Archive for October, 2019

Burn California, Burn… The Price of Hypocrisy?

October 30, 2019

Obama (rightly) just lashed out at “purity”, observing that “casting stones does not get you very far”. Hopefully, I will dig in this opinion of the former Commander in Chief a bit more. However, casting stones on those ho cast stones goes only so far too: to be wise means to be more wise, and that addition of wisdom requires some demolition of old logic always. The following essay is about having a correct urban culture, but that requires to demolish the opposite mentality.

Some who believe they are clever and are believed to be clever, pose and deny the enfolding Climate Catastrophe: there is a lot of fame and money to be gathered that way. However, fires are happening all over, including in one of that pole of opinion, California… And it’s no accident my power was not cut: instead of living like a hog in a giant mansion (that could have been organized), I long opted to live correctly (not torturing the biosphere with extravagant energy spending… as the most successful US academics tend to do, with self-glorifying trips all over the planet…)

The problem in a nutshell: giant mansions and giant flames. California’extravagant lifestyle is greatly at fault, helping to cause the greenhouse calamity and making its consequences worse. [Malibu, 2018; but mansions like that are all over California, it’s not just a few celebrities getting roasted…]

California makes a lot of noise about “Climate Change”, and pretends to be leading the way, and, for the US, it is: 9.2 metric ton CO2 per capita per year (more than double France and the world average).

However considering the overall situation, this is rather mediocre. California has lots of advantages: an ideal Mediterranean climate covers most of the state, which gets lots of wind, lots of sun and lots of water falling down from high mountains which cover most of the state. Moreover, the state packs more intellectual, and engineering power than any other US state, and its semi-direct democracy and size enables it to behave as a semi-independent country, brain and engine of the USA, if not the world.  California’s CO2 production is not decreasing fast enough.


So what is wrong?

California cities. They are too spread-out in the wilderness. California has three huge metropolitan areas. The San Francisco Bay, including Sacramento, has a population of twelve million and a GDP of the order of the Netherlands. It is also 250 kilometers across, and the public transportation system can only cover a very small part of it. OK, there are mountains, bays, parks, even two large national parks (Point Reyes and Marin Headlands/Golden Gate) in the middle of it all. 

But the fundamental problem is a flaw in the Californian character. It’s not that the Californian race is a bad sort: there is no such a thing. Minorities are a majority in California, and 25% of the population was not even born in the USA. However, as soon as aliens land in California, they wiggle their antennas, and immediately adopt Californian ways, some of which are not just ridiculous, but offensive to the planet.  

OK, now for a bit of comic relief:

The Qur’an says Allah found fire to be the solution to hypocrisy:

Sura 9, At-Tawbah (Arabic: التوبة‎, “The Repentance“),

68. “Allah has promised the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the infidels, the Fire of Hell, to abide in it forever. That is enough for them, Allah has cursed them, and for them is a lasting chastisement.”


California talks big and lives even larger, hence the big flames. In the Golden State, to be inhabiting high density  living is generally viewed as low class, a failure, nearly immoral if pursued too long (except for a few luxury apartments in downtown San Francisco lots of them bought by Chinese who don’t know any better). A real Californian is supposed to move to the leafy suburbs, conducting there the Californian dream, a car life according to which a family has an entire fleet of electric cars plus a few gasoline SUVs for longer trips (60% of California CO2 emissions are from transportation).

Gigantic houses cheaply built in wooden planks among the chaparral. That’s the bottom of the problem: the highly flammable character of this life of debauch and luxury spread from horizon to horizon among desiccating hills prone to annual fires can’t go on, its ecological cost is too great.

Just look at the San Francisco Bay Area: its real dimensions are astounding: it’s 150 miles from Santa Cruz to Sacramento, and there are houses all along the way, often mixed with dry grass and trees. Most of the landscape is covered by large houses if not mansions, separated from each other by landscape which has evolved to burn over million of years… 

Only high density living is easy to defend from fire, and that’s a small portion  of this urbanism. A change of mentality is needed: instead of living from horizon to horizon, horizon after horizon, California has to learn to esteem high density living. I am living in a small sliver of relative high density living where power was not cut, precisely because there is nothing to burn very easily. Even if lines get buried as in Provence, where the winds are more frequent, and stronger, the fact is, Californians have to learn to live in high density living if they don’t want to burn (and stop being hypocritical in ecology)… Once again, as in Provence (planting more Redwoods would also help, as they stop fire.)

Don’t expect Californians to change their ways soon: laws proposed by politicians to encourage high density living were beaten back by the enraged mansion dwellers, in their luxurious wisdom.

However, the problems with power supply (as perhaps 5 millions were cut of it in the last few weeks), will probably help expand the photovoltaic and battery industry…. And that is an excellent development, so burn, California, burn…since I am in an area protected from cuts, I can run my air filters, even when visibility outside tank… And this is not the nice smell of African savanna fires; in California smoke carries a whiff of scorched plastic…

Patrice Ayme

How Hedonistic Europe Sold Its Soul To America

October 29, 2019

Europe has all these socialist advances the US is deprived of. But then the US economy is vibrant, and provides Europe with goodies. Could both facts be related? They are! Europe’s comfort is the product of a social bargain: it sold its soul to the US Devil. The same bargain also happened, and happens, within Europe, and had huge historical consequences.

The New York Times made a little video of the sort U Tube and minds of superficial youth is infected by: How Europeans See America

We asked young, ordinary Europeans to take a look at U.S. policies on everything from food to guns. As they discover facts about America, they’re not impressed.

I am as “anti-American” as they come, but this video is silly. My comment below was censored by the New York Times, probably because it explained why and how European countries could afford their socialist policies, both in money spent and character weakened )once again, I believe sort of MENTAL STEERING BY DISINFORMATION SHOULD BE UNLAWFUL:   

“What the video doesn’t point out, is that Americans sell themselves to the US dream, the same dream Europeans dream of, and the price they pay is less socialism. The American dream? Americans live differently, often larger: larger homes, larger and more cars, larger pollution, more energy spending, etc. All this fancy way of life is fueled by debt burdens and then displacement of convenience. 


As Trump points out continually, Europe spends in other ways, but not to protect itself: the USA does that, with mostly, and only, the help of France. France is the only European country with its own military-industrial complex… and yet France can’t afford it, because the rest of Europe doesn’t pay France for protection, and pays the USA only indirectly (by not charging US multinationals with taxes commensurate with their sales in Europe). 


Practically this means gigantic economic means diverted for the defense of the West, not to say civilization, in the USA or France, can be focused instead on social services in a country like Denmark. Denmark was at war only six hours against Nazi Germany in World War Two (after a surprise attack, a few hundreds soldiers died). France and Britain were at war nearly six years after declaring war TO the Nazis. France and Britain paid a heavy economic, and human price for that war, so did the USA.[1] 

The picture is a bit misleading in several ways: France and Russia spend more than it looks, because they have military-industrial complexes attached. So, in particular they spend more than Saudi Arabia, which buys a fortune of equipment to the US and Europe . And good they do as the recent attacks on Arabia showed sophisticated US anti-aircraft weapons are useless against drones… This is the sort of nasty military surprises France got in May 1940…

In other words, it is the US’ expensive inhumanity which protects Europe’s delicate humanism. Same holds within Europe: much money is diverted from West to East by EU.

As I have explained in many essays, small, neutral, hedonistic countries, in particular Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden, were direct enablers of Hitler’s stunning victory of May-June 1940 against the French army seconded by Britain. If only one of the small hedonists had betrayed, Hitler would probably not have won, but the combination of the three was lethal. We have more of this now. France should somehow make it so that other European countries are forced to pay for the French military… just as they already pay for the US military (but not enough as Trump keeps on bellowing). A way to pay is to feed the French military-industrial complex by purchasing French military equipment as is done presently (why do you think so many European countries purchase some US equipment known to be inferior to their French alternative?)

Not that the French are all innocent: maybe fracking would work in France, but we won’t know, because fracking prospection was outlawed there, in spite of large possible natural gas reserves (the French consider obvious that the planet has to be saved, and that it is the US which, in this respect has sold its soul).


Some products enabled in the USA are known to cause all sorts of diseases, and that’s why they are outlawed in Europe. Generally because lobbyists have proven more efficient in Washington, and US politicians much more corrupt. Hence a question: is it more corrupt to be corrupt, or to sell one’s destiny to the corrupt?


So now here we are: thanks to Brexit, France can at last realize Napoleon, Charlemagne and Caesar’s dream, unify continental Europe. Actually all serious French kings, after 1,000 CE, realized that it had been a mistake to let go of the rest of the Renovated Roman empire. As the Bouvines battle, in 1214 CE, and countless other battles, demonstrated; the European Union needs to be unified, and that means military force, otherwise it’s an ongoing butchery (see German fascism to see what military force and abominable destruction was needed to win the 1914-1945 war…). Small remnants of once large empires, such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria can’t preach otherwise: this lack of military power is why they got small. 


