Posts Tagged ‘Verse of the Sword’

Extreme Vetting Of Muslim Visa Applicants

July 23, 2016

In the last few months, at least eight Muslim immigrants have engaged in lethal mass attacks in France and Germany alone. In all cases, they did what God has ordered them to do in the Qur’an. These attacks had a tremendous human, social and economic cost. Just yesterday, the German economic capital, and third largest city, Munich, was in a lock-down while an 18-year-old Muslim from an upper class family was acting up the Qur’an.  

The attack in Nice, killed 84, injured critically dozens, and injured another 300. It was conducted by a Tunisian staying in France on a visa. The Tunisian visitor was helped by an Albanian. Since then a 17-year-old Muslim refugee hacked Germans and Chinese with an axe inside a train, claiming he wanted to become a martyr for ISIS (which recognized the attack, as it did the one in Nice). Police shot him dead, and now the 17-year-old, according to Islam most sacred texts, is sitting on the right of Allah, enjoying a nice life, waiting for paradise after the Final Judgment (of the Bible).

Sacred Texts Of Islam Promote The Greatest Violence and Cruelty Imaginable. [Qur'an Surah 8, Ayah 12.]

Sacred Texts Of Islam Promote The Greatest Violence and Cruelty Imaginable. [Qur’an Surah 8, Ayah 12.]

Four would-be attackers of France on November 13, 2015, joined the Muslim refugee flows into Europe (two were intercepted by Austrian police, and imprisoned; two exploded themselves in Paris).

Some will say, who cares? Merkel, because she is threatened with Merkxit for her pro-Muslim immigration policy? Not just this. The number of  victims (killed, wounded or having suffered the loss of a close parent) in 18 months of terror in France alone, is of the order of four thousands (according to the government). These attacks are changing the nature of European society. For starters, frontiers have been re-established.

No more excuses. And please do not try meaningless distinctions between Shia and Shiites. For 13 centuries Shiites and Sunnis have hated each other, and Islam says those you hate, you kill. So they kill, day after day: today the Islamist State of Savagery killed more than 80 in a pacifist demonstration in Kabul. The large demonstration was about re-routing a power line.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement saying it “condemns in the strongest terms” the “vicious attack… The killers responsible for this bloodshed do not represent the future for Afghanistan and will not prevail… Attacks like these only strengthen our resolve to continue our mission in Afghanistan and deepen our support for the people and Government there.”

Amnesty International said the “horrific attack on the Hazara rally demonstrates the utter disregard that armed groups have for human life.” I say this statement of AI demonstrates the weasel like nature of AI. The problem is not so much “armed groups”, but Islam. 

Sunnis & Shiites Hate Each Other To Death, Because The Latter Believe That The Fourth Caliph, Ali, Should Have Been the First!

Sunnis & Shiites Hate Each Other To Death, Because The Latter Believe That The Fourth Caliph, Ali, Should Have Been the First!


Kuala Lumpur US visa office, March 17, 2017:

US Visa Officer to Muslim Visa Applicant:

Do you think homosexuals should be stoned?

Muslim Visa Applicant:

Hmm…Excuse me, Sir.  What? What did you say, Sir?

Visa Officer:

Do you think the punishment set in the Bible for homosexuals, death by stoning, and approvingly quoted in the Qur’an, should be applied to homosexuals?

Muslim Applicant:

Islam is a religion of peace, Sir.

Visa Officer:

Are you aware of Sura 9, Verse 5? Classically known as the “Verse of the Sword”?

Muslim Applicant:

Never heard of it, Sir.

Visa Officer:

So why do you call yourself a Muslim if you do not know what is in the Qur’an?

Muslim Applicant:

Islam is my religion. It is a religion of peace, Sir.

Visa Officer:

Let me quote the Qur’an for you, see what you think. Here is Surah 9, Ayah 5:”9:5 When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful.

So you, a self-defined Muslim, claim you do not know of this most important statement in the most sacred book of what you claim is ‘your religion’??

Muslim Visa Applicant:

Now that you mention it. Yes, I heard of it, Sir. But it applies to “polytheists” and “idolaters”. It does not apply to “People of the Book”: Christians and Jews.

Visa Officer:

So what do you make of Surah 9, Ayah 29: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day, and those who do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, and those who do not follow the religion of truth, even for those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in willing acknowledgment of superiority of Islam, and they are in a state of subjection to Islam.”

In other words, subjugate Christians and Jews, and fight them until they do. What do you say?

Muslim Visa Applicant:

There is no compulsion in religion, said the Prophet, Sir.

Visa Officer: That Ayah you just quoted was said many years before the two I quoted. The former is therefore abrogated by the latter. Did you know this? Did you know of the Abrogation Principle in the Qur’an?

Muslim Applicant:

No. Sorry. Never heard of it.

Visa Officer:

So if a Muslim preacher tells you to obey God and go kill some ‘unbelievers’ to go to paradise, what do you say?

Muslim Applicant:

Beats me. Sorry. Never thought of it.

Visa Officer:

Your request for a US Visa is therefore abrogated. For not knowing what to say when you are asked to obey orders to kill or to subjugate others as found in the Qur’an. You are thereupon forbidden to re-apply for the next five years. Please do not bother to do so, if you have not passed the standard de-radicalization class. Have a good day.


A little flower of evil says it best in French:

Que faire , que dire ?
Sous la pierre se trouve le cafard
Et son ressentiment.
Chaque fois que le héros passe
Il s’appuie sur la pierre, et le cafard souffre.
Souffre de penser qu’il n’ est rien,
Et que l’ Autre est tout.
A ce mal, nul reméde:
L’ homme,  même primitif,

N’ est pas fait pour etre dominé
Et la stupidité n’est d’aucun secours
Sous un ciel de pierre.


Patrice Ayme’



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Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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