Posts Tagged ‘Waleed Bin Talal Al Saud’

Radical: Queen Of England A Loan Shark, Plutocratization Proceeds, Disinformation Blossoms

November 7, 2017

When people talk of “radicalization”, they think of “Alt-Right” and Jihadism. Thus they confuse the piece of bark they look at, its little worms squirming, with the disease which has made the forest die. Some, it’s true, are paid to entertain the confusion. Professors in the highest universities come out, and accuse low lives, be they “Jihadists” or “Alt-Right” of being bad. Instead of contemplating at the immense forest of radical corruption beyond, and above, which feeds those little worms. Thus Tariq Ramadan, a man who stealthily preached lethal violence against women, advised government all over, and enjoyed posts in a dozen universities, including Oxford, all the way to Japan. While French police kept in trust, the physical evidence of his rapes. 

Want radicalism? What is radical is that revered Queen Elizabeth II of England, head of countless states, has just been revealed to be a 99.9% loan shark (see the Paradise Papers, millions of documents from a law firm in Bermuda with the business model of making it so that the wealthiest people on the planet, who don’t pay enough tax already, pay even less than the law meant them to). Using just the offices of one corrupt law firm, the owner of England had just hidden offshore, away from pesky taxes, around twenty million dollars… That’s just one account. I am sure the royal thief has more, let all the British kneel!

As I revealed as early as 2009, the Bush-Obama administration “fixed” the world economy by giving money, in humongous amounts to all their friends. Friends, they had, friends they made. Some of these friends were the likes of Saudi Prince Walid Bin Talal, grandson of Saudi Arabia’s founding king, Abdulaziz. Bin Talal is now incarcerated, with another 31 other plutocrats (and 10 princes) in Saudi Arabia.

This is a long story, which is just starting to unfold, part and parcel of what I am talking about here; the Clinton-Obama faction lost control of Saudi Arabia; the notoriously corrupt Al Talal was a dedicated attack dog against Trump. They had so much hubris, the ilk of yours truly could see what they were doing plainly: I wrote many essays, nothing seemed to have happened… Until now. Al Talal controlled Citigroup, so Obama gave it 60 billion dollars (it was presented at the time as a severe loss by the likes of the deliberatively naive New York Times, although appearances can be deceiving: secret arrangements were made; by March 2017, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Al Saud was back in control, for all to see, and the CEO of Citigroup came to beg. Clinton and Obama thought they had it made… Oops…

Aeon wants us to focus, instead on these epiphenomena, “Alt-Right” and Jihadism as two aspects of the same thing. Yes, they are, but not just for the reasons advanced in Aeon, however valid they may be. Contemplate: “Alt-Right or jihad? Unleashed by globalisation’s dark side and the collapse of communities, radical Islam and the alt-Right share a common cause.”

Yes, a common cause is fury at the encroaching plutocratization of the planet. And they are “not so different” as Aeon puts it, because they were installed by the same crowd of conspirators who control the worldwide media.

Radical Salafist Islam is a problem, indeed. However, it was initially entirely made up by some more sinister, much more radical forces which let it fester, or even encouraged it, as they had with many other forms of fascism prior. Those forces have most of the money, hence power, in the world: a few people control most of the world’s wealth, and they meet, and breathe, together, all the time. Please read the “Paradise Papers” which show the queen, the Kushners, the Wilbur Rosses, and Putin’s minions and relatives, among others, all splurging at the same through.

Common criminal. Such reciprocally self-admiring thugs have conditioned the Commons to love, and revere them. Just as sheep have been conditioned to love and obey those who sell them to the slaughterhouse, after shearing them for years.

Those satanic leaders who lead the planet to oblivion are the real radicals: They feed us poison, we, or at least the media they control, that is, nearly all the media, adore them in return (contemplate the maddeningly unjustified Obama, Elizabeth II, Putin, Justin Trudeau and Clinton cults) . And when they do not feed us literal poison. Not only, in a worldwide conspiracy, they feed us “Roundup”. They also feed these recently contrived poisons, Neonicotinoids, found in honey, worldwide, making all of us crazy, stupid, and forgetful like the bees themselves. Worse of all, they feed us, through their evil universities, poison of the highest most spiritual type (full disclosure: I got degrees from Paris, Stanford, Berkeley: I disapprove of them, because I know them, all too well). A violent Islamist such as Tariq Ramadan, a professional advocate of Salafism, teaches in no less than two departments in Oxford, instead of being in jail, after decades on French TV, as if he were the Prophet himself, preaching radical venom.

There are the radicals. A few disgruntled low lives acting up, like the Jihadists and the “Alt-Right“, not to say “Alt-Left“, are just consequences, mostly ornmental.

