Posts Tagged ‘Cowardice’

Modern Tech Made Propaganda Ever More Blatant

June 2, 2024

George Orwell (1903-1950) once wrote that “history stopped” in 1936. Truth after that point was drowned out by state propaganda, enabled by modern technology… at the time wireless radio. It was a phenomenon that terrified him. Orwell was not an optimistic type, and thus missed the best of life, hope springing eternal… Instead he hopped into unrealistic gloom:

A happy vicar I might have been
Two hundred years ago
To preach upon eternal doom
And watch my walnuts grow;

But born, alas, in an evil time,
I missed that pleasant haven,

In truth, Orwell lived in the times of antibiotics, not just big bombs and state propaganda. Vicar’s 300 years ago didn’t live that well. However, he observed the following during the destruction of the Spanish Republic by the fascist forces of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin:

I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed.

I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened.

I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.”

From Orwell’s 1943 essay “Looking back on the Spanish War,

The most dramatic case of deception is the description of the French Republic by some Anglo-Saxons as a nation of cowards. Actually no nation had more victories, ever. (more than 1,500!) And France, defeated from terrible generalship combined with very bad luck and a treachorous USA in 1940, had the astounding courage to attack Hitler, his Nazis, Italian fascists, with their Japanese and Soviet allies in 1939! Not so US!

Each time the US government was criticized by entities emanting from France, that objection was rolled out, that France was a nation of cowars. For example during the 2003 illegal Iraq invasion. Nowadays, amusingly, the USA has adopted French wokism, complete with Islamophilia, and the French government, having embraced fake free trade propaganda from the US and ecology from the agents of Putin, has made France increasingly irrelevant… Thus, increasingly France has become another object in orbit around the Washington corruptocracy… And its mighty propaganda, second to none… Because, differently from Putin’s or Xi’s, it’s much more plausible…

Now, with the Internet, the situation has become much worse. The Internet is full of stealth censorship, and financially dependent “boost” (to use the word of Facebook). So, if you pay oir are connected to wealth, they will publish you. The New York Times will delay a comment 24 hours, or more, to make sure nobody reads it. Suggesting that the Qur’an has anti-Jewish statements… is against the “Community Standards” of the Wall Street Journal. In the French media I am subscribed to, I have never seen one of my comments appear, ever (yes, they are written in perfect French). So there, I don’t even try.

The world is a village… ruled by tyrants… That propaganda is known to be blatant does not make it any less effective. So friends contacted me and said: “How come you have disappeared from the Internet?” Actually I write and publish more than ever… But I am censored and made to disappear, more than ever. At some point in life, the work well done becomes more important than the success well deserved. One has to learn to happily make hope breathe, and live off, the lighest fumes…

Patrice Ayme

The best of life, hope springing eternal…

Calling France Cowardly Coverups US Empire Building From World Wars

September 14, 2023

A viewpoint common in US academia and attendant US media and Think Tanks, is that the French are “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys“, France being an arrogant nation of ungrateful cowards waving white flags, chronically saved from enslavement by US astounding valor and abnegation.

The truth is exactly the opposite: the French are extremely valiant in war, and the fundamental security problems that France had in the Twentieth Century comes from the US, this rogue child of France, selfishly leveraging a number of aggressive anti-French fascists… worldwide, from Vietnam and Japan, all the way to Europe.

Why did the US behave so badly? What was the motive? France, Britain and other secondary European powers had world “empires”… and the USA wanted one… Actually, all of them! Here is America preening herself as a “WORLD POWER” in full “EXPANSION”, thanks to “ARMY” and “NAVY”, as represented by a US magazine in 1901, after the first conquest of the Philippines by the USA (that 40 months war, killing more than 275,000, was followed by a rebellion which lasted another 12 years).

The US propaganda likes to call France cowardly to hide the fact that the USA supported Hitler, Stalin and Hirohito, while they were marching to war… And that these “Axis” powers marched to war in part because they thought, and observed, that they had US support (helped by lip service to the contrary!)

French opposition to the Axis was not enough to deter the Axis, in light of de facto US support. In 1939-1940, France declared war to the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan… Among others. Britain sided with France, but the USA fed the enemy.

In their dearth of historical wisdom, naivety and lack of anticipation, Axis powers didn’t realize they were falling into a US trap. This is why the US betrayed France, and democracy, and civilization! A trap which was very profitable short and long term to US plutocracy… much of the soul of the US Deep State.

