Archive for the ‘Reevaluation of Values’ Category

Covering Up Susan Rice’s Congenital Deep State Connections

July 30, 2020

Considering that dozens of millions of mail-in ballots will be sent before the first presidential debate (supposing there is one), there is a high probability that Biden will be elected [1]. As Biden indicated he would serve just one term, his VP has a high probability to become president. Kamala Harris is anti-progressive, a will-to-power machine. But Susan Rice is a global plutocratic, that is, satanic pawn, a living depiction of what is wrong with the world Davos oligarchy… Yes at least five million died in Congo, and Rice has everything to do with it.

Biden claims to embrace the progressive agenda, instead of China and plutocracy, as he used to. Wonderful. Only the naive and, or, senile will believe this. It will be all smoke and mirrors… Not to say it will not be an improvement over Trump, especially with green energy. But the great danger is that global plutocracy, headed by the Big Tech Thieves, goes back to the status quo ante, as found under Obama.

Hopefully, Biden will embrace the disingenuous, power hungry Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is no Obama: she wants power, for herself, she is not pushed into it by CIA (like) operatives (as Obama was). She does what she wants. She is no progressive. Anything to reach the top. She was girl friend to who was long the most powerful politician in California, Willie Brown (who is indeed brown verging on black). Kamala will do anything for power (including uttering pseudo-progressives inanities such as all illegal immigrants getting free health care… while US born citizens are ruined by it…) She lied about busing (Kamala was bused from wealthy are to wealthy area; my own daughter, not bused, is schooled in the dirt poor area two miles west…)

Wall Street and the like are scared of Kamala: from their point of view she is a loose cannon, and she will make sure she becomes president… somebody who thinks by herself, that makes her dangerous: what if Black Lives Matter and its dangerous radical halo, including “Bernie Bros” are still kicking around when she is president, and she decides to go with the flow… instead of doing discreetly what is necessary (as was dine with Occupy Wall Street)?

Clown Clinton and war criminal Kagame (left). Rise served in Clinton’s National Security Council (NSC) from 1993 to 1997 (as director for international organizations and peacekeeping from 1993 to 1995, and as special assistant to the president and senior director for African affairs from 1995 to 1997); and as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from 1997 to 2001

What the establishment wants is Ms Rice. Because she knows that the establishment knows where the bodies are buried and she buried them herself. Never elected, always empowered, she has been groomed to be a (global) plutocratic operator from birth. Arguably both war criminals, Biden, co-invader of Iraq, and Rice, co-invader of Congo, have deep afinities…

Ms Rice wrote an email to herself in the last few minutes of the Obama administration. The email memorialized the meeting about Russia and Trump two weeks after it happened, claiming Obama wanted to be sure “every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’” “The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective,” the email continued. “He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.” She was told to write that email, it turns out.

Recent articles in the self-declared “liberal” press (truly a tool of international kleptocracy) scrupulously forget Susan Rice’s work for, and with, an impressive panoply of dictators. … To insure the procurement of precious minerals for the high tech industry… Articles in the new York Times fail to mention that Ms. Rice is a power structure heir: her father sat on the Federal Reserve board. Hence the high responsibilities jobs she was offered at a very young age. Nor do the articles mention the deep, affectionate and numerous ties of Ms. Rice with several African dictators [2]. Ms. Rice was on the payroll of the Rwandan dictator Kagame, for many years, acting as his publicist. Finally her investment in companies bringing Canadian tar sand oil to the US, in the millions of dollars, is not mentioned, either. This happened while she served in the Obama administration.

Patrice Ayme



[1] Sending mail-in ballots more than a month before the election should be illegal, unconstitutional…


[2] Rice refused to ask the US trained pet and dictator Paul Kagame of Rwanda to stop his war in Congo. This was thoroughly documented by the NYT even nearly a decade ago. The NYT also let an Ethiopian activist criticize Rice’s adoration of the late Meles Zenawi, dictator of Ethiopia.

Rice, an Africa manipulation specialist, invested in young, progressive-seeming operatives such as Kagame, Zenawi and Yoweri Museveni in Uganda. And kept on sticking with them when they turned out to be not so progressive after all… but instead bloody, war mongering tyrants.Even the NYT reported that Rice watered down a United Nations resolution condemning Kagame’s support for Congo’s M23 rebels, whose recent invasion of Goma, the major eastern Congo city, was internationally condemned. Even the so-called “liberal” press had to admit that Kagame had been a personal client of hers at Intellibridge, a Washington consultancy Rice worked for during George W Bush’s presidency.

FRANKLIN DC: Change The Name Of The Capital Of The US to “FRANKLIN”.

