Archive for the ‘Realism’ Category

The Right To Truth Is The Fundamental Human Right: No Truth, No Reality, No Rights

January 13, 2024

Is Truth The Fundamental Human Right? Yes! No Other “Right” Can Exist Without It!

Imagine this: a land where the authorities expect females to get their naughty bits mutilated a bit, and would then have only half the rights of men, a land where boys would have their ears cut into pointed triangles, doberman style… The authorities would explain that such is their religion. Should that culture be respected? If not, why not? 

In “human rights” there are two bits:”human” and “rights”. Both are naughty. One has to define “human” and define what a “right” is. Well a “right” is what comes straight out of human nature (that’s why it’s “right” [1]). Naughty bits and non-mutilated ears are all out of human nature. To pretend otherwise is a lie. The argument that mutilations cause pain doesn’t have to be considered.

Moreover, in the age of transhumanism, what “human” is… has to be reasserted [0].


The UN Declaration of Human Rights rests on undefined terms, such as “the right to peaceful assembly”. Is it peaceful when women assemble to show their heads in a country where it is unlawful to show adult female heads?

Or the UN says “freedom of religion” is a human right. What about religions with human sacrifices? Rome said they had no rights.

How does one find out what is “peaceful”? Truth, reality are the answers.   

Philosophers have considered “rights” as axioms, basically. The justification of axioms, in mathematics, is what they allow us to do: in mathematics, the ends justify the means… 

For example, one needed a number the square of which was minus one… because it enabled us to make some computations. So why not do as if it existed [2]? This is how so-called “imaginary numbers” were intorduced in the Sixteenth Century… They baffled and horrified for a long time, but actually light can’t do without them. So “imaginary numbers” are plain to see… anytime one sees…

In math, the ends justify the means, until the means become themselves new beginings.
And so it is with humanity. The bottom line, in the end, is that humanity will do what it takes, whatever it takes, to survive. As far as the only creator there is, evolution, this meta behavior, whatever it takes, is beyond any need to justify it, being the essence of evolution, that is, the creator, itself. This reasoning will hold on any planet, any civilization, however extraterrestrial…

[From the strange and beautiful planet I am from… Yes, perception may vary, thus so will truth. But truth is what’s left after all errors have been found.]

So what are the rights of humanity facing extinction? A right could be interpreted as a preferred behavior. For example, children suffering from bombardment have a right to live… But that only means that, say, an armed force pursuing a just war will try its best to prevent children from dying… but without stopping the bombardment which kills the children.

To mitigate the death of children in a just war, one needs the truth, reality, finding out where the children are and getting them out of harm’s way… So preferred behaviors, our generalization of rights, can be ascertained only through reality, truth.

Conversely violating truth and reality is generally the engine of abuse. For example, Puin has an upside down view of history, where the Kremlin creates Kyiv.. And Ukraine was created as a borderland of Russia.   

So no truth, no reality, no rights. 

The worst problem with the Nazis is not that they were “bad”. People tend to act badly because they feel they are “good”, or “justified”. No, the most fundamental problem with the Nazis is that they were hallucinating. In particular their “racial” theories made no sense (many of the top Nazis had demonstrable Jewish envy [3]… One envies only what is superior. So why trying to claim the Jews were inferior

Straight as an arrow: humanity seeks truth, must seek the truth and reality, to have any right at all. Practical conclusion? Any ideology trying to murder truth and reality stands ready to violate all and any right. In particular any religion based on a superstition, especilly a violent one, or an ideology based on the will to deny truth, for example by advocating dictatorship, or, even worse, plutocracy.

Want rights? Go straight to the truth!

Patrice Ayme



[0] Redefining humanity philosophically is necessary… because it has already been redefined technologically, ever since magic mushrooms have been used, hundreds of thousands of years before alcohol was invented… Now we are in the age of neural links… The essence of the genus Homo is intelligence, what one needs to ascertain truths. Welcome EI, Essential Intelligence, as the essence of humanity… To immerse AI and AC…


[1] Be it in German, Frisian, Irish, all over “right”, straight and law all emanate from the same PIE root *reg- “move in a straight line,” also “to rule, to lead straight, to put right” (source also of Greek orektos “stretched out, upright;” Latin rectus “straight, right;” Old Persian rasta- “straight; right,”


[2] A geometric justification was found by Argand around 1800 CE. Two centuries later it became clear to me that all the complex numbers do is to describe light (and its polarization, that’s where the square root of -1 appears….


[3] Goebbels was desperately in love with a Jewish girk, who rejected him. Hitler may have been Jewish by his own criterion (but of course he reserved himself the right to arianize anyone…). Many other top Nazis ressembled the caricatures they made a of Jews… And then the top Nazi magazine represented a perfect arian baby who turned utto have been Jewish… It was a running joke in Nazi Germany that the top Nazis looked pretty much like the degenerates they wanted to extinguished…

On The Moral Necessity Of The Aggressive Method. Earth Against Apes.

July 17, 2022

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing

(Paraphrasing a well known expression of reality.)

Why? Bad people -evil- or individuals behaving diabolically are guaranteed: indeed not just are there zillions of ways to be bad, and they are hard to avoid… But there is a most fundamental psychological reason for evil:

Evil generates conflict, and conflict masters the human condition. Si vis bellum, para pacem. War generates neurological peace.

You will ask me: why don’t we humans want harmony instead? Because harmony brings the mental space for the contemplation of one’s human condition, that is of human’s desperately ominous fate. Harmony brings thus, neurologically speaking… nothing. Neurological peace is nihilism. Only the most debasing subjugation justifies it neurologically.

Neurology is made to be active: fight or flight is its friend, so is building, achieving, and, overall, strongly emoting. And not just that: neurology is made to handle complication, and, overall, debate, which means beat thoroughly.

Hence the seduction of mayhem, even when it makes no apparent sense, because that other, deeper, sense, filling up a metaphysical void, is always there. 