Plutocratization, in most instances we have among civilizations, take generations, sometimes centuries (it took 550 years for plutocratization to bring total loss of control of the Roman state; it took many centuries in the European Middle Ages, for plutocratization to bring serious civil, religious wars, all over). The US started to plutocratize around 1880 CE.

Catastrophe and loss of control, though, is typically sudden. The Trump administration just declared a 4.7 degree Celsius global temperature rise is possible by 2100. In other words, the apocalypse. No civilization can resist to that. That means a 70 meter sea level rise, guaranteed, and possible partial shut down of planetary oxygen.


Mainstream thinking, at the highest level, long abusive and demented, is squeezing us and the planet out of all and any juice: 

Not the thinking which shows up, when Obama smiles to every one as if they were the most beloved being he ever saw, but the thinking which is acted upon (when same Obama orders assassination in countries the US is not even at war with, just because he can).

“Alt-Right” is a buzzword. It’s not clear what that means. If one thinks Hillary Clinton is a crook and a danger to democracy, is one “Alt-Right”? Infuriatingly, it was too long the case, yes. Clinton would get $200,000 each time she opened her mouth to corrupt financiers, and Obama asks for $400,000 (even when talking to the official US historian). Now it turns out that Donna Brazile, head of the DNC, Democratic National Committee reveals in her memoirs even worse about how Clinton stole democracy from Sanders.

Does that make Donna Brazile is “Alt-Right”, because she dares to declare that she thought of replacing Clinton by Biden before the presidential election? Hundreds of thousands of Sanders supporters, and disappointed ex-Obama faithful, were labelled “Atl Right”, just for supporting common sense…. And democracy

Fascists and communists back in the 1920s and ’30s had full support from many plutocrats, especially in the Anglosphere. Roosevelt sided with Nazism against France, as early as 1934. Nazi Germany became a new far-West for US plutocrats, enabling them to evade Teddy Roosevelt’s anti-monopoly laws. The British signed an alliance with Hitler in 1935 (which grossly violated the Versailles treaty). It’s a testimony to crushing propaganda that these inconvenient facts sound like unbelievable fiction to the mystified masses, and those who pretend to lead them intellectually.

‘Cosmopolitan’ and ‘globalist’ values, now as in the 1930s, are a front for global plutocracy. The king of England in 1936 can be depicted as a Nazi. But who knows this? It was buried by crafty disinformation. The US recognized Vichy, an unconstitutional junta, before the Nazis did, and dutifully president F.D. Roosevelt sent his right hand man, four star admiral Leahy as ambassador.

Elizabeth II makes money (she has never enough) by secretly lending at 99.9% to the poorest people in the UK (see the “Paradise Papers”). Who cares? Accuse the little guys of thinking wrong, and being angry, instead! Let’s side with the powers that be! As Obama did, turning everything into gold for himself (Obama is a personal friend, I care for his soul…).

It’s not “absolutely important to live in so-called “democratic countries”, simply because they are not democratic at all. They are just pretending to be, and north Korea also use the label “Democratic” in its depiction. Barack Obama and all top US politicians are for sale (with the possible exception of Trump himself, because he is already so wealthy!)

Marine Le Pen’s hard-Right National Front and Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s hard-Left UNSUBMITTED France (France insoumise; “unbowed” is less faithful a translation) got half the vote. Both promise more referenda, and proportional parliamentary systems, so can be viewed as promising more democracy.

Those fighting for Jihad are the victim of a double interference. First, the enormous propaganda for Salafist Islam (I was educated in Islam, but it was not Salafist Islam; now, if one disagrees with the infamy of Salafist Islam, a number of paid violators, such as Tariq Ramadan, come to tell us we are racist… just because we are human!)

Salafist islam is profitable to oil men, Aramco, Wall Street, Saudi princes, and all those associated to them (Bush family), and “Muslim” dictatorships, all over, etc

The second factor is the increasing destitution and de-democratization.

Part of the pronblem with the “unmooring” of tradition is the failure of correct education, itself coming from a failure of proper research.

Take the case of France. Please consider Saint Louis (abject anti-Jew and obscene anti “non-believer), Louis XIV (abominable fanatic, throws 2 million Protestants out of France after torturing them with “dragons”, killing thousands, causing a world war, the war of the Spanish Succession), Napoleon (Hitler without the racism against the Jews, something he compensated for by enslaving colored individuals in the West indies). Those preliminaries to Hitler are still revered in the French history textbooks. In truth, Napoleon should carted off the Invalides (built by Louis XIV) and thrown into the Seine, after being condemned to “damnatio memoriam” (as the Romans had it.