France and Britain are poised to lead Europe again, as they did for most of the last millennium… And even to rule the world, with the child they have in common. OK, it’s all a bit incestual, as France had given birth to the present version of England earlier (not just in 1066, but in the following centuries when rambunctious French lords in England used Parliament to boost themselves).


But Trump is right: Europe has to spend more on defense… It shouldn’t be to the US to defend Europe’s backyard: Syria, Ukraine, etc. This doesn’t mean I am a Trumper. Trump just surfs there the wave of historical evidence, as presented her for ten years: one needs military force to have an empire… And if one doesn’t have the force of empire, one has nothing. In particular not the force of law. [2]

Patrice Ayme



[1] France and Britain lost (as empires) around a bit more than three million dead in World War Two (2.6 million for the French empire, 500,000 killed for the British Commonwealth: the French had more military dead than the British). Entire cities were devastated, reduced to rubble. France had some point had only three railway engines left (the air forces and Resistance took care of the others). Normous debt were piled up. The USA actively, even militarily, under the guise of “decolonization”, deprived the Europeans of their empires and replaced them by their own, most juicy, while enjoying various rents from Europe…


[2] Some may look at Sweden and say Sweden is neutral, bla bla bla… Well, Sweden gave Hitler all the high grade iron he needed and the 88mm gun… In May 1940, the Franco-British army, led by the French Foreign Legion was poised to cut Sweden in two. Now the Swedes look nice, and they can point at their jet fighter… But it has lots of US technology inside: more of selling one’s soul to the US.

Is Nazi Ideology Still Alive And Well? Yes!

October 27, 2019

Central to Nazi ideology was the “Fuhrer Prinzip“, the “principle of the leader“, an idea also central to Marxism (the “dictatorship of the proletariat“). “Representative Democracy” is not much removed from that (as Nazis themselves pointed out). Who ponders this?

The leader of the so-called Islamist State, a terrorist organization (forget the pleonasm!), blew himself up, with three innocent children of his, rather than surrendering to US Special Forces. He was whimpering, crying and screaming according to Trump, which I don’t doubt, because he was a coward, that was the entire ideology of the Islamist state, and I don’t doubt it because his assassination of children is proof enough. And the Islamist State, just like Nazism has demonstrated, again and again to be an evil ideology… Which makes it plutocratic by my definition: evil-rule being pluto-kratia in Greek.

Hitler loved Islam, he said it himself, more than once. Yes I have read Hitler thoroughly, he is one of my preferred authors… not because I esteem him, I actually thoroughly despise him and those sharing most of his ideology, and this is precisely why I read him so much, he is an excellent lab rat for someone researching evil.

Of this today I talk.

Nowadays “Nazism” and “Fascism” are brandished, by those who know too little… and often unwittingly practice what they preach against.

Is fascism alive? In the most general sense, any time individuals brandish ill supported aggressive slogans, intellectual fascism is alive and well. It is a neurohormonal attitude. What this neurohormonal complex is applied to is just a detail.

Who is a Nazi? The question can be answered only after defining Nazi ideology first. One can go for a broad scope of the term “Nazi”, or concentrate on the original meaning. Broadly, one could define “Nazism” as any extreme nationalism mostly founded upon the hatred of some other group(s), and be done with the notion. That’s a perfect definition, and those uninterested by the peculiarities of German Nazism and its source in old European hatred can stop there.

Nazi storm troopers guarding a Jewish-owned business in Vienna shortly after the Anschluss in 1938. The graffiti on the store window reads, “You Jewish pig, may your hands rot off!”

German Nazism is often reduced to anti-Judaism. Many confine Nazism to the hatred of Jews, and then, self satisfied with their  self-declared “Anti-Nazism”, because they don’t hate Jews, then proceed to boldly embrace the rest of Nazi ideology… without knowing (even US Jews such as Paul Krugman do this… when they embrace their hero Keynes and his major notions in his major book:”The Economic Consequences of Peace”).

Such reducers of Nazism to its simplest expression, anti-Judaism, are oblivious to the entire universe of knowledge beyond their small and pathetic cognitive horizon, another way in which they get to be Nazis, without knowing… Ironically by not giving the concept of Nazism its full meaning… 

When talking crocodiles, one better observe crocodiles first. Hitler started Mein Kampf by accusing the French. He switches to the Jews only later. So one may suspect that any anti-French sentiment is even more Nazi than anti-Judaism sentiment (yes, Hitler wanted to exterminate the French too, and said it for example after losing the crucial battle of Bir Hakeim, against the French, in July 1942. However, differently from the Jews, the French had a country and the laws of war were supposed to apply, something most of the Nazi army approved of… in France… NOT in the Soviet Union!)  


Why is Nazi Ideology still alive and well? Too little facts known, including about Nazism itself:

Are there people who are Nazis, in the sense that they embrace most of Nazi ideology, and don’t even know it?

Heiko Kallweit, who has a PhD in archeology wrote to me: “In 1939, people were still around recalling the memory to French revenge in 1919. A French policy of hate and the wish, to humiliate and destroy Germany. Some people, especially those living close to a border with France, recalled stories told by grandmothers and fathers, about what the French and Napoleon brought besides the metric system or the Code Napoleon. They brought plundering and destruction, war and again humiliation and domination.”

Ideas, to be cogent, need to rest on true facts, not fake facts. How are fake facts determined? By knowing enough significant facts to build NETWORKS OF PLAUSIBILITY. In a network of plausibility, an emotional-logical category is established, where truth flows. If a fact sticks out, no truth leading to it, no truth emanating from it, then it has to be examined carefully. 

Coucy was the largest, tallest Medieval Castle, in the world. It took 28 tons of dynamite for the Germans to bring down the Donjon, and ten tons for dynamite to destroy each tower. The destruction of Coucy by the Germans in WWI is exemplary of the wanton criminal acts of destruction committed by the Germans in WW!, unrepaired to this day. The French have been rebuilding the castle for a century. It used to be the third most visited monument in France, after Versailles and the Mont Saint Michel… So Nazism, in the general sense was not invented by Hitler, and talking of extreme, devastating, reparations imposed by the French on the Germans, which would have caused Nazism, just a superposition of lies. North East France is still injured by the devastation caused by the fascist war criminal invaders from the tyranny to the east in 1914-1918.

Significant facts about German Criminal Insanity Starting in the 18th Century, the culmination of which was Nazism in the strictest sense of the term: 

1) “Germany” was created in 1871 in Versailles France. Actually “Germany” called itself the “Second Reich”, the idea being that the first empire was created by… Charlemagne, a Frankish king ointed in Reims, Francia (as France was then called). Actually the Franks talked about Renovatio Imperium Romanorum (Renovation of the Empire of the Romans). 


2) I hate Napoleon, who was a bloody dictator, a glorified mafioso, who hijacked the revolution, and I despise those who have googoo eyes for him. His body should be removed from the Invalides, and thrown into the Seine, or send back to Corsica. The Grand Army which seized Moscow had been decimated by typhus, invading Russia wasn’t smart, they got the coldest winter, Napoleon himself was sick, etc. However, Napoleon’s Grand Army invading Russia was mostly made of German and Polish speaking youth (as Napoleon himself pointed out to Metternich after the debacle).


3) The French invasion of Mittel Europa has to be looked in context: it was itself a counterstrike from an earlier invasion of France, that one deliberate, and unprovoked. A coalition of all European plutocrats attacked the French Constitutional Monarchy in July 1792, led by Prussia and Britain, the overall commander the Duke of Brunswick threatened all of Paris with “military execution”. One could not imagine a more infamous context: the European plutocrats attacking France could not have been alarmed by the French King, the same Louis XVI who ruled over France for more than 20 years. No, what alarmed them was “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen” of 1789: all men are equal, etc.. . Plutocrats hate equality. 


4) The French freed the Jews and the Poles from the slave status and racial oppression the racist, invasive kingdom of Prussia had brought much of Europe, and especially Poland. Prussia more than doubled its size by initially grabbing Silesia from Austria. Prussia had been also bankrolled earlier in the seven year world war of 1756-1763 by… Britain. Prussia and Russia destroyed Poland, an older nation than themselves, and long much larger. 


5) After 1815, the Prussians and Austrians ruled Europe, with the Russians, and dismantled Poland again, and made Jews and Poles into slaves, racially inferior. People were barred on racial ground to exert some higher professions, such as lawyer and doctor.