All this mayhem makes Putin a friend of nerves, indeed… Too much of a good thing in this case, of course. Russian gas has been cut off in France weeks ago. France is perfectly OK, didn’t even notice. The current account of Russia, from a deluge of oil, is catastrophically positive. The world war against the demented nuclear tyrant has to be won. All this is known. Repeating faithfully the insanities of Putin makes one a criminally insane fascist. All such matters are good neurological stuff, excellent material to forget that life ia scream told by an idiot, signifying nothing… Something that neurology knows is false, or it won’t exist…

A dominant way of achieving evil is through studied nonchalance, politeness galore. Politeness is what made the polis possible, except now old fashion politeness is killing the polis.


So here I was, confronting a number of authoritative types, elected to various functions and owners of this, that and the other thing, who had concocted in combination with landscape architects, arborists, board members, and official government organization (French ONF, Office National des Forets) and the like, a plan to cut more than 60% of the trees in a park, some of them 100 feet tall. All the reasons they gave are bogus. My preferred one was that, if one did not cut some of the trees now, they may die in ten or twenty years.

Unfortunately for these learned powers, I have used this park for decades, often writing below the trees. And so did my dying mom. A number of individuals, very much in opposition to the project, tried many things to block it, and then sued (I am part of the lawsuit). At a party, though, I had the occasion to meet with some of the proponent of the project, who head some board(s), acted important, and hid their cut-60%-of-trees determination behind nebulous considerations about the elective process.

My position: those who cut large trees without extremely good reasons are criminals, and nebulous hypocrisy or authoritative mines are no refuge. I duly expressed very loudly my decisive position, adding that the governmental ONF was corrupt (it makes money and power from cutting trees).


Many participants were outraged by my outrage… But, this is the sixth extinction. And the invasion of Ukraine is part of it (Putin wants to grab one of the world’s wealthiest agricultural regions).  

Truth and reality is what will save us, as determined through debates. If authorities can’t dominate a debate and all they do is to use the Führerprinzip (we the authorities rule absolutely), they should be, at least, attacked verbally.


Long ago, I knew a very high level (C suite) executive of a major oil company (Total). A major real estate development was going to happen next to his birthplace, in the Calanques (seeadjoined picture). He used his considerable technical knowledge, and James Bond like personality, to physically sabotage the project, causing millions of dollars of destruction to enemy machinery. The project was abandoned as a result, and the area is now part of the National Park of Calanques… This was long ago, passed all legal delays, and my friend died (violently, for principle in an unrelated matter as he refused unethical orders). 


Eco-terrorism is sometimes terrorization of eco-criminals and that’s terror, as deserved and ethically required.

We, and our planet, are past the time of niceties. Or even the time of blahblahblah, as Greta Thunberg pointed out…

Most of the leaders of the planet exude stupidity, arrogance, mediocrity and astronomic vileness. Those infamous inclinations are not just their motivation, but their propellant. The very way according to which leadership is established, that is the present leadership by greedy, haughty apes, instead of a leadership by strong debates and creative ideas is what is bringing disaster.

Respect for said leaders and how they got selected (by the powers that be, mustering elections) is what ciments the process. 

Aggressively denouncing that violence, or aggressively counterattacking it, is the only way to get out of it. 

Far from calling for stoicism, the insufferable, when there is still hope, doesn’t call for the other cheek, but for stabbing through the heart, as John Snow does to his lover and queen, who “always will be his queen”, the beautiful and heroic warrior queen in Games Of Thrones, Mother of Dragons, after she says, all mesmerized by her own power:”they don’t get to choose”… Speaking of everybody else.

John Snow was doing the aggressive thing, the most aggressive thing, as advised by his closest counselors, and flowing down from his two sisters… And he did it in a fully timely manner. We are all victim of our beautiful queen, this so-called “democratic” system, which doesn’t work: it fed Putin, and this year the emissions of Greenhouse Gasses will probably be the highest, ever (so much for the ridiculous Paris Accord). 

There is still hope for saving the biosphere. But there is no hope for the present world political system. We must act accordingly. 

Saving all big trees from destruction should be one of the tenets of the new religion we need to rest our ethical system upon [1]… That and another few hundred ecological commands.

And we should call them commandments, as the old religions had it.

As it is, our self-congratulating leaders are just apes. We, and the planet, deserve better. We deserve debate… ethymologically the most aggressive thing, neurologically speaking….

Patrice Ayme

What my friend saved through eco-sabotage.

[1] In its biased and soporifically soothing climate projections, the UN climate panel (GIEC in French; IPCC, International Panel of Climate Experts) always stuffs in a mysterious, and misleading carbon capture mechanism. In truth, that man-made carbon capture does not, and will not exist (before we get free energy, say from fusion, freeze the CO2 out of the air, and inject it in basalt). The only carbon capture mechanism we have is forests made of large trees (besides plankton in the sea, and deep ocean currents, for now). Big trees are not enough per se, but they will certainly mitigate… even before using genetic engineering to grow fast really enormous trees… which is one modest solution I would propose….

XX = XY? Wrong! “Transgender”: Go For It. Trans-Karyotype: Can’t Be.

May 30, 2022

To subjugate women better, some men have  found a new trick: claiming to be women. And it one gets in the way of their male XY imperialism, they cry foul, while stampeding over science, reason, and evidence… secretly enticed by greed and the watchful plutocracy which never misses the latest trick to make fun of rationality.

A karyotypical female is XX, a karyotypical male, XY. (Rare) XXY & XYY generally show male phenotype. Call a woman what you want. Transgender is in the eye of the beholders, not in the karyotype. Con jobs claiming ain’t so, are most lucrative for many a low life: 

These are simple truths. So low has reason got in the Commons, that we have to stoop to point all of this out…

Just as it is simple that, one a fetus is viable, it is a human being, thus a baby, and must, as all human lives, be sacred (except if the life of the mother is at risk, bla, bla, bla). 

Of course human lives can, and sometimes must, be sacrificed. 

For example fighting the potential nuclear war criminal, the insanely criminal tyrant Putin.

XY karyotype “Ms.” Harris, not so good against fellow men swimmers, but number one against XX creatures, has already declared “her” XY karyotype support for transgender athletes and denounced transphobia (whatever that is). In an interview, “she”, XY karyotype Harris, said that “she”, XY karyotype Harris, had replied that “she”, XY karyotype Harris, would not change rules in midseason. “Somehow,” a swimmer recalled, “the question of women in sport has become a culture war.”


