Archive for November, 2021

Enrolling The Victim In The Crime Beats Blaming the Victim

November 30, 2021

“Blaming the victim” is an old trick: it is found in Aesop’s fable of the wolf and the lamb… Where shifting the blame is used next, after blaming the victim is found insufficiently persuasive. Yet, looking at history, one sees a much more effective trick, used extremely frequently: enrolling the victim(s) into their own abuse and destruction.

Examples of this method are really legions. It is the same general idea as judo: deflect the power of the opposition, to incite it into lethal trajectories where their get hit by planet Earth…

Examples: The more frequent application of self-abusing the victim is found all over geography and history, when the lower classes implement the rule of the upper classes… Octavian’s army persuading the Roman Senate to put them in power (Augustus would kill or exile many of them later). Persuading the Romans they would save themselves by becoming Catholic sheep, and turning the other cheek… for the Barbarian at the Gates (circa 380s). Persuading countless American Natives to kill other American Natives with a little help from European colonists. Persuading the Russians they were better off with a dictator and a civil war, than a Czar and democratization. Persuading the Germans they would be better off grabbing back Eastern Europe, by going to war, after their war against Western Europe, trying to grab Western Europe, and the result that Western Europe freed Eastern Europe, from Germany .. But this time the Germans would go to war completely unprepared… and rather unwilling… For an even better chance of total destruction of Germany. Another example was enrolling Jews to kill Jews in Nazi extermination camps, periodically killing them all to leave no witnesses (this is related by witnesses in detail in the nearly ten hours long documentary Shoah)…

One reason this outrageous method of enrolling victims in abusing themselves works is that cajoling someone into their own destruction is a Big Lie. As Adolf Hitler pointed out in “Mein Kampf“, normal people are used to little lies, but not big ones… So they don’t expect, or even don’t imagine, them… Hence added Hitler, men of great destiny like himself can persuade, with Big Lies, anyone to do anything. Enrolling people into working hard at their own destruction was a Big Lie, and that’s why it worked… For Hitler, until France and Britain declared war to him.

Enrolling people as allies in their own destruction is strong medicine. The enroller is of course completely cynical and deprived of any common decency… But that is besides the point… The point is that it works… Helping people suicide themselves is the nec plus ultra of abuse…

The tyrant can always find an excuse for his tyranny.

The unjust will not listen to the reasoning of the innocent.

The truly vicious will enroll the victim in the crime.

Patrice Ayme

No Stress, No Life! We Stressed, Therefore We Exist

November 25, 2021

Our ancestors were so stressed, one could say stress was their natural mental state: should they fail, they would be eaten... which was even more stressful. Our ancestors were also very smart, and getting even more so perpetually. Handling stress ever better had everything to do with it… What is “stress”? The notion started as the stress tensor in mechanics and blossomed through an emotional metaphor invented in Middle Age France [1]. Since then “stress” has taken negative connotations… but that is from superficial interpretations of what stress brings.    

It turns out that stress brings everything. The construction of a heart’s valves inside an embryo requires (mechanical) stress (published November 2021, peer reviewed). Actually all morphogenesis is about stress entangled with genetics. Thus stress can be a good, and so constructive, that we owe out existence to stress. 

Thus, when people deplore “stress” it is rather strange. And actually we see plenty of people deliberately engaging in stressful activities, like climbing mountains without any safety except an excellent neurology (I have engaged in this myself… all too much). It is as if stress was necessary to live a full neurological life. And it is! Without enough stress, of the right sort, people miss out big on all what life can be. I generally over-stress myself, several times a week… So-called “weekend warriors” would know what I mean…

That traverse in Yosemite on the Half Dome north face regular route has no protection (except if one wants to stuff mechanical devices in the crack, but that would require much more effort and time, and a supplementary belay at the end of the ledge…. That sounds safer, and yet, the more time and belays, the more one is exposed to things which can go very wrong, like a hail bearing, lightning streaked thunderstorms, and, if not that, one may have to spend one more night on the mountain exposed to the elements, discomfort, thirst… BTW, I was there… But with a rope. Not that one is not in extreme danger, as one could get killed falling, rope or not rope, by the shock or the rope breaking, or the partner following… So one is very stressed. No false move, no moves generating fatigue, etc. Besides, in the interest of speed, one needs to be real concentrated, one is one mile off the deck here, all in one long day, and did I mention quakes? I experienced once a 6 Richter quake in Yosemite… By the way, the climbing just above the visible flake is very hard if one does it free, especially “on sight”. 5-13/8 something delicate face climbing (sometimes it can be aided… not always if one does not have the necessary equipment… which I never brought…) Memories of past stress is a delightful thing… most of the time, but not when one got nearly killed in a very blatant way, of course…

Thus, when people complain about “stress” it may be just from having not enough stress. Maybe stress is like sex: it needs to conclude. In the wild, though millions of years, stress was about being versus horrible death, being eaten alive. So “stress” means fight or flight. Now “stress” may mean one is sitting behind a desk, as one’s prospects in the oligarchy collapse.

But not just that: fight or flight is good… because it stresses the physiology. And even more, stresses the psychology… And that’s good, to live life in full, the way our species is ( the so called “phenotype”).   

Let me explain more: suppose one never exercises. Could one stand up? No. 

Astronauts coming out of the ISS are put on stretchers. Does that mean that standing up is injurious? No. It means simply one gets injured by standing up, when one has not stood up enough. This holds true physically, just as it holds true for human rights.

Prehistoric people were subjected to continual stress. It is as natural as streams of photons. But, without natural light, animals do not learn to see correctly. Same with stress.

Reality inflicts stress on the mind. That’s how and why the mind learns.

And wisdom is? Wisdom is not a being, but a process, embracing better the nature of reality. To embrace better one needs to have better neural networks… and that requires energy to build those networks (and demolish older ones, not as appropriate…)

And it is intrinsically stressful, to force new neural networks, one has to be motivated by fear, greed, thirst, hunger and other strong emotions… and yet, a good thing; the brain needs to exert.

Developing embryos, such as this zebrafish, rely on physical forces to sculpt them into the correct forms, as they grow. 

Morphogenesis and neurogenesis need stress!

No stress, no life!

No stress, no mental supremacy! [2]

Thus, no humanity!

Va de retro, sleepy minds!

Patrice Ayme


[1]. Stress, starting circa 1300, was used to mean “hardship, adversity, force, pressure,” through Old French  estrece “narrowness, oppression,” meta-imaging from Latin strictus “tight, compressed, drawn together,” past participle of stringere “draw tight”.


