Posts Tagged ‘Masks’

US COVID Experts’ Expertise: World Death Record, Towering Personal Wealth

January 16, 2022

Granted, how COVID deaths are recorded, or estimated, varies. Granted, population with more older people have higher percentage of COVID deaths. Yet, the differences worldwide are striking… and real. India, after apocalyptic predictions, went completely the other way, admittedly with a younger population, and got out of the pandemic by the end of 2021. The USA, led by the noisy privileged Dr. Fauci [0], who interacted with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the domain of modifying bat viruses, fared worst with COVID. No argument: the numbers speak for themselves:

The USA has the world wealthiest, and most incompetent epidemiological experts, objective numbers of per capita death show. It is easy to figure out a relationshionship between wealth, corruption and deliberate incompetency. What about a criminal inquiry?

Why did this happen? Not protecting the most vulnerable populations: see “Democratic” governor Cuomo in New York, refusing the ship Mercy offered by “Republican” president Trump, and, instead stuffing back COVID patients in old folks’ homes…. where they promptly got infected and died.

Another factor has been naive overdependency on lockdowns and the efficiency of masks in confined enclosures after a few minutes. The epidemological graphs are very clear: social distancing without masks worked, but, with masks, social distancing did not work. It’s paradoxical, but logical, as a micrometric mask can’t stop a nanometric virus.

General lockdowns have not been shown to work, and have many very adverse effects. In some countries (France), citizens were prevented from accessing the grand outdoors, national parks, empty beaches, etc. Clear fascism devoid of rationality of the sort even Twentietch Century fascists never dreamed of imposing onto their own populations [1]…

For the elite establishment, the advantages of this COVID disaster have been multiple, and not just from greater profits, by getting rid of expensive workers. A foremost advantage of COVID for the elite has been the disrespect of one’s own reasoning capability stupid mandates allegedly against COVID have provided with. When something creates a good feeling, people try their best to make that something come around. Imposing fascism always makes elites feel good. COVID has been excellent that way, for the elites.

Elites have always an interest in fascizing the population, hence always favor the Authority Principle. COVID has provided an occasion to do so, in the name of health, atruism.

The general population has been inculcated with the notion that obeying blindly to very stupid orders is highly moral. Resisting such a (stupid) Authority Principle was not just immoral, illegal, “right wing”, thus racist… But even that those who resist the Authority Principle are “terrorists”. The day after I and others pointed out that nobody had been indicted for “sedition” or “insurrection” in the USA, eleven persons were charged that way (as I had predicted they would be). Including a Naval Veteran, long retired with 100% disability, an elderly gentleman who walks with a cane…

Even Harvard historians are aghast that citizens protesting the government are now charged with “terrorism”. “I’m surprised but not shocked,” Noah Feldman, a Harvard legal historian, said about the sedition charges on Thursday. “It’s a hard charge to prove. And it has this distinctive history of being used by governments who overreached in prosecuting their citizens.”

Ah, if even Harvard is turning against the establishment, that is, itself, something is happening. Distinctive history of overreach? Is the USA going the way of Putin’s Russia? In Putin’s Reich basically all opponents have been charged with “sedition”.

Patrice Ayme


[0} Dr. Fauci’s household is worth more than 10.5 million dollars, in stock investments alone… and earned 1.7 million in 2020. His wife Christine Grady is the chief bio-ethicist at the National Institutes of Health (no nepotism, circulate…).

Dr. Fauci is the top-paid federal employee earning a base salary of $434,312 in 2020. Fauci is the Director of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and current Chief Medical Advisor to the President. Fauci out-earned the U.S. president ($400,000); four-star generals in the military ($282,000); and roughly 4.3 million other federal employees. 

But it does not stop there. During the pandemic year of 2020, the Fauci household income, perks and benefits, and unrealized gains totaled $1,782,807 — including federal income and benefits of $868,812; outside royalties and travel perks totaling $119,626; and investment accounts increasing by $794,369.

However, critics say that Fauci was funding research that was actually creating pandemic pathogens in labs that, if leaked or if fell into the wrong hands, might create the very human pandemic they were trying to prevent.

Something like that happened in France, with two prion deaths. France immediately closed 9 labs, as the situation is studied carefully. Prions, which are infective, chain reaction proteins, create some neurological diseases similar to Alzheimer.

The case of the wealthy Fauci household is general: the reason US health care cost so much is that the medical and pharmaceutical establishment is made of wealthy individuals… Once, long ago, a doctor made more than six million dollars, from Medicare alone… It made a scandal at the time…

[1] French authorities claimed that it was a principle of equity to not let some citizens access the outdoors when others could not. Let you, the rabble, all be poor at the same time, in the same way…

The hypocrisy was colossal, as the established elite had to respect none of that. In the United Kingdom, while the government imposed French-like fascist lockdowns, booze and maskless parties rocked 10 Downing street, the seat of the UK government, one after the other, and ministers evaded restrictions. The UK Prime Minister, opportunisitic Brexiter Johnson, presented his apology to the plutocrat-in-chief, the Queen (sorry, your highness, to have shown our privileged hand to the rabble).

In the USA, the abundance of the private jet industry, with 1.2 million employees, was in no way affected by all the lockdown silliness imposed on the bleating plebs. Exclusive ski resorts blossomed.

Tribalism Is Only Common Sense For The Meek. The Mask Example.

May 28, 2021

Real common sense is uncommon. What’s common is tribalism masquerading as common sense. Tribalism is only common sense, because if you don’t sense and go with the commons, it’s common sense to be scapegoated, ostracized, hated, alienated and ridiculed. If you don’t want to get stoned, go with the commons.

A striking example has been the mask masquerade, which had plenty of scientific anti-sense associated to it. (BTW I have been fully vaccinated against COVID ASAP, for many months, early on, and I have a high, not to say superb, science education, so no trying to torpedo me that way., one would risk utter mental destruction…)

COVID viral particles are the same size as cigarette smoke, 100 nanometers. If you smell cigarette smoke, you can smell COVID (and indeed dogs do that very well). Only HEPA filters can intercept COVID viruses floating in the air (by a form of quantum gluing).

