islam had the largest empire on Earth ever. Ultimately, the Greek Fire of the Roman Navy prevented the fall of Constantinople. A circumnavigation around the Mediterranean subdued North Africa after a long and terrible war. The conquest of Spain, though, was rapid.

Then three Muslim invasion of France in quick succession failed, with huge Muslim defeats in Toulouse (721 CE), Poitiers (732 CE), Narbonne (748 CE). its army annihilated, the Umayyad Caliphate in Damascus fell (750 CE), and was replaced by the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad… which, ultimate irony, was Iranian controlled…

The next irony: Baghdad fell to the Mongols, and their Frankish, Georgian and Armenian allies.  

In the following 13 centuries, more than 100 variant of Islam evolved. Some have really nothing in common: Black African Sunni Islam could have women not just with naked heads, but naked torsos, and free exhibitionist mentalities commensurate to their minimal clothing… While in some Arab countries, women could be killed, just for having interacted with a non-Muslim male.

My family is half from Africa, and I spent my childhood among “Muslims”. Except those Muslims had nothing to do with the bigots now presented as “Muslim”, who are anxious to impose their “Sharia”. Those a bit familiar with Muhammad know well that the Sharia, much of it established well after Muhammad’s death, doesn’t reflect Muhammad’s mentality. Although Muhammad had something against civilization as organized by Romans and Persians, he was not sexist, considering the circumstances: he apparently gave Aisha the discretion upon her sexual freedom, although they were married (she was still a teenager). When the bishop of Alexandria offered him a Christian female slave of great beauty, he loved her immensely, all the more as she gave him his only son (who died of disease, a few months before his father). Clearly, if one espouses Muhammad anti-sexist spirit, women shouldn’t be legally worth half of what men are worth, etc. Sometimes following the letter condemns the spirit. 

Greco-Roman polytheism didn’t force the masses to practice it. Christianism and Islamism (differently from their origin, Judaism) forced those who practiced other beliefs to become Christian, or Muslim, or then subjugated and exploited them. Hence Christians and Muslims eradicated all religions… except Judaism, which, being their root, proved harder to extricate…

Enough with all this cretinism. How do we mitigate it?

It is alarming that countries, such as Pakistan, which practice the enforcement of a particular superstitious religion, are allowed to be considered in good standing at the United Nations. Instead, they should be condemned and having various privileges removed. Democracies and the organizations and corporations originating from them should be forced to make cooperation with various fascisms increasingly difficult.  

Secularism is the way. The alternative is war. In the case of Pakistan, it means thermonuclear war. Before we come to that, we should debate.

Meanwhile, let’s protest against dictatorship, as millions of Algerians are presently doing. There the demonstrators don’t hesitate to tell the truth: the present FNL dictatorship was put in power by… France. More exactly what one should call the French presidential dictatorship of De Gaulle, then in power. Referendums had been conducted in Algeria, during the dusk of Paris colonial rule. The will of the Algerian people, long neglected, was then clearly expressed:Algeria wanted democracy, a Republic… And that will was violated by the powers that be, in power then in Paris (acting on behalf of the influences behind the French throne, and some came from the world of finance, Washington, Moscow…).

Paradoxically, the racist De Gaulle thought he could separate France and Algeria. Forever. That was naive on his part (or then his racism was out of rational control). Instead, we ended with the Great Replacement, because the same logic which exploited Algeria all too long, exploited France in turn… Whereas Algerians reacted with a demographic explosion, France, and Europe reacted with the opposite. That, again, is nothing new: we have many historical examples, of both effects, that’s how populations get replaced. And there is a logic underneath, it should be debated… because, nowadays, the weapons are bigger, and the going down, not as placid…

Patrice Ayme


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever