Posts Tagged ‘FNL’

Brexit: Keep Britain In, Under Lock and Key! Caesar’s and Charlemagne’s Dream, Not Waterloo’s Revenge!

April 10, 2019

The Roman empire succeeded a gigantic unification of Western Europe and North Africa. It was peaceful, and wealthiest, for centuries, before a sudden collapse from an invasion by Vandals (literally!) in 406 CE (after more than two centuries of military pressure from various German tribes). Now, nearly two millennia later, Britannia and Algeria are acting up. Britannia is out of sorts, after decades of anti-European hate mongering by wealthy manipulators. Whereas Algeria is acting up, for the best reasons, out of righteousness, after 57 years of FNL dictatorship engineered by a French general (however strange that may sound, that’s what happened, what I have been saying for decades; a paradox many young Algerians are daring to express at last!)

It’s another paradox that Brexit aims at unifying the continent, excluding Britain, exactly the opposite of British policy under… Napoleon. Was Waterloo, Trafalgar, for nought!… However now Brexit is turning into Brexinfinity, a malady of infinite uncertainty…

A little reminder, from a Remainer: England and Algeria were in the Roman empire for centuries. The empire was the wealthiest, most prosperous part of the world. That prosperity lasted until military decay, and then collapse, first at the hands of the Goths (mostly). In the century after the 406 CE collapse, the Franks started a long conquest of Germania Magna… Following Julius Caesar’s final message: the Republic could be made safe only under final borders. Now, in a way, the UN is the borders… As civilization in its best version so far, conquered the planet…

I am a mortal enemy of Brexit. I think the European Union as it is organized, is a disaster, but it’s less of a disaster than no Union at all. Of course, Britain should be part of the Union. However all too many British are Pluto pawns driven to madness by the deep emotional misinformation in which they bathe.

Indeed, there are lots of the problems of the present European Union, including pig-headed expansion, were caused by British bullying. The EU immigration so decried by the Brexiteers was therefore a British Pluto trick… second only to non-EU immigration to Britain… thus demonstrating in an even deeper way that massive immigration to Britain was organized by the same manipulators who are behind Brexit.

I have argued that ejecting Britain out of the EU could have unforeseen consequences, that alienation is a very bad thing, etc.

The classical case of this, I insisted, was the estrangement of Western Francia from the rest of the Roman empire in the Tenth Century (that Roman empire is often erroneously labeled by unfaithful historian “Carolingian” empire). That brought one millennium of war (all the way to Hitler). Now the Western Franks had a very good reason to split: the Roman empire had not defended them against the Vikings by eradicating the latter. Instead Western Franks had to defend themselves by their own means. So Frexit had an excellent reason.

So happy together. British press always refer to the Union as a “block”, or “club”. That’s how propaganda works, by disparaging those one wants to hate: would you like your union to be called a “bloc”? Macron and Merkel and their common republican home. Neither the Kaiser, nor Hitler would have been happy to see this, they would have been revolted, apoplectic, enraged, uncomprehending. But the Kaiser was the grandson of British queen Victoria. Republic s such as present day Germany and France, don’t need “Royal assent” (as British politicos do) Brexit, or Exit Britannia from its royal mind…

The case of Brexit is completely different from the Frexit of the Tenth Century: half of the British electorate has been rendered stupid, delusional and angry from plutocratic propaganda, and enormous lies. They have to snap out of it, they need psychiatric treatment.

However, the EU is in a maelstrom. The planet is dying, etc. Can we afford a few more years taking care of delusional Brits, at the exclusion of the needed further federalization of the European Union?


Did I change my mind?

Well, the head of (misleading called) European Research Group Jacob Rees-Mogg, changed my mind. I listened to him for a long time. The gentleman looks very calm and collected, full of certainty for his delirious absurdities, the sort of certainty many promoters of Nazism exhibited, with somewhat similar absurdities.     