Worse: Masks transform covid viruses inside 3 micrometer droplet into aerosol virus (by stopping the water droplet, and evaporating the water of said droplets). So, far from being barriers, masks transform wet, ballistic medium carrying COVID, which would have fallen quickly to the ground, into aerial aerosol too small for masks. Masks should be COVID DIFFUSERS, not COVID barriers. There, the mystery of how the pandemic got out of control in countries full of masks, has been solved.

(It gets even worse than that, when one goes into the details: masks slow down airflow five times, giving a better chance to SARS CoV2 viruses to latch onto olfactory bulb neurons which they can infect directly…)

So people, common people, think masks protect against COVID GAS, because they wear paper on their face, that’s only common sense… Then they gather in mobs, all breathing the same gas… COVID GAS if one of these persons has COVID already. What could go wrong? I am not saying that masks are worse than useless in all situations, certainly not for a surgeon, but worse than useless in common group situations involving SARS CoV2.

But most of the tribals have not caught on that common sense yet, because, well, it’s common sense science to wear paper against cigarette smoke, the great male white chief said so, and that makes us democratic to believe him religiously. It’s only common sense: right or wrong, the tribe is always right.

Humanity progresses because of heroes, not because of the commons, who are all too common to be anything but weak, scared, vulgar and irrelevant groupies.

Today’s common sense is yesterday’s infamy.


SARS CoV2 (yellow) infecting a human cell.

Preaching Total Obedience By Submission To Supreme Irrationality

April 30, 2021


Politicians and policies are often insane. This is not accidental, but a method of control: accept to be ruled by folly, tyranny will be sweet, relatively speaking.

Pelosi, Speaker of the House, was standing next to Harris, Vice President of the world’s mightiest country. Both temples of reason were wearing masks. They have been vaccinated for four months with mRNA COVID vaccines of 95% efficiency. Even if one of the two had the virus and gave it to the other, nothing would happen. Of millions who got a vaccine authorized in the USA, nobody died of COVID passed the first ten days following inoculation. 

What are those two mighty potentates preaching then?

Are Pelosi and Harris preaching that the mRNA vaccines they received do not work? That would contradict the science they claim to follow (although neither of these mighty women did any scientific studies beyond what was mandatory in high school, they defeated Trump and his vaccines financing by claiming they and their obsessive masking had science on their side [1]). 

One has to understand that both are professional politicians and extremely wealthy and powerful creatures. They stand at the very top of the world’s pyramid of inequity, injustice and unequal distributions of powers. They don’t just stand at the top, they are the symbol of unequal power, and that the fate of humanity depends upon a few. 

Insanity rules. President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress, Wednesday, April 28, 2021, in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, as Vice President Kamala Harris, left, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., look on. (Chip Somodevilla/Pool via AP)

And what do those two potentates show, and want us to learn? That they are completely insane. Yes, they want us to know of, and learn to respect their complete folly. Folly is the message and the new religion.

When the USA preferred to invade Iraq, kill a few million there, foster the Islamist State and prop up the price of oil to make fracking profitable, the US propaganda outfit known as the New York Times, especially its multiple prize winning Tom Friedman, rolled out the insanity argument, as something very serious.

The argument went this way: it made no sense to invade Iraq, and that is why this folly precisely made (meta) sense [2]. 

Why did it make no sense? That was conceded in the end, thanks to critique like yours truly, or the French government. All the arguments rolled by Biden or Bush were lies: there were no weapons of mass destruction, and the fiercely secular Saddam Hussein was Al Qaeda’s most determined enemy. 

That is why the New York Times seriously rolled out that meta-argument: once all countries realize that the US leadership was completely insane, and could engage in total war, just because it did not like a particular country, everybody will be so scared, they would obey the USA. That was an even more grotesque and war criminality ladden discourse that the one Athens made to the Mellians.

Athens: “…since you know as well as we do the right, as the world goes, is only in question between equal power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must…”.

USA under Bush-Biden-Tom Friedman-New York Times: “the strong has a duty to be insane, so the weak can be persuaded to quake in fear and do as they must…”

The praise of folly has long been a method of governance. Ancient religions are deliberately mad, to teach terror and submission by the very madness we are supposed to worship. If you revere maximal irrationality, you can’t think. If you can’t think, you can’t complain.

That was the whole idea of Christianism, and why Roman emperors imposed Catholicism carrying, if one objected to it, the penalty of a torturous death (edicts of Theodosius I, Gratian and Valentinian I, Roman emperors, circa 381 CE).

Christianism is full of irrationalities: God is almighty, but His Son dies on a cross; God tortures sinners, but He makes sin possible; Christianism is a religion of love, so it brandishes somebody being tortured to death to instill respect for love; God loves humanity so its preachers will burn you alive if you don’t obey them; and so on… 

The usual explanation for those irrationalities is that the ways of God are mysterious. 

That is itself a mystification. 

In truth, the message of Fourth Century imperial Roman Catholicism was the same as that of the leaders of the US attacking Iraq: we have the prerogative of irrationality, even on something as important as terrorizing humanity. Actually, you should be terrorized, because we are irrational… and lethally so.

There is plenty of evidence that elites have always used that trick of looking completely insane.

Once, as a child, I met a large male chimpanzee in the wild. He could have torn m to pieces in seconds. Instead, screaming as one thousand furies he ran to a rather small tree, and that already made no sense. He climbed to the top, howling bloody murder, moved its limbs in all sorts of ways, got the poor tree to oscillate in all directions close to the breaking point. That chimp looked like the most crazed creature in the universe. And that was exactly the message it wanted to convey. It was inhabited by a force out of any intelligibility. No sane predator would come in the general vicinity. I discovered later that this was a systemic method with chimps, one could call it a method of government of the jungle according to chimp. It explained why predators avoided them. Baboons tried the same method, of instilling respect by projecting obvious madness, even charging lions on the ground, when they could go up in the trees.

