Archive for the ‘Israel and Hamas’ Category

The UN Loves To Hate Israel… Now Generals Must Act

May 24, 2024

Nawaf Salam is the Muslim Arab presiding the International Court of Justice of the UN. He is from Lebanon, a country ravaged by religious strife, and home to a huge terror group, Hezbollah. Salam and friends say it’s OK for Hamas to murder and rape Jews of all ages and conditions, just because they are Jews, and then that ideology of hate will be reverred by their supporters, worldwide (nevermind that Putin is behind it). But it is not OK for Israel, a democratic state, to fight back. We all got it: democracies should not fight back

Why isn’t Salam ordering Hezbollah out of Lebanon or Hamas out of Gaza… or Putin out of Ukraine? Wait… Actually the ICJ ordered Russia to cease military operations in Ukraine, and found the allegations of genocide made by Russia against Ukraine “unsubtantiated”. HOWEVER, the ICJ ridiculously accused Israel of “genocide”… something it didn’t dare do against Russia… Curiously enough, as Russia was clear that it seeks the annihilation of Ukraine… a blatant case of the will to genocide

Curious? Not that much: Hamas is very scary, Putin is very scary… But Israel? Not that much…

Hamas knew full well that the war was going to happen inside Gaza while Hamas was going to hide in the population. Hamas organized the massacre in Gaza. ICJ funding should be cut immediately.

Nazi Germany had people who dressed in robes and called themselves judges, too. But not just that. It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer and others. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too, said Hitler. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

Hitler admired Ataturk and intended to duplicate his genocidal success. The Nazis lauded Turkey for having massacred and expelled its Armenians and Greeks. But not just that, the Armenian genocide showed to the Nazis that genocides could be safe and effective “Who,” Hitler asked in August 1939, “speaks today of the extermination of the Armenians?”

13 of 15 members of the International Court of Justice are for the destruction of Israel, the traditional anti-jewish stance. Asking Israel to give the victory to Hamas is to want the destruction of Israel and the extinction of Jews.

There’s no other way to look at it. 

I sent the following comment to the WSJ, and it was rejected:”Your comment on “U.N. Court Orders Israel to Halt Some Military Operations in Rafah” violates the community guidelines and has been rejected.”Here it is:

Putin is allied to Iran whose puppets are  Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Their allies are China, North Korea, and tentacular corruption networks throughout the West. One such network sending electronics to Russia was busted in France. The Houthis interrupted the Red Sea/Suez Canal route. Meanwhile, Putin has proclaimed his genocidal aim in Ukraine and is acting accordingly. The UN’s IJC and ICC have chosen that side of the world war, against democracy.

It is extremely troubling that these judges” profess a religion, Islam, full of threats, contempt, insults, and lethal admonitions against Jews. These judges are in the position of enacting their religious beliefs. The famous Hadiths (sayings and injunctions by Muhammad) declaring that all Jews must die before the Final Judgment constitute Article 7 of the Hamas Charter. 

Accusing 7 million Israelis of the on-going genocide of half a billion Arabs is spectacularly unbalanced and what is called in rhetoric the “accusatory inversion”. It’s a well-known technique.

Israel, the aggressed democracy, can only stop the war after victory. Hamas can stop the war immediately after admitting defeat. Netanyahu has said the cabinet would consider exile for the Hamas leaders.So if there is a “genocide” it is the ongoing effort of Hamas, not Israel.  


My comment was “rejected”, but I have zero idea why it should have been “rejected” as it was entirely composed of verifiable facts, and no specific assertion was mentioned. Article 7 of the Hamas Charter was one ingredient of my comment. Another ingredient was the way the Qur’an and Hadith evoke the Jews… Something that is easy to check. It is very troubling that facts get rejected. 

That comment on my rejection was allowed for a few minutes. John R replied: 

You ever heard of “freedom of speech”? … me either…I consider a rejection a badge of honor.  It tells me that I’m close to the truth.


Whom I did not quote in the WSJ:


Naftali Bennett, who was the 13th Prime Minister of Israel, wrote on X that “The International Court of Justice just provided every terror organization on earth with THE PERFECT METHOD TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER.”

Following the ruling, a joint statement by the Israel’s National Security Council and Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday that Israel “has not carried out and will not carry out military activity in the Rafah area that creates living conditions that could lead to the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population.”

Antijudaism is the gift that keeps on giving an outlet to hate. The Jews are just out there, too bright, too influential, too domineering in the very conceptual foundation of love in the Christian sense, and with a fascist god which has proven too useful for power for two millennia. Striking the Jews has been a way to strike at an important ally of power. But power, the fascist power of the Middle Ages, also feared the Jews immensely, because the plutocrats rightly suspected the Jews could start a revolution. So Jews were dispersed just so, at low density… And loved by the population….Before the fascist feudal order, under the Merovingian and Carollingian Franks, anybody could become a Jew… But once the fascist plutocracy of feudalism imposed itself, it viewed Jews as both a threat and a way to create scapegoats… .  

