Posts Tagged ‘Crash’

Why People Like To Kill People; Consequences

March 27, 2015

There are many reasons why people like to kill people: greed, anxiety, misperceptions, pain etc., are common. Here I shall focus on a particular reason. A 27 year old German co-pilot locked himself in the cockpit, and while the captain pounded on the door, flew himself and another 149 persons, including tens of babies and children, into a cliff at the base of a mountain that towered another 1,500 meters higher.

Insanely enough, the murderous maniac may have view it as an act of love. Dying among those mountains he knew well, and loved. The area may be the most famous in the world for glider pilots: enormous mountains with a warm sun create tremendous updraft. The valleys are full of airports. Wingsuit flying was invented there.

Typical Valley of Hautes Alpes & Provence. Most Are Wild

Typical Valley of Hautes Alpes & Provence. Most Are Wild

This is not the first time a plane is crashed deliberately by a pilot. At least a dozen cases are known, or suspected, in the last few decades. Some of these planes carried more than 200 people.

Conventional humanism has no answer.

I do. And the consequences are not just vast, but ominous. They plead for direct democracy.

Some will say: ’Why to care about insane maniacs crashing planes? Stuff happens.’

Well, you know, we are living on a spaceship. Spaceship Earth. And, potentially, a handful of self-glorifying and glorified maniacs are in the cockpit. Think about it. I will show that, what looks like maniacal, and it is, such maniacal behavior is an all too normal part of human ethology.

We are all flying through space, we have forgotten it all too long.

Flying is the human metaphor.

Since Icarus, flying has been an obsession, and it is closely related, in the subconscious collective, with hubris going too far. “Air disasters” thus loom large.

But there is more. Human beings are technological, scientific beings. We can fly only because we have great mastery of technology. Science, technology are, to an ever greater extent a near-Faustian bargain; we get comfort, grow and multiply, and travel all over. In exchange, we destroy the biosphere.

A co-pilot of Egyptair succeeded to crash a jumbo jet into the ocean, while the captain was fighting next to him to pull up the plane, begging the “god is great” screaming insane maniac in the other seat to help him out.

Is it not our fate nowadays? Are we not all passengers on spaceship Earth, at the mercy of megalomaniacal, deluded maniacs in the cockpit?

So why all the murderous hatred from the maniacs?

Those who don’t believe in mass murderous insanity are invited to contemplate the lynching of a 27 year old Afghan woman. Allegedly for burning a book… Then she was burned herself, to a crisp. The accuser recognized later he made the book burning up. Oops. Back in New York, the Afghan president ironically pretended that Afghanistan would have a woman president before the USA. I guess it’s supposed to be all very funny.

For the lynching:

So why the hatred from the maniacs? Why so many maniacs?

Because human beings are all a bit prone to insanity, and murderous rage. No offense meant, just a crucial observation carried out. Yes, I am aware that woe is to be visited onto the one who calls attention to that scandal whose name is man.

And the craziness of man is not just a scandal: it demands to reorganize human society. A commenter on this site, Duviel, suggested that I played with fire. According to him, by being too critical with the present human society, I risked to turn the USA, or Europe, into Syria, Libya, or Afghanistan.

Thus he suggested that the collective mental state is so very fragile, than a few words would lead civilization to savagery. Why so fragile?

Human beings are born as babies who depend upon love for survival and creation of their minds. However, when full grown, human beings discover that the greatest danger to them is other men.

This has been like that for two million years, about 100,000 generations, plenty of time to anchor behavioral change genetically, and epigenetically.

So man is all about love, first, and then quite a bit about hatred to. How is the mix allocated? Well, one can just look at epigenetics: it is a control system that varies the activation, or des-activation of genes, according to circumstances.

A great progress in Evolution Theory in recent years is that one has demonstrated, theoretically, and experimentally, that genetic behavior, implementation and even inheritance depends, to sometimes a great extent, upon the environment. (Lamarck was right all along!)

One can only guess that it is the same for character and personalities themselves: they depend upon the environment. From full love to full hatred. In the case of fishes, the epigenetic transformation can change a female into a male, and then, maybe even a super-male.

What triggers this? A change in the environment. The absence of males.

It is the same in humans. For two million years, at least, having too many people around was a death sentence. For the species. So the species comes equipped with a meta-ecological control system; the WILL TO EXTERMINATION.

Nietzsche did not think of that one: he only spoke of the Will To Power.

De Sade, the “Divine Marquis” was sharper. De Sade, one of the engineers of the Revolution of 1789, found himself in a leadership position during the Revolution. He warned his colleagues not to try to expand the Revolution by force. He said it would backfire.

Why? Because De Sade knew well how the Dark Side of man worked: it is always looking for excuses to get rolling.

The WILL TO EXTERMINATION just finds excuses to get rolling.

In the case of this 27 year old pilot, whatever demons rambled in his head led him to deliberately lock that door, push the manual override to prevent its unlocking, remove the automatic pilot, set the Airbus on a descent, ignore all the calls from Air Traffic control, and other planes, the pounding on the door, and the ground proximity alarms. He suffered, and human ethology told him it was other people’s fault. They had to be exterminated.