[2] Black Lies Matter types object deeply to lots of words and notions, especially “supremacy”… They apparently opt for a world where all are inferior… except their masters, of course, the ones who own media and universities… So I added “supremacy”, just in the hope of stressing them out, as a community service, to help them improve their otherwise opposite-of-supreme minds…

Most Of History Is The History Of Conspiracies. Those Who Deny It, Deny Oligarchy. Often Because They Belong To It.

November 23, 2021

Con-spirare means simply together-breathe. Conspiracies are even more frequent that the oligarchies they enable. Oligarchies are organized by individuals so close to each other, that they breathe together. Oligarchs also dine together, have parties together, play various games together, love together, marry together, do business exclusively with each other, etc. If oligarchies want to stay in power, they have to deny that there are such collusions, because smart people would attribute the unjust power of oligarchies to such collusions, instead of more meritorious circumstances. So dutifully, little scholars in the employ of oligarch condemn “Conspiracy Theory“, to satisfy their employers and get treats like the greedy pigeons they are… To boot, the employees of oligarchy accuse common people of being racist. Conspiracy Theory is out, say the conspirators, Race Theory is in, instead. Amusingly, said conspirators ted to be always of the same “race”… 

So oligarchies deny conspiracies exist. Instead they prefer to attribute their success to “God”, a great dog in the sky, or chance, or… merit… not the application of groupthink, group discrimination, and group plots… All all too close to plain old racism not to muster  a putrid odor…

Yet, conspiracies exist, history is full of them. Conspiracy is a more general notion than the notion of “plot”, with which it is often confused by lesser minds. A plot necessitates a conspiracy. A conspiracy does not necessarily entail a plot. Conspiracies, like elites socializing together, do not necessarily create explicit plots. 

Oligarchies bind through conspiracies and act through plots. Consider for example Julius Caesar: his entire life was spent fending off, or organizing conspiracies, sometimes for excellent reformist reasons (his distribution law in 59 BCE, when Caesar, as Consul, worked directly with the People Assembly, so-called Centuriate Assembly, ignoring the Senate which led to hatred which brought diverse plots, including civil  war and Caesar’s assassination…).. 

One of the oldest documents in the world, engraved in stone by pharaoh Ramses III describes a “conspiracy of the Sea People in their islands” (Sicily, Sardinia, etc.) which destroyed most civilizations (Egypt barely survived and enslaved an entire invading army.. Israel appeared a bit later…) 


Here is a more detailed example:


Peter the Great was born in 1672. His reforms, battles and conquests had a lasting modernizing impact on Russia, as he firmly intended. Many institutions, and conquests, of Russia originate from his reign. He adopted the title of Emperor in place of the old title of Tsar in 1721, founded and developed a Navy and the city of Saint Petersburg, which remained the capital of Russia until 1917. A year before his death from pneumonia after bathing in a river in the middle of winter, Peter founded the first Russian university. Peter spent his entire life fighting lethally against opponents who preferred death to Peter’s far-sighted reforms. Many of these opponents were extremely close to Peter, and he publicly executed some of them from his own hand, arguing with them even during their execution. One can say Peter had to, because the conspirators were so fanatical and kept on going, like demented energy bunnies, until death stopped them.

Like many children of European monarchs, Tsaverich Alexey Petrovich, son of Czar Peter the Great, didn’t often see his father, who spent much of his reign away fighting the Ottomans and Swedes and traveling around Western Europe to instruct himself. Instead, Alexei was surrounded by a Moscow entourage that believed in “less westernization and a bigger role for the Orthodox Church, the aristocracy, and the old ways”. Alexei bathed in conspiracies of those vested in the obsolete and Russia-defeating ways that Peter had fought against for his entire life, in continual life and death struggles.

Still a boy, under the secret and forbidden influence of his banned mother, Alexey once swore to his confessor Jacob Ignatiev, that he wished his father’s death; the confessor answered: “God will forgive you; we all wish him dead because there are too many burdens on the people” (Impositions of Czar Peter such as cutting beards and removing boots while sleeping…). The confessor spent enormous time with Alexey, often in drunken feasts of equally minded oligarchs. 

Peter wrote to Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, in the hope of recovering his son Alexey, who had fled to Germany and then Napoli, yes, in Italy, part of the “Roman” empire: …”a friendly fraternal confession to share it with you, namely, about my son Alexey. Some time ago the Prince received a command to come to me so that I could distract him from indecent living with indecent people. But instead he hid somewhere and I can’t find him. For his sake I ask your Majesty that if he is found secretly or explicitly in your areas, he should be ordered to return to me…”

Peter’s son returned to Russia. After adverse testimony from his own pregnant lover, Alexay ended tortured to death (that was presented to the public as “died of sadness”)_. And on it went: the rest of the history of Russia is a succession of conspiracies, plots and coups. The consequences could be serious: when Elizabeth, daughter of Peter and  Czarina for twenty years was on the verge of winning against Prussia and Britain in 1761, she died and her nephew who succeeded her, and admirer of Frederik II, immediately withdrew from the war, and Prussia-Britain won, with consequences such as the loss of America for France, and Nazism for Germany…      

Nearly two meters tall Peter the Great was painted when he visited London, by the same painter who painted Newton and Locke… Peter nearly caused the court of France to faint when he grabbed the child king Louis XV, at Versailles, and brought him up in the air to embrace him… His serious purpose was to study European high tech, and he worked in Dutch shipyards. Later he duplicated the ship making in Russia, building Russia’s first Navy, and a mighty one…

All historical figures were involved in conspiracies and plots. This is true even of intellectuals. Live conspiracies and plots are themselves covered up by other conspiracies, plots and propaganda… it reminds me of renormalization in Quantum Field Theory… The apparent masses and charges are not the real masses and charges, and the more detailed the analysis, the more different… Exactly as QFT has it, and for similar reasons… This is an interesting case where state of the art physics provides a ready-made example of how refinement of analysis changes the analysis itself.


ENABLING THE NAZIS, AND THUS THE HOLOCAUST OF WORLD WAR TWO WAS A CONSPIRACY: However, that was (greatly) a US Deep State conspiracy, and those are generally protected from revelation by overlaying layers of other conspiracies (Why? “Revelation” in Greek is “apocalypse...). So there is another conspiracy to cover-up the fact that Hitler was enabled by a US cover-up. That cover-up, itself enabled by its own set of lies, is called “isolationism”.

Before 1942, Roosevelt, other top US politicians and the US media conspired to hide from the US public the holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis. To do so, FDR fired his friend Dodd, a University of Chicago historian. Dodd had been FDR’s ambassador in Berlin, who was extremely well informed and extremely anti-Nazi. The story is told in “The Garden Of The Beasts“, by Erik Larson, an excellent book.