6) The Second Reich decided to deliberately attack the world in July 1914. The immediate pretext was the Sarajevo assassination. That assassination was also an enabling factor: the Archduke was the Kaiser’s only friend and a partisan of peace at nearly any cost. Had the Archduke been alive, it’s unlikely the Kaiser would have allowed the attack upon the world, planned December 11, 1912. Things fell in place when the right arm of fanatical racist US president Woodrow Wilson saw the Kaiser June 1, 1914, and proposed an alliance with Britain against the “racially inferior French”. This is why the USA, happy to weaken France and Britain, initially supported the Second Reich by breaking the Franco-British blockade, by using the “neutral” Netherlands. It was good money for Netherlands and US.


7) Attacking the world is per se, a war crime of the highest order. On that ground again, all the top commanders of the “Second Reich” should have been executed, including the Kaiser and the conspirationists of Dec 11, 1912. Generals such as Ludendorff, who personally ordered war crimes during the siege of Liege, should have been executed (he was for many years, the most important Nazi: one less Nazi). Thousands of war crimes were committed in August 1914 by invading German troops, including that of a two year old belgian girl, thoroughly documented, never punished. Besides her da, many civilians were killed just that day in that particular village. The Germans had been driven insane by the violence of a French counterattack (where 23.000 French soldiers died). That was August 23, 1914. At least, those crimes should be retrospectively condemned: then today’s people, around the world can learn why plutocratic dictatorship can rendered even people in some ways very educated as the German, criminally insane. 


8) German war crimes were committed throughout the war, but especially when it became klar that the Second Reich was losing.  The entire north east area of France, her industrial core was utterly destroyed, from exploded, flooded mines, to flattened factories, to even telephone poles, cut and burned. The French actually invaded the Ruhr in 1923 after the Germans claimed they could not replace the telephone and power poles they had destroyed in France, 5 years earlier. 


Even castles got destroyed.

Germany should have paid and replaced all it destroyed in France. To this day, that’s not done. The Coucy castle, destroyed by the Germans in 1917, the largest, strongest, tallest Middle Age castle destroyed by the blood thirsty robotic servants of German plutocracy in 1917 is still a field of ruins. The French have been rebuilding it for more than a century!  [1]


9) As far as humiliation and domination is concerned, the Germans imposed that to themselves by being ruled by criminals such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. Or, for that matter, in the case of Prussia, the racist Frederik der Grosse. To claim that’s the fault of the  French that Prussians and Austrians enacted racist laws, occupied countries, and tried to destroy them, and then attacked the world, is sheer insanity, the sort of insanity the Nazis were famous for. 


10) Heiko wrote: “In 1939, people were still around recalling the memory to French revenge in 1919. A French policy of hate and the wish, to humiliate and destroy Germany.” then you go on with details. This is an excellent abstract of the first six pages of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Yes, I read all what Hitler wrote, including his second book published post-mortem, and much of what Hitler said, and more than once. I study evil, you see. I also have a personal interest: not only was my family in the resistance and an uncle in the French military as an officer, fighting for six years (Oncle Edmond), not only my father saw combat twice against the Nazis, but an other (French) uncle (Tonton Daniel) was married to the (German) daughter (Tante Annie) of the main artisan of World War One, Von Molkte! I also had one family member who were pro-Nazis (born after the war).  When I was six, this cousin explained to me all the bad things which happened to Germany were just caused by one bad man, Hitler.


No. Would something like the rule of Nazism have happened without the individual Hitler? I don’t know. But there were Freikrops before Hitler became noticeable and many extremely German hyper nationalistic nasty politics violating the Versailles Treaty (including rearming Germany, with the help of Stalin, Portugal) were launched when the Nazis were not politically important. The idea that the Versailles Treaty was “revenge” because it freed Eastern Europe from German domination, was rampant… And is prominent in Keynes’ work (so all the plutocrats loved that theme.


Hitler was animated by an ideology. Much, if not most of it, is still alive and well, in all too many places…

In the most general sense of the term, Nazism, and more generally Intellectual Fascism are servants and thus friends of plutocracy. Thus plutocracy love hard core Islam: question that set of (mostly) idiocies, some of them admittedly very beautiful, and you will die. Be suspected of questioning same set, die just the same. Be viewed as having disparaged the Rophet, die, and so on. Thus thinking, under hard core Islam is a difficult, not to say lethal, thing, and this is why it didn’t happen (most Islamist thinkers were just glorified parrots: the real iconoclasts were in Western Europe, suggesting as early as the 11 C, as Berengar did, that god was just reason…)

As we live in times of increasing plutocracy (not just from accumulated wealth, but also from accumulated evil: consider the ongoing mass extinction), having only a few thoughts and feelings aggressively bound around the ax of violence, is exactly what works best, as far as our masters are concerned.

And that is why stupidities kept on being repeated about World War One and the Versailles Treaty… Thus France. By attacking France the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen gets attacked… and thus the core of the World Republic and Empire of Goodness the United Nations is supposed to foster… is getting attack, to the benefit of global plutocracy.

One must crush infamy, but one should first know what it is. Voltaire had not figured it out completely, or persuaded himself it didn’t matter. We have to do better.

Patrice Ayme


P/S: Voltaire finished his letters with “Il faut écraser l’infame” (One must crush infamy). By this he mostly meant the Catholic church, an excellent idea, but plutocracy in general is infamy, not just the superstitious religions, not just abusive kings…   


[1] During their occupation of north-east France, the Germans turned the formidable Coucy castle into a military outpost and a residence of German dignitaries, including fascist world aggressor Emperor Wilhelm II himself. In March 1917 the retreating German army, on order of the unpunished war criminal General Erich Ludendorff, future principal of the Nazi Party, destroyed the keep (donjon) and four of the giant towers. This wanton destruction caused so much public outrage in France that in April 1917 the ruins were declared “a memorial to barbarity“. Although Germans of the Nazi type always whine about the tiny reparations they made for the enormous destruction they committed in 1914-1918 (meaning truly that they would still want the Slavs as slaves, and the Jews as Untermenschen), we don’t see them offer to rebuild Coucy. On the positive side, the French can contemplate its ruins, and see what happens when not enough smart effort is made to defend the Republic… 

NO MILITARY SUPERIORITY, NO REPUBLIC, 30 Centuries of Franco-Gallic History Say

October 26, 2019

This is in answer to the following question:

How has modern France become such a military powerhouse? When did they become more powerful than Britain and Germany?

France did this by having the correct mindset, which has been necessary to the apparition of a large, unified military power where France and its Gallo-Roman predecessor has been for 20 centuries.

Arguably, France is, by far the country most involved in war. Ever. And there are three excellent reasons for that: location, location, location. 

France declared war to Hitler on September 3, 1939. The British army was tiny even smaller than the 400,000 men US army. So World War Two, initially was a duel between the French Republic and the unholy alliance of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, fascist Japan, and the fascist Soviet Union of Stalin. By 1945, Italy, Japan and Germany had been utterly vanquished, thanks to France and her Allies. They had no more army. However, France had reconstituted the strongest army in the West, behind the US and UK. The USSR had been forced to switch sides.

For reasons I will now expose, France is, first of all, all about her military.

Paul Jamin’s Gallic King Brennus “and his share of the spoils”. He contemplates Roman ladies at the ready. The Battle of the Allia was a battle fought c. 393 BC between the Senones (a Gallic tribe who had invaded northern Italy, who lived at the source of the… Seine, hence the name) allied to the Averni (modern name: “Auvergne”) and the Roman Republic. The battle was fought at the confluence of the Tiber and Allia rivers, eleven Roman miles (16 km, 10 mi) north of Rome. The Romans were routed and Rome was subsequently sacked by the Senones, who were bought out by Roman dictator Camille, to bring them to leave.

France is a Republic built at the crossroads. Some may sneer that it is only a Republic since September 21, 1792… But that’s overlooking the REPUBLICAN way political power in France was built and justified itself. Even before the Romans came, many of the 60 polities in Gaul had senates, and were de facto republic. Each of them struck coinage. After five centuries of Roman unification, invasions broke the unity. The latter, though was quickly rebuilt by the Franks, who were Roman Confederates.

Thus the Frankish army was a Roman army, and beat the Goths at Vouillé (507 CE). Far from being savages, the Franks endeavored to rebuild the State, using the general program of the “Christian Republic”… To understand the “Christian Republic”, one has to backtrack to the Fourth Century, when Christianism was imposed onto the empire: the excuse for that, among intellectuals, was that a “Christian Republic” would be established. The idea goes on, to this day.

The Founding Fathers of the Church” tried to establish the “Christian Republic” after emperor Theodosius I’s death in 395 CE: the bishops were in charge and governed (the Jew-hating bishop of Milan, Ambrose, after excommunicating him, got Theodosius I on his knees, begging forgiveness). That first attempt at establishing a Republic that would be “Christian”turned into a disaster. Indeed Theodosius’ military alliance with the Goths, plus the empire-ruling bishops’ hostility to military force, and funding the latter by force, brought the main Germanic invasions, in 406 CE. The most important thing the Roman Bishops’ government did was to formally put the Franks in charge of defending the three Roman provinces of the north-west: the two Germanias and Gallia.