Had the USA aligned itself with long held French positions against fascism at the time, World War Two would not have happened, or the Axis would have been promptly defeated with relatively few deaths. No holocausts. And an immense drawback, as far as the US Deep State was concerned: the US empire would only be one of many, and not the largest.

Calling France cowardly, calling the nation with the most wars and battles in the history of civilization cowardly is completely outrageous to common sense. It’s impossible to find a single year in more than 15 centuries since France defeated the Goths, when France was not at war… one way or another.

Examples: French soldiers died in combat in Africa and the Middle East in 2023. Just a few, but some. And more wars are brewing: both the US and France refused in September 2023 to evacuate their armies from Niger after a coup there.

Calling France cowardly in World War Two is an example of the Biggest Lie Technique: the most cowardly country in WW2, at the geostrategic level, was the USA. The USA led by plutocrat Roosevelt, exchanged the death of more than 90 millions and most Jews against the built-up of its own empire… by NOT helping France fight the Nazis.

HITLER declared war TO the USA on December 11 1941… Yes, four days after Pearl Harbor, I think it was a Thursday. Hitler went to his pupeet parliament, the Reichstag, and made a discourse declaring war to the USA. The seemingly bovine Americans couldn’t even rescue their honor, after the vile Japanese imperial attack!

On September 3, 1939, after an ULTIMATUM (to get out of Poland), FRANCE declared war TO HITLER. The USA betrayed civilization and humanity by not helping her parent and creator, France. The USA never declared war to Axis Japan, Germany and Italy. The USA found itself at war after the Axis declared war TO the USA. Eternal shame. And, more deeply, a question: how come the US Deep State is not put to the question by US Academia on that matter?

Inspecting the details makes the situation even worse: US plutocrats were making massive business and tech transfers with the Nazis… Including US banks, most major US industrial companies, plutocrats such as the Bush family patriarch, or lawyers such as the Dulles brothers, who represented more than 1,000 Nazi companies. The Dulles brothers ruled over the CIA and the US Department of State after the war. The war against the Spanish population by a rogue army of fascists empowere by Hitler and Mussolini, was made possible on US credit and equipment, not just US oil (graciously sold to the Nazis).

Japan conquered and massacred China, thanks to US oil… For a full decade… Before the USA cut the flow, triggering the Japanese dash to Indonesian oil (and thus Pearl Harbor). Mussolini was such a pawn of US big oil, that Italian resistants hanged him and his retinue from a US gas station in 1945. And so on…

Even the USSR got massively financed, invested and supported by the USA …while France was not. Why? Divide and conquer. By giving half of Europe to Stalin, Roosevelt knew that he was neutralizing the US plutocracy’s greatest competitor… the most powerful European nation states. For example, even the Netherlands controlled gigantic Indonesia, while Portugal, which held Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Angola and Mozambique had an immense influence zone in Africa… the rest of which was under French and British control, except for Ethiopia.

All of this is relevant to the war in Ukraine… and who supports whom and for which reasons. and the potentialities of future developments. The Kremlin has been trying to control, exploit, invade and ravage Ukraine and Eastern Europe for three centuries. However the USA was clearly not always the friend of Eastern Europe it tries to masquerade into recently. Both in 1919 at Versailles and before and during WW2, the USA stabbed Eastern Europe in the back… Example: Although Poland courageously refused to accommodate Hitler in 1939, and was as a result nearly annihilated by the Nazis and the Kremlin (who were allies), the US carefully betrayed Poland, this old French ally and sister country, in 1945…

One can see what some in the US Deep State are thinking in Ukraine: wait… Are we making European democracy too strong? How come French missiles (Storm Shadow/SCALP) are making deep strikes, including on the Russian Navy in Sevastopol? Is the European Union a French empire by another name, and Britain is its ally? Is that why the dollar is so weak and the Euro so strong? No doubt alarm bells are ringing in Washington… while Macron stands with Ukraine “jusqu’a la victoire!

Europe reassuming its natural superiority after plutocratic and US machinations and conspiracies in the Twentieth Century caused it to fail, is the deepest threat to US plutocracy… Short of course from robotic allies of US plutocracy such as Xi or Putin suffering from a major technical malfunction and going nihilistic the nuclear way…

Patrice Ayme

Why Plutocrats Hate France: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

September 19, 2018

No Force, No Moral

February 27, 2016

Abstract: Why didn’t Obama outright jail the Crook of Apple Inc., on the ground of aiding and abetting terrorism? For the same reason as he became lupine Putin’s obsequious butler. Morality, the Roman mores, depends upon force always. However, masters’ servants are not reputed for the creative application of force.