June 12, 2020

Washington was a systematic racist, who, propelled by greed, invaded entire countries. Time to expose his cover-up by revealing his criminal guiles. Rename the Capital City of the USA!

Why teenie-tiny ridiculous small symbolic changes of obscure places? Master some fortitude, and Go the Whole Way! Washington, in more ways than one, is the very symbol of institutionalized racism at the service of personalized greed. A much better name offers itself: FRANKLIN. 

Pelosi, much admired corrupt politician-plutocrat, war criminal, idol of fake left fronting for real plutocracy, came on TV with her plastered, great white shark of a smile, and surprise, surprise, recommended changing the historical names of many major US military bases, such as Fort Bragg and Fort Lee. Changing those names associated with slavery will fight “systemic racism”. Right. But why stop there?

Among the Founding Fathers, two, at least, were notorious slave owners: Washington and Jefferson. Jefferson, while US ambassador to France (he had succeeded to Franklin), was told, by the French Ancien Regime police, that he couldn’t keep slaves while in France, he had to free them, pay them a living wage, and let them go if they so wished. Some of these slaves were just children and he was sexually abusing them. They pondered staying in France. Jefferson promised to free them, when back in the USA. He lied. 

Washington managed 317 slaves, yes, 317, more than three hundred slaves at his Mount Vernon property alone. Washington refused the pressing, continual, multi-year entreaties of his friend French general Lafayette to entice him to propose the Abolition of Slavery. As Washington owed his victory to Lafayette, his resistance was remarkable. Washington confessed that his refusal to let go of his slaves was because he made a lot of money from his slaves. Excellent answer! One can’t argue with such towering greed. 

A WORTHY THINKER, Ben Franklin, circa 1770: American statesman, scientist and philosopher Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790). (Photo by Stock Montage/Stock Montage/Getty Images)

Ona Judge, a slave of Washington’s wife Martha was of mixed background: her father. Mr. Judge, was white. Born a slave of Martha, she was not taught how to read and write. After she learned that she, and her children would stay a slave, even after the death of George and Martha, she fled the presidential mansion in Philadelphia. Ona Judge died at age seventy-five, on February 25, 1848 in Greenland, New Hampshire. Attesting to the systemic ferocity of the US “justice”, at the time of her death Ona Judge was still not legally a free person; she is not mentioned in Washington’s 1799 will. She and her children stayed slaves. She spent her entire life as a fugitive, evading Washington’s agents, and those of his successor estate. Something similar happened with Washington’s famous cook, Hercules, who also escaped, never to be found again.


Many always want to erase symbols of the past, presumably so that we can relive history, as slaves: 

The correct way to do history is to teach what happened, all of what happened, and why it could have been vastly different, with small tweaks… Bringing down the statues, and forgetting any notion of what happened which was immoral, is exactly how not how to do it: this is Islamist State style action philosophy of history… Pretend the past never happened, so one can repeat it. If one removed any symbol of the exploitation of man by man, museums would be mostly empty, as they are full of them, since mostly only tyrants and their servants had the means of celebrating themselves and their pets. 

Instead of just removing persons, or symbols, one should engrave at their bottom what’s wrong with that person, or symbol. Let me give an example.


Louis XIV was a disaster France, and the world, are still recovering from… Don’t erase it from memory! Teach it!

I cordially hate and despise Louis XIV of France. But I want others to learn about all he did wrong, and why, and how… It’s interesting: it reflects possible, scary futures. And so would Louis have wanted, in the end, when he realized he had been wrong all along about war (we know this from his last words, dying from gangrene; as he was talking to his grandson, Louis XV, in spite of the stench, and maybe because of the stench, Louis XV would never forget, hence the loss of Canada, and then the revenge of the US War Of Independence). 

So I detest Louis XIV: he made France from the European superpower, into a fatally wounded beast, full of Catholicism, like he was full of gangrene. But would I want to erase Les Invalides, Versailles, and the dozens of forts Louis left behind? That would be a crime against the inheritance of humanity and a grave error. 

Instead one should teach Louis XIV correctly, in full, focusing on why all of Europe in a grand coalition against him. That would focus attention on this crime against humanity, the euphemistically named “Révocation de L’Edit de Nantes”, and its “Dragonnades”. Not quite Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, but nearly all the way there (so Louis XIV is actually a pathfinder for Hitler; if Louis could do it, why not Adolf?) 

Correctly studying the history of Louis XIV has not been done, yet. Thus, Louis XIV criminal propaganda is still alive and well.


So what to do with the renaming of names?

In Europe, capitals such as Paris, Rome and London have names more than 2,000 years old. Paris, which the Romans called Lutetia for three centuries, returned to its name from the ancient local tribe of the Parisii, during the Late Roman empire.