Brexiters are determined to keep on sabotaging Europe, so that Europe can become a better poodle for global plutocracy and USA. Should wisdom then activate Waterloo’s revenge, and kick them out all together, or just keep them out of European Parliament?

Verified account @Jacob_Rees_Mogg: “If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.” Prominent Brexiteer MP Mark Francois, said that if the U.K. remained in the “bloc“, “then in return we will become a Trojan Horse within the EU.” In return, or will return to? Honesty requires to admitting the second formulation.

What to do? Throwing the UK out may be reasonable, at first sight, considering such a mindset from prominent UK politicos.

E U solidarity with the Republic of Ireland has been total. The EC chief negotiator, Michel Barnier confirmed that, in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the EU would make solving the Irish Border issue a prerequisite for any re-starting of trade talks with the UK. That’s the so-called “backstop”: the EU will enforce it. As things stand, the UK is due to leave the EU on Friday, April 12th, midnight, Franco-German time. As decided by the last EU summit. The rhetoric is escalating, as the EU is threatening to use some sort of force.

Tough? Yes. But we can’t Brexinfinity forever… So what should Macron do? Without Britain to sabotage in the name of global plutocracy, France has only to deal with Germany. And much can, and should be done.

Meanwhile, a number of EU states want the British government signed up to conditions that would bring “sincere cooperation” from the UK during its extended membership, including restraining from involvement in budget discussions or agreeing to go without a European commissioner (each full member gets one).

It is crucial that an extension of Article 50 and Brexit limbo, would not allow British politicians, and in particular, a Brexiteer prime minister, to damage EU interests. (I proposed that the UK would not sit on the European Parliament.)

If independence from British meddling, while the UK keeps on saying it wants out, but is still in, can’t be insured, Britain should be kicked out.


Trump Accuses Airbus To Have Sabotaged the 737 MAX with negative vibes, punishment coming:

Meanwhile, indeed, the most imperial Trump is acting up. As I exposed, Boeing’s 737 MAX is misshapen and shouldn’t be allowed to fly (if they correct the software which makes the plane plunge towards the ground, it will tend to stall…). That’s an immense disaster: more than 5,000 of the type were ordered, worth up to $130 million each.  So what does Trump do to come to the rescue? Accuse and punish Airbus with 11 billion dollars of sanctions on things like… cheese. That’s imperial logics at its best. Already French cheese sold in the US is mangled by the authorities in such a way, that’s it turns disgusting pretty quickly. But that’s not enough, Boeing designed a plane in the 1960s, tries to sell it in 2020s, doesn’t work, it’s the fault of Airbus!


Not to take those things lightly, the tit and the tat, the French Republic’s Parliament passed a GAFA law:

The law now goes to the French Senate (which is controlled by the opposition).

I have advocated to pass such a law for a decade. Tax according to revenues, not profits. The French GAFA law taxes 3% of revenues in companies with worldwide revenues above 750 million Euros. The rest of Europe, apparently paralyzed by terror, watches the French with the fascination of prey species seeing forces they can’t comprehend counterattack American predators.

US pawns and minnows, Sweden, Finland, Ireland and Denmark blocked a draft EU-wide GAFA tax proposal over the weekend. In the last World War, when Hitler killed himself as the coward he had become, Ireland sent condolences to his successor, war criminal Doenitz. Ireland had refused to help the Allies in WWII, to the point that it preferred being at Hitler’s (implicit) side rather than accept Churchill offer of Irish reunification! So now Ireland is Apple’s tax evasion agent, worldwide. Always going for the strongest, baddest empire around.

