Posts Tagged ‘Pseudo-intellectuals’

France, Islamism: Garbage Above, Garbage Out

March 22, 2015


Incredible garbage shown on French TV. The sides of some French roads, including the busiest freeway in Europe, look like dumps, before modern regulations, closed such dumps. It got dangerous: a passing car could hit discarded metal machinery.

The phenomenon is new. Last I passed through Paris, a few years ago, going to the airport, I was shocked to see so much garbage along the freeway.

This is unimaginable in California. It was unimaginable in France of decades past. Times are changing, they always have. After being at the forefront of civilization for centuries, with its own civilization, Carthage, Tunisia reached even higher heights under Rome:

Blatantly Islamophobic Roman Art From Bardo Museum, Tunis

Blatantly Islamophobic Roman Art From Bardo Museum, Tunis

[The Bardo Museum was attacked by Islamists last week. The 88 years old, democratically elected Tunisian president, condemned that “minority of savages who do not scare us.”

This is an attack similar to the two in France: a purely cultural attack. The chief ideologist of the Islamic State is 27 years old. And apparently interprets the Qur’an and Hadith literally. Just like yours truly. More below.]

But a few more words first, about French garbage. Garbage in the street is related to terrorism against civilization, the one and only, through war minded, austerity armed, all-encompassing plutocracy. Plutocracy is the crafty manipulator behind Islamism.

I can understand why the French dump garbage. It is not just symbolic. There are more and more laws in France about recycling and other silliness.

Meanwhile the air is not breathable in Paris, because scientific advice to the government was wrong, advising to decrease CO2 while augmenting more lethal tiny particles of hydrocarbons. The government just ordered alternated circulation, effective now. The air many people are forced to breathe in France is garbage, thanks to their government imbecility, over a period of two decades.

Normal people have found more expedient to dump garbage along roads than to respect all the ukases their glorified rulers have devised from inside their gilded palaces (the places of decision in France are literally covered with gold).

So the government is spending a measly 5 million euros to clean roads around Paris. You know, austerity, so that the plutocrats can roll in dough from their monopolies and paying little tax, if any.

A government official piously offered the hope that people who throw garbage along the roads will stiffen their patriotic spine and respect the law, looking forward.

But what’s the law? For the Commons, the Vulgar, the Middle Class, the law is that they ought to recycle, even if it takes hours, and that’s all the scientific law that children need to learn at school.

But that is only one side of the law.

The other side is that Bill Gates is one of history’s greatest monopolist, that he did not pay billions of euros of taxes he ought to have paid, but then he is the world’s richest man and one is supposed to admire his charity.

It also surfaced that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) staff unanimously voted to prosecute Google on a number of charges. But then the commissioners voted, just as unanimously, against it (that is completely unusual). This is sheer corruption.

It is just the sort of corruption that is completely legal in the West. As Monbiot points out in The Guardian about the UK. (I have been saying this for a decade, glad to see it is finally reaching the MSM!)

So why should common French people spend hours a week respecting laws that, viewed as an ensemble, have been obviously designed to exploit and oppress them?

Brazilians have the same question. The Constitution of Brazil was designed according to Auguste Comte’s positivist philosophy. And now it turns out that politicians in Brazil just wanted to become as rich as they could.

Even “The Economist” had to admit to my point number two in politics. To put it my way: the Wisdom of the Crowds is greater than the wisdom of the few.

So the French will keep on throwing garbage out, wherever, at 2 AM. (They just gave the Socialist Party less votes than the National Front in elections today.)

How come the citizens of the USA do not do the same? Throwing garbage along the roads?

First, American citizens don’t feel oppress: that’s for “losers”, and whiners.

Second, if USA citizens throw a banana peel, the High Patrol will be happy to stop them, tell them to keep hands on the wheel (lest they want to be shot), check them out on the computer, call back-up, and, or, handcuff them as needed.

In any case, they will have a right to a jury trial somewhere out there, maybe tens or hundreds, or thousands of miles away from home. Or then they can pay $1,000. One thousand dollars is the standard garbage fine.

Unsurprisingly, garbage out is something very ordered in the USA.

If any of the preceding is not dissuasive enough, drivers can contemplate prisoners in bright orange uniforms picking up whatever garbage would still be present along the roads.