And Hitler in all that?

He loved to hate…

Many people do,

They just don’t know about it…

Why would the United Nations hate Israel? Because the world is not doing well. A case in point is South Africa, which increasingly resembles a shipwreck.(its GDP per capita is 25% less than at its peak 12 years ago). Diverging attention towards an object against which one can unleash accusations of genocide, as South Africa did against Israel, is most pleasant…it’s South Africa which launched the ICJ against Israel…

Anyway, all fun and games. Let the “judges” play, Nazi style. The fate of the world is now in the hands, not of silly, ethically challenged judges, but in the hands of generals.

Patrice Ayme

International Criminal Court A Tool Of The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community?

May 20, 2024

The International Criminal Court’s prosecutor has found that Israel defending itself is a war crime, whereas Putin invading, injuring and killing 30 times more, of his own volition, is, well… nothing worth prosecuting? Yes, I know the ICC prosecuted Putin… But it was a very soft prosecution, on a side issue, I argue that the ICC charge against Putin is mostly a fake prosecution. See below…

Quick reminder: when 40,000 Muslim Arab warriors invaded the Middle East, 13 centuries ago, there were three religions there, and dozens of millions of believers in them: Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianism. Now there is basically only Islam left, because if you disagree with Islam, well… You will be taxed, prosecuted, or persecuted, tormented, punished, excluded, vilipended, mistreated, hated, despised, excluded, alienated and canceled if not terminated… Ah, I forgot: there are seven million Jewish Israelis left…In a sea of half a billion Arabs… What about a sense of balance?

Why would a Muslim fanatic (fanatic comes from fanum, the temple in Latin; a fanatic is somebody who comes out of the temple) be the head prosecutor  of the International Criminal Court? Because Europe is Islamophile, and makes a show of it? Karim Khan, the ICC prosecutor, was the British candidate for the ICC; another Muslim Pakistani is PM of Scotland where he had forced wokism down the throats of society… An islamophile Europe is a fundamental attack against The Enlightenment, but that suits the global plutocracy just fine… Because it wants to become the new “Optimates, the new “best”, the new “aristocracy”, the new nobility… And that means divide and conquer… Islam is perfect for that…

Wikipedia: Khan’s father, a consultant dermatologist, was born in Mardan, Pakistan.[33] His mother, a state registered nurse, was born in the United Kingdom.[34] Khan is a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.[35] He was first married to Yasmin Rehman Mona, the daughter of the fourth caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Tahir Ahmad one of his brothers is the former British Conservative MP and convicted sex offender Imran Ahmad Khan.[36]

…for raping a 15 year old boy…

Khan prosecuted Putin for the kidnapping of children… Something that can be argued pointlessly to no end (how do you prove you kidnapped a child you never met and who doesn’t remember his childhood?)… . So Khan is prosecuting Putin with teeth made of legal cardboard… I am all for prosecuting Putin. But the serious charge would be “WAR OF AGGRESSION”. Khan does not prosecute Putin, he vaccinates Putin (against the most severe charge). So Khan looks tough… But he is actually Putin’s legal doctor (he cures Putin from more severe charges…).

Indeed Khan did nothing about the attack against Ukraine itself, the “ultimate war crime” (dixit Nuremberg tribunal). The war launched by Putin probably exceeded already more than one million casualties and fifteen million displaced people. And these are early days.

The war Israel found itself in was launched by Hamas, not Israel.However Khan pursues Israel, for defense, not Russia for offense.  

The predecessor of Khan was from Gambia, a dictatorship at the time.

One may wonder how much advanced values are reflected by such officers. Khan defended Charles Taylor, an extremely bloody dictator of Liberia…defended Charles Taylor, the former Liberian “presidentwho was convicted of war crimes at a special court for Sierra Leone. Taylor used to pay his accomplices and Al Qaeda in “blood diamonds”. Do we know for sure how many of these diamonds did not go to Khan?

Some may say it’s good to see savages playing civilized according to “Western” rules. Maybe. 

However, the ICC does not hesitate to issue global threats… which are intrinsically anti-democratic: International criminal court prosecutors warned on Friday against “individuals who threaten to retaliate” against the tribunal or its staff, saying such actions might constitute an “offence against its administration of justice”. This ominously sounding menace is very close to threats against freedom of expression and it’s trying to instill a fear of expression (an attack against the pillar of democracy known as PARRHESIA).