Whereas Ireland was passively pro-Hitler. Sweden was so pro-actively pro-Hitler that, had Sweden not been around, Hitler’s war effort would have been stunted from the start: Sweden provided Hitler with raw materials and weapons necessary to the Nazi war machine. Had not France fallen suddenly after 10 May 1940, the French Foreign Legion would have cut Sweden in two, as it was poised to do (that’s why the Legion was not in France during the battle of France). Finland was outright allied with Hitler (and stayed at war technically with Britain until 1948). And Denmark? Denmark fought six hours in World War Two, before surrendering… (Whereas the French ceasefire of 26 June 1940 turned into the Bir Hakeim battle 23 months later, where the Italian and the Afrika Korps suffered a strategic defeat they didn’t recover from…

See the note on Bir Hakeim at the end of: New Thinking Always A Combat.

In other words, small countries such as Sweden, ireland, Denmark, Finland refuse a EU wide GAFA tax, because they are US agents… And why that? Because they fear the USA more than they fear France, and they fear the European Union, not at all. Britain, of course, aspire to the same level of prostitution, forgetting reality in the process…

Confronted to the French GAFA tax, the American imperialists howled to high heavens, but skeptics pointed out that the French GAFA tax is probably not even a third of what should be the fair amount. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned last week that the tax would hurt both the American firms and the French citizens who use the platforms. Fortunately, the French are sadomasochists, so it should be alright.

The USA is an empire, China is an empire, Russia is an empire, Brazil is an empire, Indonesia, Japan, are clearly empire, India is an empire… And Pakistan (population 200 million) put a fatwa on yours truly.  

What is Europe in all of this? Throwing Britain out, as amply deserved, would make Europe into an empire, something that gives out orders (imperium, even lethal ones). But, at this point, it would not be the smartest thing. Better to let England fully experience the folly of taking one’s orders, hearts, facts and souls from global plutocratic media.

Meanwhile, those who don’t like a European empire as either Putin gas dependent (Germany), aspiring prostitutes (UK), and, in general, lovers of all empires, but for one leading European destinies optimally. This tendency in Europe is fundamentally a laziness, a lethargy, an infantilism. It was vastly behind the so-called decolonization movement… which was, all too often, a plutocratization movement. The best example there is Algeria, which, at last, is understanding that De Gaulle was the head of the FNL…  Hey, I must admit, a slightly harder notion to understand than the fact that PM May is a Remainer, a Remainer of the Machiavellian type, vastly underestimated by the enraged Brexiters she outmaneuvers at every turn and twist…

So let the European Union give a gigantic Article 50 extension to a defanged UK: the rights of the UK as a full EU member will be restored after its third EU referendum, the one when the UK will decide to Remain, in a year or so… Meanwhile there is a lot of empire to build…

Patrice Ayme


Europe Trapped By Masochism, Intellectual Laziness?

January 5, 2015

Greece, Euro, Algerian FNL, Colonialism, Bullying, Whining and Depression.

Syriza, a Party in Greece, threatens to win elections on January 25. Its leader has announced Syriza was not a danger for Europe, but that Merkel was. His views are those I long held within these pages. “To Save The World, Devalue!”

Some Germans, claiming to have talked with officials, uttered that Greece could leave the Euro. Why don’t those Germans mind their business? The Euro is Greek money. Greeks want to keep their money.

Meanwhile Lithuania adopted the Euro. All European countries are supposed to adopt the Euro. Even the Swiss Frank is locked to it (and is going down accordingly).

If Germans want a clean Europe, they can accept the official French proposal to create a European Banking Union, the equivalent of the FDIC of the USA. Conservative Germans are not anxious to do this.

Indeed the German Landbanks, the local banks, crucial to finance the German “Mittelstand”, the middle companies, are bankrupt, and live on accommodations with the authorities. In other words; disguised subsidies.

“Austerity” in Europe means not enough money to operate the economy. Let Syriza bite Merkel’s well fed derriere!

Euro Still Way Too High:

Politics, when not totally democratic, can be absolutely Machiavellian. The Euro reached 1.45 dollars, a few years ago. Clearly it should rather be half that.

