Posts Tagged ‘Nukes’

Chomsky: Putin Is “A Mad Dog” So We Must Submit 

September 3, 2023

Vile leaders such as Putin stay in power because even more vile intellectuals such as Chomsky underwrite them mentally with just the right emotion: don’t contradict the terror, it may visit you.

Artful lies from Mr. Chomsky to be swallowed by those who know too little, or hate too much. Ukraine’s NATO request had been blocked by France and Germany long ago. Chomsky pretends that the encroachment of NATO incited “Russia” to invade. That’s a lie. Putin is not Russia, just a lunatic tyrant terrorizing Russia and the world, and someone has to stop him. So far that someone is Ukraine, a democracy whose president was elected on a peace-with-Russia platform, contrasting with his more hard line predecessor, who he defeated (and has supported Zelinskyi ever since the full bore attack by Putin, even donning armor and weapons and defeating the invaders as they attacke Kyiv).

Ukraine then inscribed joining NATO in its Constitution, and also joining the EU. On the latter, progress has been made, infuriating Putin and his plutocratic circles.

Chomsky equates EU and NATO, a lie easily swallowed by his ignorant or biased audience.

Equating the EU and NATO is making implicit propaganda for the US empire. Whereas the US arguably controls NATO… It’s rather France which is more influential in the EU, where nothing of great importance is done without French approval. Chomsky by insisting all of the EU is a US puppet, with no mind of its own, insists that the US is greater than it really is, itself the propaganda masterpiece.

Chomsky, by insisting that EU expansion is NATO expansion, denies the existence of the EU, and in particular denies the existence of the EU as a potential counterweight to the US Deep State. At the limit Chomsky’s position is racist: EU, thus Europeans, don’t exist. The vocation of Eastern Europe, hence all of Europe, is to live under Kremling hegemony.

But who gave Kremlin hegemony onto Europe? Well the US Deep State made that formal at Yalta, in Crimea, in 1945.

How come the US Deep State gave massive help to the Kremlin, a genocidal tyranny who had killed 6 million Ukrainians in 1933? Less that one year before providing enormously military help to the genocidal tyrant in Moscow, the US Deep State had refused any helpt to France a democratic republic, which is, moreover, the parent of the USA.

So the question the US Deep State and Chomsky have to answer is why was the Kremlin preferred to France for so long? The question has to do with who controls the USA and for what purpose.

When the vile gets witty, we must cut the crap.

Chomsky, counterfactually, claims that because of the Ukrainian war “Europe is declining, suffering from deindustrialization”. It’s a lie: because of the war, precisely, France has already tripled its production of 155mm shells (each shell takes 2 years to produce, usually) and France is ramping up its Defense Industrial Base, directly from Ukrainian contracts. French defense giant Thales has relaunched into 24/7 production of missiles such as Starstreak, the fastest MANPAD around (the plant is in North Ireland and the UK is paying for the missiles).

True, Germany had to find European solutions to the end of its addiction to Putin, and is the only major economy in recession in 2023. But the Euro is overvalued relative to the dollar, although mortgage interest in the EU is only 4%, while 7% in the US..

Overall, the long held (since 500 CE) French thesis of Europe Puissance (Power Europe) is gaining ground. Europe with significant military means and the will to project them. Poland is arming to the teeth. France and UK are boosting their strategic nuke programs (nukes are expensive to keep functional).

The F16 and air supremacy program for Ukraine implicates countries who favored fascist aggression in 1914 and 1939, in the guise of their pseudo-neutrality, which was crucial to the German fascist aggressors’ war efforts. In 1914 and 1939, these small but venimous neutrals enabled fascist genocidal Germany to attack democracies, and prevented the two big democracies, France and Britain to defeat easily fascist genocidal racist tyrannic mad dog Kaiserreich and Dritte Reich.

But now these once greedy, nasty and viles pseudo-neutrals have joined France and Britain in allying themselves against the fascist terrorist genocidal monarch in the Kremlin.

Who said there were no positive to the Ukraine war? Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, even Turkey have learned to exhibit a sense of where democracy lays. True democracy is explicitly a must of the European Constitution. Hey, we may even hope that Switzerland formally abandon the premise that democracies can be “neutral” to tyranny. The Suisses are nearly there: Parliement voted the authorization of re-exportation of Swiss made weapons… Retroactively.… To celebrate this, I saw two French Rafales, supersonic stealth fighter-bombers, fly along the border, just two hundred meters up…

Those countries will provide planes while discreetly others (UK, France, Romania) provide training. The very existence of this program implies that the EU thinks the war will last long. F16 and Swedish Saab Gripens are controlled by the US… which then is dragged reluctantly in providing Ukraine with an air force.