The universe is created by force. Giant supernovae explode, generating the heavy elements which can then combine and create chemistry. Some want to say the universe is not about force, just harmony, love, etc. Yes, the universe, the human universe, is also about love and harmony. But fundamentally, it’s a balance of forces.

Unbalancing those forces lead to holocausts. Or, as we can now clearly see, even worse.

Did Obama Understand What His Primary Mission Was?

Did Obama Understand What His Primary Mission Was?

… Or is it that the job of the leaders in Washington is to let the world down, so that they can come on top? (And New York’s Daily News is not cynical enough.)

The universe, and our knowledge of it, is not just about force, violence, but also about chance, serendipity.

The new LIGO observatory of space deformations detected gravitational waves when it had just been turned on for its first engineering run, after being closed for improvements, during five long years. It was supposed to officially open four days later. The observed Black Holes have masses too large for usual astrophysics. Collapsing stars are supposed to give BH no more than 11 solar masses (long story), a third of what was observed here. This is an important new riddle emerging.

There is a brand new ceasefire in Syria. Putin rules, Obama cleans his shoes (some will say that’s what, for psychological reasons, this is to be expected: after all, Putin is a wilful white man, a killer, a conqueror, an invader, not a self-important, obsequious butler).

In 2013, The French Republic was ready to strike Assad. Assad had crossed the ‘red line’ of massive, blatant usage of nerve gas (in a suburb of Damas). Who had set the ‘red line’? The USA. The President of the USA had declared, solemnly, that if Assad used chemical weapons on its own people, the USA would take him out. Indeed, the war in Syria had started with peaceful protests. Assad reacted with gunfire, and then unleashing, and feeding (by buying its oil), the Islamist State. So Assad, son of his dictator father, was as culprit as possible.

The legitimacy of it all? 1) Human Rights. 2) Syria is within the European defense zone, so to speak (as demonstrated by the refugee problem). 3)Syria as a French Protectorate (given by the SDN, after the Turkish empire got ejected). 4) Further back, Syria was part of the “Oriental Part” of the Roman empire for seven centuries, until it was invaded by the Muslim Arab army which killed all males of weapon bearing age.

One can view the latter invasion as an UNJUST war, and such wars can be reversed.

The Roman Republic rightly made a big deal of JUST wars, which were basically defense wars: Rome was attacked, and then the aggressor was taken out. This is what happened, until the Third Punic war (in which Carthage was in the right, and the right-wing, plutocratic fanatics in the Senate, in the wrong). The next problem was Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum, where there again, Caesar’s adversaries pointed out that he, Caesar, had been the aggressor in Gaul (although the situation was complex, since the (misled) Helvetii had attacked, and Caesar initially intervened to help allies against the (future) Swiss. But then Caesar and his ten legions exceeded the mandate…

In any case, re-establishing democracy and republic in places which knew these under Rome is, arguably a just war.

Instead, Obama showed the defense of human rights by the USA was a lot of hot air. Putin invaded Ukraine 6 months later. Now he is making Syria into a client state. If he follows his model in Chechnya, he will kill up to 15% of the population, to install firmly his own Pluto.

(Said Pluto in Chechnya would have killed Boris Nemtsov, exactly a year ago to the day, with four bullets in the back, below the Kremlin; that’s convenient, as the Chechen Pluto is head of state, so hard to prosecute.)

Now that it is established the USA is hot air, nobody fears it. China is promptly installing radars on islands just off the Philippines, that it just created. Obama will punish the Chinese dictatorship by looking haughty until Mr. Xi and his goons surrender.

Where does Obama’s mentality comes from? Well, European pacifists are pretty much to be accused. The only European country defending Europe’s Lebensraum (vital space in German; a term Hitler used; that does not mean it never has any validity), is the French Republic, with troops on the ground in combat in Syria, Libya, Mali, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, CAR, etc. This sort of pacifism caused two extended world wars which ravaged Europe.

In World War One, the Netherlands, with its accomplice the USA, extended the war by three years by breaking the Franco-British embargo. In World War Two, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium helped considerably in the defeat of France in 1940, and the subsequent French-Nazi ceasefire (which lasted, in practice, less than two years; yet, the evil was done, and dozens of millions died).