The prosecutor of the ICC claims to believe in the five pillars of Islam and is prominent in a fast growing sect that counts more members than there are Jews on the entire planet. His sect believes in the Hadith, and the Final Judgement, supposed to happen only after all Jews have been killed: “There is a Jew so kill him…… The prosecutor of the ICC cannot believe in the pillars of democracy, because those are incompatible with Islam (or Catholicism, etc.). This is because of this latter point, the incompatibility of Islam with even fake democracy, that Islamized countries have been left behind… Democracy is intimately tied to freedom of expression in turn tied to higher thinking. Lower thinking is more tied to ruins.

Another glaring problem is that Islam is, at least in the Qur’an and Hadith violently, even lethally anti-Jewish. In the case of the specific Islamist cult that Karim Khan subscribes to, an added aggravation is a non-abrogation clause of Qur’an verses. Other Islamists can argue that such and such violent, lethal verse are actually abrogated by others. Not in Karim Khan’s cult. So all the fanatical lethal anti-Jewish verses of the Qur’an have to be admitted as valid… How can such a “judge” judge Jews? Or Israel? Ah, but I was forgetting… The Nazis also had judges… No doubt like Hitler, heavily inspired by Islam (Hitler said so… marking the clothes of Jews so they could be recognized was an old Muslim invention… duplicated by the Nazis…).

The judges of the ICC may still see Karim Khan for what he is: a Muslim fanatic from a devious sect… And decide to not go any further. I was personally long a supporter of the ICC, but this is a major error, even a crime against civilization and the Enlightenment… Let alone an exhibition of traditional anti-Judaism, and choosing the wrong side in a world war…

Hamas knew very well that attacking Israel from their Gaza fortress would lead to a counter-attack onto their fortress… But Hamas counted on their fifth column, individuals like Khan, and Jew hating students

Europe has been playing the little game of virtue displaying its belief in higher values coming from Islam, thinking it would look very advanced and open minded doing so. One is reminded of the Roman empire nominating plenty of Barbarians in key positions. Not all were bad: Arbogast, Ricimer, Stilicho come to mind. Others were of course terrible traitors and led Rome to ruin.

The beauty of ruin is that one needs to get there just once

Patrice Ayme


P/S: Karim Khan prosecuted PM Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Y. Gallant… But then Karim Khan attacks Israel directly, while self-contradicting: “Israel, like all states has a right to defend its population; it has EVERY right to insure the return of hostages that have been criminally and callously taken. Those rights however do not not absolve Israel of its obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. Intentionally causing death starvation injury and suffering to the civilian population including so very many women and children are criminal means to achieve military and political goals.”

Every right or not every right? The Israeli PM replied that: “the prosecutor’s absurd charges against me and the Israeli defense minister charges were merely an attempt to deny Israel the basic right of self defense. And I assure you one thing: this attempt will utterly fail.”

“Intentionally causing death and injury to the civilian population?” All serious wars cause civilian death and injury… Intention or not.

Gazed In Gaza? Not So Fast!

May 12, 2024

Certainly bombing children is hideous, and this is why world war two was painful even for victorious Allied generals (the Allied commanders had to decided to kill millions of innocent civilians, or may be not all of them so innocent, but the children certainly were…).

It is also why those who encourage tyrants of the most malignant type are even more hideous, because the worst tyrannies always end up with massive wars, hence the mass bombing of children. Hamas had deliberately prepared for years for a war where Israel would be forced to fight in a dense urban area, with tunnels buried 50 meters below. That forced Israel to use huge 2,000 pound bombs, to hit that deep. Those who financed Hamas, like many NGOs, charities, the European Union and what not… should have known that was coming. That’s even less surprising than Putin. Putin, like Hamas, had been very clear on what they wanted to do.

But now general Von Biden has decided, strong as he is from his Afghan debacle and the gory Iraq invasion he had been so long obsessed with promoting… that 2,000 pound bombs were verboten for the Jewish state. Von Biden apparently loves to give the bad guys another chance… The fact remains that Hamas hoped that thousand of children in Gaza would be casualties… Then Hamas’ Fifth Column of the wealthiest children of the plutocratic universities was supposed to save Hamas…

What we have seen so far has been child’s play… relative what could happen. Those who support the Putin-Khamenei-Kim-Xi drift towards thermonuclear Armageddon support the potential killing of seven billions, assuredly much worse.  In WW2 the Nazis assassinated 1.5 million children for being Jewish. The strictly German population lost 9 million civilian deaths…

Yes, one must crush infamy… Yet hell is a detailed computation… The road to paradise has been paved with countless dead children… indeed, to tell those who have been victim of a half-genocide, stopped by massive bombing… that they shouldn’t look too frightening to those who want to destroy them… defeats genuine efforts against genocides.