This is not different from the Nazis’ main reasoning (I am not saying Nazism was in any sense conducive to this particular maniac’s behavior; there are hints that the mysterious disappearance of that Malaysian jumbo over the Indian airline was also a suicide: who set the Automatic Pilot to fly towards Antarctica?)

The Nazis (and most Germans, then) suffered, and they wanted to exterminate (the fact that the absence of Revolution in Germany was the cause of their suffering did not escape Hitler, and most Germans; they just went for the wrong type of Revolution).

Conclusion for today’s world:

We, the World, are led by very few people. 2,000 people or so, have unimaginable powers in their hands. Many of them are ignorant twerps, like this 27 year old dissimulating pilot (a doctor had ordered him to stop working; he tore up the order). Putin’s weird, mass criminal behavior is a case in point.

Nuclear weapons are an extreme danger. So much power in such small devices.

However, so are those leaders we have: so much power, in such small minds.

One has to take measures to reduce the powers of the few. It should be civilization mission number one.

Seven billion led by a few people, each of them harboring, deep inside, the fundamental human insanity of rage supreme, is not a sustainable proposition.

Too much power led by too little intelligence is flying us into a cliff.

Patrice Ayme’


Total Plutocracy

October 28, 2014

Christophe de Margerie’s jet hit a snow plough on a Moscow runway at midnight, flipped on its back, caught fire, and skidded across. The four on board died. A friend of mine said: ”Why are you smiling, what’s funny about that?” Hey, I’m like Margerie, I am a “bon vivant”. Margerie was reputed to be great fun, especially when visiting dictators. So I am keeping up with the fun.

With French ministers, according to a past Ministre de L’Ecologie, Margerie was spiteful, and made them feel that he was the real boss, and politicians were nothing. But not to worry: the French president, the French Prime Minister, the Emir (owner) of Qatar, the head of the International Monetary Fund, and countless other worthies gave a national funeral to the great man who looked like an aged walrus.

Capo Dei Capi: How Come So Putin Strong? Who Elected You?

Capo Dei Capi: How Come So Putin Strong? Who Elected You?

With 200 billion Euros in revenue, TOTAL SA is not far behind the French government budget. TOTAL’s profits are 14 billion Euros (“Soyons serieux!” laughed Margerie). It pays nearly no tax in France, having concentrated there its money losing refineries.

Other countries get nearly all their fuel from French refineries; TOTAL has also a green light to frack in Britain. So this is not just a French situation. TOTAL is one of the five great oil companies concentrating the fossil fuel firepower. Those companies have the best technology. Some of TOTAL’s specialties are very deep water drilling, and using steam to extract tar oil in Canada.

What was de Margerie doing at midnight? Flying back to France, after meeting with Putin and Medvedev, late at night.

That’s how these guys are: great fun. Putin was recently invited to Milan for a big time European meeting. He arrived several hours late to visit with Merkel, who was not amused. After keeping her up past midnight, he motored to Berlusconi’s mansion, and the two plutocrats reveled together until 4 am. (We don’t know how many female teenager were in attendance to further their studies.)

The next European meeting was at 8am, and Putin showed up.

Supposedly Margerie had just told Medvedev and Putin to cool it with Ukraine. At least that’s the massaging message Margerie’s minions floated after his death.

Why was Margerie so important to the Russian dictators? Because the six “supermajor” oil companies have the advanced technology. After all, they recruit from the best universities in the world (that’s paid by taxpayers). TOTAL SA was the spearhead of high tech development for hydrocarbon production in Russia. Among other things, it’s helping to build a gas liquefaction plant in the far north, to load special ships with methane (something TOTAL does with Qatar, in the world’s largest such installation).

Once a ship is fully loaded, it has several times the explosive power deployed at Hiroshima (such a catastrophic accident has not happened yet, but it’s just a matter of time).

When citizen Lambda dies, Mr. Anybody, nobody official cares. When a major plutocrat dies, our leaders, even our socialist leaders, weep, and present the accident as a national, even international tragedy.

Is the death of a plutocrat worth that much more, that all this public weeping has to occur?

And, by the way, who and what has authorized Mr. Margerie to lead his own foreign policy? Who authorized him to make nice with thermonuclear dictators? To the point of allowing their survival?

Let me explain: Putin and his goons established a realm of terror in Russia. Thus the Internet is under watch, and brainy Russian engineers can only wish to flee.

I don’t know specific cases in engineering, but I know the case of the top bat researcher in Russia.

As it turns out, most bats are next to Sochi (something about the special climate, and lots of caves). So the bat researcher visited the caves recently there, until all sorts of goons chased him off, and he was accused of having taken pictures of two giant palaces that Medvedev and Putin were building for themselves, next to bat caves. (They probably have dreams of being new Tiberiuses living in limestone caves in Capri). The bat researcher was threatened with long term detention, and barely escaped to Germany (where he has research friends).

The end result is that Russia does not have the engineering talent and know-how TOTAL SA has.

But, as I said, it’s in great part due to superlative schools paid by poor French taxpayers; so this is again a case of a corporation, which, like Google, lives like a leech, sucking civilization dry to feed its pet plutocrats.