Chomsky repeats word for word Putin and his henchmen propaganda by saying that Russia can’t be defeated because it has nukes. Chomsky pudically calls them “ultimate weapons”. Russia has them, says Chomsky, Ukraine doesn’t. So Putin wins. Understanding that means for realistic Chomsky not living in a “dream world“.But Chomsky is ignorant of a crucial point about “ultimate weapons“: this situation happened before. No less than Hitler should teach Chomsky there.

Hitler had neurotoxic gas in huge quantities, and the means to send them afar. However Hitler didn’t use those huge quantities of gas: Hitler knew that his orders would not have been enacted. Why does Chomsky believe Putin to be somehow superior to Hitler in having his will obeyed? Is Putin superhuman, because everybody can see he is an assassin, whereas many pretended Hitler was not? Or has Chomsky fallen under the spell of Putin, as many Russians have, because they know too little? And because they are weak and thus admire the strong, and want to be like them?

Interestingly the “Peace plan” proposed by Chomsky is exactly the present “reasonable” diplomatic ceasefire presently proposed by Russia’s Lavrov. Chomsky supports Putin in Georgia, claiming that Georgia invaded… itself, and Putin, with great restraint, saved Georgia from genocidizing itself. And Chomsky naturally omits the fact that Putin recently withdrew recognition of Moldova as an independent country. 

Systematically, just as he equates EU and NATO, Chomsky equates Putin and Russia. Chomsky calls that to be not dreaming. In truth Chomsky goes much further in his nightmare. Chomsky calls “Putin a mad dog” and Chomsky repeatedly argues, that’s his one and only argument, that, as a mad dog, Putin will destroy Ukraine with nukes if he loses. Ergo, Putin can’t lose, because he is a mad dog and mad dogs rule. 

Like many “woke”, pacifist fanatics, pseudo-“left” intellectuals, Mr. Chomsky never studied the history of war in depth. And in particular the history of tyranny. Putin claims he is Russia. Chomsky approves, and claims Russia is strong. Does he dream of Putin as a lover at night? In truth tyrants cannot in general be identified with the tyrannies they lead. If Putin is assassinated, his henchmen will quickly follow. Most of the Russian military is not interested by dying in a nuclear holocaust. Putin’s orders have to go through that military, and that is why Putin is busy arresting military leaders (as so-called general Armageddon, who led the air force until two months ago when Putin jailed him… and was as decorated and rank as Gerasimov, head of the armed forces) or the top fanatic who led the Donbas rebellion in 2014, Girkin (jailed in August 2023)… And of course the three top leaders of the Wagner Group, assassinated, and general Popov, reassigned to Syria…

Chomsky is depicting as a hard core realist, but had core historiscim shows that, when in Russia a Czar loses a major war, he is disposed of by rebellion. So rebellion is the most likely outcome, and the signs are aplenty, Putin himself said it. Tellingly, Chomsky does not evoke that possibility at all, either from ignorance, or plain bad faith. Or both. Probably both. Chomsky is more Putin than Putin himself. Chomsky wants desperately the world to be under the rule of mad dog nuclear tyrant.

Chomsky is exactly the sort of pseudo-intellectuals who made the likes of Hitler leaders; mad dogs all, and those who fear them.

Patrice Ayme

Putin submitted Angeal Merkel with huge dogs. The weak minded German leader (probably herself a KGB plant, like the guy on the right) admitted she was terrified each time this happened. But she was so terrified, she couldn’t even talk about it. Chomsky is as simple.

If You Want Peace, Prepare For The Worst

May 13, 2022

Some advocate negotiating with Putin. They are hopeful: it’s not Putin who put the babies to death. Maybe NATO, whatever NATO is. That Finland wants to join NATO demonstrates it.

How does one negotiate best, with the devil? Long fork? Faustian bargain?

Very, simply, to negotiate with Satan, for the best, one should expect the worst from one’s interlocutor, and believe only the worst. 