In the most extreme situations, nothing is better at preventing violence than preventive violence. At some point, in 1939, France had to rise and declare war to Hitler. Somebody had to do it. It was certainly not going to be racist America… And yes the French were the first to bomb Berlin, in 1940, children and all… The Nazis, those towering hypocrites, proclaimed a war crime and condemned the French fliers to death. Ultimately they got much better than that puny French raid…

Israel was using large bombs in tunnels in extreme north Gaza on May 12, 2024… Showing that the unnels of Hamas in that area, very close to Israel, are not yet destoryed…

After great wars, there are great peaces. After great peaces, great wars… The time has come and the morality of the most civilized better rise to the occasion… And probably will. Pseudo-rebellious youth confusing Hamas and Jesus Christ are in for a come-to-Jesus moment in their near future…

Patrice Ayme

Israel and Palestinians are pursuing a robust dialogue…

No Genocide In Gaza. Just A Miscomputation Of Jewish Haters

March 18, 2024

Hamas attacked in a spirit of genocide, fully counting upon the islamophilic woke self-haters to come to their rescue. Hamas didn’t anticipate that Israel anticipated that Hamas, which says in its constitution that Jews have to be killed, had itself anticipated Hamas’ anticipation. Also, considering 3,000 years of genocides and anti-Judaism, Western leaders have become familiar with the startegy of killing Jews under the excuse that Jews are killers. In just war, it matters who killed first.

Genocide is what happened to Native Tasmanians. And it happened to many American tribes. Genocide is most common in history, it’s an engine: get smarter quick, or get annihilated. 

Genocide is when an entire genetically identifiable, or culturally distinct group is made to disappear by human will (UN definition). It’s not happening to Palestinians: looking at the five year moving average, there are more Palestinians than ever. Nobody has a plan to exterminate the Palestinians… Whereas the Hamas constitution trotted out sacred Hadiths from the highest authorities of Islam who claimed that all Jews will have to be killed (see essay on the Hamas constitution and the Hadiths).So Hamas intended genocide of the Jews, a most significant notion. Those supporting Hamas then support genocide.

The problem with Palestine is that, instead of seeing the return to its homeland of a Jewish state as an asset, influencers and leaders have tried, not too well, to extirpate that small Jewish state. 

The October 7 2023 attack, by displaying maximal hate, was supposed to instill in Jews the morbid feeling that, if there was such hate against them, they deserved it, and should submit… Something the Jews were forced to do for more than 18 centuries, in most places. 

However the more one attacks unjustly a tribe, threatening its existence, the more it will expand in defense…. If it is allowed to have an armed defense. This is how Rome grew, with a succession of mostly defensive wars for the first seven centuries of its existence. 

For 18 centuries, Jews were denied an official defense, that is an army and a state. Now they have them. So attacks against Israel will, as they should, lead to an expansion of Israel. For example if attacks on Northern Israel keep on coming from Lebanon, making Northern Israel unlivable, as is presently the case, one should not be surprised if Israel annexes part of Lebanon as a security zone.

More than half of Israel’s population consists of descendants of Jews who lived oppressed or victimized lives in Muslim countries. More than 12 centuries ago, the same places were full of Jews and Christians, ruled over by a war-like small Muslim minority armed to the teeth, legally and physically.

Israel was canceled as a state in 136 CE by fascist in chief Hadrian; Jews were also banished from Jerusalem by the “Little Greek”, the Graeculus, the unhinged boy lover in chief. Jerusalem had been Israel’s capital for more than a millennium… Longer than Rome had existed by several centuries. 

Both decrees from an enraged, suffering and dying Hadrian, were in blatant violation of the Roman constitution… as emperor Julian pointed out in the 360s (the Roman constitution concerning just war was viewed as a set of laws given by the Gods; Julius Caesar had to cross the Rubicon with a legion because he was unjustly charged by Cato the Younger, a fanatical hater, with having violated these laws in Gaul..) 

Julian’s untimely death, and an earthquake blocked the regrowth of Israel at the time (363 CE). Following Julian’s demise, the Christian killers rose in their absolute fury, keen to extinguish civilization if need be, so that they could stay in power. Theodosius I passed his heresy terror decrees in 380-381 CE. The gist of them was that Roman emperors could legally torture to death anyone they accused to have left their interpretation of Abrahamism. By 395 CE, the Roman imperial state had started its final collapse. A century later, it had been replaced by its successor state, the Franks, in the West. The Franks defanged Catholicism, civilizing it with mandatory secular universal education, and tolerance for tolerable non-Catholics (including Pagans, Jews and even Muslims). However, when the unjust, perceived as unjust feudal system reared its ugly plutocratic head, the thugs who called themselves noble weaponized again Catholicism in their service, and Jews were again oppressed… when not outright expelled (that was tried out of France and England, 13C, not too well, and accomplished in Spain, 1492 CE).