Obama’s lack of spine is not just about refusing to confront the Russian Caesar. Now the dark Pluto heading Apple refuses to release the communications of a mass murdering Islamist State terrorist. Why was that crook not charged with aiding and abetting mass murdering terrorism? Because such people are supposed to lead the world, and not be led by the world.

Were I president, I would arrest the crook, and apply the Patriot Act to him. He would then disappear from view. Then I would ask the same question to the second in command at Apple, five minutes later. Upon refusal, he would also be on his way to Guantanamo or somewhere. And so on down the line in the next hour, until one could crack the codes in the damn phone.

Instead we have the sorry spectacle that Apple makes the laws. Just like Apple gets its profits, hundreds of billions of them through the British Virgin Islands, to pay no tax whatsoever, Apple is supposed to keep on deciding what the law is.

It’s a matter of knowing what dominates: the law of We The People, with its equality of taxation, or the law of Them The Plutocrats, with the principle that Plutocrats decide what the law is.

Instead, civilization made laws in accordance with ethology, where all human beings are equal. Civilization arose from force, and so did the imposition of morality, which is not viable, without.

Don’t ask Obama, he is a lost little boy, in a land of big Plutos roaming, who are everything, whereas he is not much, and he needs to love them, should he want a job, next year.

The more sinister, and deeper level of analysis, of course, is that the USA’s plutocracy profited immensely from the weakening of European democracies in the Twentieth Century. Thus, cynics will argue, the morally lazy Obama is actually in the tradition of the most efficient American patriots: paying lip service to the morally correct, while implementing the dirtiest. But then, of course, most European leaders are accomplices to that… A curiosity explained by the nature of global plutocracy, and its Anglo-Saxon headquarters (including Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, etc.) Several European leaders were partners at Goldman Sachs, and, one would gather, are still partners with Goldman Sachs. That may explain why the leaders of Goldman Sachs were not arrested for cooking the books in Greece.

What is most interesting in all this, is that common people are starting to notice that something is askew: most Americans think the country is “heading in the wrong direction”…

Patrice Ayme’

Vegans Eat GMOs, Not Banksters

June 15, 2015

We live in the age of increasing intellectual fascism: the herds think all the same, and vigorously charge the same way all the time.

Some of the latest fashions in the USA consuming the progressive consumer, are: off with diet sodas, off with aspartame, off with gluten, off with meat, off with fish, off with eggs, off with cheese, in with vegans, in with LBTGs (Lesbian Bisexual Transexual Gays), in with wine, off with antibiotics, off with the French and their perverse stuffing of geese with food, in and now out with electric cars.

Hunt, Kill, & Eat, Or Plutocrats Will Do It to You

Hunt, Kill, & Eat, Or Plutocrats Will Do It to You

[Man evolved into, and as, a carnivorous ape. Deny thoroughly this most human of all natural traits, paradoxically, puts civilization at risk of falling into the most demonic hands.]

This tendency to ever greater mental fascism, is perversely augmented by the Internet social networks, which practice “curation”. “Curation” means you will see ever more what you “like”, a new form of mental masturbation. It’s very seriously studied by researchers employed by Facebook, and published in the best journals. Facebook says it’s not its fault.

As the USA leads the world’s intellectual fashion into nothingness, one must pay attention. If one pays enough attention to all the preceding, one will pay no attention whatsoever to what the illuminati in charge like Obama, do, for real. That’s actually the main interest of the preceding (as far as the oligarchy is concerned).

Many of the fashions are laudable (out with aspartame, diet sodas), or ridiculous (out with gluten). Fake sugars, it turns out, are pretty bad, and can lead to diabetes (just like the real thing). Gluten is bad for those suffering from celiac disease (although how that starts is probably related to an incidence worldwide going from 1/300 to 1/40). I myself caught a related disease in Africa, and I watched my diet as a hawk. However, in all these cases, the fashion is to replace the offending substance by something worse, namely large quantities of plain old sugar.

Today I will focus on vegans. Vegans abstain from animal products. The reasons they evoke have to do with one’s health and one’s ethics.

The problem with the later is that, when one think highly of oneself in ethical matters, one may be led to two flaws:

1) we live in a highly unethical civilization. The person with high ethics may be prone to suffer so much distress, just looking at that, that it could not possibly be contemplated, and, thus, understood.