Putin will make war until NATO and Ukraine get tired. Or so he seems to hope. This is probably not going to happen: too many in NATO and Ukraine have realized the evil of Putin’s tyranny. Too many remember Hitler and know they are next… because Putin explained his ruscist vision of history. So then what if NATO and Ukraine, which have more than a billion citizens, all living in democracy, that means, thinking in parallel and most of the most creative thinkers of the planet do not get tired? Putin’s Russia at some point, ravaged by war and sanctions, will stop being a Great Power, for all to see, having lost treasure, manpower, clout, its army and economy… while exhibiting its lack of smarts, and experiencing consequences thereof. Putin will then just feel powerful because of his nukes. 

We have to get ready for that day… and it will come all too soon.

Ever since Ivan I “moneybags”, the Kremlin empire has stabilized itself with foreign wars which enabled it to call all opponents traitors to the fatherland, thus kill or exile them. This mentality of expanding abuse was inherited from the Mongols who had invaded and destroyed Kievan Rus. Inner peace by terror through subjugating outer war created the world’s largest durable empire… and an entire civilization entangling war with a church. 

This mentality of expanding abuse contradicted the earlier quasi democratic traditions of Russian Kyiv. War regimes invite dictatorship, which became the Russian form of governance… or even civilization. In many ways Lenin was similar, yet more authoritarian than all the Czars before him (and he massacred more Russians). Many revolutionaries, for example Rosa Luxembourg, saw this and opposed it. 

Ukraine was subjugated by the Kremlin with various tricks and invasions in the last three centuries. Between Stalin and Hitler, Ukraine suffered up to 14 million citizens killed in as many years.

This war is between the democratic principle and and the principle that terrorizing nuclear dictatorships, monarchies with unbound power, the fascist principle, now with quasi divine power, should guide humanity. This is the moment when civilization has to save itself… by destroying the fascist principle. So this is an existential situation. Either we bring enough artillery, or we don’t. 

Some will object that Putin is so deranged, he will use nukes to avoid losing. The potentiality of that abomination gives us even more reason to vanquish him. This is a world war, and like WW2, it is starting slowly. Hitler was easier to oppose early on, before he unleashed his terror society. Same situation with Putin. 

The Kremlin has more than 2,000 “small” nukes (Hiroshima, Nagasaki).  The US has a few hundreds, and France discontinued its “Pluton” tactical nuke system. The smallest French strike now is 300 Kt, from supersonic bombers (twenty times Hiroshima)… that’s “strategic”.


As Putin has plenty of small nukes and NATO mostly only has big nukes, Putin apparently believes he can exploit the baby nuke gap as part of his unscrupulous doctrine of “Escalating to De-escalate.” “I don’t think there is any such thing as a ‘tactical nuclear weapon,’” Secretary of Defense, ex-top general Mattis told Congress in February 2018. “Any nuclear weapon used any time is a strategic game-changer.” The commander of the US nuclear forces acknowledged in 2021 that no one knows if using low-yield or tactical nuclear weapons will trigger a full-scale nuclear war. Yet, as I said, this is irrelevant: the Putinists and rucists believe that using nukes… de-escalate!

Thus we need to persuade the rucists that such is not the case: using nukes will escalate… otherwise we will end, in the best possible case, as their slaves and toys.

To prepare for a nuclear war, which will come if a coup doesn’t come first, plans for evacuation of cities and massive prompt construction of anti-missile systems is a must. Also there will be no other choice than threatening to provide Ukraine with similar nuclear devices  


A coup would be better… Generals and colonels who may have engaged in war crimes should be told, laws should be passed, that they can’t be prosecuted if they neutralize the crazed idiot who gives them insane criminal orders now… in a war we have to persuade all influential Russian, terroristic nuclear tyranny can’t win.

In any case, the more than 40 military allies of Ukraine, it’s a world war, remember… have to get ready for the worst, and this is why Finland has decided to apply to NATO, and entered, with Sweden in a military alliance led by the UK, involving many of the countries which were immorally and idiotically neutral in WW2 (Netherlands, Danemark, etc…)

Getting ready for the worst means scrambling the construction of new weapons… But those to fight nuclear war should get priority (in particular ABM systems). This is what getting ready for the worst means.


Please do not believe I love war, just because I don’t want to please Putin: I had known, and written, that Putin was capable of this, for more than twenty years. Why was I so sure of Putin’s depravity? Fundamentally because he is a hater, smart at being an idiot, with a completely biased ethno view of history. And this was clear in how he got elected to start with, becoming popular thanks to engineering a genocide in Chechnya. This was already as dirty as it gets, and the Russian population falling for it, made it worse. Having risen through a genocidal plot makes Putin an illegitimate president from the start, another argument that putschists could exploit.