New York started as “New Angouleme”, then “New Amsterdam”… But George Washington city? Why? Because Washington went to war to steal Indian lands in the Ohio Valley (fighting the French and committing crimes against humanity in the process), so that he is a perfect symbol of all what’s wrong with systemic, inhuman greed?

Franklin persuaded the entire French plutocracy to finance the US Revolution, and got France to declare war to the United Kingdom, when the American Independence cause looked doomed. France would be in the war for 5 years, until victory. However, the war, worth around 5 trillion 2020 dollars, ruined France… And the US didn’t reimburse one dime. In conjunction with a bad volcanic eruption of Laki in Iceland, this ushered the French Revolution

The case of general Washington is outrageous. Right, he won the War of Independence (initially engineered by the French monarchy and revanchards). But the US would have become independent anyway (just like Canada, but earlier, being eleven times bigger). In the greater scheme of things, the US War of Independence was greatly a French belated retort to her defeat in the Seven Years (World) War of 1756-1763… The latter war was partly lost from Voltaire’s aggressive, anti-French pacifism (Britain went all out to fight the war, leveraging the central bank with a vengeance, France didn’t; Voltaire told his friend the King, and everybody worthy in France, declaration after declaration, that Canada was “only a few acres of snow…”).

As I said, why France lost in 1756-1763 is intimately tied to her losing the wars at the end of Louis XIV’’s dictatorship. Hence Louis’ throwing out the Protestants, also threw out France’s future… Although Protestantism, reform started there five centuries before Luther (yes, exactly in 1026 CE in north-west France, and the church got two dozens of their opponents burned alive)… So nothing was more French than Protestantism. But was Louis XIV really French? After all, his mother was Austrian, and she prevented very deliberately, switching to a Republic during La Fronde. So Louis’ excess of Frenchitude, may just have been the grasping for straws, of one who wanted to show that he was more French than the French… Similar, once again, to the Austrian mongrel Hitler who wanted to prove to the Germans he was more German than the Germans… by killing ten million of them… 

Naturally, French Protestants included much, if not most, of the brightest part of France (quite a bit the same effect as with the Jews: as they were hounded and in conflict, they had to justify their on-going existence as distinctive by achieving said superiority; that sort of effect was long operative in the nobility, and enabled it to justify its own existence). Once ejected out of France, the French Protestants wanted to destroy the tyrant, Louis, who had tortured them, and stolen their future. All correct french textbooks of the period, should contain special Louis XIV barf bags… 

These deductions are not made by historians, especially not historians of the French persuasion. Like most of those who eat crumbs, professionally, they want to eat, and a roof, and positive repute, so they don’t want to irritate their masters.  

To come back to the initial subject, the case that Washington is not to be adulated too much anymore is strong. Look at France: down ever more, and the admiration for Louis and Napoleon, those criminals against humanity, and strategic cretins, has much to do with it. Only the enemies of France, and civilization, should celebrate them. Right, they are legions.


French Canada Model: Greet, Trade and Civilize. Washington’s Model: Greed, Invasion, and Slavery:

At the time, many European individuals, desirous to enjoy the much better life of the new World, sold themselves in “Indentured Servitude”, a form of slavery (in Greco-Roman antiquity, selling oneself in slavery was common). So there were graduation in slavery in the Anglo colony.

French Canada didn’t allow slavery, but it was a completely different sort of colony, founded on trading peacefully with the Natives, and “Mission Civilisatrice”. 


George Washington, or the Institutionalization of Systemic Slavery:

Washington’s support of slavery was very personal and very greedy… just because he wanted to stay the wealthiest man north of the Rio Grande. Washington penetrated the Ohio Valley to conduct real estate grabs. Caught, he had to recognize in writing to the French during those “French and Indian Wars” (as the short sighted US sees the 7 year war…) that he was a war criminal (for having executed three dozen French prisoners)…

Washington had learned real estate grabbing by mentoring from Lord Fairfax, who owned the north of Virginia. Here is typical sample of his activities:

“George Washington, Dr. James Craik, his personal physician, and surveyor William Crawford spent nine weeks beginning in October 1770 surveying the 20000 acres that he had been awarded for his service in the French and Indian Wars. Always seeking to obtain the best lands for the least investment, this was an opportunity that Washington was determined not to lose. He “felt an acute sense of urgency, since settlers were already flocking to the Ohio and Great Kanawha rivers, and he feared they might preempt the most productive soil. He also got wind of a huge scheme by English investors to obtain 2.5 million acres and inaugurate a new colony, Vandalia, whose borders might further curtail the bounty lands…

Historian John E. Ferling noted that as “Washington was putting together his second team for the Great Kanawha, he received even more disconcerting news. Shortly after he returned from the Virginia convention sessions in Richmond, one of his old soldiers from his frontier days dropped by Mount Vernon bearing the tale that [British] Governor Dunmore was about to disallow all the land grants previously made to the colony’s veterans of the French and Indian War… Washington listened with disbelief. He could lose twenty-three thousand acres! He immediately contacted the governor, adducing evidence and entreating the executive’s beneficence. But Dunmore dryly responded that if Crawford was not properly certified ‘the patents will of consequence be declared null and void.