Based on the very long range equivalence of the French Franc with the Dollar, the Euro was made to be worth one Dollar. However, the economy of the USA has been much stronger, for years. Thus the Euro should be lower than its lowest level ever (when Germany was in trouble, a decade ago). That was 83 Dollar cents.

A way out of the European crisis is to boost the economy and lower the Debt/GDP by lowering the Euro. This has been zehr klar, for years. After the article in Der Spiegel saying Berlin wanted to expel Greece (which cannot be constitutionally done), Siebert, spokesman of Merkel, said policy had no changed.

However, the Der Spiegel article may have been planted, just to hasten the lowering of the Euro (which reached 1.18 Dollar, lowest in nine years). If so, it would be in agreement with France (which has to be pushing for a Euro at 80 cents, if still endowed with brains).

It will not escape conspiracy theorists that a collapse of the Euro would be painless, as oil, paid in Dollar, has seen its own price cut quickly by half. Hopefully, Putin is also been cut in half.

Maybe God is a conspiracy theorist?


Too Much Mushy Whining, No Action:

Women tears’ smell lower testosterone in human males. In other words, if women want some action, they better act as activists, or even aggressors (“bitchy”) and not as whiners.

Instead of whining about “colonialism”, Europeans ought to have found what was wrong about it, and how to correct it for the best.

Shrinking onto oneself, that’s called depression.


Colonialism: Very Bad, Indeed, But the Wrong Notion

What’s the difference between an immigrant, a migrant, a colon, an invader?

I was always a fanatic of cultural, and ethnical mixed background. Why? Because the more cultural ingredients around, the wealthier the minds.

Example. Although I vigorously attack both Bible and Qur’an, my dirty little secret is that I live very faithfully according of some of the elements of both I approve of… For example I don’t touch alcohol (being drunk on my own thoughts all day long, will cynics no doubt notice).

In the 1950s, it was fashionable for French intellectuals to be “anti-colonialist”. This, in turn was amplified worldwide, and became the credo of the left and progressives.

According to the theory, the French had conquered the world, and needed to go back to their barracks. They did, and were replaced worldwide, by American plutocrats, and their GIs. The same was extended to other European colonialists, of course.

Did French intellectuals realize they had been had?

Most died without being officially aware. But some who were the youngest, and most frantically anti-“colonialism” are changing their tune. Decades of history have instructed them forcefully.

Rene’ Vautier, a French movie maker joined the Algerian FNL (to the point he was implicated in factions struggles therein, and got imprisoned because of this). He just died at 86, and gave a final interview.

Interestingly, this FNL fanatic, changed his music in recent years (“before I get senile” he added).

Vautier fought as a teenager against the Nazis in the French resistance. A communist he was sent to Africa. At the age of twenty-one years old in 1949 the Ligue de l’enseignement en Afrique sent him to make a film about life in the French African colonies. It was filmed in the Ivory Coast.

Under French administration, Ivory Coast was peaceful.

(I was left free as a toddler on the beach there; my only fear, whom I had been instructed to have, was of a vicious, roguish wave that would appear from time to time; ever since I have a healthy fear of waves… That does prevent me to surf, occasionally, or even been swept in recent year by a rogue wave in California, and losing a camera, but when I am by the ocean, I worry.)

Since the French left, as with many European ex-“colonies”, from Pakistan to Fidji, Shri Lanka to Somalia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Congo, Cambodia, or the CAR, Ivory Coast was wrecked by a vicious civil war (about who was really an Ivorian).

In his last interview, Vautier, a worldwide icon of anti-“colonialism”, declared he wished the struggle against “colonialism” had not been all in vain.

But in vain it was. In many places, where imperial states had blocked plutocratic excess, now the worst of the worse were free to roam and feast.

In The Trap Again?

Krugman wrote a blog post “Europe’s Trap”. It’s entirely correct. However, Europe fell into the trap when the Kaiser and his generals listened to the songs of Colonel House, right arm of American president Wilson.