Sebastian Coe, the Olympic champion runner, head of the International Association of Athletics Federations, which governs world track, speaks of biological difference as inescapable. “Gender,” he said recently, “cannot trump biology.”

When a body is flushed with male hormonal patterns during puberty, or, even, in the womb, irreversible physiological changes happen. Those changes do not just reflect that fact XYs evolved as warriors and greater physical power dispensers as human species progressed genetically in the last few million years. Apes already have these differences: male apes can be much more powerful physically than the females, as in chimps, gorillas and orangutans. So the difference is several dozens of millions of years ingrained. 

Individuals such as Lia Thomas, who looks more like a male silverback gorilla than Marylin Monroe, know all of this. They are just getting material advantage while they can. They are warriors out there to get their women, by claiming to be the real thing. They are frauds.

Yet, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ignores science, that is knowledge. “It’s not a women’s sport if it doesn’t include ALL women athletes,” the group tweeted. “Lia Thomas belongs on the Penn swimming and diving team.”  

Well, let’s create: TRANS-SPORTS… Let’s transport them where they are going: in their own owrld, neither truly here, or there. (I am so funny, I hope everybody is laughing with me…)

When the first, “black woman” appeared for confirmation in front of the US Senate, she was asked what a woman was. She retorted she was “not a biologist”. Gee, millions of years of biology, just to get to the point of total judicial confusion…

US Senator XX Ms. Blackburn had brought up that XY swimmer who claims to be XX, as Judge Jackson’s first day of questioning was coming to a close, and asked, “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?”

Judge Jackson dodged the question as outside of her role, with her sly “I’m not a biologist.” But US Senator XX Ms. Blackburn came in for the kill:

“The fact that you can’t give me a straight answer about something as fundamental as what a woman is underscores the dangers of the kind of progressive education that we are hearing about,” she said. “Just last week, an entire generation of young girls watched as our taxpayer-funded institutions permitted a biological man to compete and be a biological woman in the N.C.A.A. swimming championships. What message do you think this sends to girls who aspire to compete and win in sports at the highest levels?”

Descriptive concepts such as “biological woman” and “biological man” are central to discussing differences in performance. Many trans rights activists claim such expressions are transphobic. Ludicrously, they confuse biology and gender identity, using the latter, which is largely a social construct, to pretend that the former, biology, is also a social construct… while in fact it is a physical fact, like the Moon.

Right, someday we should be able to put an atmosphere on the Moon, and maybe someday, and that would be much harder, long after we have achieved eternal youth, we will be able to turn XX into XY, and reciprocally. However, meanwhile, that cannot be done with a knife, or the mouths of crooks. 

What is wise is to follow evidence, not posers. 

Implicitly claiming that XY individuals are XX is an attack against reason: this is why the plutocratic media likes this unreasonable equation of transgenderism and karyotype… because attacking reason is what plutocrats want, as there are no reasons for them, and plenty against them.

Reality is the target of those who claim XX = XY [1]. Thus they are not just sexist lunatics, but objective accomplices of the world’s plutocratic order, and civilizational doom!

They even help Putin, as the nuclear mass homicidal idiot and his accomplice the Patriarch Kyril, had an easy time condemning western transgenderization of reality. The Old Believers of the Kremlin rightly point out the madness and the fakeness of men who claim to be women to better oppress women… By making the West less crazy we pursue our objective better:


Patrice Ayme


Lia Thomas told Sports Illustrated: “I’m not a man. I’m a woman, so I belong on the women’s team.”
Credit… David Walter Banks for The New York Times. It is the case of a XY he who wants to be call she… But this he-she is still XY.

[1] Kathleen Stock, a British philosopher whose work is grounded in her feminist and lesbian identity, wrote: “Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism”. She argues against the insistence that one’s gender identity is all. That is to miss, she said, the profound importance of the lived experience of being born a biological female.

We are caught up in this fever dream,” she said in an interview. “How could it be that a social construct and not the material reality of being a woman is guiding our thoughts and our physical performance?

I find it incredible that we have to point this out.”

Well, as I said, from my meta-philosophical point of view, this has all to do with the war of global plutocracy with reality. Just as, for 24 years, the atrociousness of Putin was denied, and instrumentalized, the unreal denial of the absurdity of XX = XY is part of the war on science and reason… Replacin g all by the wishfull thinking of low lives…

Busing: A Racist Fake Herring. Kamala Harris’ Disingenuous Berkeley Jeremiad

July 2, 2019

Preaching the Good Lord, to better practice being a Devil, what’s more human?

Kamala Harris, US Senator and the youngest of the top four presidential candidates, demolished ex-Vice President, and leading candidate, Joe Biden, in a pulverizing exchange, in her first democratic debate. A baffled Biden is now history, I reckon (or hope). 

Now I don’t like Biden, mostly because he is a “moderate” whose business model used to be right of Reagan, thus empowering plutocracy ever more… But I despise Kamala’s “busing” bandwagon.  Warren presents really new ideas, whereas Harris takes the same old bus to Political Correctness. It’s precisely because the unjust stupidity of busing was so passionately promoted by pseudo-progressives, at the detriment of real solutions, that lethal inequality was allowed to grow, unnoticed.  That was so insane, it promoted insanity some more.

Clearly Harris has a very high probability to be US president someday; she has presidential presence, and the killer instinct of the prosecutor she was. Had I been her, I would have made the same point on busing, just to demolish Biden (philosophers on the edge of human understanding have to be the most cynical creatures). But, eschewing Harris’ excellent (for herself) tactics, busing is not a good thing. Busing was, and is, mostly a red herring, it has very bad consequences today. Not just per se, but as an example of diabolical diversionary tactic impelling the exact opposite of what it claims to fight (more on this in another essay). Such diversions have replaced the desired ends: see the destruction of murals proclaiming precisely the horror, and error, of real history.