Then FDR named another pro-fascist plutocrat (Jo Kennedy) as ambassador to London… and argued with Hitler for years… thus validating and recognizing Hitler as an interlocutor… when there was just one way for civilization to talk to Hitler, war, and it was precisely what France and then Britain, decided to do. Because they had to, there was no alternative. For the US Deep State, the one centered around Harvard, Nazism was the key to world control…. And indeed the stupid Nazis sent a battleship to Boston to celebrate Harvard! I say “stupid”, because it did not dawn on the Nazis what the American Deep State was exactly up to… namely a bait and switch similar to the one of 1914-18 (first pro-German, and Germany enabling, then anti-German). The Nazis… and Europe… would have gained from making a more in depth analysis of what exactly the US powers-that-be were exactly up to… while they helped Nazi Germany (not just to exist and go to war, but even to bring Nazism to power…)


A few glimpses of functioning, multi-generational conspiracies:

The mother of the present US Secretary of State was elevated to “Commandeur” of the French Legion of Honor (it’s a supreme grade of the Legion d’Honneur, above Chevalier, which means knight, to which some mainstream US journalist were also elevated, like Roger Cohen…). So was the Sec of State’s stepfather Pisar (at the highest possible level of Legion d’Honneur…)… All US citizens, not French… But somehow at the core of the inner machinery of… France… Donald Mayer Blinken (born November 11, 1925) is an American businessman and former ambassador. He was a director and one of the founders of E. M. Warburg Pincus & Company, an investment bank in New York…. Easy enough, when one is a scion of the Warburg banking family… During the Weimar Republic, Max Warburg served on the board (‘Generalrat’) of the Reichsbank from 1924 to 1933, under Hjalmar Schacht, (until 1930). Dr. Schacht, himself a pawn of JP Morgan (secretly tied to Rothschild), was the financial master mind of fascizing Germany in the 1920s and 1930s… thus Wall Street… and Hitler… most important promoter. Schacht was Hitler finance and economy minister. A monster scandal, severely repressed, happened when, shortly after Hitler got to power, and when Nazi rule was not yet firm, a book revealed that the Warburg, German-American Jews, had financed Hitler. The book was ordered destroyed by “judges” everywhere… Just one copy survived… Yet there are plenty of reasons to believe in its overall message, that Hitler had secret backers (it’s even possible a family member of the Warburgs wrote the book as a warning against Hitler… [1])

Hey no oligarchies here, nothing to see, please do not ask too many questions… Pisar’s clients included many Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and many known political and business leaders of the 20th and 21st century, including some notorious ones: tycoons Hammer and Maxwell, French and US presidents. His books have been translated into many languages. Pisar was the longtime lawyer, confidant of ill-fated plutocrat Robert Maxwell a plotter so great that, at his burial after he mysteriously “feel” from his yacht of the Canaries, the Israeli PM solemnly declared he could never say all the services he rendered, they were top secret…

Another glimpse:

Congo has 2/3 of the world’s cobalt (for so-called “renewable”, actually intermittently clean energy). In 2021, most Congolese mines are Chinese owned (19 out of 25). Some of these mines are so enormous, cities have sprung next to them. The purchase by the Chinese of a giant American-owned Cobalt mine in Congo was done by a private equity firm with Hunter Biden, son of Biden, on its board… as a founding member… As in the Warburg cases, a number of companies were created to use as screens for plausible denials (plausible only to very friendly media breathing the same air and going to the same receptions…)

Race to the Future: What to Know About the Frantic Quest for Cobalt. A New York Times investigation examines the global demand for raw materials as the clean energy revolution takes off. This is what we found.


Rage against “Conspiracy Theory” is something intellectuals employed by plutocratic university seem to view as a duty to demonstrate how much they support the established oligarchy. After all, their self-respect and a crucial part of the propaganda they project depends upon denying that they belong to anything else, but an oligarchy of merit. Typical is this October 2021 declaration from a particle physics theorist:

“Conspiracy theory would be hysterically funny if it weren’t so widespread and so incredibly dangerous. Today it threatens democracy, human health, and world peace, among many other things. In the internet age, scientists and rational bloggers will have no choice but to take up arms against it on a regular basis.” (Professor Strassler claimed to be all angry against silly people who believe there was some conspiracy about how one represented the activity of La Palma’s volcano… Because they are unused to digital data… But in truth he seems to have been more interested in fustigating so-called and non-defined “Conspiracy Theory“) Strassler is a specialist of QFT, Quantum Field Theory… Hey dear professor Strassler, visiting scholar at great intellectual Harvard university, please define “Conspiracy Theory”? (Strassler is an excellent physicist…). Curious how much Harvard keeps on resurfacing, the naïve may say… But it is no accident whatsoever: the daughter of Xi, Chinese president, went to Harvard to, to learn to think oligarchically, lest she didn’t know how to do that very well already… Harvard is the leading plutocratic university. History may well vomit on it… As the place where misleading the world was taught. Yes, Obama became a genius at Harvard, blossoming later as a disaster for health care and the climate, the CO2 crisis, and world peace… Although magnificent propaganda has persuaded hundreds of millions of poorly informed victims… of the exact opposite, a testimony to plutocratic brainwashing…

Now of course Strassler thinks probably the world of Blinken, son of Blinken, stepson of Pisar the Great… Who mysteriously went from gangsters of a pillar of the world, in a few years (family connections did it)… And that’s the entire point. Strassler wants us to not doubt Bilken and his ilk, and their oligarchy-given right to lead the world establishment (into the wall, but hitting a wall should calm the commons). Strassler is trying to seduce his superiors at harvard to get what the pigen wants: more crumbs from the masters.

Right, Blinken went to Harvard (what else?). So now Blinken, family connected to Warburg connected to Hitler (one way or another) has the right and duty to steer the world: he was born that way. And us, who see that see what should not be seen and theorize about what one should not theorize. Some will scoff, and say that it was always that way, and always will be. But that is incorrect thinking: we are in exceptional times, with an on-going Sixth Mass Extinction, the preceding one was 66 million years ago… and we are led by… abject conspirators. They are abject, because they feel, in their infamy, that they are qualified to feel, think and act in the name of the world… And they have obviously been making a terrible job at it (from thousands of nukes threatening to blow us all any time, to a dismantling, deconstructioning climate and imploding biosphere).


History is not restricted to conspiracies: natural events and vast economic, ecological and sociological forces also arise. But most of the human actions launched by leaders and oligarchies are enacted by conspiracies

Denying the necessity of making theories of conspiracies is denying the necessity of studying history as a science… precisely to study plots and conspiracies and how to prevent them… Denying conspiracies is what oligarchies need to exist, to breathe together… In peace… to digest us in peace.