Washington’s land holdings clearly affected his political outlook – first regarding England, and later regarding the United States. Washington thought big and thought about the implications of thinking big. Glenn A. Phelps wrote that Washington’s “extensive land-holdings in the West, as well as his frequent surveying expeditions to the frontier, had placed him within a circle of Virginia politicians with somewhat more enterprising, expansionist, westward-looking interests than their tidewater brethren.”

In other words, George Washington should become the symbol of all what’s wrong with the SYSTEMIC GREED, RACISM and ANTI-HUMANISM which characterized the US ever since. That he is generally viewed as one of the three best US presidents only add to that systemic error. 


Franklin, Authentic Genius, Humanist: 

Franklin is a much better model than the hopelessly compromised Washington. Yes, he owned slaves, but only two, George and King, who were personal servants. Franklin led an abolitionist organization for the last ten years of his life

Franklin is doubly rare creature, an authentic American intellectual of civilizational weight, a real genius, and also an authentic intellectual who implemented practical progress (both in Europe and America).

The Declaration of Independence was signed by Franklin and others. HOWEVER, Franklin is the only Founding Father who signed all the founding documents of the USA. Benjamin Franklin was appointed minister to France in 1778, John Jay was appointed minister to Spain in 1779 and John Adams to Holland in 1780. Admired by the French for his experiments with electricity, inventions and for his homiristic, charming and humble personality, Franklin was a natural choice as ambassador. Franklin was the first official diplomat and ambassador to the 13 colonies.

War began, thanks greatly to French agents operating in America, who excited against Britain. On 4 December 1777, word reached Benjamin Franklin at Versailles that Philadelphia had fallen and that Burgoyne had surrendered. Two days later, Louis XVI assented to negotiations for an official alliance.The treaty was signed on 6 February 1778, and France declared war on Britain one month later, with hostilities beginning with naval skirmishes off Ushant in June, notably the Action of 17 June 1778. George III did not welcome a war with France, but he was “prepared” for it. The king believed he had tried to avoid the conflict, but “France chooses to be the Aggressor“, and Britain had taken “all the steps necessary if it should end in war“. George III was “prepared” for armed conflict with the French by remembering British victories over that Bourbon power in the Seven Years’ War.

However, then Britain had launched, and paid European powers to fight France, notably Prussia. It was not the case this time, and confronted by France alone, Britain lost. The war would last five years and finish with a Franco-American victory.

Between 1778 and 1782 France kept providing the Continental Army with arms, more than 90% of the cartridges, ammunition, troops, uniforms and naval support. That was Franklin’s work, to a great extent.


The inability of Washington to reach any semblance of post-Roman moral clarity relative to the exploitation of man by man is striking: slavery had been outlawed in France more than eleven centuries earlier (655CE), and reinstituted in the English American colony in 1619 CE (as I always remind readers; now even the NYT has embraced the notion…)

People are going around, looking for “institutionalized racism”. Where is it? Well, fist, in the name of the capital city, that of a major slave owner, who had it in his hands to at least try to imitate what had been done in France, eleven centuries earlier. As the Imperium Francorum dominated Europe then, the outlawing of slavery was imposed on all of Western Europe, outside of Muslim invade areas and Britain. However, by the end of the Eleventh Century, the Franks had liberated much of Europe, all the way to Sicily, and slavery was outlawed upon the invasion of England in 1066 CE.

Washington is not just hopelessly compromised, he is hopelessly compromising.

Having named the capital for him, is nothing to be proud of.

It’s not enough to not be a racist. One has to stop behaving as one. Changing the name of the capital to FRANKLIN will energize a conversation about how and why slavery was introduced to North America, and what it did to the American mind, to become so systemic. 

Patrice Ayme





Nota bene, slavery was outlawed after the Secession War. Yet, while the question of slavery was one of the causes of the SW, it was not the only one. Several dynamic imbalances between north and south played a role. In any case, the war was savage, and one of the worst civil wars ever in the history of all civilizations, and represents nothing to be proud of.  The US should have been able to find a more civilized way out of systemic racism, than to kill a million people, or so, 3% of the population (10 or 15 times, relative to population what the French “Terror” killed… but the Terror was propelled, and part of, a huge attack and conspiracy against France by all the plutocratic powers of Europe) … especially as it didn’t just changing from a form of racism which disadvantaged the north to one which looked more benign: factories of the South manned by slaves had proven at a competitive advantage to factories of the north where workers were treated like slaves (this fact is ignored; I read the study in Science magazine; looked very well done).     