2) it’s highly unethical because too many wolves have been left alone, as they came to rule the sheep (banksters, oilmen, etc.). There again, the one distressed by the contemplation of evil may even be unable to visualize the possibility of demonic creatures of human origin.

3) For goodness to triumph, war is necessary. One should envision wisdom as Mars and Apollo, condemned to apply war, in the Sisyphean task of ever more clever progress, thanks to Prometheus’ gifts.

And now, having dealt with ethical health, let’s address physical health.


We Are Not Cows:

It’s well known vegans run out of basic vitamins and minerals. B12, calcium, zinc, are examples. Vegans counter that they can apply crafty vegetable assemblies. They often roll-out soy, as the do-all, be-all vegetable protein.

Unfortunately, soy act like an estrogen: at three quarts a day, soy milk will feminize a full special forces superman, complete with breasts. It has been done in Texas (unwittingly). Scaled down to a child’s weight, the danger is obvious: relatively small quantities of soy will feminize a pre-puberty child intensely.

How do cows digest grass? They eat lots of little beasties; snails, insects, etc., to start with. So they are not really vegetarian (that’s why Thatcher gave them insufficiently cooked cow meat, in “free market” anxiety). Moreover cows have special supplementary stomachs, and their gut is equipped with special bacteria prone to digest tough vegetable fiber.

How, and, by the way, most foods vegans eat are actually Genetically Modified Organisms. Beans were invented by the Franks in the Tenth Century, exploding quality and quantity of the population. Similarly for rice in South-East Asia a century later: that exploded the population there.

So had corn, much earlier, in Mesoamerica, and North America: Native Americans became very numerous, because corn provides lots with lots of calories. However, corn eaters suffered from the vegan disease: Native Americans degenerated physically. They became short and weak, at least those heavily dependent upon corn.

We know how the smart Aztecs resolved their (very bad) protein crisis…

Agriculture is nearly 100% Genetically Modified Organisms. Wild almond ancestors will kill you before they feed you. OK, there are GMOs and GMOs, depending upon which modifications are done. But I am making a philosophical point here: GMOs are not necessarily bad… and the VEGAN DIET is thoroughly ARTIFICIAL. (That makes it thoroughly human, as man is scientific and technological, by evolutionary definition.)


We Are Hunters:

We are the product of ten million years, at least, of carnivorous evolution from fruit eating apes. That is why we do need to eat Vitamin C (our ape ancestors got it from fruits), but also L Carnitin (our ancestors have been getting it from meat for at least five million years; without it, muscles break down).

I have known, for a very long time, climbers who got on a vegan diet. Although younger than me, their bodies literally fell apart. Specialists have been asking them to eat cartilage and bone soup (beyond being put on Glucosamine-Chondroitin treatment). Why? Our ancestors, for millions of years did not just eat meat, but bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, etc.

And now we need to hunt banksters and their supports, their lovers and admirers. To make this civilization as human as it needs, just to survive. Human ethology is what it is. Learning to live, is learning to live with it, instead of fastening for ourselves new chains from an imagination running on empty.Obsessing about tiny details such as getting enough B12 vitamin, is an unwelcome distraction. To be fully human, is, first, extending that courtesy, to ourselves.

(It did not escape me that banksters hunting is as dangerous as mammoth hunting; thus much of these obsessions with the most ridiculous fads is a rather successful attempt to distract oneself with innocuous subjects, and to display one’s innocuousness, for all to see. Thus, deep down inside, shallow fads are all about cowardice and laziness.)

Patrice Ayme’

If only the French ran America

January 17, 2014

 In Our wildest fantasy: if only the French ran AmericaThe Economist embarked on a flight of fancy: that the French are more into affairs than Americans. On sheer statistics, it’s the other way around. All right, that’s a rather innocuous myth.

Some myths, though, are much less innocuous. A vicious delusion is that the USA had nothing to do with this:

Emergency Supplies From USA Corporations Enabled Nazi Destruction Of Poland In 1939

Emergency Supplies From USA Corporations Enabled Nazi Destruction Of Poland In 1939

A related, and even less innocuous myth, of the American Plutocratic Circus, is that the French are cowards. The myth of French cowardice is continually rehashed in the financial press, for example the Wall Street Journal. The same formulas are always used, with the same inventions, and the same words. So it was only natural that an ill intentioned American reader would seize on the opening provided by The Economist, to rehash a cliché well-known in the USA.

mandinka1 pontificated accordingly that: “If the French ran the US military all of their soldiers would have tanned arm pits and their weapons could be bough [sic]cheaply with a sign “never fired dropped only once””

The expression “never fired dropped only once” is commonly used in the USA about French weapons. It’s supposed to depict the cowardice of French soldiers running away from battle.

This is of course not just insulting, but as erroneous as it gets: France, since even before the people of Orleans and the Franks routed the Huns (in June 451 CE; Orleans’ original name was Aurelianum), has, by far, the world’s most extensive military history. The longevity of a country is only as good as its military.

The essence of France is not wine and cheese: it’s weapons and the inclination to use them when necessary. Hitler was one of those necessities.

I had in mind this picture from September 1, 1939, the day when the Nazis attacked.

September 1, 1939, The Day The Plutocrats Attacked the World

September 1, 1939, The Day The Plutocrats Attacked the World

The Nazis were allied and supported by Stalin’s USSR, imperial Japan, fascist Italy, countless plutocrats and corporations of the USA, plus, soon enough, the Congress of the USA.

I replied this to mandika1:

If the French ran the US military, the USA would have declared war to Hitler on September 3, 1939, instead of collaborating with the Nazi dictator in 1939.

The war against the Nazi dictator would have been wrapped up in 1940.

Instead, it is because of his alliance with the USSR (formally) and the USA (de facto), that Adolf Hitler could get lucky against the French military in June 1940.

Hitler had no oil: he got it from Texas (and the Caucasus). IBM, managed from New York gave him the machines he needed to get organized. Ford and GM provided with transportation. Standard Oil and others with synthetic rubber (necessary for any machine).

When Hitler ran out of lead tetraethyl, in September 1939, his Air Force could not fly: the Americans supplied him with lead tetraethyl, so that Hitler could keep on killing Poles, Jews, French, Czechs, etc.

Meanwhile the USA’s Congress and his president made it a crime for an American citizen to set even a foot on a British, or French ship, among other sanctions.

Even then, the battle of France of May-June 1940 was the deadliest battle on the Western front in World War Two. The Nazis had to use suicidal charges at Sedan.

The Nazi losses, never made official, reached about 100,000 dead. By September 1940, the supremacy of the Nazi Air Force, having lost thousands of planes and many of its best pilots, had been shattered, and the invasion of Britain had to be cancelled.

And what were the USA doing during that time? Business with Hitler.

These are the years the USA chose to live in infamy, thanks for reminding us of that.

Patrice AYME

A Coward: Roosevelt

October 17, 2013

For decades, people who ought to know better, such as Elie Wiesel, have been going around, and, weasel like, wondered why Auschwitz happened.

There were just some “Roosevelt” awards (Krugman got one, and I know of this thanks to him). I was shocked by how much the greatness, goodness and courage of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was evoked.

The reality is just the opposite. 

Roosevelt is the president who waited until the Nazis attacked the USA to do something of consequence about those fascist, racist mass murderers. On December 11, 1941, 4 days after Pearl Harbor, Adolf Hitler declared war TO the USA. Hitler’s Panzers had just reached a Moscow subway station.

The USA, finding itself at war, acknowledged the fact. So much for courage. 

Fortunately, the French Republic had declared war to the Nazi Reich on September 3, 1939. 

That was 27 months before December 11, 1941, and that was also something the French did TO Hitler. Whereas Roosevelt, obsessed as he was by his political popularity, did nothing of courage, until he had to, for other reasons. 

1939, 1940, 1941 are years that, truly ought to live in infamy. For the USA too. Not just Germany. 

The Netherlands loom big in the Roosevelt universe. Amusingly, the Netherlands was also “neutral” in 1939-1940. That meant: helping Hitler, and the Netherlands played a huge role in the defeat of France in June 1940. 

And why was France defeated? Lots of reasons. But Nazi Germany was allied to imperial Japan and fascist Italy (both attacked France directly), plus Stalin USSR (supporting Hitler directly), and, most importantly, American plutocrats (and even, for a crucial three months, at the beginning of the war, in 1939, by the president of the USA and its despicable Congress). 

Don’t ask why Auschwitz happened. Ask, instead, why Roosevelt happened. 

And please don’t say:”God with Us”. As the Roosevelt sycophants do all day long. Enough of the god hypocrisy.  “Gott Mit Uns” was engraved on the belt buckles of the SS. 

Those who refuse to know history cannot learn anything important.


Patrice Ayme


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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