Patrice Ayme


P/S: New York Times has written many essays deploring “conspiracies theories”. Condemning theories about conspiracies as a mental disease destroying “democracy” is a staple of the NYT. The last one was yesterday, 11/22/2021. I sent a comment to the last of these essays explaining the difference between plots and conspiracies, and the ubiquitousness of conspiracies in history. My comment was delayed overnight, and published only after the comment section had been closed.


[1] Franz von Papen once a German Chancellor (in 1932) and Hitler’s colleague (in 1933) recommended the Warburg book in his memoirs that were published in 1953… The book was also said to have got the help of French intelligence which desperately tried to show the US-Nazi ties… a strategy which may have backfired as early as 1933, when FDR took a detestation of France…

USA Continues To Lead Wrong On Climate, More Than Ever… Agreeing With Greta?

November 16, 2021

The question is not what fossil fuels do to us. The question is what would we do without them. Answer: not enough, not even enough to install the intermittent “renewables”, and their indispensable complement, hydrogen.

It takes 3.6 billion tons of CO2, roughly ten percent of the world CO2 production, to undertake all the mining we need now to operate civilization. Said mining will augment when extracting minerals for the ELECTRIC ECONOMY,

Some smart ass declared that we extract more tonnage of fossil fuels now than we would by extracting minerals for electricity. Irrelevant. First of all, fossil fuels mostly extract themselves. Whereas minerals extraction requires huge tailings and, or strip mining. Examples are strip mining for lignite, the most polluting coal, in Germany. German lignite extraction is one of the Earth’s most formidable, and most disgusting spectacle… and tar sands in Canada (an even greater monstrosity). Both Germany and Canada pose as ecological saints… when in truth, they are pretty disgusting as national policies… Notwithstanding good ecologist provinces like Quebec, thanks to huge hydro.

Extracting metals and lithium is another matter. Lithium extraction requires humongous quantities of sulfuric acid, thousands of trucks per week in a typical lithium mine as the one authorized by Trump in Nevada… to the horror of hypocritical US ecologists who prefer to devastate China than America…

So, to create the renewable industry, so called, we need NEW clean, low carbon energy, before we have the renewables…And we also need new low carbon base energy… and there is only one, nuclear (under various forms: 4th generation, Thorium, fusion, etc.)!

In answer to Greta Thunberg@GretaThunberg”…the [US] administration prepares to hold the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history on Nov. 17.”The USA continues to “lead on climate”

Meanwhile. power hungry John Kerry, the US energy Czar, said that he would resign if Biden asked OPEC+ to increase production for more than 5 years (Biden did not evoke a date). That is disingenuous, a lie, or amazingly stupid. Indeed…

Oil leases are never coming under exploitation any faster than a five-ten year horizon… They require huge investments. Now these investments are discouraged, worldwide. This is why the price of fossil fuels is going up, feeding worldwide inflation. That would self-correct… If nuclear was developed enough to be a replacement as base energy… but it’s not. 51 nuclear reactors are under construction (2/3 of them delayed) .. We would need thousands of reactors as base energy… To compete as replacement for electricity alone… This absence of competition and investments, combined, will force fossil fuel prices up. Coal is now restricted by supply, not demand (India wants more coal, it’s apparently not polluted enough…)

China reported the day after the end of the COP-OUT 26 UN conference in Scotland, that its coal production surged to its highest level in years… While officials in India’s capital< New Delhi, readied a lockdown due to air pollution… This shows that the world doesn’t give a hoot to the lies from the most developed countries about combating global warming… Just after the end of a landmark U.N. conference, China, Russia, India and Brazil, about half of humanity are saying: we will espouse your rhetoric, but we know very well that you exported your dirty work in our countries, and you are tongue in cheek with all this CO2 blah blah blah…. And you know that we know that you know what you are up to…

Welcome to Jurassic park!

Patrice Ayme

There are thousands of off shore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. US has thousands, Mexico has thousands… My own, Africa born dad got one of these monsters to explore for off shore oil off Senegal. It was an exploration platform, so it was even bigger. The oil was found, and there was a lot of it, below salt domes… But was too thick to SELF-EXTRACT. So Senegal stayed poor. The platform, heavier than the Eiffel Tower, was then dragged to Gabon, and found exploitable oil there… making Gabon very wealthy…

European Union: Stress It To Build It Better

November 15, 2021

Poland is right to fight back and asserts that the supremacy of its democracy trumps… the fascist European Union machinery which has sneaked in, during recent decades...

On European construction: One has to look at how European institutions evolved… Often sneakily, newly created power centers arrogated some powers… The European Court of Justice and the like are examples… Those powers can be dialed back, and should be abrogated.
Britain, a major power, had to push back and ignore the EU and fascist Parisian oligarchs where they stepped out of line. Instead, Britain fled… with nowhere to go… 
Poland, also a major and willful power, is doing that a lot, not respecting “EU”… “law”… and I like it.
In the migrant crisis, in the last few days, Poland, correctly so, told the EU and NATO to get lost, and stayed firmly in charge. The Poles explained they would not use European organization such as the EU’s Frontex (the EU frontier police), because Poland did not want to lose control of its border, at some future date, the Polish government declared, a legitimate reason .
That’s how Europe is built for the better: by pushing back against fascism, not just quitting… Like a scared rabbit the way the UK did. Britain could have done a lot to sabotage and destroy aspects of the EU it legitimately did not like. Because it would have been legitimate, Britain would have won.
In the basic spirit of the European Union, local democracy should stay paramount. Yes, many EU partisans claim that it is not so, that the “EU” (whatever that means) overrules local democracy… But that’s not the case either in logic, history or founding documents. And, in practice the EU obeys tiny Alpine Swiss Cantons, as it should. And Switzerland is not even formally in the EU…
In the grander scheme of things, one may wonder what’s wrong with Europe. How come US president Trump financed European COVID vaccines before the EU did? How come supreme Brexiter Boris Johnson financed a French COVID vaccine, and neither France, nor the EU financed said vaccine?
More generally, Europe is falling off the cliff technologically… And does not seem to mind. How come?
The Brexiters promised gigantic scientific budgets, as if they were China… Where are they? (Biden did the same, promising ten billions for supplementary science; when he signed the “structure” bill, those ten billion dollars of supplementary funding had shrunk to 998 millions… although there was still 7.5 billion in subsidies for the wealthy’s electric cars…).
China, ironically enough, has espoused the European scientific-technological Zeitgeist of the Nineteenth Century…. That’s, of course, excellent… But why did Europe abandon it? 
From “Postmodernism”? Perverse and deranged postcolonialism? Anti-progress mentality (look at all the anti-vaxxers explaining the COVID vaccines are a plot to kill humanity…)? Plain anti-intellectual laziness? Don’t laugh: the Nazis were intellectually lazy, it tired them so much to think, they did whatever… As long as it caused mayhem, that was OK… 