Let me explain busing, for those readers not from the USA who can’t conceive of that peculiar madness. “Busing” consists into driving children to schools far away, in the misguided hope it will drive down segregation and racism. All what busing achieved was a mad drive towards wealthy, tax reduced, distant, segregated suburbs, so-called “Gated Communities”… And thus “busing” made worse what it was pretending to cure, segregation in the USA… thus busing ended up building worse problems than what it was fighting (see below). 

And, importantly enough, Berkeley, where Harris grew up, is a perfect example that the problems got worse. [1] 

Busing in the USA. Instead of going to school, you shall go to bus, to make sure you stay stupid. The children are removed from their neighborhood, to be brought to a school in another distant neighborhood supposedly with a different “race”. Kamala Harris, who was not from US parents, spent more than an hour and a half in and around buses, each day, instead of going to a school next to her home. Guess what? In Berkeley, everybody left, in the end. Especially the “blacks” busing was supposed to help. The likes of me are now living there, and doing everything there, including having lots of anti-racial and anti-racist thoughts, and sentiment… And not liking polluting buses, and pseudo-progressives whose true calling is colossal hypocrisy.

Some progressive friends (who, overall, are against busing) advised me not to vocalize against busing because, as the time, they say, it helped to fight segregation. The funny thing is that there is colossal and increasing segregation in the San Francisco Bay Area, but it’s all about money, not skin color. Besides, Kamala Harris is not an African American, she just masquerades as one…

Busing helped with what? It was pretty obvious that the madness of putting kids up to two hours a day in buses would have the opposite effect, long term. Busing helped towards accepting to be ruled by a mood of irrationality. And deciding that make-belief was best. What busing provoked, the flight towards the suburbs, and supergiant gated communities, was entirely predictable. Actually, Palo Alto (30 miles south of Berkeley), outright split itself in two. The servants were made to live in the newly created “East Palo Alto”, on the other side of the giant 101 freeway. In the SF Bay Area, a plutocrat who just died, made his billions by building entire gated cities along the I 680 corridor… As a reaction to busing, wealthy folks fled there. [2].


I know the geography of the area very well, and the school where Kamala was “bused”, at the foot of the hills. I also criss cross, on foot and car, West Berkeley all the time, where I live, shop, and my child goes to school. I lived there longer than Harris, I saw the evolution, and view many powers that be in Berkeley, as perfect hypocrites, preaching the Good Lord, while practicing the Devil. 

There are huge problems in Berkeley now, arguably even greater than during the few years when Harris lived here.  There are much fewer African-Americans, but the non-“white” minorities are a majority. 

The main problem of Berkeley, the Bay Area and California, is housing. Berkeley NIMBYs have systematically refused the construction of high density living, using absolutely any argument they could possibly imagine. That NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) attitude is generalized in the San Francisco Bay Area. It has prevented high density living, electrification and improvement of metro and train lines (it would ameliorate commuting, reduce pollution, and that matters in people who, as I do, live in West Berkeley: a busy train track sees 100 carriages fracked oil trains going to the Richmond refinery, and giant merchandise trains going to the East Coast all the time).

The housing crisis has created squalor. The homeless live in incredible filth, greater than anything seen in the 1960s. The other day, in Oakland, one of the squalid tent cities caught fire below the 14 lane freeway. Enormous black smoke was pouring out both sides of the humongous freeway. Such fires of the filthy homeless camps happen all the time. Berkeley is very good at just one thing: keeping the homeless completely away from the wealthy parts of town.

The solution to bad schools is good schools with well paid teachers… not hitting the road in a bus, with the preconceived attitude that it’s better among the “whites”.

Harris should call for better schools and decent housing. Equality, not yesterday’s racism, and busing around clapping children.

Patrice Ayme



[1] Here is the NYT about the Harris-Biden story: 

Kamala Harris and Classmates Were Bused Across Berkeley. The Experience Changed Them

“BERKELEY, Calif. — In 1967, the superintendent of the Berkeley, Calif., school district had resolved to desegregate the city schools. “We will set an example for all the cities of America,” he wrote in a report called “Integration: A Plan for Berkeley,” which he presented to the Berkeley Board of Education. “The children of Berkeley will grow in a community where justice is part of their pattern of life,” the report stated.

Several years later, a young girl named Kamala Harris, the daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, boarded a school bus — part of that school integration program that would change her, the city and the country’s conversation about racial politics.

“There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day, and that little girl was me,” Ms. Harris, now a senator and candidate for president, said on Thursday evening onstage at the Democratic debate. She was directly addressing former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and what she described as his history of opposition to mandatory busing.

In that moment, Ms. Harris invoked a complex part of American history, and the way cities tried to address how segregated the country’s classrooms remained…”

Complex, and ineffectual, not to say decerebrating… Little girl Kamala spent forty (40) minutes, each way, twice a day, in that polluted, polluting bus. NOT getting instructed. Instead… My own daughter has gone to school in West berkeley, and only in West Berkeley, all her life. Does that make her racially inferior? Less bused?

Burning Housing Projects of high density living is a San Francisco Bay Area NIMBY occupation, a new form of racism… Santa Clara, SF Bay Area, June 28, 2019….

New York Times going lyrical on (not so) poor Kamala motoring around town: 

She and her peers played hand-clapping games to pass the time, one classmate remembered, aware that their bus ride took them to a neighborhood different from theirs, but not that it was something a superintendent had to fight for.

Students who attended Berkeley public schools during the early years of the integration effort recall the experience as a defining one for them.

“Racism didn’t go away because we were bused,” said Doris Alkebulan, 58, who was part of the initial group of black students in Berkeley to be bused to a majority white school. “What about play dates? Were you going to be invited to the birthday party? Would you be chosen for the team?””


[2] “Ms. Harris onstage at the debate reflected on a time in Berkeley history when moderate politics were falling apart. Though the city was a microcosm of seismic political changes in the country as a whole, including antiwar sentiment and free speech activism, one major catalyst for transformation was school busing. As white families who opposed busing left town for the suburbs in 1967, they gave way to an insurgent new left.

“Busing was really when Berkeley split and became leftist because a lot of people who couldn’t handle that change, they left,” said Jef Findley, a librarian at the Berkeley Public Library specializing in city history, who helped make an oral history of the city’s busing and desegregation. “The moderate, pro-business rightist town became a leftist town.”