The mass murdering Catholic fanatic, emperor Theodosius I, had hated the anti-Christian Franks (the Parisians had elected the de-Christianizing “Julian The Apostate” earlier). To the point that the god crazed Theodosius allied himself with the Goths, to defeat Arbogast, head of the mostly Frankish occidental Roman army at the battle of Frigidarius,in 394 CE. This destruction of the Occidental Roman army led, within 12 years, to the fall of the Occidental Roman empire… The catastrophic defeat of the Roman Occidental army at Frigidarius in 394 CE of secularism against Goths allied to fanatical Catholicism should be seen as the real moment the Roman state was mortally wounded in Occident.

The Franks, who were very fierce and free (that’s what their name means) understood, and all could see, that the Republic (Christian or not) could only be established by military force. In 507 CE, they did what Rome had never done before: they beat the Goths, and threw them out of Gaul. In the next three centuries, they would establish, through military force Western Europe as it is today (completed by the conquest of England in 1066 CE). The Franks also did something the rest of Roman power had been unable to do: they repel three invasions of the Muslim raiders between 721 CE (battle of Toulouse, huge Muslim defeat) and 748 CE (battle of Narbonne, another victory of Charles the Hammer, his phalanx and heavy cavalry). The Umayyad Arab Caliphate, based in Damascus, deprived of its army destroyed in France, then fell (750 CE).

In the Ninth Century, two things happened: disunion (think Brexit), leading to the monster (first) battle of Fontenoy, of Franks against the Franks, when the streams ran red (848 CE). Around 50,000 were killed in this fratricide (the second battle of Fontenoy would be of the French against the British, nine centuries later).

Soon enough, left without enough of an army, the “Renovated empire of the Romans” (aka Carolingian empire) was invaded on three fronts: Viking, Hungarians, Muslims. This showed to the collective French mentality, once again, as circa 400 CE, that military weakness led to devastating invasions. Disgusted by the attitude of the emperor, who negotiated with the Viking instead of destroying them during the siege of Paris, the Parisians and then the French, seceded from said empire (“Frexit”; turned out to have been a very bad idea, as it led to 1,150 years of war)… France didn’t secede formally, but by refusing to elect a Roman emperor, preferring to elect a French King “emperor in his own kingdom” as the official formula had it (so the elected French king was equivalent to the elected Roman emperor).

In the next millennium, that means in the thousand years prior to the present times, it would be proven again and again: the key to comfort, health, survival, morality, happiness, let alone sufficient food, was a strong French military. Everything else was secondary. (When the Germans invaded France in WWII, they stole as much food as they could so that the French would still be able to produce food and other stuff for them, Nazis…)

Why is France attacked so much? For the same reason as French is a melting pot, morally and intellectually superior: France is at the crossroads of Europe, it’s how one went conveniently from north to south in the last 12,000 years. If one is in the Mediterranean (thus coming from the Near East, or even further: Indies, Silk Roads, etc.), the way to reach the Atlantic or Northern Europe was through France (one route is to travel north of the Pyrenees, the other two go up the Rhone valley, one branching up right to Germany, the other, straight up to the Northern European plain and Great Britain.

The defeat of May 1940 occurred in a few days, when drugged out Nazis full of amphetamines, broke through where the Second British armored division was supposed to be, and was not, where the Prince of Wales, inspector of the British armed forces, had told his dear friend Hitler, that the French front was the weakest. Indeed, the French Front was held there by just one reserve infantry division, and three elite Panzer divisions attacked, helped by the elite Gross Deutschland regiment, and the entire Luftwaffe, concentrated their assault on a few kilometers. The French Republic had started a nuclear bomb program in January 1938 to drop bombs on Germany (it would take seven and a half year for the first bomb to be ready). The French were the first to bomb Berlin (the Nazis called for execution of the French fliers… although that was in retaliation of the bombing of French cities).

Ultimately British heavy bombers fleets (followed by US ones, years later) wreck havoc with Germany (one million soldiers had to man air defenses and German industry had to be relocated in the woods, underground…) This showed, once again, that if one is the most intelligent civilization, military superiority is all the moral right one needs to crush infamy.

The Romans purchased, for centuries superior Gallic armor and swords. At the battle of Poitiers in 732 CE, superior French steel and superior heavy cavalry on genetically formidable horses, destroyed the Muslim army (Muslim corpses were left to rot, out of contempt). The so-called “100 year war” finished when the Bureau brothers engineered the first battlefield guns. The 75 mm gun was indispensable in WWI. During the French Revolution, superior French artillery, with superior French explosives did much, if not most of the work (in particular at the crucial Battle of Valmy, September 20, 1792). Hot air balloons, invented in France, were militarily used. One of the first planes was also militarily financed, and flew, long before the Wright brothers. The first cars also made in France were the fruit of a military program: what was specified corresponded actually to tanks. The French taught the USA how to mass produce them with the required precision (this is how precision mass engineering was introduced to the USA). So the connection between superior tech and superior military was long ingrained.

The defeat of May 1940 was due in part to the exploitation by the Nazis of a few tricks which took the French military by surprise: amphetamines, good connection between the air force and ground forces, the usage of radios inside tanks… And lack of practice and arrogance of the top commanders. Morality: the Righteous should make war all the time, so as not be surprised by Evil.

All of these Nazi tricks could be fixed quickly, and they were, but not before the Franco-British being defeated in the most major battle of the Western front in WWII (the Franco-British never suffered a major defeat after that). The lesson for the future here was simple: if the French Republic had fought the Nazis in Spain in 1936, as it was asked by the Spanish Republic to do, it would not have been surprised in May 1940, and superior French military might would have done the rest. Why did France not attack the Nazis in 1936? Because the Anglo-Saxons asked France not to attack Hitler, who was, at the time, a source of enormous profit for the most major US corporations. So what is the meta lesson here? In spite of the affectionate parent to child relationship between France, England and the USA, the latter two self-obsessed buffoons should not be taken seriously all the time. France has 30 centuries of institutionalized, partly oral and behavioral tradition, that the UK and the US do not have. Only China or maybe India can reflect as deep upon the errors of history…

After World War Two, which started with the betrayal of the USA, France observed more betrayal, as the US Deep State was firmly intent to replace the French empire by an American one.

So now here we are. The defense of the West is mostly insured by a reconciled France and the US… which are at war in a dozen countries. This is good: in Libya, the French air force demonstrated it could overwhelm Russian air defense using stealthy Rafale fighters (the US is now using the same method in training with the stealthy F35). Recently, in the attack on French and US ally Saudi Arabia, the powerlessness of the most sophisticated US air defenses against drones and cruise missiles was demonstrated: now the US and France are scrambling to find counter-measure (it’s no coincidence, and entirely related, that the laser which blasted rocks on Mars was French made).

France has no oil, no gas, and no more coal. France can have only ideas; it is the only large country with a large economy which produces so little CO2 per capita that, if all countries did it, the CO2 cataclysm would be much delayed (only 4 tons/person/year for France; US is at 16 tons, and Canada and Australia are even worse). Ideas which can create technology enabling military superiority. The USA and Britain long embraced the same credo.

To be a real, thoughtful French citizen, steeped in history (as they used to be) is to learn that the Republic needs to be defended by force, that this is mission number one… of the Republic, something that the cultural ancestors to the French Republic, the Athenian and Roman ones, discovered 25 centuries ago. And just as 25 centuries ago, this superiority has to rest upon military and thus technological superiority.

As the ice caps melt, great wars are coming… And if they don’t happen this will be simply because potential aggressors understand they can’t win (as they do now). And the climate catastrophe is a war too, and only superior technology can win it. Same old, same old: if one wants a better existence, or existence at all, one has to fight for it.

Patrice Ayme 


P/S: Although the preceding is centered around France, it fully applies to her child, the USA. We have peace now because the relatively better guys (France, US, UK) have had military superiority, and the bad guys (Russia, China) aren’t that bad (although Putin engaged in invasion lately) and other guys surrended (Japan) to what passes for democracy, and the rest of the world is pretty powerless…

World peace depends upon the military might of that trio, another reason to look at Brexit with fear and suspicion…


Tik Tok Minds: Perfect For Dictatorship

October 20, 2019

To dominate people, oligarchies have to dominate their ways, means, aspirations, entertainment, expectations: people have to be programmed, they have to becomes apps… and apps will do that. Long and brainless article in the New York Times about the latest “App” (= programs financed by plutocrats to moderate the minds of the masses into abject, sunny submission), Tik Tok.