Sure that the USA would help, the Prussian (also known as German) army attacked the French Republic in an all-out attack, August 3, 1914, invading and declaring war to secondary countries in the process. A month later, after retreating for three weeks, the French army successfully counter-attacked.

American help to trade with the Kaiser’s dictatorship, through the “neutral” Netherlands, extended the First World War three years. But that was only the beginning of the involvement of the USA in European submission affairs.

However, nowadays, the USA has come to realize that it cannot rule the world alone. So the enlightened ones agree that the European Union is a precious ally, and it needs its own currency. As Keynes had pleaded in 1944, the Dollar cannot do it all.

It’s nicer to have a peaceful union under Franco-Germania, rather than a West fighting itself to death.

If we want peace, we need as little exploitation as possible, and it starts in the neighborhood. To have a strong Europe is in the USA’s best interest.

Example: the disastrous, trillion Dollar price F35 flounders. This is the worst fighter plane ever put into production, and is a threat to the security of the USA (but not to North Korea or Putin).

However Europe has two excellent canard fighter-bombers, the Eurofighter/Typhoon and the Rafale, both armed with the excellent Meteor ramjet missile (Mach 4, 100 miles range). Both have excellent Infrared vision, and can fire infrared long range missiles. The Rafale has active stealth, and that works, whereas passive stealth not only does not work, but cannot work.

An astute U.S. Air Force could ditch the dangerous F35, and build one of the Euro canards, under licence and renovated. Thus Euro strength would profit USA strength. An example of many. At the Las Vegas consumer electronic show, January 2015, the second largest delegation, with more than 100 companies, is… French.

Meanwhile French president Hollande declared that the rise of the Islamist State is directly attributable to the refusal to strike mass bloody dictator Assad (in the end, only the French wanted to attack). Indeed (as I said for years).

Colonialism? No. Where are the colons? And are immigrants replenishing Europe, colons?

Just administering the empire. The worldwide empire we need to run good enough to survive, civilizationally speaking.

… And which is already running, albeit in plutocratic form.

Patrice Ayme’

Camus Mudified

August 1, 2014

I read on an Academic site in the USA that: “Albert Camus supported French colonialism”. That struck me as grotesquely incorrect. An horrendous statement. (And I am not particularly in love with Camus’ work.)

Unsurprisingly, my retort was not published. Amusingly the initial essay was called “Stifling Discourse On the Left”.

Why was I stifled? Because it’s obvious to all “bien-pensants” (well-thinkers) that the stifling French rule in Algeria was a terrible, colonial thing.

Once a citizen of the USA expressed that opinion, that the colonial French deserved what had happened to them in Algeria. He was a geologist, an old friend of my dad. You know, the way friends are made in the USA: fair weather, and not too deep, politically correct in all American ways.

My dad an Algerian born geologist who discovered Algerian oil and gas (while employed by an Algerian oil company). He found the verbal trashing of his homeland inspiring. He retorted: “Certainly, there would have been no civil war in Algeria, if the French had killed all the Natives, the way it was done in the USA”.

The American “friend” was not amused at all. He and his family ceased all and any contact with ours. So much for the great American friendship. His name was Birdstall.

Camus was brought up by his mother in Algeria, where he was born, under extremely modest circumstances. Poorest of the poor. Saved by the Republican educational system (when it still worked). To call Camus’ family background “colonial” is an insult.

The excuse to trash Camus is always the same. After he got the Nobel in literature, a student called on him to take a stance about the civil war in Algeria. Camus retorted, off the cuff, that: ”Si j’ai a choisir entre ma mere et la justice, je choisirai ma mere” (or words to this effect). “If I have to choose between my mother, and justice, I will chose my mother.”

Well, “justice” is a social construct. One may well find oneself in conflict with it. Just ask dozens of millions of Mitteleuropa citizens, in the 1930s and 1940s. Or any country, just before a revolution. Algeria was in a revolution in the 1950s, justice was taking a back seat to motherhood.