General Flynn Should Burn Because He Perjured Himself? Like Joan Of Arc? “Guilty Pleas” Are A US Travesty Of Justice

May 14, 2020

Justice, done properly, should first consist in finding the truth. This is why justice has learned, in the last three thousand years, to avoid torture. Under torture, suspects would often say whatever. France and Britain learned, in the late middle ages, that well-done police work was superior to torture, to find the truth.

To present suspects with a choice: plead guilty, and get a reduced sentence, or incur the wrath of the judge if pretending to consider oneself innocent, is a travesty of justice… and a form of torture Indeed, it’s not the truth which is the arbiter of justice then, but just the convenience of the deal, the “art of the deal” (an expression of Donald Trump). Thus, Judge Sullivan is actually a wheeler and dealer, similar in spirit to Donald Trump. It goes without saying that justice shouldn’t be about making deals… But US justice is all about making deals!

Johanes D’Arc miniature, 15 C. Jeanne was exonerated 20 years after her death, and made a saint another 4 centuries later… Will general Flynn, also hounded for perjuriously saying he was not guilty after saying he was, be the new Jeanne?

Justice should just render verdicts from truth, mercy, wisdom. To make the “art of the deal” central to justice is a travesty thereof. The habit of US justice to “make deals” (guilty pleas) with suspects makes it a laughing stock, from a more civilized point of view. US justice is to justice what dictator Xi is to presidency.

US make-a-deal justice has put millions of innocents behind bars. Accusing general Flynn of “perjury” because, after all, he was not, in his opinion, guilty, and prosecuting him for that return to truth, calling it perjury, is reminiscent of what happened to Joan of Arc at the hands of another rotten Judge.

Joan had pled guilty, and made a deal with the judge: never to wear men’s clothing anymore (a big deal at the time). However, she did (alleging jailers wanted to rape her). Thus she committed perjury, the Judge thundered from the bench. The penalty for perjury in the middle ages was simple: to be burned alive. So she was. Is this the sort of justice Judge Sullivan wants, by selecting someone new, who has published biased opinion against the general already, to tell us that Flynn committed perjury because once he said he was guilty, but was not? 

Patrice Ayme



P/S: The situation above is so weird that it’s not even found in Orwell, or Stalin’s practice. Famously, when the Nazis prosecuted a number of innocent men for the burning of the Reichstag, the case was so ridiculous, that it collapsed of its own weight. However, then, the Nazis had not stuffed yet the judicial system with Nazi judges. Ten years later the opposite story came to the fore… when Nazi Judges condemned to death more than 5,000 soldiers for supposedly plotting against the madmen who led Germany.

It was only common sense that the National Security Adviser Elect (general Flynn) talk to the Russian ambassador, and well within the bound of tradition. The judges involved seem to view hating common sense… Something they have in common with their mighty, wealthy sponsors.

By the way, being nice to Joan above does not mean that I changed my opinion deploring the ending of the “100 year war” which saw a split between Paris and London… the entire strategy having been financed and organized by Yolande of Aragon, queen of the 4 kingdoms… It’s Yolande who should have burned, not the young girl…


In Other News, Biden named a number of “progressives”, including the smart, eloquent, fulminating sexy ex-bartender AOC, to three of six large committees… No doubt this move is supposed to mollify the likes of yours truly. It’s sort of working, I must admit… However, the following article reflects pretty much what I think about it:

Biden Taps AOC and Jayapal to Help Shape Party Policy. Isn’t This a Win for Progressives?

I have seen Biden’s career for decades, and he always serve plutocracy. Biden serves plutocracy saw much, he enticed Xi to go where no Chinese president had gone before (aside from Mao, a special case, as there was war).

Moreover I trust Trump more to dismantle the established order than the unholy conspiracy of Biden and his usual partners in the old fashion Republican party (who are also enemies of Trump, whom they hindered to the max when they controlled all the legislature). Trump may be our son of a bitch, but he doesn’t pretend to be a sheep while a pack of rabid wolves is hiding behind that fake sheep… I have been burned by Obama, big time… When he turned out to be like W. Bush, just worse (several objective factors like inequality, lifespan, the Patent System, monopolies, got worse under Obama). So Biden needs to do more than a first tango with AOC to get me mollified… He needs to risk some, by trying to veer US public opinion towards more progress…

No More Lies, Please! (Reevaluation Of All Values V)

March 14, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic makes it necessary to reevaluate all our values. Some of these values are very subtle. They are not just about stopping valuing wanton splurging on outrageous goods and services, but how we manage our thinking processes, at the highest level. In particular, we need to reevaluate how we manage our concepts of truth and how expressing truths relate to our comfort zone. We have to redefine what we are comfortable with.