Biden, Senator Graham, and others, maybe following what was recommended here first, were right to call for Putin’s removal. That would be best.

Putin Delendus Est!    

Patrice Ayme    

The 280 mm gun in front fired a shell with a Hiroshima size bomb (15Kt) exploding 10 kilometers away after 11 seconds:

Cathedral of the Russian army, 100 meters tall, erected under Putin.

Tyrant Putin’s Safety Mechanisms: Chemicals, Mass Destruction, Nukes

March 17, 2022

Putin engaged in this war because he was sure to win… or so he thought, for WMD reasons… not only was Putin’s colossal army of 3,000 tanks, and thousands of other armored gun equipped vehicles, irresistible, but, should his army falter on the ground, Putin would still win, thanks to weapons of mass destruction he has in reserve (some of which, for example neurotoxic gas Sarin, and vaccuum bombs, have been used in Syria).

Unfortunately for democracy, nuclear tyrant Putin has many “tactical”nukes, hundreds of them at the ready, and the West has very few, if any. The West unilaterally disarmed, in a sort of John Lennon-Jesus Christ peacenik strategy of turning the other cheek… as if Auschwitz had not amply demonstrated the deep immorality of accepting to respect and obey lying blood-thirsty brutes… and as if Lennon’s thoracic cage had not been pierced by 4 bullets [1]… quickly bringing his deplorable demise…

So if Putin goes nuclear, he wins. At least that’s obviously how Putin looks at it: Putin could use nukes several times, hoping to scare the entire planet into submission, exerting “deterrence through fear inducement (we use Russian nuke theory semantics)… And the West will, or at least, so does Putin believes, just evoke further “red lines”, and shrink into obedience… while Ukraine is forced to surrender. Russian strategy anticipates to wage nuclear war, starting on the battlefield, and progressively “escalating to de-escalate” (Russian code words for the other side surrendering).

Short of this, Russia has other weapons of mass destruction, biological, or chemicals. So-called “thermobaric” or “vacuum bombs”, fuel-air explosives as powerful as the smallest nukes have already been used (Russian strategy considers the largest fuel-air explosives equivalent to small nukes).

At least, once again, that’s how Putin is looking at it: he has plenty of weapons of mass destruction at the ready. And that’s what the West should be ready for Putin to use a whole ladder full of rungs of mass destruction to escalate along, and thus to elevate himself, as a force and will, and that evil he identifies with goodness.

The West is not ready for this, either in its war theory, its weapons, or its expectations. The easiest way to suppress this danger would be to explain to Russian armed forces that the highest moral cause, at this point, is to dispose of Putin in a timely manner.

Hence the importance of brandishing Putin for what he is, a war criminal. Many plots against Hitler by German soldiers failed because nobody had told them it was morally correct to dispose of war criminal leadership… so they often felt morally wrong to dispose of their chief(s) [2].

Russian officers following or a fortiori, generating, criminal orders could very well find themselves jailed for life, after regime change. This is what happened in Serbia, although, like Russia or the US, Serbia was not engaged to obey the justice institutions of the United Nations (ICJ and ICC). The International Court of Justice just ordered Russia to get out of Ukraine, so the invasion of Ukraine is now officially recognized by the UN as a war crime.

The ex-Serbian dictator died in UN jail, and the top two commanders of the Bosnian Serbs are in jail for life.

To come back to the original quandary, what to do? The Biden administration is warning Russia and the world against a possible US chemical attack. That’s good. But I sure hope they prepare a response in case of the usage of nukes…

Because showing weakness, as the Biden administration repeatedly did, entice Putin to believe that a nuke would solve all his problems… and that has actually been suggested on Russia Putin TV (there is no other!)

World War Three has started, but democracy and world order can still win it, fast and on the cheap, as long as we act decisively now. Terrifying Chinese dictator Xi is part of the proper course of action… Even though Xi’s obsequious servants don’t seem to mind that he allied himself with a lunatic loser, Putin, deprived of strategic sense… Who, just like Hitler, orders his generals around

Patrice Ayme


[1] the West used to have plenty of tactical nukes, either US or French… but unilaterally disarmed, eliminating short range tactical nuclear weapons, for example the French “Pluton” meant to break a Soviet armored assault through Germany.


[2] This was true all the way to the Field Marshall level. In 1943, Von Kluge, who commanded the central German front against Russia, learned of a plot against Hitler, who was visiting… Ukraine. Instead of arresting the plotters, Von Kluge advised them, pointing out Hitler was better protected than they anticipated! (Two attempts were made, the second one a bomb in Hitler’s plane which unfortunately froze… The general who had put it there flew as fast as possible to Berlin to remove the unexploded bomb before it could be found…) Now, if Hitler had been declared a war criminal, and a genocidal tyrant, and denounced to be so by respected international institutions, Von Kluge would have felt morally justified to order one of the many divisions under his command to just move and arrest Hitler… and Hitler and his bodyguards could have done nothing about it.


P/S: The essence of the comment above was censored at the New York Times by Helene CooperJulian E. Barnes and Eric Schmitt. This sort of opinion steering is not fundamentally different from what any dictatorship does.

The bloodied corpse on the bottom right is that of a 16 year old girl whose legs were blown off during soccer practice. To all this, the criminals occupying the Kremlin reply that the Ukrainains are doing it to themselves, or that these are sophisitcated montages by NATO, some of them involving professional actors…. A method Russian criminals know very well, as they have used it a lot…

Of Nukes, Dogs, North Korea, & Necessary Evil

May 28, 2016

KIM, THE HEREDITARY KING OF NORTH KOREA, MAKES A NEW NUCLEAR H BOMB EVERY SIX WEEKS. His engineers are trying to build reliable intercontinental missiles. The fear of a heat wave in Los Angeles will take a whole new meaning soon. (And what did the president do about this security problem? Less than Bill Clinton. Oops.)

Kim Jong Un killed entire “groups” of people in his own family, including his uncle, who was instrumental to get him to power: “the discovery and purge of the Jang group… made our party and revolutionary ranks purer…”[117 In 2015, the defence minister was executed by anti-aircraft fire, for “talking back”.

Certainly the uncle was arrested, humiliated, and executed. “Despicable human scum…worse than a dog” is how North Korean state media described the once-powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong-un. It was claimed that Jang Song Thaek admitted trying to “overthrow the state”.

Kim & Wife: Expensive Dior Purse. Feeding People To Dogs. Not Yet Personally On The Menu.

Kim & Wife: Expensive Dior Purse. Feeding People To Dogs. Not Yet Personally On The Menu.

Speaking of dogs, four star general Jan Song Thaek, once thought to be the most powerful leader in North Korea, was stripped naked, with five colleagues, thrown into a cage, and eaten alive by a pack of ravenous dogs… according to a newspaper close to China’s Communist Party. The dogs had not eaten for five days, and the execution lasted an hour. In the end, the dogs cleaned the plate. (Others said that he was executed by machine gun.)

Whatever the rumors, higher-ups in North Korea, and their families, have been executed in large numbers. Differently from Stalin, Kim does not even bother with the appearances of fake trials. Yesterday’s horrors have become quaint.

Kim has gone to the furthest, darkest side. Supremely educated in Switzerland, the North Korean dictator knows all too well that any reason too removed from the law of the jungle, would be his demise. The North Korean leaders have long made Switzerland their central access point (say to the French Riviera and French medical treatments).

With North Korea, the world is confronted with the Hitler problem, not just an uneducated immigrant loser, of the most modest origin, but with someone who is immensely rich, a proven killer, close, personal, whimsical, well-educated and in command of weapons Hitler could not even dream of.

If Kim has the choice between being eaten alive by dogs and threatening, or starting, a nuclear war, he will, of course, chose the latter. Indeed, people who brought him up have explained he was definitively a brat, even as an eight year old (see the Washington Post report of May 27, 2016).

Unfortunately, the only reasonable prospect, then, is for democracies to prepare for what Kim is, namely, the worst: very clever, and very nasty. And that reasoning with him will not help. This is clearly a case where the strongest, darkest means are required.

We have to dial back to 1935, and ponder another crazed, demonic dictator, Hitler (who had just consolidated power with an accord with the German army making him Chancellor and President).

What should have been done with Hitler? What should the democracies have done? Now we know, with today’s mentality and morality: going all out against him.