It has become common opinion that the good guys were from the Front National de Liberation. The opinion was all the more common as it advantaged the USSR… and the USA.

However, most people living in Algeria did not support the FNL. How do I know this? Among other things, there was a vote! In the early 1960s, more than 60% of the Algerian population voted for the new French Constitution.

That was the first, and last free vote Algerians would get.

As The Economist put it in 2001: ”… given that the French army by the end of the 1950s had more or less won its war in Algeria, why did Algeria nonetheless gain its independence? If Mr Stora is puzzled, Mr Wall is not… French public opinion was sickened; the French intelligentsia was outraged by the practice of torture; and, “just as important”, America could not accept French policy.

Did Charles de Gaulle, summoned back in 1958 to meet France’s constitutional crisis and end the Algerian war, realise all this? Conventional wisdom is that he was France’s far-sighted saviour, accepting almost from the outset that the loss of Algeria was inevitable. Mr Wall, having trailed through both French and American archives, disagrees. De Gaulle’s acceptance of Algerian independence was a belated pragmatism, forced on him by his failure to win over the Americans, first under Eisenhower and then under Kennedy.

…pessimistic implications for the future… the United States was a critical force in pressing France to accept Algerian independence.”

That’s also my opinion. To make matters worse, the average French population was anti-Algerian racist (both against Muslim and Pieds Noirs)… And so was De Gaulle (who made very clear racist statements).

That was not just criminal, but thoroughly idiotic.

Why? Because it made a travesty of reality under the guise of political correctness, when all it was reflected a subjugation to the USA’s White House, and its attached plutocratic Congress.

What was the idiocy?

Most people in Algeria who did not support the FNL. (Nor did they support the French colons, who were a small, distinct class… And they did not support those colons for the same reasons that they did not support the FNL).

Sartre, and many “intellectuals” support of the extremely cruel FNL was an offense against civilization (later pursued with Sartre’s support of hard core “Maoism”).

The FNL advocated publicly terror torture of toddlers. That some elements in the French army used torture on some terrorist suspects is a separate issue. The French army never advocated publicly to torture toddlers.

Do you want to live in a country where the leaders have advocated torturing toddlers? Few would. So, when De Gaulle, on orders from the USA, gave Algeria to the FNL, he was being treacherous and stupid: of course most Algerians wanted to move to France, as being overruled by blood thirsty tyrants had little appeal.

So De Gaulle did his best to prevent that mass exodus. Still, the pressure is still on, and 52 years later, it’s much easier for an Algerian to immigrate to the USA, than to France.

And guess what? The present president of Algeria, Bouteflika, a corpse in a wheelchair, is an ex-general from the original FNL.

So what of Camus? In truth Camus begged to differ with most of the French intelligentsia, which was more into being a well thinking herd, than really thinking, and this is why he got trashed. Still is.

Camus wanted the Algerian Civil War to stop. Camus wanted the Republic to be strong, and motherly. But the Republic is relatively weak, and getting weaker. Those who conquered entire continents (Anglo-Saxons, Russians) are stronger. Their reasons are thus better. If nothing else they sit on all that oil and gaz. Even if the ground explodes cataclysmically, nowadays, with all that warming:

(Thanks to Alexi Helligar for informing me of this!)

It does not matter. The ground explodes? War is their friend. Let there be war. It’s just a matter of not being on the losing side. A chorus of well-paid intellectuals singing their praises, is most helpful. Yesterday the Bible, today those who recite their well honed version of history.

Dragging Camus in the mud by modifying his beliefs is deeply dishonest. So was the devastation of 1962, when many populations which lived in Algeria before Islam was invented, and Arabic written, 3,000 kilometers away, found themselves in a worse tyranny than they were under Paris’ boot. (Only the Jews could flee in majority; many ended in Israel.)

The future of Algeria? Just wait for the oil and gas to run out. Then the other shoe will drop.

Patrice Ayme’


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever