Posts Tagged ‘Edward VIII’

Nazi King Betrayed France

June 11, 2015

For the gullible, and thoroughly manipulated public, worldwide, British king Edward VIII abdicated because he wanted to marry an American. How silly is that story? Churchill was himself born of an American heiress née Jennie Jerome (who slept all around society high and low, from king Edward VII to all sorts of businessmen, who got much richer as result, some from the colonies). So Winston Churchill was, actually, half American.

The truth about Edward VIII? It is sordid. Edward was a Nazi King. Edward VIII had a romance with Hitler, while the woman he fancied to sleep someday with, got from the Nazi foreign minister, 17 carnations for every time he, the Nazi plutocrat, had slept with her. Ms. Simpson had free access to the king’s residence, while he courted her (and she slept with others, besides Nazi plutocrats). Simpson was widely suspected to be a Nazi spy by Western counterintelligence agencies.

Plutocrats Of The World Unite: The Secret They Want To Hide Absolutely

Plutocrats Of The World Unite: The Secret They Want To Hide Absolutely

[Simpson on the left, Nazi King center, “Guide”, to the right.]

The book was contaminated by some deliberately planted forgeries in national archives, on secondary points, in the hope of discrediting the entire research. It worked. See below.

Speaking of Churchill, he and his entourage, like much of top British society, longed to German style plutocracy (no wonder as Churchill was of plutocratic descent from both sides of the Atlantic). Churchill in 1929 threatened to bomb France, because France had detected secret, unlawful German rearmament programs hidden in Portugal and the USSR, and wanted to do something about it.

In 1935, at the apex of Nazi influence in the UK, Great Britain concluded a treaty violating the Versailles Treaty with Hitler’s dictatorship. France, and the anti-Nazis, were livid. As Admiral Chatfield, main negotiator of the Treaty stated in 1938 “that we might say that we now understood Herr Hitler had in 1935 thought that we had given him a free hand in Eastern and Central Europe in return for his acceptance of the [Treaty]…”

In fact, the secret understanding was of trilateral trade between Germany, Britain and the British Empire. Basically raw materials versus German high tech, in exchange for letting the Nazis carve an empire in the East.

By 1936, the king threatened to abdicate if britain protested the invasion of the Rhineland by Hitler’s army, and then Nazi Germany attacked the Spanish Republic. At that point, things had clearly gone too far, and the anti-Nazis overwhelmed the pro-Nazis in Britain. His delirious Nazism is why the king was thrown out.

The ex-king, as Duke of Windsor, was made Inspector General of the Armed Forces. The Duke, a honorary field marshal, and a major-general, was attached to the British Military Mission in France.[11] In February 1940, the German ambassador in The Hague, Count Julius von Zech-Burkersroda, claimed that the Duke had leaked the Allied war plans for the defence of Belgium.[77] (Consecutively, the Nazi attack plans were changed; to devastating effect.)

However, the Duke was not removed from the military, and spent more than a month inspecting the French fortifications (while communicating with Hitler in several manners).

Not surprisingly, this part of history cannot be found on the Internet. It has been carefully buried by the powers that be. I read the documents on paper, long ago. However the Nazi King was there, inspecting the French defenses, as a British Pathe newsreel show.

For now seventy years, all British governments have been involved in a systematic destruction of all and any proofs of Edward VIII’s betrayal (and thus the betrayal of those who supported him strongly, such as Winston Churchill). When one tries to consult Edward VIII’s scrapbooks, there are none surviving, even in the USA, for the period when he was sending “Dear Mr. Hitler” letters to Adolf Hitler. The situation is actually astounding. The British government has admitted that very sophisticated false documents, and forgeries, pertaining to Edward VIII, some made on laser printers, were spread throughout national archives. Still no elucidation of the mystery was made (even documents relative to Himmler’s possible assassination are kept secret).

The advantage that the existence of these official forgeries provide, for those who want to hide the extensive cooperation between the highest Anglo-Saxon authorities and the Nazis, is that, whenever one evokes an inconvenient document or fact, now the authorities claim it may well be a false document (since said false documents were found throughout). This method is used to systematically discredit those who want to expose the relationship between plutocrats and the Nazis (it started with the Simon Warburg affair of 1934, when the French secret services tried to divulge the relationship between American plutocrats, some Jewish, and the Nazis; Anglo-Saxon plutocracy successfully extricated itself from it, by having some Dutch judge call the book inaccurate, and order its destruction, worldwide; only one copy survived in Switzerland).

Edward the Nazi King then communicated the result of his observations to Adolf Hitler, according to Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect, confidante, and minister of armaments. Speer stole a compromising paper signed by “EPW” (“Edward Prince of Wales”; the signature was authentified), from Hitler’s desk. Speer left the document with his son, to be revealed at a time after his death, when the document would not be outright destroyed. In it, the Duke of Windsor recommended to Hitler to attack exactly where the Maginot Line ended, as that was the weak point. Indeed most of the Nazi army was committed there.

So the Duke of Windsor was a serious traitor. He was not the only one. The Treaty with the Nazis of 1935 was signed on the anniversary day of Waterloo, when a British and Prussian coalition defeated the French. So is this why a British armored division arrived too late in May 1940 to make a difference? Or why it took a month after the hostilities started between the Nazis and the French in 1939, for the first British soldier to show up?

In May 1940, France and Britain were defeated, unexpectedly, and astoundingly, by the Nazis. A factor in the defeat had to do with the Nazis having practiced the art of war in Spain and then Poland, for four years. Thus the Nazis knew how to use modern weapon systems.

Another factor in the defeat was sheer luck: most of the German army was on three small roads in the Ardennes mountain, and, although detected by a British pilot, this seemed so unlikely, that he was not believed.

Yet, the main factor in the defeat was an incredible succession of extremely bad, quasi insane decisions at the highest level of command. the entire strategy of throwing the best armies into Belgium, at the risk of an attack at Sedan, exactly as in 1870, was, unbelievably, neglected. Both by the French and British government.

We know the King betrayed. But who else did?

The answer is simple; when too much power is in too few hands, civilization is betrayed. Watch our potentates going around, traveling in style, brainless as they are, secretly deciding the world’s fate, from their whims and greed. A “democratic” system where greed for power is needed to be elected to lead, breeds corruption absolutely: it selects greedsters for leaders.

Patrice Ayme’


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because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

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Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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