In 1939, Poland stood courageously against Hitler. The alliance with the French Republic was activated and Britain followed… Polish Prime Ministers (one of them on the right) enjoy reminding German Kanzlers (one of them on the left, unkindly labelled as “Merkler” by yours truly, more than once…) that Poland would have a much larger population had it not been decimated by Germany… in 1939-1945… Accordingly the Lisbon Treaty gave a heavier vote weight than one would expect by just looking at Poland’s population…

Confronted to all this European decay, Brexiters are keen to brandish democracy, and proclaim that they are not scared rabbits because their ancestors finally joined France in resisting Hitler in 1939… something the US. seduced by the racism of Nazism and the profits it brought… did not do.

However, that’s pretty much irrelevant… and the details are much less glorious. The military effort of France and Britain in 1939-1940 rested mostly on France. The British army was no more than 300,000, evacuated at Dunkirk because the French First army held the perimeter against the entire German army. In 1939-40, the French army was more than five million (it rebounded in a Nazi-invasion army of 1.2 million in 1944-45…).

In 1939, the French were on the frontline. The British, not so much. The first British soldier took one month to reach the frontline.
The breakthrough at Sedan on May 13, 1940, was rendered possible because the Second British armored division had not arrived yet (it was supposed to back up a French reservist B division of “crocodiles“, old men full of wrinkles, hence their nicknames). Had that division arrived, with its excellent Mathilde tanks, the Nazi breakthrough at Sedan would not have happened.
The French 55th B division faced three panzer divisions on two fronts, plus the elite Gross Deutschland regiment, and the entire Luftwaffe. Still, Nazi engineers had to use suicide attacks…

Then of course there was the Battle of Britain, where the Royal Air Force saved Britain… But some of the pilots were Polish, and the Luftwaffe had already experienced gigantic losses during the Battle Of France, two months prior… Some of the best German pilots were dead already…
Poland is achieving in 2021 what Britain did not have the guts to do before Brexit: fight back against all sorts of European fascist declinist idiots (who make Biden look like a genius). Meanwhile, Britain, as it should, is joining European institutions such as the “Horizon” program…

Brexit is never done, because it will never happen. UK is already trying to get back in (consider the “Horizon” program…) Trying in and out at the same time. A kind of sex maybe for old impotent men?

Patrice Ayme

Confusing Fundamental Research in Biotech And Greed, The Biden Administration Is.

November 10, 2021

 The Biden administration argues that, because the US government (under Trump) wisely gave ten billion dollars to the biotech startup MODERNA for researching and developing its successful COVID mRNA vaccine, and because US government scientists employed by NIH collaborated at some point in some ways with MODERNA scientists, the US government co-owns the MODERNA Patent. Weirdly. Biden and company have asked MODERNA to share its technology with the world. MODERNA has applied for a US Patent, but has also said it would not assert its patent rights. MODERNA has 20 billion dollars of contracts with various governments for vaccine deliveries at this very moment for 2022. mRNA vaccines are expensive to produce at this point, and cost up to 20 more to produce than simpler cold virus based vaccines such as the J&J or AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine [1]…

mRNA vaccines are sci-fi tech, but they do not penetrate the nucleus, differently from other vaccines… That makes them lighter on the body, so to speak, but also make the immunity they provide less sturdy than the one provided by vaccines using cold viruses as carrier of the adverse spike proteins…

There is major confusion between foundations and applications in the case of asking Moderna to pay for fundamental research made, or not, by NIH scientists.

One has to distinguish fundamental research, mostly motivated by the thirst for knowledge, and applied research, greatly, or mostly, motivated by financial profit. Major countries fund fundamental research, precisely because it is not profitable. By definition of “fundamental”, that research is NOT for profit. A profit motive would mean, by definition, a shorter vision, thus defeating the search for foundations. . 

Aerospace companies in the US (and overseas) profited from NASA research. None paid back NASA. Institutions similar to NASA, or NIH, or NSF, NCAR, USGS, DOE, DARPA, DOD, HHS and their foreign peers have to depend upon government funding to guarantee their will to foundational research. French government financed scientists discovered optical pumping (lasers!) and mRNA. There was no cash pay-back. No cash payback was anticipated, none given. The inventions of the , masers, lasers, and mRNA vaccines, among other things, are payback enough.

To insist on a payback for fundamental research is to guarantee a switch from foundational research to for-profit research, something which defeats the mission.

The most expensive government research adventure is ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, financed by 35 governments (including US, EU, China). No pay back required in cash: the discovery itself is the compensation. Europe’s CERN, a fundamental physics organization, has 39 participants (including Russia and the US).

Humanity has to learn to not just be motivated by profit, but also by the pursuit of life, happiness, and curiosity. Saving lives should be rewarding enough.

So let startups be startups, fanaticized by greed and all-out investing: we need them too, to go from abstract knowledge to effective technology. An example is NASA, which was the first to land rockets (LEM on the Moon, later Delta rocket). NASA, paralyzed by analysis, limited budgets, and massive federal and local government interference, couldn’t made anything out of it. Elon Musk a South African greed fanatic of sorts, though, having inherited from his adventurously wealthy father, a no-holds barred approach, crashed all the rockets needed to succeed in the new craft of landing spacecrafts… Nobody believed it could be done, a fortiori profitably, but greed has its way that the past did not have. Now Musk’s Space X is colonizing the space economy…

When MODERNA launched, more than a decade ago, with its French CEO, nobody believed that its mission, using mRNA vaccines to fight cancer could work. Whereas NASA had demonstrated rocket landings in the 1960s, mRNA vaccines had failed in France (where mRNA was discovered) in the 1990s…

If we want mRNA technology to work, we better not destroy its pioneer… Biden may feel differently… But he should remember his beloved elder son Beau, an attorney, elected politician, and Iraq war veteran, died of an unstoppable brain tumor.

In 2010, Beau suffered a stroke, probably caused by a brain tumor. Three years after the stroke, while on vacation, Beau Biden was admitted to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after suddenly feeling weak and disoriented. A small brain lesion was located and removed from his brain. He was subsequently diagnosed with brain cancer later in 2013. He underwent treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to combat the cancer.