Except, as I pointed out in my essay above, not really: Most powers that be in Berkeley talk as if they were leftists, but most act as what they are, property owners living in multimillion dollar homes. Plus actually, maximum Berkeley activism was in 1968, when busing had just started, and the wealthy had not moved out yet… And, it turns out, never really did… 

New York Times again: 

“Carole Porter, 55, who now works in information technology, lived around the corner from Ms. Harris. The two girls took the bus up the hill from the middle-class Berkeley flats where they lived to Thousand Oaks, a school in the white, more affluent Berkeley hills. Ms. Porter recalled that the ride took about 40 minutes.

Ms. Harris attended a Montessori school for kindergarten and joined Ms. Porter at Thousand Oaks in first grade.”

Patrice reality check: Montessori schools are private schools. Harris was going to a private school. Their cost is typically around $20,000 (2019 dollars). So Kamala Harris was far from destitute. “More affluent” relative to what? Private school children?

The New York Times produced specious statistics on “race” in Berkeley (let alone that Harris who is half-Indian, half-Jamaican, is viewed as “black”). According to those, when “Ms. Harris joined the class in 1970, her first grade year, which was the third year of integration. The school had been 2.5 percent black in 1963. In 1969, it was 40.2 percent black as a result of integration.”

However, my daughter has played on the playground of that exact same school many times… And the notion of “black” is, simply, not relevant. Basically all races are represented… Yet the “African-American” “race”, to speak like an American racist, is, ironically enough, the rarest, it has basically disappeared from Berkeley: the darkish colored are typically recent immigrants. It is as if “busing” bused the “blacks” out of town…

Actually the NYT recognizes that: 

“Now, Berkeley is a wealthier and whiter town than when Ms. Harris was growing up. In 1970, the city was 23 percent black; today it is only 10 percent black. The median sale price for a two-bedroom apartment is $1.2 million…” 10% is obviously an overestimate. Most “blacks” in Berkeley are recent immigrants who do not view themselves as “African-American” (rightly so). There is a large Asian and Hispanic contingent….

And the NYT also recognizes, towards the end of its own article, that busing was a dismal failure: Given alternatives like low-income housing in middle-income areas or changed school boundaries, only 9 percent of blacks said they preferred busing, and just 5 percent of whites did.” At the time. Busing is still practiced in parts of the Bay Area and viewed by its potential victims as a terrible oppression to be avoided at literally all cost… But it keeps on going because the pseudo-progressives who vote for it in city governments, typically have no children, or send their own children to extremely expensive private schools…. So busing has become an instrument of racial class subjugation: if you are poor, your child shall be submitted to the horror of the bus which never ends, and clapping games is all the education the child will get.

Meanwhile, rabid NIMBYs keep on killing as many density housing projects as they can… When not outright burning them….

Consider this from 2017: Tuesday morning’s big fire in West Oakland marked the ninth time since 2012 that a fire broke out at a housing construction site in the East Bay, leaving housing developers on edge. Many of the blazes have been intentionally set in the middle of the night, and in two cases surveillance video captured suspects, according to investigators. This keeps on happening, all the way to June 2019, massive fire housing project in Santa Clara

Why & How Trevor Noah Reeks Of Racism. Please Understand This To Lessen Racism

July 19, 2018

Trevor Noah, an immigrant “humorist” in the US with a huge audience, made gorilla gestures while saying: ““Africa won the World Cup. I get it, they have to say it’s the French team. But look at those guys. You don’t get that tan by hanging out in the south of France, my friends.

No, I am not your friend. Although about as much from Africa as you are. I actually detest the sort of facile spirit, bordering idiocy, you display. And I don’t befriend those who judge according to the color of the skin, the racist. Noah judges people by the color of their skin, and he boasts and beams about it. Noah is viewed as “black” in the US, although many “white” people coming out of their winter caves, can acquire just as much a tan as him by hanging around the south of France, that’s a bit more than the tan of the French football superstar, Kylian Mbappé Lottin, né le 20 décembre 1998 à Paris.

When asked, the players said, and insisted, again and again, that they owed their career to the “Republic”. Not, not once, to Islam or Africa (as much US media insisted, as if Black Africans were all Muslim… And Islam there has not much in common with Mecca, but for the ability to get there…) 

Dictator-President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela zeroed in on Les Bleus, following the Trevor Noah lead, lying just as outrageously: “the French team seems like the African team. In reality Africa won, the African immigrants who arrived in France.

Actually the star French players are all French born. They are NOT immigrants. Paul Labile Pogba, né le 15 mars 1993 à Lagny-sur-Marne en Seine-et-Marne. N’Golo Kanté, né le 29 mars 1991 à Paris, etc. (My own nickname selected by me while living in West Africa was Golo, a word with its own meaning…) The fact that the French team is from the (full) Republic, and not from “Africa”, where Republics as Republican as present-day France don’t exist, is geopolitically crucial… And is what impacts the quality of the football…

A protesting French Ambassador Araud wrote to Trevor Noah the players of the National Football team are French citizens—born (except for 2 out of 23), educated, and taught to play soccer in France. “They are proud of their country: France,” Araud wrote. “The rich and various backgrounds of these players is a reflection of France’s diversity.

That last line fascinated Noah, who retorted: “Now, I’m not trying to be an asshole, but I think it’s more a reflection of France’s colonialism. Because it’s not like it’s just like random players; they all have something in common. Like all of those players, if you trace their lineage you’re like, ‘How did you guys become French? How did your family start speaking French? Oh, O.K.’”

You don’t have to try to be an asshole, you got it. South Africa you are from was really colonized recently by the Afrikaners (17 C), the English (around 1900), and the Zulus (14 C), and the Xhosas (another Bantu group which arrived a bit earlier, and was pushed by the Ama Zulu, the People of the Sky). In general, the Bantus colonized South Africa in the last millennium, over the dead bodies of the original Khoisan population. Now, that’s real colonization, US style: go somewhere, kill the natives, replace them… The Bantus colonized, the US colonized… There are presently no French “colons” in Africa (there were basically never any; most French were administrators, hospital personnel, etc.)