High Schools to TikTok: We’re Catching Feelings. Teens love the app, and now it’s getting the stamp of approval with teacher-approved clubs. Did school just get … fun?

On the wall of a classroom that is home to the West Orange High School TikTok club, large loopy words are scrawled across a whiteboard: “Wanna be TikTok famous? Join TikTok club.”

It’s working. “There’s a lot of TikTok-famous kids at our school,” said Amanda DiCastro, who is 14 and a freshman. “Probably 20 people have gotten famous off random things.”

Tik Tok famous: if and only if your sort of fame has been approved in Beijing by the authorities.

On the drive to celebrity on social networks: if we all become famous, are we still famous? 

Tik Tok? Information going to a company located in, controlled by, and collaborating with a dictatorship. Kids trained to be eager to become circus animals, and anxious not to be so. Serious schooling displaced by greed for celebrity. Displacement of serious study and deep knowledge gathering by me-too self obsession enabled by fake effects. What could go wrong?

The sound: tic toc, accompanied by tapping the index finger lightly on one’s skull is indicative of dementia, mental retardation: anybody would understand that particular gesture and sound effect around the world. Thus the app recognizes that it makes it easy to go beast on humanity with it. That can be a good thing, but it shouldn’t be the only thing.

Tik Tok Fun. But fun ain’t necessarily brains.

Indeed, granted that self-derision can be excellent, we are all mental retards, sometimes, somehow, and it’s indispensable to recognize it so as to get to know ourselves. But one recognizes one’s own stupidity is self-derision not just for fun, but also to re-establish more serious and deeper study of oneself and the world. And studying in depth has to be the task of schools (what else?) 

The danger presented by Tik Tok are multiple, then. One, as a worldwide spy service of cataloguing the personalities of everybody partaking in it ready to be hooked up on excellent Chinese government facial recognition, Second, and more importantly, Tic Tok establishes the wrong hierarchy of meta values: its practice teaches to forget the essential mission (hard schooling, deep studying, learning to concentrate and think) with the relief valve to the former (making fun of oneself).

New technologies are often misused. The danger with present electronics is that as it replaces the real world with fake, simplified worlds, it sucks up all the time and oxygen, living no time to envision the existence of the real thing, the real world. Hence the apparition of the snowflake mentality: all and any contradiction makes shallow minds melt away. Such minds are the most compatible with Xi dictatorship… And the Nazis, who were running a similar circus, all superficial fun, not depth, would have approved. 

Now, lest the preceding be construed as only an attack on Chinese controlled Tik Tok, let me remind readers that a deep alliance was built between the worldwide, West originated plutocracy and the Chinese “Communist” Party based (or CCP synchronized) [1]. Having youth engaged in trivial pursuit to the point of having trivial minds is exactly what is needed for plutocracy to flourish: this was observed by Juvenal, a Roman author, around 100 CE.

Indeed minds became ever more stupid afterwards: by the Third Century, Roman secular authors have nearly disappeared (except for Cassius Dio)… although Evangels (“Gospels”) are running rampant, the latter effect being related to the former…

In my vision, the Decline of Rome, was caused by the inability to think, creatively, which Roman plutocracy carefully fostered, because it’s easy to rule over sheep, and not over creators. Juvenal spoke of putting people to sleep with “Panem et circenses“: bread and circuses. Both cost a lot to Roman plutocracy, many an aspiring plutocrat found himself in heavy debt, setting up circus games to increase his popularity hence client base… so, considering the expense, the sheepification of the people took many generations, and the Roman republic and its isonomia (treating citizens equally under the law) declined so slowly, it took more than four centuries for Rome to fall apart after the edification by Augustus of his “Principate” (Premiereship in truth a gory dictatorship masquerading as republic).

Tik Tok and other “social network” technologies are cheap, no need for bread, and the circuses are free, as they are managed by the spectators themselves. Moreover, they give an illusion of celebrity to their participants (hence the fascination with followers, likes and the like…)

As I pointed out in my essay on the latest Nobel in economics, mental performance of the highest spheres has decayed so much, it is viewed as an awesome discovery to apply the experimental method in… science. Another example of mass imbecility is the impeachment of Trump, a few months from elections, while issues such as potential calamities such as nuclear non-proliferation treaties expiring, and launch-on-warning are religiously ignored.

But the plutocracy will do whatever to stay in power: that was amply demonstrated in the Late Roman empire, as Roman plutocracy made allies with whomever, and whatever, from the Huns (Roman general Litorius led a largely Hunnic army at the siege of Tolosa/Toulouse in 439 CE!) to imposing the abominable notion that heretics could be killed, if the emperor so decided, just because they were heretics (decree of emperor Theodosius I, circa 380 CE).

All this tic toking of youth will only make matters worse, by fostering monkey like activities to the detriment of serious, deeper studies. Ah, but the educators themselves may have become incapable of increasing depth, indeed. If we don’t re-establish soon a sense of mental depth, spaceship Earth is doomed.

Patrice Ayme



[1] Watch Hunter Biden, son of Biden, admitting receiving a $40,000 diamond (3 carat), from a Chinese energy tycoon, and then not knowing what happened to it (he gave it to “associates”). He had to admit: it was in divorce proceedings as a “personal indulgence“…. Diamonds are impossible to track, and this is why Al Qaeda got involved with them in West Africa…

We Think, Therefore We Smear: Tulsi Gabbard A Russian Asset Says Clinton

October 18, 2019

Hillary Clinton knows all about Russia: Clinton accused Tultsi Gabbard, a US war veteran, who served 16 years in the US military, and did two combat tours in the Middle East, and is currently enlisted in the US military to be a “Russian asset”. One has to hear the tone of Clinton when she makes her claim: real spooky, incisive, pulp fiction B movie style. I empathize with Tulsi, as I have been called over the years a US agent, a Russian agent, a “agent provocateur” (guilty!), a Nazi, a Communist, a Muslim hater, a Muslim Fundamentalist, a extreme right wing leftist fanatic French nationalist Le Pen lover, a Jewish lover, etc. All of it without quotes nor a semblance of reasoning…

Tulsi was elected to various positions (state assembly, Honolulu city council), and is a fourth term US Congressperson (she won some of these elections with 80%+ of the votes). In 2017, Gabbard introduced the “Off Fossil Fuels (OFF) Act”

Hawai’i Congress Representative Tulsi Gabbard

Here is Clinton, an ex-Senator, ex-US Secretary of State  

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate… She’s the favorite of the Russians… They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far…”

Clinton went on accusing Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate in both the 2012 and 2016 elections, of being a “Russian asset”. Clinton said: “That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she’s also a Russian asset. Yes, she’s a Russian asset, I mean, totally. They know they can’t win without a third-party candidate.”

Gabbard responded on Twitter Friday afternoon to Clinton’s comments.

“Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain,” she tweeted.

“From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation,” she added. “We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose. It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.”

Responding to Gabbard, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said, “Divisive language filled with vitriol and conspiracy theories? Can’t imagine a better proof point than this.

Gabbard tried to fight off the charge that she is being pushed by Russian interests. But it’s hard to fight off outlandish accusations. Their very existence makes the public believe there is something there.

“Just two days ago, the New York Times put out an article saying that I’m a Russian asset and an Assad apologist and all these different smears… This morning, a CNN commentator said on national television that I’m an asset of Russia. Completely despicable,” Gabbard said, referring to a recent insinuation story, What is Tulsi up to? 

Here is the New York Times about Tulsi:

“Perhaps strangest of all is the unusual array of Americans who cannot seem to get enough of her. On podcasts and online videos, in interviews and Twitter feeds, alt-right internet stars, white nationalists, libertarian activists and some of the biggest boosters of Mr. Trump heap praise on Ms. Gabbard. They like the Hawaiian congresswoman’s isolationist foreign policy views. They like her support for drug decriminalization. They like what she sees as censorship by big technology platforms. Then there is 4chan, the notoriously toxic online message board, where some right-wing trolls and anti-Semites fawn over Ms. Gabbard, calling her “Mommy” and praising her willingness to criticize Israel. In April, the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, took credit for Ms. Gabbard’s qualification for the first two Democratic primary debates.”

Tulsi Gabbard promoted to Major (that’s above Captain).

I smear, therefore I think?

Today I wrote a comment to the NYT about an article it wrote about Brexit, where I explained, in particular, that UK plutocrats and tax evasion were behind Brexit. 15 hours later, the comment has not been published…

It is very important to NYT management that, at this point, NYT readers not know the truth about plutocracy and Brexit. Better accuse Gabbard to be a neo-Nazi (I can’t be far behind). Hurling outrageous insults removes the public from reality, diverting their attention from political significance, making them innocuous as far as oligarchic power is concerned.