After being occupied by the giant Roman empire, Israel was occupied by the even larger Caliphates, terrorized by the counter-attacking Crusaders, and then oppressed by the giant Ottoman Muslim empire. So there was no occasion for Israel to rise again: the struggle of the Greeks against the Turks lasted three centuries, and the Greeks had international help. Finally, the Ottomans were kicked out from choosing the wrong side in WW1. The UK made a half baked effort to prevent the rebirth of Israel.   

As the present United Nations is a direct legal descendant of Rome …through the Imperium Francorum (486-800 CE), then the Renovatio Imperium Romanum (800 CE and thereafter), and Europe… it was constitutional to re-establish the rights of the Jews, unjustly dispossessed of their land, their state, and continually threatened with extinction by unhinged Roman Catholic authorities. Being deprived of their state brought genocide attempts against the Jews which were mostly successful, as, overall.

The confrontation against Israel is mostly a made-up conflict, initially intended as a distraction by the local potentates… and still functioning as such. If Palestinians had embraced Israel long ago, they would be doing much better. They can still do that… Because clearly the two state solution, with two armies, will never work… Although it makes now for a vigorous war, it’s no sustainable solution……/fateful-hadiths…

Two administrations, sure. Two police forces, sure. But just one army, Tsahal, the Israeli Defense Force…

Palestinians will get out of this once they understand that Israel is an asset they can own: kill them with love and cooperation, not missiles and genocidal threats….

Only God can determine for sure what value and worth are, or, at least, so people long thought. However Judeo-Christo-Islamist God was obviously invented by savages roaming the Fertile Crescent or maybe Egypt too.

So back to guesswork. And cosmology is coming to our rescue. Everything indicates we are the only civilization in the observed universe, hence well worth dying for! Mission civilisatrice just getting started!

Patrice Ayme

Detail of the base of the Arch of emperor Titus (inaugurated 81 CE), Rome. Roman soldiers are stealing artifacts from the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, which they destroyed, leaving only its base. On that base, the Roman Catholics built churches. Four centuries later, the Muslims built major mosques… on said Jewish temple. What the Catholics and Muslims were saying with their sacred monuments on top of the heart of Judaism’s most sacred place was that Judaism had been completely defeated, and laid under foot of Christo-Islamism.

Fateful Hadiths: “There Is A Jew… So Kill Him!” 

November 12, 2023

One of the virtues of Islam is deliberate lying to non-Muslims (it’s prescribed!) So the sacred texts of Islam ordering to kill Jews, all Jews, or to commit genocide against various groups have been hiding in plain sight: it’s increasingly against the law, including French law, to just see such texts. This sort of Islamophilia works by declaring that telling the truth about the most basic texts of Islam exhibits “Islamophobia” (the fear of Islam)… which is viewed as racism… and racism is in turn equated to hate speech… punishable by law. (Will fearing the Catholic Inquisition be a hate crime too, very soon?)

We are all been Islamized one deranged, anti-civilizational judge’s order at a time! (French “judges” judged that quoting while praising Hadith ordering the genocide of Jews was not hate speech… Here I quote, but do not praise…)

Hate, terror, fear, torture, extermination are the great classics of human history. By applying terminal horror to creatures associated with Israel, even the not yet born, just because they were associated with Israel, Hamas sung the song of termination, familiar throughout human evolution.  Hamas wanted to imprint on the world that the way to deal with Jews was to instill in them the expectation of genocide.

Islam is at fault. Islam sacred texts are obsessed with Jews, as Islam is a reinterpretation of Jewish faith. The Hadiths about the necessity to kill all the Jews from top Caliphs, and Abi Huraira are extremely famous and known to all Muslim Fundamentalists. Similar Hadiths (kill all Jews) were uttered by Second Caliph Umar (no less!) and many others, sometimes in Hadiths up to several pages long, giving all the details! (Links are to standard Islam sites.)

There are thousands of Hadiths and Quran verses trashing the Jews; Jews spoil food, they are apes, pigs, etc…. But the order to kill the Jews so that the Final Judgment can proceed has got to be the ultimate… The order to kill all Jews was Article 7 of the 1988 Hamas Charter.

Here is an extract from PBS, the US national government public TV and radio (PBS is considered woke and left… in truth a creature of US corporations… which are pretending to be woke and left…), on the genocidal antijudaism in Arabia:

The incriminated Saudi books were published in 2000. PBS FRONTLINE cannot verify how many Saudi schools have used these textbooks, or how these passages were taught or interpreted by teachers in Saudi Arabia. However, these textbooks are part of the official curriculum for Saudi students and are a fundamental part of their education. Approximately 35% of school studies is devoted to compulsory Saudi religious education. (For more on Saudi religious education, see FRONTLINE’s interviews with Ali al-Ahmed, Mai Yamani, and Hassan Youssef Yassin.)