Fighting racism is, first, about identifying what racism is. That’s start with educating racists. Noah, reading the letter above made still another racist asshole joke, showing he really doesn’t get it.

This unintelligent wealthy Noah person doesn’t realize that the ancestors of these French players did as Noah himself did. Having a career in racist, violent South Africa didn’t appeal to him, so he moved to the USA.

Noah was born of a tragedy, from a German Swiss who abandoned him and a local Xhosa, Patricia. So he himself is the fruit of some sort of colonialism (of his dad over his mom, imagine the trauma!) Thus he wants us all to be either colons, or victims of colonialism. Moreover, Noah’s existence was illegal in the apartheid regime. His mother was condemned to prison, and to pay fines. Later she remarried, then married again, and her second ex-husband shot her twice, in the leg and the head, the bullet came out of her nostril, before his gun jammed.   

Trevor Noah left South Africa after his godfather (the shooter) threatened to kill him too (at the time, he had not been punished by “justice”: the Republic is not that strong in South Africa).

Why is that relevant? Trevor Noah is the fruit of extreme, baffling violence. Horrendous racism. He expects us all to partake in his abomination, his personal hell. He tries to trivialize it, by claiming everybody does it, and that everybody white was, is as bad as his father was to his mom. He naturally assumes violence is natural, everybody does it. And the French national Football team is also the fruit of violence, racism, and the exploitative colonialism his own father indulged in, relative to his mother Patricia, Trevor Noah, insists.

By also insisting that the magnificent French football team, Les Bleus, is the product of colonialism, Noah actually is flattering colonialism: look, colonialism produced a magnificent football team! Ditto for violence: colonialism, the way it’s imagined (and the way it didn’t happen in French Black Africa) is violent. So Noah is saying: look at this magnificent violence (of colonialism) which produced this magnificent football team!

Gérard Araud, French Ambassador to the USA, on his Twitter account: “He didn’t refer to a double identity. He said ‘they are African. They couldn’t get this suntan in the south of France’.  i.e They can’t be French because they are black. The argument of the white supremacist… Which means you can’t be French if you are black. Exactly the argument of the far-right. In French terms, it is horrifying.

Later Trevor Noah changed his music, in a disingenuous fashion. Personally I claim the elements of African culture I was exposed to, helped me enormously in my thinking, and can’t be disentangled from my identity (but Africa is huge, and West Africa I am from has nothing to do with extremely conflicted South Africa…) But the fact remains: the parents and ancestors of the French players US racists call “African” chose the Republic over “Africa”, because the Republic is more civilized.

Why is such a prominent advocate of racism, violence and colonialism as Trevor Noah so prominent? And presenting racism, violence, colonialism under such favorable guises? Precisely because he does this so well! To impart the same high regard for racism and violence in the general population, so make it easier to divide and exploit.

Noah now claims he was just satirical, why worry? No, he is someone with a huge audience taken seriously by the would-be “left”, the forces of would-be progress in the USA. The “Daily Show” is serious propaganda for the Politically Correct. Trevor Noah is, clearly, much more racist than Marine Le Pen, who was never caught saying something as bad. Even her notoriously somewhat racist father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, did not ever say something as bad (to my knowledge).

In guise of excusing himself, Trevor Noah doubled on his insults on France, insisting France had the problem, no him. A perfect message for the racist US: let’s give the man a few more millions.

This, France, Europe, look carefully, this is the true USA, where the light comes through the crack: the USA, a place where racism is so much taken for granted, that it is viewed as funny. Whereas, in truth, it’s deeply pathetic.


France Was Multiethnic, Before She Came To Be:

“France”, Gaul, was spectacularly multiethnic, with Germans, Celts, Basques, Aquitanians, Greeks, more than a millennium before a confederation called “the Franks”, that is “the free”, self-formed by uniting a number of German tribes. The Franks united under a law called “Lex Salica” written Roman lawyers, in Latin. France is the definition of multiethnicity.

Greek colons from the City-State of Rhodes installed themselves in the south of France. The Rhodians were followed by Phoceans, who had fled the tyranny of Persia invading present-day “Turkey”. The Phoceans founded Marseilles, 2,638 years ago (precision, precision… An historical date confirmed by archaeology!)

Multi Ethnicity is what came to be known as Francia. When the Franks arrived, chased by a rising (North) sea (!), they were few, so they had to be very nice to the millions of Gallo-Romans, if they wanted to lead them to a better world… And the greatest success of the Franks was to mitigate and recreate Christianism, the Catholic Orthodox, into something compatible with a strong, yet open state. The first result was the destruction of the Goths (in collaboration with a joint attack of Constantinople), the second a powerful extension of the empire in Germany, where the Romans had not been, the third the imposition of secular teaching to the Pope, the fourth the rules of many queens, and the fifth the outlawing of slavery (circa 655 CE).

People like Trevor Noah, Chomsky, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, are found, under close inspection, to be fake friends of real progress (notice I didn’t mention for critique Bernie Sanders or Jerry Brown, who are real progressives). Similarly to Hillary Clinton voting to invade Iraq, because that was the facile thing to do at the time. Thinking is hard. Progress is hard too, because it requires, among other things, thinking.

France is a spirit of the conquest of truth by progress, and the French soccer team has it. They are as French as French can be, more French even than average French, often, because their parents or ancestors chose this, not because they were colons, or dragged around by colons, or enslaved by masters, but because they were smart and progressive. They immigrated to the Republic. They chose the Republic.

Patrice Ayme

Note: Antoine Griezmann (blonde, white skin, two blue eyes) was judged “best player of the final” by the FIFA (easy: Antoine scored twice in the final). His best friend is Paul Pogba (a Parisian black as charcoal, with the gift of gab…) Griezmann was a super star playing at the Real Madrid, for years. But now the other superstars are PP and Mbappe… Griezmann started tired as the Real Madrid was winning the European Cup…


Transgender, Transreal, & How Pluto Profits

October 24, 2015

I am very transgender in mentality. In both directions, of course. Whatever that exactly means. I also know that gender is a matter of an hormonal landscape, in which chromosome identity (XX, XY, XXY, etc.) is only one factor. However, that does not mean I throw reality out of the window.