(But the sordid truth is that it was in the best national interest of the USA to proceed with Nazism and the Second World War… just as it was to have Jefferson and Jackson massacre the Indians, steal their lands, and quintuple the area of the US… Agreed, the USA has changed: the collaboration of the US with Hitler could happen, and did happen, because of the mentality reigning then).

So let’s reconsider Hitler 1935 with today’s mentality: let’s do as if we wanted to avoid World War Two, the death of 5% of humanity, and serious fears, threats, hardships and problems for much of the rest.

Before I come to what to do, we have to remember that this time the stakes are much higher: Kim intents to use nuclear blackmail, with intercontinental missiles aimed at the largest cities of the West. Kim’s government said as much last year, he will do it again, and, this time, with power to back him up.

North Korea, right now is the Nazi Reich, in a potentially even worse version, but this time, we know the program ahead of its attempted implementation, through vast annihilation of uncountable multitudes. Insane? Sure. That’s the entire point, and that is why Obama could not handle it. Obama, fed on a steady diet of Financial Times and University of Chicago, believe people are rationally greedy. But of course, there is much more to humanity than that: the Will to Extermination, for example. The Will to Extermination is a gift: like playing tennis, it can be developed to a fine art, through enough practiced. Kim had plenty of practice (just as Hitler did).

So what to do? Forget the sanctions against North Korea as a plausible long-term solution: that would be about reason. Kim is not about reason (and he can leverage China, as his family long did). Get ready for war. Nuclear war. Or then target Kim and do away with him. There is a precedent for the latter.

In 1938, Hitler’s generals approached British and American diplomats and authorities, asking their governments to declare that they would stand with France in irremediable opposition to Nazi Germany. Then, they explained they would make a coup against the Nazis, arguing that Germany was in danger. Something similar done against Kim is what should be done now.

In 1938, the British and American governments not only did not do what the German generals had asked them to do, but they warned Hitler of the plot against him. (However, Germany had been a democracy just prior, and, even under the Kaiser, was a softer sort of fascism).

Let’s learn from history; let’s not repeat history. Time for a dark and dirty vaccination. To prevent incomparably worse.

The nuclear poker of Truman on August 6, 1945, worked: Japan capitulated within 6 days. The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were moral sacrifices. However, what Kim prepares for us all, until he dies, is worldwide nuclear blackmail. Kim is only 33. And North Korean geology is very wealthy. Is that how we can live? (Kim already threatened to nuke Los Angeles and New York).)

Kim’s threats with nukes call for the darkest side… to remedy the situation. Morality comes from sustainability (that’s shown both by etymology and logic). Is a world where a few rendered insane by cruelty, fear and rage are armed with nuclear weapons sustainable? No.

Obama, and countless pacifists in the last 71 years have said they wanted to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. However, we need first to get rid of those who want to mass destroy, and that means destroying the mentalities conducive to this sort of concentration of power.

Meanwhile, the only sane, let alone moral, thing to do is to acquire military technological superiority.  Eight years ago, Obama said that Pakistani nukes were his number one worry. Rogue Pakistani Muslim supremacy and greed supreme scientists helped North Korean nukes. As president, Obama undermined the safety of the world, because he actually helped the North Korean dictatorship, and is still actively doing so.

How? By demolishing the US high-tech innovation system by fostering tech private tech monopolies. The latest example is his latest change in the laws directing the US Patent and Trademark Office. New laws guarantee that people and corporations who gave Obama big money will be favored. So what will suffer? Real innovation. And what will make democracy sustainable? Real innovation.

Hitler happened in a worldwide mental ecological system. So does Kim, and Islamism, and global plutocracy, of course. These are all examples of the rule of demonicity (plutocracy).

Ultimately, anything which favors plutocracy here,  favors plutocracy there. Such as all the colossal, blatant advantages given to those who financed Clintons, Obama and Bushes (from the Koch brothers, to the Spy Network booking your face). The North Korean dictatorship, Putin, the Islamists, and all the powerful rotten ones around the planet feel this, know this, see this, and play it like a violin.

Those “leaders” grabbing all the levers of power are not demented, they are not crazy, they are not sick, they are opportunists. And the opportunity of power, not to say power itself, has transformed them, neurohormonally, and perhaps even epigenetically (we know this happens in fishes, so why not in humans: are we not more sophisticated than fishes?) What they call reason, sustainability calls insanity: a nuclear strike on Los Angeles, successful or attempted, would make North Korea into a radioactive desert. The “leaders”, all over, have more power than ever, are more corrupt, therefore, than ever, and have become, more than ever, monsters made to rule, by all and any ways they can access.