Having the world’s greatest incarcerated population has some undeniable advantages… And highly noticeable garbage picking by prison crews is a good pretext for reminding good, common Americans that the rule of law is absolute, and knows no decency.

The somewhat tyrannical rule of the law enables the USA to integrate immigrants relatively easily. Immigrants know they have to keep to the straight and narrow. If they don’t, law enforcement will fall on them as a ton of bricks.

Pseudo-intellectuals will scoff. But it works, and it was the essential insight of the Roman Republic: “Dura Lex, Sed Lex”, represented by the Fascses (still prominent at the core symbolic of the republics of the USA and France; other powers do not brandish the fasces, and it shows, not for the best!)

For the Republic to go on, the law has to be ethologically correct.

Plutocratic law is the exact opposite.

So the music has to change.

Voting for extreme parties is a solution, because the situation has decayed so much that only extreme solutions are reasonable. (In the USA there are no viable extreme parties, so the alternative is not to vote; the case of California is a bit different: it has a slightly more reasonable government, and continual referenda.)

Music is communication, with others, and other parts of one’s brain.

Politics is also communications (right now, it is soiled with power greed, but that can be fixed. At least, in theory.)

Meanwhile the French Prime Minister has been identifying the French left with Syriza, the main Greek Party which won power in January (when Manuel Valls started to run against it).

This is rather curious.

The most outrageous demand of Syriza is that Germany pay 170 billion euros for its attack, invasion, destruction, deportation and execution of much of the Greek population.

Germany never paid any reparations to Greece.

(Although payments of 2.5 euros for each day passed in Auschwitz and the like, were made to some survivors.)

If Germany wants to talk tough about 65 billion euros Greece owes it, why can’t Greece talk tough too?

Because French and German banks hold tens of billions of euros of money stolen to the Greek People, by Greek plutocrats.

In Tunisia, Islamists attacked the Bardo Museum, to kill tourists (they chose the number one day, Wednesday, when cruise ships discharge their tourists). This is the second museum in Africa. It is 200 meters from the National Assembly.

The museum demonstrates that, before the Islamists invaded, Tunisia had a long and enormous civilization. So the Bardo museum is the very symbol of Islamophobia, and general contempt for the so-called “Messenger”. As far as Islamists are concerned.

There are, in particular, extensive Roman art works, unique in the world, inside the Bardo (see above, and notice the Islamophobic woman flaunting her divine status, and Allah given body).

One of the assailants of the Bardo looked completely normal, he lived in a good area, in a good house, and his extensive family was very surprised that he felt so strongly about following the Qur’an’s orders.

Why are people still surprised? Are not orders, orders? Orders from god, of all people! Why can’t those who are always so surprised, able to read the Qur’an? Violence in the Holly Qur’an make the best terror project anywhere.

Why so much denial about what is inside the Qur’an?

Because it has become a (lucrative) tradition. Many pseudo-intellectuals, instead of holding on principle (as De Sade, or Nietzsche did), sold themselves to whoever looked strong enough at the time (Stalin, Wall Street, Washington, etc.). Pleasing the strong made for a profitable career. So they defined any murmur against the Bitter Lake conspiracy propelled Islamist madness as racist “Islamophobia”.

Islamophilia is the worst enemy of the population of the Middle East, and thus the best friend of those who want to control the oil flow (lots of it right now, to bring various powers to their knees).

Meanwhile, back in Washington, Obama is seething against Bibi Netanyahu, for all to see. Whatever. Bibi has a plan, at least medium term (invade the West Bank with colons). Others do not have a plan. Not that Iran, long allied to Israel (much of the time secretly), minds.

The world is becoming a bit too complex. We have seen what happens in a case like this. In 1914. However, in 1914, the German fascists, who attacked, had a superior army (as their successors did, in 1940). A good way to prevent instability, is for the more democratic states to keep military superiority.

Lest I would be accused of rabid pro-Americanism, let me observe that, although the sides of roads in the USA are clean, it is not so inside many cities with the mentally insane. Whereas in Europe, such people (except if they are Rom, as Manuel Valls would probably notice) go inside hospitals, in the USA, since Reagan, they are free to own the sidewalks.

But let us have a bit more austerity in Europe, and all those who are not rich enough will be free to roam the streets. To mingle with normal youth suddenly turning to terrorism. Surprise, surprise.

Patrice Ayme’


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because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

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Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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