Humanity is steering the planet, towards oblivion. The obvious cause is that we are led by greedy, clownish “leaders” who masquerade as “elected”. In truth, they are not leading, they are just middle-men who hope to make a good “career” by pleasing the masters, like the butlers they are.

Yet the situation is worse than it looks. Consider the middle Middle Ages. The European Middle Ages, but I could adjust the same discourse to the Indian, Chinese, or Japanese Middle Ages. Europe is a clearer, better known case. It was a time of princesses, princes, and devotion to the Christian god. As Sade, Nietzsche, and various mafiosi observed, it was just the opposite: the European aristocracy was barely more than the largest organized crime operation in the world, and the wars it organized, a way to physically and mentally divided the people they subjugated into minced meat (when truly necessary).

Agnes Sorel Forced Charles VII To Make War, Or She Would Bed The English King Instead, As Eleanor Did.

Agnes Sorel Forced Charles VII To Make War, Or She Would Bed The English King Instead, As Eleanor Did.

Wedding the English king after divorcing the French king is what Eleanor, Duchesse d’Aquitaine had done earlier, and had many children. All subsequent English and French monarchs were her descendants for generations.

What was wrong with the Middle Ages?

The mood. This veneration of people such as Eleanor.

The “Christian” mood of the populace, the fake-Christian, hysterical mood of the leaders. The mood, superstitious and full of tribal anger (consider the pogroms against Jews, Cathars, Waldenses/Protestants, “witches”; and the crisscrossing of Europe by war parties and related “grandes companies” and other armies of brigands).

The superstitious mood is entangled by the celebrity mood, and both are adverse to the triumph of wisdom. The celebrity mood made people look up to princes and princesses (the word, originally used when the Roman Republic was dying, comes from “princeps”, first, and Augustus loved it).

Germaine Greer once at the edge of feminism, is now condemned as somebody so bad by a tribe so well-organized, a university she was supposed to talk at, implied that she should not be allowed to speak in public (as they will not insure her safety). The loudly “transgender” pseudo-tribe has condemned Greer. And, as usual, there is the public discourse, and the real one I suspect (below).

In Reality Greer Attacked The Celebrities Paid To Attack Reality, The Kadarshians

In Reality Greer Attacked The Celebrities Paid To Attack Reality, The Kadarshians

[In the USA, everything is bigger, compare with the “Dame de Beaute'”, the Fifteenth Century Agnes Sorel, above. And Kim Kadarshian is the specialist of reality, or so you will find, Rollingstone asserts, once you enter her real world…]

Tribalism is the way out of metaphysical loneliness. One advantage of “careers” is that they manufacture tribalism. An advantage of hostility strongly shared, let alone mass hatred, is that it creates a fake world solved by tribalism, and the tribal cement to go with.

Witness what is going on in Israel/Palestine. The best solution there is a global secular republic (or union) containing two states therein (a bit like the European Union model).

Chris Snuggs: ““philosophy” means “love of knowledge”, which has actually little to do with what philosophers do. What today is “science” was once “philosophy”. What today’s philosophy is is basically “speculation about the nonscientific” or ” speculative musing about the meaning of life and the processes of thought and its expression through language.”

Patrice: “Linguistic” philosophy has grown malignant indeed. Yet, philosophy, the philosophical method, is more needed than ever, and that is exactly why it is more dead than ever in the plutocratic system, and its universities. There, what passes for philosophy is all too often just garbage.

Watch what I said about the importance of moods. I am applying the philosophical method: telling the truth, sticking to reality. Mood calculus includes, crucially, the unsaid, and unexpressed.

The deepest questions at the edge of science, from Lamarckism to what it means when galaxies recess faster than light, or whether high energy physicists know what they are talking about, involve state of the art philosophy.

However, indeed, Chris, what’s often taught in philosophy departments is abysmal, indeed. This has to do with the fact that it takes (say) a decade to study all of science at high enough a level beyond high school, to have a fair idea of the scientific landscape.

Society, let alone universities, do not view this sort of global knowledge as valuable. Plato required the equivalent of a graduate level knowledge of mathematics. Nearly all “philosophers” now don’t know anymore calculus than Trudeau, Cameron, Hollande, Putin, Xi, Roussef, or Obama.

But of the degeneracy of philosophy has to do with the rise of “analytic philosophy” in Anglo-Saxon countries. Russell, its founder found it had become thoroughly unworthy. On the continent, the derangement was due to the rise of fascism (Soviet or Mussolini style).

What did the veteran feminist, Ms Greer say, which supposedly infuriated some transgender fanatics?

“I just don’t think that surgery turns a man into a woman. A perfectly permissable view. I mean, an un-man is not necessarily a woman. We don’t really know what women are and I think that a lot of women are female impersonators, because our notion of who we are is not authentic, and so I am not surprised men are better at impersonating women than women are. Not a surprise, but it’s not something I welcome.”

Surgery, as practiced today, is little different from what the best prehistoric doctors did successfully: amputation. OK, in the future, we will grow organs. It is studied. It is the future. But not yet a fact.

Kim Kadarshian seems to believe that reality, or rather, learning how to rape reality, is her business model. Said she, talking about her transgender, surgery challenged step-father, now a pseudo-woman:

“He lives his life the way he wants, a really authentic life, and he was like, ‘If you can’t be authentic and you can’t live your life, what do you have?’”

You want authenticity? Ask the Kadarshians, they know all about it. They accept plastic, any day.

Germaine Greer has accused TV star Caitlyn Jenner of emulating the limelight of other (female) members of the Kadarshians family.

The Australian-born feminist courted controversy by asserting that “misogyny played a big part” in the rumors that Glamour magazine would give Jenner its woman of the year award.

Jenner, who was born Bruce, and got many Olympic medals as a male, was married to Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian’s mother, until they filed for divorce early last year, and cannot get enough of his celebrity status, apparently.

Greer says that so-called transgender women, who, admittedly, began life as males, before undergoing surgery and hormone treatments to “become women”, are “not women”. Greer says that they do not “look like, sound like or behave like women”. Instead they behave as males who want to steal everything from women, including femininity. So they trample not just on reality, but on justice too.