It is for a new moral code invented by We The People to bar this sort of access to evil. “Equality” in “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, is not just a matter of the pursuit of happiness, but of the pursuit of survival. Of humanity as a species.

Patrice Ayme

Let’s Not Do With Putin As We Did With Hitler

December 16, 2014

Things Are Getting Serious with Vlad the Mad, Kremlin dictator:

Paul Krugman noble and Noble propagandist extraordinaire at the New York Times, was in a Dubai conference, by the elite, for the elite, plutocratizing, in denial naturally, that the world plutocracy has been leading the world to catastrophe, as usual. Kremlin tyrant Putin is pretty much a product of WEF, the World Economic Forum, or is it World Exploitation F*ck-up? And Putin has been revealing, once again, his true nature, evil-power, pluto-cracy, invading and destroying. Wrote Krugman:

“A lot of the conference was actually about geopolitics, and I don’t want to think about the quite grim stuff from that end.”

Yes, let’s not think too much, or too grimly, when things are getting interesting. This is all fun and games! It must be! Fun and game world demonstrate the seriousness of the global elites! In Lima 196 countries decided that Global Warming was a problem, and all and any country had to present a plan to reduce CO2 emissions within 6 months.

Global temperatures seem ready for a significant jump-up, the exact thing I have been saying, for more than a decade, that it would happen someday. Amusingly, at this rate, in ten years, temperature would jump as high as the worst predictions… made meekly by official scientists officially paid, regarding temperatures they feared we would enjoy… a century in the future….

The gigantic Gulf of Maine has already warmed up. It was the stronghold of cod, ever since Europeans, more than 5 centuries ago, started to massively fish there. From Boston to the Bay of Fundy, the Gulf of Maine has become too hot for cods, and they vote with their fins to go somewhere fresher. At the rate we are going, cods may run out of planet within twenty years.

Back to Krugman: Venezuela-with-nukes (Russia) keeps looking more vulnerable to crisis. Long-term interest rates at almost 13 percent, a plunging currency, and a lot of private-sector institutions with large foreign-currency debts. You might imagine that large foreign exchange reserves would allow the government to bail out those in trouble, but the markets evidently don’t think so. This is starting to look very serious.

It is called war. War with Putin. War is serious. It’s better done early, on democracy’s own agenda, not according to the plans of the nuclear tyrant. Cratering the price of oil is part of it.

Russia’s central bank, in a bid to prevent the Ruble to turn into ruble, raised its key interest rate Tuesday, Dec. 15 2014, to 17% from 10.5%. The repo rate went up to 18%.

War with Putin, is better than the alternative, namely peace with the dictator. Fortunately, we are not following the script from January 1933 (election of Hitler) to December 1941 (Hitler declares war to the USA). During that terrible period of history, the US had betrayed democracy and its own parents, France and Britain. Now the USA is behaving in a more civilized manner…


Hitler Blossomed Because As Assad And Putin, He Had Western Plutocratic Allies:

War with Hitler started in 1933, as far as the French Republic was concerned (and the French economy got seriously affected by the war preparations: enormous fortifications, and being ready to field more than 100 divisions).

However, all of France’s potential allies signed deals, official or not, with Hitler. Poland inaugurated this with a January “Non-Aggression Treaty with Hitler.

Great Britain signed a so-called “Naval Treaty” with Hitler in 1935, with the understanding that Hitler could invade the East as he pleased. The Treaty allowed Hitler to re-arm as much as he pleased, in violation of the Versailles Treaty.

Meanwhile American plutocrats invested massively in the Reich. Texaco provided Hitler with all the oil he needed to transport a fascist army from Africa into Spain, and wage war there. Standard Oil (Exxon) provided secretly the Nazis with synfuel technology (not to be shared with the Anglo-Saxon militaries), IBM was given the monopoly of computing in the Reich, Ford (Hitler’s first sponsor) build thousands of military vehicles, and so on ad nauseam: the Reich had turned into an Eldorado for American plutocrats.

When France (1936) declared her intention to give weapons to the Spanish Republic, she was opposed on the world scene & had to back-off. France could not afford to antagonize the Anglo-Saxons, so the Spanish Republic got no weapon, and was progressively devoured in the next three years by Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and their goons.