To call thinkers names, agent of the enemy, or of foreign entities, to insult them, gravely and grossly, is the oldest trick in the book of oligarchic abuse. The sort of extreme accusations hurled at Gabbard are identical to the worst in McCarthyism. At least, we have to listen to Clinton’s song of infamy, from that bird of doom herself, to know the truth on the Clinton-Obama era…

Final point: that presidential candidates could be “agents”, “assets” comes naturally to Clinton. What about being simply an agent and asset of plutocracy?

Patrice Ayme

“Fuzzy” Dark Matter & Sub Quantum Physical Reality (SQPR)

October 17, 2019

Abstract: An early Quantum universe would have appeared “fuzzy”, and striated, from Quantum self interference… If one adopts one basic consequence of my own SQPR theory: Dark Matter is made of ultra-light, ultra-low momentum particles. A team of physicists at prestigious institutions by adopting this conclusion of SQPR, one gets a drastically different looking model explaining the filament nature of galaxy distributions. (This completely new approach is indirectly rather supportive of SQPR… and very different from the usual LCDM; it should be testable soon, with new telescopes under construction…)


According to official, ruling Big Bang theory, Dark Matter was the starting ingredient for coagulating the very first galaxies in the universe. According to that “LCDM” model, shortly after the Big Bang, particles of Dark Matter clumped together in gravitational “halos,” pulling surrounding gas into their cores, which over time cooled and condensed into the first galaxies. [1] 

Thus a curious situation: Dark Matter is considered the backbone to the structure of the universe, while physicists know very little about its nature, because the DM “particles” have so far evaded detection.

Now scientists at MIT, Princeton University, and Cambridge University have admitted the obvious, namely that the early universe, and the very first galaxies, would have looked very different depending upon the exact nature of Dark Matter.  They simulated what early galaxy formation would have looked like if Dark Matter were “fuzzy,” rather than cold or warm. “Fuzzy” here has a precise definition: it means very low momentum DM “particles”. Such “fuzzy” particles are what my own theory, SQPR is full of, as a consequence of my hypothesis that Quantum Mechanics is LOCAL.

Left is the conventional distribution of galaxies prediction of the conventional Big Bang (“LCDM”). Center is that with “warm” dark Matter. Right is the Quantum “fuzzy” DM model (compatible with SQPR).

Light Mechanics, electromagnetism, is local: this is also called Relativity (Poincaré named it thus). QM being a generalization of Light Mechanics, it is natural that it would be local too: this is the fundamental axiom of SQPR

In that most widely accepted scenario, the so-called LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) model of the early universe Dark Matter is Cold: it is made up of slow-moving particles that, aside from gravitational effects, have no interaction with ordinary matter (SQPR readily explains why DM doesn’t interact but gravitationally). 

In LCDM, Warm Dark Matter is thought to be a slightly lighter and faster version of Cold Dark Matter (it has been heated by galaxies). 

Fuzzy Dark Matter, is, for official physics, a new concept, something entirely different, consisting of ultralight particles, each about 1 octillionth 10^(-27) the mass of an electron (the Cold Dark Matter particle of LCDM are far heavier — about 100 times more massive than an electron). Repeat: the proposed mass for Dark Matter particles in this new simulation is the mass of an electron divided by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Now we are talking. This is the sort of numbers my own theory, SQPR considers.

The Millennium Simulation (below) is an example of an over 10 billion particle simulation that tries to reproduce the cosmic web of dark matter upon which exist galaxy clusters, filaments, and voids we see today. The LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) model of the universe assumes a flat universe now dominated by a cosmological constant Lambda, Einstein’s Cosmological Constant (Dark Energy?). As I said, the cosmological large structure formation is dominated by cold (non-relativistic) dark matter.

A view of the distribution of dark matter in our universe, based on the Millennium Simulation. The simulation is based on our current ideas about the universe’s origin and evolution. It included ten billion particles, and consumed 343,000 cpu-hours (Image: Virgo Consortium)Researchers found that if Dark Matter is cold, then galaxies in the early universe would have formed in nearly spherical halos, with ten times too much mass there. But if the nature of Dark Matter is fuzzy or warm, the early universe would have looked very different, with galaxies forming first in extended, tail-like filaments. In a fuzzy universe, these filaments would have appeared striated, like star-lit strings on a harp… As observed.  

As new telescopes come online, with the ability to see further back into the early universe, scientists may be able to deduce, from the pattern of galaxy formation, whether the nature of dark matter, which today makes up nearly 85 percent of the matter in the universe, is fuzzy as opposed to cold or warm.

“The first galaxies in the early universe may illuminate what type of dark matter we have today,” says Mark Vogelsberger, associate professor of physics in MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. “Either we see this filament pattern, and fuzzy dark matter is plausible, or we don’t, and we can rule that model out. We now have a blueprint for how to do this.” [2]

Fuzzy Quantum Waves:

While dark matter has yet to be directly detected, the hypothesis that describes dark matter as cold has proven successful at describing the large-scale structure of the observable universe. As a result, models of galaxy formation are based on the assumption that dark matter is cold.

“The problem is, there are some discrepancies between observations and predictions of cold dark matter,” Vogelsberger points out. “For example, if you look at very small galaxies, the inferred distribution of dark matter within these galaxies doesn’t perfectly agree with what theoretical models predict. So there is tension there.” This is a euphemism: According to LCDM, the heavy DM particles should sink towards the core of galaxies, and this is exactly what is not observed. 

Enter, then, alternative theories for dark matter, including warm, and fuzzy, which researchers have proposed in recent years.

“The nature of dark matter is still a mystery,” Fialkov says. “Fuzzy dark matter is motivated by fundamental physics, for instance, string theory, and thus is an interesting dark matter candidate. Cosmic structures hold the key to validating or ruling out such dark matter models.”

Fuzzy dark matter is made up of particles that are so light that they act in a quantum, wave-like fashion, rather than as individual particles. This quantum, fuzzy nature, Mocz says, could have produced early galaxies that look entirely different from what standard models predict for cold dark matter.

“Even though in the late universe these different dark matter scenarios may predict similar shapes for galaxies, the first galaxies would be strikingly different, which will give us a clue about what dark matter is,” Mocz says.

To see how different a cold early universe could be, relative to a fuzzy early universe, the researchers simulated a small, cubic space of the early universe, measuring about 3 million light years across, and ran it forward in time to see how galaxies would form given one of the three dark matter scenarios: cold, warm, and fuzzy.

The team began each simulation by assuming a certain distribution of dark matter, which scientists have some idea of, based on measurements of the cosmic microwave background — “relic radiation” that was emitted by, and was detected just 400,000 years after the alleged Big Bang. Dark matter doesn’t have a constant density, even at these early times. There are tiny perturbations on top of a constant density field. Those perturbations would gather more Dark Matter, nonlinearly.

The researchers were able to use existing algorithms to simulate galaxy formation under scenarios of cold and warm dark matter. But to simulate fuzzy dark matter, with its quantum nature, they needed to bring in the Quantum.

A cosmological map of Interfering Quantum strings:

To the usual simulation of cold dark matter were added two extra equations in order to simulate galaxy formation in a fuzzy dark matter universe. The first, Schrödinger’s equation, describes how a quantum wave evolves in the presence of (potential) energy, while the second, Poisson’s equation, describes how that (self-interfering) quantum wave generates a density field, or distribution of Dark Matter, and how that distribution leads to (uneven) gravity — the force that eventually pulls in matter to form galaxies. They then coupled this simulation to a model that describes the behavior of gas in the universe, and the way it condenses into galaxies in response to gravitational effects.

In all three scenarios, galaxies formed wherever there were over-densities, or large concentrations of gravitationally collapsed Dark Matter. The pattern of this Dark Matter, however, was different, depending on whether it was cold, warm, or fuzzy. 

In a scenario of cold dark matter, galaxies formed in spherical halos, as well as smaller subhalos. Warm Dark Matter produced  first galaxies in tail-like filaments, and no subhalos. This may be due to warm dark matter’s lighter, faster nature, making particles less likely to stick around in smaller, subhalo clumps.

Similar to warm dark matter, fuzzy dark matter formed stars along filaments. But then quantum wave effects took over in shaping the galaxies, which formed more striated filaments, like strings on an invisible harp. This striated pattern is due to constructive interference, an effect that occurs when two waves overlap, similarly to the famous Double Slit experiment. When constructive interference occurs, for instance in waves of light, the points where the crests and troughs of each wave align form darker spots, creating an alternating pattern of bright and dark regions.

In the case of fuzzy dark matter, instead of bright and dark points, it generates an alternating pattern of over-dense and under-dense concentrations of dark matter.

“You would get a lot of gravitational pull at these over-densities, and the gas would follow, and at some point would form galaxies along those over-densities, and not the under-densities. This picture would be replicated throughout the early universe.”Vogelsberger explains.