We have unhinged the biosphere, and now it’s falling on us, in part because we lost track of what reality is… We lost truth. Truth doesn’t trust us anymore, and we don’t trust truth. Remember: before even the next pandemic, forests will burn, seas will die, etc. It’s time to change ways, because only that change will prevent extremely nefarious evolutions, such as massive sea level rise and lowering of atmospheric oxygen density.


Our societies rest all too much on the implicit religion of lies. In truth, lies are greatly there to protect authorities, the establishment, and their enabling software core, the Leader Principle (Führerprinzip, to use German translation… the core principle of Nazism as it was sold to the German people). The Leader Principle is used obsessively at all levels of society. here is the most elementary example:

Teachers were told at the public school of my fifth grader, as they were sent away with a month of homework, that this was, just in case the school “would” close…. When in truth the decision had already been taken. As I explained to my ten year old daughter, this sounds like an innocent lie. But the idea below that practice, and the emotion attached to it, is that, when in doubt, lie. Oh, some will say, just an innocent lie, so that parents can tell the children themselves. 

No, it’s not innocent to teach children that, when a little lie will make life slightly more comfortable, one should engage in it. It’s the exact opposite which should be taught. What should be taught to children: even if a little lie may make life slightly more uncomfortable, one should relish in the little discomfort caused by an abundance of truth, and the beauty of consecrating oneself to truth.  

Lies are complicated, and even little lies change initial conditions, which can drive differential equations awry with wildly divergent outcomes. Even a little lie, like a butterfly flapping its wings, can bring entire civilizations to lose a sense of reality. 

Why do people still admire Obama after the disaster he visited on the healthcare system… while crowing it was his “signature achievement”? Before accusing me to be a Trumpist, please read the New York Times below (or then you can check US life expectancy, and you can check that smart Obama put an end to its inconsiderate rise).

Any plutocracy is a loss of basic reality. Most civilizations ended as plutocracy: Nazism itself was a plutocracy (evil-rule), consecutive from a loss of reality, itself caused by German society taking for truths, sometimes for centuries, atrocious lies (say that nothing could be more pleasing than torturing Jews, an OCD emotion launched by Saint Louis of France, and then Martin Luther). German much-vaunted literacy contributed to this, as much of what the Germans viewed as most significant, in what they were reading, was conducive to holocausts, reinforced by an all too high opinion of themselves.

A subtle example of lying: Obama gave, what this hysterical monkey and his depraved ilk call a “shout out” (he says) to some celebrities for “giving” money.  Obama celebrates celebrities and collective hysteria. In other words, Obama uses cynically COVID 19 to reinforce the established order, in which he has been so much a part of. Lesser forms shout, higher forms, think.

The established order told us, implicitly, for the longest time, with Obama, that celebrities and “sport figures” are more important than funding research (and treatment!) in medicine… Deep cuts in health departments date from Mr. Obama, the sport figure-would be basketball player president. Obama as health departments cutter in chief? Doesn’t that hurt?

Frustration can cause this, Obama’s personal trainer in high school at Punahou told me, a few years ago: “He couldn’t be a good basketball player, his upper body is too weak”. So then Obama was left to salivate about basketball players… And meanwhile, with his grotesque Obamacare, he cut healthcare. Right wingers with Trump Derangement Syndrome will no doubt say I all make it up, and bother us with their strident ignorance, so here is the New York Times, they very voice of unhinged TDS, which I subscribe to by sheer masochism:

The Coronavirus Swamps Local Health Departments, Already Crippled by Cuts

Many state and municipal health departments saw budget and staffing cuts a decade ago that were never restored.

By Julie Bosman and Richard Fausset, March 14, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET

CHICAGO — A widespread failure in the United States to invest in public health has left local and state health departments struggling to respond to the coronavirus outbreak and ill-prepared to face the swelling crisis ahead.

Many health departments are suffering from budget and staffing cuts that date to the Great Recession and have never been fully restored. Public health departments across the country manage a vast but often invisible portfolio of duties, including educating the public about smoking cessation; fighting opioid addictions; convincing the reluctant to vaccinate their babies; and inspecting restaurants and tattoo parlors.

Now, these bare-bones staffs of medical and administrative workers are trying to answer a sudden rush of demands — taking phone calls from frightened residents, quarantining people who may be infected, and tracing the known contacts and whereabouts of the ill — that accompany a public health crisis few have seen before.