Spain fell in 1939. Millions more Spaniards would be eliminated by the fascists in the next few years. Great Britain had not supported the French-Czech alliance, and Czechoslovakia had been invaded. Finally the UK understood how serious the situation was, and agreed to support the French-Polish Alliance’s fine print.

Hitler supported German minorities, he said, and gave an ultimatum to Poland. This time France declared her intent to declare war. So Hitler allied himself with Stalin, and invaded Poland. But France, now joined by Britain, which had no army to speak of, declared war. The British Commonwealth soon followed (Canada, Australia, India, etc.)

What did the USA do? The President of the USA, acting on the “Neutrality Act” signed a law making it unlawful for American citizens to support France or Britain, or even set a foot on their ships. Why? France and Britain were viewed as “belligerent”.

Meanwhile, American plutocratic support for Hitler augmented.


Hitler Got Lucky In May 1940:

The rest is well known: the Nazis’ 150 divisions got lucky against the 100 French divisions in May 1940, however the French made it so that the small British army escaped at Dunkirk, and that prevented Hitler to establish a bridgehead in Britain.

Less well known is the fact that the top German generals asked Britain and the USA to simply say that they would support France. Then the generals were to get rid of the Nazis to save Germany. Instead, the British and Americans told Hitler that his generals were plotting against him (this happened in 1937-1939).

Lesson of all this?

The Anglo-Saxon support of Hitler was crucial in allowing Hitler to pursue his apocalypse

And even encouraged it: Hitler made countless discourses about the democracies having no will.

Is Putin Hitler?

Not exactly, but Putin has nukes. And the foundations of their ideologies have a lot in common. Hitler thought that, to develop economically, Germany needed a greater “vital space” (Lebensraum). Putin has made it clear that he had to reconstitute a greater empire, the USSR

If we do not want to renew the mistakes of the 1930s, the lessons are clear:

France, Britain and the USA have to be united, and promote civilization. They are now joined by Germany, and the rest of Western Europe. The traitors of 1939, among them Sweden and Switzerland, are now firmly on the side of (greater) democracy and against blatant dictatorship (with which they had collaborated in 1939).

When the French Republic went to war against the awful troika from hell, Hitler, Stalin and American plutocrats, the odds were long. Right now, the odds are excellent: the GDP of Russia is less much less than that of France. The Russian economy is in free fall.

United We Have To Stand:

The difference with the 1930s is that, this time, the West is united. Hitler would have been killed by his own generals if the USA and Britain had been solidly behind the French Republic in the 1930s (instead the USA and Britain informed dictator-president-Kanzler Hitler that his own generals were plotting against him).

A non-difference with the present plutocracy in the West is that Moscow has the greatest number of billionaires in residence. Putin was encouraged by what plutocracy got away with in the West, and tried to go a bit further… big mistake.

Now the West has to grimly pursue the job.

In the 1930s, the war of democracy against fascism, by proxy, was in Spain. Democracy lost, fascism was encouraged. Now the show by proxy is in Syria. It’s an enormously complicated situation.

But, as I said, the (representative) democracies had to get involved. They all are: Australia is bombing Iraq. Great. All right, the mentally unbalanced supports of Islamism come out, and fire their weapons in Sydney’s harbor. Not surprising… except to those who did not read the Qur’an.

Mayhem comes from two sources: bad guys, and bad situations. They are entangled: bad guys create bad situations, bad situations create bad guys.

The ultimate bad situation is the CO2 crisis. There too the lesson is that the West has to be united (it was not united in the last two decades, as the USA pursued its own selfish CO2 splurging, namely 20 tons per person per year of CO2, more than double the EU’s; fortunately, Kerry went to Lima).

Hitler was encouraged by his Anglo-Saxon plutocrat friends to get ever worse, until the bad situation he had created escaped his control, September 3, 1939, when France and Britain declared war.

Putin had a bad situation, namely the kleptocratic plutocracy he created led Ukraine to break formally away by associating itself with the European Union. He tried to stop that with threats, and then, prisoner of its own rhetoric, and his thirst for oil, by invading Crimea, and annexing it.

It was the first unilateral annexation in Europe since Hitler annexed parts of France in 1940.

It will not stand, it cannot stand.

Let’s not do with Putin as we did with Hitler, appeasing a dictator all the way to an holocaust.

Patrice Ayme’


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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

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Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

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Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

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The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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