The Victory of Muslims over the Jews. This first extract, “The Victory of Muslims Over Jews,” is the last two pages from the prophet Mohammed’s sayings, HADITHS. Hadith narrated by Abi Huraira:

“The last hour won’t come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only “Gharkad” tree, it is of Jews’ trees.”

Explanation of words. “Last Hour: the hereafter will not come. “Gharkad”: a big tree with thorns and the Jews grew it a lot in Palestine those days. Here are the Teachings of the Hadiths:

1/ It’s fate decided by Allah that the Muslims and Jews will fight till the end of the world.

2/ The Hadith predicts for the Muslims God’s victory over the Jews.

3/ The victory for the Muslims because they are right, and who ever is right is always victorious, even though most people are against him.

4/ God grants victory to the Muslims if they have a true will, if they unite, hold on to God’s sharia, if they go by God’s ruling, if they are patient.

5/ The material strength won’t be enough to warrant victory, it is necessary to invoke God and to seek his support.

6/ Whoever is with God, God is with him; no matter what hardships and ordeals one would undergo, what counts is the final result.

7/ Jews and Christians are the enemies of believers they will never approve of the Muslims, beware of them.


Muslims generally deny that Islam hates Jews, because they know hate looks bad and they want to look good… But those same Muslims typically refuse to consider the plethora of offensive sacred texts against Jews, in Quran and Hadith… and this shows they are not honest, or then so ignorant that there is something called “The Glorious Quran”, a text, a propaganda work, where all the toxic, lethal threats and horrific commands of the real Quran have been excised… And that apparently this “Glorious Quran” is the only book they have been exposed to… If one applied the same process to Nazi texts, to refuse to quote all offending Nazi texts, Nazism would come clean as a whistle.

In the case of Islam, so-called “Glorious Quran” edition do exactly that, removing and expunging all calls to apply torture in the name of Allah to… most of humanity (turns out)… 


In a spirit of respect to Muslims who are in denial that Islam preaches torture to death against many non-Muslims, here is an extract from WSJ of a British “Observant” Muslim Qanta A. Ahmed, a British-American physician who came to prominence as a doctor specializing in sleep disorders. She has also worked as an author and journalist and human right activist.


Muslim Qanta A. Ahmed, a British-American physician wrote: “The Scenes of Genocide I Saw in Israeli Morgues

This wasn’t an emotional frenzy of killing like the pogroms of the 1880s. It was methodically planned…

This is Israel. I arrived on Oct. 19 to spend 10 days as a human-rights observer with the permission of the nation’s Foreign Affairs Ministry and help from Israel Defense Forces officer Kobi Valer. As an observant Muslim, I felt a duty to come and bear witness. What I saw will remain with me forever.

Hamas waged its attacks in the nation’s south, but hundreds of its victims have since been moved north. I encountered many of them at the morgues at the Shura military base near Ramle, some 15 miles southeast of Tel Aviv. I toured the Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital in Haifa, visiting the neonatal units whose tiny patients had recently been relocated in anticipation of further conflict. I examined bodies and ashes, incinerated teeth and bones. I saw toddlers, teens and adults, young and old, many of them bound, tortured and burned alive.

One word continually came to mind: genocide. No matter how it emerges, the monster is easy to recognize. As a doctor, I had a rare and panoramic view of the aftermath: the targeted people’s long, agonizing journey to death.

This isn’t the first time I have seen Islamist jihadism or even Islamist genocide. I’ve been to northwestern Pakistan and met child Taliban operatives groomed for suicide missions. I still attend to 9/11 first-responders in New York. I’ve been to post-ISIS Iraq to meet with Kurdish and Yazidi survivors of genocide. I’ve spoken with former ISIS child soldiers and the Peshmerga veterans of that brutal and bloody three-year war.

The Oct. 7 genocide was different, more barbaric than anything before it. The attacks were cloaked in the language and metaphors of Islam, yet corrupted with cosmic enmity for the Jewish people, Judaism, global Jewry and the Jewish state. They revealed again that Islamism is a virulent impostor of Islam with intentions anathema to the faith. And there was no doubt of Islamism’s guilt: I saw real-time footage generated by the Hamas commandos’ own GoPro cameras. I heard phone calls exclaiming the Shahadah—the Islamic declaration of faith—as they murdered, executed, burned, pillaged and then broadcast their crimes.

There is a commonality I have found in the face of such destruction. People struggle to find the words to describe what happened. Israelis I met were still searching for how to recount their experiences. Some talked about a second Shoah, a second Holocaust. One Israeli detective disagreed: “We can’t call this a holocaust—not because of the numbers—but because the Nazis were systematic and institutionalized the killing, and we can’t call it carnage, because ‘carnage’ is too nice a word.” He looked at me with a painful gaze. I found my own words strangled in silence, except one: genocide.