Nationwide, local and state health departments have lost nearly a quarter of their work force since 2008, according to the National Association of County and City Health Officials. As the nation’s local and state public health officials confront a pandemic that has paralyzed much of the world, many of them have made their situation plain: They are heading into a crisis without the resources they need.

“We’ve had to deal with budget cut after budget cut,” said A. Scott Lockard, director of the Kentucky River District Health Department, which serves seven counties in rural eastern Kentucky. “Our staffing level is much less now than what it was previously. People are wearing several different hats and sharing job responsibilities for things that they were not doing before, so we’re already operating at peak efficiency and we have no capacity when something like this happens.””

A “decade ago”! Get it? A decade ago, that’s Obama the Basketball player, not Trump. 


Problem With The Leader Principle: Can’t Tell What’s Important

Of course Obama and his ilk behave as if the only important thing is basketball, and other stupid sport spectacles… So most of the stupid population is in agreement having been brainwashed to find basketball, football, and all other balls, including senior prom, most important, as part of their own stupidification program, which they love. 

Here is an extract for the Guardian… a newspaper who banned me, more than ten years ago, and ever since, for being a “Jihadist”, they claimed, “blogging the Quran”… How that jihadism fits with the fatwa from the government of Pakistan for offending Islam is easy: in either case, I offend the powers that be… Be it the plutocrats such as Bill Gates… who injected at least once, 50 million dollars, secretly into The Guardian. By the way, Obamas and Gates roll together in the same through, attributing to each other various goods, services and honors. As long as The Guardian does not publish my comments the pseudo-left shall think the way the plutocracy wants it to think… The idea of the Leader Principle is that the official ideas and emotions, those which reach the public, are compatible with what the leadership has decided reality was (hence the great hatred of the establishment against Trump whose reality about globalization has never fitted what the global plutocracy has decided what reality should be). Here is The Guardian, March 14:

We need more courageous ones like this one. Coronavirus Dr. Ai Fen, director of the emergency at Wuhan Central hospital. Photograph Renwu Handout

Coronavirus: Wuhan doctor speaks out against authorities

Ai Fen says in interview, which censors are trying to erase, how superiors reprimanded her for warning about outbreak

“A doctor in Wuhan has spoken out after seeing several of her colleagues die from the coronavirus, criticising hospital authorities for suppressing early warnings of the outbreak in an interview censors have been trying to erase from the internet.

In an interview with the Chinese magazine, Renwu, or People, Ai Fen, director of the emergency at Wuhan Central hospital, said she was reprimanded after alerting her superiors and colleagues of a Sars-like virus seen in patients in December.

Now that the virus has claimed more than 3,000 lives inside China, including four doctors at her hospital, one of which was the whistleblower ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, Ai has joined other critics risking their jobs, as well as detention, to speak out about conditions in Wuhan: “If I had known what was to happen, I would not have cared about the reprimand. I would have fucking talked about it to whoever, where ever I could,” she said in the interview.

Since Tuesday, Ai’s interview has been posted and quickly deleted from Chinese social media sites. Renwu has removed the article and Ai could not be reached over the phone. Internet users have moved quickly to save the article, posting screenshots of it.”

The article was translated into classical Mandarin, pinyin, Morse Code, mostly emojis, Hebrew… To elude censors…

“On 30 December, after seeing several patients with flu-like symptoms and resistant to usual treatment methods, Ai received the lab results of one case, which contained the word: “Sars coronavirus.” Ai, reading the report several times, says she broke out into a cold sweat.

She circled the words Sars, took a photo and sent it to a former medical school classmate, now a doctor at another hospital in Wuhan. By that evening, the photo had spread throughout medical circles in Wuhan, where it was also shared by Li Wenliang, becoming the first piece of evidence of the outbreak.

That night Ai said she received a message from her hospital saying information about this mysterious disease should not be arbitrarily released in order to avoid causing panic. Two days later, she told the magazine, she was summoned by the head of the hospital’s disciplinary inspection committee and reprimanded for “spreading rumours” and “harming stability”.

The staff were forbidden from passing messages or images related to the virus, she said. All Ai could do was ask her staff to wear protective clothing and masks – even as hospital authorities told them not to. She told her department to wear protective jackets under their doctor coats.

“We watched more and more patients come in as the radius of the spread of infection became larger,” she said, as they began to see patients with no connection to the seafood market, believed to be the source of the first cases.

Meanwhile, Chinese officials were still insisting there was no reason to believe the virus was being passed between people. “I knew there must be human to human transmission,” Ai said.”

A lie at this point in the West is the lethality of the virus. 

As it is, March 14: CLOSED CASES: 80,270, Cases which had a Recovered / Discharge Outcome: 74,451 (93%). Deaths: 5,819 (7%).

By saying the death rate is only 1%, authorities make the assumption that, for the 80,000 closed cases, another 500,000 or so cases happened… which were so mild, that they don’t know about them. Now, 20% of the known cases become serious enough for hospitalization, and 8% become critical… Now, right, further massaging of the data, if half of the critical cases are saved, thanks to intact health systems (that is, not overwhelmed as the Wuhan health care system was for a few weeks)… We go down to a 4% death rate…

And The Guardian to conclude:

“On 21 January, the day after Chinese officials finally confirmed there was human to human transmission of the virus, the number of sick residents coming to the emergency room had already reached 1,523 in a day – three times the normal volume.

In the interview, Ai described moments that she will never forget: an elderly man staring blankly at a doctor giving him the death certificate of his 32-year-old son, or a father who was too sick to get out of the car outside of the hospital. By the time she walked to the car, he had died.”

Our pampered leaders, rendered superhumanly powerful by the Leader Principle, are leading us into an Armageddon of their own making. This crisis, and many like it, and worse to come, could be prevented, but one has to work on their prevention in a timely manner. Research on Coronaviruses was cut down two years after the SARS 1 epidemic, in 2003: there was no profit to be made, whereas there are plenty to make in basketball, and thus why Obama and his ilk obsesses about it. Basketball itself is completely uninteresting, but the lemmings out there have been conditioned, by the dozen of millions to wallop on their couches and cry an ocean when a basketball superstar dies flying his private helicopter in total pea soup, because, as a plutocrat, even fog should make way (killing innocent children in the process).

They call that sports, because it’s watched on TV, I call it mental degeneracy and cardiovascular disease, and a moral outcry to watch it on TV as if it were (much more genuinely interesting) coronavirus. So Obama diverted clout from biomedical research and treatment of all diseases, to basketball and the like (stuff he can understand)… But why did he do that so obsessively? To hide the fact, by diverting attention, that he gave 8,000 billion dollars ($8 trillion) to the financial plutocracy (which had lost that in the crash to the other half of the plutocracy). All right, he is no genius, and may not even understand that this is what he was doing. But that’s what he was doing, and still does. 

Some maybe shocked by my scorched earth philosophy (and why don’t I attack Trump as much? [1]). But the Earth is being scorched for real by our idiotic leaders, and they are not just all Putin. Philosophy in the past sometimes used to look very elevated, when all it was doing was to serve the tyrants. Pretty much all of Stoic philosophy is culprit of this. But not only. Aristotle was worse. Here is this leech of the most poisonous type: “Change in all things is sweet.” — Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

Yes, really? Thus SARS 2/COVID 19 is sweet? Aristotle, you can be quite a fool, but you would say anything to justify the tyranny of your very closest friends, the Macedonians tyrants, Alexander, Antipater, Craterus. So, after all, Aristotle, you are not a fool, just the worst snake.


The present madness of planetary destruction from wanton human ways, has got to stop, COVID 19 is one more symptom. As people are confined at home, sharing for a few, a few days, with a few significant others, a few fundamental human needs, such as love, conversation and food, life that I consider normal, let them meditate that… And forget the non-creative pursuits that their self-interested leaders told them were most worth it.  

Patrice Ayme



[1] Trump, long a Democrat. has been president just 3.5 years, and didn’t have an easy task, as he faced the full fury of the plutocratically controlled media and establishment. For example, the Intellectual Property (IP) system, completely wrecked by Barack Obama so as to serve Gates and other monopolists who feed, wine, dine and enrich the Obamas since, has not been changed yet. IP was supposed to be addressed, when the Impeachment hoax was taken up… precisely so that IP will keep on serving the monopolists still in power…. By the way, the servants of plutocracy shouldn’t provoke me, I have a half ready essay on this.

Roughly, Obama didn’t do anything good, besides SpaceX (and I was wrong on that one; Elon Musk surprised me; I didn’t remove my highly critical essays on the subject)… And creating giant wildlife reserves (some of which have been inverted by Trump, something I disapprove of strongly…) In the present crisis, Obamacare is coming short. Apparently Trump and Congress are forcing through a number of emergency measures: under Obamacare, being tested for Coronavirus cost up to $5,000. If the Trump-Pelosi Bill is signed into law after the US Senate deigns to look at it, the test should be free… From Democrat impeacher in chief Adam Shifty Schiff himself: “Coronavirus tests at no cost to all who need them. Paid sick leave, expanded food security, enhanced unemployment insurance and more. We’re all in this together.

High time.


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