All this French high technology has kept Putin’s prospects high, making him more arrogant. Encouraging him to invade Ukraine. Am I saying de Margerie had blood on its hands? Not exactly, but he sure was aiding Putin.

De Margerie was a keynote speaker last spring at Putin’s annual economic summit in St. Petersburg—an event that most Western executives, under public pressure, skipped. Then he signed a deal with Russian oil group Lukoil (LUKOY) to develop shale oil in Western Siberia.

De Margerie also pressed ahead with Russian investments, including the $27 billion Yamal natural gas venture in the Arctic led by Russian gas group Novatek. Even though sanctions against Novatek and one of its owners, Gennady Timchenko, complicated financing. De Margerie told Bloomberg News recently that he was “doing everything” to move the Yamal project forward, in keeping with his belief that politics and business should be kept separate.

However, business with Hitler, or Stalin, was not business. It was partaking in criminality. TOTAL said that Russia could become its largest supplier of oil and gas, within a few years.

Was de Margerie abetting Putin? Here is de Margerie whispering his poisonous bad faith to Reuters: “You hear people say we have got to protect ourselves from Ukraine and then they talk about Russia. This is not the same thing… Are we going to build a new Berlin Wall? Russia is a partner and we shouldn’t waste time protecting ourselves from a neighbour … Russia, which has saved us on numerous occasions.”

Let’s not waste time protecting ourselves from Russia the neighbor-partner who shoots down civilian airliners, and kills thousands, invading Ukraine, while disguising the death of hundreds of Russian soldiers?

Well the Ukrainian People has answered Mr. Walrus de Margerie: 70% voted, in the legislative elections, half and half for the parties of the strongly pro-European President and Prime Minister. The PM is on the record saying what I also believe, from Putin’s own words, that Putin wanted to annex all of Ukraine.

What’s the funniest aspect of all this?

What if really de Margerie put the pressure on Putin and Medvedev, as it is now rumored? Margerie was known to believe he had the power. Let’s imagine him saying:

”Hey, guys, you know, you are losing in Ukraine, you bringing us all down, it’s time to take your losses, or this sucker is for sure crashing. You are losing those elections in Ukraine. And, without me, you are not much. I have the tech, you just are bullying your way around. It reminds me that the Ukrainian republic wants to frack its way out of its energy crisis. I am ready to help them, so watch out, ha ha ha.”

Imagine Putin boiling with rage: he always wanted the power, and now he had to submit to a French walrus.

Is it why the snow plough driver (who was not really drunk) went in reverse?

Before that strange occurrence, the French pilots had seen the machine, and others cross the runway . Then they got the go ahead of the tower. After 14 seconds of acceleration, they saw another vehicle cross the runway, ahead. A curiously busy runway, while a plane is trying to take-off.

Sure, it’s embarrassing to have “Russia lost de Margerie” (website ). But it may have been even more embarrassing to have him turn around, and, say, help Ukraine frack, after declaring to his face, jokingly. that, all well considered, Putin was nuts.

Then de Margerie would have died, because he went to dinner with the Devil, using too short a spoon. Since Putin came to power, there has been hundreds of unexplained prominent manslaughters in Russia: entire buildings went down, journalists, opponents, etc.

Vlad the Invader will see his economy sink. But the Russians love him, for the same reason, all proportions kept, that the Germans had never been more in love with Hitler as in 1945.

Nothing like constant beatings to improve morale.

The larger philosophical question is why we let unelected individuals and walruses such as Margerie decide the fate of the world. The French giant bank BNP got sanctioned in New York for helping Sudan, under trade sanctions crimes against humanity, sell its oil. Of course, it helped that it was a French bank. American banks have done worse for years, and their bankers keep on whistling all the way to the bank.

The way out, once again, is direct democracy. Sanctions against Putin should have been voted by We The People. This is what the Ukrainian People did indirectly (more than 70% of the legislators just elected are pro-European, that is, anti-Putin).

Socrates used to worry a lot about direct democracy electing leaders who did not know their job. For example, incompetent judges and generals. The way around is what I call democratic institutions (justice, police, army, education, etc.).

For profit corporations are themselves giant institutions. Total is the world’s fourth largest non-state energy company. It has superlative technology, like the other oil supermajors.

But all these for profit institutions need to be watched over, by We The People, just as the democratic institutions do.

After my friend saw the areopagus of plutocrats swarming at De Margerie’s funeral, she said: ”I understand now why you were smiling.”

Yes, lots of devils around, we need longer spoons. We will do those devils in, only if we go gaily into battle, like bon vivants, like De Margerie used to, in their service. I agree, that living well, is a good mien, especially in the fight of life. Our targets are those who believe they own the world, because they were born this way. Christophe Gabriel Je into battlean Marie Jacquin de Margerie’s mother was born Taittinger (a French champagne and plutocracy family). The Jacquin de Margerie were also of the plutocratic persuasion.

How many hundreds individuals are controlling this more than seven billion people world?

Patrice Ayme’



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Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

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West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

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West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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