Exhibiting madness as a method of governance is how elites stay in place. When the Maya elites failed Mayan civilization, by proving unable to manage a megadrought, it no doubt used similar methods, by waging the logic of war instead of the logic of the environment. The vengeance of We The People was in the end terrible, and the elites were terminated in the most gory fashion (something similar happened during the Jacqueries of the Fourteenth Century, when plutocrats got roasted… and the mood of the balance of terror would extent through the French Revolution of 1789, four centuries later).

By wearing their masks, Harris and Pelosi say: yes our message is self-contradictory, the vaccines work, thus we wear masks; but it is the message of power; folly is what we call the truth, and if you are good, you will obey our irrationality by not even daring to observe it.

Meanwhile, Biden, unmasked in front of the two masked furies, was rewriting US history grotesquely.

Will they get away with it? The lurid power turgid insanity brings is a very bad example to give to the thermonuclear armed fascists around the world. We saw this in the 1930s. Be it in imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, the meta understanding the dictators made of the “democracies” was the same: they are weak, and they are afraid of our irrationality, they will submit if we act irrational enough.

That rational interpretation of irrationality was the explicit computation of the Japanese High Command: irrationally attack the USA at Pearl Harbor and in the Philippines, and the USA will be terrified into submission. The commander of the Japanese Navy, Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Harvard educated, thought that argument was crazy, and said so (!)… But when talking to people who think insanity is a method of government, calling an argument crazy is not enough to make them think, they believe it’s a compliment. So Yamamoto went along, until he was shot down by long range P38s in a deliberate execution, crashing into a steamy jungle (the US had cracked the Japanese codes).

The apparently insane attack, and rule, the US and the world, with their irrationality, and they believe the world will be terrified into submission, and their class will stay on top. Well, what happens if their irrationality is not enough of an example?

Worshipping flagrant insanity is the ultimate submission.. and the ultimate trap.

Patrice Ayme


[1] In truth obsessive masking masquerade caused megadeath as it persuaded people that masks were protective in close quarters, although they are not. Masks are micrometric, SARS-CoV2 is nanometric; a net made for tuna can’t catch plankton. Don’t ask Harris and Pelosi what a nanometer is… And do not even ask Fauci, who financed the virus lab in Wuhan to enhance ACE2 receptor function on Yunan bat coronaviruses…    


[2] Any logic makes sense only if it comes with a meta-logic. To make sense of sense, one needs meta-sense. This is the hard core (meta) conclusion of Twentieth Century (meta) logic, from famous theorems of Godel, Tarski, etc.

CDC Recognizes Masquerade Spreads COVID

February 11, 2021

OK, the CDC did not exactly said this. Instead, unwilling to recognize it helped to foster the pandemic through its erroneous recommendations, the CDC used weasel talk. CDC now recommends to wear two masks, superposed, tightly fitting… and even then the CDC recognizes that plenty enough viruses to kill you, will go through… or then CDC suggests to forsake breathing altogether, and wear “nylon over the mask“. So, put a plastic bag over your head, close it tightly and, says the CDC, you will not get COVID. I am not making this up, read the lower right recommendation from the CDC drawing below:

If one analyzes critically this CDC drawing, one realizes that the CDC is admitting failure for the masquerade, even if it is not just a double, but even a quadruple masquerade. Putting a plastic bag around the head and tightening may work, though, the CDC admits…

This is an official CDC admission that, even when they threaten to kill you through impeaching breathing, masks do not work. “In lab tests with dummies, exposure to infectious aeorosols decreased by about 95% when the BOTH wore TIGHTLY fitted masks“.

Yes, right, what about the remaining 5%? The coronavirus is a virus, that means it grows in enormous bursts, well above anything exponential. So getting 5% of a virus is like getting 100% of a virus.

During the initial stage, an inoculum of virus causes infection. In the eclipse phase, viruses bind and penetrate the cells with no virions detected in the medium (this is a problem for detection, as there is nothing to detect, and why PCR tests do not work like metal detectors; a thoroughly infected individual ready to spew enormous quantities of virus within an hour may have a negative PCR test, because billions of viruses are still inside the cells). A chief difference appears in the viral growth curve compared to a bacterial growth curve occurs when virions are released from the lysed (exploding!) host cells, all at the same time. Such an occurrence is called a burst, and the number of virions per bacterium released is described as the burst size. In a one-step multiplication curve for bacteriophage, the host cells lyse, releasing many viral particles to the medium, which leads to a very steep rise in number of virions per unit volume.

Now in bacteria, the doubling time can be as little as 12 minutes (or less!) As viruses are much smaller, the reproduction of viruses per unit of time is much greater (there is a general law, giving a reproduction time inversely dependent upon infectious agent mass). Playing conservative, let’s say we are dealing with twenty minutes doubling time. In less than 90 minutes, a population of an infectious bacteria could have been multiplied twenty times. Let’s assume the same for the coronavirus (actually a wild underestimate in the burst phase!) In other words the 5% the quadruple mask system of the CDC enables to pass through would have been transformed into more than 100% within less than two hours. Because a viral burst is actually worse than that, basically 5% is as bad as 100%. It is as if swallowing half a gram of Plutonium instead of ten grams: it will kill you just the same.

As I have explained in detail several months ago, masks transform ballistic water droplets falling on the ground into indefinitely suspended virus-fomites aerosol combinations (fomites are dust particles so small only HEPA filters can stop them, using quantum forces).

This is why European countries have outlawed most masks in January 2021. Surgical masks, worn as surgeons wear them reduce the probability of transmission, true, but this is an operating room situation, not a real life situation (people touch masks, they touch them with hands which have not been washed for three minutes, people speak too much, masks slip, etc.) Surgeons are trained to do this in a professional environment.

If one wants to avoid being infected by COVID, one has to avoid aerosols carrying COVID. HEPA air filtration, ventilation and UV D will do that. Masks will not. This is science.

And now let me head out to Stanford University, to get my vaccine jab!