The team is developing more detailed predictions of what early galaxies may have looked like in a universe dominated by fuzzy dark matter. Their goal is to provide a map for upcoming telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, that may be able to look far enough back in time to spot the earliest galaxies. If they see filamentary galaxies such as those simulated by Mocz, Fialkov, Vogelsberger, and their colleagues, it could be the first signs that Dark Matter’s nature is fuzzy.

“It’s this observational test we can provide for the nature of dark matter, based on observations of the early universe, which will become feasible in the next couple of years,” Vogelsberger says.

SQPR predicts less “fuzzy” Dark Matter in the earlier universe. However, a lot of the effects described by the MIT team would nevertheless happen, and for the same exact reasons. So the apparition of striated structures would not be surprising… even if LCDM was completely wrong. 

Patrice Ayme



[1] There is a famous theorem that Newton needed for his celestial mechanics and tried to prove (and may have succeeded to prove; it’s controversial whether he did or not) according to which a ball of mass M acts gravitationally as a point of mass M.


[2] Vogelsberger is a co-author of a paper appearing (October 2019) in Physical Review Letters, along with the paper’s lead author, Philip Mocz of Princeton University, and Anastasia Fialkov of Cambridge University and previously the University of Sussex.



Ecological Devastation Proof of Corruption

October 15, 2019

Times have changed: Earth faces a mass extinction. And that mass extinction is man-made. Such an extinction is the ultimate corruption, and our corrupt politicians let it happen naturally, as they wallop in legal corruption with their families, and the plutocrats who feed them.

The way out is to tighten up ethics. All over. Let’s start with Biden, Trump, and their associates.

Corruption shows up on the largest scale. All the micro-plastics, all the insecticides, all the biocides, all the nitrates, all the catastrophe is our leaders doing. We should put them, and their system, on trial!

Reading this, a smart ass (asses are not smart, intelligence is relative) wrote back to me:

New York City

@Patrice Ayme Good idea. Tighten up ethics. That’ll keep Earth out of Jupiter’s way, and we will no longer face extinction.


Yes, it’s true that, in some star systems, Jupiter like planets spiral down. However, that didn’t happen in the solar system, and only a star going through the solar system could cause such a thing. However, the sun is going to stay away from stars for millions of years on its present trajectory….

So let me please inform you. The man made mass extinction has to do with the CO2 catastrophe, which could have been fixed, starting in the 1990s, with a combination of photovoltaics, nuclear energy and building a massive hydrogen economy (to store renewable energy).

Jupiter will not spiral down to Earth before the Sun becomes a red giant in 5 billion years, well past your time. Meanwhile, fossil fuel companies, propped by worldwide corruption, keep on polluting in a life extinguishing manner… while solutions, non-fossil fuel solutions, exist.

It may sound smart to make fun of the viewpoint that the present ecological crisis was caused by the present oligarchic political system… and it is, as long as one belongs to it and as long as one has no moral sense. However, we pass a little time on this planet. Leaving only devastation and corruption behind us should be deeply unsatisfying, to normally constituted human beings. So I would recommend to forget about Jupiter, and concentrate instead on the corruption the oligarchic organization unavoidably bring.

Corruption is a worldwide problem: consider Turkey, its claims all politically active Kurds are terrorists, and add to this NATO nukes residing in Turkey… In this increasingly unstable world, a morality strong enough to save the biosphere should be our beacon. As I said in a preceding essay, individuals like the oligarch Duflo advised the oligarch Obama about what was the correct socioeconomy of the world. No more of this: great strategies should be debated on the public place, not just decided by a tiny oligarchy… It’s not just for moral reasons, but to insure survival…

And not just the survival of our grandchildren to come (or not!) No just our own survival… Let the likes of Kenneth, probably working in New York for the financial industry or its supporters, corrupt media or corrupt universities, chuckle away. Hopefully, their time has come, and gone. And their reckoning is at hand…

Patrice Ayme



P/S: The head of (Central) Bank of England boss says global finance is funding 4C temperature rise. Mark Carney says capital markets are financing projects likely to fuel a catastrophic rise in global heating.
The governor of the Bank of England has warned that the global financial system is backing carbon-producing projects that will raise the temperature of the planet by over 4 Centigrades – more than double the pledge to limit increases to well below 2C contained in the Paris Agreement.

In a stark warning over global heating (the expression was first used by yours truly:”HEATING” instead of “warming”), Mark Carney said the multitrillion-dollar international capital markets – where companies raise funds by selling shares and bonds to investors – are financing fossil fuel activities that would lift global temperatures to more than 4C above pre-industrial levels.

World leaders agreed in the Paris climate accords to keep the temperature rise this century well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the rise to 1.5C.

I was also the first to rise the alarm, as far as I know:


In a stark illustration of the scale of the decarbonisation struggle facing the world economy, Carney asserted that companies had already secured financing from investors in the global capital markets – worth $85trillion (£67.2tn) for stocks and $100 trillion for bonds – that will keep the world on a trajectory unavoidably bringing catastrophic global heating.

According to the UN, IPCC and other relevant scientific authorities, official risks associated with temperatures at or above 4C include a 9-meter rise in sea levels – affecting up to 760 million people – searing heatwaves and droughts, serious food supply problems and half of all animal and plant species facing local extinction. I believe that, potentially the sea level rise could be twenty meters or more.

Speaking to British MPs on the Commons Treasury committee, Carney did not give a timescale for the temperature rise, but said: “The objectives are there, but policy is not yet consistent with stabilizing temperatures below 2C. There are some companies out ahead, either because of stakeholders, or because they’re anticipating that that will change. But there are others that are waiting for the policies to adjust.”

Nobel In Economics Attributed For Rediscovering The Wheel, Trial & Error

October 14, 2019

Nobel committees are often moronic, or deliberately misattributing. For example they all too often insist upon the point that mostly only MIT and Harvard, two top plutocratic universities are capable of top thinking. 

As when the German Otto Hahn was given the Nobel for discovering nuclear fission, when it’s Irene Curie, a (French) woman who had already a Nobel prize, that one well deserved, who had discovered nuclear fission, at the latest in 1937… and wasted lots of efforts teaching this to Hahn)

So the Nobel in economics was attributed basically for discovering that, when you need to find out if a method work, you set up a controlled study. No doubt that is a great progress for economists. They apparently didn’t know, until it was pointed out to them a few years back, precisely by Ms Esther Duflo, a 46 year old French economist in a TED talk.  

Economic Theory has been, so far, a two dimensional theory biting its own tail, to better serve plutocracy. The idea of such a 2 dimensional one sided world originally came from the German mathematician Moebius.

Duflo, at age 46, is the youngest person ever to win a Nobel Prize in economics and only the second woman.

The three researchers work on global poverty, studying interventions in a range of areas: combating teacher absenteeism, direct cash transfers to the extreme poor, policing drunk driving, and studying the effects of access to textbooks on students, among others.

They’ve also made what is described as extraordinary (extraordinary, for complete idiots with no scientific, or even common sense training, whatsoever) contributions to developing the methods used to study these subjects, with a focus on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In a randomized trial, interventions are implemented in different ways in some areas, for example villages, but not to a control area, enabling researchers to identify which effects are the result of the intervention. This completely obvious work has been enormously influential, pushing other researchers in the field to conduct higher-quality studies… so dumb “economics”, the dismal “science”, has long been. By dummies, for dummies, so that the wealthy and powerful would get wealthier and more powerful. 

In 2003, Duflo and Banerjee (who are married) co-founded MIT’s Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), now a global network for antipoverty research around the world. They also wrote the book Poor Economics (2011) about the choices people make when they’re poor, why those choices make sense, and how we can adjust policy to help address poverty.

Of course, human beings always make sense, even if official economics doesn’t. Actually the sense conventional, official economics makes is to serve the elite world oligarchy and its fossil fuel organization, hell bent to destroy the planet, as hell is Pluto’s abode.

As The Economist puts it in “The world economy’s strange new rules”: How economies work has changed radically. So must economic policy. (Oct 10th 2019)

Rich-world economies consist of a billion consumers and millions of firms taking their own decisions. But they also feature mighty public institutions that try to steer the economy, including central banks, which set monetary policy, and governments, which decide how much to spend and borrow. For the past 30 years or more these institutions have run under established rules. The government wants a booming jobs market that wins votes but, if the economy overheats, it will cause inflation. And so independent central banks are needed to take away the punch bowl just as the party warms up, to borrow the familiar quip of William McChesney Martin, once head of the Federal Reserve. Think of it as a division of labour: politicians focus on the long-term size of the state and myriad other priorities. Technocrats have the tricky job of taming the business cycle.