Sadly, Beau died at 46 years old, in May 2015. It remains unclear exactly what took Beau’s life. There is still a question of whether it was a primary brain tumor (originating in the brain) or a secondary brain tumor (spreading from another place in the body). In normal times, all sorts of mechanisms, many immunological, deal with cancer cells. But some cancers are not destroyed, the immune system doesn’t recognize them as dangerous. This is what MODERNA’s mRNA approach wants to fix.

The mRNA approach will turn the human cells into factories to make more than one million proteins. We could even imagine some of these designed to carry some incapacitating factor, and going to glue themselves on cancer sells… Thus fabricating a defense system within…

Last, not least: the private sector is spending billions trying to develop Quantum Computing. However this research is entangled with governments’ public funding of research in the foundations of Quantum Mechanics over the last 125 years… This would be a crucial scientific advance, if it is made to work… But the corporations which spend these billions would be upset if they felt that the governments would ask for some payback, just because governments’ scientists cooperated with said corporations…

Yet, this kind of dreadful feeling is permeating all of biotech now: biotech stocks, that means their financing, are in a bear market, down a third in the average, ever since Biden and company made their ludicrous claims… In other words, investing in better health is way down. Way to go, Biden! You call that progress?

Patrice Ayme


[1] mRNA vaccines have been successful against Ebola. However, in the case of COVID cold virus based vaccines are more suitable for the poorest half of the world’s population: not only are they up to 20 times cheaper, but they also provide better long term immunity (latest research, November 2021…) 

Truth: From Evolutionary Psychology. Significance Is A Dimension of Truth.

November 9, 2021

A modern tendency is to proclaim truth as a new practice. Science, we are constantly told, was just invented, most scientists are living today, etc. This smacks of the usual self-glorification of any age, and any place, by the vainglorious critters partaking in it. 

In truth, there is nothing new about the truth being at the core of society and humanity. Humanity was evolved by truth. Human beings are truth machines.

In the savannah in the past, for millions of years, being wrong meant being eaten. Being wrong, big time, meant you didn’t get another chance, your genes would not contribute to future evolution. Nowadays being wrong does not have immediate dreadful consequences: you can keep on contributing to the gene pool. Being wrong just means you voted for an idiot, you don’t get immediately eaten… Long term, the consequences of being wrong can be horrible, but it takes so long, people barely see the connection. Instead, being wrong, or even being a lunatic brings the comfort of being part of a stampeding herd, and getting the instant impression of being right. 

So being wrong, also known as fake news, systemic bias, racism, sexism, nationalism, can propagate and multiply, as it does not have adverse consequences: an example is Nazi Germany (thanks, Nazi cretins, for providing us with a drastic example!)


Germans helped Adolf Hitler’s genocidal cretinism for more than 12 years with no consequences adverse enough for them to see the error of their ways, and stop. In the end a five million man army invaded Germany from the west, while a couple million Red Army soldiers attacked from the east, over a land ravaged by, and dysfunctional from, Anglo-American heavy bombing.

Thus, this modern life has decreased the main impetus for fostering truth. During the evolution of humanity, false evaluations of reality turned us into Meals Ready to Eat. The main impetus for figuring out the truth was the will to immediate survival. Truth was a way of life. New science was a slow consequence, it accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years (how to make tools, weapons, clothes, fire, cook vegetables, etc.)

Nevertheless, paradoxically, as it is now, we have never needed, as a species, truth, and especially new and better truths. The survival of humanity has never depended as much on producing new truths industrially… New knowledge, in particular new science has become the key to survival of the species. Because we have a non-sustainable civilization… It can only become sustainable if we master some science-fiction technologies we do not yet have.

Establishing an independent Department of Truth is thus not a joke, and not just a civilizing mission, it is key to survival of intelligence from Earth. 

The Truth Department would not exert censorship. Its primary mission, instead, would be to evaluate any prominent proposition in the various dimensions of truth… Not just veracity, but the potential significance of a proposition, its potential consequences on other propositions, its potential impact if true, its potential impact, if false, logically and emotionally, etc.

By the way, the methodology I suggest would help science itself. A recent long article in PNAS (Proceedings National Academy of Science) shows that big scientific fields are ossified and why. The main culprit is the MENTAL and COGNITIVE FASCISM that a morass of overproduction of low creative quality papers end up causing as a way to foster careers. So it is not a question of fake news in the sense of FALSE news, but a question of too many news trying to present themselves as news when actually they are just repackaging and reinforcing an increasingly narrower global consensus view, because the foundational papers, thus the foundational ideas get quoted ever more, and thus accepted as eternal truths. 

(I could give examples in physics of mental fascism caused by a failure to classify ideas according to their significance and importance. Einstein’s opinion that photons are localized in space while translating is thoroughly NOT proven experimentally… Yet, few physicists question it, nobody tries to confront it experimentally, that potential grave error informs all of modern physics… With a dreadful influence, in my humble opinion, as it implies the multiverse, and the mismanaging of wave function collapse in Quantum Mechanics, among other disasters)

How would the formal introduction of significance as a dimension of truth help truth and science? When a new paper appears, as it is, peer review mostly checks for veracity… Or plausibility if the authors are famous. Significance, if and when it is given some importance, has no formal place. However, I propose to make potential significance a major dimension of truth.

So it was in the jungle: a tiny sound, or motion, or lack thereof, would have been evaluated carefully by prehistoric men in its potential consequences. So not just truth, but potentialities consequential from putative truths, were major neurological and cognitive activities. 

None of the preceding, the many dimensions of truth, and their potentialities, should in any way interfere with parrhesia and isegoria… two pillars of democracy, as the Greeks saw it. Far from it: parrhesia, the ability to speak frankly (in total contradiction with the fascist “cancel culture”), and isegoria, the right to address the assemblies equally (which is completely violated by the so-called “representative democracy” regimes) are indispensable, and the core of real democracy and its ability to generate truth from debates…

But finding the new and better truths is so important that we need all the help we can get. Making truth assist a part of governance would be more of what has long been done, ever since engineers advised leaders, and that happened well before Archimedes’ role during the siege of Syracuse…

Patrice Ayme 


Well, that’s only one interest of art… One of the dimensions of the interest we bear towards it. Another is an interest we already have in DREAMING… Namely imagining, in our minds eyes, new possibilities, new potentialities, exactly as what happens with the hidden dimension of truth I promote, namely its significance, or POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE…


November 7, 2021

Abstract: Expected rise of temperature in mountains correspond to a seven degree Centigrades rise (about 15F). This informs global heating: in the long run, it will also be 7C. Large systems (Antarctica, Greenland) have greater thermal inertia, so their temperatures rise, so far, is slower… But they will rise as much…. And all of a sudden, as exponentials (self-feeding) mechanisms do. In other words the so-called “forcing” by man-made greenhouse gases (which corresponds right now to 600 ppm of CO2 equivalent, nt just 420) is universal, but the smaller the system, the faster the temperature rise… So small glaciated areas are like canaries in coal mines… The explosion is coming…


Geographical systems with little thermal inertia (mountain glaciers) show an accelerated rate of heating of these parts which is only compatible with a seven (7) degrees rise in Celsius by 2100… A rise the IPCC of the UN considers impossible… But INERTIA says that it IS happening. The first thing this implies is that most forests will burn… worldwide. Then the ice shelves in Antarctica will follow.


Anybody familiar with mountains worldwide know that temperatures are rising extremely fast: large glaciers I used to know have completely disappeared.. As in Chacaltaya, Bolivia. Or Portage, Alaska. The closest glacier to an Alpine village I went to as a child has been replaced by a larch forest (melezes)… One reason for this is that mountains are smaller in frozen mass than immense ensembles like Greenland and Antarctica. Moreover, the mountains’ permafrost is not as cold.  

From 1984 to 2017, the upper reaches of the fires in the Sierra Nevada of California rose more than 1,400 feet. Now the temperature in the lower atmosphere decreases by 7C every 1,000 meters. There are many potential factors to explain why fires go higher (although some contradict each other). To avoid paralysis by analysis, I will assume the rise in fires is all due to temperature rise. So what we have here is a 2.5C rise in 33 years.


Mountain thermal capacity is accordingly reduced relative to those of Greenland and Antarctica. The proportionality factors are gigantic. Say the permafrost of a mountain range is of the order of 10^4 square kilometers, at a depth of one kilometer (typical of the Sierra Nevada of California or the Alps at a temp of -3C. By comparison, Antarctica is 14x 10^6 sq km at a depth of 4 kilometers of permafrost at a temp of -30C. Thinking in greater depth reveals the proportions to be even greater: individual mountains are of the order of square kilometers [1]. This means that (using massively simplified lower bounds), Antarctica has a mass of cold which is at least 4 orders of magnitude higher than a mountain range: to bring Antarctica to seriously melt, as mountain ranges are right now, would require at least 10,000, ten thousand times, as much heat (or maybe even a million, or more, when considering individual mountains).  

As it is, mountains are exposed to a heat bath which makes their permafrost unsustainable. From their small thermal inertia, mountains warm up quickly. Greenland and Antarctica, overall, are exposed to the same bath, the same “forcing”, but because they are gigantic and gigantically cold, they resist more: they warm up, but much slower (moreover as warmer air carries more snow, it snows more while Antarctica warms up).

I have looked, in details at glaciologists records, from the US to Europe… Everywhere glaciologists say the same thing: expect a rise of the permafrost line of 1,000 meters… That corresponds to a SEVEN DEGREE CENTIGRADE RISEBasically, while glaciers were found down to 2,500 meters in the Alps (some can still be seen in caves)… Expect that, in a few decades, none will occur below 3,500 meters… Thus speak the specialists, the glaciologists…

Mount Hood, Oregon, in August 1901 on the left, and August 2015, on the right. The Eliot glacier, front and center, which used to sprawl for miles, is in the process of disappearing completely

What is happening then, when most climate scientists speak of holding the 1.5 C line (obviously completely impossible, even if humanity stopped emitting CO2 immediately)???… Or when they admit that we are on a 2.7C future in 2100? Well, those scientists have been captured by the establishment… They say what ensure their prosperous careers… At a global rise of 2.7 C, we get a migration of the permafrost line of around 500 kilometers towards the poles… Catastrophic, yes, but still, Antarctica will not obviously start to melt, big time.

At 7C, the melting of the surrounding of Antarctica, including destabilization of West Antarctica, and the Aurora and Wilkes Basin can’t be avoided… They hold around 25 meters of sea level rise….

If it came to light that a seven degree centigrade rise is a real possibility, authorities would turn around and really do some things, which may destabilize the worldwide plutocratic establishment: carbon tariffs are an obvious example. Carbon tariffs could be imposed next week… and they would have a big impact of the CO2 production. So why are carbon tariffs not imposed? Carbon tariffs would destabilize the deindustrialization gravy train: by employing who are basically slaves in poor countries, plutocrats make themselves ever wealthier, while making sure there would be no insurrection at home… A trick already used in imperial Rome, by the Senatorial aristocracy/plutocracy. That would be highly effective… By the way, without saying so, of course, and maybe even unwittingly, this is basically what Trump had started to do…

The devil has these ways which the commons do not possess…

That would stop the crafty, dissembling nonsense that countries such as France are at 4.6 tons per capita of CO2 emissions per year… That’s only true when all the CO2 emitted to produce the goods the French need is NOT counted.. including deforestation in Brazil to grow soybean. With them counted, one gets to 11 tons or so, more than double… The wonderful graph of CO2 emissions collapsing in Europe is the same graph as collapsing industrial production…

The devil has these ways the commons have not even detected…

Carbon tariffs would be a way to solve two wrongs in one shot: the wrong of deindustrialization, of corrupt pseudo-leaders not putting the most advanced countries, their own countries, first… And the wrong of producing too much CO2.

Little fixes will go a long way, as long as they incorporate hefty financing fundamentally researching new energy (it does not really matter which type, as long as it is fundamental…)

Patrice Ayme

European Authorities Promote A Deviant Form Of Islam

November 5, 2021

By deviant form of Islam, I mean Wahhabism… Salafism, now pretty much identified with Sunni Islam, de facto. That means literalist Islam, which was outlawed by Saladin himself, around 1200 CE. By the way, literalist Islam was new at the time, in 1200 CE. There are more than 100 variants of Islam. The oldest, which I am very familiar with, starting as a toddler, was created even before the Qur’an we have was written, just after the death of Muhammad, when Aisha pretended to an infuriated Omar, that a goat had eaten some sexist verses Omar was looking for… That oldest version of Islam is very compatible with the progress of civilization. Historically, it’s a lethal enemy of today’s dominant forms of Islam…

The crackdown against fundamentalist Islam was successful until Wahab started to preach in the Eighteenth Century, and reintroduced savage literalism. Wahab succeeded because he made an alliance with the Saudi family, which brought military power to bear.

A problem with literalism is that all what was written about Islam was written after Muhammad untimely death… Even the Qur’an itself, and many wars were fought about that. Later the Hadith were written, and most of the Shariah in the Eight century, many generations after Muhamad’s death…

There is plenty of evidence that Muhammad was not sexist: he pushed women’s rights as far as he could, considering the time (7C) and place(Arabia), and Aisha said so (he married her when she was 6 or so…). In the two crucial early military victory of the Islamists, Arab women accompanying the Arab army, and FIGHTING with it, played a crucial role (including for killing the wounded enemy after the main action, a violation of standards of antique war). Aisha claimed, and I believe her, that Uthman, the Third Caliph, who wrote the Qur’an we have, was sexist. In the Qur’an it is said that the female entourage of the Prophet should dress modestly (probably a pique of Uthman against Aisha who was brazen, independent to a point unusual even in a very head strong Twenty-Frist Century woman). Later, literalist and professional Islamists, in some remote quarters, came to interpret this as meaning that women should be veiled. However, in mainstream Islam, as practiced in main civilization centers (Baghdad, etc.) high society women not only did not wear veils, but they showed the goods after which the class of animals we belong to is named after… in see-through tops… We know this, because they have been reproduced in paintings…

Freedom in Hijab? Let the European Council go around covered with veils! Send the European Council to convents, for even more freedom and diversity! The European Council want women to be covered with tents. Less boring, it says, forgetting all that sparked the progress of human civilization in the last 15 centuries, namely the move against theocratic fascism and Greco-Roman sexism…

One has to understand how civilization went down when the Greco-Roman state cracked, and how it was rebooted… by the Franks. The Greco-Roman empire went down from lethal exploitation by an oligarchy which promoted fascist ways to justify its existence. The ultimate straw, metaphysical fascism, was “Catholicism”, spiked with imperial decrees punishing “heresy”, all the way to death through torture. All of this was copied by the Islamists, who were heavily influenced not just by Christianism, but also, directly, by Christian authorities (Muhamad’s cousin, the bishop of Alexandria, who gifted slaves to the Prophet, the bishop of Jerusalem who bent over backwards for Omar, the Second Caliph, etc…). 

When the Franks finally took control of what came to be known as “Francia“, after trying for a century to save the empire from the crazy Christians, they took over Catholicism, and made it tolerant. Nobody was burned for heresy, in Francia, for more than 5 centuries (until 1026 CE…). Judaism was made equivalent to Christianism, and Islamism was benevolently ignored (Muslims left behind from failed invasions of Francia were not bothered… they all converted without pressure…)

Ii is clear that religious fascism hinders civilization, and why it is so: because freedom of thought, instead of bringing mental jousts, is the surest path to execution.

It is also clear from the preceding that the version(s) of Islam which imposed to cover women much more than men are sexist, and the opposite of what Muhammad wanted to achieve: total wisdom for women (as evidenced by the way he totally free way with which he treated Aisha… Once one has set aside what is, by today’s standards, underage sex…) Sexism hinders civilization, by creating stupid women who then educated toddlers stupidly, perpetuating the stupidity…

The European Council, and much venal academia, have been encouraged by their sponsors, the plutocrats, to foster stupidity. So they encourage and foster the most stupid form of Islam they can find… Conveniently forgetting that the war against Middle Age plutocracy, aka the old landed aristocracy, had to include a fight against the Catholic church, which was used as a metaphysical justification, and, as Marx pointed out, opium for the people. Bu then nowadays, we have famous prostitutes, like Nussbaum, explaining to us that being against putting forcibly tents on women is “inconsistent” (because when the whore gets cold, she dresses up… So it’s “inconsistent” to claim one does have the right to force women to be half of men, and covered with tent… That’s basically the gutter level argument the well paid and famous academic rat produce, from her well-paid and rewarded Islamophilia… Nussbaum just got the Holberg prize for super-philosophy, gutter level…) 

Islamism is a variant of Catholicism, in the grand scheme of things. The plutocratic summoned both, as tow demonic helpers… Speaking of demon, Bill Gates of hell was on his superyacht, the world’s most polluting, and bought for himself an ecological farm, to claim ecological aura. Under small minded Obama, Gates of Hell were made education czars of the USA. Microsoft, Gates’ company, is again the world’s largest in market capitalization, above chip-starved Apple… Think about it: Obama, who has the reputation of a sort of thinker among those who confuse appearance and reality… entrusted US education to a greedy monopolist… Said monopolist was a friend of pedophile ring Epstein (who was conveniently suicided)… Another friend was the CEO, the chief of the United Kingdom and world’s bank, Barclay… Regulators discovered that the Barclay’s CEO was much more than just sharing drinks with… Epstein… 

Does that remind you of the “QAnon” theory, of a worldwide group of mighty pedophiles involving a lot of so-called self-proclaimed “Democrats”? Yes… But that’s for real… Melinda French Gates said she divorced greatly because of Epstein, and Gates’ Epsteinian ways… I know very little about QAnon, but the way it was pushed as a mad conspiracy makes me believe that it was to the real pedophile situation what a counterfire is to a forest fire… And as to why the world’s mightiest individuals would engage in outrageous, illegal behavior, well, it is a systematic fact of history… 

Humanity is made to encourage outrageous, because that’s how fresh ideas and emotions germinate… Wealth and taste, but… in need of some restraint… Sometimes…

Patrice Ayme

Ossified Science

November 2, 2021

A paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (118, e2021636118, ) describes how clout and crowd create intellectual fascism inside modern scientific disciplines.

The thought producing system has been corrupted, increasingly so, in the last 50 years. How? By a rising tide of mediocrity. Is that an accident? No. Is it the first time this happens? No.

It used to be that if one contradicted God, one was thrown out of academia: thus evolution was not taught in England, and young students Darwin and Lyell had to go to Edinburgh to learn of evolutionary theory discovered by the French scientists, Lamarck and his colleague and adversary Cuvier. Now it is the paper sea god who has to be sacrificed to.

Scientific authorities, in the last 50 years, have naively confused quantity and quality. Was it just naivety? No. Was it accidental? No. This is the spirit of times: corrupting the spirit of critical inquiry with mediocrity, with the overall aim of making sure no revolution threatens the establishment… Whatever the cost…

There is a logic in a skeleton, as there is in ossified science, both, therein, and why there is…


There was an interesting paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (118, e2021636118, ) which argued that science is becoming ossified, and new ideas simply cannot emerge. My question is, why has it taken them this long to recognize it? That may seem a strange thing to say, but over the life of my career I have seen no radically new ideas get acknowledgement.

The argument in the paper basically fell down to one simple fact: over this period there has been a huge expansion in the quantity of scientists, research funding, and the number of publications. Progress in the career of a scientist depends on the number of papers produced. However, the more papers produced, the more likely is the science to stagnate because nobody has the time to read everything. People pick and choose what to read, the selection biased by the need…

View original post 829 more words


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because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

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Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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