Patrice Ayme


Note: it was known before 2019 that coronavirus were aerosols:

For both SARS and MERS, LRT samples offer the best diagnostic yield, often in the absence of any detectable virus in upper respiratory tract (URT) samples [50,51,52]. Furthermore, infected, symptomatic patients tend to develop severe LRT infections rather than URT disease. Both of these aspects indicate that this is an airborne agent that has to penetrate directly into the LRT to preferentially replicate there before causing disease.

For MERS-CoV specifically, a recent study demonstrated the absence of expression of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), the identified receptor used by the virus, in the cells of the human URT. The search for an alternate receptor was negative [53]. Thus, the human URT would seem little or non-permissive for MERS-CoV replication, indicating that successful infection can only result from the penetration into the LRT via direct inhalation of appropriately sized ‘droplet nuclei’-like’ particles.


Mask wearing has been politicized: Biden and his wife wore masks in open air, without anybody around, presenting this as “science”. They won the election that way. Thanks to the support of plutocratic media, the notion was widely accepted, and Trump lack of mask exhibtionism was presented as “anti-science”… never mind that Trump spent dozens of billions financing biotech companies to develop vaccine (something no other “leader” did, with the partial exception of Boris Johnson… who I used to detest because of Brexit, but now Johnson has actually financed a French biotech startup, ordering 100 million doses of vaccine from the French company… whereas the French president a baker and inspector of finance… did not!)


December 3, 2020

Mask Masquerade A Masked Massacre. Now Unmasked: 

Abstract, December 3, 2020: COVID is mostly transmitted through what one should call COVID Gas (similarly there is flu gas, etc.). In other words, COVID is transmitted through dirty air. Do masks stop dirty air? Well sort of a bit, but not really. For tenebrous reasons, these simple facts have been hidden, and denied by authorities hell-bound to do the wrong things.

Masks were mandated everywhere in countries were the pandemic got subsequently much worse, although when previously, during the first onslaught of COVID, when masks were not mandated, the pandemic got much less bad. These two facts suggest a possible causal link between mask and pandemic. If so, by which logic, what could have gone wrong? What if masks, instead of reducing the pandemic, augmented it?

Anti-scientific” scream hysterical lemmings without any scientific education, nor any attempt at any reasoning, or considering the evidence whatsoever! One would indeed expect anti-scientific lemmings to read no scientific literature whatsoever. But what about so-called “experts” who, after being against masks for excellent reasons, became pro-mask on much flimsier evidence?

Careful scientific studies have shown that masks can quintuple (multiply by five) virus transmission (and the reason for that perverse effect is increasingly understood). Those types of masks are the most common in California, where I live in December 2020, and should be made unlawful right away… if following the science for the better is what one really wants to do.

More broadly, the mask craze has led a naïve public to believe that it was protected when it was not, and thus incited the public to engage in legal, yet very dangerous activities, where the virus gets in the air, floats around, and penetrate masks. The public would not have otherwise engaged in these activities, if the public had realized that the virus was floating around, and just used its common sense… instead of being hypnotized by masks fostered by an elite of greedy, power crazed exploiters with various biased interests that it is urgent to expose… for health, political, moral and philosophical reasons!

The Western elite, as it is, by enacting ineffectual, counterproductive, or even iniquitous laws, such as mask laws, or closing public schools, while keeping private schools open, is responsible for the COVID massacre, and should be criminally charged: there are advanced countries with few, or basically no COVID cases or deaths. Hint: no masks in Australia.

Philosophically speaking, the deadly mask craze is an example of intellectual fascism: an idea from authority, right or wrong, is adopted, because it is the law. A famous example of laws against civilization were racist laws of the Twentieth Century, such as forbidding “colored” persons in the front of the bus. Indeed, what if the law is criminal? Where is the possibility of conscientious objection?

Practically, and in the most pragmatic way, I am saying that, when one goes into confined, non-HEPA filtered air with strangers, one is NOT protected from the coronavirus, mask or no mask, and whether others or oneself wear them, or not.



Mandatory public wearing of masks to fight COVID has been an obvious failure. People were ordered to wear masks, and the pandemic exploded. I will show it was not an accident: the scientific reasons why masks by the public in public are an abject public failure are now well established, and were obvious all along… That evidence was overridden by biased, power-hungry authorities, and the willingness of the sheeple to obey lies coming from its masters. (Whereas social distanciation does work.) 

If mask wearing is such an abject failure, why were people required to wear masks? Was it to make the pandemic worse? Yes, of course, that’s how billionaires were made faster than they would have been made otherwise, and how “democrats” won an election, and how “elected representatives” gave the world the impression they cared, and did something about it.  

Politicians tell us: “science” says to wear masks. OK, masks did work pretty well, at least for doctors, during the Black Plague of 1348 CE, and, indeed, masks work in medical settings, then, or now. However, science does not say that wearing masks is of public benefit, when worn by the public. Just the opposite. Right, as I said, masks work in medical settings, at an average 70% efficiency. 

This sort of outfit used to make us laugh, but now, not anymore. In 1348 CE, the Personal Protection Equipment, as shown above, were made in Europe. Now they are made in China. The beak, by the way, protected against contact with patients and was laden with plants toxic to the plague bacillus. Notice that during the Black Death, no aristocrat seems to have died from the Plague: they knew how to implement social distanciation. However, French ex-president Valery Giscard D’Estaing just died from COVID… Among many other famous person who died from it. The Black Death (probably Yersinia Pestis, from Alexandre Yersin, a French doctor of the Pasteur Institute who identified it at huge personal risk, in Hong-Kong… From a small hut, as the British had blocked his access to hospitals. Yersin was on a French government mission to identify the nature of the plague.

Masks are effective in medical settings, but doctors know how to use masks, they have been trained. And the medical masks are ultra-clean, so clean they can use electrostatic attraction to imprison small particles (that’s how they are so effective). Medical masks are not covered with dry COVID bursting in clouds of viruses…

Mass epidemiological studies have been conducted on public mask wearing in Denmark and the Netherlands. Verdict: masks are of no measurable efficiency when used by the public, in public. Worse, the Danish study article points out to adverse mental health consequences for children. The article wonders: “Will mandatory mask usage be scaled back in light of these results?