This neat arrangement is collapsing. As our special report explains, the link between lower unemployment and higher inflation has gone missing. Most of the rich world is enjoying a jobs boom even as central banks undershoot inflation targets. America’s jobless rate, at 3.5%, is the lowest since 1969, but inflation is only 1.4%. Interest rates are so low that central banks have little room to cut should recession strike. Even now some are still trying to support demand with quantitative easing (qe), ie, buying bonds. This strange state of affairs once looked temporary, but it has become the new normal. As a result the rules of economic policy need redrafting—and, in particular, the division of labour between central banks and governments. That process is already fraught. It could yet become dangerous.”

It is indeed dangerous to be led by imbeciles, even if they have Nobel Prizes, and especially if they gave Nobel prizes. 

The world is engaged in a mass extinction. And this is the fault of the fig leaf conventional economics gave to plutocracy. Giving the Nobel to Pluto universities specialized in the most perverse economics may be progress, like giving the Peace Nobels to Nazis plotting against Hitler. 

But is it progress enough?

The Nobels for Duflo and Al. are indeed glorious for those who don’t know how to add. This is how low this world has sunk. Meanwhile, Trump is finally ordering to remove US nuclear weapons from Turkey, as the nukes were held hostage there, for the last 50 years… Many wars out there, and economics is one of them…




P/S: Want to found economics on a scientific basis? Want non trivial economics from Pluto universities? Then one should consider my own AWE (Absolute Worth Energy). AWE provides with a strict definition of Worth according to how much energy it takes to generate it. For example a hyper intellectual is worth more than a plutocrat butt wiper…

ASPASIA Greatest Philosopher of Antiquity?

October 10, 2019

SHE invented the concept of Open Society, and the “Socratic Method“.… What if we got the history of thought wrong? By focusing exclusively on a partial subset of all too influential dead white males? 

Why does the history of thought usually present as very important, detached, cogent and deep, as epitomes of wisdom, individuals who are arguably anti-democratic plutocratic partisans such as Plato or Socrates… not to speak of the pro-Macedonian mastermind known as Aristotle?

What if we don’t even understand the concept of great idea, let alone how one gives birth to it, let alone how a society generates great idea, and most societies, none? Socrates himself heavily insisted that he learned rhetoric and many other skills, even obdurate pacisfism, from Aspasia. Socrates delivers to Menexenus an anti-war speech that he (obnoxiously?) claims to have learned from Aspasia, second wife of Pericles, and, all contemporaries agree, a prominent female Athenian intellectual. Aspasia’s son with Pericles did not have an easy life: a law passed by his own father in 451 BCE, deprived him of citizenship (that was rescinded later). This son, a very competent Athenian general, was executed for the worst reason (he had won an important battle FOR Athens… The execution of Pericles’ son with four-fifths of Athens’ generals, in one day and without due process, led directly to Athens’ cataclysimic defeat; Socrates, by the way, to his credit, had an official position who enabled him to block the illegal procedure; however he was deviously overruled… All this to say that when evoking Aspasia, Socrates and significant others, one is dealing with the highest spheres of Athenian society… And that Athenian society was an astounding mess (one can understand why Aristotle thought democracy was corrupt…).

Ideas are more or less significant. The most significant thinker is the one who thinks the highest significance first. Significant thinkers are not just important for their thoughts, and the justice of attributing them to their authors, but also because they inform us how significant thinkers got to significant thoughts, in other words the universes in which their logic delves.

The case of Aspasia and her great ideas is striking. The lack of appreciation she received posthumously was driven by the likes of Aristotle. That posthumous intellectual burial is not just an attack on all women, thus humanity, but also an attack against the all-important concept of spearheading thought. Gedankenspitze (here, I created a German word! Did even Nietzsche do that? Let all those who accused me of Germanophobia shrink back in their tiny holes…)

I believe in the first creator system: the creator of an idea does the hard work. Being a parrot is easy. This is what the Nobel Circus often misses. An example is Poincaré‘s establishment in the Nineteenth Century, and teaching at La Sorbonne in 1899, with a wonderfully deep proof the relationship between energy and inertial mass: E= mcc. That’s viewed as so important it’s systematically to Parrot-stein (who reproduced, sort of, Poincaré‘s proof in 1905): as long as the discovery is not attributed to cheese eating French monkeys, the great Pluto Lack-of-Civilization, busy cooking the planets, and the books, is safe and sound.  

Doro Böhm wrote to me:

“The Greek democracy did have one major flaw: It left out women! In this aspect we could do better. No. We have to do better 👍🏼🍀🏆 We should not fall back but evolve 😉”

Teacher of the most famous thinkers: a woman, Aspasia of Miletus

Well excruciatingly scholarly books have been written in France about the weird relationship between Athens’ citizenry and feminism. It was an extremely complex situation. Athens was very sexist, in appearance, at first sight… maybe because Athena was her goddess, it should have been obvious to Athenians then, that Athens couldn’t possibly be sexist? One can one be misogynist in a society where the protecting God is not just female, but incarnates wisdom?

So Athenian women didn’t vote. How could they have done so? As Athens was a DIRECT democracy, fiercely independent Athenian farmers had to travel to the Ekklesia, a building in Athens, to vote. They typically had to pay somebody to help their wife at home, in their absence. After 400 BCE (and the half destruction of Athens, voters were paid, so they would come to the Ekklesia and vote). So having the wives do the trip too, was, too much, and actually, impossible. They didn’t have horses (only aristocrats and plutocrats could afford them). 

Sparta was NOT sexist (maybe because it was otherwise so racist & fascist?).

Nobody is suggesting to fall back into sexism, when adopting Direct Democracy, just the opposite. Now farmers and nursing mothers can stay at home, and vote with the Internet.

In truth, though, Athens’ most important philosopher was… ASPASIA, Pericles’ 2nd wife. She wrote Pericles’ most important discourses, invented the concept of “OPEN SOCIETY”, and the so-called “SOCRATIC METHOD”.

Like Poincaré with Einstein, she was Socrates’ teacher. However, Socrates didn’t hide his debt and admiration!

Ever since, sexist men have insisted there were only men in Athens, doing the thinking. Well, that’s vicious sexist propaganda.

Great civilizations invent great ideas, that’s why they are great. That’s how we know they are great. And their great idea machinery is intrinsic to them. However, this is not all arcane posturing of a maniacal pseudo-intellectual. Far from it: finding great ideas is as practical as it gets. The Roman state collapsed, as deserved, because the situation had changed, militarily, civilizationally, geopolitically, economically, climatologically, ecologically, and Rome had run out of ideas. More exactly the Roman big idea machine had collapsed. Supposing it ever existed. Did it? No. Rome was practical common sense, grafted upon Etruscan (itself having greatly borrowed to the Near East) and Greek civilization (in Naples, just to the south).

Aspasia came from Miletus. So did  Thales. Thales, his student Anaximander, and the students of the latter: Aximenes, Pythagoras were some of the summities of the Milesian School. Miletus was as great as civilization goes. Before the Persian invasion in the middle of the 6th century BC, Miletus was considered the greatest and wealthiest of Greek cities. Then crushed by the all sorts of fascists, it disappeared from history as genius producing machine (so did the rest of Greece)… But it lives on, through its ideas: we all come from Miletus… Even Erdogan descends from “Milet”. [1]

Several of Aspasia’s ideas were the greatest. Too bad Pericles didn’t understand them well enough to abide by them. Some civilizations are great, others are small, too small to produce enough new ideas to survive. Survival is of the essence, especially when extinction rules

Patrice Ayme



P/S: Aspasia c. 470 BCE–c. 400 BCE was the wife, lover and intellectual power behind the statesman Pericles. Pericles dominated Athens politically for decades, as he kept being re-elected (he was also tried when the Peloponnese  War went very wrong). The couple had a son, Pericles the Younger (a long story in itself with many twists and turns, as the son became victim of laws passed by his own father). According to Plutarch, Aspasia’s house became THE intellectual center in Athens, attracting the most prominent writers and thinkers, including the (then baby) philosopher Socrates. Aspasia is mentioned in the writings of PlatoAristophanesXenophon, inter Alia.

Though she spent most of her adult life in Athens, few details of her life are fully known. Many scholars have credited ancient comic depictions of Aspasia as a brothel keeper and a prostitute despite their inherent implausibility, and obvious defamation. Aspasia’s role in history provides a crucial hint to the understanding of the women of ancient Greece. Powerful, but hidden. Very little is known about women in her lifetime (except Socrates reveals he learned his theory of love… “Platonic Love”… from another expert woman, widely viewed as a philosopher. In “Prisoner of History: Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition”, Madeleine Mary Henry, Chair and Associate Professor of Classical Studies said: To ask questions about Aspasia’s life is to ask questions about half of humanity.


[1] Present day Turkey occupies half of ancient Ionian Greece. Turks arrived in the area in the last 800 years. Greeks were there three millennia.



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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

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Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

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Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

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Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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