So it is the mainstream thinking, at the highest level which has become abusive. The reason? Intellectuals are not free anymore, they are on stipends, anxious about their pathetic little careers.


Radical Islam is part and parcel, a tool and weapon, of a more general problem. The plutocratization of the world:

Nazism and Sovietism were also part of it. When an oligarchy (a few ruling) gets in power, it can only sustain itself by the most satanic, evil ways: that’s the plutocratic phenomenon, the greatest danger to any civilization. Taxation was invented to prevent the rise of wealth based oligarchies and their ripening in fully metastatic plutocracy. The West was affected twice by plutocratization: the first time, when the Roman Republic turned into a fascist empire and then a theocratic fascist empire where the “heretics” were executed (Theodosius decrees, 391 CE). The second mass plutocratization happened when the Carolingian system turned into the so-called “Feudal” order, and its attendant resurrection of the Inquisition (one the gifts of Theodosius).

We are in the age of the third plutocratization. The US Republic, whatever its defects, was no plutocracy: the first US billionaire was Carnegie, and he was notoriously equalitarian, advocating enormous taxes on the wealthy. The other Republic, France, was also equalitarian, although it was quickly intoxicated by Napoleon.   

The third plutocratization proceeds stealthily (as the preceding two did). Lenin used to chuckle that the capitalist would sell the rope to hang them with. But actually what US capitalists such as the Harriman brothers did was the exact opposite. They sold Lenin the rope to hang Lenin with. The US plutocrats sold Stalin massive oil offshore installations (Baku), and the oil was then given to the Nazis, so that they could invade France. Earlier, Texaco had given the Nazis Texas oil, and other US plutocrats provided equipment, so that the Nazis could destroy the Spanish Republic.

Meanwhile, said Nazis had an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, while US oil men, financiers and plutocrats (including president Roosevelt) made an alliance with the Salafist Islam supported Saudi family. That was a recycling alliance: we, US plutocrats, get the oil, you, Saudi plutocrats, get the money, you, evil Arabian Princes, recycle the money on Wall Street and London, and you, Saudi monarchy, hold We The People of the Muslim countries down, with Radical Islam, the way Roman emperor Theodosius i did it, killing all the “heretics” you don’t like. So here we are.

As long as this is not understood, the foundations of this subject have not been understood.


Conclusion: We live in the world of big lies. Some will say:’Nothing new!’ However, what is new is that now common people have the means to examine and reveal, these lies. An example: decolonization. Decolonization should be written this way: “decolonization”. Much of it consisted in wild plutocratization, once the “colonial” administrations were removed: consider the fortunes made in France by plutocrats Pinaud, BHL, and even the guy who offered Macron a one million Euro apartment in Paris, when Macron was 24 years old, because an “Inspecteur des Finances” (there are only 5 a year in France, and they are supposed to be after the wealthiest…) had to live in style…

The corrupt web the planet is smothered by extends all over. Brexit, London, Putin, Assad, and some in Trump orbit are all in it. When Obama bent down to the floor, for his master, king Abdullah of Arabia, he had been told that was one of his masters of future financing of his obsequious self. He had been feeding dozens of billions of US money towards this sort of masters. Helas, Trump happened, and Trump detests the Abdullah faction…

Great Britain should be made into a Republic, because no people should be ruled by a loan shark. It’s not just for them, British, but for our own safety, worldwide. After all, these crooks helped bring Nazism, in a past they would like us to believe is irrelevant. (A second Brexit referendum should also be led, once some of the main Brexiters are in jail where they belong: see Special Prosecutor Mueller first indictments..)

All those preaching Radical Salafist Islam should be arrested (for hate crime propaganda). And so on. Tax evasion should be dismantled… for the really wealthy, and that starts with a worldwide, generalized CADASTRE of all properties (a revealing of all properties, real or not: who own what land and interests, in anything, whatsoever).

Don’t hold your breath yet. “Apocalypse” comes from the Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal,’ from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover.’ Thus a general uncovering would be an apocalypse. For the radical crooks who exploit us, and the planet, to death. Those who brought us Fundamental Islamism are those who brought us Hitler. Not too many are paying attention that their descendants are in power.

However, if we don’t get this general revelation, this general apocalypse we can manage, we will get the other sort of apocalypse, as found in the Bible or Qur’an: the world all aflame. It will be the first time civilization collapses, worldwide, and the biosphere will, moreover, collapse with it. These, at the very least, are interesting times.

It was recently discovered that, when the Earth’s core sloshes, giant earthquakes soon follow. Here what we have, hopefully, is a giant sloshing of information previously deduced and guessed by the ilk of yours truly, but now available to all. Hopefully vast quakes will follow and shatter the establishment.

Patrice Ayme’


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

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Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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