Article 6 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines genocide as a crime against humanity in terms identical to the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Its essential element is intent “to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

The Oct. 7 attack was premeditated, organized and targeted, seeking to destroy as many Israelis as possible. Hamas tortured and immolated its victims, including children, pregnant women and the unborn. Its men intentionally captured hostages, around 240 in total, reportedly from more than 40 countries.

They had intent. Eyewitnesses told me the terrorists came with tablets loaded with maps of the kibbutzim, blueprints and floor plans of homes, names of families and specific knowledge of service records and where Israeli veterans were living. Others told me that some of the terrorists spoke Hebrew and lured the unwitting out of their safe rooms into certain death.

This wasn’t like the pogroms of the 1880s, a frenzy of killing with rabid emotion. This was a methodically planned genocide. No such circumstances apply to Israel’s operation in Gaza, and so the description must not be the same. The sovereign state of Israel is destroying Hamas because Hamas is threatening Israel, which is working to mitigate civilian losses. The country has a duty to prevent further genocide against its people. Saying so doesn’t detract from the suffering of Palestinians who are captives of Hamas.

Two weeks after the attack, Queen Rania of Jordan suggested that the butchering of children had yet to be “independently verified” as I examined images of their remains in Ramle. The deceit felt as barbaric as the atrocities. There is no context, no nuance, that justifies genocide. Its intention is the same throughout the ages: the destruction of a people.

Israel, the West and the Muslim world must respond with necessary moral clarity: Define the Oct. 7 attacks as genocide. Legally designating the horrors as such ought to become a priority, independent of the war against Hamas, because the attacks need to be documented and prosecuted as crimes against humanity. Doing so is a matter of Jewish survival. The world has been silent in the face of Jewish genocide before. When we now say never again, we must mean it.

Dr. Ahmed is a physician who specializes in sleep disorders and a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.

When as towering a personage as Umar, the Second Caliph of Islam, top companion and general of Muhammad, promotes the killing of Jews one cannot say such will to kill is caused by rogue Islamists. Umar overviewed the invasion of Jerusalem and then Egypt. The Catholic Patriarch in Jerusalem invited Umar to come and pray in the Catholic church on the top of the Temple of the Jews. Umar declined the invitation, because, he said, if it did so, the Muslims (his followers!) would turn the Church into a mosque. So he prayed outside, where now the famous and beautiful gold dome mosque stands. Roman Catholics and Islamists both disliked the Jews… And for the same fundamental reason: they had stolen their religions from the Jews, and thus had to justify that by saying Jews and their religion were bad.

Much has been made of the “tolerance” of Muslims for Jews (and Christians). But for centuries Arab and Iranian military aristocracies ruled over giant Judeo-Christian populations, which they needed to serve them. But they were cruelly oppressed in all sorts of ways… some lethal… to prevent rebellion… As happened in Spain (but the Franks started the liberation of Spain… Including Catalonia, Aragon, etc,,,)

Well, to recapitulate, Ahmed, perhaps having been fed a diet of “Glorious Quran”, you may not realize it, but the Hamas torturers applied literally what is in Fundamental Muslim texts… Dr. Ahmed, with all due respect, and maybe you have to say it as an anti-Islam Fifth Columnist, you are deluded and in denial: there is no difference between “Islamism” and Islam, not anymore than there would be between Christianism and Christ.

There are easily more than 100 sects of Islam. Some are compatible with civilization, but strict interpretations of sacred texts where they are the most extreme is NOT compatible with civilization. However the extremes won.

Patrice Ayme

Good Fundamental Muslims are immersed in a bath of Jewish hate; once again, this is standard fare; authors of hate for Jews are Muhammad (so-called Messenger of the fascist in heavens), Bakr (Muhammad’s father in law and first Caliph), Umar (companion of Muhammad, second Caliph, and enemy of Aisha about sexism; Aisha was Muhammad’s child bride, they married when she was six (6), and his second wife, daughter of Bakr) etc. :

The Wolf And the Lamb: The Bombs And The Kids

October 26, 2023

The reason people get accused of violence is often a form of violence to morally justify using violence against them. It’s the oldest trick.

Half of the population of Gaza is children. Apparently, they are guilty. Hamas fully expected Israel to lash out and, so doing, as it must, kill many children in Gaza. Several thousands Gazan children have already been killed, in October 2023, by aerial bombing. The whole planet can see it: mushroom clouds all over densely populated cities.

Yes, their brothers did it. They disturbed the peace of the open air prison, massacred the innocent.

Certainly bombing children is hideous, and this is why world war two was painful even for victorious Allied generals. They killed thousands of perfectly innocent French children in completely useless bombings at the end of the war.

They had to kill much more German children. The first bombing on Hamburg alone killed 8,000 children. And that was just an appetizer.

It is also why those who encourage tyrants of the most malignant type are most hideous, because the rule of the worst tyrants always end up with massive wars, hence the mass bombing of children.