The establishment has vested interests in pursuing the mask’s mythology, so it counter-attacked.  

The Mayo clinic rolled out to great noise and fury a study demonstrating the efficiency of masks, to prevent… COVID transmission between… inanimate objects covered with “masks”. Mayo used two (2) micron sized droplets carrying the virus… Two microns, that’s around 2,000 times bigger than the COVID virus… Very “scientific”… 

Mayo claimed a 99% interception rate… In other words, masks don’t stop all two (2) micron droplets, just 99% of them. If one is in COVID AIR, 1% COVID air will saturate one’s airways in minutes… with COVID. 

Besides, N95 masks are called that way, because they intercept only 95% (and only above .3 micron, nearly three times the diameter of SARS 2). SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can remain infective in aerosol for up to 16 hours according to a Tulane study published in Emerging Infectious Diseases. Actually there was “no detectable biological half-life” after 16 hours, meaning no decay, in appearance or the capacity to replicate. So infected people, mask or no mask, can come into a room and fill it up with suspended SARS-CoV-2. The researchers found that the virus can survive in the air much longer than other related coronaviruses, such as SARS 1, or MERS.

The corrupts at the plutocratic “Associated Press” “fact check” that the masks are effective, with speculation and twisted logic speculating that Coronaviruses are attached to giant droplets, a bit like flying bathtubs of water, and it is well known that masks stop all and any water droplets (what happens when masks are drenched with all these droplets?) 

People noticed that masks do not stop wildfire or cigarette smoke. Associated Press, the association of plutocratic media, Associated Plutocrats, quotes Dr. Jonathan Parsons, a pulmonologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who said. “Respiratory droplets are much larger than the harmful materials in the wildfire smoke.” Parsons is speculating that the coronavirus is in the droplets, and ONLY in the droplets. But what Parsons is imagining, there is experimental evidence against. Yes, OK, maybe, the coronavirus is, initially in droplets. Then what happens when those droplets are deposited and now the virus is on a fomite, or becomes airborne, thanks to the mask? Oops, it would seem that the authorities from the elite did not think of this highly likely scenario?

Common sense says this: cigarette smoke is between .1 micron and one micron. The SARS-COV2 virus is .125 micron at most so? So if you smell smoke through your mask, you can smell the coronavirus. The ANTI-IDEA that coronaviruses always come within a flying bathtub attached is NOT scientific. Because it is unproven as a direct fact. It is also contradicted by the most powerful of all facts: the explosion of the pandemic in the many countries which give enormous fines if one does not wear the stupid masks.   

Studies which flaunt the efficiency of masks, if and only if they fit superbly, self-contradict: what if they don’t fit superbly? Would you smell the cigarette smoke/coronavirus? Not just this, but, once again, stopping 99% of the virus is not good enough, just as stopping 99% of the bullets when there is one billion bullets is not good enough. 

Let’s do the math. One virus per one million cubic microns is one virus for every cube of size 1/10 millimeter on the side. Visualize this as the equivalent of one single virus the size of a cube of one millimeter on each side in a larger cube of one meter on the side: assuredly not a very high density, 1/1,000,000,000,000. There are 10^12 viruses per cubic meter at that density. That’s 10^9 viruses per liter. If one breathe six liter of air per minute, this means one would be exposed to exactly six billion coronaviruses per minute!!!

Thus, at a viral density of 1/1,000,000,000,000, if the stupid mask, fitting perfectly, stops 99% of the viruses, that means if the stupid mask is five times more efficient than a N95 mask fitting perfectly, one would still breathe 60 million coronaviruses per minute. This computation is obviously too hard for the average politician and voters to understand in any sense. Instead of thinking, they search for an authority to obey. Another factor is that, on the exterior surface of the mask, droplets containing the virus will be deposed… and then evaporate fully, or in part. The result is that the mask will then turn into a virus dissemination machine after having reduced the size of the virion carriers, making them more transmissible. Indeed, the more reduced, the more those virion carriers will elude masks found in the way. The smallest smoke particles are virus size, and they go through. Enthusiastically. That is the difference with HEPA filters… Which are very efficient at this sort of size, from Brownian motion, and do, indeed, stop smoke (I have used them very efficiently against thick smoke from massive forest fires… a forest fire smoke to which was added the smoke of entire towns burned to a crisp…)

Only HEPA filters stop two micron droplets, or particles around a tenth of a micron, with more than 99.97% efficiency. 

HEPA filters have a MINIMUM particle collective efficiency of 99.97% for particles of 0.3 µm diameter or more. Paradoxically, HEPA filters are more efficient for even smaller size, due to electrostatic effects and increased dominance of Brownian motion on small particle trajectories. A HEPA filter typically lasts three to five years, depending on hours of operation, cleanliness of the room, and type of work being performed.

SARS-CoV2 is one tenth of a micron across. Instead the Mayo-mayonnaise Clinic pretends disingenuously that it is .2 microns across (id est ten times more voluminous). The SARS 2 viral transmission is airborne. 

The Mayo propaganda is equivalent to me going out in the rain with an umbrella, observing the umbrella stops the rain, and then claiming umbrella wearing is effective against COVID. A parody of science for mental retards knowing no physics. Basically, SARS-CoV2 is a gas. SARS-CoV2 is not made of little water canon balls spewed as if from a waterfall… as most of the medical establishment elite has been keen of representing it… while watching, mesmerized, their biotech stocks going airborne to heavens, just as well, making them wealthier everyday.

And the price of the public masquerade is high, because the arrogant elite has acted accordingly, brandishing masks, and using the ineffective masking of the population as a way to avoid taking effective measures against the transmission of COVID

In the USA, the mask masquerade was a strategy to win the election: the absence of systematic mask hysteria from Trump was used as a main argument and symbol to pretend that Trump was not fighting the pandemic effectively. Never mind that Trump was saving the world with the vaccines of Operation Warp Speed: hatred knows no bound, especially when organized by plutocrats.

Research and logic show that physical distancing is universally effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19, while social bubbles and masks are more situation-dependent. Masks work at 70% in medical settings, 0% in public settings, overall. 

In high transmission settings (parties, choirs, restaurant kitchens, crowded offices, nightclubs, gyms, protests and bars) masks make no difference, because the air is full of virus, BEYOND THE SATURATION POINT. Masks may half the transmission rate, of even reduce the transmission rate to just 1% as Mayo-mayonnaise claims, but that doesn’t affect the transmission probability, because it is already sky high (and so on the number of infections).. This has been amply documented in various scientific papers, some published in Science and Nature. 

So why does the elite insist on wearing masks as a panacea? Would it have to do with being invested in biotech stocks? Many billionaires were created from the spectacular rise of biotech stocks. Now I am not against this, not at all. Simply, though, people of the elite should be forced, by law, to declare their investments, whenever they mass publicize their opinions, directly, or indirectly.. 

Not just this. HEPA filter companies seem to be small and US based. So they interest nobody from the Global Deep Plutocracy which leads us by the nose. 

Make no mistake: I sometimes wear masks… And since February, I have used the trick of not breathing when I pass people (I have a background in deep sea diving, apnea). The critique here was against masks as panacea. Far from it, it’s probably the opposite!

It’s my morality and habit to disagree with interlocutors, just to create a debate… And I find that pleasurable. Debates feed hearts and minds. No debate, no humanity, no truth, no power, only subjugation.


Two million years ago there were at least a dozen homini species, in East Africa alone (and there were other species in Eurasia, at the very least). Hate exterminated all of them, but for one lineage. So, arguably, we are a product of hatred. Hatred is underneath, even when not fully visible, it motivates deeply, and explains a lot of otherwise apparently unexplainable behaviors… Some of them akin to sawing what our civilization rests on. An example is the fact democratic politicians weaponized the pandemic to vanquish Donald Trump. To do this, they, and their propaganda machine, brandished a lot of lies, including that masks worked, and “Trump vaccines” did not. 

This sort of erosion of credibility, replacing it my faith (in hatred!), is a dangerous strategy. So is the adoption of the color mentality, when color is seen as determining everything (Black Lips Matter!) Be careful when we saw through the branch on which we sit, that of meta-civilized behavior… I literally heard a sixth grade teacher teach that he would not listen to presidential debates, because they would certainly drive him insane. 

From the very beginning of the pandemic, masks were viewed as ineffectual, or even dangerous protection. What worked was social distanciation, and when that failed, testing, tracing, isolation of contacts… (And probably HCQ and the like which were systematically used in countries which limited the outbreaks; HCQ is very efficient against SARS 1, and several other coronaviruses). Masks returned because, like Islamist or monkish coverings, they imparted the idea that something morally correct was done. All they did was to make a bad situation, worse… Instead of sending billions of dollars of orders to HEPA filter companies…

The Mask Masquerade has been unmasked as a masked massacre. Amen. Irrationality has a price.  

Patrice Ayme



Note on some of the scientific background: Here is a recent Science article:

Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2Kimberly A. Prather1,*, Linsey C. Marr2,*, Robert T. Schooley3, Melissa A. McDiarmid4, Mary E. Wilson5,6, Donald K. Milton7See all authors and affiliationsScience 16 Oct 2020:Vol. 370, Issue 6514, pp. 303-304DOI: 10.1126/science.abf0521ArticleInfo & MetricseLettersPDF

There is overwhelming evidence that inhalation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) represents a major transmission route for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There is an urgent need to harmonize discussions about modes of virus transmission across disciplines to ensure the most effective control strategies and provide clear and consistent guidance to the public. To do so, we must clarify the terminology to distinguish between aerosols and droplets using a size threshold of 100 µm, not the historical 5 µm (1). This size more effectively separates their aerodynamic behavior, ability to be inhaled, and efficacy of interventions.Viruses in droplets (larger than 100 µm) typically fall to the ground in seconds within 2 m of the source and can be sprayed like tiny cannonballs onto nearby individuals. Because of their limited travel range, physical distancing reduces exposure to these droplets. Viruses in aerosols (smaller than 100 µm) can remain suspended in the air for many seconds to hours, like smoke, and be inhaled. They are highly concentrated near an infected person, so they can infect people most easily in close proximity. But aerosols containing infectious virus (2) can also travel more than 2 m and accumulate in poorly ventilated indoor air, leading to superspreading events (3). Individuals with COVID-19, many of whom have no symptoms, release thousands of virus-laden aerosols and far fewer droplets when breathing and talking (4–6). Thus, one is far more likely to inhale aerosols than be sprayed by a droplet (7), and so the balance of attention must be shifted to protecting against airborne transmission. In addition to existing mandates of mask-wearing, social distancing, and hygiene efforts, we urge public health officials to add clear guidance about the importance of moving activities outdoors, improving indoor air using ventilation and filtration, and improving protection for high-risk workers (8).”

VENTILATION and FILTRATION. That’s Ultra Violet and HEPA FILTERS. Get it?


Aside from transmitting COVID more than no mask at all, in more way than one, could it be that masks will cause MASK LUNG?

Here is Nature again, same article:

The higher particle emission rate for jaw movement than for breathing is an indication of greater frictional shedding of the paper towel and cotton masks during jaw movement compared to breathing, at least as tested here. Likewise, the difference in the size distributions of mask rubbing and with-mask expiratory activities is likely due to the vigorous frictional force applied by hand on the masks. Regardless of the larger particles (> 5 µm), rubbing mask fabrics generates a considerable number of particles in the range of 0.3–5 µm similar to that observed for the expiratory activities. This finding corroborates the interpretation that some proportion of the particulates observed during expiration were particulates aerosolized from the masks themselves.

What of all those fibers getting in the lungs, would not they cause… fibrosis of the lungs, in the long run?


The extracts found below from the very long and thorough Nature article on masks reveal a dramatic result; often the usage of masks in NON medical conditions INCREASES DRAMATICALLY the emissions of particles! Nature, with Science, are the world’s top scientific journals. Published: 24 September 2020

Efficacy of masks and face coverings in controlling outward aerosol particle emission from expiratory activities

Sima Asadi, Christopher D. Cappa, Santiago Barreda, Anthony S. Wexler, Nicole M. Bouvier & William D. Ristenpart.

Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 15665 (2020) 

…[some] studies… indicate a strong potential for masks to help reduce transmission of respiratory illnesses. To date, however, none have investigated the effectiveness of masks across a range of expiratory activities, and limited consideration has been given to different mask types. Furthermore, no studies to date have considered the masks themselves as potential sources of aerosol particles. It is well established that fibrous cellulosic materials, like cotton and paper, can release large quantities of micron-scale particles (i.e., dust) into the air39,40,41,42. Traditionally, these particles have not been considered a potential concern for respiratory viral diseases like influenza or now COVID-19, since these diseases have been thought to be transmitted via expiratory particles emitted directly from the respiratory tract of infected individuals43. Early work in the 1940s indicated, however, that infectious influenza virus could be collected from the air after vigorously shaking a contaminated blanket44. Despite this finding, over the next 70 years little attention focused on the possibility of respiratory virus transmission via environmental dust; one exception was a study by Khare and Marr, who investigated a theoretical model for resuspension of contaminated dust from a floor by walking45. Most recently, work by Asadi et al. with influenza virus experimentally established that “aerosolized fomites,” non-respiratory particles aerosolized from virus-contaminated surfaces such as animal fur or paper tissues, can also carry influenza virus and infect susceptible animals46. This observation raises the possibility that masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE), which have a higher likelihood of becoming contaminated with virus, might serve as sources of aerosolized fomites. Indeed, recent work by Liu et al. demonstrated that some of the highest counts of airborne SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19) occurred in hospital rooms where health care workers doffed their PPE, suggesting that virus was potentially being aerosolized from virus-contaminated clothing or PPE, or resuspended from virus-contaminated dust on the floor47. It remains unknown what role aerosolized fomites play in transmission of infectious respiratory disease between humans, and it is unclear whether certain types of masks are simultaneously effective at blocking emission of respiratory particles while minimizing emission of non-expiratory (cellulosic) particles….

….Surprisingly, wearing an unwashed single layer t-shirt (U-SL-T) mask while breathing yielded a significant increase in measured particle emission rates compared to no mask, increasing to a median of 0.61 particles/s. The rates for some participants (F1 and F4) exceeded 1 particle/s, representing a 384% increase from the median no-mask value.

…. Discussion

Our results clearly indicate that wearing surgical masks or unvented KN95 respirators reduce the outward particle emission rates by 90% and 74% on average during speaking and coughing, respectively, compared to wearing no mask. However, for the homemade cotton masks, the measured particle emission rate either remained unchanged (DL-T) or increased by as much as 492% (SL-T) compared to no mask for all of the expiratory activities. For jaw movement, the particle emission rates for homemade paper and cloth masks were an order of magnitude larger than that of no mask (Fig. 2d). These observations, along with our results from manual mask rubbing experiments (Fig. 5), provide strong evidence of substantial shedding of non-expiratory micron-scale particulates from friable cellulosic fibers of the paper and cloth masks owing to mechanical action40. The higher particle emission rate for jaw movement than for breathing is an indication of greater frictional shedding of the paper towel and cotton masks during jaw movement compared to breathing, at least as tested here. Likewise, the difference in the size distributions of mask rubbing and with-mask expiratory activities is likely due to the vigorous frictional force applied by hand on the masks. Regardless of the larger particles (> 5 µm), rubbing mask fabrics generates a considerable number of particles in the range of 0.3–5 µm similar to that observed for the expiratory activities. This finding corroborates the interpretation that some proportion of the particulates observed during expiration were particulates aerosolized from the masks themselves.

…Our results showed that the root mean square amplitude of speech, as measured externally when participants wore any type of mask, equaled or exceeded that of the no-mask condition (Figure S1a), suggesting that participants were indeed talking louder with the mask. Although an increase in the intensity of the speech signal when wearing masks would result in greater output of particles in these conditions48, the difference in the intensity of speech across the different conditions was not very large (Figure S1a). As a result, this mechanism alone cannot explain the increased particle output in some of the masked conditions

… The substantial particle shedding by the cloth masks confounds determination of the cloth mask efficacy for reducing outward emission of particles produced from the expiratory activity. Measured material filtration efficiencies vary widely for different cloth materials 32,34,35,63. The influence of particle shedding on such determinations has not been previously considered….

… That the masks shed fibers from mechanical stimulation indicates care must be taken when removing and cleaning (for reusable masks) potentially contaminated masks so as to not dislodge deposited micro-organisms.

… emission reduction due to surgical masks was greater than the corresponding reduction due to KN95 respirators, although this difference was only significant for coughing (p < 0.05). That the surgical masks appear to provide slightly greater reduction than the KN95 respirators is perhaps surprising, as KN95s are commonly thought of as providing more protection than surgical masks for inhalation. Both surgical masks and KN95 respirators typically have high material filtration efficiencies (> 95%)63, although the quality of surgical masks can vary substantially64. The fit of surgical and KN95 respirators differs substantially.

… Our work does raise the possibility, however, that virus-contaminated masks could release aerosolized fomites into the air by shedding fiber particulates from the mask fabric. Since mask efficacy experiments are typically only conducted with fresh, not used, masks, future work assessing emission of viable pathogens should consider this possibility in more detail.

This is exactly what is happening, and one of the two reasons why the pandemic took a much more dramatic turn in the second wave (with masks) than the first (without masks). The other main reason being that a mask, KN95, which stops 95% of relative large particles, larger than the virus, especially when electrostatically discharged, will not stop enough virions in a SARS-CoV2 laden confined air.


February 14, 2015

Light slows down in water. That’s a known experimental fact. The usual explanation is that, when light advances through water, it collides with water molecules. So it zigs and zags through the water, and this zig-zagging action slows it down.

This makes no sense (sorry, noble predecessors!)

After showing why it makes no sense, I will present my solution, STRUCTURED LIGHT. The reasoning squarely contradicts Einstein on the photon, and its triumph helps to demonstrate how right it is.