Clearly those transgender creatures, not to say creations, are not females (that requires XX chromosomes). But to pretend that they are females, because some people just said so, is the effect the owners of the Main Stream Media, all very rich men, are after: namely destroy any common sense, and make a religion out of that destruction.

Not to say that attack against reality are only the work of transgender crazies. Giving the Nobel Prize to drone crazy Obama was not just funny, but unreal. And not that this was started yesterday. Among the pious, ever since Viceroy Lord Mountbatten said so, Gandhi has been viewed as a paragon of pacifism. Never mind that pacifist Gandhi, praying like an Hindu, helped to bring colossal, multi-generational, religious strife, 15 million refugees, & millions dead. (No wonder he got depressed.)

Christianism to is a religion of peace and love, especially regarding Cathars (exterminated), Jews (pogromized), Muslims (roasting their children a must when hungry, see the First Crusade), or any sort of intellectuals or printers (burned alive). And Joan of Arc, the one of the same king as Agnes Sorel, of course saved France, or so pseudo-French fanatics, by re-igniting a war with London which lasted another four centuries with real guns, and which France is still busy losing, to this day…

Reality is a hard mistress, and the one which always wins. Yet, we control it, to a great extent now, because we are the nonlinear species, ready, even mandated, for immortality. Not that we have a choice.  Humanity is the “why” species. Also the “no” species. Yes, no and why, for the God(s), incarnated, for real. And the problem the gods have is whether they want to aspire to grab Kim’s fake reality, or stick to exercising our reality muscles.

Patrice Ayme’

Reality Beats Fiction Always. Time to Learn This Again!

October 8, 2015

Let’s hope Angela Merkel gets the Nobel Peace Prize for her courageous stand to accept hundreds of thousands of war refugees. This is political dynamite, she handled it as well as possible, as a teacher of the highest values. A rare case of a Western “leader” displaying courage and creativity.

Meanwhile the Nobel in literature was given to reality. Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarussian journalist, born in Ukraine, a prose writer known for deeply researched works about female Russian soldiers in World War II and the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time,” the Swedish Academy announced. (The other day the Nobel was implicitly given to history, 23 centuries old. If they recognize history, the Nobel folks may as well recognize reality.)

Ms. Alexievich,67, 14th woman to win the literature prize, is a rarity: her sparse work is mainly nonfiction.

Work Makes Free: the Murderous Nazi Thieves’ Outrageous Slogan. The Reality of Nazism Ought To Have Beaten To Death The Soft Fiction Of Deluded Humanism

Work Makes Free: the Murderous Nazi Thieves’ Outrageous Slogan. The Reality of Nazism Ought To Have Beaten To Death The Soft Fiction Of Deluded Humanism

Yes, in World War Two, short in skilled personnel, the USSR used women in combat. Some even commanded tanks. And it’s mostly with tanks, better tanks, but maybe at the cost of twenty million soldiers killed in combat, that the Soviet Union beat Nazi Germany. I remember reading an Italian non-fiction book. After hard fighting in Ukraine, the author was stunned to see a beautiful Russian blonde dead in her punctured tank (not her tank top, her T34 tank). Take that, fiction authors! Where is your reality?

What’s literature? “Litera”, original Latin for “letter” came to mean ‘document’ and ‘letter, epistle’. “Literatura” is ‘writing formed with letters, book learning’. Nothing there said it has to be fiction. However in French literary circles, ‘literature’ has come to mean ‘fiction’. I view fiction as, mostly, an inferior sort. It is to reality what pornography is to sex. And not even that.

Any fiction is inspired by reality: after all, reality is where minds come from. However, confusing fiction with reality can be a trap. The authors of fiction who are known made their work marketable (otherwise they would not be known). But marketing is not enticing with thinking: it entices with seduction. Marketing perverts thinking, it’s sugar for canned minds.

And a canned mind, is not a kind mind. Or, more exactly, a canned mind is as good as the can it is in. Beware of cans, especially of the mental type: after a while, they turn bad, and fester with live toxins.

In contrast, by evoking reality, one can dare to go where the market does not want to go, and where the market cannot go. Facts are facts, they are not made to be comfortable. Facts are, all too often, not something one wants to buy. Why? Because we have turned into a society which confuses market and civilization. We ask, we tolerate to have the “markets” of everything and guide us.

It was high time the Nobel literature committee recognize that being able to present reality, especially reality in all its harshness, is more important than presenting someone’s fiction as if it were reality (as novelists are wont to do with wanton abandonment!) In one case, sticking to reality, one tries to stick to what is, and in the other, confusing reality and fiction, one admittedly do away with reality, at the outset, and replace reality with what can be sold to the little minds of the shoppers, avid and standardized.

Humanity has to be educated. This is what literature is for. Literature is not just intellectual masturbation. Too much sugar for too long makes one sick, and it’s a modern disease (one aspect is called diabetes, and kills, ages and degenerates its victims). Sugar drinks ought to be rejected. Similarly all too easy, all too comfortable fiction. Bring forth reality, the maker of worlds.

Considering reality, in full, is uncomfortable.

What do people foresee if the West Antarctic Ice Shield (WAIS), the Wilkes Basin and the Aurora Basin all collapse at the same time? Sea level may augment as fast as one meter per year.

I speculate: that’s 30 times faster than the most recent peer-reviewed scientific papers by specialists.

I speculate, but in full cognizance of striking elements of reality, catastrophes such as the sudden flooding of the Black Sea region, or flooding of the Mediterranean Basin, or the collapse of the Hudson Bay ice shield, or the Younger Dryas’ sudden collapse of the Gulf Stream current, and so on.

What I foresee is a quick adaptation of most values, as Homo Sapiens will present the largest biomass which one could possibly exploit. How quaint today’s fiction will then seem!

Knowing the world feeds the imagination. Knowing only fiction literature is getting to know only the minds of the fashionable and marketable, and how they learned to seduce the commons. Yet, reality is not common. The wise needs more: reality in full.

Patrice Ayme’


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Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

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Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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