What we have seen so far has been child’s play… relative what could happen. Those who support the Putin-Khamenei-Kim-Xi drift towards thermonuclear Armaggedon support the potential killing of seven billions, assuredly much worse. In WW2 the Nazis assassinated 1.5 million children for being Jewish. The strictly German population lost 9 million civilian deaths… And yet, inasmuch as bombing must be done, we must face the horror.

In the Lamb and the Wolf, the wolf is starving,

And eats the child.

What does aerial bombing eat? Humanity?


La Fontaine’s take on it:

The wolf needs to eat, he is excused. What is the excuse of those who pretend not to be wolves?


La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure:

         Nous l’allons montrer tout à l’heure.

         Un Agneau se désaltérait

         Dans le courant d’une onde pure.

Un Loup survient à jeun, qui cherchait aventure,

    Et que la faim en ces lieux attirait.

Qui te rend si hardi de troubler mon breuvage ?

         Dit cet animal plein de rage:

Tu seras châtié de ta témérité.

Sire, répond l’Agneau, que Votre Majesté

         Ne se mette pas en colère ;

         Mais plutôt qu’elle considère

         Que je me vas désaltérant

                      Dans le courant,

         Plus de vingt pas au-dessous d’Elle ;

Et que par conséquent, en aucune façon,

        Je ne puis troubler sa boisson.

Tu la troubles, reprit cette bête cruelle,

Et je sais que de moi tu médis l’an passé.

Comment l’aurais-je fait si je n’étais pas né ?

    Reprit l’Agneau ; je tette encor ma mère

         Si ce n’est toi, c’est donc ton frère.

    Je n’en ai point. C’est donc quelqu’un des tiens:

         Car vous ne m’épargnez guère,

         Vous, vos Bergers et vos Chiens.

On me l’a dit : il faut que je me venge.”

           Là-dessus, au fond des forêts

         Le loup l’emporte et puis le mange,

         Sans autre forme de procès.


The reason of the strongest is always the best:

         We will show it presently.

         A Lamb quenched his thirst

         In the current of a pure wave.

A Wolf appears on an empty stomach, looking for adventure,

    And that hunger in these places attracted.

Who makes you so bold that you dare disturb my drink?

         Said this animal full of rage:

You will be punished for your temerity.

Sire, replies the Lamb, may your Majesty

         Please not get angry;

         But rather that she considers

         That I’m -quenching my thirst

In the current,

         More than twenty steps below Her;

And that therefore, in no way,

  I couldn’t disturb her drink.

You are disturbing her, replied this cruel beast,

And I know that you slandered me last year.

How would I have done it as I had not been born?

    Replied the Lamb; I’m still suckling my mother

         If it’s not you, then it’s your brother.

    I don’t have any. So it’s one of yours:

         Because you hardly spare me,

         You, your shepherds and your dogs.

I have been told I must take revenge.”

            There, deep in the forests

         The wolf takes the lamb away and then eats it,

         Without further trial and tribulation


OK, I will spare the readership, for now, the strident letter of (philosopher) Arendt and (physicist) Einstein and other Jews against the ways of the first government of Israel. Those ways were depicted as “fascist”, “Nazi”, etc. Interestingly to my knowledge none of the signatories signed anything as strident against the Nazi regime itself when the Nazis were thriving (although Einstein asked Roosevelt to build nuclear bombs in 1942). This shows that attitudes change. In time. In depth. If Einstein and Arendt were around, they would have visited Gaza. No doubt. Yes, their letter was that angry. They had understood nothing about why the Shoah happened. The Shoah happened because the Jews were not feared. They were hated, hate is a most exciting passion, but not feared.

In other words: Israel better be careful this time. Western patience is running thinner. “Woke” nuts have now a serious ethical problem. Turns out Israel can’t do without US military support, high precision weapons… But further harmonious undisturbed flow of weaponry and all sorts of subsidies, in turn depends upon US public opinion…

How many thousands of dead Gazan children will it take for Israel to look like an insufferable wolf to too many US citizens? Certainly less than a thousand thousands…

Yes, one must crush infamy… Yet hell is a detailed computation… The road to paradise has been paved with countless dead children… indeed, to tell those who have been victim of a half-genocide, stopped by massive bombing… that they shouldn’t look too frigthening to those who want to destroy them… defeats genuine efforts against genocides.

In the most extreme situations, nothing is better at preventing violence than preventive violence. At some point, in 1939, France had to rise and declare war to Hitler. Somebody had to do it. It was certainly not going to be racist America… And yes the French were the first to bomb Berlin, in 1940, children and all… The Nazis, those towering hypocrites, proclaimed a war crime and condemned the French fliers to death. Ultimately they got much better than that puny French raid…

Patrice Ayme 


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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GrrrGraphics on WordPress

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Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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