Structured Light Slows Down In Empty Space. I Apply To H2O

Structured Light Slows Down In Empty Space. I Apply To H2O

If the zig-zag collision theory of the slowing down of light were true, light would lose energy during these collisions. (Light speed through water is only 2/3 c; the collision theory would mean that laser light through water would cover one third more distance, simply due to haphazard collisions; thus laser light would certainly losing coherence.)

Simple basic physics shows that light loses energy: if particle P hits particle W, and particle P’s momentum changes, W momentum also changes, and so does its energy. Energy is conserved (at least for times long enough), so as P gives energy to W, P loses energy. Here P is for Photon, of course, and W for Water. (Remember Quantum Physics does not contradict Classical Mechanics; instead, it gives it a SUBSTRUCTURE, in the finer domain that subtends the Classical domain.)

So the slow-down through collision theory predicts that light will lose energy when it goes through water.

However, it does not. Light comes out of water at the same exact color, thus energy, as it came in. Laser light keeps being laser light under water. It surely would not if every single photon of the beam had to collide with a water molecule. (Notice in the link how confused research presently is about optics and liquids; my proposed reasoning is at a scale thousands of times smaller.)

Proposing that light slows down from collision is thus wrong.

So, what’s my solution?

Absolute Wave Theory.

According to said theory, propagating photons are NOT particles (Va De Retro, Einsteinas!)

What are photons, when viewed as Absolute Waves?

Einstein proposed that photons (“Lichtquanten”) were points. He made it up. He had no proof, whatsoever, that this was true. It just sounded good. Worse: he did not need point-particle photons to explain the photoelectric effect. That error has poisoned the well of physics for 110 years. Thousands of physicists repeated what Einstein said. That Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for this exact idea, is no proof of its validity, as far as I am concerned. That makes me special.

But I have very good reasons to believe photons are not points. Because:

  1. I don’t know what points are. Not only I do not know what points are physically, I don’t even know what they are, mathematically. (By the way, I know Real Analysis and some Model Theory, so I am not as naïve as I may sound to the unwary.)
  2. Light diffracts and bends around corners. Isolated photons do this. How could they do it, if they were not spread about transversally?

Here is my conclusion: Photons are structured waves. This basically means that they have some width.

This is now experimentally supported. What was published in Science on January 22, 2015?

Spatially structured photons that travel in free space slower than the speed of light. (Daniel Giovannini1,*, & Al.)

“Abstract: That the speed of light in free space is constant is a cornerstone of modern physics. However, light beams have finite transverse size, which leads to a modification of their wavevectors resulting in a change to their phase and group velocities. We study the group velocity of single photons by measuring a change in their arrival time that results from changing the beam’s transverse spatial structure. Using time-correlated photon pairs we show a reduction of the group velocity of photons in both a Bessel beam and photons in a focused Gaussian beam. In both cases, the delay is several micrometers over a propagation distance of the order of 1 m. Our work highlights that, even in free space, the invariance of the speed of light only applies to plane waves.”

So what do I propose?

That water structures photons propagating through it. Structuring is what slows light down. Instead of having just one mask, as in the Glasgow experiment, we have thousand within one wavelength of light. Thus, instead of being slowed down .0001%, it’s slowed down of the order of 10% or more.

As in the Glasgow experiment, photons are not “particles”, they are spread about (they have a “TRANSVERSE structure”).

When a photon enters water, should it NOT hit a water molecule, the photonic wave will get endowed with a complex topology of non-trivial genus (because the non-linear wave that constitutes the photon has to have avoided nuclei and orbiting electrons, and the only way it can do that is by evolving holes in the right places).

As a photon passes a water molecular group, it slows down a bit. The water molecules act like the mask the physicists applied to slow down the beam photons in their experiment. Those breaking episodes pile up, and integrate in a global slow-down.

Frequency, thus energy, is unaffected.

Some may object that the theory is obviously false: should not the slow-downs pile up, and thus, the thicker the water, the more photons will slow down?

No. In the slowing down of the Structured Photons in vacuum, the slowing down is necessitated by the collapse of the photon back into a linear wave. It’s a one time event. However, in water, when the photon has acquired a structure which is enough like a sieve, after going around enough water molecules, it needs time to restructure. So over that distance, it has slowed down. Then the process repeats.

Let me quote a bit more from the violation of light speed Glasgow University paper (from behind its pay wall):

“The speed of light in free space propagation is a fundamental quantity. It holds a pivotal role in the foundations of relativity and field theory, as well as in technological applications such as time-of-flight measurements. It has previously been experimentally established that single photons travel at the group velocity (20). We have now shown that transverse structuring of the photon results in a decrease in the group velocity along the axis of propagation. We emphasize that in our full-aperture experiments, no pre- or post-selection is applied to the spatially structured photons, and that the group velocities are always compared over the same propagation distance, much as if they were in a race. The effect can be derived from a simple geometric argument, which is also supported by a rigorous calculation of the harmonic average of the group velocity. Beyond light, the effect observed will have applications to any wave theory, including sound waves.”

The authors have declared that they could not see any application of the effect they discovered. In particular not in cosmology.

However, I just found one, in everyday physics.

Einstein said nobody understood Quantum Mechanics. Feynman added that all the mystery of the Quantum was in the Double Slit Experiment. Here I explain speed of light in a medium by piling up thousands of double slit experiments within a wavelength of light, and the slow-down they bring. (It’s not quite the Double Slit as it involves continual collapses along the propagation axis.)

The structured photon is the fundamental idea, the order one idea, of the Absolute Quantum Wave theory. The preceding, and the Glasgow experiment itself, establish it further (more is coming soon).

There is no experimental support for Einstein’s views on the spatial the nature of the photon as a particle, there is plenty of evidence against it (the latest being Structured Light).

By contrast there is increasing evidence for the Absolute Wave Theory. Einstein and company, bless their souls, pontificated about a lot of things they did not know anything about. That photons were point-particles is one of them. Time to move on.

Patrice Ayme’


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Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

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Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


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